
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), enacted in November 2021, provides more than $1.0 trillion in funding to improve essential infrastructure in the transportation, power and grid, aviation, environmental remediation, and water sectors. Funding is provided through formula grants, loans, and competitive grant opportunities and includes $550 billion of new federal spending. Local governments, in particular, have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to restore their foundations and energize their communities by using the funds to build, repair and reinvigorate infrastructure that has been deteriorating for decades.
The IIJA is expected to bring much-needed investment in the country’s aging infrastructure, with significant dollars committed to addressing deteriorating transportation infrastructure, including roads and bridges.
A significant component of the IIJA is an investment in the nation’s transportation infrastructure which has lacked adequate funding for decades. It is clear this funding is long overdue, with a considerable portion of the transportation infrastructure in the U.S. in poor condition. According to the most recent American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Report Card for America’s Infrastructure (2021), 43 percent of our roadways are in poor or mediocre condition. In addition, 42 percent of all bridges are at least 50 years old, resulting in nearly 50,000 bridges considered structurally deficient or in need of urgent rehabilitation or replacement. Bridges in poor condition pose heightened challenges in rural communities, which often depend on a single bridge for access to essential services, school bus routes, and emergency service vehicle routes. There is also a growing need to design and build adequate infrastructure for fueling and charging the growing number of electric vehicles as well as challenges related to climate resiliency, community equity, ensuring mobility for individuals of all abilities, and congestion-related safety.
The IIJA reauthorizes Federal surface transportation programs for five years and invests approximately $400 billion over that period to repair our roads
and bridges and support transformational projects, increase regional and national economic opportunities, and make our transportation system safer and more resilient. Roads and bridges must carry goods and people safely and efficiently, and they must also be resilient to changes in our climate and promote equity in our communities. Funding dispersal focuses on four primary areas: safety, modernization, climate, and equity. All infrastructure improvements will be informed by these key factors.
The IIJA includes funding for these major transportation programs:
While the funding includes ongoing transportation programs, it also includes substantial New Discretionary Grant Programs– Nearly $19 billion over five years, which translates into approximately $3 billion per year:
Safe, efficient, and effective bridges are essential to healthy communities. The IIJA provides significant federal funding to preserve, repair, and support our aging bridges, including the Bridge Formula Program (BFP) and the Bridge Investment Program (BIP).
The Bridge Formula Program is a formula-based federal program that includes $40 billion to be distributed to states to replace, rehabilitate, preserve, protect, and construct highway bridges. It also includes dedicated funding for Tribal bridges and those not part of the federal-aid highway system.
Funding is also available through the Bridge Investment Program, a competitivebased program that will invest $12.5 billion
over five years through competitive grants to repair bridges in poor condition.
The Bridge Investment Program consists of three types of grants—Planning Grants, Bridge Project Grants, and Large Bridge Project Grants for replacing, rehabilitating, preserving, or protecting a bridge or bridges if bundled together in poor condition. It provides $12.5 billion dedicated to improving the condition of our nation’s aging bridges, including planning grants for projects in early phases of project development, large bridge project grants greater than $100 million, and bridge project grants of $100 million or less. It allows multi-year grant agreements, allowing large projects from pre-construction into construction phases and funding for the planning process.
A significant portion of the IIJA is devoted to addressing our aging infrastructure.
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, a highway building boom took place with the development of the Interstate System and the modernization of state highways and local roads. With a typical service life of 75 years, many of these bridges need to be replaced, rehabilitated, or preserved, and this funding will allow us to address these critical needs.
Accelerated Bridge Construction or ABC is an innovative method of construction where a bridge is temporarily closed for as little as two days rather than many months. ABC focuses on increasing the speed of construction and reducing the impact of a closure on the traveling public.
The alphabet begins with ABC–so does modern bridge design and construction.
CHA implemented ABC solutions for a durable prestressed concrete superstructure, reducing the impact to the traveling public from years to weeks.
CHA developed ABC techniques for the rapid superstructure replacement of the Route 4 NB and SB bridges in two weekends using the Lateral Slide Method.
CHA developed a phased-construction plan including ABC techniques to minimize the overall impacts to the public to just two short construction windows.
