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PRESIDENT’S WELCOME Welcome to Chaffey College, which has been named a top 10 college in the nation for the prestigious Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence! We are pleased that you have selected Chaffey College to be part of your future. Our institution offers endless opportunities and programs, including over 190 degrees and certificates. We provide affordable, accessible educational programs and services to meet the needs of our community. Chaffey College has an over $617.3 million annual impact on the economy in the Inland Empire. Many of our students, upon completing their college education, remain or return to the community and find employment, thereby stimulating the local economy.
VISION Chaffey College: Improving lives through education.
MISSION Chaffey College inspires hope and success by improving lives and our community in a dynamic, supportive, and engaging environment of educational excellence where our diverse students learn and benefit from foundation, career, and transfer programs.
Over the past decade, Chaffey College facilities have been transformed. The passage of Measure L provided $230 million for new facilities and upgrades to enhance the learning environment for students. Furthermore, the Chaffey College faculty and staff take great pride in both their teaching and service. They are experts in their fields and are passionate about student success. So, whether you are a student at one of our campuses or enrolled in online classes, I encourage you to utilize both the teaching expertise of our faculty and the comprehensive services and support available to you to enhance your academic success. If you are a current, new, or returning student, make this academic year count. The 2017–2018 academic year classes will include traditional 17-week classes, as well as 14-week, Fast Track, and weekend offerings, and a robust schedule of online and hybrid classes. I'm confident you'll find the course or courses that will fit your academic plan located throughout the Chaffey College district. I look forward to seeing you around campus. Best wishes for a productive academic year!
Henry D. Shannon, Ph.D. Superintendent/President
Chaffey Community College Governing Board Katherine Roberts President
Kathleen Brugger Vice President
Gloria Negrete McLeod Clerk
Lee C. McDougal Member
Gary C. Ovitt Member
Diana Contreras Student Trustee / CCSG President
On the Cover – The School of Visual and Performing Arts serves thousands of students in the areas of art, broadcasting & cinema, dance, digital media, music, photography, and theatre. The school has 15 full-time faculty, 50 adjunct lecturers, and approximately 20 full-time and part-time support staff. For more information, visit www.chaffey.edu/vpa. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
TABLE OF CONTENTS Student Services AMAN / AWOMAN - Umoja .................................................................... 31 Assessment Center ................................................................................ 31 Athletics .................................................................................................. 31 CalWORKs ............................................................................................. 31 Career Center and Student Employment Office ................................ 31-32 Child Development Center / Child Care ................................................. 32 Counseling Department .......................................................................... 32 Disability Programs and Services (DPS) ................................................ 32 Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) and Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) ...... 32-33 Financial Aid ...................................................................................... 33-34 Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW) ................................... 33 Federal Work-Study .................................................................... 33 Grants .......................................................................................... 34 Scholarships ................................................................................ 34 Foundation.............................................................................................. 34 GPS (Guiding Panthers to Success) Center .......................................... 34 Independent Scholars Program .............................................................. 34 International Student Center .................................................................. 34 Learning and Educational Development (LED) ...................................... 34 Library ..................................................................................................... 35 Student Life ............................................................................................ 35 CCSG / Student Government ...................................................... 35 Student Health Services ......................................................................... 35 Transfer Center ...................................................................................... 35
President’s Welcome ..............................................................................1 Vision and Mission Statements .................................................................1 Governing Board .......................................................................................1 Spring 2018 Registration Dates .............................................................3 Business Hours Rancho Cucamonga Campus ...................................................................4 Getting Started ........................................................................................5 Step 1: Apply for Admission .....................................................................6 Step 2: Apply for Financial Aid .................................................................7 Step 3: Complete College Orientation ......................................................8 Step 4: Complete the Assessment Test ...................................................9 Step 5: Create an Initial Education Plan.................................................10 Step 6: Register for Classes ............................................................. 11-12 Waitlist Information ....................................................................12 Add Codes and Late Registration ..............................................12 Step 7: Pay Enrollment Fees ............................................................ 13-18 Spring 2018 Payment Chart ................................................. 17-18 Step 8: Attend First Class Meeting .........................................................19 Obtain Your Textbooks ...........................................................................20 Obtain Your Parking Permit ....................................................................21 Steps to Enroll in Other Languages ........................................................40 Ensure Your Success ...........................................................................22 Student Success Centers, Disability Programs and Services, Library, and Supplemental Instruction
College Policies Academic Freedom ................................................................................ 35 Academic Integrity (Cheating) ................................................................ 35 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990............................................. 35-36 Behavior Code ........................................................................................ 36 Commitment to Student Equity ............................................................... 36 Compliance............................................................................................. 36 Core Competencies ................................................................................ 36 Disciplinary and Grievance Appeal Procedures ..................................... 36 Computer Use and Internet Access ....................................................... 36 Open Courses ........................................................................................ 36 Probation / Dismissal .............................................................................. 37 Reinstatement ........................................................................................ 37 Rights and Privacy Policy (FERPA) ....................................................... 37 Section 504 – Rehabilitation Act ............................................................ 37 Section 504/508 Complaint Procedure................................................... 37 Sexual Harassment Policy ..................................................................... 37 Smoking Policy ....................................................................................... 38 Statement of Equal Opportunity / Non-discrimination and Prohibition of Harassment Policy ......................................... 38 Student Right-to-Know ........................................................................... 38
Información en Español ................................................................. 23-24 Special Student Classifications High School Dual Enrollment ..................................................................25 Puente Project .........................................................................................25 Veterans ..................................................................................................26 Academic Matters Auditing Courses .....................................................................................26 Change of Address / Phone Number ......................................................26 Credit by Examination .............................................................................26 Enrollment Verification Requests ............................................................26 Grading....................................................................................................26 Degrees and Certificates .........................................................................26 Non-Traditional Credit .............................................................................27 Transcripts...............................................................................................27 Limitations on Enrollment Prerequisites ........................................................................ 27-28 Corequisites ...............................................................................28 Limitation on Enrollment ............................................................28 Advisory .....................................................................................29
Phone Directory ...................................................................................... 39 How to Read the Schedule of Classes ................................................... 40 Chino Class Sections ........................................................................ 41-66 Fontana Class Sections .................................................................... 67-84 Rancho Cucamonga Class Sections ............................................... 85-163 Hybrid / Online Class Sections ...................................................... 164-185 Weekend Sections......................................................................... 186-187 Fast Track Sections ....................................................................... 188-191 Honors Program ................................................................................... 192 Final Exam Schedule............................................................................ 193 Campus Maps ............................................................................... 194-195
Counseling and SSSP Assessment of Foundational Skills .........................................................29 Student Rights and Responsibilities........................................................29 Exemptions and Refusals .......................................................................29 Photo ID Cards ........................................................................................29 Proxy Transactions and ID Requirements ..............................................29 Registration Date Assignment .................................................................30 Course Repetition....................................................................................30 Residency Determination .................................................................. 30-31 AB540 Non-Resident Tuition Exemption .....................................31
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
SPRING TERM 2018 JANUARY 8 – MAY 17 Beginning and ending dates vary for every class. Beginning September 5 October 23 November 6 – January 5 January 8 January 8 – 22 January 15 January 22 January 22 January 28 February 16 –17 February 18 –19 March 12 – 18 March 30 April 3 April 17 April 20 May 11 – 17 May 17 May 18 May 25
Application period (online with OpenCCC) Registration notification Registration period INSTRUCTION BEGINS Late registration: Add code required through the deadline to add classes College closed for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Refund deadline for full-term classes Deadline to ADD full-term classes Deadline to DROP full-term classes without a grade of “W” College closed for the Lincoln Holiday College closed for the Washington Holiday Spring Break – No classes held Deadline to apply for degrees and certificates Deadline to DROP full-term classes with a grade of “W” Faculty Lecture Day – No classes held Deadline to ADD open-entry/exit classes Final Examinations INSTRUCTION ENDS Commencement Grades available online
REGISTRATION FOR SHORT-TERM CLASSES Fast Track 1 Classes (1/8/18-3/5/18) November 6 – January 5 ............................................................................. Registration (refer to your assigned registration date) January 8 – 16 ................................................... Late registration: ADD CODES required throughout the late registration period January 15 ............................................................................................ Deadline to DROP Track 1 Classes without a “W” grade January 16 ................................................................................................................................ Deadline to ADD Track 1 Classes February 2 .................................................................................................. Deadline to DROP Track 1 Classes with a “W” grade Second Start 14-week Classes (1/29/18-5/10/18) January 8 – January 26 ................................................................................................................................................ Registration January 29 – February 5 .................................... Late registration: ADD CODES required throughout the late registration period February 5 ......................................................................................................... Deadline to ADD Second Start 14-week Classes February 14 .................................................................... Deadline to DROP Second Start 14-week Classes without a “W” grade April 4 .................................................................................. Deadline to DROP Second Start 14-week Classes with a “W” grade Fast Track 2 Classes (3/19/18-5/10/18) February 12 – March 16 ............................................................................................................................................... Registration March 19 – 26 .................................................... Late registration: ADD CODES required throughout the late registration period March 25 ............................................................................................... Deadline to DROP Track 2 Classes without a “W” grade March 26 ................................................................................................................................... Deadline to ADD Track 2 Classes April 12 ....................................................................................................... Deadline to DROP Track 2 Classes with a “W” grade
Refer to page 14 for the Drop Process for Non-Payment Policy and pages 17-18 for the easy reference payment chart. Refer to page 15-16 for refund policy and procedures. Note: MyChaffeyVIEW online services are typically available year round 24 hours a day Monday-Saturday (except where noted). MyChaffeyVIEW may be unavailable on Sundays due to required system maintenance. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
SPRING 2018 BUSINESS HOURS RANCHO CUCAMONGA CAMPUS Hours are subject to change INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER Monday – Friday .................................................... 8:00am-4:30pm
ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS / CASHIER’S OFFICES Monday and Thursday .......................................... 7:30am-7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday ..................................... 7:30am-4:30pm Friday .................................................................... 7:30am-4:00pm
LIBRARY Monday – Thursday ............................................... 7:30am-8:00pm Friday ..................................................................... 8:00am-4:00pm Saturday .............................................................. 10:00am-3:00pm Sunday ............................................................................ CLOSED Check the library website at www.chaffey.edu/library or call (909) 652-6800 for current hours.
ASSESSMENT CENTER Monday and Thursday .......................................... 7:30am-7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday ..................................... 7:30am-4:30pm Friday .................................................................... 7:30am-4:00pm Appointments required. Call (909) 652-6200 or go to www.chaffey.edu/counseling/assessment to schedule.
STUDENT LIFE Monday – Thursday ............................................... 8:00am-6:00pm Friday ..................................................................... 8:00am-4:00pm
CALWORKS Monday – Friday ................................................... 7:30am-4:30pm
STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES Monday – Friday .................................................... 8:00am-4:00pm
CAMPUS STORE Monday – Thursday .............................................. 7:30am-7:00pm Friday .................................................................... 7:30am-4:00pm
STUDENT SUCCESS CENTERS Monday – Thursday ............................................... 8:00am-8:00pm Friday ................................................................... 10:00am-4:00pm Saturday and Sunday .......................................... 10:00am-3:00pm
CAREER CENTER AND STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Monday – Wednesday .......................................... 8:00am-4:30pm Thursday ............................................................... 8:00am-6:30pm Friday .................................................................... 8:00am-4:00pm
TRANSFER CENTER Monday and Thursday ........................................... 7:30am-7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday ...................................... 7:30am-4:30pm Friday ..................................................................... 7:30am-4:00pm
COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Monday and Thursday .......................................... 7:30am-7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday ..................................... 7:30am-4:30pm Friday .................................................................... 7:30am-4:00pm Call (909) 652-6200 for available days and times.
CHINO CAMPUS Visit www.chaffey.edu/chino for Chino campus hours.
DISABILITY PROGRAMS & SERVICES (DPS) Monday and Thursday .......................................... 7:30am-7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday ..................................... 7:30am-4:30pm Friday .................................................................... 7:30am-4:00pm
FONTANA CAMPUS Visit www.chaffey.edu/fontana for Fontana campus hours. FOOD SERVICES
EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS & SERVICES (EOPS) Monday and Thursday .......................................... 8:00am-7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday ..................................... 8:00am-4:30pm Friday .................................................................... 8:00am-4:00pm
Panther Bistro (located on the 1st floor of the MACC Building) Monday – Thursday ............................................... 7:30am-4:30pm Friday .................................................................................. Closed (Specific hours will be posted on website.)
FINANCIAL AID Monday and Thursday .......................................... 7:30am-7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday ..................................... 7:30am-4:30pm Friday .................................................................... 7:30am-4:00pm
Panther Express featuring Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (located by the HS Bldg off Parking Lot 12) Monday – Thursday ............................................... 7:00am-7:00pm Friday ..................................................................... 7:00am-3:00pm Saturday ................................................................ 8:30am-1:30pm
GUIDING PANTHERS TO SUCCESS (GPS) VSS-111 (located on the 1st floor of the VSS building) Monday and Thursday .......................................... 8:00am-7:00pm Tuesday and Wednesday ..................................... 8:00am-4:30pm Friday .................................................................... 8:00am-4:00pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Starbucks Panther Café (located on the 1st floor of the MACC Building) Monday – Thursday ............................................... 7:00am-4:30pm Friday ................................................................... 8:00am-11:00am
^ Chaffey College
New students (those who have never attended Chaffey College)
Returning students (those who have not attended for two or more regular semesters)
WHO MUST SUBMIT TRANSCRIPTS? Official transcripts from colleges or universities previously attended must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office for the following:
WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO ATTEND? • All high school graduates. • Anyone who has a Certificate of Proficiency or G.E.D. • Anyone 18 years of age or older who can benefit from a course of study. • High school students who meet specific requirements – see section on High School Dual Enrollment in this schedule for more information. • International students who meet specific admission requirements – these students must contact the International Student Office or check the program’s website at www.chaffey.edu/international for guidance on beginning the application process. See section on International Students in this schedule for more information. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Students who plan to complete a degree or certificate at Chaffey College, and/or transfer to a four-year college or university
Veterans receiving educational benefits
Students needing to show completion of course prerequisites
Students who have earned an associate’s degree or higher who want exemption from assessment, orientation, and counseling
Official high school transcripts must be submitted for the following students:
Students who plan to apply for the radiologic technology, registered nursing, and vocational nursing programs
All high school students enrolling through High School Dual Enrollment
Students with limitations: Students with learning, physical, psychological, or other health limitations are encouraged to contact Disability Programs and Services at (909) 652-6379 for assistance.
^ Chaffey College
STEPS TO ENROLL STEP 1 APPLY FOR ADMISSION Please allow 2 weeks to complete the Chaffey College Matriculation Process (steps 1-5). You must complete these steps to receive the best possible registration date.
1. Go to www.chaffey.edu 2. Click on the “Application” link. 3. Click on the “Apply Online Now” button at the top of the page. 4. Create an Account. 5. Complete the Application. Be sure to click the submit button. Check your email for an immediate confirmation receipt (if you don’t receive it, go back and finish the application). Allow three (3) business days to receive your registration letter by email. The registration letter includes: • Your Chaffey ID number • MyChaffey portal log-in instructions • Links to the Schedule of Classes • Additional critical registration information
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
REGISTRATION STATUS You may check your registration date and the Registration Steps you have completed through the MyChaffey portal at https://my.chaffey.edu. Once you have entered the portal, click on the MyChaffeyView link in the launchpad.
^ Chaffey College
STEPS TO ENROLL STEP 2 APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID 1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.gov. Be sure to include Chaffey College’s school code 001163. Students who qualify under AB540 can submit the Dream Act Application online at https://dream.csac.ca.gov. 2. You must have a current Admissions application on file with the Admissions and Records Department. Applications are submitted online. Make sure your correct Social Security Number is listed on the application. 3. Once the Financial Aid Office receives your information from the U.S. Department of Education or the California Student Aid Commission, you will receive an email from the Financial Aid Office indicating if awards are available, or if additional documentation is needed to complete your file. Your Financial Aid status is available via the NEW Financial Aid – Student Self Service Portal. To view a list of required documents/Actions and any additional documentation you are required to complete, follow these steps:
IF YOU NEED FURTHER ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE Rancho Cucamonga Campus (Student Services/ Administration Building) (909) 652-6199 Chino Campus (Main Instructional Building) (909) 652-8140 Fontana Campus (Lewis Center) (909) 652-7417
Log onto the MyChaffey Portal Go to MyChaffeyView under LaunchPad Click on the Students box Click on Financial Aid Self Service link under the Financial Aid sub menu Review your checklist
If you have missing documents, click on “Complete required documents”. If the item is marked “Incomplete”, then you will need to submit required forms and any additional documentation. You must complete and submit all required documents and any additional documents to the Financial Aid Office to complete your file as soon as possible. Only submit the required documents listed on your checklist. 4. Your Financial Aid will be reviewed for eligibility and you will be notified by e-mail of your award(s). If you are eligible for a Board of Governor’s Waiver, this will automatically be applied after your FAFSA or Dream Act application is received. Once eligibility has been determined, and you have been awarded a Federal Pell Grant, or any other type of aid, it will be automatically accepted in the award letter. For more information on the BOG Fee Waiver and types of Grants, please refer to the Financial Aid section in this Schedule of Classes. If you need access to a computer with internet capabilities and need assistance, you may make an appointment to complete your financial aid application in the Financial Aid Office at any of our locations: Rancho Cucamonga, Chino, or Fontana campuses.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
STEPS TO ENROLL STEP 3 COMPLETE COLLEGE ORIENTATION Orientation is a presentation about Chaffey College and the programs and services available to enrolled students. All new and returning students must complete the Chaffey College orientation in order to receive the best possible registration date. The Chaffey College Orientation prepares you to be a successful student at Chaffey College. It includes information about the college, the assessment test, the education plan, and important information about policies and procedures. New and returning students are required to complete the Chaffey College Orientation after submitting the application and before taking the assessment test. The Chaffey College Orientation is scheduled through the Counseling Department and is offered throughout the year on the Rancho Cucamonga, Chino, and Fontana campuses. To access the online orientation:
Log onto the MyChaffey portal Click on the “New Student Registration Steps” tab The orientation is listed under Step 3.
To schedule an in-person appointment for the Chaffey College Orientation, visit the orientation information page on the Counseling Department website at www.chaffey.edu/counseling/orientation.shtml.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
you must attend the Chaffey College Orientation before taking the Assessment Test. REGISTRATION STATUS Visit the MyChaffey portal to check your registration date and review the Registration steps you have completed. Click on “My Registration Priority Checklist.”
^ Chaffey College
STEPS TO ENROLL STEP 4 COMPLETE THE ASSESSMENT TEST Assessment is a placement test using “Accuplacer” that helps students determine the appropriate English and Math courses in which to begin. The test focuses on the following areas: • English and Reading • ESL / English as a Second Language (if applicable) • Mathematics Assessment preparation workshops are available to help prepare students for their assessment tests. Students can sign up for an Accuplacer Prep Workshop through the Counseling Department’s webpage at www.chaffey.edu/counseling/assessment or access practice tests at https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/students. The Accuplacer web-based study app is also available online. Visit https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/students for details.
TO SCHEDULE THE ASSESSMENT TEST Rancho Cucamonga Campus Vocational and Student Support (VSS-105)
(909) 652-6200
Students are encouraged to take the practice test before taking the actual assessment test. Students may take the assessment test no more than twice during their enrollment at Chaffey College, and must wait at least three months before re-testing. Under certain circumstances students may be exempt from assessment.* Current high school students enrolling in classes may not waive assessment. *Alternative Assessment
Chino Campus Main Instructional Building
(909) 652-8120 Fontana Campus Lewis Center
(909) 652-7460
Students who have completed English or mathematics courses at another college verified by official transcripts, earned a score of 3 or higher on an AP examination in English or mathematics verified by official AP Transcripts, submitted CAASPP/SBAC results verified on the high school transcript or earned the required score on the CSU EPT, SAT II Writing Test, or ACT English Test may complete an Alternative Assessment Form and submit to the Counseling Department. The Alternative Assessment form can be found on the Counseling department website at www.chaffey.edu/counseling.
To schedule an Assessment Appointment online visit www.chaffey.edu/counseling/assessment
Remember, you must take the Assessment Test before creating an Education Plan.
Bring a picture ID, your Chaffey College student ID number, and a pen or pencil. Students have up to 2 ½ hours to complete the assessment test; however, it typically takes 1 ½ to 2 hours to complete.
Chaffey College does not accept assessment scores from other colleges or universities.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
It is important that you schedule an appointment and take the assessment test as soon as possible, spots fill quickly.
^ Chaffey College
STEPS TO ENROLL STEP 5 CREATE AN INITIAL EDUCATION PLAN The next step in the registration process is very important; it includes creating an Abbreviated Education Plan. It assists you in taking the appropriate classes to meet your education goal. This plan is later approved by a counselor. To develop an initial education plan you must visit a GPS Center. Together you will discuss your academic goals and the courses needed to achieve your goal.
