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The official magazine of the

Classic & Historic Automobile Club of Australia ACN 004 677 570

August 2013 Volume 48 Number 4

Ralph and Lois Provan stand beside their 1938 Plymouth P6 2-door Sedan. (Photo taken by Louise Baker on the National Tour to Albury).

Coming CHACA Events. Next General Meeting at Deepdene will be on Friday 2nd. August 2013. Sunday 11th. August........................Pub Run to Noojee. (John & Louise Baker). Sunday 22nd. September....Woodlands Homestead and “Living Legends”. (Dennis & Esther Healy).

To bring together persons with a common interest, to encourage the use, maintenance and preservation of automobiles built from the 1st January, 1931 up to 25 years old, without prejudice to make, model, method of manufacture or country of origin.

Committee Secretary Kevin Churchill (Erica) Ph: 5983 8981 Mob: 0412 802 177 President Kevin Churchill ( Erica) Ph: 5983 8981 Mob: 0412 802 177 Vice President Ray Griffin (Margaret) Ph: 5977 6649 Mob: 0409 216 273 Treasurer Dennis Healy (Esther) Ph. 9740 1441 Mob. 0411 187 882 Editor Eddie Reynolds (Gail) 03 9770 1231 Mob: 0429 142 460 Technical Officer Neville Thomas Kunnel Ph. 03 8712 3161 Mob: 0422 324 072

Meetings 1st Friday of the month (except Good Friday & January) at Deepdene Park Hall, Whitehorse Road, Deepdene, Melway Page 46A8 Tea, coffee and snacks are served at the conclusion of each meeting. Visitors and prospective new Members are welcomed.

Members please bring a plate of food for the general meetings. Club Newsletter The Journal is published monthly. Items for inclusion in the Journal must be mailed, emailed or passed on to the Editor at Club Meetings. The Committee reserves the right to edit or decline any article deemed unsuitable. Photographs submitted for possible publication should preferably be glossy 5”x 7” or 6” x 4” prints or high resolution jpg/bmp images to ensure best reproduction in the Journal. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Club.

Journal Closing Dates Nominally 2nd. Wednesday each month.

Journal Nights Nominally Thursday before the last Friday of each month

Website The Club’s website is updated regularly and features Club History, Club Promotions, an Events Calendar, a full Journal for downloading and many photographs of Club Events.


Journal Layout Editor

Property Officer Eddie Reynolds Ph: 03 9770 1231 Mob: 0429 142 460

Janelle Thomas PH: 9776 5370

Membership Secretary Barry & Rosslyn Smith Ph: 9807 6813 or 5985 9220 Mob: 0408 440 240

Margaret Griffin - 5977 6649

Activities Officer Vacant Notice To All Reciprocating Clubs Please address your magazines to The Secretary LPO Box 72 Bittern Vic 3918

Archivist and Historian Library Custodian Eric & Pam Chaplin Ph/fax: 03 5944 3312

CHACA Life Members Max Austin, Ray Griffin, Margaret Griffin, Barry Smith, Jim Kerr, Dale Allen, Bill Kerr, John Hunt, Tom Lambert, Roy Pepprell, Eddie Reynolds, Bob Mantle, Patricia Wightman, Peter Galley, John Schuurman. Deceased: Fred McGeary, Norm Watt, Don Main, Ian Davey Eddy Dobbs Snr, Col Patience, Gordon Wightman.

Support our advertisers! Mention their ad in our Journal when dealing with them CHACA Journal Page 2

Next Months Meeting (August 2.nd.) Doug Gorham has kindly donated his magazine collection to the car club for distribution to members at the meeting, the Editor, or the Library, whatever we decide. Vin Forbes will bring them along to the August meeting. I look forward to seeing you there. Ray Griffin,....Vice President.

