A framework for investment in greater west dayton implementation toolkit

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Prepared for the City of Dayton February 7, 2014

TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements




City Led Projects


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A Framework for Investment in Greater West Dayton: Implementation Toolkit documents were made possible through the efforts and contributions of many different individuals and organizations. A special thank you goes to the citizens, business owners and City staff who generously devoted their time and creativity in the hopes of moving development forward within the neighborhoods of West Dayton.

PROJECT STAFF Veronica Morris City of Dayton Office of Economic Development

CONSULTING SUPPORT CHA- Indianapolis, Indiana Boulevard Strategies- Columbus, Ohio Studio Graphique- Cleveland, Ohio

INTRODUCTION In 2011, the City of Dayton, Department of Economic Development identified the need to engage in the study of a comprehensive corridor improvement, land use and market analysis study for the Innerwest and Southwest planning districts. The plan was intended to create a framework that would transform the City’s southwestern quadrant and ultimately revitalize neighborhoods that despite seeing decades of decay are primed for reinvestment. With this Plan, the City intended to tie a land use and market analysis with capital improvement recommendations. Specifically the City of Dayton intended to utilize this planning process to complete the following: • Coordinate project with stakeholders • Determine short-term and long germ market demand for residential, commercial and industrial use • Design streetscape improvements of 3 primary corridors in the area • Identify traffic enhancement opportunities • Identify opportunities for signage on ODOT controlled roadways as well as surface streets • Identify development obstacles • Develop marketing and branding pieces to help reimagine the Greater West Dayton corridors.

The established planning area is a significant and large area within Dayton, with 18 entire neighborhoods included in two much larger planning districts the Innerwest and Southwest Priority Boards. The planning area is an eclectic mix of residential, commercial and industrial structures and in the past decade, the neighborhoods of West Dayton have become a questionable asset in the stability of adjacent neighborhoods and the viability of the area’s commercial corridors. With the development of any type of community plan, a city is assessing its past while preparing for the future. Given the complexity of the process and the challenges facing the neighborhoods of West Dayton it was important to develop an implementation framework that lays out an attainable vision for the neighborhoods of West Dayton. The Greater West Dayton: Creating a Future from the Strengths of the Past study planning process can be broken down into three key phases: Investigation, Recommendations and Implementation

INVESTIGATION Included in the initial steps of the planning process was a high level analysis of the area’s transportation network and adjacent land uses. To provide a framework to the analysis, five major corridors were identified based on their proximity to existing development, proximity to future development sites and the physical connections to and through the study area. West Third Street, Gettysburg Avenue, Germantown Pike, James H. McGee Boulevard and Edwin C. Moses Boulevard were identified as the primary corridors in the study area. The high level analysis included documentation of existing land uses including major employers, regional attractions, commercial development, parks and open space sites and areas with future development potential. The existing transportation networks were also documented and reviewed for efficiency and safety. The corridors were found to provide options not only motorists, but also pedestrians, bicyclists and mass transit users. Upon review of the traffic counts over a ten year period it was also clear that traffic patterns had reduced along the corridors allowing each roadway the opportunity to accommodate additional traffic capacity without major enhancements being needed.


While numerous opportunities were identified related to the transportation system and the adjacent development opportunities a key component of the planning process was the completion of a market analysis report for the study area. The market analysis illustrated that the neighborhoods of West Dayton were coping with a 24% population decline over the last decade, a rate six times faster than Montgomery County. The 25,000 residents that remain in the area were shown to be under educated with only one quarter of the residents completing college or technical training. Nearly 28% of the area’s residents are unemployed. Currently most of West Dayton residents who are employed work in lower-paying blue collar and services positions consisting of production, sales/office, and service occupations. Many of these industry occupations require minimal education and training. Many of these individuals must leave the West Dayton community to work due to a lack of jobs within the immediate area. Additionally, the drastic population loss within the area is also a contributing factor to the changes in housing units and vacancy rates throughout the neighborhoods. The neighborhoods of West Dayton are primarily made up of single family residential neighborhoods. Of the 10,417 households accounted for in the recent Census, less than half were owner occupied. Aside from the population decline, the 18 neighborhoods in the study area lack a quality mix of retail offerings and a primary retail corridor. It is estimated that about 350,000 square feet of retail space exists and is occupied by one of 93 restaurants or retail stores. Most of the retail/ restaurant space is scattered along West Third Street, Hoover Avenue, and Gettysburg Avenue, as well a variety of opportunistic sites throughout the area. Additionally, the study area is clearly a “food desert.” Only one national grocery store, Aldi, is located in the area. It is estimated that 25+ more independent groceries (many are carry-outs) are in the area, but residents minimize their patronage due to safety concerns, uncleanliness, their poor assortment/offering of fresh foods and the high prices charged.


In order to validate the findings in the market analysis and better understand the challenges of the community the residents, business owners and community leaders were asked to participate in a public open house in August of 2012. During the public open house participants explained through various exercises that while the neighborhoods of West Dayton offered retail and recreational development opportunities, many residents still needed to go outside of the community to purchase necessities such as clothing and groceries or to recreate in areas that made them feel safe. Through the public engagement process it was clear that the residents were lacking vital services such as grocery stores, high quality stores and high level jobs. Faced with a series of challenges, the City of Dayton Department of Economic Development convened a small group of stakeholders to help provide ongoing support during the planning process. These individuals represented the Innerwest and Southwest Priority Boards, major employment centers, successful community organizations and representatives from City of Dayton’s engineering and planning departments. Together this smaller group worked to identify a series of opportunities and community assets that significantly outweighed the population, employment and housing challenges currently being faced by the community.

and training facilities ranging from per kindergarten to a wide variety of college level facilities and opportunities. Upon completion of the investigation phase the study area grew to include nearly 10,400 acres of land which equates to one third of the City of Dayton. The area includes approximately 160 churches which provide job training programs, student scholarships and numerous volunteer initiatives. The community is rich with aviation history and is home to many national and regional historical facilities. The neighborhoods of West Dayton and areas immediately adjacent are rich with preforming art facilities and programs as well as numerous visual art galleries and facilities. The existing Wright Dunbar District forms a solid foundation for the area’s cultural facilities. The study area itself offers 19 public parks, numerous sporting venues, public and private recreational facilities, a golf course and the Possum Creek Metro Park. In addition, the City of Dayton is currently marketing eleven industrial properties for redevelopment; controls numerous residential and commercial parcels of land; as an efficient transportation system that is under the design capacity; has two major thoroughfares; has an efficient mass transit system; and is working to provide additional bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the study area.

Against this backdrop of shifting from an old-school manufacturing-based economy to a knowledge-based economy, the City of Dayton has maintained and grown significant assets that have provided stability and growth while emerging a new vision that is asset-based while addressing the specific issues related to a shrinking city. In Dayton, more than $3.4 billion in major investments have occurred since 2001 while the community continued to lose population, shed jobs, lose property value, see maintenance costs grow and municipal revenues erode through the recent recession. More specifically, the neighborhoods of West Dayton have seen approximately $67 million dollars in investment in transportation, parks and recreation, housing and neighborhood development, business expansion and site redevelopment while still being faced with the issues tied to a shrinking city In addition, West Dayton saw significant reinvestment in education



RECOMMENDATIONS What came out of the investigation phase was the identification of existing community assets, both built and perceived, and the existing challenges facing the area. The strengths and assets of the community became clearly defined into three categories (Community and Culture, Neighborhoods and Employment Centers) that are coincidently the three basic building blocks of a sustainable community.

COMMUNITY STRENGTHS COMMUNITY AND CULTURE Museums Historic Sites Visual and preforming arts facilities

Together, these three categories and their associated strengths and assets provide the community with places to learn, live, work and recreate as well as a unique way to be included in the regional community. While each category has several assets, there are several barriers to overcome for the future. During the August 7, 2012 Public Open House, participants explained through various exercises that while the neighborhoods of West Dayton offered retail development, many residents still needed to go outside of the community to purchase necessities such as clothing and groceries. Numerous recreational sites currently existing in the community, but as residents explained many of the facilities and equipment are in deteriorating conditions making it uninviting and potentially unsafe for users. This information, gained from the public and stakeholders made it clear that a positioning statement needed to be prepared for the area that addressed the realities of the community. The positioning statement for the neighborhoods of West Dayton was designed to be used as the foundation for redeveloping and rebuilding the neighborhoods of West Dayton.

Sports and recreational facilities Existing commercial nodes

NEIGHBORHOODS Public Schools Churches Community Centers Parks Higher Education Facilities Recreational facilities

EMPLOYMENT CENTERS Existing industrial areas Higher education facilities Public schools Brownfields Prime development sites Largest Employers




interactive map


Where do you work?

Where do you live?

Place one blue dot on your place of residence.

Place one yellow dot on your place of work.

If you live outside the map boundaries, place your blue object just outside the map edge.

If you work outside the map boundaries, place your yellow object just outside the map edge.

Where do you recreate?

Where do you shop?

Place one green dot on each of your top three places to recreate. Parks, recreation centers, lakes, community facilities are all examples that could be applicable.

Place one red dot on each of your top three commercial or retail destinations in the study area.

international market place

gateway study

While much investment has been made in the area, and numerous community, historic and cultural facilities currently are being nurtured, the future success of the community should be based on the wants, needs and opportunities of the future generations of residents, workers, students and visitors to the area. Given the priority of the community’s future generations, the position statement for the neighborhoods of West Dayton is designed to be forward thinking.

TURNING REALITIES INTO OPPORTUNITIES THAT BUILD MOMENTUM TOWARD REVITALIZATION. The position statement above addresses and accepts the current condition of the neighborhoods and their place in the local and regional economy. However it also sets the stage for future change and redevelopment by identifying the importance of the community’s assets and strengths and their importance in the area’s future. This positioning statement should be used as a benchmark to measure new planning initiatives and development opportunities within the neighborhoods of West Dayton and can also be used in prioritizing future investments in the area.



During the planning process three key audience groups were identified as key members of the future of Greater West Dayton. Tourists and visitors, existing and prospective residents and existing and prospective employers are the key components to the success of community facilities, neighborhood heath and stability and a rich and vibrant workforce and employment market. While together these key audiences will serve to stabilize and improve the Greater West Dayton community, they each require specific and unique recommendations and strategies to ensure their growth and success. The content of the framework plans is a direct result of discussions with the public, community stakeholders and the project steering committee and are each centered on a specific audience and a specific set of community assets. In order to ensure the alignment of the framework plan recommendations and the overarching position statement, simple and distinct key message statements were delivered to reinforce the forward thinking vision of the future. These key messages along with the recommendations outlined in the planning document will serve to assist in shaping the future of the Greater West Dayton Neighborhoods.







While the three key community components of community and culture, neighborhoods and employment centers illustrate that the neighborhood facilities that can be used in promoting and sustaining tourism, employment, recreation and residential amenities, they cannot be considered a strong and efficient community without a series of efficient and safe connections tying them together. The transportation system of West Dayton’s neighborhoods is more than interstates and roads. It is an intricate system of connections used by vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. These connections link the area’s homes, employment centers, shopping areas, recreational facilities and regional tourism attractions. While this existing system currently provides the series of efficient connections that the area needs, the system lacks the aesthetic, green open spaces originally designed for the area by Fredrick Law Olmsted and his partners. The ideas and fundamentals Olmsted used in preparing the Dayton plan are firmly anchored in the City Beautiful movement that began at the beginning of the 20th Century. The work of Olmsted and others in this time utilized parkways, boulevards and public open space to counteract the increase in crime, economic decline, violence and community unrest that peaked in the 19th Century. In the design of the Dayton master plan, Olmsted actively tried to counteract the social and economic

disadvantages of the area by recommending the City Engineer acquire lands adjacent to the banks of the Great Miami River and Wolfe Creek. In addition to the river parkways, Olmsted proposed a series of boulevards to provide radial lines of travel through the western portion of the City. Just as in the early 20th Century, the community is dealing with deterioration, economic decline and a negative perception on neighborhood crime and vandalism. By utilizing the existing system the transportation recommendations are directed at changing the perception of the community by providing efficient connections that add visual enhancements and signs of change for the area. Together the existing assets of the community and the visual changes and enhancements in the transportation system will begin to change the perceptions and realities of the area. Assessing Dayton’s deficiencies and aggressively building on its strengths is a prerequisite for Dayton’s renewed success. Dayton is a resilient city that has the ability to use the assets it built during its peak years to re-invent itself as a competitive place to live and do business for generations to come.



IMPLEMENTATION The Framework for Investment in Greater West Dayton outlines a vision for stabilizing and strengthening the economic potential, appearance, and function of the neighborhoods of West Dayton. It does so by creating opportunities for new development and community growth, identifying economic, environmental and social infrastructure improvements needed to enhance the study area and its existing neighborhoods, businesses and infrastructure, and by identifying a series of implementation recommendations so that the vitality and viability of the study area are sustained throughout the future generations. The recommendations included in the document are meant to reinforce the development opportunities necessary for a successful future for the West Dayton neighborhoods. This plan is likely to span a 20 to 30 year time horizon, although some of the projects may occur in a much shorter time period as resources become available. Many of the more significant corridor improvements will follow larger development and redevelopment projects, which will occur as market forces dictate. Many of the corridor’s existing businesses and land uses will continue indefinitely, and major changes to private property will largely be voluntary and market driven. In order to provide short and long term opportunities for change, the Framework for Investment in Greater West Dayton: Implementation Toolkit identifies a series of City led projects that incorporate the community assets and development opportunities outlined in the planning study. Whether in the near-term or twenty-years in the future, it is important that the City of Dayton continue to reinforce strategies that promote the goals of the area while enhancing the existing assets of the community. The strategies and initiatives identified here are critical elements needed to further support the needs of the residents, visitors and employers. These principles are reflective of fundamental planning values and were validated by the project steering committee and during the public outreach process.



CITY LED PROJECTS The neighborhoods of West Dayton are a complex and dynamic area full of challenges and opportunities that will require a multiyear, incremental approach to providing stabilization and economic prosperity. Knowing that, it is important to consider how future City investment projects will be funded, constructed, marketed, managed, evaluated, and sustained. A total transformation of the West neighborhoods is not possible overnight. Additionally, not all of the recommendations included in this plan will be necessary at the same time, but instead as development progresses. It is for this reason that the recommendations included in this plan focus on the long-term evolution of the neighborhoods and corridors by providing a series of manageable projects that the City of Dayton can undertake now and in the future. The projects outlined in this toolkit are intended to provide a framework for future development, redevelopment, and public space improvements to ensure that the neighborhoods stabilize and grow. The projects outlined focus on the evolution of the West neighborhoods in both the short and long term and are intended to provide a framework for future development, redevelopment, and public space improvements to ensure the success of the community. A potential timeline for implementation has been identified for each project and is presented in terms of short, medium, or long term. Short term projects are those expected to occur within zero to five years, medium term projects are expected to happen within five to ten years, and long term projects are those not anticipated for more than ten years.