TO COMPLETE AN ABBREVIATED EDUCATION PLAN, visit a GPS Center: Rancho Cucamonga Campus Rancho GPS Center, VSS-111 (909) 652-6466 Chino Campus Chino GPS Center, CHMB-240 (909) 652-8120 Fontana Campus Lewis Center or Fontana GPS Center, FNFC-121 (909) 652-7400 or (909) 652-7460 If you have transcripts from another college, please submit official transcripts to the Admissions and Records Office; then contact the Counseling Department at (909) 652-6200 for an individual appointment. Students are required to complete an Abbreviated Education Plan in order to receive the best possible registration date. Please complete Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 before scheduling an appointment with a counselor.
Matriculation Exemption Students who have earned an associate’s degree or higher, plan to take one course only, plan to take a performance or activity course only, or refuse services may complete an Exemption to Orientation, Assessment, and Education Planning form and submit to the Counseling Department. The Exemption to Orientation, Assessment, and Education Planning form can be found on the Counseling Department website at www.chaffey.edu/counseling. Students electing an exemption will be issued a registration date during the last grouping of registration appointments. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
After you’ve completed Steps 1-5 please check the MyChaffey portal for your registration date. REGISTRATION STATUS Visit the MyChaffey portal to check your registration date and check the Registration Steps you’ve completed. See the “My Registration Priority Checklist.” Your registration date will be available approximately two weeks prior to the start of registration.
^ Chaffey College
STEPS TO ENROLL STEP 6 REGISTER FOR CLASSES TO REGISTER: Once you have completed Steps 1 through 5 you will receive a date and time to register. Your registration date and time will be available on the MyChaffey portal approximately two weeks prior to the start of the registration period. You are encouraged to register as soon as possible on or after the assigned registration time. The longer you wait the more difficult it is to get the classes you need. Maximum Unit Load Students may enroll in a maximum of 18 units in Fall and Spring semesters, and 7 units in Summer session. Counselor signature approval is required for students requesting to exceed the maximum unit load allowed.
Online Registration a. Go to https://my.chaffey.edu and log in b. Click on the MyChaffeyVIEW link from the Launchpad c. Click on the picture labeled “Students� d. Choose your method of registration e. Follow the instructions to complete your registration f. Pay your fees
Multiple Enrollments Students may not enroll in more than one section of any course that is not repeatable at the same time. Time Conflicts Students are not permitted to enroll in sections that have time conflicts with other sections, or courses that meet at the same time. High School Students Must Register in Person High school students participating in the High School Dual Enrollment Program must register in person in the Admissions and Records Office. During the first week of the semester, all open and closed classes require instructor consent in the form of an Add Code. Add Codes must be brought to the Admissions and Records Office for processing. Fees are due at the time of registration.
Note: During the Open and Late Registration periods, students who need access to a computer may use the web stations in the Admissions and Records Office at any of our three campuses. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
You may place yourself on a wait list for a class that is closed, provided the option to wait list is available and the wait list is not already full.
Professors have the discretion to add students with Add Codes on the first day of instruction.
Enrollment is not guaranteed. Students on the wait list will be contacted via their Chaffey student email account if a seat opens. Notification is based on your wait list rank.
You may not enroll in and wait list in different sections of the same course at the same time. Enrollment in a course will drop you from the wait listed section.
Email notification is sent to all eligible wait listed students to their Chaffey email account. We are not responsible for emails that are sent to outside accounts and not received.
Once permission to register is received, you will need to log into the MyChaffey portal to access MyChaffeyVIEW, then click on the “Students” menu.
Select the option “Manage My Wait List” on the Students menu. You can view your wait list rank and use your permission to register on this page by selecting “Register.”
Registration is not complete until you click “SUBMIT.
Add Codes/Late Registration Once the semester begins, all students are required to have an Add Code for all open and closed classes. The Add Code is issued by the instructor and must be used before it expires on the last day to add. The Admissions and Records Office cannot extend the deadline to add classes. The last day to add classes is as follows:
Registration must be completed by the date and time indicated on the email notification. You will have three (3) days to complete your registration. If you do not register by the specified deadline you will be dropped from the wait list. The Admissions and Records Office cannot extend the deadline to add a waitlisted course nor can we add you into a class once wait list permission has expired.
Spring 2018 Full Term Classes Fast Track 1 Classes Second Start Classes Fast Track 2 Classes
For more information, check your registration receipt, the Schedule of Classes, or contact the Admissions and Records Office at admissions@chaffey.edu. Note: If you have an Add Code and are required to submit a Repeat Petition, you must register in person in the Admissions and Records Office. To avoid registration delays, the Add Code slip must be attached to the Petition. The Add Code will be verified and, if the Repeat Petition is approved, you will be registered into the class or wait listed if available.
Wait List Restrictions and Disclaimers You may wait list for only one section of a specific course.
Time conflicts are not checked systematically when a student is wait listed for overlapping sections.
If your permission expires on a Sunday, it is recommended that you register BEFORE Sunday, as this day may be reserved for scheduled system maintenance.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
January 22 January 16 February 5 March 26
Add Codes for Distance Education (Online) Classes: To find out how to contact an online instructor for an Add Code, please visit www.chaffey.edu/onlineed.
^ Chaffey College
STEPS TO ENROLL STEP 7 – PAY ENROLLMENT FEES All fees are approved by the Governing Board and are subject to change without advance notice. For a current list of all enrollment fees, visit www.chaffey.edu/cashier/fees.shtml. PAY YOUR FEES ON TIME TO LOCK IN YOUR REGISTRATION.
Enrollment Fee CA Resident ..................................... $46 per unit Non-CA Resident U.S. Citizen and Non-U.S. Citizen ...................... $291 per unit ($234 per unit, plus $11 Capital Outlay charge, plus $46 per unit enrollment fee)
SEE PAYMENT CHART FOR DEADLINE INFORMATION. METHODS OF PAYMENT 1. Pay Online Online payments can be made through the MyChaffey portal. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. Computers are available in the Admissions and Records Office at any of our three campus locations for online payments. Split payments cannot be processed online.
Health Services Fee* Non-BOG Waiver ......................................$17.00 BOG Waiver (A) ..........................................$8.50 BOG Waiver (B) ........................................$17.00 BOG Waiver (C)........................................$17.00
2. Pay Using NBS Tuition Payment Plan: See additional details below.
Materials Fee ........................................ Variable
This fee funds the Student Health Services Program. Certain laboratory tests and medications may require an additional fee.
College Services Fee (optional) ................$8.00 Most classes require a materials usage fee. The charge is noted under the appropriate class at the end of the description. Material fees must be paid at registration, and are not subject to waiver.
3. Pay by U.S. Mail: We accept personal checks or money orders payable to Chaffey College. Please write your student ID number in the memo section of your check. Payments must be received, not postmarked, within 10 calendar days from registration. If you enroll less than 10 days prior to the start of the term your payment will be due no later than the day before the first day of instruction. Chaffey College is not liable for mail lost or delayed by the postal service. Mail payments to:
Parking Fee Non-BOG Waiver ......................................$50.00 BOG Waiver .............................................$30.00 Required on the Chino (College Park location only) , Fontana, and Rancho Cucamonga campuses.
Motorcycle Parking.................................$20.00 NSF/Chargeback/Stop Payment Fee .....$25.00 (Only cash, money order, or cashier’s check accepted to clear these fees)
Technology Fee (optional) .........................$8.00 Transportation Fee ......................... $8.00/$9.00
Chaffey College Cashier’s Office 5885 Haven Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
To be eligible for ridership services from Omnitrans, students must possess their own current, valid Chaffey ID card, must remain registered in classes for the duration of the current academic term, and must have paid the transportation fee for the current academic term. Students who withdraw from classes during a term are no longer eligible for services at the point of withdrawal.
4. Pay In Person: Payment is accepted at any one of our three campus locations. We accept cash, personal check (no temporary), Cashier’s Check, Money Order, Credit card or Chaffey College Foundation Cards and Checks. All checks must be payable to Chaffey College.
* Pursuant to section 76355 of the Education Code, students who can provide documentation of active membership in a religious organization that relies exclusively on prayer for healing may request to have the Health Fee waived. Applications for waiver are available in the Student Health Services office. For information related to the waiver of enrollment fees, contact the Financial Aid Office at (909) 652-6199.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
* If there are any changes made to the student's Chaffey College account including but not limited to adding and/or dropping classes, obtaining the BOGW, or updating residency status, the student may adjust their payment balance by logging into the MyChaffey portal and clicking on the NBS payment plan link. If the student has any questions regarding their agreement, they may email the Chaffey College Cashier's Office at cashier.staff@chaffey.edu.
VERIFICATION OF PAYMENT Once payment is made, we recommend you print out a registration receipt for your records. This receipt provides important deadline dates for refunds and dropping classes. This is especially important if you are registered for Fast Track classes, as deadlines for these classes differ significantly from those for full-term classes. FACTS Payment Methods:
DROP PROCESS FOR NON-PAYMENT Before the semester begins, students are allowed 10 calendar days (including weekends and holidays) from the date of registration to submit full payment. If payment is not received within the 10 calendar days, students will be dropped for non-payment. Partial payments are not accepted.
Automatic bank payment (ACH) Credit card/debit card
Cost to Participate:
$20 enrollment fee per semester (ACH & credit card) $2 enrollment fee for an immediate full payment $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned
During the last 10 days of registration, all fees are due prior to the start of the term. If payment is not submitted, all classes will be dropped. Refer to the Payment Chart for specific payment deadline dates. If the payment deadline date falls on a Sunday, it is highly recommended that payment is made before Sunday, as this day is reserved for scheduled system maintenance. The payment may not go through and will result in classes being dropped. Once classes are dropped, the action cannot be reversed.
Must be renewed each semester Simple Steps to Enroll in the Payment Plan:
Go to www.mycollegepaymentplan.com/chaffey Click on the link “Enroll Now.” NBS scheduled payments are processed on the 5th of each month and will continue until the balance is paid in full. NOTE: All down payments and enrollment fees are processed immediately.
Groups Exempt from the Drop Process for Non-Payment: The following groups will NOT be dropped for non-payment:
*If an invalid account number is supplied or any monthly payment is returned by the supplied bank prior to the start of the term, the payment plan with NBS will be terminated and the student's classes may be dropped.
*If an invalid account number is supplied or any monthly payment is returned by the supplied bank once the term begins, the payment plan with NBS will be terminated and there will be a hold placed on the student's record until the balance is cleared in full.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
BOG Waiver recipients who have the waiver applied to the student account at the time of registration BOG Waiver recipients who have the waiver applied before the 10-day drop deadline Students enrolled in the FACTS Deferred Payment Plan Third-party billing (sponsor-paid students) International students (with or without sponsor)
^ Chaffey College
PAST DUE FEES Beginning the first day of instruction, fees are due in full at time of registration. If payment is not received on the same day, the student’s account will be blocked with a financial hold. Students may pay online or in person during regular business hours. See the schedule of classes for specific business hours by campus location.
REFUND POLICY FOR CREDIT AMOUNTS LESS THAN $20 Refunds for credit amounts less than $20 are not automatic and must be initiated by the student:
FINANCIAL HOLDS Students with financial holds for past due fees will NOT be able to access the following services (Title 5 section 59410):
Grades Transcripts Diplomas Registration Privileges
Financial Aid Students The BOG Waiver does not cover all fees for registration. Students who receive the BOG Waiver must pay the remaining fees by the first day of instruction. If payment is not received, a financial hold will be placed on the student’s account. For questions regarding your financial aid award, contact the Financial Aid Office at (909) 652-6199 during business hours.
A refund request for a credit amount less than $20 must be received by the Cashier’s Office by the last day of the term. To request a refund, the student must send an email to cashier.staff@chaffey.edu. For security reasons, the following information is required: - Student’s full name - Chaffey ID Number - Refund credit amount (see your registration receipt on MyChaffeyVIEW via the MyChaffey portal) When all the required information is received, the Cashier’s Office will begin the refund process. Refunds will be processed within 45 business days.
Automatic Refund Process Refunds will still be processed automatically for the following:
Returned Payments Returned payments due to insufficient funds, invalid account number entry or stopping payment on a check or credit card transaction does NOT constitute withdrawal from classes and will result in a $25 charge and a financial block on the student’s account.
Credit amounts of $20 or more Classes canceled by the college BOG Waiver reimbursements (No refund request required).
Fee Collection by the Franchise Tax Board Failure to pay any outstanding balance will result in the student’s name being submitted to the Franchise Tax Board for collection of any balance owed to Chaffey College.
Automatic refunds will be processed after the last day to add full term classes. Processing may take up to 45 business days to complete. Students will receive a refund in the form of original payment, excluding cash. Cash payments will be refunded as a check. Students who were enrolled in the NBS payment plan and are due a refund will receive a check in the mail. To ensure prompt delivery, students must verify the correct address information is on the MyChaffey portal.
Unofficial Withdrawal from Classes A student will be charged fees for classes he/she is enrolled in, even if the student does not attend any class meetings. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all classes are dropped by the refund deadline to avoid being charged.
Eligibility Requirement for Refunds A student is eligible for a refund if classes are dropped by the published refund deadline. The refund deadline date can be found on the registration receipt available on the MyChaffey portal.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
To be eligible for a refund, classes must be dropped within the first two weeks of instruction for full-term classes, and before the 10% point of any short-term class. The following fees are subject to refund if classes are dropped before the deadline: enrollment, health, materials, college services, transportation, technology and non-resident tuition.
HEALTH SERVICES FEE Pursuant to section 76355 of the Education Code, students who can provide documentation of active membership in a religious organization that relies exclusively on prayer for healing may request to have the Health Services Fee waived. Applications for waiver are available in the Student Health Services office. Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver (BOGW) eligible students will be responsible for all or a portion of the Health Services Fee as listed on the payment chart at www.chaffey.edu/cashier/fees.shtml.
Refund deadlines vary. For specific deadlines, see your registration statement in the MyChaffey portal.
TECHNOLOGY FEE: The Chaffey College technology fee directly supports the cost of providing student access to college technology. This fee is optional and will be used, for example, to help ensure student computer labs are equipped with current hardware and software and to provide highspeed wireless access and connectivity to the internet. The technology fee is $8.00 per term in the Fall and Spring and $5.00 in the Summer and will only be used for student-related technology. Students who choose not to support this fee must contact the Cashier’s Office at cashier.staff@chaffey.edu on or before the refund deadline for the applicable term.
Refund for Parking Permits To receive a parking refund, the parking permit must be returned to the Admissions and Records Office on or before the appropriate refund deadline date. Refund for Canceled Classes If the district cancels a class, all fees will be refunded automatically. A refund request is not required. Financial Aid BOG Waiver Account Re-Bill/Reimbursement Students who paid for classes prior to receiving a BOG Waiver will receive a refund once the BOG Waiver is processed. The BOG Waiver must be processed and posted to the student's account by the last day of the current term. For information related to the waiver of enrollment fees, contact the Financial Aid Office at (909) 652-6199. For questions regarding refunds, please contact the Cashier's Office at cashier.staff@chaffey.edu.
TRANSPORTATION FEE: A required transportation fee of $9.00 for students registered in six (6) or more units and $8.00 for students registered in less than six (6) units in the Fall and Spring semesters allows students to ride all of Omnitrans’ fixed route bus services at no charge during the semester by using their Student ID card.
COLLEGE SERVICES FEE The College Services Fee is budgeted by the Chaffey College Student Government (CCSG) to provide a range of opportunities, activities, and services to support and engage the students at Chaffey College. CCSG allocates the funds to benefit the students and foster the spirit of excellence and commitment to learning in all areas of the institution. This includes supporting: book grants, scholarships, lectures, cultural events, festivals, field trips, retreats, conferences, student clubs, the class gift and much, much more.
Summer eligibility will now require enrollment in summer classes. Students enrolled in zero-unit classes may opt to pay the transportation fee separately to take advantage of ridership services. Contact us at cashier.staff@chaffey.edu to opt in. Ridership is valid as long as active enrollment is maintained. Privileges will end immediately if classes are dropped.
Do you need access to a computer? Computer stations are available in the Admission and Records Office at any of our three campus locations. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
SPRING 2018 PAYMENT CHART See important message below regarding payment deadlines that fall on a Sunday. IF YOU REGISTER FOR A CLASS ON THE FOLLOWING DATE:
Monday, November 06, 2017 Tuesday, November 07, 2017 Wednesday, November 08, 2017 Thursday, November 09, 2017 Friday, November 10, 2017 Saturday, November 11, 2017 Sunday, November 12, 2017 Monday, November 13, 2017 Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Wednesday, November 15, 2017 Thursday, November 16, 2017 Friday, November 17, 2017 Saturday, November 18, 2017 Sunday, November 19, 2017 Monday, November 20, 2017 Tuesday, November 21, 2017 Wednesday, November 22, 2017 Thursday, November 23, 2017 Friday, November 24, 2017 Saturday, November 25, 2017 Sunday, November 26, 2017 Monday, November 27, 2017 Tuesday, November 28, 2017 Wednesday, November 29, 2017 Thursday, November 30, 2017 Friday, December 01, 2017 Saturday, December 02, 2017 Sunday, December 03, 2017 Monday, December 04, 2017 Tuesday, December 05, 2017 Wednesday, December 06, 2017 Thursday, December 07, 2017 Friday, December 08, 2017 Saturday, December 09, 2017 Sunday, December 10, 2017 Monday, December 11, 2017 Tuesday, December 12, 2017 Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Thursday, December 14, 2017 Friday, December 15, 2017 Saturday, December 16, 2017 Sunday, December 17, 2017 Monday, December 18, 2017 Tuesday, December 19, 2017 Wednesday, December 20, 2017 Thursday, December 21, 2017 Friday, December 22, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017 Friday, November 17, 2017 Saturday, November 18, 2017 Sunday, November 19, 2017 Monday, November 20, 2017 Tuesday, November 21, 2017 Wednesday, November 22, 2017 Thursday, November 23, 2017 Friday, November 24, 2017 Saturday, November 25, 2017 Sunday, November 26, 2017 Monday, November 27, 2017 Tuesday, November 28, 2017 Wednesday, November 29, 2017 Thursday, November 30, 2017 Friday, December 01, 2017 Saturday, December 02, 2017 Sunday, December 03, 2017 Monday, December 04, 2017 Tuesday, December 05, 2017 Wednesday, December 06, 2017 Thursday, December 07, 2017 Friday, December 08, 2017 Saturday, December 09, 2017 Sunday, December 10, 2017 Monday, December 11, 2017 Tuesday, December 12, 2017 Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Thursday, December 14, 2017 Friday, December 15, 2017 Saturday, December 16, 2017 Sunday, December 17, 2017 Monday, December 18, 2017 Tuesday, December 19, 2017 Wednesday, December 20, 2017 Thursday, December 21, 2017 Friday, December 22, 2017 Saturday, December 23, 2017 Sunday, December 24, 2017 Monday, December 25, 2017 Tuesday, December 26, 2017 Wednesday, December 27, 2017 Thursday, December 28, 2017 Friday, December 29, 2017 Saturday, December 30, 2017 Sunday, December 31, 2017 Monday, January 01, 2018 continued on the next page ďƒ°
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
SPRING 2018 PAYMENT CHART See important message below regarding payment deadlines that fall on a Sunday. IF YOU REGISTER FOR A CLASS ON THE FOLLOWING DATE:
Saturday, December 23, 2017 Sunday, December 24, 2017 Monday, December 25, 2017 Tuesday, December 26, 2017 Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Tuesday, January 02, 2018 Wednesday, January 03, 2018 Thursday, January 04, 2018 Friday, January 05, 2018 Saturday, January 06, 2018
During the last 10 days of registration all fees are due prior to the start of the term. Thursday, December 28, 2017 Friday, December 29, 2017 Saturday, December 30, 2017 Sunday, December 31, 2017 Monday, January 01, 2018 Tuesday, January 02, 2018 Wednesday, January 03, 2018 Thursday, January 04, 2018 Friday, January 05, 2018 Saturday, January 06, 2018 Sunday, January 07, 2018
Sunday, January 07, 2018
If your payment date falls on a Sunday, we highly recommend that you pay BEFORE Sunday, as this day is reserved for scheduled system maintenance. Payment may not go through, resulting in your classes being dropped. Once classes are dropped, the action cannot be reversed. Partial payments are not accepted; payment balance due in full. METHODS OF PAYMENT: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Check or Money Order payable to Chaffey College (include Chaffey ID number) ONCE THE TERM STARTS ON JANUARY 8, 2018, payment is due at the time of Registration. If payment is not received, a financial hold will be placed on your account.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
STEPS TO ENROLL STEP 8 ATTEND FIRST CLASS MEETING It is important that every student attend the first class meeting. Students who do not attend may lose their seats to other students who are in attendance, even if enrolled in the class. ATTENDANCE It is your responsibility to make sure that you are officially enrolled in the class. You are expected to attend every class meeting. If you cannot attend a class meeting, consult with the instructor of the class. You may not continue to attend a class in which you are not enrolled.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Dropping Classes You can drop classes via the MyChaffey portal. Drop deadlines vary for each class and are available on your registration receipt. It is your responsibility to make sure classes are dropped. Failure to attend a class does not constitute an official drop. Students who drop classes prior to the date census rosters are due will receive no entry on their academic records. Course drops processed after the census deadline and on or before 61% of the course will receive a “W” grade on the permanent record. Drops cannot be processed by a student or an instructor after 61% of the course has elapsed. Failure to drop a course may result in an “F” or “FW” grade on the student’s record. Students are responsible for payment of fees; see Step 7 for more information on the refund policy.
