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Sustainability Corner
Welcome to the Sustainability Corner! This space serves to provide greater insight into the sustainability practices, programming, and onging efforts of CHA Aviation! FAA’s Net Zero Goal by 2050
Most recently, the aviation team partnered with CHA’s advanced energy group to develop a Lunch and Learn that introduces airport managers and staff to the concept of energy audits and management, microgrid installation, and use of on-site renewables and identifies how these initiatives contribute to the FAA’s Net Zero goal. The year 2050 seems far away but it terms of building infrastructure, that’s right around the corner. Airports need to make decisions and take on projects that contribute to that goal now to follow FAA guidance. Installation of a microgrid or renewable energy sources can be done in tandem with planned infrastructure projects to reduce operational impacts as a result of down time and to save money over all.
Strategic Initiative
Strategy Development Business Line Director: Mike DeVoy
As we enter the final months of 2022, a part of my focus is to review the strategies we set for 2022 and establish strategies for 2023. Strategies for 2023 include a combination of continuing to progress the 2022 strategies and developing new strategies, all with the goal of maintaining a sustainable business line. Below is a preview of some of the 2023 strategies for Aviation:
Market Goal
Expand Aviation Business into CHA Expansion Area(s) – specifically focused on the Southeast/ Florida
Service Goal
Create new aviation specific service offerings (e.g. sustainability programming for small and non-hub airports)
Technology Goal
Identify technology-based solutions to increase productivity/quality