Another important IIJA funding priority relates to traffic safety. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) utilizing technology is aimed to save lives, improve lives by reducing congestion, and bring equity to our transportation corridors. The IIJA includes both discretionary and formula funding components. One discretionary grant program supports local initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets, commonly referred to as “Vision Zero” or “Toward Zero Deaths” initiatives. This program supports the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) National Roadway Safety Strategy and a goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on our nation’s roadways. Funds from this program may be used to develop comprehensive safety action plans, conduct planning studies or design improvements, or for development. Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are eligible to apply for this funding.
Funding is also available to support a new Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant program. Counties can apply for awards for projects based around smart technologies and systems, including smart grid technologies, intelligent sensor-based infrastructure, systems integration, and coordinated automation.
CHA is collecting traffic and signal data to coordinate the major downtown corridors to make travel in all forms safer, more efficient, and more sustainable by reducing congestion and fuel consumption.
CHA is upgrading the Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) and traffic signal controllers with a more state-of-the-art system that will better serve motorists, transit users, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
INDOT selected CHA to perform safety studies at high crash locations around the state of Indiana. These studies will inform changes to improve safety and quality of life for Indiana residents.
Traffic and congestion impacts motorists, pedestrians, transit users, and bicyclists. Obstacles to smooth traffic flow can disrupt businesses, schools, and emergency vehicles and create mobility and safety challenges for anyone on or near the roads. “‘Complete Streets’ are streets designed and operated to enable safe use and support mobility of all users. Those include people of all ages and abilities, regardless of whether they are traveling as drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, or public transportation riders. The concept of Complete Streets encompasses many approaches to planning, designing, and operating roadways and rights of way with all users in mind to make the transportation network safer and more efficient. Complete Street policies are set at the state, regional, and local levels and are frequently supported by roadway design guidelines (USDOT).” Every traffic route is unique and requires innovative approaches to solve complex mobility issues that embrace new technologies to enhance mobility.
The IIJA established the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program with $5 billion over the next five years. Communities of all sizes were invited to apply for funding to support regional, local, and Tribal plans, projects, and strategies that will prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.
The IIJA considers other factors in addition to safety, including equitable investment in the safety needs of underserved communities. Funding from the $1 billion Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program (RCP) will help reconnect communities previously cut off from economic opportunities by transportation infrastructure. Redesigning existing infrastructure, such as building pedestrian and bicycle connections or redesigning intersections and crosswalks for safer access, could help reconnect communities and bring new opportunities to residents and businesses.
RCP – Planning Grants provide for feasibility studies and other planning activities for projects to restore community connectivity by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including mobility, access, or economic development.
RCP – Capital Construction Grants provide for projects to restore community connectivity by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including mobility, access, or economic development.
CHA is responsible for the Safety and Operational Improvements study for the Jefferson Avenue (Route 143) corridor as part of the VDOT’s Strategically Targeted and Affordable Roadway Solutions (STARS) IV program.
CHA served as Program & Construction Manager and provided extensive public outreach for this nationally recognized interconnection of greenways, culture, and arts.
CHA was responsible for the concept, survey database, and preliminary, right-of-way, water relocation and final plans for safety and operational improvements.
The transportation sector is responsible for the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S.; more than half of these emissions are from passenger cars and light-duty trucks traveling on our nation’s highways. Electric Vehicles (EVs), which produce zero tailpipe emissions, are an essential part of the solution.
The IIJA includes a transformative investment in EV charging stations that will put the U.S. on a path to a nationwide network of 500,000 EV chargers by 2030, ensuring a convenient, affordable, reliable, and equitable charging experience for all users. Several funding and finance programs were introduced to plan for and build EV chargers; support workforce training for new technologies; and integrate EVs as part of strategies to address commuter, freight, and public transportation needs.
The $5 billion National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program provides dedicated funding to states to strategically deploy EV charging infrastructure and establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Initially, funding under this program is directed to designated Alternative Fuel Corridors for electric vehicles to build out this national network, particularly along the Interstate Highway System. When the national network is fully built out, funding may be used on any public road or in other publicly accessible locations.
CHA is providing electrical, structural, and site/civil engineering design. The hub will be the second-largest Electric Vehicle (EV) hub in Florida, with 20+ power electronic chargers and high-capacity type chargers.
CHA is collaborating with Con Edison and their selected system vendors to convert an empty lot into a make-ready site for Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS).
CHA is providing program management services to Applegreen EV as they develop electric vehicle charging stations at 27 service areas along the New York State Thruway.