These timelines are presented to help inform the community about when projects may occur but are only guidelines based on current conditions. Development in the community may require some projects to move up in priority and programming while changing conditions and available funding may mean some projects do not happen in the anticipated timeframe.


Written description of the project purpose, need and overall intent. When necessary specific project limits or areas are outlined.


Specific project stakeholders are also presented to assist in identifying the potential leaders and supporters of the plan’s recommendations. While City of Dayton offices are the lead on many projects, the success of the programs and projects will rely on the creation of strong partnerships throughout the community.

PHASE ONE: ECONOMIC PRIORITY AREAS The purpose of the parcel inventory is to help the City maximize its resources and focus redevelopment to targeted areas within the City. The Economic Development Department direction has been to redevelop key parcels in the Greater West Dayton Area. Identifying key priority development areas will align investment in transportation, housing and economic development across public agencies in key areas within the City of Dayton. The purpose of this is to identify these key parcels in order to access implementation dollars to realize site development plans. Sites that have been developed as economic priority areas include those parcels which are targeted for economic development that focus on inÚll redevelopment by creating shovel ready sites that will create new jobs within the area.

Successful implementation of these projects will require strategic planning and monitoring of the economic and development pressures of the area by both the City and development community. As such, a critical function of implementation will be regular evaluation by City of Dayton staff of this plan, its recommendations and the needs of the corridor as development and redevelopment projects occur.

Phase I: Economic Priority Areas: • Former Sucher Packing Site • Former Dunbar School Site • Former Mayo Building • Former Howell Avenue School Site • Arlington Courts • Former Nibco and McCall’s Facility • Former Elifritz Site

The Greater West Dayton area is a strategic location for many small companies due to its excellent infrastructure, access to many types of transportation systems, housing stock and a community environment that offers many different amenities. The Greater West Dayton Area has a wide range of available sites and buildings for sale or lease, as well as priority and redevelopment areas that are ripe for development opportunities.


Economic Development and its strategic partners are helping to create a place that has abundant development and investment opportunities.

This chapter is designed to provide City led project summaries in a concise, written and graphic format and to when possible to provide supporting material on successful applications of the project in similar situations. To the right is a quick reference guide on the layout of the individual design standards in this chapter.

The Plan identiÚes key areas within Greater West Dayton that have been identiÚed an opportunity by the Department of Economic Development, target resources can be focused on key sites that would serve as catalysts for future development, provide a return on investment, where there is market interest, community would support redevelopment of the site, and land owner interest and/or participation.


• Former Dayton Steel (Walther) Site • Former Delphi Facility (Wisconsin) • Former Mutual Tool Building • Edgemont Neighborhood • Third Street • Gettysburg Avenue


San Francisco Bay Priority Development Areas (PD The goal of the FOCUS Program is to encourage future gro near transit and in the existing communities that surround the Francisco Bay, enhancing existing neighborhoods and provi housing and transportation choice for all residents.



When possible a precedent example is identified that outlines similar projects in areas with similar conditions. 10


DA’s): owth e San iding


Specific steps needed to complete the project.


City staff, community organizations and potential community partners are identified.



• IdentiÚcation of all existing data sources from the City of Dayton, the State of Ohio, The Ohio State University, Sinclair College or other potential sources.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development

• Compile all data from all sources and build the base Úles of the GIS project. The City should determine whether this could be part of the existing GIS database created by Planning. The key here is the link the information through common parcel ID number or geospatially.

Partners: City Commission, City Manager, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, City of Dayton Department of Economic Development, City of Dayton Department of Public Works, City Planned Board, Business Owners, Property Owners, Developers, Residents

• Based on the available data, the City should determine what other information is needed. The information gathered should support the mission of redevelopment and development of underutilized and vacant parcels with Greater West Dayton. • The City should add additional Úelds to Planning’s GIS database. A suggested list of data is provided in the project description. • Create property survey to evaluate properties throughout entire area and survey the Economic Priority Area. • Input survey information into GIS, and map to show illustrative of results of the survey to help determine if further action is needed by Dayton. • After survey, determine if the City should purchase property, cleanup of property/demolition of structures and infrastructure, enroll in another program (lot links, down payment assistance, surplus sales), or let the market take care of the property. • As actions are taken on each property, no matter the action, documentation should be made in the GIS property database.


The areas of impact have been identified for each project and tie back to the three categories identified in the full planning document.




Short, mid and long range planning schedules have been identified for each project.

• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. Community volunteers, university students or City interns can be utilized to collect and input survey data. • Additional time and expertise will be needed from area site selectors, business recruiters and economic development specialists.



A cost magnitude is provided to assist in identifying necessary funding for the project.

• Budget each year or bi-annually to complete survey. Survey’s should be completed every Úve years in the area.

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Creation of a roundtable of existing business leaders and institutional uses in area to help drive interest in businesses • Relationships with Area College and Universities


Specific funding and time needs for the project.





Specific funding opportunities for the project.



DISTRICT OVERLAY OR SPECIAL ZONING DISTRICT (WEST THIRD STREET AND EDWIN C. MOSES BOULEVARD) The redevelopment, infill, and greening strategies recommended in this plan require mechanisms for implementation. Without support in the zoning ordinance, these strategies and initiatives are merely suggestions to developers and property owners as development and redevelopment continue in the area. For the City to fully achieve the vision set forth in this plan, a primary initiative should be the adoption of an overlay or special zoning district for a portion of the project area. To support this new district, the City should also create a neighborhood infill design toolkit to assist property owners and developers in achieving high quality projects which are welcomed by neighbors and establish an attractive environment for new residents. Components of the toolkit should include: • An overall strategy to guide infill projects, identifying desired infill areas and highlighting successful practices from other communities. • An illustrative guide to appropriate housing types and building forms for common infill situations. • Identification of programs, either in place or planned, to support infill projects and their end users. • Changes to existing plans and regulations to 1) remove barriers to infill development and 2) better promote infill development over greenfield development. Together, the zoning standards and infill guidelines should address compatible primary and secondary uses, scale and context, the pedestrian environment, parking, security, open space, and other design parameters. The overlay/special district and infill toolkit will serve as a guide for builders, designers, and property owners; it should concentrate on the unique challenges of infill development on small sites and highlight strategies for context-sensitive design in established residential areas. Given some of the challenges associated with redevelopment and infill in existing urban areas, it will be important for the district standards to be clear and easily understood so as to reduce delays in review but also


flexible enough to adapt to specific sites. As part of any development application, the applicant must meet all applicable development standards and should also be required to submit a statement as to how the development proposal responds to the infill toolkit strategies not codified as ordinance. It is anticipated that this overlay/special district only cover a portion of the Innerwest and/or Southwest planning districts; however, the infill design guidelines may be applicable to a larger portion of the study area or even the City as a whole. A segment of the Third Street corridor is recommended as the initial application of the overlay/special district. The exact boundary should be examined by planning staff in coordination with other City officials and property owners. Although the boundaries do not have to be the same, application of the overlay/special district could coincide with the establishment of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district or other economic development initiatives. It is not anticipated that either the infill toolkit or the overlay/special district ordinance receives public opposition before or during adoption. However, design guidelines and ordinance amendments typically don’t receive strong support either. Rather, it is the resulting individual development projects and how the guidelines are implemented that receives support or opposition. Residents of neighborhoods experiencing infill development may oppose new projects because concerns over increased density, impact on property values, traffic, parking, or bringing in a mix of incomes, races, and age groups. Whether realized or perceived, these concerns can be overcome by a significant public outreach campaign with residents. Developers can also be required to meet with residents to discuss project design before finalizing their development plans. If properly drafted, the guidelines should address these concerns and result in infill projects that reflect the existing character and scale and ultimately create stronger west Dayton neighborhoods.


Because of the existing assets and variety of development opportunities, we recommend that a special zoning district be created for the West Third Street corridor, the Edwin C. Moses Boulevard corridor and the properties adjacent immediately adjacent. Together, the zoning standards and infill guidelines should address compatible primary and secondary uses, scale and context, the pedestrian environment, parking, security, open space, and other design parameters.



DISTRICT OVERLAY OR SPECIAL ZONING DISTRICT (WEST THIRD STREET AND EDWIN C. MOSES BOULEVARD) The infill toolkit and overlay/special district ordinance processes will be relatively low cost as compared to infrastructure and physical development initiatives; however, implementation of the infill toolkit recommendations and application of the overlay/ special district will require ongoing administrative costs. Given successful implementation of the infill program, infrastructure upgrades and improvements to public facilities and services will be needed to support the increased population. The initial process costs will include: • Organizing and conducting public involvement. • Coordinating the infill guidelines and ordinance standards with the vacant land inventory. • Creating the toolkit and overlay/special district documents. • Education and outreach to the development community about the new regulations. • Ongoing administration costs will be necessary to provide: • Staff time to administer guidelines and review projects. • Updates and modifications to the toolkit and ordinance as needed. Incorporation of toolkit policies and recommendations into other planning documents (i.e. the City’s comprehensive plan, neighborhood and area plans, capital improvement plan, etc.).



ACTION ITEMS • Create an infill design toolkit to better realize high quality infill projects throughout the City of Dayton. • Identify stakeholders and organize a steering committee representing various points of view (i.e. local government representatives, neighborhood representatives, property owners, developers, realtors). • Conduct public outreach and information gathering throughout the planning process. • Identify priority infill areas. • Address potential barriers to infill development in the City’s existing planning documents and procedures (i.e. comprehensive plan, zoning code, neighborhood/small area plans). • Identify opportunities to encourage incentivize infill development.


• Draft and adopt final toolkit recommendations. • Conduct outreach and education session(s) to inform residents and the development community about recommendations and guidelines.

STAKEHOLDERS • Adopt an overlay/special zoning district for a portion of the Third Street corridor and or/ the Edwin C. Moses Boulevard corridor. • Identify stakeholders and organize a steering committee representing various points of view (i.e. local government representatives, neighborhood representatives, property owners, developers, realtors). • Conduct public outreach and information gathering throughout the planning process. • Identify area boundary. • Draft overlay/special district standards. • Perform outreach with property owners, business owners, and development community. • Hold hearings and adopt overlay/special zoning district. • Continue outreach and education regarding infill development and the overlay/special district. • Periodically review the overlay/special district regulations, taking into account the built projects that have resulted from the ordinance, and amend the standards as necessary.


Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development Partners: Business Owners, Property Owners, Developers, Residents, City Planning Staff, City Council, Plan Commission



• Funding and/or staff capacity to create both the infill design toolkit and the overlay/special district ordinance. • Ongoing staff capacity for outreach, implementation, and updating of the toolkit and ordinance. • The infill toolkit and overlay/special district ordinance processes will be relatively low cost as compared to infrastructure and physical development initiatives; however, implementation of the infill toolkit recommendations and application of the overlay/ special district will require ongoing administrative costs. Given successful implementation of the infill program, infrastructure upgrades and improvements to public facilities and services will be needed to support the increased population.





NEIGHBORHOODS OF WEST DAYTON PARCEL INVENTORY, ANALYSIS AND PRIORITIZATION The City is focusing on redeveloping and revitalizing the Greater Dayton area. Therefore, a more detailed inventory of each property is needed to help to facilitate redevelopment in the area. The intent of this recommendation is to identify and document the condition and ownership of all parcels within Greater West Dayton. This inventory should include not only properties that the City owns, but also properties within identified redevelopment areas. A property database should be created for this area that is linked with Dayton’s GIS database and parcel information. This property database would allow the City to track the changes in the area as well as to help prioritize where scarce resources should be focused to create redevelopment and development opportunities in the area. The database should include many different characteristics that include specific parcel attributes (e.g. distance to parks, distance to rail, access to interstates, property acreage, ownership, assessed value, zoning, future land use, etc) and identify opportunities for various types of future development. All this information would not need to be collected but could be a merger of several attributes including information from the Departments of Planning and Economic Development, the County Assessor’s office, etc. By merging this information into one database, the City maximizes the potential return on investment which will reduce the time City staff will have to spend researching parcels to provide development information to future businesses and developers. Because the Greater West Dayton is quite large and resources are not readily available, the City needs to develop a strategy for the implementation of this recommendation. As identified earlier in the document, there are several key areas that have been highlighted for economic redevelopment, neighborhood based retail infilled with residential, or for tourism based uses.

West Dayton. This inventory should include not only properties that the City owns, but also properties within identified redevelopment areas. Properties surveyed should be incorporate into a property database, potentially linked with Dayton’s GIS system, in order to track the changes in the area as well as to help prioritize where scare resources should be focused to create opportunities in the area. The information needed would include the following: • Parcel ID number • Site address • Parcel size (acres) • Property type (building or land) • Program Action (demolition of structures/infrastructure, lot links program, land bank, etc. - this will be populated by the recommendations in the plan) • Land Use and Zoning • Special Category (Brownfields, Wetlands, Floodplain, etc.) • Development Potential • Adjacency to Rail (use GIS to calculate) • Zoning • Existing Land Use • Future Land Use (Based off Plan) • Ownership (City Owned, Privately Owned, Not for Profit Owned)

Because the City is focusing on redeveloping and revitalizing the area, a more detailed inventory of each property is needed to help facilitate redevelopment in the area. The survey is necessary in order to identify and document the condition and ownership of all parcels within Greater


• Site Type (Buildable, Economic Development, Tourism, Municipal, Open Space, Site Problems, Environmental Conditions, Land Bank, etc.)


• Distance to Park/Greenspace/Open Space • Assessed Property Value


• Current Tax Value

Minnesota Statewide Parcel Map Inventory: The purpose of the project was to collect a current snapshot of parcel data development across Minnesota. This project was spearheaded by the Minnesota Department of Transportation in order to under existing parcel data development activities for use when partnering with local governments on transportation issues. The parcel survey also used by organizations wanting to understand how their neighbors and other units of government are using digital parcel data.

• Comments The priorities should focus first in areas where the City knows action must be taken in order to facilitate economic development and bring more jobs and increased tax base into the area. The priorities for survey are as follows: • Phase One: Economic Priority Areas • Phase Two: Retail and Tourism Priority Areas • Phase Three: Residential Areas The intent of this database is to be comprehensive and aid in decision making regarding future development opportunities and linkage to infrastructure improvements. However, this database will not without limitations and data gaps. Information will be available based on whether parcel ID numbers and/or addresses are available, there are not duplicates of information

Portsmouth Public Undeveloped Land Assessment: This parcel inventory was created to provide the City of Portsmouth Conversation Commission and Planning Department the mapping and information needed to make long-term management decisions on undeveloped City owned properties.