Editorial Club Permit Renewals. Members who have joined with cars on Club Permits through CHACA since February 2011 may receive a loose leaf insert with their Journal this month. This is to remind you that we require permitted members to attend at least 2 Club runs or events throughout the year to qualify for continuing membership with us. We realise that some members will find it difficult to comply with this rule due to work commitments, health reasons, carer situations etc. But we still expect members to act as members and contribute to the ongoing well-being of the Club in some way, be it by attending events, contributing articles for the Journal, organising an event, volunteering for a committee position, or anything else that may identify you as a worthwhile member and justify your position with us. We know that many have joined just for the cheap registration of their vehicles. That’s fair enough and quite a reasonable and logical choice, but if that is their only reason for joining and they have no desire to participate in Club activities, we don’t want or need them. That is why the final decision to accept or reject your application for renewal lies with the committee and the above factors will be taken into consideration. Please make sure you fill in the attendance book at each run you attend. This is the only way we can keep track of attendances. An active Club needs active members. Eddie Reynolds..... Editor.

Raffle Prizes. 1st. 4th.

Screwdriver Set...Justin Kemp. 2nd. Set of Towels...Vin Forbes 3rd. “Ford” Mug & Glass Set...Brian Garrett Maxwell Williams Jug & Canister Set... Alan Munro 5th. Pocket Radio Esther Healy.

Members Please Note............2 Events on the same day. On October the 27th we have planned a display day at Federation Square. We need at least fifteen cars to make it a viable proposition. On the same day we have been invited to attend a function organised by Belgrave Rotary in Ferny Creek Oval. The Rotary Club have organised this fundraiser for local support and invited the VDC, VCCA and CHACA to this event. There will be an entry fee of $5.00 per Display Vehicle which covers all passengers. See Page 14. The committee decided to make this our Tri-Club Picnic instead of the original day, Sunday the 13th of October. There will be all sorts of attractions with food available and is next door to The Floral Society Gardens which could be well worth a visit. If anyone is still interested in the Federation Square Display Day, please convey your expression of interest to Kevin Churchill or Eddie Reynolds by the end of July.

Vests available for sale. 1..XL 1..2XL 1..3XL Price. $40.00 ea. Contact John Baker 0419 588 370 CHACA Journal Page 3

Hey Car Buffs, did you know?

Starting from last month this series of “Did you knows?� will appear regularly in subsequent issues courtesy Tim Wise.



Oklahoma City, on July 16, 1935.

What city was the first to use parking meters?

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Held: 5th July 2013 at Horrie Watson Hall (Deepdene Hall), Deepdene Opening: The president opened the meeting at 8.07 pm and welcomed those in attendance to the July meeting of CHACA. The president, who was unwell, proceeded to hand the conduct of the meeting, to the vice president, Mr R Griffin. Attendance: As per Attendance book. Quorum: A quorum was present. Apologies from: M Whiting, D. Landells, J. Christie, B & L Sanderson, M Austin, Terry Herbstreit.. Moved for acceptance: G Moore, Seconded B Smith Carried Visitors: None in attendance. New Members: Mr J. Govett who has a Toyota Celica was welcomed. Vale: Mr Graham Hutchinson. A minute’s silence was observed to mark the passing of Hutchie. The chairman read a eulogy from the Club Journal. Confirmation of the Minutes of the June 2013 Meeting as recorded in the July Journal. Moved for acceptance: J Allan, Seconded B Garrett Carried Business Arising from Minutes of June Meeting. No business arising. Correspondence: Inwards: From, Federation Committee, organisers of Gippsland Rally, Wangaratta Rally and Bendigo Swap Meet. Outwards: None Confirm that Correspondence was read and tabled. Moved: E Reynolds, Seconded B Smith Carried Business Arising From Correspondence: None Treasurer’s Report: Receipts for the month $1604.85 Payments for the month $2581.82 Balance $3121.93 Moved: D Healy , Seconded P Barker Carried Monthly Reports: President: No report Vice President: Mr. Griffin gave an overview of the entertainment to be provided after the meeting. He also advised that at the next meeting, Vin Forbes would bring to the meeting, books, owned by member Doug Gorham. The books would be available for members to borrow. Technical Officer: Mr Kunnel advised that both of his phone numbers had changed. The new numbers are in the July Journal. He advised that modified cars are not eligible for the CPS. Brian Garrett commented that modifications which did not require an engineer’s report, as per VS18, were allowable. Mr Kunnel agreed with this. A discussion on modifications took place. Mr Kunnel again stated that VIC Roads and the AOMC were looking into the issue of modifications. Barry Smith commented that he has a letter confirming that modifications, not requiring engineer’s report, were allowable. Mr B Clark advised that registration stickers were to be done away with and that the cost of registration would increase by $12.00 per year. Membership Secretary: Mr Smith advised that there were