^ Chaffey College
OBTAIN YOUR TEXTBOOKS THE CHAFFEY COLLEGE CAMPUS STORE http://books.chaffey.edu The Campus Store is dedicated to supporting the mission of the College, academic programs, and student life by providing a wide range of services including new, used, rental*, and digital textbooks, supplies, art kits, food items, apparel, electronics, uniforms, and much more. Campus Store proceeds stay with the college and benefit Chaffey students. Visit http://books.chaffey.edu for current and extended hours of operation, textbook availability and price comparisons, textbook buyback information, and more. Purchase or Rent Textbooks:
In person at the Rancho Cucamonga Campus Store for classes held online and at the Rancho Campus.
In person at the Chino Campus Store for classes held at all Chino Campus locations, including Chino Valley Adult School and Ontario High School.
CONTACT NUMBERS Rancho Campus Store (909) 652-6560
In person at the Fontana Campus Store for classes held at the Fontana Campus, including Fontana High School.
Chino Campus Store (909) 652-8170
Online at http://books.chaffey.edu for direct shipping and free in-store pickup at all three campuses.
Fontana Campus Store (909) 652-7410 CCSG BOOK GRANTS CCSG book grants help with purchasing materials from the Chaffey College Campus Store. Please be sure to check your Chaffey College issued panther email for more information on book grants, scholarships and other CCSG events. TEXTBOOK RESERVES Some textbooks are available on reserve for short-term checkout at campus libraries. Check the library website at www.chaffey.edu/library or contact one of the Chaffey Library locations for more information.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
OBTAIN YOUR PARKING PERMIT FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Where can I purchase a parking permit? Parking permits may be purchased online via the MyChaffey portal, or in person at the Admissions & Records Office at any of our three campus locations. I purchased my parking permit online, but haven’t received it yet. What do I do so I don’t get a ticket? A temporary parking permit will be issued to students who come in person to the Admissions & Records Office on the Rancho, Chino, or Fontana Campus. The temporary parking permit expires 7 business days from the day it is issued. If you do not receive your parking permit by the expiration date of the temporary permit, please email cashier.staff@chaffey.edu. How can I get a parking permit refund? The parking permit must be returned to the Admissions & Records Office on or before the appropriate refund deadline date.
Are parking permits required? Parking permits are required on the Rancho and Fontana Campuses, as well as the Chino Campus located on College Park. Permits are not required at the Chino Educational Center on Central Avenue or the Chino Information Technology Center on Seventh Street. What hours are parking permits required? Permits are required Monday through Friday 7:00am-11:00pm and Saturday 7:00am-3:00pm. Permits are not required on Sundays. How much do parking permits cost? Cost for a parking decal is $50 for the fall and spring terms and $25 for the summer term. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Can I park wherever I want with my parking permit? No. Parking permits allow students to park in student spaces. Students are not permitted to park in any stall marked Staff, Visitor, or Reserved. No parking is allowed in any area that does not have a clearly marked parking stall. Can I park in metered stalls with my parking permit? Only if you pay the required meter fee. Any person parked in a metered stall must pay the correct fee, even with a valid parking decal. Metered stalls cost $0.25 for every 15 minutes with a limit of one hour. What if I only have one or two classes a week and I don’t want to purchase a parking permit? You can purchase a daily parking permit from dispensing machines located in parking lots throughout the campus. One hour permits are $1.00 and full day permits are $4.00. I ride a motorcycle. Do I have to buy a parking permit? Yes. Motorcycle permits cost $20. What if I drive a different car or just forget my permit? You may obtain a temporary one day permit at the Campus Police Office with proper identification. Why is parking so difficult on the Rancho Campus? The first few weeks of a new semester are always the busiest. Try using alternate transportation such as carpooling or taking the bus. You can also try parking lots at the east or south end of the campus. Having a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space close to your destination and it is your responsibility to find legal parking. For more information on parking regulations, please refer to the “Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations” brochure available at the Campus Police office or on the web at www.chaffey.edu/parking, or contact Campus Police at (909) 652-6632. 21
^ Chaffey College
The Chaffey College Success Centers offer free tutoring, workshops, learning groups and activities, and computer access to assist students in their academic development and success. Functioning as an “extension of the classroom”, the Success Centers strategically design curriculum for every state of the learning process: knowledge-building, application, analysis, and evaluation. A Chaffey photo ID card is required for all Success Center services.
The Disability Programs and Services (DPS) office provides a variety of services to support student success in the classroom. Services vary based on the nature and severity of the disability. Some example services include: Classroom Services • Peer note taking • Tape recorder loan
Adapted Technology Services • Assistive Technology Lab • Text recording and e-text • Text and print enlarging • Text brailing • Computer-assisted reading and writing
Students who access one or more Success Centers experience a 73% likelihood of course success. Students who do not access Success Centers experience a 57% likelihood of course success.
Mobility Services • Courtesy trams • Campus orientation
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are set up to serve students in all subject disciplines. The Rancho campus also houses discipline specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. For more information, contact a Success Center or visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters.
LIBRARY The Chaffey Library has branches at the Chino, Fontana, and Rancho sites. Check www.chaffey.edu/library or call (909) 652-6800 for current hours.
8:00am - 8:00pm 10:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 3:00pm
The Chaffey Library provides access to over two dozen databases that include magazines, newspapers, journals, and encyclopedias in full-text format. These are available 24/7 via the Chaffey Library homepage to current students, staff, and faculty at Chaffey College.
Rancho Cucamonga Campus Success Centers Language Success Center, BEB-101 ESL & Modern Languages: (909) 652-6907 Greg Creel, Instructional Specialist English (Reading and Writing): (909) 652-6820 Rose Ann Osmanian, Instructional Specialist Math Success Center, MATH-121 Garrett Kenehan, Instructional Specialist
A valid Chaffey ID card in good condition is required for check-out of items, including reserve materials. Please consult our website or contact us for more information regarding our services and resources.
(909) 652-6452
SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of weekly study sessions facilitated by a trained student leader. Attendance is voluntary and open to anyone enrolled in the selected courses. The study sessions help students improve understanding of course material, develop study strategies, and prepare for tests. For more information, visit www.chaffey.edu/si or call (909) 652-6498.
Multidisciplinary Success Center, Library (909) 652-6932 Chino and Fontana Campus Success Centers Chino Success Center, CHMB-145 Kenneth Lindleaf, Instructional Specialist
(909) 652-8150
Fontana Success Center, FNFC-122 Maryjane Ross, Instructional Specialist
(909) 652-7408
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
• Electric wheelchair loans
For more information, visit www.chaffey.edu/dps or call (909) 652-6738.
Operating hours for Success Centers (subject to change): Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday
• Sign language interpreters • Assistance with test taking
Megan Keebler, Instructional Specialist 22
^ Chaffey College
CÓMO PUEDO ESTUDIAR EN CHAFFEY estudiante debe reunirse con un asesor académico dentro de los primeros seis meses después de su inscripción inicial en Chaffey con el fin de elaborar su plan de estudios.
¿Quién puede asistir a Chaffey College? Todo estudiante graduado de la escuela High School, cualquier persona con un Certificado de Aptitud o un GED, y cualquier persona que tenga cuando menos 18 años de edad puede beneficiarse con un curso de estudios en Chaffey College.
¿Cómo puedo inscribirme en las clases que quiero? Usted puede inscribirse en sus clases en la fecha asignada para su inscripción, o después de esa fecha, utilizando la inscripción en línea en www.chaffey.edu/chaffeyview. También se puede inscribir en persona en cualquiera de los planteles de Chaffey College.
¿Cómo puedo iniciar mi inscripción? Complete una solicitud, en línea, en www.chaffey.edu. No hay ningún cargo al someter su solicitud. ¿Cuánto cuestan las clases? Los costos de la matrícula se cobran por unidad. Una clase típica es de 3 ó 4 unidades.
¿Qué hago después de inscribirme? 1. Pague por sus clases. Al final del proceso de inscripción en línea obtendrá la suma total de sus cargos. Todas las cuotas se pueden pagar en línea durante, o después, de su inscripción. También se pueden pagar en persona, por facsímile, o por correo. El tipo de pago aceptado incluye tarjetas de crédito (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), en efectivo, cheque, o giro money order. 2. Obtenga sus libros de texto. Los libros de texto se pueden adquirir o alquidado en las librerías de los planteles, o en línea en http://books.chaffey.edu. Las librerías de Chino y Fontana sólo tienen los libros para las clases que se imparten en esos planteles. 3. Asista a clases. Si usted no asiste el primer día de clases, el maestro puede darlo de baja.
Residentes de California - $46 por unidad Ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos que no residan en California o personas que no sean ciudadanas de los Estados Unidos - $291 por unidad. También hay una cuota de cuidado a la salud que cuesta $17 en otoño y primavera, y $14 en verano. La cuota por concepto de estacionamiento es de $50 en otoño y primavera, y $25 en verano. Esta cuota se requiere en todos los planteles de Chaffey excepto en Chino Information Technology Center. Además, hay costos asociados con la compra de libros y materiales, los cuales varían de acuerdo al tipo de clase que usted tome. ¿Puedo obtener ayuda para cubrir los costos por las clases y otros costos? Hay un número de programas que asisten al estudiante de recursos limitados incluyendo el programa BOGW que obvia los costos de inscripción, donativos, Trabajo-Estudio Federal, becas, y préstamos. Para ser tomado en cuenta para cualquiera de estos programas, se necesita completar la Solicitud para Asistencia Financiera Estudiantil, o FAFSA. Para obtener la solicitud ingrese a www.fafsa.ed.gov o a www.chaffey.edu/finaid. Asegúrese de incluir el código institucional de Chaffey, 001163, confirmar la exactitud de su número de seguro social y asegurarse que esté de acuerdo con el que usted ingresó en su solicitud de inscripción a Chaffey College.
¿Ofrece Chaffey College guardería infantil? Sí. El Centro de Desarrollo Infantil (Child Development Center en inglés) está ubicado en el plantel de Rancho Cucamonga y puede aceptar niños de dos años hasta edad preescolar o Kindergarten. Las cuotas por concepto de guardería infantil se establecen de acuerdo a la situación económica de cada estudiante tomando en cuenta su ingreso y el número de personas en la unidad familiar. Para más información llame al (909) 652-6875. ¿Qué otros servicios se encuentran disponibles para los estudiantes? Hay muchos servicios disponibles para los estudiantes de Chaffey College. Algunos de los programas disponibles son:
¿Qué tipo de clases puedo tomar? Tome una prueba de ubicación. Todo estudiante con habilidades limitadas en el inglés tendrá que someterse a una evaluación denominada AccuPlacer la cual determina su capacidad en el idioma inglés. Se recomendarán cursos específicos de inglés como segunda lengua (ESL por sus siglas en inglés) tales como lectura, escritura, y comunicación oral, basándose en los resultados de la evaluación.
Programas y Servicios de Igualdad de Oportunidades (EOPS, por sus siglas en inglés) – EOPS es un programa financiado por el estado que ofrece servicios a los estudiantes de escasos recursos, que no han tenido éxito en la High School y/o en la universidad. Los estudiantes que cumplen con los requisitos gozan de varios servicios, incluyendo vales para libros, asesoramiento académico, pases para el autobús y prioridad en la inscripción. Para más información, llame al (909) 652-6349.
¿Cómo puedo enterarme de lo que el colegio ofrece para poder planificar mi educación? Asista a una Orientación. La Orientación incluye una presentación acerca de los programas y servicios que el colegio ofrece, y también da un pormenor de las reglas del colegio, los requisitos de conducta estudiantil, y la planificación de objetivos educativos. Póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Asesoramiento en www.chaffey.edu/counseling o llame al (909) 652-6200 para anotarse en una sesión. También, todo
Asesoramiento Académico – Los estudiantes tienen asesores a su disponibilidad durante todo el año para que los ayuden a alcanzar sus objetivos académicos. Los asesores pueden diseñar un plan educacional para los estudiantes que los ayudará a elegir las clases correctas a fin de que puedan alcanzar sus objetivos. Para concertar una cita con un asesor, llame al (909) 652-6200.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
DECLARACIÓN DE IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES NODISCRIMINACIÓN Y PROHIBICIÓN DE ACOSO El distrito escolar del colegio comunitario Chaffey está afirmativamente comprometido a proporcionar igualdad de oportunidades educativas y laborales. Este compromiso se encuentra en nuestras políticas educativas, en políticas y prácticas de personal y en el trato de empleados, estudiantes y público en general. El Distrito y toda persona que represente al Distrito deberá proporcionar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo y oportunidades educativas independientemente de raza, color, nacionalidad, ascendencia, religión, credo, sexo, edad (más de 40), discapacidad física (incluyendo el VIH y el SIDA) o discapacidad mental, estado civil, condición médica (incluyendo el cáncer y características genéticas), orientación sexual, o rango militar como veteranos de la época de Vietnam, o la percepción de que una persona tenga una o más de las características anteriores.
Servicios de Salud para Estudiantes – Los Servicios de Salud para los Estudiantes están diseñados para ayudar a los estudiantes a alcanzar y mantener una salud física, mental y emocional óptima, mediante el suministro de asistencia médica de calidad a un costo razonable. Cada semestre, la cuota que se cobra por concepto de cuidado a la salud permite a todos los estudiantes actualmente inscriptos a tener acceso a un médico, un enfermero con entrenamiento avanzado, o un asesor matrimonial o familiar, sin costo alguno. Una variedad de servicios se encuentra disponible para todos los estudiantes; algunos servicios pueden requerir una cuota. Un enfermero está disponible de lunes a viernes para responder preguntas. Para más información, llame al (909) 652-6331. ¿Cuáles son mis derechos bajo la ley? AB-540: La Ley de la Cámara Baja 540 es una solicitud de exención del pago de la matrícula de no residente: Todo estudiante que cumpla los requisitos para la solicitud de exención del pago de la matrícula de no residente estará exento del pago de la matrícula de no residente y pagará la cuota de inscripción de residente de $46 por unidad. Hay criterios específicos para la exención y una lista de documentos que deben acompañar la petición. Tanto la solicitud como información acerca de los criterios específicos y la documentación requerida se encuentran en www.chaffey.edu/admissions/ab540.shtml o se pueden obtener en la Oficina de Inscripciones y Archivos, Admissions and Records Office.
De conformidad con los Reglamentos del Título IX, el distrito ofrece igualdad de oportunidades académicas, profesionales y extracurriculares independientemente de sexo/ género de la persona. El Coordinador del Título IX, Dr. Eric Bishop, puede ser contactado al teléfono (909) 652-6502, correo electrónico eric.bishop@chaffey.edu o en la siguiente dirección: 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737. El distrito, autorizado bajo la ley federal para inscribir a estudiantes extranjeros e inmigrantes y, de conformidad con los reglamentos del título 5, afirma que la falta de conocimientos del idioma Inglés no será un obstáculo para la admisión y participación en los programas de este distrito escolar.
POLÍTICA DE PREVENCIÓN DE ACOSO SEXUAL Es política del distrito escolar del colegio comunitario Chaffey proveer para todos, los estudiantes y empleados, una educación, empleo y medio ambiente libre de todas las formas de explotación, acoso, intimidación o asedio sexuales no deseados, solicitudes de favores sexuales, o otra conducta física, verbal, visual o comunicaciones de carácter sexual prohibidas por el Acuerdo para Empleos y Vivienda Justa de California, el Código de Educación de California y las reglas, normas, estatutos y leyes federales y estatales que prohíben el acoso sexual y represalias.
Las personas en busca de información y/o respuestas a presuntos actos de discriminación ilícita, represalias o acoso deben ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficial encargada de supervisar la implementación de estas regulaciones, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources del colegio Chaffey, al teléfono (909) 652-6531, correo electrónico susan.hardie@chaffey.edu, o en la siguiente dirección: 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737.
Este distrito escolar se opone enérgicamente al acoso sexual y expresamente prohíbe el acoso sexual de sus estudiantes y empleados por catedráticos, directivos, personal, estudiantes o miembros del público en general. El colegio Chaffey tomará las medidas apropiadas para prevenir, corregir y, si es necesario, disciplinar cualquier comportamiento inadecuado. Cualquier acoso sexual debe ser inmediatamente comunicado a nuestro oficial encargado de supervisar la implementación de estas regulaciones, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources del colegio Chaffey, al teléfono (909) 652-6531, correo electrónico susan.hardie@chaffey.edu, o en la siguiente dirección: 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737, o a cualquier decano, director o gerente quien de forma inmediata deberá referirlo al oficial encargado o designado. Deben tomarse todas las medidas necesarias para asegurar la confidencialidad.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Out-of-District High School Students: High school students who reside and attend a high school outside of the Chaffey College District must pay all fees. Out-of-District high school students classified as non-residents of California (for tuition purposes) and/or the United States must also pay out-of-state tuition fees.
SPECIAL STUDENT CLASSIFICATIONS HIGH SCHOOL DUAL ENROLLMENT High school students may enroll at Chaffey College through dual enrollment to pursue advanced scholastic or vocational education (Education Code 48800(a)). Eligible students must have completed the 10th grade and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Students participating in the Dual Enrollment Program at Chaffey College must complete all requirements within the deadline dates specified in the registration packet. All high school students are required to register in person with a special add card and can do so at any Chaffey College campus. High school students may register on or after their assigned registration date and may register for up to eight (8.0) units. High school students may only register for classes that have been recommended by the high school on the High School Certification form. High school students may not take classes for remediation purposes (courses numbered 500-599). Enrollment in KINACT activity courses is restricted to adult students who are no longer enrolled in high school. However, high school students may enroll in KINLEC lecture courses, such as KINLEC 15 – “Diet and Fitness”, with the permission of the high school counselor or designee. Select high school seniors may also be eligible to enroll in KINTM team courses. All high school students participating in the Dual Enrollment Program must attend the first day of class.
Home-Schooled Students: Home-schooled students must complete all requirements mentioned above, including obtaining a signature of a school affiliate on the High School Certification form. Homeschooled students who are not able to obtain a school affiliate signature must achieve a placement recommendation in English 475 or higher or Math 410 or higher on the Chaffey College assessment test. If the preceding scores are not achieved, the student must wait until the following semester to request a retake of the assessment test. A copy of the home school affidavit must be provided to the Admissions and Records Office. For more information contact your high school Assistant Principal or call High School Partnerships at (909) 652-6103. High School Appeals Process The appeals process is for high school students who do not meet the minimum admissions criteria, but have a strong potential for academic success in the college setting. For information regarding the appeals process and deadlines, please go to www.chaffey.edu/admissions and click on “High School Students”, then select “How to Appeal.” The appeals process is available for high school students only (must be currently enrolled in 9th grade or higher). The Appeals Committee does not consider appeals after the deadline to submit has passed. Students who appeal and are approved to register for 12 or more units must pay enrollment fees for ALL classes for that term.
High School Students New to Chaffey: High school students who are attending Chaffey College for the first time must submit an online application for admission, an official high school transcript in a sealed envelope, the High School Certification, Parental Advisory and Waiver of Liability forms the first semester of attendance. The high school student must also complete assessment and orientation and must attend a High School Student Education Plan Workshop which is arranged through the Chaffey College Counseling Department. The high school student will receive a Chaffey ID number in the registration letter that is sent by email after the online admissions application has been received and processed by the Admissions and Records Office. The registration letter will also include a link that the student must access to download the High School Registration Packet. The High School Registration Packet includes critical registration information for the student and parents regarding the requirements and expectations of participating in the Dual Enrollment Program at Chaffey College.
CTE Career Transitions High School/ROP students who attend Career Technical Education (CTE) courses articulated with Chaffey College may be able to earn advanced placement or college credit. For additional information contact your counselor or career technician or call (909) 652-6829. PUENTE PROJECT An outgrowth of the Puente Project founded in 1981 at Chabot College in Hayward, the Puente Project is designed to provide individual assistance to students interested in transferring to four-year colleges and universities. Puente students are provided with intensive English instruction, focused personal counseling, introductory tours of UC and Cal State campuses, and helpful personal mentoring. Every element is an essential part of the Puente experience.
Continuing High School Students at Chaffey: High school students who have previously attended Chaffey College must submit an official high school transcript in a sealed envelope, the High School Certification, Parental Advisory and Waiver of Liability forms each semester of attendance.
Prospective students must be eligible for English 475 at the time of application, and must write an essay describing their academic and career goals, and how participation in Puente would assist their success. Applications and essays are evaluated by the Puente program faculty, who select 30 students each year for participation in the program.
In-District High School Students: High school students who reside in or attend a high school within the Chaffey College District are eligible to have certain fees waived, up to 11 units. Enrollment, health, and college service fees are waived for in-district students. Materials fees must be paid by the student at the time of registration. Other fees. such as books, parking, transportation, and technology fee must be paid by the student. PLEASE NOTE: High School Students enrolling in 12 or more units are responsible for payment of all fees.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
More information and application forms are available in the Counseling Department at the Rancho Campus. Contact the Puente Project at (909) 652-6200.