Boston-Fairmount Corridor Inventory Data Guidelines: This database was created to identify all parcels within a half-mile radius of the Fairmount Rail Corridor in Boston, Massachusetts. The purpose of the inventory was to help the Fairmount Collaborative make decisions about the Acquisition and development of parcels along the Fairmount Corridor.



NEIGHBORHOODS OF WEST DAYTON PARCEL INVENTORY, ANALYSIS AND PRIORITIZATION PHASE ONE: ECONOMIC PRIORITY AREAS The purpose of the parcel inventory is to help the City maximize its resources and focus redevelopment to targeted areas within the City. The Economic Development Department direction has been to redevelop key parcels in the Greater West Dayton Area. Identifying key priority development areas will align investment in transportation, housing and economic development across public agencies in key areas within the City of Dayton. The purpose of this is to identify these key parcels in order to access implementation dollars to realize site development plans. Sites that have been developed as economic priority areas include those parcels which are targeted for economic development that focus on infill redevelopment by creating shovel ready sites that will create new jobs within the area.

Phase I: Economic Priority Areas: • Former Sucher Packing Site • Former Dunbar School Site • Former Mayo Building • Former Howell Avenue School Site • Arlington Courts • Former Nibco and McCall’s Facility • Former Elifritz Site

The Greater West Dayton area is a strategic location for many small companies due to its excellent infrastructure, access to many types of transportation systems, housing stock and a community environment that offers many different amenities. The Greater West Dayton Area has a wide range of available sites and buildings for sale or lease, as well as priority and redevelopment areas that are ripe for development opportunities. Economic Development and its strategic partners are helping to create a place that has abundant development and investment opportunities. The Plan identifies key areas within Greater West Dayton that have been identified an opportunity by the Department of Economic Development, target resources can be focused on key sites that would serve as catalysts for future development, provide a return on investment, where there is market interest, community would support redevelopment of the site, and land owner interest and/or participation.


• Former Dayton Steel (Walther) Site • Former Delphi Facility (Wisconsin) • Former Mutual Tool Building • Edgemont Neighborhood • Third Street • Gettysburg Avenue

PRECEDENT EXAMPLE San Francisco Bay Priority Development Areas (PDA’s): The goal of the FOCUS Program is to encourage future growth near transit and in the existing communities that surround the San Francisco Bay, enhancing existing neighborhoods and providing housing and transportation choice for all residents.




• Identification of all existing data sources from the City of Dayton, the State of Ohio, The Ohio State University, Sinclair College or other potential sources.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development

• Compile all data from all sources and build the base files of the GIS project. The City should determine whether this could be part of the existing GIS database created by Planning. The key here is the link the information through common parcel ID number or geospatially.

Partners: City Commission, City Manager, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, City of Dayton Department of Economic Development, City of Dayton Department of Public Works, City Planned Board, Business Owners, Property Owners, Developers, Residents

• Based on the available data, the City should determine what other information is needed. The information gathered should support the mission of redevelopment and development of underutilized and vacant parcels with Greater West Dayton. • The City should add additional fields to Planning’s GIS database. A suggested list of data is provided in the project description. • Create property survey to evaluate properties throughout entire area and survey the Economic Priority Area. • Input survey information into GIS, and map to show illustrative of results of the survey to help determine if further action is needed by Dayton. • After survey, determine if the City should purchase property, cleanup of property/demolition of structures and infrastructure, enroll in another program (lot links, down payment assistance, surplus sales), or let the market take care of the property. • As actions are taken on each property, no matter the action, documentation should be made in the GIS property database.



RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. Community volunteers, university students or City interns can be utilized to collect and input survey data. • Additional time and expertise will be needed from area site selectors, business recruiters and economic development specialists.


• Budget each year or bi-annually to complete survey. Survey’s should be completed every five years in the area.

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Creation of a roundtable of existing business leaders and institutional uses in area to help drive interest in businesses • Relationships with Area College and Universities



NEIGHBORHOODS OF WEST DAYTON PARCEL INVENTORY, ANALYSIS AND PRIORITIZATION PHASE TWO: TOURISM AND COMMERCIAL AREAS The purpose of the parcel inventory is to help the City develop key parcels in the Greater West Dayton Area with tourism and local commercial/ retail uses. Identifying key priority tourism and commercial parcels will align investment in transportation, and economic development across public agencies in the City of Dayton. West Dayton have tremendous cultural and tourism amenities. The purpose of assess parcels within the west Dayton area is to identify these key parcels where implementation dollars should be targeted to promote targeted tourism and commercial development. Sites that have been developed as tourism/cultural/ recreation/commercial priority areas include those parcels which are targeted for redevelopment that will bring additional visitors and tourists to the area.

PRECEDENT EXAMPLE Utah Office of Tourism (http://travel.utah.gov/tourism_database/DatabasePolicy.html) The Utah Office of Tourism (UOT) Travel Resources Database (Database) contains information about travel-related businesses and organizations, the main part of which can be found in the public domain.

The assessment of parcels should include the review of parcels that can be developed to tourism/cultural/recreation/commercial use. Priority area parcels should be assessed to see whether they fall into such specific uses that support tourism, commercial, cultural or recreation uses. Each parcel that is analyzed should meet a series of criteria specifically developed that would help to determine if key parcels within the Greater West Dayton area should be held for any of these tourism or commercial uses. The intent is for the City to target parcels within the Greater West Dayton area to be held only for tourism/cultural/commercial uses. The holding of parcels will provide time for the market to catch up as well as allow the City to make specific improvements to parcels that would foster the development of Tourism and Commercial.

Undeveloped, or underdeveloped sites near area tourism facilities should be included as a part of this parvel suvey.






• Identification of all existing data sources from the City of Dayton, the State of Ohio, The Ohio State University, Sinclair College or other potential sources.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development

• Compile all data from all sources and build the base files of the GIS project. The City should determine whether this could be part of the existing GIS database created by Planning. The key here is the link the information through common parcel ID number or geospatially.

Partners: City Commission, City Manager, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, City of Dayton Department of Economic Development, City of Dayton Department of Public Works, City Planned Board, Business Owners, Property Owners, Developers, Residents

• Based on the available data, the City should determine what other information is needed. The information gathered should support the mission of redevelopment and development of underutilized and vacant parcels with Greater West Dayton.

RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work.

• The City should add additional fields to Planning’s GIS database. A suggested list of data is provided in the project description.

• Community volunteers, university students or City interns can be utilized to collect and input survey data.

• Create property survey to evaluate properties throughout entire area and survey the Economic Priority Area.

• Budget each year or bi-annually to complete survey. Survey’s should be completed every five years in the area.

• Input survey information into GIS, and map to show illustrative of results of the survey to help determine if further action is needed by Dayton. • After survey, determine if the City should purchase property, cleanup of property/demolition of structures and infrastructure, enroll in another program (lot links, down payment assistance, surplus sales), or let the market take care of the property. • As actions are taken on each property, no matter the action, documentation should be made in the GIS property database.



POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • Public-Private-Nonprofit cultural organizations




• Partnership with Aviation Heritage Foundation • Creation of a roundtable of existing business leaders and institutional uses in area to help drive interest in businesses • Relationships with Area College and Universities



NEIGHBORHOODS OF WEST DAYTON PARCEL INVENTORY, ANALYSIS AND PRIORITIZATION PHASE THREE: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES A few years ago, the City undertook a residential inventory as part of the HUD�s Neighborhood Stabilization program. However, conditions within the Greater West Dayton have continually changed. There are neighborhoods where the City had conducted these residential surveys where the neighborhood has stabilized. This was a direct result of the residential parcel survey that focused resources in order to purchase parcels, redevelop and/or infill with other residential units or made parcels available for the lot links program. A noted issue with the residential survey is that the City didn’t have the ability via staff resources or fiscal resources to create a database that allowed the tracking of the conditions of the parcel, and the improvements the City made that helped to stabilize the neighborhood. Additionally, because of the number of residential units, the City could not assess every street and neighborhood within the Greater West Dayton Area and continued attention is needed. Therefore, the City needs to set up a process for the continued assessment and tracking of residential parcels. The residential parcel identify should identify key residential parcels in the Greater West Dayton Area that needs to be redeveloped, infilled with other residential, used for lot links program, community garden, open space or recreation. The goal being that by the end of the redevelopment and revitalization phase and implementation of the plan, that all parcels have some identified action that has taken place and no further action is needed for residential parcels. By identifying these parcels and provide key options for redevelopment, the City can then access implementation dollars to realize the recommendations. Key areas where the City should focus the inventory include: Once these areas have been inventoried, the City should develop an action plan for prioritizing the inventory of the residential that have been identified for redevelopment and neighborhood stabilization.


The residential parcel identify should identify key residential parcels in the Greater West Dayton Area that needs to be redeveloped, infilled with other residential, used for lot links program, community garden, open space or recreation.





• Identification of all existing data sources from the City of Dayton, the State of Ohio, The Ohio State University, Sinclair College or other potential sources.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development

• Compile all data from all sources and build the base files of the GIS project. The City should determine whether this could be part of the existing GIS database created by Planning. The key here is the link the information through common parcel ID number or geospatially.

Partners: City Commission, City Manager, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, City of Dayton Department of Economic Development, City of Dayton Department of Public Works, City Planned Board, Business Owners, Property Owners, Developers, Residents

• Based on the available data, the City should determine what other information is needed. The information gathered should support the mission of redevelopment and development of underutilized and vacant parcels with Greater West Dayton.

RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work.

• The City should add additional fields to Planning’s GIS database. A suggested list of data is provided in the project description.

• Community volunteers, university students or City interns can be utilized to collect and input survey data.

• Create property survey to evaluate properties throughout entire area and survey the Economic Priority Area.

• Additional time and expertise will be needed from housing specialists and HUD funding program administrators.

• Input survey information into GIS, and map to show illustrative of results of the survey to help determine if further action is needed by Dayton.

• Budget each year or bi-annually to complete survey. Survey’s should be completed every five years in the area.

• After survey, determine if the City should purchase property, cleanup of property/demolition of structures and infrastructure, enroll in another program (lot links, down payment assistance, surplus sales), or let the market take care of the property. • As actions are taken on each property, no matter the action, documentation should be made in the GIS property database.







• Partnership with Priority Boards • Relationships with Area College and Universities CITY LED PROJECTS


THOROUGHFARE PLAN ADOPTION The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) is the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) responsible for long range transportation planning and the transportation improvement program (TIP) in the Dayton Area. Any project that will use federal funds – whether allocated to the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) or MVRPC, all needs to be included in the TIP. Any type of transportation improvement that is included in the TIP must be included in the long range plan as a matter of policy. MVRPC’s TIP rolls up to ODOT’s State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). The projects in the MRVPC’s TIP must be prioritized and include financial plans regarding the costs and benefits. The TIP illustrations that priority projects can reasonably anticipate full funding in the time period in which the project should be constructed. There are specific criteria developed for a variety of projects and that criteria will depend on whether projects confirm with Air Quality State Implementation Plans, not include significant capacity improvements unless the project is included in a congestion management process and provide opportunities for public input. Projects included in the TIP must be consistent with at least one area in comprehensive approaches to solving transportation problems. These key emphasis areas include: • maintenance and improved efficiency;

alternatives (TA) funds from ODOT. Typical STP projects including capacity and maintenance projects such as lane additions, resurfacing/ rehabilitation, safety upgrades, etc. Eligible CMAQ projects include should aim to reduce congestion and improve air quality including turn lane additions, traffic signal interconnects, bikeway and pedestrian projects, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), high occupancy vehicle lanes (HOV), new transit service, pedestrian access, intermodal facilities, rideshare/ozone action programs, etc. TA projects are consider transportation alternatives including on-road and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities and environmental mitigation; recreation trail program projects, safe routes to school project, etc. Any project that is submitted must meet the following federal criteria: • Support the economic vitality of the metropolitan area; • Increase safety; • Increase security; • Increase accessibility and mobility options for people in freight;

• congestion reduction;

• Protect the environment, conserve energy, and improve quality of life;

• coordination of transportation and land use planning;

• Enhance integration and connectivity of the transportation system;

• implementation of federal transportation control measures;

• Promote efficiency; and

• low cost operation; or

• Emphasize preservation of the existing transportation system.

• economically efficient improvements. In order to include a project in the TIP, MVRPC uses their own Program Policies and Procedures to evaluate, rank, select and program allocated federal highway funds, surface transportation funds (STP), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) improvement funds and transportation





• Transportation project must be included in Dayton’s thoroughfare plan and/or capital improvement program/transportation improvement program.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development

• Ensure project is compliant with the Regional Complete Streets Policy that was adopted on January 6, 2011.

Partners: City Commission, City Manager, Innerwest priority board, Southwest priority board, City of Dayton Department of Economic Development, City of Dayton Department of Public Works, General Public, MVRPC

• Determine whether the project goes outside the City’s jurisdiction and if so then partner with adjacent government. • Attend the MVRPC seminar to discuss the updated policies, procedures and criteria and receive the request for qualified member governments for new STP, CMAQ and TA projects. • Prepare applications. The application process opens September 10, 2013 and closes on October 10, 2013. The City of Dayton should plan early each year to identify which projects they want to submit and begin to prepare applications. • Secure resolution from Dayton City Commission permitting the submission of the application and detailing the priority of the project for their jurisdiction and committing Dayton to the local match to the federal funds. • Set up meetings with MVRPC staff to discuss project and begin to get buy in into selected projects.




• Department of Public Works should spearhead the identification and priority of projects and work with a working group from the Greater West Dayton area to priority all the key infrastructure projects eligible for MVRPC funding for this area. • Partnership with adjacent jurisdictions if the project is partially outside Dayton’s jurisdictional boundary



• When a project is selected and funding approval has been granted, Dayton staff overseeing the project will need to attend a bi-annual review meeting as established for MVRPC.



CORRIDOR WALKABILITY ASSESSMENT AND PRIORITIZATION A walkable community reaps economic and health benefits and is essential for prosporous neighborhoods. Citizens want active transportation options. Eighty-two percent of all trips are made within five miles of home, and Americans spend 75 minutes per day in their car (League of American Bicyclists, 2012). Almost 75 percent of Americans feel they currently have no choice but to drive as much as they do. Providing more transportation options can help us achieve the recommended levels of physical activity, while lowering pollution rates and increasing access to destinations like grocery stores, schools, jobs and health care. People can lead healthier more active lives if our communities are built for safe walking and biking. Therefore, it is recommended that the City of Dayton undertake a walkability assessment for the neighborhoods of West Dayton. This walkability assessment will allow City staff and area residents the opportunity to gather information about walkability and safety in their communities and neighborhoods. The assessment is used to identify both the pros and cons of safe walkable areas and will provide action steps that can be used to help City leaders and the residents themselves to address barriers in their neighborhood. It is recommended that the City utilize local residents or community groups to both assess the area and identify problems and future action steps.