no new members this month, but that there were six enquiries. He also advised that the committee was looking at terminating memberships of members who did not attend some club runs or meetings. Activities: Club Runs: 28th July 2013 Peter Barker gave an overview of the run to Toolangi Tavern and Kinglake, advising that if a member has committed to go on the run, then the member is committed to pay for lunch. Confirmation of attendance required by 14th July. 11th August John Baker gave an overview of the run to Noojee. Confirmation of attendance required by 1st August. Editor: Mr Reynolds apologised for the incorrect date of the July Meeting. He is still looking for an editor in training. The chairman commented that it is up to members to come forward. Mr Reynolds requested photos and a report on the run to COLJEN Gear Cutting and Machining. Property: No report Quarterly Reports: AOMC: No report Federation: No report Cars and Parts For Sale or Wanted: 1934 Plymouth Tourer for sale-Contact Ray Griffin Vintage Essex hubcap for sale-Contact Brian Garrett Early 80’s V8 Nissan President and Toyota Century for sale, both in excellent condition-Contact Peter Barker. General Business: Bob Clarke questioned whether the bush telegraph was still operating as he was disappointed to have missed Hutchie’s funeral. Bob Clark commented that the Club Officers’ Board needed updating. G. Moore commented that some CPS renewals were not being sent out. Members should check when CPS renewals are due. Barry Smith advised that Vic Roads allows 12 months for renewal, before cancellation, however, the car cannot be used until the permit has been renewed. Peter Barker advised that he had 2 tickets for Sunday’s game –Ess. V Port Adel. Brian Garrett donated $25.00 to the Club, for the tickets. Judy Munro informed members of a car museum near Wellington NZ –worth a visit. Similar to, but bigger than, the Shepparton museum. Raffle Proceeds: $59.00 Thank you to James Allan for organising the raffle. Ray Griffin thanked John & Louise Baker and Vin & Lana Forbes for their work in relation to the National Tour. He congratulated them on the excellent book they produced about the Tour.

Next Meeting: 2nd August 2013

New Member We welcome Jim Govett to the Club. Jim attended our July meeting and informed us he and his wife have a 1984 Toyota Celica. His wife actually bought it new 4 years prior to their meeting each other. The car has done 320,000 kms. and James Allan rebuilt the engine for them. This is the second event he has attended, the first being the Hot Cross Bun run. Jim, we hope you and your wife enjoy many more outings with us.

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(1) Mid Week Run Wednesday October 9th To Lerderderg Gorge, Bacchus Marsh Meet at Huge Truck Stop just after Deer Park (Hopkins Rd) for coffee at 10.30 for 11am departure Melways Reference 359 J2


Toilets, Electric BBQ’s, Grassed Picnic Area Adjoining Lerderderg River Surrounded by Bushland/Rocky Cliff Excellent Parking BYO CHAIRS and MEAT/PICNIC

(3) In case of rain, our alternative venue is the Bridge Inn, Excellent Meals—Reasonable Prices Parking opposite on service road.



(3) Enquiries.....Bob Clark. (03) 9391 8327

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Woodlands Historic Homestead and Living Legends Tour and Pub Lunch Sunday 22nd September 2013

Where: Time: Activities: 11.00am: 12.00 Noon:

Woodlands Historic Park, Oaklands Road, Oaklands Junction—Just off Sunbury Road near northern end of the north south runway Tullamarine Airport—Melways reference 177 J9. Pub Lunch at Romsey Hotel in Main St. Romsey. Meet at Woodlands Homestead car park 10.00am. Morning Tea at Historic Homestead. The Homestead was erected in 1843 from a pre-fabricated hut from Britain. BYO if you wish (no hut?, bring lunch). Tour of Living Legends of Horse Racing, Horses include Melbourne Cup Winners “Might and Power”, “Rogan Josh” and “Better Loosen Up”. Leave for Romsey, about a half hour drive, for lunch at 1pm at Romsey Hotel Bistro. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL PLEASE CONTACT ESTHER AND DENNIS HEALEY 03 9740 1441 OR 0441 187 882 NO LATER THAN FRIDAY THE 13TH SEPTEMBER 2013