^ Chaffey College
VETERANS All veterans and eligible dependents who wish to receive VA Education Benefits while attending Chaffey College are required to meet with the Veteran Certifying Official to begin the process. Official transcripts of all previous college coursework must be submitted to the college for evaluation. Assessment testing is required. For more information on veterans’ benefits, please contact the Veterans Resource Center at (909) 652-6611. Veterans interested in using the new Post 911 GI Bill, please contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at (888) 442-4551 or visit the GI Bill website at www.gibill.va.gov for more information. Veterans are welcome to visit our Veterans’ Resource Center in AD-125.
ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION REQUESTS Enrollment Verification forms can be presented to health insurance agencies, housing authorities, consumer product companies, banks, etc. to provide evidence of official enrollment at Chaffey College. A student may request enrollment verification from the Admissions and Records Office at any Chaffey campus location. Requests made at the Rancho campus are processed while the student waits. Requests that require completion of additional forms may take up to 24 hours to process. Requests made in Chino and Fontana will require additional processing time. Please check with the Chino and Fontana Admissions & Records Office before making your request. Students may request up to two enrollment verifications at no charge. Subsequent verifications are $5.00 each.
The Veterans Administration (VA) specifies a minimum load for educational benefits (these apply to full-term classes only; see Veterans Certifying Official for information regarding short-term classes): Status Full-time Three-fourth time One-half time Less than half-time
Fall & Spring 12 or more units 9-11.5 units 6-8.5 units Less than 6 units
GRADING Letter Grading: Plus and Minus Symbols Effective Fall Semester 2002, plus and minus symbols will have the following point values attached:
Summer Unit Requirements Contact the Veterans Resource Center
A+ A AB+ B B-
ACADEMIC MATTERS AUDITING COURSES Auditing is permitted on a space available basis, solely at the discretion of the instructor. Once audit enrollment is completed, no student will be permitted to change his/her enrollment to receive credit. Conversely, a student is not permitted to change his/her enrollment from credit to audit after the deadline to drop with a “W” grade. No course credit or grade is received for an audited class, nor does the college maintain any attendance or transcript records. Priority in class enrollment shall be given to students desiring to take the course for credit; therefore, enrollment for audit purposes will not be permitted until the class has met at least once. The instructor’s signature is required to audit a class. If a student is enrolled only in the class(es) being audited, that student can obtain a photo ID card and will have access to labs and Success Centers at all locations, but they will not have access to the library book check-outs or online library resources. The cost to audit a course is $15.00 per unit. For additional information, contact Admissions and Records at (909) 652-6600.
C+ C D+ D DF
2.3 points 2.0 points 1.3 points 1.0 points 0.7 points 0 points
Pass/No Pass Grading: Courses that are Pass/No Pass Only or provide students the option of selecting Pass/No Pass in lieu of a letter grade are so designated in the schedule description. Courses without such information are letter grade only. Petitions for Grade Changes Students have two (2) years following the semester in which a questioned grade was recorded to request a change of grade. A petition is required to change a failing grade to W, or to remove grades. To dispute an assigned grade, contact the instructor or appropriate department coordinator. Grades are no longer subject to change after the two-year limit. Access to Grades You may access grade information for the term just completed by visiting the MyChaffey portal. Please allow 10 business days after the last day of instruction for processing. DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES The deadline to apply for degrees and certificates is as follows:
CHANGE OF ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER It is the student’s responsibility to maintain a current email address, physical address and telephone number(s) in the MyChaffey portal. If a student would like to change to a mailing address that is different from the physical address, the change must be made in person in the Admissions and Records Office at any Chaffey campus. For additional information, please contact the Admissions and Records Office at (909) 652-6600.
Fall 2017 Spring 2018
December 1, 2017 March 30, 2018
To participate in the May 2018 commencement ceremony, you must receive your degree or certificate in Summer 2017, Fall 2017, or Spring 2018. Applications are available in the Counseling Department or online at www.chaffey.edu/counseling. Completed applications are accepted by mail, fax to (909) 652-6228, or in person at the Counseling Department on the Rancho Cucamonga campus.
CREDIT BY EXAMINATION A student may challenge certain courses for Credit by Examination. Applications are available in the Admissions and Records Office. Grading is on a pass/fail basis only, there is a $25 per test fee that must be paid in advance, and the student must certify that they have not previously attempted examination for credit in the course. Additional criteria must also be met; those criteria can be found in the college catalog, which can be accessed by visiting our website www.chaffey.edu.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.0 points 4.0 points 3.7 points 3.3 points 3.0 points 2.7 points
Degree candidates must complete 60 degree-applicable semester units with a minimum 2.0 degree applicable cumulative grade point average (GPA), and must meet all graduation requirements as stated in the Chaffey College Catalog. Students with a cumulative 3.5 GPA or above in degree applicable units will graduate with honors. The GPA for honors at commencement is computed after the fall semester grades are recorded on the transcript. 26
^ Chaffey College
NON-TRADITIONAL CREDIT Students may be eligible to receive college credit by passing a written examination or demonstrating proficiency via another approved method that shows mastery of a course’s objectives. Approved testing methods include Credit by Examination (Cx), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) tests. Unit credit is recognized for AP tests in which a score of 3, 4, or 5 is awarded; more information is available in the Counseling Office. Refer to the college catalog for more nontraditional credit information.
Unit Evaluation A unit evaluation determines the total number of degree applicable units that Chaffey College will accept. It is not a course-by-course evaluation and does not clear prerequisites. A unit evaluation will be completed for all official transcripts received for enrolled students. Students who submit transcripts prior to enrolling at Chaffey will need to submit a Unit Evaluation Request Form once enrollment has been completed. The only students who require an immediate unit evaluation are veterans and those who are applying to the ADN and RT programs. If you are a veteran or are applying to the ADN or RT program and need a unit evaluation, please contact the Admissions and Records Office at (909) 652-6600 for details. The evaluation will be completed in approximately 10 business days from the date the Unit Evaluation Request form is received in the Admissions and Records Office.
TRANSCRIPTS Official Transcript Requests: There are three ways you can order official transcripts from Chaffey College: • Hard Copy • eTranscripts • Electronic PDF (additional charges apply)
If you need an unofficial review of course credit or a prerequisite validation, visit the Counseling Department. You must submit your official transcripts to the Admissions and Records Office at least two business days prior to your counseling appointment. Please refer to the paragraph below for additional information.
Cost: $5 per transcript (first two transcripts are free - Hard Copy only) Processing Time: • One (1) Business Day for Hard Copy or eTranscripts • Within minutes for Electronic PDF (additional charges apply)
Official Evaluation of Credit Completed at Other Schools Students who have completed coursework at other institutions and wish to obtain a degree or certificate from Chaffey College or transfer to a CSU or UC, may request an official evaluation through the Counseling Department. Schedule an appointment with a counselor after the unit evaluation has been completed.
Payment Options: Visa, MasterCard, Discovery, American Express Hard Copy transcripts can be ordered through the MyChaffey portal by selecting “Order Transcripts” from the Self-Service Quicklinks. You may then choose to have your transcripts mailed or picked up at one of our three campuses (please allow an additional two (2) business days for pickup at Chino or Fontana).
Transcript Evaluation Services for Foreign Transcripts Chaffey College accepts the following Transcript Evaluation Services for foreign transcripts:
eTranscripts can be ordered by following the steps above and selecting the “Mail Transcript(s)” option. You will then be given the choice to send your transcripts electronically to participating schools. To send your transcripts electronically, select the “Electronic Transcript” option and choose the receiving school from the dropdown menu. (Schools not listed are not currently receiving transcripts through the eTranscripts program.)
• • • • • • • •
Electronic PDF transcripts are available through the National Student Clearinghouse and may be ordered by clicking the link on our website. This option sends your transcripts within minutes to the receiving school’s email account. The school will receive a secure link and a randomly generated password to retrieve your transcripts (additional charges apply).
Academic and Professional International Evaluations, Inc. Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute American Education Research Corporation (AERC) Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. Educational Records Evaluation Service Institute for International Credentials Evaluation at CSU Fresno International Education Research Foundation, Inc. (IERF) World Education Services, Inc. (WES)
Note: Credits from an evaluation service are counted as earned credits only. Grade point averages from foreign institutions are not included on the Chaffey academic transcript. For specific information, contact the Admissions and Records Office. LIMITATIONS ON ENROLLMENT Prerequisites and Enforcement When a course has a prerequisite, it means that a student must possess a certain body of knowledge to be successful in the course. The preexisting knowledge may be a skill, an ability, a placement preparation score, or successful completion of a course. Completion of a prerequisite course requires a grade of C or better, CR (credit) or P (pass). A grade of “C-“ is not acceptable for completion of a prerequisite/corequisite course.
Unofficial Transcripts: For a printout of unofficial transcripts, go to the MyChaffey portal at https://my.chaffey.edu, click the MyChaffeyVIEW icon in the Launch Pad and select the Unofficial Transcript link.
When a course has a corequisite, it means that the student is required to take a course at the same time as another course. Knowing the information presented in the corequisite is considered necessary for the student to be successful in the course.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Chaffey’s registration process allows for automated prerequisite/corequisite checking. Students attempting to enroll in the computer-checked courses will be blocked from registration if they do not meet the specified prerequisites. Students are responsible for meeting prerequisites as stated in the schedule of classes and college catalog. See a counselor for assistance in determining eligibility for a specific class.
Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Process: 1. Complete the Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge form and attach documentation to establish your right to challenge this prerequisite/ corequisite request. Examples of documentation include official high school and/or college transcripts, international transcripts, certificates, test scores, etc. All official transcripts must be on file with Admissions and Records. a) Identify the course in which you wish to register and the prerequisite/corequisite you wish to challenge. b) If you are attempting to use high school coursework to meet a course prerequisite, submit your high school transcript to Admissions and Records in order to verify the coursework completed. c) If you are attempting to challenge a math course, you must submit a copy of your assessment test results, along with your challenge form. 2. Meet with a counselor in the Counseling Department to assess whether you will benefit from the challenge process. a) The counselor will sign the form. b) The Counseling Department designee will enter the prerequisite/corequisite course within 24 hours. This will allow you to register in the course. 3. Register during the registration period. (Refer to class schedule for the last day to add.) 4. The Counseling Department staff will submit the Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge form with documentation to the referral area (school/department indicated on the form). 5. The department coordinator will resolve the challenge within three five (5) business days. 6. For approved challenge decisions, you will be notified by mail and you will be allowed to remain in the class. 7. For denied challenge decisions, you will be notified by both phone and mail, the Counseling Department designee will remove the prerequisite/corequisite course entered on your record, the Admissions Office will drop you from the class, and the Cashier’s Office will process your refund. 8. If you wish to appeal the denied decision, you may do so by contacting the Dean in the school/department for the prerequisite you have challenged.
Any student who has completed prerequisite and/or corequisite courses at another college or in high school must submit official transcripts to the Admissions and Records Office. A Request for Prerequisite/Corequisite Validation form must be completed and submitted to the Counseling Department. The student will be unable to register for specific courses if prerequisites are not met. Assessment results from other colleges may not be used to meet prerequisites; new students must arrange to take Chaffey’s assessment testing prior to registration. The Request for Prerequisite/Corequisite Validation forms are accepted at the Chino and Fontana campuses but are faxed or mailed to the Rancho campus to process. Some requests may require up to 7 business days to process but are usually processed within 24 hours. If approved, the student will be allowed to register during their registration period. The student will receive notification by email or mail within a week upon processing. Students who are enrolled in the prerequisite course at Chaffey at the time of their registration will be permitted to enroll in the subsequent course. Students who do not pass the prerequisite course with at least a grade of C or do not complete the prerequisite course will be dropped prior to the start of classes by the Admissions & Records Office. Any student planning to clear a math prerequisite for a math course by using their high school transcript must complete a challenge form. See prerequisite/corequisite challenge instructions for more details. Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge: Prerequisites for courses will be enforced according to college policy. Students have the right to challenge prerequisites on the following grounds: 1. A prerequisite for a course necessary for graduation, transfer, or a certificate is not offered and the unavailability of that prerequisite poses a hardship. 2. The prerequisite has not been validated. 3. The student has the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course despite not meeting the prerequisite. 4. The prerequisite is discriminatory or being applied in a discriminatory manner.
More information, including the Prerequisite Challenge form, is available through the Counseling Department and the Chaffey College website. Questions should be directed to the Counseling Department at (909) 652-6200. Corequisites When a course has a corequisite, it means that a student is required to take a course at the same time as another course. Knowing the information presented in the corequisite course is considered necessary for a student to be successful in the course.
The student must provide appropriate documentation when filing a challenge. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, high school or college transcripts, additional test results, work experience, or writing sample. Prior enrollment in the course does not exempt a student from the current prerequisite of that course.
Students wishing to challenge a corequisite should follow the same procedure for challenging a prerequisite. Limitation on Enrollment A limitation on enrollment is a non-course requirement for entry into a course or educational program, without which a student will not be permitted to remain in the selected course or program. These requirements are frequently (but not always) driven by health and safety regulations and/or mandates by outside accrediting/licensing agencies.
Students challenging a prerequisite must submit a Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge form. The form must be filed in the Counseling Department up to one week prior to the beginning of each term.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Advisory An advisory is a condition of enrollment that a student is advised, but not required, to meet before or in conjunction with enrollment in a course or educational program. Since an advisory is not required, students will not be blocked from enrolling in a class if they do not meet the conditions of the advisory.
PHOTO ID CARDS All enrolled students are eligible for a photo ID card. Photo ID cards are required for use of labs, library, and other services. Students must be currently enrolled and have paid all outstanding fees in order to receive a Photo ID or reprint. Photo IDs are issued at the Rancho, Chino, or Fontana Campus.
Photo ID Services Information Photo ID services are available on all campuses in the Admissions and Records Office during business hours.
Matriculation services at Chaffey College are intended to assist students in establishing appropriate educational goals and to provide support services to help them achieve these goals. Students are provided assessment in basic skills, orientation, counseling, an education plan, and follow-up services. New students must complete assessment and orientation prior to registering for classes.
To obtain a Chaffey photo ID card, the student will need to present an alternate photo ID for verification, be currently enrolled in classes, and be financially cleared by the college. The following forms of photo identification are accepted: • • • •
Assessment of Foundational Skills Assessment testing is required for placement into English, ESL, and mathematics. Placement levels are based on a combination of test scores and other educational background information. Accommodations are available for individuals with disabilities. Chaffey uses multiple measures to place students into foundational skills courses.
Photos must be an unobstructed, front view of the full face that is a representation of the true appearance of the card holder. No facial or hand gestures or foreign objects are to be included in the photo. Hats, sunglasses, and any other clothing that might obstruct the view of the face may not be worn. All headwear must be removed, unless worn for valid religious, cultural, or medical reasons. No picture retakes are allowed unless the picture is unusable due to closed eyes or other unforeseen problems. Please see the Admissions & Records Office for further information.
Students Rights and Responsibilities Students are entitled to certain rights under matriculation procedures. These rights include: retaking the assessment test; being informed of any district investigations of complaints challenging matriculation regulations; being provided alternative services according to language or disability needs; and filing a complaint of unlawful discrimination if they feel the assessment, orientation, counseling or any other matriculation procedure is being applied in a discriminatory manner.
Photo ID Re-Print Policy Re-prints are provided at no cost on Thursdays only during regular business hours. There is an $8 rush fee for reprints processed on any day other than Thursday.
Matriculation requirements also include certain student responsibilities. Upon admission to the college, students must express a broad educational goal and provide transcripts from previous college work. They must complete assessment and orientation prior to registering for classes and must develop a comprehensive Student Education Plan (SEP) with a counselor within their first six months at Chaffey. Students are responsible for attending class, completing their assignments and coursework, and maintaining progress toward their educational goal.
• Complete a Photo ID Card Re-Print Request form, available in the Admissions and Records Office at any Chaffey campus. • Show proof of government-issued photo ID. • Clear ALL financial obligations to the college prior to submission of Re-Print Request form. Photo ID Services During Peak Periods Photo ID services may be limited during peak registration periods, open registration and the first week of instruction. To avoid delays, please request your photo ID prior to the start of the term. Students must be currently registered and financially cleared for the current term to receive a photo ID or re-print.
Exemptions and Refusal Students may be exempt from matriculation services if they: • Have earned an associate degree or higher (diploma or transcripts required), or • Have completed certain coursework at another college (transcripts required), or • Will enroll in one course only, with no intention of earning a degree at Chaffey, or • Will enroll in performance/activity courses only.
PROXY TRANSACTIONS AND IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A student who is unable to initiate a transaction may designate an appointed person to complete the transaction by submitting a Proxy Transaction Form. Proxy forms are available in the Admissions and Records Office. The Proxy Transaction form must include all of the following: student’s full name, Chaffey ID number, and date of birth; name of the appointed person; a description of the transaction needed; signature of the student; and a copy of the student’s picture identification with a signature. (Ed Code 76243)
Students have the right to refuse matriculation services and choose not to participate in assessment, orientation, and/or counseling. A student wishing to be exempt from these services based on one of the above criteria or wishing to decline participation must contact the Counseling Department to complete the necessary documentation. Students concurrently enrolled in high school and participating in High School Dual Enrollment are not eligible for exemptions and cannot refuse matriculation services. Students refusing services and concurrently enrolled high school students are not eligible for priority registration.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Driver’s License/State ID Card Military ID/Passport Current High School ID Other valid government-issued photo ID (subject to approval)
The appointed person will be required to provide photographic identification before the transaction can be completed. With the exception of “rush” transcripts and enrollment verifications, Admissions and Records will mail a copy of the requested transaction directly to the student; a copy will not be released to the appointed person.
^ Chaffey College
REGISTRATION DATE ASSIGNMENT Registration priority will be assigned in the following order: 1. Students who have completed orientation, assessment, and an education plan, and are enrolled in and receiving services from an eligible priority group as defined by Education Code 66025 and Title 5, Section 58108. 2. Students who have completed orientation, assessment, and an education plan. Continuing and returning students must also be in good academic standing. 3. Students who fail to meet one or more eligibility requirements. 4. Students who have completed more than 100 units.
2. When a repeatable course is taken and a substandard grade (“D”, “F”, “FW”, “NC”, and “NP”) is earned, a student may elect to have the satisfactory grade earned in the first subsequent repeat of the course alleviate the substandard grade. Forms for this election are available in the Admissions and Records Office. Exceptions to Repetition Restrictions: Significant Lapse of Time: A student may petition to repeat a course that is not designated as repeatable and in which he or she has received a satisfactory grade (“A”, “B”, “C”, “CR”, or “P”) when: 1. there has been a significant lapse of time of no less than 36 months since that grade was obtained, and 2. the district has properly established a recency prerequisite for a course or program, or another institution of higher education to which the student seeks to transfer has established a recency requirement which the student will not be able to satisfy without the course in question (Title 5, Section 55043).
COURSE REPETITION Repetition of courses is allowed in certain circumstances (Title 5, 55040-55046, 58161, 58161.7 and Chaffey College Board Policy) Course Repetition in a Non-Repeatable Course 1. Students who received a satisfactory grade (“A”, “B”, “C”, “CR”, or “P”) may not normally repeat the course. Exceptions exist for significant lapse of time, extenuating circumstances, and legally-mandated training requirements as a condition of continued paid or volunteer employment (see exceptions below for details). Such exceptions require a petition, available from the Admissions and Records Office. 2. Students who have received an incomplete grade (“I”) may not repeat the course. Required coursework must be completed within one year, or the “I” grade will default to an alternate grade indicated by the instructor (usually substandard). 3. Students who have received an In-Progress grade (“IP”) must repeat the course by enrolling in it in the subsequent term (excluding summer). Coursework must be completed in that semester or the “IP” grade will default to an alternate grade indicated by the instructor (usually substandard). “IP” grades are issued for open-entry classes that extend passed the end of the term or team-sports that have seasons that overlap semesters. 4. Students who have received an unsatisfactory grade (“D”, “F”, “FW”, “NC”, or “NP”) or have withdrawn from the course (“W”) may repeat the course once. If unsuccessful in the second attempt, the student must file a petition to be considered for a third attempt at the course. Petitions are available in the Admissions and Records Office. The academic dean over the subject area being petitioned evaluates and approves/denies each petition on a case-by-case basis. 5. Students who have withdrawn for verified military service (“MW”) may repeat course(s) from which they have withdrawn. The “MW” grade does not affect GPA, nor does it count toward the permitted number of repetitions. The college’s course repetition policy may be different from that of the Veterans Administration. Students receiving Veterans’ educational benefits should check with the Veterans Certifying Official in the Veteran’s Resource Center before repeating any course.
Extenuating circumstance: A student may petition to repeat a course in which the previous grade is, at least in part, the result of extenuating circumstances (verified cases of accidents, illness, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student) (Title 5, Section 55043). Legally-Mandated Training Requirement: A student may petition to repeat a course in which a satisfactory grade was previously earned and such repetition is necessary due to a change in industry licensure standards such that repetition of the course is necessary for employment or licensure. RESIDENCY DETERMINATION Residency status for tuition purposes is determined at the time of application. Students determined to be non-resident at the time of application are notified by email with instructions to contact the Admissions and Records Office. (Residency regulations also apply to high school students.) Resident: Has resided in California for at least one year and one day prior to the first day of instruction for the term. Any person who has lived in California for less than two (2) years must clearly demonstrate the following: • Intent to make California his/her permanent residence (Title 5, Section 54024) • Physical presence in California for at least one year and one day immediately prior to the first day of instruction for the term. (Title 5, Section 54022) Physical presence within the state solely for educational purposes does not constitute establishing California residence regardless of the length of that presence. Non-Resident: (a) a citizen or permanent resident of the United States but a resident of California for less than one year on the day before the first day of instruction for the term; (b) a person who is neither a citizen nor permanent resident of the United States.