During the walking tour of the road corridor, the group should note the condition of facilities, the locations of problem areas, as well as the character and perception of the area they are in. Key questions that should be answered along the walk include: • Did I have room to walk? • Was it easy to cross streets? • Was it easy to follow safety rules? • Was your walk pleasant? • Did drivers behave well? Following the walking assessment, the volunteer group should reconvene to map the challenges of each road corridor and the area immediately adjacent. Together the group should work to provide a series of action steps for each priority issue. The action steps should include short, mid and/ or long term strategies necessary to solve the problem, identify leadership (either City or volunteer) that will be responsible for tasks and a timeline to complete them.

Because there are numerous roadways, alleys, sidewalks and intersections within the West Dayton community, it is recommended that the walkability assessment be focused on the following roadways. • Third Street

• Hoover Road

• Gettysburg

• Oakridge Drive

• Germantown

• Broadway Road

• Edwin C. Moses

• Stewart Street

• James H. McGee In order to focus the efforts of the community group, it is recommended that the assessment be completed one corridor at a time.



ACTION ITEMS • Identify appropriate City staff to neighborhood walkability assessment.



• Identify community leaders, business owners, school staff, parents, community groups etc. and invite them to participate in the assessment. • Discuss the walkability assessment process with the volunteer group and together define the term ‘walkability’. • Together identify the major destination(s) along the corridor and together determine the best method of assessing the area. • Complete the walk along the corridor and to major destinations along the route. Take notice of the existing conditions, vehicular speed, level of comfort, location of trees, location of crosswalks, etc. • Following the walk return to the meeting facility and discuss with the group what was found. The Coty of Dayton should utilize worksheets, or hard copy surveys to best document the findings of community volunteers during the assessment.


Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: Office of the City Commission, City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Bike/ Walk Dayton Committee, Greater Dayton RTA, Dayton Public Schools, High education institutions (Sinclair Community College, University of Dayton, and private technical and trade colleges), Community institutions (churches, recreational facilities, health organizations), Local employers


RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Additional materials necessary include flipcharts, chalkboards, or whiteboards; clipboards, pens, markers, tape measures and cameras.


• Utilize the group’s findings to create a map of corridor walkability challenges. • Prioritize the corridor’s challenges. • Identify key action steps to address each pedestrian challenge. • Identify leadership (City or volunteer) to lead the specific action steps identified.

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Local chapters of AARP

• Dentify appropriate timelines for project/ action step completion.



PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BASED ON WALKABILITY ASSESSMENT PRIORITIES Based on the priorities and action steps outlines in the corridor walkability assessment, the City of Dayton should begin to amend capital improvement budgets and schedules to include the pedestrian improvement projects developed by the community. While the scope of these projects is unknown at this time they could range from new crosswalk paint to new pedestrian sidewalks in areas currently lacking facilities. While the assessment and prioritization exercises will develop a prioritized list of action items, it is recommended that the City of Dayton utilize their staff to identify potential costs, specific engineering recommendations and realistic timelines for implementation. It is also recommended that the City remain in constant contact with the community to provide ongoing updated regarding planned construction and improvements.

Pedestrian enhancement projects could include new concrete sidewalks and curbs, pedestrian crosswalks or improved ADA ramps.



ACTION ITEMS • Utilizing the outcome of the walkability assessment and prioritization exercise amend existing capital improvement budgets and project timelines to incorporate the area’s highest priorities. • Utilize Department of Engineering staff to identify project costs, material needs, construction methods and timelines. • Continue to provide project updates and information to the community groups involved in the walkability assessment by utilizing social media, newsletters or media outlets.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: Community-based organizations, school staff, business owners, parents and neighborhood youth.



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • The cost of each pedestrian improvement project would vary depending on the scope of work. City infrastructure and capital improvement budgets would need to be modified to account for additional project expenses that are not currently identified. • Pedestrian infrastructure should be maintained by the City, however no additional maintenance costs are necessary as a part of these projects.





SHARED USE PAVEMENT MARKINGS FOR EXISTING ON-STREET BICYCLE FACILITIES The bicycle continues to be a pivotal part of the City of Dayton’s vision for an active, vibrant economy, and engaging street life. A considerable percentage of West Dayton residents utilize pedestrian and bicycle facilities to run every day errands, commute to work, visit friends and neighbors, increase fitness, and have fun. It is vital to the future of the City that citizens are continuously provided the opportunity to choose bicycling as a cost-efficient, viable alternative to the automobile. It is recommended that the City of Dayton apply sharrows or shared lane markings to Gettysburg Avenue and Germantown Street to better identify the presence of bicycle traffic within the roadway. Sharrows or shared lane markings are made up of a bicycle symbol and two chevrons. They are used to indicate a shared lane environment where both bicycles and automobiles may be present. Currently Gettysburg Avenue and Germantown Street are included on the City of Dayton Bike Map and classified as “expert routes”. By incorporating sharrows, these established routes can be made more accessible to residents by increasing the awareness of bicycle activity in the right of way, as well as the providing an additional level of comfort for facility users. Given that the existing right of way of both Gettysburg Avenue and Germantown Street cannot accommodate dedicated bicycle lanes, the sharrows would allow for increased awareness and facility definition at little cost to the City.

It is necessary to first teach cyclists and motorists to share the road competently and correctly and should be a vital part of the community’s education program. One of the most common complaints from motorists is that bicyclists do not obey the traffic laws. While this cannot be said about most, it is important that bicyclists are aware of their responsibilities, the local traffic laws, and are not feeding into this common misconception. A second audience is school-aged children. This audience can be effectively educated through a strong Safe Routes to School program and other community-based educational initiatives. Engineers and planners who are building the roads and infrastructure are a third targeted education audience. Educating these professionals about the needs and requirements of cyclists is important to the successful development of a connected, viable bicycle network. Once trained, they often gain new appreciation for the complexities of street design and the challenges that cyclists face when such design considerations are not taken into account.

In addition to the physical changed to the Gettysburg Avenue and Germantown Street bicycle routes, the City of Dayton should provide a series of educational opportunities to provide information to targeted audiences on the new facilities, their intended use and what it means to motorists and bicyclists on the road.



The design of the sharrow should conform to the current MUTCD practice and should be placed in the center of the far east and west travel lanes along Gettysburg Avenue.

ACTION ITEMS • Work with the City’s department of engineering to identify appropriate spacing and locations for Gettysburg Avenue and Germantown Street sharrow pavement markings. • Purchase and install the thermoplastic pavement markings at regular intervals. • Provide educational materials on the new facilities, their purpose and how they should be used to churches, schools and residents by using newsletters, editorial pieces and media opportunities. • Provide ongoing citizen outreach per the City of Dayton 2025 Bicycle Action Plan • Include sharrow maintenance in ongoing City budgets. • Reclassify City of Dayton Bicycle Map routes as necessary based on usage, accidents, and user feedback.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: Bike/ Walk Dayton Committee



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Pavement markings will need to be purchased in order to complete this project. While the costs of the pavement markings is minimal City infrastructure and capital improvement budgets would need to be modified to account for the additional project expense that are not currently identified.


• Ongoing maintenance of the pavement markings will be needed.




ADDITION OF BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN AMENITIES AT KEY COMMUNITY LOCATIONS The materials and site furnishings used along the bicycle and pedestrian facilities are the most visible and lasting features users take from their experience. Perhaps more than any other element of the system, the site furnishings will “define” the character, look, and feel of the West Dayton corridors, and will provide the framework of the lasting impression one has of the experience. Recognizing this, it is recommended that a family of enhancements be designed/ chosen for use along the West Dayton corridors. The furnishings and amenities will form a cohesive character that will ultimately link the entire West Dayton bicycle and pedestrian system and will create a recognizable identity to the area. As with other standards along the roadway, the impacts of cost and maintenance have should also be considered. The pedestrian and bicycle amenities should seek to build upon readily available products with design enhancements that bring a unique flair to the community. This helps reduce some overall costs, while still elevating the roadway character and providing an experience unique West Dayton.

Seating is recommended at major destinations along all major roadways within the neighborhoods of West Dayton. A standard bench style should be used to support community consistency. Trash and recycling receptacles should also be placed alongside pedestrian seating. The placement of these facilities promotes a clean and maintained environment. Furnishing should be adaptable to a variety of situations and provide the City with an attractive, durable and efficient means for recycling and the disposal of litter. As a first priority, street furnishings should be placed at key commercial and employment nodes throughout the West Dayton community. The City can work with representatives from local businesses, employment centers and retail establishments to share the cost of material purchase and installation. Additionally long term maintenance of the furnishings can be shared by both parties. Following the establishment of the streetscape furnishings program, elements should be placed at community public facilities, including parks, recreation centers and transit stations as well as neighborhood schools and churches.

It is recommended that bicycle parking be provide at major destinations along Gettysburg Avenue, Germantown Street, Edwin C. Moses Boulevard and James H. McGee Boulevard. These corridors all have existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and are recommended for enhanced facilities as a part of this plan. Additionally, uniform bicycle racks should be placed at key destinations in areas immediately adjacent to these roadway corridors to promote connectivity throughout the community.



The site furnishings will “define” the character, look, and feel of the West Dayton corridors, and will provide the framework of the lasting impression one has of the experience.

ACTION ITEMS • Form an internal committee or small group to identify the design standards and furniture character for the West Dayton community. • Utilizing the small group and assigned City Staff, identify primary locations for bicycle and pedestrian furnishings. • Work with furnishing manufacturers to identify installation guidelines, material lead time and costs. • Work with private property owners, business owners, land developers, etc. to identify any cost sharing opportunities available. If opportunities exist, the City of Dayton should formalize agreements and responsibilities between all parties involved. • Include identified costs in City infrastructure budgets. • Identify initial furnishings order and purchase elements form a reputable manufacturer. It is recommended that additional furnishing inventory be kept on hand in the event of future replacement. • Utilize City of Dayton Department of Public Works staff to install and maintain street furnishings throughout the area.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: Office of the City Commission, City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Bike/ Walk Dayton Committee, Greater Dayton RTA



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Street furnishings will need to be purchased in order to complete this project. While the costs of the furnishings will vary, current City infrastructure and capital improvement budgets will need to be modified to account for the additional expense. • Ongoing maintenance of the furnishings will be needed.





INSTALL ADDITIONAL INTERSTATE AND STATE ROUTE WAYFINDING SIGNAGE The ability to navigate in and around a city is vitally important to its economic prosperity. Visitors and residents need to be able to orient, and find local and regional services and points of interest. While many tourism attractions and local facilities are identified outside of the neighborhoods of West Dayton, there is a clear lack of signage directing visitors and residents to notable points of interest within the community. Additionally, wayfinding signage to sites within Dayton and neighboring communities are not adequate within the Innerwest and Southwest neighborhoods. The community would greatly benefit from additional signage along the primary regional corridors, Interstate 75 and State Route 35. It is recommended that the City of Dayton work with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Ohio Tourist-oriented Direction Signs (TODS) Program and their manufacturers to identify and install additional signage to direct people to and through the neighborhoods of West Dayton. The Ohio TODS Program permits eligible tourist-oriented activities to be identified on directional signs established for the program. The signs are placed at conventional road and expressway at-grade intersections. Eligible sites need to meet the following criteria: • Must derive a major portion of its income or motorists during the normal business season from motorists not residing in the immediate area. • Hours of operation should be 8 hours per day, 5 days per week (one of which must be a Saturday or Sunday). • Attendance of at least 2,000 in 12 consecutive months. • It is not eligible to participate in the Logo Program. • Maximum distance of service from signed intersection is 10 miles. Additional wayfinding signage related to hospitals, local institutions and administration facilities should be discussed with representatives from ODOT’s central office.


Signage to the community’s primary tourism locations should be identified on all major thoroughfares. Additional City destinations should also be singed on major throughfares within the West Dayton neighborhoods.


ACTION ITEMS • Utilizing assigned City Staff, identify existing facilities not currently identified as a part of the existing State wayfinding system. • Classify potential facilities based on tourism activities. • For non-tourism activities and facilities work with the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Central Office to identify action steps, costs and implementation guidelines for area signage. • For tourism activities and facilities work with representatives from ODOT’s central office and representatives from Ohio’s TODS Program to identify eligible attraction and facilities and appropriate action steps for installation.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio Tourist-oriented Direction Signs Program



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • While approved signs will be installed within the State right-of-way, the costs for material and installation can be the responsibility of the City. While working through the action steps with ODOT and representatives from TODS, specific City costs need to be identified and accounted for in infrastructure budgets.


• Ongoing funding could be required as a part of the signage program.




WEST THIRD STREET RECONSTRUCTION (EDWIN C. MOSES BOULEVARD TO GETTYSBURG AVENUE) West Third Street is currently the primary east-west route through Greater West Dayton. The five lane road corridor provides direct links to downtown, the Wright-Dunbar Business District, the Dayton Aviation National Park, Westown Shopping Center, the RTA Transit Center, and the National Military Cemetery. Third Street is also a main access point and route for several churches, schools, parks and community facilities. The West Third Street corridor represents an opportunity to transform a distressed, inner-city neighborhood currently dominated by vacant and abandoned homes into a thriving community. Currently West Third Street has the greatest number of vacant and abandoned parcels and facilities and provides the greatest opportunity for visual change within the West Dayton community. Because of the importance, prominence and potential of West Third Street it is recommended that the roadway be redesigned and reconstructed to include the following: • Travel Lanes. The road should be comprised of four travel lanes and should be a minimum of 11’ in width and be designed, constructed and marked per current City of Dayton standards. • Central raised median. It is recommended that the central free flowing turn lane be changed over to a raised central median to assist with access management along the roadway and to provide an additional aesthetic opportunity for the area. The central median should be a minimum of 10’ in width and bounded on either side by new concrete curbs. The central median should be transitioned to a left turn lane at major intersections along Third Street. • Concrete curbs. Concrete curbs shall be a minimum of 6” in width and height and should be designed and constructed per current City of Dayton standards. • Shared Use Path. The shared use path should located along the North side of the road and be a minimum of 10’ in width. The path should be separated from the roadway by a tree lawn.