Horse Racing Connections

Woodlands Homestead is one of the southern hemisphere’s most historic thoroughbred properties. Champion horses have been owned, bred and spelled on this property since the 1840’s. These champions include: Whittier — Winner of the 1922 and 1925 Caulfield Cups as well as the 1923 Doncaster Handicap Heroic — Winner of the 1924 AJC Derby, then the 1926 Cox Plate, and was Australian Champion Sire seven years in a row — from 1928 to 1934. Manfred — Winner of the 1925 Cox Plate and AJC Derby before winning the Caulfield Cup in the following year. Hallmark — Winner of three of Australia’s top races in 1933 — the AJC Derby, the Victoria Derby and the Melbourne Cup. Ajax — In 1937 won Group 1 races in both Sydney and Melbourne — the AJC Sires Produce Stakes, the Caulfield Guineas and the Rosehill Guineas. The various owners and occupiers of Woodlands since 1842 had close connections or interests in a number of overseas countries, thus providing and “international” heritage for the Home for Horses. Overseas connections were within:

Canada, Channel Islands, France, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, The Bahamas, United Kingdom, United States.



Hallmark CHACA Journal Page 7



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A Run in the Country and a Pub Lunch Menu

Bookings with John Baker essential by the 1st August. PH: 0419 588 370 CHACA Journal Page 9

My First Car.

Kendrix Baker and her first car. JB’s great grand daughter.

Kevin North, One of our newer members brought along his 1958 Jaguar MK1 3.4 litre to our June meeting. Unfortunately we didn’t have the Club camera with us, so Brian Garrett attempted to take some photos with his mobile phone. It was a very dark night and this was the best photo he achieved.. Not too bad, really, for the conditions. Brian was accompanied by his friend John Chilianis of Beaumaris.

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Coljen Gear Cutting and Westerfolds Park Attendance Name Ray Griffin & Kevin Churchill Barry & Rosslyn Smith Peter Cassar Ray Nichol Ray & Shirley Nichol John Baker Erica Churchill, Brian & Loris Sanderson Bob Clark Noel Colliver Tom & Fiona Howat Rob & Dianne Rankin Lester Cole James & Colleen Allan Gary Gilder Victor Pace Leslie Cole Ralph Provan Paul Ferraro Neville Kunnel Peter Galley Neil & Betty Ferguson Cath & Robin Grierson Neil Thomlinson Terry Herbstreit Henry & Trish Alger Joe Pace Clive Massel

Vehicle 37 Chev Ute Modern 1947 Chev Coupe 1938 Morris 1933 Hupmobile 1981 BMW 320/6A Modern Modern 1938 Buick Modern 66 Mustang 1934 Plymouth Roadster MGB 62 Thunderbird 70 Triumph P.I. 34 Plymouth Modern 1965 Ferrari Modern Volvo Volvo 1969 75 Oldsmobile 67 MK1 Cortina Modern 1977 Charger 1976 Toyota Corolla 1970 Porsche 911T

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Coljen Gear Cutting and Westerfolds Park. Sunday 23rd. June 2013.

Visit to Coljen Gear Cutting 23 June 2013 On a crisp sunny day, 19 cars assembled at the Coljen factory in West Heidleberg. Jenny provided morning tea which was well received. Colin then demonstrated one of the gear cutting machines after explaining that the process of gear cutting was patented in 1909. Setting up the machine is a precise process. The alignment of the machine is checked. The correct sequence of gears is fitted to the back of the machine depending on the number of teeth to be cut and the pitch. The blank is checked for round and belted into submission where necessary, then the cutter is aligned. A small cut all round is then made to ensure that the setting up is accurate. Following this, deeper cuts are made and then a fine cut to get the depth exactly correct. The cutter moves across the gear face, then a cam moves the cutter away for the return stroke. A number of strokes are made with the gear turning slowly. The cutter then moves away and down before aligning ready for the next cut. Colin demonstrated on the older machine as it can be run slowly and on a plastic gear so no oil was needed. This made for an excellent demonstration which was easily understood. We then moved to Westerfolds Park where Ray and Kevin had set up for us in a beautiful picnic area where we enjoyed a barbeque and delicious salads, home made by James Allan. Thanks to James and Colleen for arranging an interesting and enjoyable day. Erica Churchill.

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Coljen Gear Cutting and Westerfolds Park. Sunday 23rd. June 2013.

