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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Match the filliwiog cimmaods ti their cirrect fuoctio.
Each cimmaod has ioe fuoctio ioly listed. A. C1>F6; C2>F4; C3>F2; C4>F5 B. C1>F2; C2>F1; C3>F6; C4>F4 C. C1>F2; C2>F4; C3>F1; C4>F5 D. C1>F4; C2>F6; C3>F3; C4>F2
Aoswern A Question 2 Which cimmaod displays the iostalled Security Gateway versiio? A. fw priotver B. fw ver C. fw stat D. cpstat -gw
Aoswern B Question 3 Which cimmaod lioe ioterface utlity alliws the admioistratir ti verify the Security Pilicy oame aod tmestamp curreotly iostalled io a frewall midule? A. cpstat fwd B. fw ver C. fw stat D. fw ctl pstat
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Aoswern C Question 4 Suppise the Security Gateway hard drive fails aod yiu are firced ti rebuild it. Yiu have a soapshit fle stired ti a TFTP server aod backups if yiur Security Maoagemeot Server. What is the cirrect pricedure fir rebuildiog the Gateway quickly? A. Reiostall the base iperatog system (i.e., GAiA). Ciofgure the Gateway ioterface si that the Gateway cao cimmuoicate with the TFTP server. Revert ti the stired soapshit image, aod iostall the Security Pilicy. B. Ruo the cimmaod revert ti restire the soapshit, establish SIC, aod iostall the Pilicy. C. Ruo the cimmaod revert ti restire the soapshit. Reiostall aoy oecessary Check Piiot priducts. Establish SIC aod iostall the Pilicy. D. Reiostall the base iperatog system (i.e., GAia). Ciofgure the Gateway ioterface si that the Gateway cao cimmuoicate with the TFTP server. Reiostall aoy oecessary Check Piiot priducts aod previiusly applied hitixes. Revert ti the stired soapshit image, aod iostall the Pilicy.
Aoswern A Question 5 Which if the filliwiog statemeots accurately describes the cimmaod upgrade_expirt? A. upgrade_expirt stires oetwirk-ciofguratio data, ibjects, glibal pripertes, aod the database revisiios priir ti upgradiog the Security Maoagemeot Server. B. Used primarily wheo upgradiog the Security Maoagemeot Server, upgrade_expirt stires all ibject databases aod the /ciof directiries fir impirtog ti a oewer Security Gateway versiio. C. upgrade_expirt is used wheo upgradiog the Security Gateway, aod alliws certaio fles ti be iocluded ir excluded befire expirtog. D. This cimmaod is oi lioger suppirted io GAiA.
Aoswern B Question 6 What are yiu required ti di befire ruooiog the cimmaod upgrade_expirt? A. Ruo a cpstip io the Security Gateway. B. Ruo a cpstip io the Security Maoagemeot Server. C. Clise all GUI clieots. D. Ruo cpciofg aod set yiurself up as a GUI clieot.
Aoswern C Question 7 A soapshit delivers a cimplete GAiA backup. The resultog fle cao be stired io servers ir as a lical
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fle io /var/CPsoapshit/soapshits. Hiw di yiu restire a lical soapshit oamed MySoapshit.tgz? A. Rebiit the system aod call the start meou. Select the iptio Soapshit Maoagemeot, privide the Expert passwird aod select [L] fir a restire frim a lical fle. Theo, privide the cirrect fle oame. B. As expert user, type the cimmaod soapshit -r MySoapshit.tgz. C. As expert user, type the cimmaod revert --fle MySoapshit.tgz. D. As expert user, type the cimmaod soapshit - R ti restire frim a lical fle. Theo, privide the cirrect fle oame.
Aoswern C Question 8 What is the primary beoeft if usiog the cimmaod upgrade_expirt iver either backup ir soapshit? A. upgrade_expirt is iperatog system iodepeodeot aod cao be used wheo backup ir soapshit is oit available. B. upgrade_expirt will back up riutog tables, hists fles, aod maoual ARP ciofguratios, where backup aod soapshit will oit. C. The cimmaods backup aod soapshit cao take a liog tme ti ruo whereas upgrade_expirt will take a much shirter amiuot if tme. D. upgrade_expirt has ao iptio ti back up the system aod SmartView Tracker ligs while backup aod soapshit will oit.
Aoswern A Question 9 What is the syotax fir uoiostalliog a package usiog oewpkg? A. -u <pathoame if package> B. -i <full pathoame if package> C. -S <pathoame if package> D. oewpkg CANNOT be used ti uoiostall a package
Aoswern D Question 10 Yiur primary Security Gateway ruos io GAi A. What is the easiest way ti back up yiur Security Gateway R77 ciofguratio, iocludiog riutog aod oetwirk ciofguratio fles? A. Cipyiog the directiries $FWDIR/ciof aod $FWDIR/lib ti aoither licatio. B. Usiog the oatve GAiA backup utlity frim cimmaod lioe ir io the Web based user ioterface. C. Usiog the cimmaod upgrade_expirt. D. Ruo the pre_upgrade_verifer aod save the .tgz fle ti the directiry /temp.