Course Repetition in a Repeatable Course Only courses involving Intercollegiate Academic or Athletic competition are repeatable. (Title 5, section 55041) These courses are identified as repeatable in their description and may be taken a maximum of four times (repeated three times).
Persons who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States who wish to enroll at Chaffey College should contact the Admissions and Records Office for further information.
1. All attempts at a repeatable course count in the limitation on repeats, including any that result in an unsatisfactory grade (“D”, “F”, “FW”, “NC” and “NP”) or a withdrawal annotation (“W”) on the student’s permanent record.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Reclassification of Residency: Students who have been classified as non-residents are not automatically reclassified as residents. A student seeking reclassification as a resident must meet the requirements for intent, physical presence, and financial independence in accordance with Education Code section 68044. Residency regulations clearly state that the burden of proof of residence rests upon the applicant or student. To verify your residency status, please contact the Admissions and Records Office at (909) 652-6600.
ASSESSMENT CENTER The Assessment Center is open on the Rancho, Chino, and Fontana campuses to students who need to take the assessment test, a make-up exam, or a language pre-requisite challenge exam. The Assessment Test is a free, computerized placement tool (called Accuplacer) used to determine each student's proficiency level in mathematics and English composition. Make up exams are administered at the direction of the instructor of the course. Language prerequisite challenge exams are administered after the student has met with a counselor to determine if the student will benefit from the challenge process. The Rancho Assessment Center is located in the Vocational and Student Support building, room VSS-105. To make an appointment, visit www.chaffey.edu/counseling/assessment, call (909) 652-6200, or e-mail assessment.staff@chaffey.edu.
AB540 Non-Resident Tuition Exemption Request: A student who qualifies for the Non-Resident Tuition Exemption will not have to pay the non-resident tuition fee. The qualifications for the waiver are stated below. A student other than a non-immigrant alien within the meaning of paragraph (15) of subsection (a) of Section 1101 of Title 8 of the United States Code, who meets all of the following requirements shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition at Chaffey College:
ATHLETICS Chaffey Community College participates in the following sports: Men:
1. High school attendance in California for three or more years. 2. Graduation from a California high school or attainment of the equivalent thereof (GED or high school proficiency test) completed in the state of California. 3. In the case of a person without lawful immigration status, the filing of an affidavit (available in the Admissions and Records Office) stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so.
Women: Volleyball, Basketball, Swimming, Softball, Cross Country, Soccer, and Water Polo Twelve units of course work are required for participation. See the athletic counselor located in the GYM-126 for eligibility requirements. CalWORKs CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity Responsibility to Kids) is a program that supports students who receive public assistance (cash aid) while attending Chaffey College. We are here to help you succeed in your educational and career goals through services such as developing an Individualized Education Plan, Career Counseling, CalWORKs Work Study/Job Placement, Priority Registration, Child Care, assistance with completing county documentation related to your education, advocacy for your continued education and success, tutoring, and many more services. We have three locations to serve you in Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, and Chino. Please call (909) 652-6045 to make an appointment with a CalWORKs counselor.
The student must file an exemption request with the college along with a signed affidavit that indicates the student has met all applicable conditions described above. The student must also provide official high school transcripts. The exemption request and affidavit can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office. Student information obtained in this process is strictly confidential unless disclosure is required by law. A student who meets the qualifications for the Non-Resident Tuition Exemption Request is not a resident of the state of California until he or she meets physical presence and intent requirements as stated in the “Residency Determination” section above. Therefore, students may not be eligible for any federal or state supported financial aid. There are two types of non-resident students: a non-resident U.S. citizen and a non-resident alien (or non-citizen). Non-resident U.S. citizens may not be eligible for state supported financial aid. A nonresident alien may be eligible for state financial aid. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information at (909) 652-6199.
CAREER CENTER AND STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE The Career Center is located on the Rancho Cucamonga campus in MACC-203. Office hours are Monday through Wednesday, 8:00am – 4:30pm, Thursday, 8:00am-6:30pm, and Friday 8:00am-4:00pm. Career counseling appointments and career assessments are available to assist Chaffey College students, alumni, and members of the community in formulating their career goals. The Career Center also provides workshops on a variety of career-related topics (viewable at www.chaffey.edu/careercenter/calendar). For more information, contact the Career Center at (909) 652-6511 or visit www.chaffey.edu/careercenter.
STUDENT SERVICES AMAN/AWOMAN - Umoja “Connect to Succeed” is the philosophy of the AMAN/AWOMAN Umoja Project. This project is a culturally responsive approach to reaching students and providing an environment to survive and thrive. Participants receive a variety of strategies and resources that will assist them in navigating the college system and completing their goals. Through mentoring and counseling, students from a wide variety of backgrounds are connected to strategies and activities that promote achievement and self-esteem and self-efficacy. Although the program is specifically designed to assist African- American students, all students are welcome to join. For more information call (909) 6526226.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Football, Basketball, Swimming, Baseball, Cross Country, Soccer, and Water Polo
The Student Employment Office manages the Chaffey Connect online career services portal and offers a variety of employer services to local organizations including job announcements and on-campus recruiting opportunities. This office also serves as the personnel office for all on-campus student positions and provides assistance with hiring paperwork, employment verifications, and trainings. All new student employees must complete their personnel documents and submit them to this office prior to their first day of work. The Student Employment Office is located within the Career Center, in MACC-203, and can be contacted during normal business hours at (909) 652-6511.
^ Chaffey College
Student Employment Program Eligibility Requirements Chaffey College is a learning-centered environment where student success is highly valued, supported, and assessed. As such, the Student Employment Office monitors the academic success of current student employees and enforces the following procedures:
COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Throughout the year, counselors are available to assist students in developing an education plan that outlines the courses and services necessary to achieve their goals. During peak registration times, students may also see a counselor for walk in assistance with quick questions. Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university are strongly encouraged to consult with a Chaffey College counselor on a regular basis regarding requirements for general education, major preparation, and grade and unit requirements.
To apply for student employee positions, students must be enrolled in at least 6 units for fall and spring semesters or 3 units for summer sessions. Applicants must also have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 at the time of application.
Course Evaluation of External Transcripts: Students who have completed course work at other institutions and wish to obtain a degree or certificate from Chaffey College or transfer to a CSU or UC must request an official evaluation of their transcript(s) by completing the Request for Course Evaluation of External Transcripts available via the Counseling Department website and the MyChaffey portal. Requests can be submitted in person to the Counseling Department, by e-mail to transcript.evaluator@chaffey.edu or by fax to (909) 652-6477. For additional information please contact the Counseling Department at (909) 652-6200.
While employed, student employees must maintain enrollment in at least 6 units during fall and spring semesters (summer enrollment is not required) and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Failure to maintain the required enrollment and/or GPA requirement will result in termination of the student employee’s position. Chaffey Connect – Online Career Services Portal The Chaffey Connect system is an online career services portal that provides access to dozens of on- and off-campus job postings, employer profiles, a resume and cover letter builder, a career exploration tool, a digital career resource library, and an online career event calendar! Students may register and access the system at www.chaffey.edu/chaffeyconnect.
Student Planning: Student Planning is a new online tool that will facilitate the way you plan, schedule and register for your classes based on your active Program of Study/Major at Chaffey. With the NEW Student Planning, you can review all courses you have completed and that are inprogress at Chaffey, show which requirements (general education, and/or major preparation) you have completed, and indicate which requirements are remaining. This will allow you to plan and register for the correct classes for future terms and get you to your educational goal efficiently. Login to the MyChaffey portal to access your education plan by visiting www.chaffey.edu, click on MyChaffey.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER The Chaffey College Child Development Center provides a statefunded public preschool and toddler program for children between the ages of 18 months to Kindergarten. The Center’s mission is to provide high quality, developmentally appropriate child care and educational experiences for children, to support Chaffey College students in their educational and vocational goals, and to provide training and employment opportunities for Chaffey College students seeking careers working with children and families. Priority enrollment for the preschool program is for 4-year olds. Parents who are eligible for subsidized child care services according to the guidelines of the State Department of Education pay fees based on a sliding fee scale according to their monthly gross income and family size. No fees will be charged to families whose gross income is less than the first step on the state/federal fee schedule which is also determined by the number of family members. Information on fees for children of faculty, staff and the community is available upon request.
DISABILITY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES (DPS) Disability Programs and Services (DPS) is a state funded program designed to assist those students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities. Services are offered to help students circumvent their functional limitations and become active, productive members of the college community. The program emphasizes independence and self-reliance while providing the support necessary for individuals to achieve their goals. The program is open to any student who has a verifiable physical, psychological, or learning developmental disability, either temporary or permanent, which causes educational limitations.
The Chaffey College Child Development Center is an equal opportunity provider and employer, we do not discriminate according to race, ethnic background, religion, language, family values or ability. Our program welcomes all children and includes children with disabilities. We believe strongly that all children deserve the right to developmentally appropriate programming and access to interaction with peers and supportive professionals.
DPS is located in Campus Center East (CCE), Room 14 on the Rancho Campus. Limited services are available at both the Chino and Fontana Campuses. For more information, please call (909) 6526379 or visit our website at www.chaffey.edu/dps. EOPS and CARE Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) is a state funded counseling program that offers support services to economically disadvantaged students who have experienced limited success in high school and/or college. The goal of EOPS is to ensure student retention and success through academic support and financial assistance. The ultimate goal is completion of a certificate program, an associate degree and/or transfer to a four–year college.
Application Forms Applications are accepted throughout the semester and are available at the Child Development Center or on the college’s website www.chaffey.edu/childctr. Parents may apply for Child Development Center services prior to college registration. During the Spring session of 2018, the Child Development Center will be open for child care services Monday through Thursday 7:00am– 6:00pm and Friday 7:00am-5:00pm for State Preschool, and Monday through Thursday 7:00am–5:00pm and Friday 7:00am-3:00pm for the Toddler program. Please contact the Child Development Center at (909) 652-6875 for further information.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a program that serves a limited number of EOPS students who are single heads of household with at least one child under the age of 18. It provides additional support services beyond those which are available through EOPS.
^ Chaffey College
Students who qualify for the AB 540 Non Resident Tuition Exemption may be eligible for Cal Grant and BOGW online at https://dream.csac.ca.gov. Please visit the Financial Aid Office for more information regarding the Dream Act Application or visit the Dream Act website at www.csac.ca.gov/dream_act.asp.
The EOPS and CARE programs are located on the Rancho campus in MACC-205. For more information about EOPS or CARE, visit www.chaffey.edu/eops or call (909) 652-6349. Follow us on Twitter and/or like us on Facebook. FINANCIAL AID The Financial Aid Office administers a number of programs funded by federal, state and private sources designed to help students with limited resources meet their educational expenses. Awards may come from one or more or any combination of grants, scholarships, or federal work study. All students may be eligible for some form of assistance based on their financial need and may apply for aid by filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
New Board of Governor's Fee Waiver Policy Under the new State regulations, once you have qualified for the BOGW, it is important to ensure that you meet the academic and progress standards to avoid losing the fee waiver. Students must: • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 • Successfully complete at least 50% of all units attempted Students will lose eligibility for the Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW) if they are on academic probation for two consecutive primary terms (fall and spring semesters are primary terms). Loss of eligibility will become effective at the first registration opportunity after such determination is made.
How and When to Apply: Students must apply or reapply every year for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which is available online at www.fafsa.gov. Students who are not eligible for the FAFSA application and meet the AB 540 residency requirements may complete the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) online at http://dream.csac.ca.gov. Students can apply for financial aid as early as October 1 for the new academic year. The ideal time to apply is between October 1 and March 2 to ensure your application is processed in a timely manner in preparation for summer, fall, and spring terms. The priority deadline to apply is March 2; however, you can still apply after this date. Filing after the priority deadline may make students ineligible for certain types of aid. If you are planning on attending Chaffey College, you will need to indicate Chaffey College’s school code of 001163 on your FAFSA.
Students with extenuating circumstances will have the opportunity to appeal the loss of the BOG waiver. Federal Pell Grants Federal Pell Grants are need-based and awarded to every undergraduate student who qualifies. In most cases, these grants DO NOT need to be paid back. These grants may be used for tuition, fees, books, transportation, and living expenses. Initial awards are estimated based on the results of the FAFSA. Estimates will change if any criteria used to determine your eligibility, such as major, degree status, satisfactory academic progress, income or family information changes. Actual payment will not be determined until your file is completed and enrollment status is verified. The amount of the Pell Grant disbursed is based on your Expected Family Contribution and enrollment status. You may even receive a Pell Grant if you attend school less than half-time provided you are otherwise eligible.
When submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for the 2017-2018 Award Year, students (and parents, if dependent) are able to use prior-prior year income data (2015 tax year). The 2018-2019 application is available beginning October 1, 2017. Complete the 2018-2019 FAFSA/Dream application by March 2, 2018, to meet the California state grant application deadline. Students (and parents, if dependent) will be able to use prior-prior year income data (2016 tax year).
Students are only eligible to receive a Pell Grant for 6 years (12 fulltime semesters). This includes all semesters the Pell Grant has been received during a student’s educational lifetime. Students can view their current Pell Grant usage online at www.nslds.ed.gov using the FSA ID to access grant history.
When completing the FAFSA, use your FSA ID to electronically sign the online FAFSA. Dependent students will have a parent apply for their own FSA ID number. Parents will need to sign the FAFSA until the student is 24 years of age or no longer considered a dependent student. Dream Applicants can apply for a PIN number to sign the application through the Dream Application website.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is a needbased federal grant available to undergraduate students with the highest need. Priority is given to Pell Grant recipients with a zero Expected Family Contribution (EFC) who meet the priority filing deadline (March 2nd).
BOG Fee Waiver The Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW) program is available for qualified California residents. The BOGW waives mandatory enrollment cost per unit (.5 to maximum unit load) and a portion of the parking fee. BOGW eligible students will be responsible for all or a portion of the Student Health fees. Fee waivers do not apply to class material fees or the College Services fee. Students are responsible for making sure all fees have been paid. This is financial aid that does not have to be repaid. The BOGW is valid for the entire academic year beginning with summer and ending with the following spring semester. To apply, complete the FAFSA online. The Financial Aid Office will receive the results of the FAFSA and award the waiver automatically to eligible students. Awards may be viewed on MyChaffeyView via the MyChaffey Portal. If you are not a California resident, you may be eligible to apply for a tuition exemption through the AB 540 Non-Resident Fee Waiver. See Admissions and Records for additional information or view our consumer guide online. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Federal Work Study (FWS) Federal Work Study is a need-based federally funded part-time employment program, which allows eligible students to earn money to help pay for educational expenses. Students may work up to 20 hours per week and earn a monthly paycheck. Federal Work Study awards are determined by financial need and are available to students enrolled in six (6) units or more per semester. FWS job listings are posted in the Student Employment Office for eligible FWS students and are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
^ Chaffey College
Cal Grants Cal Grants are state funds awarded in addition to the Federal Pell Grant. Cal Grant recipients are selected by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). To apply for the Cal Grant program, you must meet the requirements for the federal Pell Grants, submit the FAFSA and a Cal Grant GPA Verification form to CSAC by March 2nd (priority deadline). If you do not meet the March 2nd priority filing deadline, you may have a second chance to compete for a Cal Grant by filing the FAFSA and GPA Verification form by September 2nd.
FOUNDATION Each year the Chaffey College Foundation awards scholarships to deserving students. The Chaffey College Foundation facilitates a variety of scholarship awards including merit-based, discipline/major, academic, co-curricular activities and community service; for which students are able to apply during the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters. For more information and to access the scholarship application, please visit www.chaffey.edu/scholarships or call (909) 652-6545.
Cal Grant B provides low-income students with a living allowance and assistance with tuition and fees.
GPS (GUIDING PANTHERS TO SUCCESS) CENTER The GPS Center supports student planning and achievement by providing assistance with registration orientation, evaluation of progress on goal, and workshops on education planning and college success. The center is staffed by counseling faculty and Success Guides. Walk-in services are available Monday-Friday.
Cal Grant C assists students with tuition and training costs for technical, occupational, vocational or career training programs. Funding is available for up to two years, depending upon the length of the program. To qualify, you must enroll in an occupational, technical or vocational program that is at least four months long at a California Community College. To find out more information visit www.chafee.csac.ca.gov.
Rancho GPS Center Chino GPS Center Fontana GPS Center
Chafee Grant The California Chafee Grant Program awards up to $5,000 annually to eligible foster youth and former foster youth between the ages of 16 and 22 years to use for college courses or vocational school training. The Financial Aid Office disburses Chafee Grant in accordance with the regulatory statutes of this program. For more information visit www.chafee.csac.ca.gov.
VSS-111 CHMB-240 FNFC-121
(909) 652-6466 (909) 652-8120 (909) 652-7460
INDEPENDENT SCHOLARS PROGRAM Independent Scholars Program is a Counseling support program aimed at providing unique and personalized educational services to current and former Foster Youth (this includes Chaffey College students who are currently in Foster Care as well as those who are emancipated Foster Youth and who are 24 years of age or younger). Program participants are eligible to receive priority registration, assistance in purchasing books and supplies, individual counseling support, mentoring, referrals to community and campus resources, and much more. Students may call (909) 652-6279 or e-mail ischolar@chaffey.edu for further information.
Community College Completion Grant (CCCG) The Community College Completion Grant is a new financial aid program awarded to all California community college full time students who received a Cal Grant B or Cal Grant C. The maximum award amount is $1,500 annually. The purpose of this new grant is to support student persistence, retention, and success for Cal Grant B and Cal Grant C students. Completion Grant Requirements: You are receiving a Cal Grant B or C You are enrolled in 15 units You will need to create a comprehensive Educational Plan
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER An international student (F1 visa) is defined as a student who has entered the United States temporarily and solely for the purpose of study and has a permanent residence in another country that he or she has no intention of abandoning. Individuals on a B-1/B-2 Visitor’s Visa may not enroll in classes at Chaffey College. In addition, prospective students holding visas such as J-1, H-4, or F-2 may obtain information from the International Student Center. A variety of services are provided to international students, including academic guidance, F-1 Visa/Immigration information, career development, housing homestay referrals, and other services to meet the unique needs of international students in adjusting to college life in the United States.
Full Time Student Success Grant (FTSSG) The Full time Student Success Grant is a new financial aid program awarded to all California community college full time students who received a Cal Grant B or Cal Grant C. The maximum award amount is $1,000 ($500 per term). The purpose of this new grant is to support student persistence, retention, and success for Cal Grant B and Cal Grant C students.
The International Student Center staff warmly welcomes high school, transfer and new international students from all over the globe. Office hours: Monday through Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm. For more information, call (909) 652-6195, e-mail intlstudents@chaffey.edu or visit our website at www.chaffey.edu/international.
Scholarships Scholarships are usually, but not always, based on a combination of need and merit. Some scholarships are based on your major, community service, educational goals, or other criteria. It is free money that does not need to be paid back. Scholarship applications are available at the Chaffey College Foundation Office (see www.chaffey.edu/scholarships) and through the Office of Student Life.
LEARNING AND EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Learning and Educational Development (LED) program is a state-funded initiative with the goal of assisting non-credit students transitioning into credit courses. The purpose of this academic support is to encourage students to complete a certificate program, an associate degree, and/or transfer to a four-year university. LED is a student support service working in conjunction with the Chaffey College Success Centers. For more information, location, hours of operation, and appointments call (909) 652-7460.
Important Facts In the event that a financial aid applicant at Chaffey College enrolls in coursework and then completely withdraws from all coursework may be subject to repayment of Federal Financial Aid funds. In this case, a student will be billed for the amount of aid that must be repaid, and holds will be placed on your record until the overpayment is resolved. If you have a reduction in units after receiving a disbursement, you may enter into an over award status which will result in financial assistance funds having to be repaid.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
LIBRARY The Chaffey Library has branches at the Chino, Fontana, and Rancho Cucamonga campuses. Check the library website at www.chaffey.edu/library or call (909) 652-6800 for current hours.
Student Health Service clinics are located at the Rancho and Chino campuses. The Student Health Services clinic on the Rancho Campus is located in MACC-202; call (909) 652-6331 for appointments. The Student Health Services clinic on the Chino Campus is located in CHMB-105; call (909) 652-8190 for appointments.
Chaffey Library provides access to over two dozen databases that include magazine, newspaper, journal and encyclopedias in full-text format. These are available 24/7 via the Chaffey Library homepage to current students, staff, and faculty at Chaffey College.
TRANSFER CENTER The Transfer Center provides information and resources to help students continue their education after Chaffey College. The center maintains a library of college catalogs and reference materials, provides access to the internet and specialized software programs for college research and applications, hosts college representatives for individual appointments with students, sponsors transfer-related workshops, and schedules campus visits and college fairs. All services are free and available to any Chaffey student.