Photos courtesy of Peter Cassar and Erica Churchill

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Tri-Club Picnic Ferny Creek Oval 27th. October 2013. Dear Eddie Confirming details for the Tri Club Picnic at Ferny Creek Oval Sunday 27th October 2013, Melways 75 D1 as part of a display of vehicles for the Belgrave Rotary Club fund raising day. The Oval is accessed off Clarkmont Road. It is a beautiful scenic reserve with all facilities. The access road is a bit narrow. Traffic control will have to be managed by Rotary. No arrive/depart times have been requested i.e. member can arrive and depart as required. Parking for trailers will be available for those traillering a vehicle. Phone Carl Robins 9755 2599 to confirm spaces required or email The Rotary Club have booked the grounds and hall with displays in the hall. Live music still being finalised. There will be trade stalls. The Annual Floral display by the Ferny Creek Floral Society in the hall adjacent to the oval will be on, with a small admission cost. Jumping castle for the children. There will be celebrity presenters and judges for prizes. Regretfully a small cost of $5 per display car will apply. General entry will be charged $5 per head. All profits will be supporting worth while Rotary projects of community support. Sausage sizzle and drinks by Rotary or BYO lunch. Cheers John Rhodes (VDC).

Meeting point and time yet to be decided upon by Committee. Details will be in next months Journal.

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My “Big Boot” Most members who attend club runs would be familiar with “Big Boot”. Big Boot was originally manufactured in the 1980’s and consisted of a rectangle or straight frame with a 360 degree swiveling single wheel, a special bracket which bolts to the tow-bar but does not turn and a 3ft x 3ft x 1ft high fibreglass box mounted on the frame. They did not sell very well, as they were rather expensive and despite the small size required 2 people to disconnect them and wheel them away, otherwise they would tip over. I managed to locate my Big Boot in Lang Lang, south east of Melbourne, where it had been in long term storage. It was in excellent condition, having had very little use. I removed the fibreglass box, lengthened the frame 200mm and installed a 50 x 25mm steel canopy Frame with drop down tail gates on 3 sides and marine vinyl canopy with zippered flaps on 3 sides. A full width aluminium ramp is stored on top of the canopy, and hooks on to the rear, enabling me to load and unload my electric mobility scooter without assistance. Since completing the rebuild I have installed caravan corner jacks to each corner to enable me to disconnect on my own, but still couldn’t move it once disconnected. I recently added wheels to the front corner jacks which should overcome this problem. The design of this unit allows me to reverse into a parking spot without the trailer jack knifing, as the trailer does not turn. It is rigidly fixed to the tow bar and the rotating wheel automatically turns in relation to the steering wheel. (similar to a supermarket trolley). Big Boot is registered as an “exempt trailer” with a black and white version of my red club plates, which gives it an official identity without paying an annual fee. Post Script: As a member of the Studebaker Drivers Club of USA I receive a very informative monthly magazine with excellent historic articles. I was amazed to discover a feature article in my June 2013 issue, on Don Wilson, General Service Manager of the Studebaker Corporation 1924-1948. During this time he developed factory service schools and travelling field schools throughout USA. A company photo, taken outside the South Bend Administration Building, dated 1935 shows a “35 Stude sedan with 9 well dressed VIP’s and a custom built Big Boot apparently used by Don for his field work. Yet another first for Studebaker? Bob Clark

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(More) Changes to our Club Calendar An asterisk (*) indicates a change has been made.


Sunday 26th.

CHACA Birthday Run. Gumbuya Park.

*Sunday 23rd.

Coljen Gear Cutting & BBQ Lunch. (James Allan).

*Sunday 28th.

Kinglake Area (Peter and Ron Barker).

*Sunday 11th.

Pub Run Organised by John Baker.

SEPTEMBER *Sunday 22 . nd

Woodlands Historic Homestead, Greenvale. and Railway Dennis Healy. Bookings

essential by 1st. September.


*Sunday 27th.

Tri-Club Picnic, Ferny Creek Oval (CHACA).

*Wednesday 9th. Sunday 27th.

Lerderderg Gorge Bob Clark. Federation Square Display Day.

*Sunday 10th.

Garage Crawl Bob Clark with Peter Hibbert.

* Sunday 17th.

