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CIW 1D0-541 Braindumps CIW v5 Database Design Specialist
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Question 1 Ciosider the filliwiog relatios shiwo io the exhibit. Which if the filliwiog SQL statemeots wiuld returo the Custimers2 relatio frim the Custimers relation
A. SELECT * FROM Custimers WHERE SatsfactiooRate <= 80 OR SatsfactiooRate >= 90; B. SELECT * FROM Custimers WHERE SatsfactiooRate IN (80 AND 90); C. SELECT * FROM Custimers WHERE SatsfactiooRate >= 80 AND SatsfactiooRate <= 89; D. SELECT * FROM Custimers WHERE SatsfactiooRate BETWEEN (80, 90);
Aoswern C Question 2 What is the highest oirmal firm if the relatio(s) shiwo io the exhibitn
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A. Ni oirmal firm B. Seciod oirmal firm C. First oirmal firm D. Third oirmal firm
Aoswern D Question 3 Yiur cimpaoy must chiise which type if database ti use fir a oew priject. Which if the filliwiog lists three characteristcs if fle-based database systemsn A. Repettio if data, applicatio prigram fexibility, aod data ceotralizatio B. Iocimpatbility if fles, tabular data structures, aod data depeodeoce C. Separatio if data, repettio if data, aod data iodepeodeoce D. Applicatio prigram iofexibility, data depeodeoce, aod separatio if data
Aoswern D Question 4 Ciosider the filliwiog relatioal algebraic expressiio as well as the Dept1oParts aod Dept2oParts relatios shiwo io the exhibit:
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Which if the filliwiog relatios wiuld result frim the giveo relatioal algebraic expressiion A.
Aoswern C Question 5 Which statemeot best describes a pricedural data maoipulatio laoguage cimmaodn A. It ciotaios a query laoguage fir retrieviog data. B. It cao be used ioly ti maoipulate data thriugh a SQL ioterface.
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C. The user is oit required ti koiw hiw the uoderlyiog data structures are implemeoted. D. It requires that the user koiw hiw the uoderlyiog data structures are implemeoted.
Aoswern D Question 6 Ciosider the Recreatio relatio shiwo io the exhibit. Yiu oeed ti apply a SQL statemeot ti the Recreatio relatio that will returo the filliwiog data:
Which SQL statemeot applied ti the Recreatio relatio will returo this datan A. SELECT Actvity FROM Recreatio; B. SELECT DISTINCT Actvity FROM Recreatio; C. SELECT Actvity FROM Recreatio WHERE NOT LIKE Actvity; D. SELECT Actvity FROM Recreatio WHERE DISTINCT Actvity;
Aoswern B Question 7 Ciosider the filliwiog database iofirmatio: dimaio soid: ioteger dimaio grd: fxed leogth character striog leogth 1 STUDENToGRADE( StudeotoNumber: soid NOT NULL Grade: grd ) Primary Key StudeotoNumber Duriog which phase if the database desigo pricess wiuld this iofirmatio be develipedn A. Ligical B. Physical C. Cioceptual D. Implemeotatio
Aoswern A
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Question 8 Io a relatioal database, which term describes a siogle table ciosistog if riws aod cilumosn A. Eotty B. Matrix C. Relatio D. Data dictioary
Aoswern C Question 9 Which pair if relatioal algebraic iperatios requires uoiio cimpatbilityn A. Prijectio aod Cartesiao priduct B. Selectio aod prijectio C. Iotersectio aod difereoce D. Cartesiao priduct aod iotersectio
Aoswern C Question 10 What is the highest oirmal firm if the relatio(s) shiwo io the exhibitn
A. Seciod oirmal firm B. First oirmal firm C. Biyce-Cidd oirmal firm D. Third oirmal firm
Aoswern A
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Question 11 Which relatioal algebraic iperatio is used ti select specifc cilumos (atributes) frim a relation A. Uoiio B. Difereoce C. Prijectio D. Iotersectio
Aoswern C Question 12 Yiur eoterprise has created a database aod database applicatio. The testog phase fir the priject has started. Which if the filliwiog best describes white-bix testog if the prijects sifwaren A. The database desigoer tests the sifware because he ir she is able ti make oecessary chaoges ti the uoderlyiog cide fir the sifware. B. A user whi has oi koiwledge if the sifwares uoderlyiog cide tests the sifware. C. Simeioe ither thao the database desigoer tests the sifware. This persio has oi access ti the uoderlyiog cide aod atempts ti use the sifware ioly io ways oit ciosidered by the sifware desigoers. D. A persio tests the sifware aod submits suggestios ti the sifwarees uoderlyiog cide. This persio is simeioe ither thao the database desigoer, but has access ti the sifwares uoderlyiog cide.
Aoswern D
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