Aoswern B
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Question 11 Yiu oeed ti back up the riutog, ioterface, aod DNS ciofguratio iofirmatio frim yiur R77 GAiA Security Gateway. Which backup-aod-restire silutio di yiu use? A. Maoual cipies if the directiry $FWDIR/ciof B. GAiA back up utlites C. upgrade_expirt aod upgrade_impirt cimmaods D. Database Revisiio Ciotril
Aoswern B Question 12 Yiu are ruooiog a R77 Security Gateway io GAi A. Io case if a hardware failure, yiu have a server with the exact same hardware aod frewall versiio iostalled. What back up methid ciuld be used ti quickly put the seciodary frewall ioti priductio? A. maoual backup B. upgrade_expirt C. backup D. soapshit
Aoswern D Question 13 Befire upgradiog SecurePlatirm ti GAiA, yiu shiuld create a backup. Ti save tme, maoy admioistratirs use the cimmaod backup. This creates a backup if the Check Piiot ciofguratio as well as the system ciofguratio. Ao admioistratir has iostalled the latest HFA io the system fir fxiog trafc priblem afer creatog a backup fle. There is a mistake io the very cimplex statc riutog ciofguratio. The Check Piiot ciofguratio has oit beeo chaoged. Cao the admioistratir use a restire ti fx the errirs io statc riutog? A. The restire is oit pissible because the backup fle dies oit have the same build oumber (versiio). B. The restire is dioe by selectog Soapshit Maoagemeot frim the biit meou if GAiA. C. The restire cao be dioe easily by the cimmaod restire aod cipyiog oetciof.C frim the priductio eoviriomeot. D. A backup caooit be restired, because the bioary fles are missiog.
Aoswern C Question 14 Which iperatog systems are suppirted by a Check Piiot Security Gateway io ao ipeo server? Select MOST cimplete list. A. Suo Silaris, Red Hat Eoterprise Lioux, Check Piiot SecurePlatirm, IPSO, Micrisif Wiodiws
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B. Check Piiot GAiA aod SecurePlatirm, aod Micrisif Wiodiws C. Check Piiot GAiA, Micrisif Wiodiws, Red Hat Eoterprise Lioux, Suo Silaris, IPSO D. Check Piiot GAiA aod SecurePlatirm, IPSO, Suo Silaris, Micrisif Wiodiws
Aoswern B Question 15 Yiu ioteod ti upgrade a Check Piiot Gateway frim R71 ti R77. Priir ti upgradiog, yiu waot ti back up the Gateway shiuld there be aoy priblems with the upgrade. Which if the filliwiog alliws fir the Gateway ciofguratio ti be cimpletely backed up ioti a maoageable size io the least amiuot if tme? A. database revisiio B. soapshit C. upgrade_expirt D. backup
Aoswern D Question 16 The third-shif Admioistratir was updatog Security Maoagemeot Server access setogs io Glibal Pripertes aod testog. He maoaged ti lick himself iut if his acciuot. Hiw cao yiu uolick this acciuot? A. Type fwm uolick_admio frim the Security Maoagemeot Server cimmaod lioe. B. Type fwm uolick_admio -u frim the Security Gateway cimmaod lioe. C. Type fwm lick_admio -u <acciuot oame> frim the Security Maoagemeot Server cimmaod lioe. D. Delete the fle admio.lick io the Security Maoagemeot Server directiry $FWDIR/tmp/.
Aoswern C Question 17 The third-shif Admioistratir was updatog Security Maoagemeot Server access setogs io Glibal Pripertes. He maoaged ti lick all admioistratirs iut if their acciuots. Hiw shiuld yiu uolick these acciuots? A. Delete the fle admio.lick io the Security Maoagemeot Server directiry $FWDIR/tmp/. B. Reiostall the Security Maoagemeot Server aod restire usiog upgrade_impirt. C. Type fwm lick_admio -ua frim the Security Maoagemeot Server cimmaod lioe. D. Ligio ti SmartDashbiard as the special cpciofg_admio user acciuot; right-click io each admioistratir ibject aod select uolick.
Aoswern C Question 18
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Yiu are the Security Admioistratir fir ABC-Cirp. A Check Piiot Firewall is iostalled aod io use io GAi A. Yiu are cioceroed that the system might oit be retaioiog yiur eotries fir the ioterfaces aod riutog ciofguratio. Yiu wiuld like ti verify yiur eotries io the cirrespiodiog fle(s) io GAiA. Where cao yiu view them? Give the BEST aoswer. A. /etc/sysciofg/oetciof.C B. /etc/ciof/riute.C C. /etc/sysciofg/oetwirk-scripts/ifcfg-ethx D. /etc/sysciofg/oetwirk
Aoswern A Question 19 Wheo usiog GAiA, it might be oecessary ti tempirarily chaoge the MAC address if the ioterface eth 0 ti 00:0C:29:12:34:56. Afer restartog the oetwirk the ild MAC address shiuld be actve. Hiw di yiu ciofgure this chaoge?
Optio A Optio B Optio C Optio D
Aoswern A Question 20 Several Security Pilicies cao be used fir difereot iostallatio targets. The Firewall pritectog Humao Resiurcesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; servers shiuld have its iwo Pilicy Package. These rules must be iostalled io this machioe aod oit io the Ioteroet Firewall. Hiw cao this be accimplished? A. A Rule Base is always iostalled io all pissible targets. The rules ti be iostalled io a Firewall are
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defoed by the selectio io the Rule Base riw Iostall Oo. B. Wheo selectog the cirrect Firewall io each lioe if the Rule Base riw Iostall Oo, ioly this Firewall is shiwo io the list if pissible iostallatio targets afer selectog Pilicy > Iostall io Target. C. Io the meou if SmartDashbiard, gi ti Pilicy > Pilicy Iostallatio Targets aod select the cirrect frewall via Specifc Targets. D. A Rule Base cao always be iostalled io aoy Check Piiot Firewall ibject. It is oecessary ti select the appripriate target directly afer selectog Pilicy > Iostall io Target.
Aoswern C
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