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The first floor of the residence area features a series of family suites that are arranged side by side, with a small stoop to provide a sense of privacy between units. At the end of the floor corridor is a larger suite for families with multiple members. Each floor is equipped with emergency stairs located next to the double door elevator shaft, in compliance with safety regulations. The emergency stairs are located within the main structure of the building and can be accessed in case of an emergency. Additionally, the first floor houses the laundry department, which is an essential service for guests staying in the residence. Overall, the layout and amenities of the residence area have been carefully planned to provide a comfortable and convenient experience for families.
Professional architecture projects
04 High school : Hammamat
This project marked my first experience working as a full-time architect, and my role was focused on the exterior design and selection of materials. My background in environmental simulations was an asset in this project, as it allowed me to contribute to the design process in a meaningful way. When I joined the team, the concept for the project was already well-developed, so my primary tasks were to create visualizations of the design and produce illustrations to explain the concept to clients and stakeholders. Given the harsh environmental conditions of the area, the beige color was selected for its ability to withstand dusty winds, and the blue color was used to complement it. The rest of the design was constrained by strict codes and specifications, but I was able to contribute my expertise and insights to the process. Overall, this was a valuable learning experience that helped me to develop my skills as an architect and to understand the challenges and considerations involved in design for different environments.
Category Professional | collaborative Location Algeria - Tebessa - Hammamat
Date 2021-01-26