A valid Chaffey ID in good condition is required to check-out items, including reserve materials. Please consult our website or contact us for more information regarding our services and resources. STUDENT LIFE The Office of Student Life is the place students go to get help and to get involved. We are committed to complementing the academic curriculum in the development of the whole student within a diverse campus community by offering opportunities and services to support, engage, and empower our students to get the most out of their time at Chaffey. We are always happy to help in any way we can!
The Transfer Center welcomes the opportunity to assist students considering transfer to four-year colleges. The center is located in SSA-120 on the Rancho Campus. For more information and office hours, visit www.chaffey.edu/transfer or call (909) 652-6233.
The Office of Student Life is located in Campus Center East on the Rancho Campus. The office publishes the annual student handbook in the fall term, organizes the Spring Commencement ceremony and oversees student elections. The office supports student government and all other student organizations, and oversees a student lounge. Students interested in getting involved on campus are invited to visit the office or you can just sit in the lounge and relax between classes or bring in a study group.
COLLEGE POLICIES ACADEMIC FREEDOM The District is committed to academic freedom, but recognizes that academic freedom does not allow sexual harassment or any other form of unlawful harassment or discrimination. The lecture, content, and discourse that are an intrinsic part of the course content shall, in no event, constitute sexual harassment or other form of unlawful harassment or discrimination. It is recognized that an essential function of education is a probing of received opinions and an exploration of ideas that may cause some students discomfort. It is further recognized that academic freedom ensures the faculty’s right to teach and the student’s right to learn. Finally, nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to prohibit bona fide academic requirements for a specific program, course or activity.
Chaffey College Student Government (CCSG) Chaffey College Student Government is the college student government. CCSG is supported by students and is for the benefit of students. The college service fee of $8.00 per semester ($5.00 for summer session) funds CCSG sponsored programs and activities, including scholarships (please check your Chaffey College issued panther email for information; scholarships are awarded in the spring term), annual book grants, lectures, cultural events, service projects for students and community, giveaways, the textbook rental program that is administered in the Chaffey College Campus Store and more. The college service fee is an optional fee endorsed by CCSG annually and is approved by the college Governing Board. Individuals who wish to learn more about the college service fee, including its benefits to students and service to the community may contact CCSG for more information. Students who wish to be exempt from paying the college service fee, please contact the Cashier’s Office at cashier.staff@chaffey.edu on or before the appropriate refund deadline for the current term.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY (CHEATING) Integrity is an essential component of the student academic experience. The academic evaluation a student receives for a course becomes a permanent college record and it is critical that such records be accurate and consistent. The integrity students learn and exhibit at the college will be a model for the professional integrity they practice when they complete the college work. Accordingly, Chaffey College has classified academic dishonesty into the following categories: • • • •
If you would like more information about CCSG, please visit the Office of Student Life in Campus Center East (north of the campus store) or call (909) 652-6593/6594.
• Plagiarism • Fabrication • Retaliation
The entire policy is written in the Student Handbook and available at the Office of Student Life or at www.chaffey.edu/student_handbook.
STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES Student Health Services is dedicated to assisting students achieve and maintain optimal physical, mental, and emotional health, by providing quality healthcare at a reasonable cost. The Health Fee charged each semester entitles all currently enrolled students to be seen by a doctor, nurse practitioner, nurse, or psychological counselor, free of charge. A variety of services are available to students; some services may require a fee. A nurse is on staff at the Rancho Campus Monday through Friday to answer questions.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Cheating Unauthorized Collaboration Facilitating Academic Dishonesty Interference or Sabotage
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990 The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, public services including public and private transportation, public accommodations, and telecommunications services.
^ Chaffey College
Support services for students with disabilities are provided through Disability Programs and Services. Anyone needing information about services for students with disabilities should contact Disability Programs and Services at (909) 652-6393, TDD/TTY (909) 466-2829, or email dps.staff@chaffey.edu. The toll free numbers for the California Relay Service are 1-800-735-2929 or 1-877-735-2929 for TDD/TTY users. Employees (faculty, non-faculty, or student worker) requiring accommodations should contact Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources, by phone at (909) 652-6531 or by email at susan.hardie@chaffey.edu.
Critical Thinking and Information Competency Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills in problem solving across the disciplines and in daily life. Examples will include, but are not limited to, the following: • Identify vital questions, problems, or issues and evaluate the plausibility of a solution. Compute and analyze multiple representations of quantitative information, including graphical, formulaic, numerical, verbal, and visual. • Apply scientific processes to solve problems and measure and observe natural phenomena. • Select sources of information based on analysis and evaluation of accuracy, credibility, relevance, and reasonableness of information. • Analyze and assess assumptions, biases, and multiple perspectives to develop a well-informed, valid argument.
BEHAVIOR CODE All members of the Chaffey College community are expected to behave in an ethical and moral fashion, respecting the human dignity of all members of our community and resisting behavior that may cause danger or harm to others which shall include, but not limited to, violence, theft, or bigotry. All members of the Chaffey College community are expected to observe established standards of scholarship and academic freedom by respecting the intellectual property of others and by honoring the right of all students to pursue their education in an environment free from harassment and intimidation.
Community/Global Awareness and Responsibility Students will demonstrate knowledge of and strategies to consider significant social, cultural, environmental and aesthetic perspectives. Examples will include, but are not limited to, the following: • Identify and apply the social and ethical responsibilities of the individual in society. • Demonstrate social and ethical responsibility within a community. • Demonstrate commitment to active citizenship by recognizing and evaluating important social, ecological, economical, and political issues. • Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for individual, social, and cultural diversity.
The entire policy is written in the Student Handbook and available at the Office of Student Life or at www.chaffey.edu/student_handbook. COMMITMENT TO STUDENT EQUITY The Governing Board has taken action to actively pursue equity for all students. This means that our programs and services strive to provide access, opportunity, and fairness to all students, of all ages, disabilities, diverse cultures, and alternative lifestyles. It means being sensitive to the personal and professional needs of its diverse populations and cultures. Expect to find an expression of the commitment to equity in our curriculum and student programs and services. The governing board, administration, faculty, and staff want you to learn in a respectful and supportive climate. It is our commitment to you.
Personal, Academic, and Career Development Students will assess their own knowledge, skills and abilities; set challenging and appropriate personal, educational, and career goals and persist in pursuing these goals; develop effective strategies for both individual and group work; and choose pathways that develop personal, academic, social, and financial responsibility. Examples will include, but are not limited to, the following: • Demonstrate professional and ethical responsibilities of the individual. • Demonstrate the ability to use technology to assess, evaluate, and present information. • Set short and long-term goals, seeking and utilizing various personal, academic, psychological, and social services in pursuit of these goals. • Seek and utilize feedback to assess learning and progress toward goals. • Demonstrate resilience by viewing challenges and obstacles as opportunities for growth.
COMPLIANCE Students are responsible for compliance with the regulations published in the college catalog, the schedule of classes, course syllabi, and in department rules and regulations. CORE COMPETENCIES Chaffey College strives to develop lifelong learners who exhibit the following: Communication Students will practice effective communication and comprehension skills and strategies. Examples will include, but are not limited to, the following: • Comprehend, analyze, and respond appropriately to oral, written, and visual information. • Effectively communicate/express both qualitative and quantitative information through oral, written, visual, and other appropriate modes of communication/expression. • Ask questions and utilize appropriate resources to continually expand comprehension and oral, written, and visual communication skills.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
DISCIPLINARY AND GRIEVANCE APPEAL PROCEDURES Procedures for grievance appeal hearings are written in the Student Handbook and available at the Office of Student Life or at www.chaffey.edu/student_handbook. POLICY FOR COMPUTER USE AND INTERNET ACCESS Chaffey College owns and operates a network and a variety of computer systems for use by its faculty, students, and staff. Chaffey College encourages the use of its network and computer systems for education, academic development, and other approved purposes. When using the Chaffey College network and computer systems, all users are required to abide by the Policy for District Network and Computer Use established by the Governing Board and the associated procedures and to use the system in an ethical and lawful manner. The Policy for District Network and Computer Use is published in the Student Handbook and is also available on our website at www.chaffey.edu/intnetpol.html. 36
^ Chaffey College
POLICY ON OPEN COURSES It is the policy of the district that, unless specifically exempted by statute or regulation, every course, course section, or class, reported for state aid, wherever offered and maintained by the district, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to the College and who meets such prerequisites as may be established pursuant to regulations contained in Sections 55003 and 58106 of Division 6 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
Currently directory information is only shared with officials and employees of the Chaffey College District, or a person elected to the Board of Trustees, who have a legitimate educational need to inspect the record, to a student government officer conducting student elections, and to other educational entities conducting research to assess the academic progress of students and help students reach their educational goals. Directory information is never shared with non-educational entities (i.e., "telemarketers"). New and returning students must specifically request non-release of their directory information. Students who wish to change a previous designation should request a Student Update form from the Admissions and Records Office. This form is available on the Chaffey College website at www.chaffey.edu in the Admissions and Records link, under Forms.
PROBATION A student who has attempted at least twelve semester units at Chaffey College will be subject to: Academic Probation – If earned cumulative grade point average is below 2.00.
SECTION 504 – REHABILITATION ACT In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Chaffey College abides by the regulation that “no otherwise handicapped individual” shall be excluded from participation in programs and services offered by the College “solely by reason of the handicap.” Amy Nevarez serves as the 504/508/ADA Coordinator and may provide information and answer questions regarding access for students with disabilities. Send correspondence to Chaffey College, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-3002; or contact Amy Nevarez by phone at (909) 652-6020 or by email to amy.nevarez@chaffey.edu.
A student who has enrolled in a total of at least twelve semester units at Chaffey College will be subject to: Progress Probation – When the percentage of W, I, and/or NC grades reaches or exceeds 50% of all units in which the student has enrolled. Students placed on either academic or progress probation may be subject to a block from registration. Dismissal A student who is on academic probation shall be subject to academic dismissal if the student earns a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.00 in all units attempted in each of three consecutive semesters, excluding summer session.
SECTION 504/508 COMPLAINT PROCEDURE If a student has a complaint under the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the complaining party should first discuss the complaint with the individual(s) involved or with the Chaffey College 504/508 and/or the ADA Coordinator. The 504/508/ADA Coordinator will contact all parties concerned, if appropriate, and attempt to reach resolution. Contact: (909) 652-6379, or dps.staff@chaffey.edu. If the complaint cannot be resolved within ten working days, the complainant may then proceed to file a formal complaint with the Office of Human Resources, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources, at (909) 652-6531, or e-mail susan.hardie@chaffey.edu.
A student who has been placed on progress probation shall be subject to probation dismissal upon receipt of recorded grades of W, I, and NC in 50% or more of all enrolled units during three consecutive semesters, excluding summer session. Students receiving notice of dismissal as a result of fall grades will be dismissed the following fall semester, and for spring grades, will be dismissed the following spring semester. If the grade point average of a student who is receiving Veterans educational benefits remains below the graduation requirement of 2.0 for more than three consecutive terms, the student will not be certified for VA educational benefits until his/her academic status is restored to good standing.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY It is the policy of the Chaffey Community College District to provide for all students and employees, an educational, employment, and business environment free of all forms of harassment, exploitation, intimidation, or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct or communications of a sexual nature as defined and otherwise prohibited by the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, California Education Code, and State and Federal rules, regulations, statutes and laws prohibiting sexual harassment and retaliation.
Reinstatement A student who has been dismissed may apply for readmission after one semester following the date of dismissal. A student may appeal a dismissal or apply for readmission by filing a petition for readmission. This petition will be reviewed by a scholastic standards committee. Petitions are available in the Opening Doors Department in VSS-111.
The District is strongly opposed to sexual harassment and expressly forbids sexual harassment of its students and employees by faculty, managers, staff, students or members of the general public. The College will take whatever appropriate action to prevent, correct, and, if necessary, discipline inappropriate behavior.
A student readmitted after academic dismissal will remain on that status until the student’s GPA reaches 2.00, or the percentage of units for which grades of W, I, or NC drops below 50%. For the purpose of this section on academic dismissal, semesters are considered consecutive on the basis of student enrollment.
Sexual harassment shall be immediately reported to the District’s Compliance Officer, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources, Chaffey College, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737, telephone (909) 652-6531, email susan.hardie@chaffey.edu or to any dean, director, or manager for immediate reporting to the District’s Compliance Officer, or designee. Every effort will be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
RIGHTS AND PRIVACY POLICY (FERPA) Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), upon enrollment you may direct the college to withhold release of directory information to persons not employed by the Chaffey College District. Directory information includes your name, address, phone number, dates of birth, dates of attendance, major of study, award/degrees received, and most recent institution previously attended. Directory information does not include your Social Security Number. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
In accordance with Title IX regulations, the District offers equal academic, occupational, and extracurricular opportunities regardless of the sex/gender of the individual. The Title IX coordinator, Dr. Eric Bishop, Vice President of Student Services, may be contacted at (909) 652-6502 or email to eric.bishop@chaffey.edu, or at 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga 91737. The District, authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant and alien students, and, in accordance with Title 5 regulations, affirms that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the District’s programs.
SMOKING POLICY Smoking of any form of tobacco or non-tobacco products is prohibited inside of any building, including restrooms and corridors; within 20 feet of a main exit, entrance, or operable window of any college-owned, leased, or operated buildings; and in any collegeowned, leased, or operated vehicles. STATEMENT OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/NON-DISCRIMINATION AND PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT POLICY The Chaffey Community College District is committed to providing equal educational and employment opportunity. The District affirms its commitment with policies that include fair and equitable treatment of students and employees, and prohibits discrimination in its admission, access, and treatment in College programs and activities, and application for and treatment in College employment on the basis of race, religion, color, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, and breastfeeding), sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, medical condition, genetic characteristics or information, military and veteran status, physical or mental disability or the perception that a person has one or more of these perceived characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Persons who seek information and/or resolution of alleged acts of unlawful discrimination, retaliation, or harassment are directed to contact the District’s Compliance Officer, Susan Hardie, Director, Human Resources, Chaffey College, 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-3002; telephone (909) 652-6531 or email susan.hardie@chaffey.edu. STUDENT RIGHT-TO-KNOW In accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 668, Sections 668.41 through 668.46 (the “Student Right to Know” Act), institutions participating in any Title IV, HEA program shall make available to current and prospective students and high school counselors the completion and transfer-out rates of first-time, fulltime, degree seeking students who entered the institution on or after July 1, 1996. This information is posted in all Chaffey College Student Service Offices, and is currently available at http://srtk.cccco.edu/index.asp.
^ Chaffey College
PHONE DIRECTORY Phone numbers are subject to change • All phone numbers are area code 909 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CAMPUS NUMBERS: Main ................................................. 652-6000 Admissions and Records ................. 652-6600 AMAN / AWOMAN – Umoja ............. 652-6200 Assessment/Orientation Appts ......... 652-6200 CalWORKs ....................................... 652-6045 Campus Store .................................. 652-6560 Career Transitions............................ 652-6831 Cashier ............................................. 652-6600 Child Development Center ............... 652-6875 Counseling ....................................... 652-6200 Extended Opportunity Programs & Services ................................................ 652-6349/6358 Financial Aid..................................... 652-6199 Foundation ....................................... 652-6545 GPS Center ...................................... 652-6466 Language Success Center ESL and Modern Languages ....... 652-6907 English ......................................... 652-6820 Library .............................................. 652-6800 Mathematics Success Center .......... 652-6452 Multidisciplinary Success Center ..... 652-6932 Puente Project.................................. 652-6200 Student Health Services................... 652-6331 CHINO CAMPUS NUMBERS: Main ................................................. 652-8000 Administration .................................. 652-8010 Admissions and Records ................. 652-8001 Assessment/Orientation Appts ......... 652-8120 CalWORKs ....................................... 652-6045 Campus Store .................................. 652-8170 Cashier ............................................. 652-8001 Chino Success Center ..................... 652-8150 Community Center ........................... 652-8200 Contract Ed/Customized Training .... 652-7641 Counseling ....................................... 652-8120 Extended Opportunity Programs & Services ......................................................... 652-8122 Financial Aid..................................... 652-8140 GPS Center ...................................... 652-8120 Library/Cybrary................................. 652-8115 FONTANA CAMPUS NUMBERS: Main ................................................. 652-7400 Admissions & Records ..................... 652-7400 Assessment/Orientation Appts ......... 652-7460 CalWORKs ....................................... 652-6045 Campus Store .................................. 652-6560 Cashier ............................................. 652-7400 Counseling ....................................... 652-7460 Extended Opportunity Programs & Services ......................................................... 652-7413 Financial Aid..................................... 652-7417 Fontana Success Center.................. 652-7408 GPS Center ...................................... 652-7460 Library/Cybrary................................. 652-7450 Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
DEPARTMENTS Adult Education .......................652-6103/6154 Articulation ........................................ 652-6920 Athletics ............................................ 652-6290 Breeze, The (Student Newspaper)...... 652-6934 Campus Police (non-emergency) ..... 652-6632 (Emergency 24 hour dispatch) ..... 652-6911 Career Center................................... 652-6511 Career Transitions ............................ 652-6831 Community Education ...................... 652-6041 Disability Programs & Services.....652-6379/6380 TDD/TTY Service ......................... 466-2829 Discipline .......................................... 652-6510 Distance Education .......................... 652-6975 Foundation Office ............................. 652-6545 Health Services ................................ 652-6331 High School Partnerships ........652-6103/6154 Honors Program ............................... 652-6263 International Student Center ............ 652-6195 Lost and Found ................................ 652-6634 Museum, Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art ......................................................... 652-6490 Opening Doors ................................. 652-6201 Probation and Dismissal................... 652-6201 Scholarship Information ...........652-6545/6589 Student Employment Office .............. 652-6511 Student Government / CCSG ........... 652-6594 Student Life ...................................... 652-6589 Supplemental Instruction (SI) ........... 652-6468 Theatre Box Office ........................... 652-6067 Transfer Center ................................ 652-6233 Veteran Services .............................. 652-6611 SUBJECT AREA/SCHOOL NUMBERS: Accounting & Financial Services ...... 652-6830 Administration of Justice .................. 652-6253 Aeronautics (see Aviation Maintenance Tech) American Sign Language ................. 652-6902 Anthropology .................................... 652-6253 Arabic ............................................... 652-6902 Art ..................................................... 652-6066 Art History ......................................... 652-6066 Astronomy ........................................ 652-6404 Automotive Technology .................... 652-6830 Aviation Maintenance Technology ... 652-6865 Biology .............................................. 652-6404 Broadcasting .................................... 652-6066 Business ........................................... 652-6830 Business: Logistics Management ..... 652-6830 Business: Management .................... 652-6830 Business: Marketing ......................... 652-6830 Business and Applied Technology, School of ......................................................... 652-6830 Chemistry ......................................... 652-6404 Child Development & Education....... 652-6253 Chinese ............................................ 652-6902 Cinema ............................................. 652-6066 CISCO .............................................. 652-6830 39
Communication Studies ................... 652-6902 Computer Information Systems ........ 652-6830 Computer Science ............................ 652-6830 Cooperative Education ..................... 652-6097 Correctional Science ........................ 652-6253 Dance ............................................... 652-6066 Disability Programs & Services ..... 652-6379/6380 Drafting ............................................. 652-6404 Earth Science ................................... 652-6404 Economics ........................................ 652-6253 Education ......................................... 652-6253 Emergency Medical Technician ....... 652-6830 Engineering/Engineering Technology..... 652-6403 English.............................................. 652-6902 English as a Second Language ....... 652-6902 Fashion (Design and Merchandising).... 652-8010 Fire Technology ............................... 652-6830 French .............................................. 652-6902 Geography........................................ 652-6404 Geology ............................................ 652-6404 Gerontology ...................................... 652-6675 Guidance .......................................... 652-6202 Health Sciences, School of .............. 652-6695 History .............................................. 652-6253 Hospitality Management ................... 652-8010 Humanities ....................................... 652-6253 Industrial Electrical Technology ....... 652-6830 Interior Design .................................. 652-8010 Journalism ........................................ 652-6902 Kinesiology ....................................... 652-6290 Language Arts, School of ................. 652-6902 Legal Studies.................................... 652-6830 Mathematics ..................................... 652-6403 Mathematics & Science, School of...... 652-6402 Music ................................................ 652-6066 Nursing Assistant ............................. 652-6675 Nursing (ADN) .................................. 652-6671 Nursing (VN, ACT) ........................... 652-8215 Nutrition & Food ............................... 652-6290 Pharmacy Technician ....................... 652-6675 Philosophy ........................................ 652-6253 Photography ..................................... 652-6066 Physical Science .............................. 652-6404 Physics ............................................. 652-6403 Political Science ............................... 652-6253 Psychology ....................................... 652-6253 Radiologic Technology ..................... 652-7606 Real Estate ....................................... 652-6830 Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of ......................................................... 652-6253 Social Science .................................. 652-6253 Sociology .......................................... 652-6253 Spanish ............................................ 652-6902 Statistics ........................................... 652-6403 Theatre Arts...................................... 652-6066 Visual & Performing Arts, School of ......................................................... 652-6066
^ Chaffey College
HOW TO READ THE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Transferable courses are numbered 1-99. Courses transferable to the California State University are marked Transfer: CSU. Courses also transferable to the University of California are marked Transfer: CSU; UC. A series of courses (i.e. physical education activities) may have a restricted number of units transferable, and are marked Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations. COURSE NUMBER
An enrollment requirement or recommended preparation for a course.
