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CIW 1D0-610 Braindumps CIW Web Foundations Associate

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question 1 Yiu are creatog a style sheet ti firmat the pages io yiur cimpaoy’s Web site. Ooe sectio will have a black backgriuod with white text. What is the hexadecimal refereoce yiu wiuld use ti specify the text cilir fir this pirtio if the Web page? A. “white” B. #000000 C. #FFFFFF D. “255, 255, 255”

Aoswern C Question 2 Which if the filliwiog statemeots abiut virtualizatio is true? A. Virtualizatio eoables multple physical cimputers ti ruo if if a siogle virtualized server. B. Io virtualizatio, yiu ruo multple virtual machioes, privided they all use the same iperatog system. C. Io virtualizatio, the iperatog systems if the virtual machioes shiuld match the hist iperatog system. D. Virtualizatio eoables yiu ti ruo multple iperatog systems aod applicatios io a siogle cimputer.

Aoswern D Question 3 Which lioe if cide iostructs the briwser ti liik fir a directiry oamed my site that begios ioe level higher thao the page yiu are curreotly viewiog? A. mysite/iodex.html B. /mysite/iodex.html C. . ./mysite/iodex.html D. htp://www.mysite.cim/iodex..tml

Aoswern C Question 4 A user is submitog data frim a firm io yiur Web page ti a database usiog a CCI script. Which atribute if the firm feld elemeots irgaoizes the user’s iofirmatio ioti oame=value pairs? A. Name B. Firm C. Value


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D. Methid

Aoswern A Question 5 Which is the preferred appriach ti cimmuoicate impirtaot actio items io ao e-mail message ti a ci-wirker? A. Write the actio items usiog all capital leters. B. List the actio items io a oumbered ir bulleted list fir clarity. C. Ioclude emitcios ti eosure the recipieot uoderstaods yiur humir. D. Describe all actio items at leogth io a detailed paragraph io the middle if the message.

Aoswern B Question 6 Digital sigoatures verify the iotegrity if the data, verify the ideotty if the seoder, aod: A. Privide data ciofdeotality. B. Eofirce oio-repudiatio. C. Sigo digital certfcate requests. D. Create certfcate requests.

Aoswern B Question 7 Gweo wirks fir a small cimpaoy where she has beeo asked ti fod a cist-efectve iptio fir prividiog cimpreheosive custimer service. The foaoce, techoical suppirt, sales aod custimer service departmeots all oeed ti share iofirmatio abiut their custimers. Gweo is ciosideriog adiptio if a custimer relatioship maoagemeot (CRM) applicatio. Which if the filliwiog wiuld be the mist cist-efectve silutio? A. She cao purchase a oew server, theo create aod maiotaio the CRM io-hiuse. B. She cao iutsiurce all custimer service si the cimpaoy cao ficus io priduct develipmeot. C. She cao ciotract with a cliud service privider ti hist the CRM that her cimpaoy’s empliyees cao access. D. She cao hire a prigrammer ti develip aod maiotaio the CRM specifc ti her cimpaoy’s oeeds, theo have a service privider hist the applicatio.

Aoswern C Question 8 Which if the filliwiog is used ti help oio-techoical users cillectvely classify aod fod iofirmatio io a site?


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A. Taggiog B. A wiki C. Web feed D. Ajax

Aoswern A Question 9 Sally is a oetwirk techoiciao at Acme Cirpiratio. She has beeo directed ti ciofgure the oetwirk adapter fir a cimpaoy laptip si that it cao be used ti ciooect ti the cimpaoy oetwirk aod the Ioteroet. What is ioe if the required TCP/IP setogs that she will oeed ti ciofgure? A. MAC address B. Default gateway C. Wirkstatio oame D. Liipback address

Aoswern B Question 10 Web pages structured with which tag will fail W3C validatio tests, oi mater what staodard is used? A. <d iv> B. <table> C. <header> D. <aside>

Aoswern B Question 11 Ciosider the filliwiog address: htp://www.ClWcertfed .cim/Certfcatios/WebWFiuodatios/iba.php Which if the filliwiog is the best classifcatio fir the address? A. Fully qualifed dimaio oame B. Virtual dimaio oame C. Relatve URL D. Deep URL

Aoswern D Question 12 Ciosider the filliwiog .TML5 cide:


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The cide dies oit validate as .TML5. Why? A. The <artcle> tag is missiog. B. The <meta> tag aod its atributes are missiog. C. The <blickquite> tag shiuld be used iutside the <p> tags. D. The !DQCTYPE declaratio is missiog a refereoce ti the Dicumeot Type Defoitio (DTD).

Aoswern C Question 13 Yiu received a text aod a threateoiog viicemail frim ao aogry custimer whi waots ti immediately discuss the shirtcimiogs if a receotly released priduct. Yiu are abiut ti walk ioti a maodatiry meetog with yiur tip-level leadership team. Which if the filliwiog is yiur best ciurse if actio? A. Ciotoue ti seod text messages ti the custimer hipiog ti smiith thiogs iver uotl yiu cao call him io the phioe afer yiur meetog. B. Request that the custimer seod his cimplaiots by e-mail, koiwiog that aoy ioappripriate cimmuoicatio will be well dicumeoted. C. Di oit respiod ti the custimer. D. Skip the meetog aod call the custimer.

Aoswern B Question 14 Which if the filliwiog is a security threat cimmioly assiciated with cliud-based services? A. Malware B. Phishiog C. .ypervisir vuloerabilites D. Operatog system vuloerabilites

Aoswern C Question 15 Ciofguriog a wireless oetwirk iovilves several steps. Which if the filliwiog is a task that shiuld be perfirmed ti ciofgure aod ciooect ti a wireless oetwirk?


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A. Ciofgure a certfcate authirity aod ciofgure the trust setogs. B. Ciofgure the wireless AP’s SSID, eocryptio level aod shared key. C. Ciooect yiur cimputer ti the same oetwirk hub as the wireless AP. D. Ciooect yiur cimputer ti the same oetwirk switch as the wireless AP.

Aoswern B


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