Presentation Day/Annual Luncheon. Bookings

essential by 1st. November.


*Sunday 8 ?

CHACA Christmas with VDC @ Como Gardens


An Asterisk (*) indicates runs that score points towards a “Best Attendance Award”. These are mainly suggested runs with dates and venues to be confirmed.

Events & Swap Meets of Interest to Club members Sunday 25th August

Federation Picnic at Marong

Sunday 25th August To 1st September

Federation Golden Oldies Tour

Sunday 6th October

Last of the Chrome Bumpers, Lardner Park

Friday to Sunday 25th to 27th October

MotorClassica, Exhibition Building

Saturday/Sunday 16/17 November

Bendigo Swap Meet

Ponderings compliments of Peter Hibbert I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. Life is sexually transmitted. Healthy is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. There are two kinds of pedestrians, the quick and the dead.

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This Handy Tip comes courtesy of Neville Thomas Kunnel

CHACA Journal Page 19

Buy, Swap and Sell Advertisements in this column will appear for three consecutive months unless instructions to the contrary are received by the Editor. Victorian State laws require all advertisements for registered vehicles to display a Price and Registration Number, and for unregistered vehicles, the sale price together with the engine or VIN/Chassis number. Advertisements that do not comply with the above will not be listed, nor will it be the Editors responsibility to seek such information.

SELL: Two 6 cylinder side valve engines, one No. C10110670, the other has no engine number. They could be late 20’s – early thirties Willys’. $100.00 the pair. Phone Ray Griffin 03 5977 6649 WANTED: Corolla 1960’s Sun visor and Weather shield and Engine Splash Tray, Sun visor from 1970’s may fit. Also want running Corolla 1960’s to 1980’s with good engine. Bob Clark 03 9391 8327. (0513)

SALE: The car is 1934, 5 window coupe, one of five executive cars built from Geelong Ford Company. Rego number; 264290 VIN numb; C18XF43 Engine number; C18LF49AVR38392 Rego; expires 5th of November 2012 Price $70,000. Regards, Tim. 0408998051 thank you.

For Sale: Manuals Make





Falcon 1960 – 1962. Workshop Manual. Gen. Ford.

V Good



Consul & Zephyr 1955. Workshop Manual. Non Gen.

Fair but complete



Consul, Zephyr Zodiac 1956 – 1962 Gen. Ford

Supplement. Good Cond.



Zephyr Six Operating Instruction Book. Gen. Ford

Sept 1954. Good



Econovan Repair Manual. Gen. Ford

V Good



Falcon, Fairlane, LTD. 1988 on. Gen. Ford




Automatic ATX Transaxle. ATRA Manual

V Good



Truck Operators Manual. F100 to F600. Around early 50s




Falcon XA – XB & Fairlane ZF – ZG. Workshop. SP Manuals

V Good



TA truck Shop Manual. Engine & Clutch only. Gen. Vauxhall

V Good



HR Series Adjustment Guide. Gen. Holden.




FJ Owner’s Manual. Gen Holden

Fair to Good.



Oxford Series II Operating Manual. Gen. Morris

Faded Cover. Rest Good.



16TS Driving & Maintenance Manual. 1969. Gen. Renault




16 – TS & TA. Workshop Manual.




H Series Valiant Service Manual. Gen. Chrysler




Vanguard Phase I Workshop Manual. Gen. Standard

Fair to good.


Understanding Automotive Oscilloscope Patterns.

Good. Approx late 70’s


LA Due

Motor Tune up & Repair Ref. Manual. 1931 - 1935




Silentruba Products Catalogue. 1952



Brian Garrett 94591779 0400166762 CHACA Journal Page 20

Hi Everyone, this comes from our member David Suters in Jindera. These vehicles may be of interest to you. Morgan Country Car Club Members, In researching the history of my Rover I have made contact with Fay Gumley in Hamilton Vic her husband Jim who is now in care with dementia was the third owner of the Rover and an avid collector of vintage bikes and vehicles. Fay is kindly providing me with a photo album and documentation of the Rover from when it was first imported from England by a Farmer in Colac until Jim apparently swapped a Matchless Motorbike for the Rover in 2002. There is still some research to be done as to when and by whom restored the car as photos in the album show the Rover dismantled and panels being resprayed. Fay mentioned that she still had some of Jim's collection at home that she is wishing to sell I offered to advise our club. I do not have a lot of detail however Fay can be contacted on 0355723209 or e: mail