A supplemental charge for materials and supplies.
Shown for all short-term and Distance Education classes.
Special information applicable to this section.
Courses designated Not Degree Applicable are numbered 500-599, are often graded on a pass/no pass basis, are not part of any certificates or degrees, and do not transfer to four-year colleges or universities. Courses designated Non Credit are numbered 600-699, have no unit value, are either not graded or are pass/no-pass grading, and are not part of any certificates, degrees, or transfer program patterns.
HIST-17 United States History Through 1877 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of United States history from its colonial foundations through Reconstruction. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST-130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 93056 T.Greene Online hours INET 01/09/17-05/17/17 Last day to add: 01/17/17 93057 J.Tidwell 8:00am-10:50am F CHMB-161 93059 M.Rounds 2:00pm-3:20pm MW FNLC-120 03/21/17-05/09/17 Last day to add: 03/24/17 Section 93059: Fast track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 93060 H.Haynes-Nicholls 7:00pm-9:50pm TTH SS-103
(For more detailed information, consult the current College Catalog)
A comparable course ID number used state wide.
Building or off-campus site and room, or “INET” (online).
Shown for all short-term and Distance Education classes.
REGISTRATION INFORMATION IN ARABIC, CHINESE, SPANISH, TAGALOG, AND VIETNAMESE: www.chaffey.edu/registration_steps/arabic.pdf www.chaffey.edu/registration_steps/chinese.pdf
www.chaffey.edu/registration_steps/tagalog.pdf www.chaffey.edu/registration_steps/vietnamese.pdf
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
CHMB – Main Instructional Building 5897 College Park Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 | (909) 652-8000
CHCM – Chino Community Center 5890 College Park Avenue Chino, CA 91710
CHHC – Health Sciences 5897 College Park Avenue Chino, CA 91710
CHTC – Information Tech Center 13170 Seventh Street Chino, CA 91710
OTHER CHINO AREA LOCATIONS CHCC Chino Education Center 13106 Central Avenue Chino, CA 91710 CVAS Chino Valley Adult School rd 12970 3 Street, Chino, CA 91710 DI
Diversified Industries 9029 Vernon Avenue, Montclair, CA 91763
Ontario High School 901 West Francis Street, Ontario, CA 91762
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Beginning and ending dates are listed for all short-term classes. Class offerings, particularly instructor assignment and room numbers, are subject to change without notice. Class sections bearing this logo exclusively use course materials that are free of charge to students. These sections DO NOT require the purchase of textbooks, software, tools, or other course materials to be successful in the course. Class sections bearing this logo have no costs for the textbooks used. A low-cost option for printing the textbook may be available for students who would like to obtain a hard copy version. SECTION INSTRUCTOR
Accounting (ACCTG) 4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-63 or CIS-1. Development and communication of financial information that is useful to investors, creditors, and other decision-makers. Includes the accounting environment, accounting cycle, generally accepted accounting principles, ethics, financial statements, operating, investing, and financing activities. (C-ID ACCT 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97649 STAFF
ACCTG-1B Managerial Accounting
ASL-1 Elementary American Sign Language
10:00am-11:50am MW
ANTHRO-1 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study of the biological features of humankind, utilizing scientific and comparative methods to understand human variation and adaptation, genetics, primatology, and the human fossil record. (C-ID ANTH 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98687 A.Tripp 98688 A.Tripp
9:30am-10:50am TTH 11:00am-12:20pm TTH
ANTHRO-1L Laboratory for Biological Anthropology
4.00 UNITS
CHMB-263 CHMB-263
1.00 UNIT
Corequisite: ANTHRO-1 (may be taken previously). Comparative study of both human and non-human primates, human variation, evolution, genetics, forensic anthropology, and the primate fossil record. (C-ID ANTH 115L) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to Deaf culture/history, ASL vocabulary development, fingerspelling, basic phrasing, sentence patterns, manual counting, and receptive and expressive skills. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. This course corresponds to the first year of high school ASL. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98247 K.Casale
4.00 UNITS
American Sign Language (ASL) (Also see Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish)
ASL-2 Elementary American Sign Language
Anthropology (ANTHRO)
4.00 UNITS
98246 K.Casale
Prerequisite: ACCTG-1A. Advisory: Completion of CIS-1 or experience using spreadsheets. Managerial accounting meets the information needs of internal users by developing and communicating information that is useful for management decision-making. (C-ID ACCT 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97659 J.Bocanegra
Prerequisite: ASL-1 or one year of high school ASL. Continued study of ASL structure, vocabulary, conversational strategies, phrasing, sentence patterns, manual counting and spelling, semantics, development of expressive and receptive skills, and Deaf culture/history. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
ACCTG-1A Financial Accounting
98699 A.Tripp
ANTHRO-2 Introduction to Archaeology
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ENGL-475. Introduction to the study of concepts, theories, data and models of anthropological archaeology that contribute to our knowledge of the human past. (C-ID ANTH 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98702 A.Tripp Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
11:00am-12:20pm MW
^ Chaffey College
ANTHRO-3 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
3.00 UNITS
9:30am-10:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm
CHMB-263 CHMB-247
98965 R.Ikeda and 98961 L.Abubekerov and 98962 L.Abubekerov and 98963 E.Castro and 98964 E.Castro and
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Historical survey of the diverse artistic movements from the end of WWII to the present, tracing the discourse of late modernism to postmodernism. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99051 D.Plouffe 7:00pm-9:50pm Section 99051: ZERO costs for textbooks.
3.00 UNITS
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
CHMB-210 CHMB-210 CHMB-201 CHMB-210 CHMB-201 CHMB-210 CHMB-201 CHMB-210 CHMB-201 CHMB-210
3.00 UNITS
10:00am-11:20am MW 7:00pm-9:50pm W
Human Anatomy
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study of the microscopic and macroscopic structures of the human body from cellular to organ system levels of organization. Course is intended for biology, general education, kinesiology and health related majors. (C-ID BIOL 110B) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of MATH-410. Overview of the universe beyond our solar system. Understand progressively larger structures in Astronomy, such as stars, galaxies, and extra-galactic structures by understanding the processes that shape them. Use observations (from telescopes, spacecraft, neutrino and gravity wave detectors, etc.) the scientific method, and basic physical concepts. Briefly consider relativity, black holes, spacetime, and the history and fate of the universe. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only F
8:00am-10:50am 8:00am-10:50am 10:00am-11:20am 11:30am-2:20pm 10:00am-11:20am 11:30am-2:20pm 12:00pm-1:20pm 1:30pm-4:20pm 12:00pm-1:20pm 1:30pm-4:20pm
Concepts in Biology
98966 STAFF 98967 K.Beaman
ASTRON-26 Stars and Galaxies
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to the major themes and principles of biology including energy flow and metabolism, structure/function relationships, inheritance patterns, ecology, evolution, and diversity of biological organisms. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Astronomy (ASTRON)
97525 R.Khan 8:00am-10:50am Section 97525: ZERO costs for textbooks.
General Biology
Introduction to the major themes and principles in biology. Topics range from molecules to the ecosystem. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Contemporary Art: 1945-Present
Art History (ARTH) ARTH-1
Biology (BIOL)
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to how anthropologists do their work, employ professional anthropological research ethics, and apply their perspectives and skills to the understanding of humans around the globe. (C-ID ANTH 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98714 A.Tripp 98715 A.Tripp
98976 R.Ikeda and 98968 T.Johnsen and 98969 T.Johnsen and 98970 A.Parsa and 98971 A.Parsa and 98972 STAFF and 98973 STAFF and 98974 M.Iyengar and 98975 M.Iyengar and
8:00am-10:50am 8:00am-10:50am 10:00am-11:20am 11:30am-2:20pm 10:00am-11:20am 11:30am-2:20pm 2:00pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-6:20pm 2:00pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-6:20pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
CHHC-202 CHHC-202 CHMB-201 CHHC-202 CHMB-201 CHHC-202 CHMB-201 CHHC-202 CHMB-201 CHHC-202 CHMB-201 CHHC-202 CHMB-201 CHHC-202 CHMB-201 CHHC-202 CHMB-201 CHHC-202
^ Chaffey College
Human Physiology
BIOL-424L Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 1.00 UNIT Corequisite: BIOL-424 (may be taken previously). Advisory: Completion of BIOL-30. Lab investigation of anatomy and physiology of organ systems, from cell through system levels. Course is primarily intended for students entering related vocational programs. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
98977 S.Jessen and 98978 S.Jessen and 98979 J.Marion and
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 9:00am-11:50am 1:00pm-3:50pm
General Microbiology
98988 J.Martinez 98986 STAFF 98987 STAFF
CHMB-201 CHHC-105 CHMB-201 CHHC-105 CHHC-105 CHHC-105
General Microbiology Laboratory
2.00 UNITS
8:00am-10:50am 2:00pm-4:50pm
Beginning Medical Terminology
99495 T.Tostado 99456 STAFF
Anatomy and Physiology
9:00am-11:50am 5:30pm-6:50pm
BUSL-28A Business Law I
CHMB-263 CHMB-242
3.00 UNITS
U.S. and state law, Uniform Commercial Code, agency, due process, contract and tort law, crime, and ethics. Application of appropriate rules, laws, and concepts to factual scenarios in written and oral arguments. (C-ID BUS 125) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
CHHC-101 CHHC-101
3.00 UNITS
99459 R.Gilbert
Business and Office Technologies
3.00 UNITS
7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Advisory: Completion of BIOL-30. Human anatomy and physiology with emphasis on the structures and functions of the organ systems. Course is primarily intended for students entering related vocational programs. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98985 J.Martinez 98984 STAFF
3.00 UNITS
Business: Legal Studies (BUSL)
Applied medical etymology including the origin, correct spelling, pronunciation, meaning, and current usage of common medical terms. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98983 A.Vamvakas
Introduction to Business
Multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society, economic systems, legal, international, political, financial institutions, and human behavior interact to affect a business organization's policy and practices within the U.S. and a global society. (C-ID BUS 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Corequisite: BIOL-23 (may be taken previously). Introduction to microbiology laboratory techniques. Methods of culturing, staining, biochemically analyzing, and classifying microorganisms. NOTE: Attendance ON TIME at the first class meeting is MANDATORY! Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98981 N.Shea 98982 S.Jessen
CHHC-202 CHHC-202 CHHC-202
3.00 UNITS
Business (BUS)
Prerequisite: BIOL-22 or 61. Introduction to microbiology with strong emphasis on microorganisms pathogenic to humans. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98980 S.Jessen
1:00pm-3:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm
Many Business and Office Technology courses are taught online. See the Hybrid/Online area of this schedule for additional classes.
BUSOT-40A Beginning Computer Keyboarding 3.00 UNITS Beginning computer keyboarding with mastery of alphabetic and numeric keyboard and correct touch-typing techniques. Introduction to the personal computer, word processing, and disk management. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
CHMB-246 CHMB-246
97788 T.Williamson 9:30am-11:20am MW CVAS-C 01/29/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 97788: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: BIOL-20, and CHEM-9 or 10 or 1 year of high school chemistry. Physiological principles, function, integration and homeostasis of the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism level. Lab exercises emphasize experimentation and scientific reasoning. (C-ID BIOL 120B) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Computer Keyboarding: Speed and Accuracy Development
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
BUSOT-60A Microsoft Office Word - Specialist
If you are taking a chemistry lab course, you MUST attend the first class meeting or you will be dropped! All chemistry lab students must purchase a lab manual, splash-proof safety goggles, and a protective apron (available at campus bookstores), and bring them to the first class meeting!
3.00 UNITS
97778 T.Edison and 97779 T.Edison and
1.50 UNITS
97863 T.Williamson 2:00pm-3:20pm TH CVAS-C and Online hours INET 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/28/18 Section 97863: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed.
CHMB-202 CHMB-209 CHMB-202 CHMB-209
4.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
8:00am-10:50am 11:30am-2:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm
CHMB-201 CHMB-209 CHMB-201 CHMB-209 CHMB-201 CHMB-209
Child Development and Education (CDE)
Child Growth and Development
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Proof of negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introductory course examining the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. (C-ID CDEV 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 98120 B.Speak
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
12:00pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:00pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm
Introductory Chemistry
97737 G.Raval and 97735 H.Lord and 97736 H.Lord and
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A and 60A. Use advanced formulas and features to create worksheets, including spreadsheets, charts, pivot tables, IF functions, templates, and sorting and filtering records. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 11:30am-1:20pm TTH Last day to add: 02/05/18
5.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410, or one year of high school algebra. Introduction to the principles of chemistry with an emphasis on measurements, atomic and molecular structure, classification of matter, nomenclature, stoichiometry, chemical equations, gas laws, solutions and acid-base chemistry. Laboratory activities emphasize proper techniques, safety procedures, and experimental exercises in support of lecture content. (C-ID CHEM 101) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A or a minimum typing speed of 20 words per minute. Electronic information management of e-mail; appointments; conferences, and task scheduling; and integration of other software applications to manage work flow. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97869 L.Zamora 01/30/18-05/10/18
Health Science Chemistry
Advisory: Eligibility for Mathematics 425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of Mathematics 410 or 401. Introduction to the principles of chemistry, including inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Intended for health science students; not a science major course. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
97868 T.Williamson 9:30am-11:20am TTH CVAS-C 01/30/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 97868: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
BUSOT-63 MS Office Excel - Comprehensive
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A. MS Word. Develop personal and workplace skills to build a foundation for other Windows software applications. Customize and format academic papers, business reports, tables, columns, and graphics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
BUSOT-62 Microsoft Office Outlook
Chemistry (CHEM)
Limitation on Enrollment: Students will demonstrate keyboarding technique in first class meeting to evaluate keyboarding technique for 20 words per minute. Prerequisite: BUSOT-40A. Develop computer literacy. Analyze, evaluate, and improve keyboarding speed and accuracy using correct keyboarding techniques. Intense review of letters, numbers, symbols, 10-key, and the production of basic reports, business letters, and memoranda. Proficiency certificate issued after successful completion of course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97795 D.Thompson
^ Chaffey College
Child, Family and Community
3.00 UNITS
Health, Safety and Nutrition
99081 E.Jacobson 7:30am-10:50am MW CHMB-161 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99081: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99082 E.Jacobson 11:00am-2:20pm TTH CHMB-161 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99082: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99083 STAFF 7:00pm-10:20pm TTH CHMB-161 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99083: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
3.00 UNITS
Communication Studies (COMSTD) (909)652-6902
COMSTD-2 Fundamentals of Effective Speaking 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Emphasis on preparing and delivering various types of speeches before an audience. Communication theory and speech criticism are included for student application. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Chinese (CHIN) (Also see Am Sign, Arabic, French, & Spanish)
Elementary Mandarin Chinese
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to Mandarin Chinese language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), grammar, vocabulary, Chinese customs, cultural practices, and the geography of China. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. This course corresponds to the first year of high school Chinese. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98614 E.Lee
10:00am-11:50am TTH
98504 L.Pratt 7:30am-10:50am TTH CHMB-241 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98504: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98505 L.Pratt 7:30am-10:50am TTH CHMB-241 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98505: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98197 G.Alatorre 9:00am-11:50am S CHMB-241 98290 J.Emard 12:00pm-2:50pm F CHMB-243 98232 S.Bradshaw 5:30pm-6:50pm MW CHMB-241 98234 S.Bradshaw 7:00pm-9:50pm W CHMB-241
Cinema (CINEMA) (Also see Broadcasting)
CINEMA-25 Survey of World Cinemas
3.00 UNITS
Survey of American cinema from silent classics through contemporary commercial films. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and first aid training are recommended. Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures, and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. (C-ID ECE 220) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98151 S.Diehl-Hope
COMSTD-4 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. In-depth exploration of the variables of interpersonal communication processes as they occur in day-to- day, face-to-face human interaction. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 130) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Historical introduction to motion pictures as an art form, through the viewing of international cinematic works. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99071 E.Jacobson 11:00am-2:20pm TTH CHMB-161 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99071: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
98289 J.Emard 98501 L.Pratt
9:00am-11:50am 9:30am-10:50am
COMSTD-6 Fundamentals of Small Group Communication
CHMB-243 CHMB-241
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Develop confidence and competence as a group member and leader through a combination of theoretical and practical application of small group principles in everyday life. (C-ID COMM 140) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98506 L.Pratt 98233 S.Bradshaw Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
11:00am-12:20pm TTH 7:00pm-9:50pm M
CHMB-241 CHMB-241
^ Chaffey College
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-10:50am
CINEMA-26 Survey of American Cinema
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. An examination of the developing child in a societal context, focusing on the interrelationship of family, school and community and emphasizing historical and socio-cultural factors. (C-ID CDEV 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98141 L.Melendez 98140 B.Speak
COMSTD-8 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
3.00 UNITS
COMSTD-78 Family Communication
Cisco Internetworking III
3.00 UNITS
98502 L.Pratt
(909)652-6830 Many Computer Information Systems courses are taught online. See the Hybrid/Online area of this schedule for additional classes.
