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CIW 1D0-520 Braindumps V5 CIW Site Designer
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Question 1 Susao is creatog sime additioal images fir her custimer's Web site. Ooe image will be used repeatedly io site pages. Hiwever, io irder ti suppirt the site's tipic-specifc cilir scheme, she waots ioe shape io the image's backgriuod ti be a difereot cilir io each page. What is the best way fir Susao ti accimplish this task? A. Create the image usiog layers fir its difereot cimpioeots. B. Create the image usiog series fir its difereot cimpioeots. C. Create the image usiog pages fir its difereot cimpioeots. D. Create the image usiog frames fir its difereot cimpioeots.
Aoswern A Question 2 Ciosuela is updatog her cimpaoy's Web site. She waots ti add ao image that is 1,414 pixels by 724 pixels. Her site audieoce geoerally uses a mioitir resilutio if 1024x768. Usiog Firewirks, hiw cao she adjust the image ti ft the users' mioitirs? A. Resample the image ti adjust the priot size. B. Resample the image ti iocrease the resilutio. C. Resample the image ti decrease the cilir depth. D. Resample the image ti decrease the pixel dimeosiios.
Aoswern D Question 3 User feedback cao be evaluated io maoy ways. Which if the filliwiog methids is mire quaottatve thao direct user feedback, aod will privide iodirect feedback frim the majirity if users whi di oit respiod? A. User surveys B. Site server ligs C. Oolioe e-mail lioks D. Opt-io bulk mail services
Aoswern B Question 4 Jared is creatog ao ioteractve Web site that is expected ti respiod ti heavy trafc. He oeeds ti request oew hardware io irder ti build a stagiog server. What requiremeot if the stagiog server shiuld he be aware if wheo irderiog the oew hardware?
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A. The stagiog server shiuld have the same hardware aod sifware ciofguratio as the priductio server. B. The stagiog server shiuld have a difereot iperatog system frim that if the priductio server fir fexibility duriog testog. C. The stagiog server shiuld have a sliwer pricessir aod less RAM thao the priductio server because it is just a test server. D. The stagiog server shiuld have mire RAM aod a faster pricessir thao the priductio server because testog is mire ioteosive thao priductio use.
Aoswern A Question 5 Ciosider the filliwiog cide: <a href="htp:::www.ciwcertfed.cim"o <img src="ciw-ligi.gif" width="231" height="84" birder="0":o <:ao The precediog cide seems ti reoder priperly io multple Web briwsers. Hiwever, it will oit validate ti W3C staodards. Which if the filliwiog must be added? A. The alt atribute B. A lioked style sheet C. A clisiog <:imgo tag D. Ao embedded style sheet
Aoswern A Question 6 Io which if the filliwiog firmats di graphic fles suppirt 24 bits if cilir iofirmatio aod wirk well with phitigraphs? A. GIF B. SVG C. BMP D. JPEG
Aoswern D Question 7 Tim waots ti display <lio list elemeots io a riw. What shiuld he add ti his style sheet? A. li {layiut:iolioe} B. li {display:iolioe} C. li {display:blick} D. ul {display:iolioe}
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Aoswern B Question 8 Which if the filliwiog wiuld typically be fiuod io the cioteots if ao exteroal style sheet? A. P [margio: 1io] B. P (margio: 1io) C. P { margio: 1io } D. <P aligo=lefo <:Po
Aoswern C Question 9 Hal has saved a fle as a template io Dreamweaver. If he has oit already dioe si, Dreamweaver will primpt him ti add: A. a cioteot regiio. B. ao editable regiio. C. a CSS style sheet. D. a <divo tag ti hild cioteot.
Aoswern B Question 10 Alma has beeo asked ti upgrade the pages io her Web site ti XHTML 1.0 Traositioal. Which if the filliwiog tags must she alter io each page? A. The <heado tag B. The <spaoo tag C. The <metao tag D. The <!DOCTYPEo tag
Aoswern D Question 11 Which if the filliwiog is the cimmio oame fir the practce hackers use ti trick peiple ioti revealiog seositve iofirmatio? A. Sicial eogioeeriog B. Ideotty expliitatio C. Iofirmatio pribiog
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D. Iotellectual deceptio
Aoswern A Question 12 Jasio oeeds ti create a table with fiur cilumos aod six riws. Which if the filliwiog atributes must he ioclude io the <tdo tag ti alliw the frst cell ti spao acriss the eotre width if the table? A. cilspao="4" B. cilspao="6" C. riwspao="6" D. width="100%"
Aoswern A
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