The materials applied to this shared us path should be of a higher end and provide a visual distinction. • Tree Lawns. Tree lawn buffers should be located along both sides of roadway. Buffers should be a minimum of 6’ feet in width and be consistent along the roadway. • Pedestrian Sidewalks. Pedestrian sidewalk shall be a minimum of 6’ width and should be continuous along the South side of the roadway. Sidewalk should be designed and constructed per the current City of Dayton standards. • Underground utilities. As the roadway is reconstructed (either in phases or as a whole) it is recommended that the City of Dayton attempt to bury all applicable utilities within the right-of-way. Efforts may be needed to relocate existing utilities to make accommodations for utility burial. • Street lighting. As the roadway is reconstructed new street lighting should be placed along the corridor. Ornamental features should be applied to this corridor to provide additional lasting character. Decorative banners and signage should be incorporated to the roadway as well. • Landscape treatments. Within the central median it is recommended that appropriate street trees be spaced in regular groves of three to four trees. In addition to the trees, evergreen shrubs, ornamental grasses and native perennials should be included to given the median an aesthetic appeal. Street trees should also be placed at regular intervals within the tree lawn along both sides of the corridor. These additional plantings will help create and enhance the aesthetics along the roadway. • Pedestrian crosswalks. At all major intersections new pedestrian crosswalks should be defined and marked using standard thermoplastic markings. Pedestrian markings should be done to meet current City of Dayton and MUTCD standards.









Because of the importance, prominence and potential of West Third Street it is recommended that the roadway be redesigned and reconstructed to include the items shown in the illustrative cross section.



WEST THIRD STREET RECONSTRUCTION (EDWIN C. MOSES BOULEVARD TO GETTYSBURG AVENUE) In order to implement this proposed cross section, additional right of way or temporary access right of way may be required. It is recommended that when undertaking this design and construction process that the City of Dayton work to complete a preliminary engineering/ schematic design document to address the existing condition of the roadway, identify corridor character and preliminary design intent, identify anticipated right-of-way needs and access points and outline specific costs of the project.

ACTION ITEMS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Secure funding for preliminary design engineering phase of the roadway project.


The preliminary engineering/ schematic design report findings will then be used to complete the design, construction documentation and specifications necessary for the project. The City of Dayton will also be able to use this information to begin conversations with adjacent property owners in regards to securing right-of-way, access and anticipated changes to the area’s transportation movements, public service amenities and any anticipated road closures as a part of the project.

• Publish an RFP for the preliminary design and engineering of the West Third Street roadway reconstruction project.

During this design and construction phases, it is recommended that the City of Dayton continually engage the neighborhoods adjacent to West Third Street by way of newsletters, mailers, media outlets and public signage.

• Work with constant to prepare a schematic design and preliminary engineering package that includes information on corridor design intent, preliminary construction details denoting intended method and design, utility relocation plans, preliminary demolition plan, preliminary maintenance of traffic plan and a community outreach plan.

• Finalize a contract with a consulting firm to assist in the development of preliminary design and construction documents.

• Work with consultant team to identify necessary design and budget adjustments. • Depending on estimates and City budgets, identify project phases and implementation timelines for the West Third Street roadway project. If a phased project approach is necessary the following steps can be repeated for each phase of construction. • Secure funding for final design and engineering documents. • Publish an RFP for the final design, engineering and construction inspection of the West Third Street roadway reconstruction project.





• Finalize a contract with a consulting firm to assist in the development of final design and construction documents.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works

• Work with constant to prepare a final design and engineering package that includes information on corridor design, planting plans, construction details, utility relocation plans, demolition plan, and maintenance of traffic plan, material specifications and a final construction estimate.

Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, West Third Street adjacent residents and property owners, Wright Dunbar Inc.

• Work with consultant team to analyze and accept a contractor bid for the roadway reconstruction work. • Oversee construction work with consultant assistance. • Provide ongoing community outreach regarding project. Advertise project milestones, delays or changes to keep residents aware of the progress. • Quantify ongoing maintenance costs and include them in City budgets and maintenance plans.




• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist the design and engineering plans and specifications would require additional costs. • Material costs for project and installation costs from general and sub-contractors.


• Ongoing costs will need to be included in City budgets to account for area maintenance.

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Tax Increment Financial District Dollars • Fundraising for specific infrastructure costs • Public-Private partnership to fund match for projects.



GETTYSBURG AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION (JAMES H. MCGEE BOULEVARD TO GUTHRIE ROAD) Gettysburg Avenue is currently the primarily north-south route through Greater West Dayton and provides access to The Veterans Administration Medical Center, the Monday Correctional Institute and Westown Shopping Center. In addition Gettysburg Avenue is a major transportation route for some of the area’s top employers including Sugar Creek Packaging, and Waste Management of Stoney Hollow. The corridor also provides direct access to several local parks and public schools. Because of the importance and prominence of Gettysburg Avenue it is recommended that the roadway be redesigned and reconstructed to include the following: • Four travel lanes. Travel lanes shall be a minimum of 11’ in width and be designed, constructed and marked per current City of Dayton standards. • Reconstructed central raised median. The central median should be a minimum of 9’ in width and bounded on either side by new concrete curbs. Some areas of Gettysburg Avenue currently have a raised median and in those instances the existing median will just be further enhanced. For areas of the corridor that do not currently have a central median, it is recommended that the free flowing central turn lane be removed and replaced with the central median. • Two dedicated bicycle lanes striped and marked per current MUTCD standards. Bicycle lane should be a minimum of 5’ in width. • New concrete curbs. Concrete curbs shall be a minimum of 6” in width and height and should be designed and constructed per current City of Dayton standards.

• Pedestrian sidewalk along the West side of the roadway. Pedestrian sidewalk should be designed and constructed per the current City of Dayton standards. • Underground utilities. As the roadway is reconstructed (either in phases or as a whole) it is recommended that the City of Dayton attempt to bury all applicable utilities within the right-of-way. Efforts may be needed to relocate existing utilities to make accommodations for utility burial. • Street lighting. As the roadway is reconstructed new street lighting should be placed along the corridor. Ornamental features can be applied to this corridor to provide additional lasting character. The decision to utilize an ornamental light versus a standard light will certainly be at an additional cost • Landscape treatments. Within the central median it is recommended that appropriate street trees be spaced in regular groves of three to four trees. In addition to the trees, evergreen shrubs, ornamental grasses and native perennials should be included to given the median an aesthetic appeal. Street trees should also be placed at regular intervals within the tree lawn along the West side of the corridor. These additional plantings will help create and enhance the aesthetics along the roadway. • Pedestrian crosswalks. At all major intersections new pedestrian crosswalks should be defined and marked using standard thermoplastic markings. Pedestrian markings should be done to meet current City of Dayton and MUTCD standards.

• Shared use path along East side of the roadway. Shared use path should be a minimum of 10’ in width and be immediately adjacent to the roadway curb. • Tree lawn buffer along West side of roadway. Buffer should be a minimum of five feet in width and be consistent along the roadway.












Because of the importance and prominence of Gettysburg Avenue it is recommended that the roadway be redesigned and reconstructed to include the items shown in the illustrative cross section.



GETTYSBURG AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION (JAMES H. MCGEE BOULEVARD TO GUTHRIE ROAD) In order to implement this proposed cross section, additional right of way or temporary access right of way may be required. It is recommended that when undertaking this design and construction process that the City of Dayton work to complete a preliminary engineering/ schematic design document to address the existing condition of the roadway, identify corridor character and preliminary design intent, identify anticipated right-of-way needs and access points and outline specific costs of the project.

ACTION ITEMS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Secure funding for preliminary design engineering phase of the roadway project.


The preliminary engineering/ schematic design report findings will then be used to complete the design, construction documentation and specifications necessary for the project. The City of Dayton will also be able to use this information to begin conversations with adjacent property owners in regards to securing right-of-way, access and anticipated changes to the area’s transportation movements, public service amenities and any anticipated road closures as a part of the project.

• Publish an RFP for the preliminary design and engineering of the Gettysburg Avenue roadway reconstruction project. (As applicable)

During this design and construction phases, it is recommended that the City of Dayton continually engage the neighborhoods adjacent to Gettysburg Avenue by way of newsletters, mailers, media outlets and public signage.

• Work with constant to prepare a schematic design and preliminary engineering package that includes information on corridor design intent, preliminary construction details denoting intended method and design, utility relocation plans, preliminary demolition plan, preliminary maintenance of traffic plan and a community outreach plan. (As applicable)

• Finalize a contract with a consulting firm to assist in the development of preliminary design and construction documents. (As applicable)

• Work with consultant team to identify necessary design and budget adjustments. (As applicable) • Depending on estimates and City budgets, identify project phases and implementation timelines for the Gettysburg Avenue roadway project. If a phased project approach is necessary the following steps can be repeated for each phase of construction. • Secure funding for final design and engineering documents. • Publish an RFP for the final design, engineering and construction inspection of the Gettysburg Avenue roadway reconstruction project. (As applicable)



STAKEHOLDERS • Finalize a contract with a consulting firm to assist in the development of final design and construction documents. (As applicable) • Work with constant to prepare a final design and engineering package that includes information on corridor design, planting plans, construction details, utility relocation plans, demolition plan, and maintenance of traffic plan, material specifications and a final construction estimate. (As applicable) • Work with consultant team to analyze and accept a contractor bid for the roadway reconstruction work. • Oversee construction work with consultant assistance. • Provide ongoing community outreach regarding project. Advertise project milestones, delays or changes to keep residents aware of the progress. • Quantify ongoing maintenance costs and include them in City budgets and maintenance plans.


Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Gettysburg Avenue adjacent residents and property owners



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist the design and engineering plans and specifications would require additional costs. • Material costs for project and installation costs from general and sub-contractors.


• Ongoing costs will need to be included in City budgets to account for area maintenance.

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Tax Increment Financial District Dollars • Fund-raising for specific infrastructure costs • Public-Private partnership to fund match for projects.



GERMANTOWN STREET RECONSTRUCTION (EDWIN C. MOSES BOULEVARD TO GETTYSBURG AVENUE) decision to utilize an ornamental light versus a standard light will certainly be at an additional cost

Germantown Street currently parallels Third Street, to an extent, and provides an east-west connection south of US 35. The four lane corridor provides connections to the Dayton Metro Library, the Dayton Job Corps Center, Mound Street Academy and Central State University. Germantown Street also provides vital pedestrian and bicycle connections throughout the southern parts of the community.

• Landscape treatments. Within the tree lawn it is recommended that appropriate street trees be placed at regular intervals along both sides of the corridor.

Because of the connectivity the Germantown Street corridor provides, it is recommended that the roadway be redesigned and reconstructed to include the following:

• Pedestrian crosswalks. At all major intersections new pedestrian crosswalks should be defined and marked using standard thermoplastic markings. Pedestrian markings should be done to meet current City of Dayton and MUTCD standards.

• Four travel lanes. Travel lanes shall be a minimum of 11’ in width and be designed, constructed and marked per current City of Dayton standards. • Two dedicated bicycle lanes striped and marked per current MUTCD standards. Bicycle lane should be a minimum of 5’ in width. • New concrete curbs. Concrete curbs shall be a minimum of 6” in width and height and should be designed and constructed per current City of Dayton standards. • Tree lawn buffer along both sides of roadway. Buffer should be a minimum of eight feet in width and be consistent along the roadway. • Pedestrian sidewalks along both sides of the roadway. Pedestrian sidewalks should be a minimum of six feet and should be designed and constructed per the current City of Dayton standards. • Underground utilities. As the roadway is reconstructed (either in phases or as a whole) it is recommended that the City of Dayton attempt to bury all applicable utilities within the right-of-way. Efforts may be needed to relocate existing utilities to make accommodations for utility burial. • Street lighting. As the roadway is reconstructed new street lighting should be placed along the corridor. Ornamental features can be applied to this corridor to provide additional lasting character. The











Because of the connectivity the Germantown Street corridor provides it is recommended that the roadway be redesigned and reconstructed to include the items shown in the illustrative cross section.



GERMANTOWN STREET RECONSTRUCTION (EDWIN C. MOSES BOULEVARD TO GETTYSBURG AVENUE) In order to implement this proposed cross section, additional right of way or temporary access right of way may be required. It is recommended that when undertaking this design and construction process that the City of Dayton work to complete a preliminary engineering/ schematic design document to address the existing condition of the roadway, identify corridor character and preliminary design intent, identify anticipated right-of-way needs and access points and outline specific costs of the project.

ACTION ITEMS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Secure funding for preliminary design engineering phase of the roadway project.


The preliminary engineering/ schematic design report findings will then be used to complete the design, construction documentation and specifications necessary for the project. The City of Dayton will also be able to use this information to begin conversations with adjacent property owners in regards to securing right-of-way, access and anticipated changes to the area’s transportation movements, public service amenities and any anticipated road closures as a part of the project.

• Publish an RFP for the preliminary design and engineering of the Germantown Street roadway reconstruction project. (As applicable)

During this design and construction phases, it is recommended that the City of Dayton continually engage the neighborhoods adjacent to Germantown Street by way of newsletters, mailers, media outlets and public signage.

• Work with constant to prepare a schematic design and preliminary engineering package that includes information on corridor design intent, preliminary construction details denoting intended method and design, utility relocation plans, preliminary demolition plan, preliminary maintenance of traffic plan and a community outreach plan. (As applicable)

• Finalize a contract with a consulting firm to assist in the development of preliminary design and construction documents. (As applicable)

• Work with consultant team to identify necessary design and budget adjustments. (As applicable) • Depending on estimates and City budgets, identify project phases and implementation timelines for the Germantown Street roadway project. If a phased project approach is necessary the following steps can be repeated for each phase of construction. • Secure funding for final design and engineering documents. • Publish an RFP for the final design, engineering and construction inspection of the Germantown Street roadway reconstruction project. (As applicable)



STAKEHOLDERS • Finalize a contract with a consulting firm to assist in the development of final design and construction documents. (As applicable) • Work with constant to prepare a final design and engineering package that includes information on corridor design, planting plans, construction details, utility relocation plans, demolition plan, and maintenance of traffic plan, material specifications and a final construction estimate. (As applicable) • Work with consultant team to analyze and accept a contractor bid for the roadway reconstruction work. (As applicable) • Oversee construction work with consultant assistance. • Provide ongoing community outreach regarding project. Advertise project milestones, delays or changes to keep residents aware of the progress. • Quantify ongoing maintenance costs and include them in City budgets and maintenance plans.


Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Germantown Street adjacent residents and property owners



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist in the design and engineering plans and specifications would require additional costs. • Material costs for project and installation costs from general and sub-contractors.


• Ongoing costs will need to be included in City budgets to account for area maintenance.

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Tax Increment Financial District Dollars • Fund-raising for specific infrastructure costs • Public-Private partnership to fund match for projects.



EDWIN C. MOSES BOULEVARD ENHANCEMENTS (WEST THIRD STREET TO BROADWAY STREET) Currently the Edwin C. Moses Boulevard corridor provides safe and efficient access to Kindred Hospital, St. Elizabeth Medical Center the Ponitz Career Center the Montgomery County Job Center and University of Dayton’s Welcome Stadium and Arena as well as numerous residential homes. The Edwin C. Moses Boulevard was included in the original Olmsted Plan for the City of Dayton and includes many of the design components including a wide central median and open land banks along the river corridor. While the corridor does include some tree plantings, there are numerous stretches within the central median and along the river bank that could accommodate additional plantings to further enhance the road corridor. It is recommended that within the existing raised median, efforts should be made to provide street trees spaced in regular groves of three to four trees. In addition to the trees, evergreen shrubs, ornamental grasses and native perennials should be included to given the median an aesthetic appeal. These planting masses should be placed throughout the median at regular intervals to achieve a natural, yet formal planting scheme fitting to the adjacent development and treatment along the Miami River. Additional ornamental plants can be placed at key intersections or locations along the corridor to add additional visual interest.