Vehicles For Sale. Daimler Sovereign, 1980 Spoke Wheels, Good Condition a little bit of rust behind back seat. $4000 BSA Ex Army Motorbike, 1940-45? khaki $5000. Honda Shadow Motorbike, with side car 2000 model $5500. Fay advised that these vehicles are in good running order as this is the only way that Jim would have kept them. Trust of interest, David Suters Affiliations: CHACA Classic and Historic Automobile Club of Australia CHMC Classic and Historic Motor Club (Member)

Colin and Jenny Woods

Factory 3/45 Kolora Road Heidelberg West, Victoria 3081 CHACA Journal Page 21


Joining Fee

Annual Subscription


Full Member




Joint Membership




CHACA Membership Details. Contact Barry Smith Ph: 9807 6813

Mob: 0408 440 240

Joint Membership – Husband/Wife, partner etc.. Renewals – If joined Nov-June, must renew when due on November 1st. If joined July-Oct. Membership will carry through to renewal date in following year.

Club Permit Scheme Renewal of Permit. Send to Neville Thomas Kunnel the Permit together with a copy of your current Membership Card and a stamped selfaddressed envelope. Neville will return it to you for you to pay at your nearest Vic Roads Office. You can also see Neville at meetings, please bring along a copy of the Permit for Club records, also the 3 photos of your Club Permit vehicle/s if Neville doesn’t already have them. FOR New Applications/renewals: Contact Neville Thomas Kunnel PHONE: 03 8712 3161 MOB: 0422 324 072 1 Val Court, Dandenong, Vic 3175

To all Permit Plate Holders Due to VicRoads tightening their control on all Clubs involved with the Club Permit Scheme (CPS) we now request that all members issued with a Permit through CHACA since February 1st. 2011 under the new Log Book scheme attend at least one Club Run or Meeting every 6 months with the Car. This will assist the Club in ensuring your vehicle continues to meet with all the guidelines and conditions of use as set out by VicRoads and CHACA. Members are also reminded that the Club is bound by the new rules of this scheme to advise VicRoads of any Permit Holder who is no longer a financial member of the Club. Any queries please contact Neville Thomas Kunnel on Ph: 8712 3161 Mob: 0422 324 072

Photos for Club Records All members Please send 3 photos of your Club Permit vehicle to Neville (if you haven’t already done so). 1. A 3/4 view of the front right 2. A 3/4 view of the rear left 3. The engine Size of photos: 6x4 inches or 15x10cm.

VicRoads queries 9854 2432 60 Denmark Street, Kew 3010. CHACA Journal Page 22

PO BOX 340 LILYDALE VIC 3140 PH: 1300OPTIMA FAX 039735 1842 EMAIL Affiliated Clubs Independent Clubs Affiliated with the

Classic& Historic Automobile Club of Australia Classic & Historic Automobile Club of Australia Wagga Wagga Region Inc. Secretary: Wendy Hocking, Phone 02 6931 6200 Mobile 0429 316 200 PO Box 749, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650 Meetings: First Monday of the Month, at Rules Club, Jezza Room Fernleigh Rd. Wagga Wagga 7.30pm. Guests and visitors are welcome. Morgan Country Car Club Secretary: Herb Simpfendorfer Phone: 02 6029 2224 PO Box 428, Albury, NSW 2640 Meetings: At Clubrooms on Jindera Sports Grounds, First Tuesday of every month 7.30pm.

Classic & Historic Automobile Club of Australia Sydney Inc. Secretaries: Anne Campbell, 0414 521 521 PO Box 306 Wentworthville, NSW, 2145. Phone 02 45765872 Email: Meetings: All Sunday meetings start at 2pm. Members may arrive from two hours prior to meeting times to have meal and chat. Classic & Historic Automobile Club of Caboolture Inc. Secretary: Jan Beatson PO Box 514 Caboolture, Qld. 4510, . Phone 07 3267 0363 email: Meetings: 2nd Sunday of the Month. Meeting at the Sundowner Hotel car park, Caboolture at 6.30am

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“Days Gone By” Scene from Gumbuya Park November 2011

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