America’s infrastructure is one of our society’s greatest assets. CHA is uniquely qualified to guide clients through projects that bridge power, infrastructure, and renewable energy by bringing decades of expertise across all those specialized markets in one integrated, collaborative team.
CHA, a leader in the transportation industry, delivers a full complement of highway, bridge, traffic, construction inspection, and geospatial services under one roof. Our transportation specialists plan, design and help maintain and construct these most valued assets—including roads, bridges, railways, waterways, and multi-modal facilities—for public and private transportation owners, agencies, and authorities. With adequate funding from the IIJA, our transportation engineers are ready to bring creative designs and alternative construction options to support communities of all sizes in addressing long-overdue improvements to their crucial travel corridors, all while keeping sustainability, resiliency, and climate preparedness at the forefront. The movement of goods, services, and people is critical to the economic well-being of a community, and no one understands that better than CHA.
With decades of experience, we will bring your IIJA-funded projects and programs to a successful completion with our inspired employees, forward-leaning technology, and essential partnerships. CHA is your trusted advisor and partner committed to responsibly improving the world we live in.
For more information, please contact:
Bryan Busch, PE Vice President, Principal Engineer
Mike Culmo, PE Vice President, Chief Engineer
Elio Espino, PE, PhD Senior Principal Engineer, Business Practice Leader
Mike Hurtt, PE Senior Vice President, Chief Engineer
Ellen Moshier, PE Associate Vice President, Senior Project Manager
Mitch Dewein, CEM Associate Vice President, Project Team Leader
CHA is a national leader in bridge engineering, focusing primarily on addressing existing aging bridges. As the principal author of the 2018 AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC), the national design code, we have pioneered the use of ABC. ABC is an innovative method of construction focused on replacing aging bridges carrying traffic. This approach temporarily closes the bridge, detours traffic, and re-opens the bridge within a short period of time.
With ABC, we can minimize road and lane closures and traffic disruptions by increasing the speed of construction, drastically improving the outcome for the client and community.
Our teams have experience assisting the Federal Highway Administration and several State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). Together, we’ve created some of the most successful ABC programs by leading the development of statespecific ABC standards and implementation practices.
Our team delivers cost-effective designs, allowing us to replace as many bridges as possible within the funding limitations of each infrastructure program.
With the use of ABC, we can eliminate the cost of temporary bridges used to handle traffic during construction and deliver the project faster and with less cost, disruption, and inconvenience. DOTs are looking to bundle multiple bridges in one project to maximize work and take advantage of the economies of scale. CHA is working with several DOTs to procure bridge replacement projects using the bridge bundling approach.
When navigating complex funding options, working with partners who understand and can help develop and successfully execute projects is essential. Our team uses proactive quality management to help our clients maximize funding in a timely and efficient manner. We address their immediate needs with cost-effective solutions that consider all expenses and impacts over a project’s life cycle.
Whether an initiative involves a traffic study, large bridge or highway project, a cost-effective rehabilitation, new EV locations, or an innovatively funded major capital improvement project, CHA provides the experience, creativity, and expertise to maximize your funding through project completion.
• Urban & Rural Highway Design
• Interchange Design
• Environmental Analyses & Documentation
• Regulatory Compliance & Permitting
• Public Outreach & Engagement Programs
• Streetscape & Enhancement Design
• Complete Streets
Bridges & Structures
• Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Design & Consulting
• Complex Bridge Design, Evaluations & Inspections, & Reconstruction
• Construction Engineering Services
• Bulkhead & Seawall Design
• Demolition Plans for Steel & Concrete Structures
Traffic & ITS
• Safety Studies & Analysis
• Design Development
• Intelligent Transportation Systems
• Traffic Operations/Corridor Management
Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Design
• EV Infrastructure Design
• Construction Inspection
• Conventional & Innovative Intersection Design
• Right-of-Way Engineering & Land Acquisition
• Multi-Use Trails, Paths, & Walkways
• Geospatial services
• Design-Build Program Management (owners representative)
• Crane & Equipment Load Verifications
• Fatigue & Fracture Studies
• Hydraulic Studies
• Scour Design Solutions
• Design-Build Program Management (owners representative)
• Bridge Research & Training
• Traffic Studies & Design
• Complete Streets
• Smart Cities & Data Analytics
• Utility Coordination