Additional plantings can also be added along the outside of the roadway corridor. These additional plantings will help create and enhance the existing attempts at visual buffering and aesthetics along the hospital, University of Dayton arena, county facilities and the riverbed itself. While there are few undeveloped parcels of land, the City of Dayton has the opportunity to work with existing property owners to plant additional vegetation both within the public right of way and on private land. It is recommended that these areas be planted and maintained in partnership with Kindred Hospital, St. Elizabeth Medical Center, the Ponitz Career Center and the University of Dayton. In addition to planting applications, it is recommended that pedestrian facilities be included and enhanced as necessary per the findings of the Walkability Assessment and Prioritization Project.


ACTION ITEMS • Identify in planting design can be performed by City staff or if an outside consultant needs to be hired to complete the project. • Prepare a preferred planting palette applicable to City owned streets and boulevards. Plantings should take into account final size, shape, hardiness, condition, pest and disease resistance, soil type and condition and potential urban stress constraints. • Using the preferred plant palette, design a planting plan for the Edwin C. Moses Boulevard corridor and adjacent riparian buffer. Planting plans should include, layout, spacing, plant species, size and installation methods. • Identify potential costs associated with planting installation and ongoing maintenance. • Work with areas residents and business owners to share in the costs and maintenance of the plantings. If opportunities exist, the City of Dayton should formalize agreements and responsibilities between all parties involved. • Install plants on a corridor wide basis and monitor the health and condition of the plantings after installation.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Montgomery County Department of Community and Economic Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Edwin C. Moses Boulevard adjacent residents, Kindred Hospital, St. Elizabeth Medical Center, The Ponitz Career Center, University of Dayton


RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist the planting plans and specifications would require additional costs. • Material costs for trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses, and mulch and installation labor.


• Ongoing costs will need to be included in City budgets to account for material replacement, regular weeding and watering and area cleanup.

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Tax Increment Financial District Dollars • Fund-raising for specific infrastructure costs • Public-Private partnership to fund match for projects.



JAMES H. MCGEE BOULEVARD ENHANCEMENTS (GETTYSBURG AVENUE TO GERMANTOWN STREET) The James H. McGee Boulevard corridor currently provides safe and efficient access to numerous residential neighborhoods, the Adventure Central at Wesleyan Park and the Dayton Public Schools Administration Building. While the corridor is one of the few in the area to boast the design intent of Olmsted’s master plan, it currently lacks the additional aesthetic treatments needed to create a green oasis in the community. This corridor provides numerous opportunities for enhanced greenspace, aesthetic treatments and enhanced pedestrian and bicycle facilities. It is recommended that the City of Dayton apply additional aesthetic treatments in the forms of new street lights, aesthetic tree plantings and enhanced riparian corridor plantings. Within the existing raised median, efforts should be made to provide street trees spaced in irregular groves of three to four trees. In addition to the trees, evergreen shrubs, ornamental grasses and native perennials should be included to given the median an aesthetic appeal. These planting masses should be placed throughout the median at irregular intervals to achieve a natural planting scheme fitting to the adjacent riparian buffer following Wolf Creek. Additional ornamental plants can be placed at key intersections or locations along the corridor to add additional visual interest.


Along the Wolf Creek corridor, it is recommended that additional plantings and maintenance efforts be undertaken to enhance and protect the existing riparian plantings. Ongoing efforts should be made to minimize the presence of invasive plant material, and when needed additional plants should be added to the area to stabilize the plantings. Additional plantings can also be added along the residential side of the corridor. There are several pockets of undeveloped land that when enhanced with trees and understory vegetation would serve as visual buffers for the adjacent residential development. It is recommended that these areas be planted and maintained in partnership with local neighborhood groups and associations. In addition to planting applications, it is recommended that pedestrian facilities be included and enhanced as necessary per the findings of the Walkability Assessment and Prioritization Project.


ACTION ITEMS • Identify in planting design can be performed by City staff or if an outside consultant needs to be hired to complete the project. • Prepare a preferred planting palette applicable to City owned streets and boulevards. Plantings should take into account final size, shape, hardiness, condition, pest and disease resistance, soil type and condition and potential urban stress constraints. • Using the preferred plant palette, design a planting plan for the James H. McGee Boulevard corridor and adjacent riparian buffer. Planting plans should include, layout, spacing, plant species, size and installation methods. • Identify potential costs associated with planting installation and ongoing maintenance. • Work with areas residents and business owners to share in the costs and maintenance of the plantings. If opportunities exist, the City of Dayton should formalize agreements and responsibilities between all parties involved. • Install plants on a corridor wide basis and monitor the health and condition of the plantings after installation.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, James H. McGee Boulevard adjacent residents and property owners, Dayton Public Schools, Community churches, Community residents



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist the planting plans and specifications would require additional costs. • Material costs for trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses, and mulch and installation labor. • Ongoing costs will need to be included in City budgets to account for material replacement, regular weeding and watering and area cleanup.


POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Tax Increment Financial District Dollars • Fund-raising for specific infrastructure costs • Public-Private partnership to fund match for projects.



SECONDARY ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION (HOOVER ROAD, OAKRIDGE DRIVE, BROADWAY STREET, STEWART STREET) While the primary local road corridors provide access to numerous regional and community assets, the secondary road system serves as the day to day system for many Greater West Dayton residents. The secondary local road corridors have been identified as those that provide connections to neighborhood assets such as public schools, libraries, public parks and churches. These roadways include all or portions of Hoover Road, Oakridge Drive, Broadway Street and Stewart Street. While these roads currently provide safe and efficient access for residents and local traffic, it is recommended that overtime they are reconstructed to include the following: • Dedicated parking spaces along one side of the roadway. Depending on the roadway and traffic needs, the location of the parking may change, but the design should accommodate on street parking by constructing vegetated bumpouts along the roadway to provide delineated space for parked vehicles. • Stormwater planters. Within the design of the parking bumpouts it is recommended that the City of Dayton use these spaces to investigate the benefits of green infrastructure within the right of way. These planting areas can be easily designed to capture and clean stormwater runoff from the surrounding area. The proposed street modifications will be a project of reasonable scale so implementing a new, pilot piece of infrastructure would be best suited for the situation.

• Street lighting. As the roadway is reconstructed new street lighting should be placed along the corridor. Ornamental features can be applied to this corridor to provide additional lasting character. The decision to utilize an ornamental light versus a standard light will certainly be at an additional cost • Landscape treatments. Within the tree lawn it is recommended that appropriate street trees be placed at regular intervals along both sides of the corridor. • Pedestrian crosswalks. At all major intersections new pedestrian crosswalks should be defined and marked using standard thermoplastic markings. Pedestrian markings should be done to meet current City of Dayton and MUTCD standards. There are numerous secondary roadways within the West Dayton community. Due to the location, and connectivity opportunities of Hoover Road, Oakridge Drive, Broadway Street and Stewart Street, we recommend that enhancements be applied to these corridors first. It is recommended that the City of Dayton prioritize these roadways based on available funding, design requirements and community support.

• New concrete curbs. Concrete curbs shall be a minimum of 6” in width and height and should be designed and constructed per current City of Dayton standards. • Tree lawn buffer along both sides of roadway. Buffer should be a minimum of eight feet in width and be consistent along the roadway. • Pedestrian sidewalks along both sides of the roadway. Pedestrian sidewalks should be a minimum of six feet and should be designed and constructed per the current City of Dayton standards.









While these roads currently provide safe and efficient access for residents and local traffic, it is recommended that overtime they are reconstructed to include the items shown in the illustrative cross section.



SECONDARY ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION (HOOVER ROAD, OAKRIDGE DRIVE, BROADWAY STREET, STEWART STREET) In order to implement this proposed cross section, no additional right of way will be required. However it is recommended that the City of Dayton complete a preliminary engineering/ schematic design report for the chosen road to address the existing condition of the roadway, identify corridor character and preliminary design intent, identify anticipated right-of-way needs and access points and outline specific costs of the project. The preliminary engineering/ schematic design report findings will be used to complete the design, construction documentation and specifications necessary for the project. The City of Dayton will also be able to use this information to begin conversations with adjacent property owners in regards to securing right-of-way, access and anticipated changes to the area’s transportation movements, public service amenities and any anticipated road closures as a part of the project. During this design and construction phases, it is recommended that the City of Dayton continually engage the neighborhoods adjacent to chosen corridor by way of newsletters, mailers, media outlets and public signage.

ACTION ITEMS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • City staff should prioritize the roadways based on available funding, design requirements and community support. Once a primary corridor has been identified, appropriate timelines should be created to account for the remaining roadway projects. • Secure funding for preliminary design engineering phase of the roadway project.


• Work to prepare a schematic design and preliminary engineering package that includes information on corridor design intent, preliminary construction details denoting intended method and design, preliminary demolition plan, preliminary maintenance of traffic plan and a community outreach plan. • Work to identify necessary design and budget adjustments. • Depending on estimates and City budgets, identify project phases and implementation timelines for the roadway project. If a phased project approach is necessary the following steps can be repeated for each phase of construction. • Secure funding for final design and engineering documents. • Work to prepare a final design and engineering package that includes information on corridor design, planting plans, construction details, demolition plan, and maintenance of traffic plan, material specifications and a final construction estimate.



STAKEHOLDERS • Work to analyze and accept a contractor bid for the roadway reconstruction work.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works

• Oversee construction work. • Provide ongoing community outreach regarding project. Advertise project milestones, delays or changes to keep residents aware of the progress.

Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Germantown Street adjacent residents and property owners

• Quantify ongoing maintenance costs and include them in City budgets and maintenance plans.




• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist in the design and engineering plans and specifications would require additional costs. • Material costs for project and installation costs from general and sub-contractors.


• Ongoing costs will need to be included in City budgets to account for area maintenance.

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Tax Increment Financial District Dollars • Fund-raising for specific infrastructure costs • Public-Private partnership to fund match for projects.



IMPLEMENT A COMPREHENSIVE SIGNAGE AND WAYFINDING SYSTEM The ability to navigate a city is vitally important to its economic prosperity. Visitors to a community need to be able to orient, find local services and points of interest, and feel that they can safely travel to their destination by whatever mode (transit, automotive, bicycle or pedestrian) selected. It is recommended that the City of Dayton implement a coordinated and comprehensive graphic signage and wayfinding system throughout the neighborhoods of West Dayton to serve as a framework for implementing an attractive and effective sign system that directs drivers, riders and pedestrian to key destinations within the West Dayton neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Development of a comprehensive graphic signage and wayfinding system will assist to better guide automobile, pedestrian and bike traffic through the neighborhoods of West Dayton and enhance the sense of place and character of the community. As a part of a comprehensive signage and wayfinding plan, the system will recommend strategic locations for sign panels at key entry points into and around the neighborhoods of West Dayton. Additionally identified key points of interest or significant attractions will be identified. The system should be used to create and enhance the “sense of place” of the West Dayton community, making the area more memorable to residents and visitors and to inform the users of the system. The wayfinding signage plan should include information on achievable goals, strategic signage objectives and design principles. Existing conditions of the area should be documented and include existing signage, existing character, key community amenities, facilities and destinations. This information should be used to design a system that is both flexible and expansive and incorporates a broad array of signage elements. The plan should also include detailed drawings of proposed signage elements and a cost estimate for each sign type. Following the design information, the plan should include specific implementation and phasing recommendations to account for site placement, funding, construction and manufacturing and ongoing maintenance.



KEY MILESTONES While the neighborhoods of West Dayton cannot currently support a Wayfinding and Signage system we recommend that one be undertaken when the following milestones have been met. • Establishment of a community brand and identity • Establishment and implementation of regional direction signage to area facilities and amenities. • Identification and establishment of community gateways. • Establishment and stabilization of tourism attractions in the community. • Establish and stabilization of tourism support facilities (shops, restaurants, parking facilities etc.) in the community. • Adequate vehicular and pedestrian routes to community gateways and community tourism attractions.

STAKEHOLDERS Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Public Works Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board



• Hire a consulting firm that specializes in comprehensive wayfinding signage plans, signage design, manufacturing and fabrication and installation.

• Conceptualize the design of the wayfinding signage system. Elements should include gateway markers, directional signage at a vehicular and pedestrian scale, street signage and ground monument signs.

• Identify specific goals related to the community and the needs for wayfinding signage.

• Finalize the design of the wayfinding system utilizing the skill set of signage manufacturers and fabricators. Design specifications on final materials, colors, and construction methods should be included in the final design.

• Preform an assessment of existing wayfinding signage in the identified area. The assessment should contain information on the architectural character of existing signage, areas lacking signage, areas needing consolidation of signage, etc. • Conduct a signage and wayfinding survey. The survey should be conducted to assess visions and goals of the community. • Identify design inspirations, character elements, colors etc. These items will help inform the final design of the signage and wayfinding elements.

RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist the City will vary in cost depending on project scope, timeline and the regional economy. It is recommended that as community milestones are met, the City begin discussions with reputable design firms to best identify the specific steps, scope of work and potential project costs.


• Complete a preliminary location plan to document the proposed location of each wayfinding signage system element. • Finalize cost estimates for wayfinding signage system elements. • Complete a phased implementation plan for the identified area. • Include the costs and implementation deliverables in City budgets and future improvement plans.


POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Tax Increment Financial District Dollars • Public-Private partnership to fund match for projects.



CONDUCT A CITY WIDE BRAND AUDIT Prior to creating and implementing a visual community campaign for the neighborhoods of West Dayton it is recommended that the City of Dayton undergo a Citywide brand audit. Currently the City uses multiple visual brands to communicate information on the healthy and stability of the City, neighborhoods and community districts. Before adding an additional visual look to the City, it is recommended that each brand be reviewed to ensure the original intent and goal of the program is still being met, and if new goals and objectives can be reached with the introduction or modification of new visual brands. The brand audit will assist in providing a comprehensive overview of the purpose and health of all City brands.



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Retain the services of a consultant to assist in the Citywide brand audit. • Working with the consultant, analyze each City brand to determine it’s relevance, value and recognition within the community. • Working with the consultant, identify existing City brands that can remain the same, be eliminated, or modified. Also, identify areas within the City that could benefit from additional brands, or areas that can be included in existing community brands.


STAKEHOLDERS Lead Organization: City of Dayton office of the City Manager Partners: All City Departments currently utilizing a visual brand

RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist in the brand audit process.





PREPARE AND IMPLEMENT ONGOING COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS During this planning study, a public process was used to engage residents and businesses. It will be important, that as the area continues with its redevelopment that residents and businesses are provided a forum to learn about the changes and provide feedback and input. After all, successful redevelopment happens when you have the City, the residents of an area and businesses all supporting and engaged in redevelopment of the area. Some of the recommendations and projects will require support from the public and a partnership with them. It is recommended that the City continue to have ongoing dialogues with the community through informative presentations and outreach open house sessions to build community support, create buy in and build momentum for the recommendations in this plan. In order to facilitate these presentations, it is recommended that the City of Dayton prepare a canned presentation including the history or the area, the planning process, the existing assets of the area, development recommendations and identified next steps. Speaking points should also be developed to accompany the presentation. Once completed, this presentation can be used by City staff, community leaders and community advocates to continue spreading the story of redevelopment and change to the neighborhoods. This presentation can be accompanies by additional communication tools such as brochures, a community website and dedicated social media outlets.



• Prepare a digital presentation and speaking points that summarizes the neighborhoods, the challenges and the recommendations from this planning study. • Identify neighborhood champions and task them with presenting the presentation at local organizations, City meetings and other identified agencies. • Continue to update the presentation and speaking points to include projects completed to date and other upcoming action items.


STAKEHOLDERS Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Economic Development Partners: Neighborhood champions such as business owners, organization leaders and local neighborhood stakeholders


RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work.




DEVELOP AND UTILIZE COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN SUPPORTING MATERIALS DIRECTED AT OUTSIDE FORCES During this planning study, a public process was used to engage community organizations, local business owners and community stakeholders. It will be important, that as the area continues with its redevelopment that these stakeholders be provided a forum to learn about the changes and provide feedback and input. These groups and individuals will be key in the progression of the community because they will support, invest-in and create change within these neighborhoods. Some of the recommendations and projects will require support from the public and a partnership with them. It is recommended that the City develop a series of tools directed to communications and envisioning assets and opportunities within the Greater West Dayton neighborhoods.

Communication/Crisis Strategy: A communications strategy is a detailed plan for a period of time, that carefully identifies what, when and how information about projects, initiatives, and development are presented to the public. It should address criteria for media engagement. The development of these supporting materials should graphically match the visual vocabulary prepared earlier in the Community Campaign process. Additionally they should be updated on a regular basis to keep pace with new development, redevelopment and other community initiatives.

In order to facilitate the creation of these tools, it is recommended that the City of Dayton prepare the following tactical and fact based information platforms to present value for WHY investment should occur in the area FOR maximum economic impact for both the investor and the community. It is recommended that the City focus on the creation of the following: Vision Brochure: A prospectus for potential investors. This brochure presents assets, amenities and potential projects that will attract investors. This should be a formally designed document used for distribution by the City Departments and other Community organizations focused on Economic Development. Project Website: A project website is an on-line, updateable version of the Vision Brochure. It will present up-to-date information on the changes and development occurring in the neighborhood. Vision brochures presents assets, amenities and potential projects that will attract investors. This should be a formally designed document used for distribution by the City Departments and other Community organizations focused on Economic Development.





• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton office of the City Manager

• Retain the services of a consultant to assist in preparing a vision brochure, project/ community website and a detailed and comprehensive communications/ crisis strategy.

Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, City of Dayton Department of Economic Development, Area employment centers, Community business leaders, Local and regional developers, Local and regional investors

• Have consultant assist in the creation of supporting materials including vision brochure, project/ community website and a detailed and comprehensive communications/ crisis strategy. • Invite business owners, community leaders, area developers or investors and local and regional government to a formal presentation on the community, the recent planning study, next steps and the newly created tools created for their purposes. • Utilize City of Dayton staff to present the information to the community and be available for ongoing suggestions and questions. • Continue to update the materials based on completed projects and initiatives.




• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist in the preparation of a presentation and supporting materials. • Material costs for websites, brochures and printed materials. • Ongoing costs will need to be included in City budgets to account for additional printed materials.





DEVELOP AND UTILIZE COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN SUPPORTING MATERIALS DIRECTED AT LOCAL RESIDENTS During this planning study, a public process was used to engage residents and businesses. It will be important, that as the area continues with its redevelopment that residents and businesses are provided a forum to learn about the changes and provide feedback and input. After all, successful redevelopment happens when you have the City, the residents of an area and businesses all supporting and engaged in redevelopment of the area. Some of the recommendations and projects will require support from the public and a partnership with them. It is recommended that the City continue to have ongoing dialogues with the community through informative presentations and outreach open house sessions to build community support, create buy in and build momentum for the recommendations in this plan. In order to facilitate these presentations, it is recommended that the City of Dayton prepare a canned presentation including the history or the area, the planning process, the existing assets of the area, development recommendations and identified next steps. Speaking points should also be developed to accompany the presentation. Once completed, this presentation can be used by City staff, community leaders and community advocates to continue spreading the story of redevelopment and change to the neighborhoods. This presentation can be accompanied by additional communication tools such as brochures, a community website and dedicated social media outlets. The development of these supporting materials should graphically match the visual vocabulary prepared earlier in the Community Campaign process. Additionally they should be updated on a regular basis to keep pace with new development, redevelopment and other community initiatives.

Joining Forces for a Greater Dayton Uga. Itate estinum, evelibus audae de quo corrumet rem verro tem reic temporum fugitatium archillorum ipisin culpa qui res escipsa siti comnimenis dolupti re, si tem fuga. Ur mos quae voluptaerio temod quidis con ente vellut acculpa quatem.

An poster series advertising campaign can begin to set expectations and excite. They should be placed in public areas utilized by residents throughout the city such as schools, libraries, transit stations and government buildings.





• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton office of the City Manager

• Retain the services of a consultant to assist in preparing a PowerPoint presentation and speaking points to address the following:

Partners: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, City of Dayton Department of Economic Development, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Dayton Public Schools, Community churches, Community residents, Area employment centers, Community business leaders

• Area history and project need • Area existing conditions • Community assets and history of investment • Development opportunities • Targeted City investment plans • Community next steps • Have consultant assist in the creation of supporting materials including community cut sheets identifying area need and opportunities. • Solicit community volunteers including business owners, community leaders, teachers, and local ministers to assist in organizing and facilitating community presentations. • Utilize City of Dayton staff to present the information to the community and be available for ongoing public suggestions. • Continue to update the PowerPoint and printed materials based on completed projects and initiatives.



RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Hiring a consultant firm to assist in the preparation of a presentation and supporting materials. • Material costs for brochures and printed materials. • Ongoing costs will need to be included in City budgets to account for additional printed materials.





BUILD A BETTER BLOCK COMMUNITY DEMONSTRATION PROJECT While the communications strategy outlined previously will enable local stakeholders and city officials to talk about the change for the area, the residents, business owners and visitors to West Dayton need to see a physical change happening. This community needs to feel that they will again be a vibrant contributor to the City of Dayton, and a catalyst for believing that change is possible. For this reason, we recommend the implementation of a community demonstration project utilizing the structure of Build a Better Block. Team Better Block temporarily reengineers and re-programs auto dominated, blighted, and underused urban areas into complete ones by working with cities, developers, and stakeholders to create quick, inexpensive, high-impact changes. Team Better Block uses pop-up shops to test the local economic development potential of streets re-engineered for walkability. Additionally, Team Better Block bolsters civic pride by enlisting the community in the buildout of the temporary installation. Numerous cities around the U.S. are looking for tools to help redevelop communities that enable multi-modal transportation while increasing economic development. The “Better Block” project is a demonstration tool that acts as a living charrette so that communities can actively engage in the buildout process and provide feedback in real time.

Safety (Real and Perceived) – First and foremost, if an area feels unsafe then everything breaks down. Whether it be businesses, schools, or neighborhood revitalization, the key to changing a place is addressing its perceived safety. Shared Access – The next goal that should be focused on is looking at ways to bring more people into the area by various modes of transportation. Stay Power – How can City residents, employess, business owners etc. encourage people to visit the area and have them linger, and invite their friends? 8 – 80Lastly, what amenities are needed to entice children, seniors, and dog owners on a block. These groups tend to be indicators of a healthy environment that feels welcoming and attracts other people.

The Better Block is an open-sourced project that is free to re-use and build upon. The program is developed to provide help for communities who wish to build their own Better Blocks complete with news, tools, and other resources anyone may need to help rapidly revitalize neighborhoods. A focused consulting team assists cities with planning, designing and measuring the impacts of better blocks as an alternative to the typical urban planning process. The program addresses the following four areas when working with communities: • Safety • Shared Access • Stay Power • 8-80 Amenities



ACTION ITEMS • Identify potential areas for Better Block locations. Ideally, locations with a block of buildings that have good pedestrian form, but lack a complete street are preferred. • Engage the community. Create a free wordpress. com or blogspot.com site to provide the community information on the project. Also, create a facebook event so others can “Like” the project and begin forwarding details to your contacts within the community. • Assemble a team of grassroots community activists, non-profit groups, businesses, artists, and do it yourselfers from the area. • Latch the Better Block to an existing event, such as an art show or neighborhood festival. • Work with area property owners to allow access to vacant spaces for a specific period of time. • Identify and secure any City permits necessary for the event. Identify any insurance needs for volunteers or property owners. • Create groups to develop and install temporary infrastructure and amenities to show the potential for what could be if the street had a more inviting presence. Amenities could include business storefronts, street furniture, planters, temporary lighting and bicycle lanes. • Promote the event within the neighborhood utilizing school and church newsletter programs. Additionally advertise the event across the City and invite key stakeholders, city staff and city administrators.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development Partners: City of Dayton Department of Public Works, Innerwest Priority Board, Southwest Priority Board, Dayton Public School, Higher education institutions, areas residents, Wright Dunbar Inc., Neighborhood Churches



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • While the Build a Better Block initiative can be done utilizing City staff and local volunteers, the Build a Better Block organization offers a variety of training workshops to assist communities in planning and implementing the temporary installations. We recommend that the City of Dayton utilize the threeday Workshop program which will allow for training on the program, the required steps for implementing the program and resource and talent identification. Additionally the cost of the workshop includes two days to complete the temporary installation, assist in measuring the effectiveness of the project and a guidebook to making the better block permanent.


POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • City of Dayton General Fund • Tax Increment Financial District Dollars • Public-Private partnership to fund match for projects.



ESTABLISH A TAX INCREMENT FINANCE (TIF) DISTRICT FOR TARGETED REDEVELOPMENT AREAS Tax-increment financing (TIF) is a mechanism to temporarily capture tax revenue from property tax to be reinvested within a district for improving infrastructure to attract and retain business. TIF works by establishing a baseline for assessed valuation when the district is created. Taxes created by that initial valuation still go to the existing taxing districts and general funds. Within the TIF district Payment-in-lieu of Taxation agreements (PILOTS) are reached with taxpayers to define the increment amount that will be paid as special assessments. That fund can then be used for infrastructure investment, real estate acquisition, bond financing or other services for the support of the district. One major issue with redevelopment is the reality that previously developed sites are often more expensive to develop than greenfield properties mainly due to unknown issues or costly infrastructure upgrades. Oftentimes cities must invest in the properties to reduce these costs for the private sector to reinvest in a property or area. The TIF district will help generate much needed financing for infrastructure investments needed within the Greater West Dayton area. These investments are necessary to support additional investment and economic development activities. Expected increment from the district can be used for bonding to provide more upfront funding for projects which will accelerate reinvestment and growth of increment within the district. That increment would be used to retire the bonds.

Targeted redevelopment sites within the West Dayton area should be identified and incorporated into a larger TIF boundary. Sites such as the former Delphi facility (Wisconsin), the former Nibco and McCall’s facility and the site for the proposed Dayton Aviation Heritage Project should all be considered for this project.



ACTION ITEMS • Determine the areas of Greater West Dayton that development is most likely to occur. TIF should encompass larger areas with multiple development opportunities. This will provide more flexibility in terms of how TIF increment could be spent. One larger TIF district will be more flexible than a myriad of smaller districts. • Findings of blight need to be determined for the use of TIF for residential projects. • Determine tax basis based upon current assessed valuation and any exemptions of current properties. If demolition is to occur on specific properties, this should be considered prior to the establishment of a TIF district if that demolition may decrease the value of a property. • Understand the potential cost of proposed infrastructure improvements to assure that the district could potentially generate the increment needed to pay for those improvements. • Determine overall impact on school districts that may be impacted. Revenue sharing agreements must be enacted within six months of adoption of a TIF ordinance based upon specific resulting payroll criteria. • Introduce the ordinance and conduct a public hearing within 30 days prior to adoption of the ordinance.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Economic Development Partners: Dayton City Commission, City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development, Local businesses, residents and property owners within a proposed TIF area, Local school district impacted, Ohio Development Services Agency



• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Bond Counsel/CPA • Planners/Engineers



• Submit agreements to Ohio Development Services Agency within 15 days of the enactment of the TIF. • Maintain annual reporting to the Ohio Development Services Agency.



ESTABLISH SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS (SIDS) FOR MIXED USE OR RETAIL CLUSTERS One disadvantage of urban retail areas is that without common ownership, businesses must work together to compete against suburban shopping malls and outlets. The use of the SID program is similar to that of a shopping mall. Like lessee’s in a mall, some of the rent is used to provide for common services that enhance the attractiveness of the area for customers. A Special Improvement District under Ohio Law, allows for special levies against property to help fund improvements or services within the district. These are very similar to the overall practice of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). One example of a highly successful BID is Times Square in New York. The BID provides additional security, guest services personnel, joint marketing, and additional street cleaning and refuse services, as well as maintaining outdoor furniture and lighting. As the Greater West Dayton area redevelops, pockets of mixed-use commercial and retail shopping areas will develop. The SIDs can be used to help maintain public common areas, furniture, landscaping and other items that will enhance the overall attractiveness and drive customers to these areas. The SID will allow property owners and retailers better collaborate on these items and supplement services that the City cannot provide. The City should facilitate the formation of these districts on a voluntary basis as districts become better defined and need is generated.



KEY MILESTONES • The establishment of an SID should not be made until either an area of business/retail is established that can benefit from common cooperative agreements, or an area of business/retail will be created and the developer/property owner would like to establish an SID prior to development.



• Articles of Incorporation are drafted to determine the governance and operation of the SID.

Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Economic Development

• Determine implementation plan that will outline use of employees and/or professional services, contracts for insurance, purchase or lease of office space and equipment, and other actions necessary for governance of the district. This will also include the special assessment amount to be assessed against property owners within the district.

Partners: Real property owners within the proposed SID area, City manager, City of Dayton Department of Economic Development

• Owners of real property within the area will petition must position the City Commission. Qualification is either by A) owners of at least 60 percent of the front footage or B) owners of at least 75 percent of the land area. • City Commission has 60 days to approve the petition and related articles of incorporation.




• City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Special assessments levied against SID members • Legal counsel to draft articles of incorporation • Specialists to draft implementation plan

• If a qualified non-profit does not already exist to manage the SID, then one must be created to handle management of the SID. The owners of real property within the SID boundaries become members of the non-profit corporation.

• Non-profit corporation to manage the SID

• A Board of Trustees of the non-profit is formed to direct its activities. A member of the City Commission and the Mayor will also serve as a director on the Board. The SID membership elects at least three additional directors who own property to serve on the Board.



• Employees or contractors to manage the SID

• City of Dayton General Fund.



UPDATE LISTING OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATELY HELD AVAILABLE COMMERCIAL SITES JobsOhio maintains a statewide site selection database called Ohio InSite that eases the need for localities to create their own. This also reduces the number of databases that a site selector must locate and find. It is still important that local economic development officials submit and maintain information for the West Dayton area in this database. This can be easily accomplished by building relationships with commercial realtors that practice within the West Dayton area, maintaining information on publically held land available for private development and supplementing information with known utility availability. As such, municipal economic development agencies need to facilitate ensuring all marketable sites within their jurisdiction are listed in the database. The City needs to establish on-going relationships with commercial real estate agents and property owners to identify properties that are eligible for listing in the site selection database. This will help provide better exposure for these properties with site selectors and potential new businesses.

ACTION ITEMS • Continue relationship with the Dayton Development Coalition who manages the regional area of JobsOhio. • Maintain and expand relationship with private commercial real estate agents and property owners in key development areas to supply the City with up to date site listings. • Maintain direct links on city website to Ohio InSite and make link more prominent.


STAKEHOLDERS Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Economic Development Partners: Local commercial real estate agents and property owners

RESOURCE NEEDS • Membership in Dayton Development Coalition






IDENTIFY PRIME SITES AVAILABLE FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND SEEK SiteOhio CERTIFICATION Establishing shovel ready sites creates a marketing advantage for the Greater West Dayton area in business attraction. In addition, shovel-ready sites are prioritized for marketing by regional and state economic development agencies. As communities become more focused on creating shovel-ready sites, those sites available for economic development that do not meet these criteria become less competitive from a business attraction standpoint. The Ohio Development Services Agency is responsible for managing and certifying this program called SiteOhio. Extensive due diligence is required for certification. This due diligence reduces overall “unknowns” for the site reducing overall delays and costs to the buyer. In today’s Just In Time business climate this is a requirement for many site selectors. SiteOhio Certification for West Dayton properties can decrease the time the site is unproductive or on the market and improve opportunities for new business attraction. Due diligence may include: • Ownership information • Site marketing • Neighboring uses • Developability (geology, flooding, slope, terrain) • Clear titles • Zoning compliance • Environmental assessments • Access • Infrastructure



• Applications for SiteOhio Certification are due out in the fall of 2013 according to the Ohio Development Services Agency. • Application will include submission of due diligence information similar to what is outlined above. Eligible projects would be sites and facilities primarily intended for commercial, industrial or manufacturing use. • Applications will be reviewed by a third-party consultant of the Ohio Development Services Agency that will review and certify that the provided materials meet the program requirements for certification.


STAKEHOLDERS Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Economic Development Partners: Property owners/developers, Commercial Real Estate Agents, Ohio Development Services Agency


RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work. • Consultants to collect due diligence information for property owners




DEVELOP JOB PLACEMENT PROGRAMS FOR QUALIFIED WORKERS Credentialing is vast becoming an important gauge for employers in terms of overall hiring qualifications. As secondary schools, colleges and universities develop targeted credentialing; creating programs to match skilled workers with open positions will help supply employers with ready access to qualified workers and help newly trained candidates find potential job matches. These programs can be coordinated by local economic development agencies, workforce investment boards, or local neighborhood based community development corporations. While much attention has been focused on the Dayton Public School system, more work needs done on a systemic basis between all training providers, labor and industry groups to improve worker skills and match qualified workers with employers. These programs typically include a link between training, certification and job placement. Typically these programs partner with individual businesses or local coalitions of like businesses or employers (i.e. trade unions or industry partnerships). Training and certification is typically done through existing training providers and education institutions. Case management services are provided to participating candidates in areas such as resume writing, mock interviews and job offer negotiation strategies. Case management should follow the participant from initial enrollment through the job placement process. Some programs actually include internship opportunities prior to full-time job placement for on-site worker training and experience. These include placement of candidates with workplace mentors to help them better become accustomed to the workplace and provide the hands-on experience.



ACTION ITEMS • Determine industry cluster foci that would require higher levels of hiring, are experiencing worker shortages or whose growth would best benefit the City. • Develop a partnership with cluster industry leaders and local training providers at the secondary (i.e. Dayton Public Schools and local private/charter schools) and post-secondary training providers to begin dialogue on placement strategies (i.e. Sinclair Community College, Wright State University) • Develop a recruitment program to recruit perspective employees for areas of occupational need and shortages. This recruitment program would screen applicants and refer them to training programs that have been customized for participating industry clusters. • Develop training and certification programs for participating industry clusters that would provide acceptable curricula and credentialing to participating perspective employees. The training program could include internship and experiential education with the industry cluster participants. • Develop a mentors program to match perspective employees with current employees and management to develop a dialogue on expectations within the workforce. • Provide for automatic placement for perspective employees who successfully completed the training program and received credentials with participating industry clusters.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development Partners: Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board, Identified and participating industry clusters and businesses, Local secondary and post-secondary training providers, Area labor unions and trade groups



• Administrator for program (often local workforce investment board) • Development of training programs with training providers • Potential job opportunity slots with local businesses that can be filled by successful program participants


POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • JobsOhio Workforce Grant • Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program • Workforce Innovation Fund • H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants • Health Care Innovation Challenge Grants • Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge Grants • Health Profession Opportunity Grants to Serve TANF Recipients and Other Low-Income Individuals



DEVELOP A CAREER LADDERS PROGRAM The career ladders or pathways strategy supports worker transitions from work to training throughout the workers career. The objective is to offer continued step training to advance skills over time to improve overall wages and employment opportunities. Often times these pathways are developed in conjunction with industry groups, trade unions and training organizations such as colleges, universities and secondary schools. These programs will help facilitate the worker better into the workforce and help identify and connect incumbent workers with training necessary for career advancement. For example a career pathways program in health care can help advance a worker from an entry level nursing assistant, to an LPN, RN and potentially an advanced nursing specialty. Instead of all of this training upfront, which may be too much of a burden for many workers, the training can be in step programs allowing for continued employment and work along each step of the ladder. Career ladder programs are often focused on critical industries and occupations with employment gaps. These programs should be appropriately focused to existing and emerging industries and occupations for the Greater Dayton area.



ACTION ITEMS • Determine industry cluster foci that would require higher levels of hiring, are experiencing worker shortages or whose growth would best benefit the City. These industries also need to include occupations that have a defined career progression. • Develop a partnership with cluster industry leaders and local secondary and post-secondary training providers to begin dialogue training strategies (i.e. Sinclair Community College, Wright State University). • Develop a recruitment program to recruit perspective employees for areas of occupational need and shortages. This recruitment program would screen applicants and refer them to training programs that have been customized for participating industry clusters. • Develop training and certification programs for participating industry clusters that would provide acceptable curricula and credentialing to participating perspective employees. These programs must address training not only for entry level positions, but also for advancement and transition between entrylevel and mid-level, and mid-level and advancedlevel. • Develop a case management program to track participants during training and work. The case management program would provide assistance such as mentoring, class and training advising, career advancement support, and work placement services. Case management can be offered by various organizations based upon familiarity with the occupation. • Develop certification criteria for career readiness at different levels of employment.



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Planning and Community Development Partners: Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board, Identified and participating industry clusters and businesses, Local secondary and post-secondary training providers, Area labor unions and trade groups



• Administrator for program (often local workforce investment board) • Development of training programs with training providers • Potential job opportunity slots with local businesses that can be filled by successful program participants


POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • JobsOhio Workforce Grant • Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program • Workforce Innovation Fund • H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants • Health Care Innovation Challenge Grants • Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge Grants • Health Profession Opportunity Grants to Serve TANF Recipients and Other Low-Income Individuals



ESTABLISH A MICRO-ENTERPRISE LOAN PROGRAM FOR BUSINESS STARTUPS Microenterprise loan fund programs target assistance for small businesses and startups that are typically not bankable. When the business startup has no other options, these programs provide “gap” financing, which means the funds are provided only when other financing sources are not available, to avoid competition with traditional banking institutions. Funds can be used for just about any purpose: machinery or equipment, building acquisition, new construction, remodeling, inventory, and/or working capital. A micro-enterprise program targeted to the Greater West Dayton area will help improve financing opportunities for entrepreneurs that would no otherwise be eligible for traditional financing. The Ohio Development Services Agency offers seed money to communities to begin these loan programs. Communities can also talk with local banks about pledging Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) funding to also provide local seed money support. The project would typically be coordinated by the City or CDC who will establish a revolving low-interest loan program. Applicants would be reviewed based upon risk and repayment criteria and loan repayments and interest would help sustain the loan fund. Marketing of the program is also important for its success. If no one knows the program exists, it will not meet its primary purpose. Oftentimes marketing the program to traditional lending sources and the local Small Business Development Center can help provide referrals to the program. Nominal application fees can be used to cover the administrative costs of the program. General components defining the fund should include: • Program purpose • Geographic area served • Composition of loan application review committee • Loan review criteria and approval process • Financing policies



ACTION ITEMS • Determine agency who will manage the loan program • Set overall mission and define what will be funded • Solicit seed funds through Ohio Development Services Agency, local foundations, local corporations and financial institution CRA funding. Seed money will be for initial fund establishment as well as to help sustain the fund for the first few years of operation until the fund develops self-sustainability • Appoint or hire a loan manager with experience in bookkeeping and ability to manage funds and compliance requirements • Develop loan review committee who will be responsible for reviewing loan applications • Develop application materials and application review criteria • Market the program to local SBDCs, banks and financial institutions and financial planners who often have first contact with new startups seeking financing



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Economic Development Partners: Local Financial Institutions/CRA programs, Ohio Development Services Agency

RESOURCE NEEDS • Initial seed money and beginning years sustaining funds through local foundations, CRA funding and Ohio Development Services Agency


• Staffing for administration of the program • Local financial and business experts to serve on loan review committee • Personnel and funding to market the program

POTENTIAL COSTS POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • Local community foundations • Local corporate foundations • Financial institution CRA funding • Ohio Development Services Agency



DEVELOP A BUSINESS VISITATION PROGRAM AND EXISTING BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE PROGRAM The basis of a good business retention and expansion program is an increased effort in continuing communications with existing businesses through CEO roundtables, individual visitation, business retention and expansion surveys and use of social media. This helps the local economic development organization better monitor business needs and focus resources on barrier removal. Visitation programs often consist of a task force of volunteers and economic development professionals who visit local businesses on a regular basis to gain insight on issues and challenges that local businesses may face and help economic development professionals’ better help direct public resources to these businesses if necessary. These programs also increase goodwill with local business leaders and help establish a stronger tie between the community and the business. This promotes a more pro-business climate within the community.



ACTION ITEMS • Appoint a coordinator for the program within the Dayton Economic Development staff. The coordinator will oversee staff resources and primary contacts • Develop a volunteer taskforce to assist with business visitation and on-going business communications • Develop an outreach marketing program to businesses to understand the intent of the program • Develop a visitation schedule and hold meetings with local businesses. It is important that the confidentiality of information is maintained and that staff remain consistent so trust relationships can develop



Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Economic Development Partners: Local businesses

RESOURCE NEEDS • City staff should be appointed to this project and adequate time should be budgeted for their work.


• Local volunteers from businesses and economic development agencies.

• Supplement personal visitation with BR&E surveys that can provide comparable and quantitative information on business needs • Develop roundtables of similar businesses to foster better inter-business coordination and cooperation • Assure follow-through on addressing issues and needs that businesses have that can be met by the local community

POTENTIAL COSTS POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • Local community foundations • Local corporate foundations • Financial institution CRA funding • Ohio Development Services Agency



DEVELOP A BUSINESS INCUBATOR TO ENCOURAGE STARTUPS AND NEW BUSINESS Business incubator programs provide support for new businesses and entrepreneurial companies through various mechanisms such as lowcost or subsidized office space, shared services, combined purchasing, links to capital and angel investment providers, and business coaching programs. It is found that business startups have almost twice the rate of long-term success and survivability than businesses that do not utilize an incubator program. Incubators have different goals and focuses and do not typically accept any and all applicants. The selective nature helps assure more resources are devoted to individual businesses with a higher chance of overall long term success. An incubator program focused on West Dayton can improve the potential success of local business within the area and provide an incentive for businesses to locate in the Greater West Dayton area. The incubator does not have to focus on businesses growing from within West Dayton but can serve to attract potential new startups to a West Dayton location. Furthermore, the use of first hire incentives or requirements as a part of the incubator would allow for West Dayton residents to have more opportunities for jobs from these startup companies. The location of a graduate program in the same area would help encourage these businesses to remain located within the area. Collaboration with local colleges and universities can help expand incubator offerings and reduce overall costs of services.



ACTION ITEMS • Conduct a feasibility study to determine the economic justification and political viability of a business incubator program • Enlist local partners necessary for the incubator including financing agencies and sources, local workforce development agencies and workforce training providers • Determine regional economic niche that will be supported by the incubator. The program should provide support, remove barriers and foster businesses in strong or emerging regional industries

STAKEHOLDERS Lead Organization: City of Dayton Department of Economic Development Partners: Local education institutions such as Sinclair Community College and Wright State University, Local business and industry groups in strong or emerging industry clusters, Banks, financial institutions and business lenders


• Financial support from sources such as the city, economic development organizations, local corporations and industry support and local colleges and universities

• Determine overall services, selection criteria and parameters for determining incubation completion

• Facility and land to house incubator businesses

• Develop criteria for keeping businesses within the Greater West Dayton area such as site selection assistance and local financial incentives.


• Political support

• Determine overall ownership for the incubator and governance structure for managing the program. Successful incubator programs are owned and operated by public, private or educational institutions

• Develop a graduate program to provide additional business support for businesses that graduate from the incubator but may need some continued support to enhance the opportunities for long term success.


• Staff to provide business support services


• Future site availability for incubator graduates to maintain their presence in the Greater West Dayton area

POTENTIAL RESOURCE OPPORTUNITIES • US EDA American Recovery Program • CDBG Block Grant Funding (may be considered local for the purpose of US EDA matching)



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