3.00 UNITS
9:30am-10:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm
Cisco Internetworking IV
99349 J.Kerr and 03/20/18-05/15/18 99350 J.Kerr and 03/21/18-05/09/18
Principles and applications of computers including their role in business and society. Provides computer competency for Computer Information Systems majors and non-majors. (C-ID ITIS 120 and BUS 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99317 J.Blyzka 99309 J.Blyzka
4.00 UNITS
6:00pm-9:50pm T Online hours Last day to add: 03/26/18 6:00pm-9:50pm W Online hours Last day to add: 03/27/18
CISCO-416 Cisco Internetworking VI
CHMB-242 CHMB-242
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CISCO-2 or equivalent experience. CCNA Security equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to prepare for the latest CCNA Security certification and entry-level security specialist careers. This course is a hands-on, career-oriented e-learning solution that emphasizes practical experience. Network threats are identified and appropriate technologies such as virtual private networks, firewalls, intrusion prevention/cryptographic systems and security protocols are discussed and used to mitigate. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade with option for Pass/No Pass grade 99351 J.Kerr and 03/22/18-05/10/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
6:00pm-9:50pm T Online hours Last day to add: 01/14/18 6:00pm-9:50pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/18/18
Advisory: Completion of CISCO-3 or equivalent experience. Final course in a four-course sequence that qualifies students to take the newest Cisco CCNA examination. Topics include: Network Design/Security policies; advanced LAN/WAN/Wireless technologies; IP addressing techniques; Quality of Service, Monitoring, Troubleshooting, Network Programming, Cloud and Virtualization. Comprehensive review of all topics covered in Cisco I, II, III, and IV courses in preparation for the newest CCNA certification exam. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Computer Information Systems: Core (CIS)
Introduction to Computer Information Systems
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CISCO-2 or equivalent experience. Third in a four-course sequence that qualifies students to take the newest Cisco CCNA examination. Topics include: intermediate switching and routing; configuration of routers and switches for wired and wireless networks; Virtual LANs (VLANs), Virtual Trunking Protocol (VTP), Spanning Tree Protocol (STP); advanced IP addressing techniques; Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM); intermediate routing protocols such as multi area OSPF, Hot Standby Routing (HSRP), network security/troubleshooting and management issues. Meets latest CCNA certification requirements. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99346 J.Kerr and 01/09/18-02/27/18 99347 J.Kerr and 01/10/18-02/28/18
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to communication in the family setting. Analysis of how communication-related behavior affects the development, maintenance, enhancement, and deterioration of family relationships. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 11:00am-12:20pm MW
CIS: Cisco Internetworking (CISCO)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Basic foundations of interpersonal communication, small group communication and public speaking. Students will be introduced to the breadth of the communication discipline. Additionally, students will examine and practice human communication principles and theories, at a basic level, to develop critical thinking and communication competencies in a variety of contexts. (C-ID COMM 115) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98503 L.Pratt
6:00pm-9:50pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 03/28/18
^ Chaffey College
CISCO-419 Cisco Internetworking IX
4.00 UNITS
Legal Aspects of Evidence
6:00pm-9:50pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 01/17/18
Criminal Justice (CJ) (909)652-6253
CJ-1 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Inmate supervision in correctional institutions, including security procedures, contraband control, treatment programs, and prison dynamics. Prison staff responsibilities and the effect of their application on inmate culture and institution characteristics. Current and historical methods of controlling inmates. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98181 E.Sandoval
CJ-57 Probation and Parole
3.00 UNITS
Overview of the history and philosophical foundations of probation and parole in the United States. Organization and operations of probation and parole agencies as particular segments of the criminal justice system. Probation as part of the judicial process, and parole as part of the corrections system. Theoretical concerns exemplified in probation and parole supervision, as well as the practical aspects of probation and parole services. Review and evaluation of community-based corrections and the programs included in response to criminal behavior. Issues and problems relating to the pre-sentence investigation report, determinate versus indeterminate sentencing, the vast and diverse roles of the probation officer and parole agent, and case law decisions affecting probation and parole practice. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Historical development of criminal law, philosophy of law and constitutional provisions, definitions, classification of crime and the application to the criminal justice system. Legal research, study of case law, methodology, and concepts of law as a social force. (C-ID AJ 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98184 J.Estrada
98165 STAFF 11:00am-2:20pm MW CHMB-161 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98165: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
CJ-52 Control and Supervision of Inmates
98161 S.Greene 11:00am-2:20pm MW CHMB-161 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98161: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Concepts of Criminal Law
98187 C.Cano 7:00pm-10:20pm MW CHMB-161 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98187: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
This course introduces students to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States. Focus is placed on examining crime measurement, theoretical explanations of crime, responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. The course examines the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized by the justice system and the evolving forces which have shaped those principles and approaches. Although justice structure and process is examined in a cross cultural context, emphasis is placed on the US justice system, particularly the structure and function of US police, courts, and corrections. Students are introduced to the origins and development of criminal law, legal process, and sentencing and incarceration policies. (C-ID AJ 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CJ-1. Sociological analysis of crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system. Explores the history and social construction of crime and criminality and examines the definition of crime and its violations as well as the laws and methods used to control criminal behavior. Discuss measurement of crime and basic theoretical explanations of criminal behavior.(C-ID SOCI 160) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Cooperative Education / Work Experience (COOPED) (See Rancho Cucamonga Section)
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Origin, development, philosophy, and the constitutional basis of evidence; constitutional and procedural considerations affecting arrest, search, and seizure; kinds and degrees of evidence and the rules governing admissibility; judicial decisions interpreting individual rights; and case studies. (C-ID AJ 124) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98179 W.Sutton
99348 J.Kerr and 01/11/18-03/01/18
^ Chaffey College
Advisory: Completion of CISCO-4 or equivalent training/experience. CCNP TSHOOT. Third course in a three course prep sequence for the newest CCNP examinations. Extensive CCNA/CCNP review. Skills include monitoring, troubleshooting and maintaining enterprise routed and switched IP networks using technology based practices. Prepares student for the latest externally administered Cisco CCNA Route/Switch and CCNP TSHOOT exams. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade with option for Pass/No Pass grade
(Also see Hospitality Management)
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a current negative tuberculosis test is required. Safety, sanitation, and proper equipment management issues in the food service industry. In-depth coverage of industry-based sanitation and safety standards that prevent contamination and food-borne illness, forestall on-the-job accidents and injuries of workers, and preclude equipment misuse and damage. Disaster planning fire prevention, and basic first aid procedures are highlighted. Special emphasis on the local, state, and federal agencies and programs - such as OSHA, HACCP, and Serv-Safe -having regulatory oversight in food service workplaces. Transfer: CSU Materials Fee: $5.00 Grading: Letter grade only F
CUL-17 Principles of Food Preparation
99247 STAFF
3.00 UNITS
Restaurant and Catering Operations Planning
World Cuisine
99248 M.Forde
3.00 UNITS
Earth Science (ESC) (Also see Geology)
Earth Science
3.00 UNITS
Topics include geology, oceanography, meteorology, and planetology. (C-ID GEOL 120) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
97617 T.Castiglione 5:30pm-6:50pm Section 97617: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a current negative tuberculosis test is required. Prerequisite: CUL-17. Planning, marketing, organization, execution and food preparation for a restaurant or a catered banquet. Acting as managers, chefs, and crew, students will produce menus and cook a variety of dishes for different styles of catered events. Students will utilize the professional and technical presentation methods used for plated meals, buffet luncheons, and passed hors d'oeuvres. Materials Fee: $25.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99245 M.Forde
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CUL-17. This course will introduce students to cuisines found throughout the World. Culinary history and general characteristics that have influenced the development of each region's cuisine will be studied. This includes the geography, climate, religion and trade that have played a role in the development of distinct international cuisines. Specific areas of instruction will include the identification of ingredients and equipment related to each region or cuisine. Materials Fee: $25.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a current negative tuberculosis test is required. Prerequisite: CUL-15. Principles and techniques in professional food preparation, including science and technology of the kitchen, food service safety and sanitation policies and procedures, recipe specifications, and kitchen equipment use and maintenance. This course also covers nutritional components of foods under review. These components include the digestion, absorption and metabolism of nutrients. Culinary concepts include as mise en place, dry and moist cookery, appropriate use of produce, dairy and dry goods, and sustainability using local sourcing. Includes hands-on professional food preparation techniques with an emphasis on collaboration and teamwork. Materials Fee: $25.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98890 M.Forde
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a current negative tuberculosis test is required. Prerequisite: CUL-440. Advanced baking and patisserie techniques including advanced formulas. Explore advanced fundamentals techniques in baking and patisserie. Examine how a formula works including changes of yields and altering percentages of ingredients in formulas to works including changes of yields and altering percentages of ingredients in formulas to produce desired results are stressed. Introduction to hot, cold, and frozen desserts with concentration on the composition of restaurant style plated desserts. Topics include traditional composed desserts, modern menu fusion, international/ethnic and classical dessert combinations. Materials Fee: $25.00 Grading: Letter grade only
CUL-15 Sanitation, Safety, and Equipment Management
CUL-441 Advanced Professional Baking
Culinary Arts (CUL)
98888 M.Forde
Earth Science Laboratory
1.00 UNIT
Corequisite: ESC-1 (may be taken previously). Hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts using scientific tools and methods to image, measure and observe phenomenon in geology, oceanography, astronomy and meteorology. (C-ID GEOL 120L) Materials Fee: $10.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97560 T.Castiglione 7:00pm-8:20pm Section 97560: ZERO costs for textbooks.
3.00 UNITS
Study of the marine environment including seawater properties, ocean currents, and marine biology. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97577 M.Okbamichael 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 97577: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Oceanography Laboratory
1.00 UNIT
Principles of Macroeconomics
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of market systems, aggregate measures of economic activity, macroeconomic equilibrium, money and financial institutions, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, and economic growth. (C-ID ECON 202) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97947 H.Zhang
Principles of Microeconomics
3.00 UNITS
ENGL-1B Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking
Emergency Medical Responder Services
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must be 18 years or older at the start of the course. Advisory: Students should possess good dexterity and physical condition, have the ability to lift and carry up to 150 pounds, and be able to work in confined spaces and different positions (e.g. on the ground or floor). Emergency Responder and CPR training for the professional rescuer, meeting CA Title 22 requirements. Course meets the American Heart Association CPR prerequisite and recommended preparation for admission to the EMT program. Materials Fee: $7.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99419 A.Respicio
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Students incorporate rhetorical strategies in analysis and researched argumentation. Focus on logical reasoning, credibility, and emotional appeals. Writing intensive with a minimum production of 6,000 words. (C-ID ENGL 105) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Sections held in CHMB-260 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only
Emergency Medical Technician EMT-405
3.00 UNITS
98569 M.Utsler 8:00am-9:20am MW CHMB-260 98526 A.Romero 9:00am-11:50am F CHMB-260 98404 J.Larios 9:00am-11:50am S CHMB-260 98346 S.Harano 9:30am-10:50am MW CHMB-243 98572 M.Utsler 9:30am-10:50am TTH CHMB-260 98250 J.Chapman 11:00am-12:20pm MW CHMB-243 98378 R.Karim 11:00am-2:20pm MW CHMB-260 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98378: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98251 J.Chapman 12:30pm-1:50pm MW CHMB-243 98362 A.Janowicz 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH CHMB-245 98288 E.Ebro 2:00pm-3:20pm MW CHMB-243 98363 A.Janowicz 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH CHMB-260 98328 S.Goldman 3:30pm-4:50pm TTH CHMB-260 98329 S.Goldman 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH CHMB-260 98403 J.Larios 7:00pm-9:50pm M OHS-P10 98485 S.Pedersen 7:00pm-9:50pm M CHMB-260 98582 M.Vidales 7:00pm-9:50pm T CHMB-260 98486 S.Pedersen 7:00pm-9:50pm W CHMB-260
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of the choices of individual economic decision-makers on markets, taxation, production, scarcity, competition, monopoly, and regulation. Effects of taxes on individuals and businesses; income distribution and poverty; economics of race, gender, and culture; and market failure. (C-ID ECON 201) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97957 H.Zhang
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques. Frequent writing of compositions, with the ultimate goal of writing a research paper. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected in the course. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID ENGL 100) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Sections held in CHMB-260 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only
Economics (ECON) ECON-2
98571 M.Utsler 8:00am-9:20am TTH CHMB-260 98570 M.Utsler 9:30am-10:50am MW CHMB-260 98379 R.Karim 11:00am-2:20pm MW CHMB-260 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98379: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98478 A.Wetrick 11:00am-12:20pm TTH CHMB-260 98597 A.Wetrick 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH CHMB-260 98334 J.Greuel 3:30pm-4:50pm MW CHMB-260 98335 J.Greuel 5:30pm-6:50pm MW CHMB-260 98331 J.Grasmick 7:00pm-9:50pm M CHMB-245
^ Chaffey College
English (ENGL)
Corequisite: ESC-5. Hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts using scientific tools and methods to image, measure and observe phenomenon in oceanography. Materials Fee: $10.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97578 M.Okbamichael 3:30pm-6:20pm Section 97578: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Introduction to Literature
3.00 UNITS
Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing
8:00am-11:50am 8:00am-9:50am 8:00am-9:50am 9:00am-12:50pm 10:00am-11:50am 10:00am-11:50am 12:00pm-1:50pm 12:00pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-3:50pm 4:00pm-5:50pm 6:00pm-9:50pm 6:00pm-9:50pm 6:00pm-9:50pm
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are:
4.00 UNITS
CHMB-241 CHMB-245 CHMB-245 CHMB-243 CHMB-245 CHMB-245 CHMB-243 CHMB-245 CHMB-245 CHMB-243 CHMB-243 CHMB-243 OHS-P10
Introduction to College Reading and Writing
4.00 UNITS
Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change. Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
8:00am-9:50am 6:00pm-9:50pm
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452 (909) 652-6932 (909) 652-8150 (909) 652-7408
Fashion Design (FASHD) (909)652-8010
FASHD-20 History of Fashion
3.00 UNITS
A survey of apparel styles from Egyptian to modern times. Analysis of costume as a result of social, political, and economic influences, and the interpretation of historic styles in today's retail apparel. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-575 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process. Introduction to the academic reading, writing, critical thinking, and study skills expected at the college level with the ultimate goal of producing clear, competent essays. Seven hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Materials Fee: $2.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only 98593 J.Weingartner 98535 L.Seely
Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-475 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-575. Careful study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and expository writing techniques, using primarily nonfiction texts, and the frequent writing of compositions with the ultimate goal of writing an essay using sources. Preparation for English 1A and a variety of academic disciplines. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. NOTE: Students who have successfully completed ESL 475 may not take English 475. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98452 S.Camacho 98465 R.Nazar 98591 J.Weingartner 98240 S.Camacho 98466 R.Nazar 98592 J.Weingartner 98245 S.Carson 98451 M.Monsma 98517 M.Monsma 98330 N.Gossett 98448 D.Moatakef 98609 P.Yee 98265 B.Daily
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Foundation course in the study of the literary genres: novel, short story, poetry, and drama. (C-ID ENGL 120) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98345 S.Harano
98943 W.Meng
FASHD-40 Beginning Clothing Construction
2.00 UNITS
Techniques for clothing construction using woven fabrics. Lecture/ demonstration of basic sewing techniques, pattern and fabric selection utilizing industry methods. For beginners, and as a refresher course. Materials Fee: $8.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
CHMB-243 CHMB-245
98945 T.Becker 98949 C.Poteet
11:00am-2:50pm 6:00pm-9:50pm
FASHD-45 Design Fundamentals for Fashion and Interiors
CHCM-203 CHCM-203
3.00 UNITS
Identification and utilization of the elements and principles of design common to fashion and interior design. Emphasis on creative expression through utilization of good design. Materials Fee: $10.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98953 W.Meng Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Industrial Sewing
2.00 UNITS
Corequisite: FASHD-40 (may be taken previously). Analysis of figure variations and application of pattern adjustments for proper fit. Topics include ready-to-wear and commercial pattern alterations, and the development of custom patterns. Students will examine pricing, skills and equipment requirements, and client management issues affecting small alterations businesses. Materials Fee: $10.00 Grading: Letter grade only 8:00am-11:50am
FASHD-470 Apparel Production
99033 T.Becker
99035 STAFF 60-75 hours arranged work experience OTHR Section 99035: Attendance is required at a mandatory orientation session on January 8, 2018, at 12:30pm in CHCM-203.
Fashion Merchandising (FASHM) (909)652-8010
FASHM-11 Retail Merchandising and Management
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of FASHD-40 and FASHM-10. The design, development, pricing, sourcing, manufacturing, and marketing of a line of clothing. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only F
FASHD-471 Advanced Patternmaking
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Consent of instructor is required prior to registration. Prerequisite: FASHD-61 and FASHM-10. Corequisite: FASHD-42 (may be taken previously) and FASHM-60 (may be taken previously). Industry internship, in cooperation with area private and public sector employers, providing new or expanded learning opportunities directly related to fashion design and production. Readies the student for employment. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
FASHD-445 Fitting and Alterations of Patterns 2.00 UNITS and Apparel
98956 K.Encinas
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: FASHM-10. Analysis of customer needs, store location, layout, merchandising mix, vendor negotiation, pricing, display, advertising, and inventory control in the operation of a retail store. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98934 D.Hecht
FASHM-15 Image and Fashion Selection
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: FASHD-40 and 61. Theory and practice in developing flat patterns for sportswear, suits, linings and knitwear. Research of design details in more complicated garments and implementation into full-scale patterns. Patterns are tested in muslin, then in designer fabric, with the final pattern ready for industry production. Materials Fee: $10.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Clothing choices for the professional workplace and California lifestyles. Using body composition and proportions, individual coloring, and personality in the selection of a trendy, sophisticated, comfortable, and budget-appropriate wardrobe. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99036 T.Becker
FASHD-472 Computer-Aided Patternmaking
98936 T.Becker
3.00 UNITS
Study of the textile fibers, yarns, weaves, and finishes which give the consumer and designer a background for intelligent selection, use, and care of modern fabrics. Special emphasis will be given to man-made fiber performance and properties. Materials Fee: $10.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
2.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: FASHD-61. Advisory: Basic computer skills are recommended. Beginning study of computer applications in patternmaking, including terminology and software operation. Topics include pattern creation, manipulation, grading, file storage, and reporting. Use of pattern technologies current to the industry to produce preproduction and production documents. Materials Fee: $6.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99034 STAFF
98937 T.Becker
11:00am-12:20pm MW
FASHM-482 Internship: Fashion Merchandising
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Instructor signature is required for registration. Prerequisite: FASHM-10, 11, and 60. Industry internship in cooperation with area private and public sector employers, providing new or expanded learning opportunities directly related to fashion merchandising. Readies the student for employment. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
98940 STAFF 60-75 hours arranged work experience OTHR Section 98940: Attendance is required at a mandatory orientation session on January 10, 2018, at 12:30pm in CHCM-203.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
FASHD-482 Internship: Fashion Design
Prerequisite: FASHD-40. Apparel industry construction techniques and assembly of garments utilizing industrial sewing machines, with special emphasis on stretch fabrics. Materials Fee: $8.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99032 L.Lindenberger
Geography (GEOG) CHINO
GEOG-10 Cultural Geography of North America 3.00 UNITS Overview of migration, population, and cultural patterns in North America. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 7:00pm-9:50pm
Guidance (GUID) (909)652-6479
Essentials of Student Success
GUID-3 Career Exploration and Life Planning
Successful College Transition
2.00 UNITS
Opening Doors to Student Effectiveness
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Comparative study of the world's major civilizations from pre-history to 1500 in Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas. Similarities and differences between the civilizations and their influences on human history. (C-ID HIST 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97971 L.Reams 9:30am-10:50am Section 97961: ZERO costs for textbooks.
World History: 1500 to Present
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Cross-cultural study of the world's major civilizations since 1500. Understanding the causes of the Rise of the West, the reaction of the non-Western world, and the ongoing dynamic of the "West versus the Rest" dialectic. (C-ID HIST 160) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
A course for new students that want to start college with a Hope, Growth and Grit mindset and learn the necessary skills to transition successfully to college. Topics to be reviewed in depth include: student services; firstyear academic planning strategies; academic resources; policies and procedures; completion requirements for Career Technical Education (CTE) programs; Associate Degrees, and transfer pathways; as well as integrate critical thinking skills and personal management strategies necessary to the planning and successful implementation of a first-year educational plan. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99299 M.Serrano
Arranged hours Success Centers Last day to add: 05/17/18
HIST-1 World History: Pre-Civilization to 1500
3.00 UNITS
0.00 UNITS
CHMB-202 CHMB-263
History (HIST)
Career and life planning for students seeking direction in setting life, academic and career goals. Topics include problem-solving approaches; evaluation of values, interests, skills, and personality characteristics; academic learning strategies; and career investigation. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99237 N.Ramos
Supervised Tutoring
99202 G.Kenehan 01/08/18-05/17/18
2.00 UNITS
Designed to increase student proficiency and retention in college. Topics include: learning styles, study and time management techniques, motivation, library research methods, critical thinking, memory and reading strategies, and exploration of college services. Helps students develop the personal and interpersonal communication skills critical to becoming responsible learners. Introduces students to the various segments of higher education and campus culture. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99044 E.Sanchez 9:00am-10:50am 99380 A.Torres 9:00am-10:50am Section 99380: Targeted to EOPS students.
Limitation on Enrollment: Referral by course instructor or academic counselor is required. Student must be enrolled in another Chaffey College course. Open-entry/open-exit supervised tutoring course that provides students assistance in understanding college course assignments. Individualized/small group tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions are conducted outside of class time in a learning assistance center, and are structured to help students achieve specific course objectives or improve learning and study skills in specific subject matter. The content of this course varies according to the course for which tutoring is sought. May be repeated. Materials Fee: $0.00 Non-credit Grading: Ungraded
97586 L.Schmidt
99330 T.Greene
Modern Western Civilizations
3.00 UNITS
Western Civilization: The modern world from the 1500's to the present. (C-ID HIST 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98032 K.Schaefer
3.00 UNITS
Targeted to students in the Opening Doors to Excellence program designed to address the academic and personal challenges of student effectiveness. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only 99037 E.Sanchez
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
CHMB-160 53
^ Chaffey College
United States History Through 1877
3.00 UNITS
98193 J.Cabral
3.00 UNITS
California History
HIST-71 Chicanos: the Chicano Minority in the United States
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Purchasing, Cost Controls, and Menu Planning
3.00 UNITS
Principles, policies, and procedures associated with the procurement and conveyance of food and beverages in the food service industry. Focus on inventory controls, menu development, costing strategies, and marketing. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98894 D.Bentum 2:30pm-5:35pm TTH CHCM-206 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98894: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
HOTFS-422 Hotel Operations
3.00 UNITS
Operation and organization of a variety of lodging facilities for the hospitality industry. Covers front office, housekeeping, food and beverage, human resources, property maintenance, revenue management and forecasting, pricing and inventory. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
98895 D.Bentum
Historical development of a Mexican-American community and the emergence of a Chicano cultural identity. Social, cultural, political and economic issues and conflicts affecting the Chicano minority from the nineteenth century to the present. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98034 N.Lopez
Introduction to Hospitality Management
98892 D.Bentum
3.00 UNITS
An overview of the hospitality industry with emphasis on career opportunities and guest services. This course covers organization and management of the hospitality industry including restaurants, hotels, convention centers, amusement parks, and areas of leisure and travel. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of the history of California from pre-Columbian times to the present. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98025 W.Willison
Issues and events of the 1960's - one of the most turbulent decades in American history - including Civil Rights and the Vietnam War. May be taught in lecture or seminar format. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98022 V.Nobile
3.00 UNITS
Hospitality Management (HOTFS)
98011 T.Greene 11:00am-2:20pm TTH CHMB-262 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98011: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98012 W.Willison 7:00pm-9:50pm W CHMB-262
The Sixties in American History
Introduction to Homeland Security
This course introduces and explores the fundamentals of national security, global security and terrorism. Aspects of U.S. federal, state and local inter-agency cooperation to combat domestic and foreign threats will be discussed. Additional issues of discussion will include Narcoterrorism, terrorist groups and motivation of terrorists. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
HOTFS-431 Hospitality Marketing Management
3.00 UNITS
The application of basic marketing principles in the hospitality service product. Students will develop and present strategic marketing plans for a hospitality organization. Identification of the market, image development, advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and the administration and control of a marketing plan. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
98896 D.Bentum 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH CHCM-206 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98896: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Development of the United States from the Reconstruction Era through the present. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97987 T.Greene 11:00am-2:20pm TTH CHMB-262 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97987: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97988 J.Tidwell 7:00pm-9:50pm M CHMB-262
United States History From 1865
Homeland National Security (HNS)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of United States history from its colonial foundations through Reconstruction. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
HOTFS-482 Industry Internship: Hospitality Management
1.00 UNIT
2.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of MATH-510 or a higher level mathematics course. Principles of basic electricity. Ohm's Law, series and parallel circuits, conventional current theory, current flow, conductors and insulators, combination circuits, and power ratings. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
8:00am-12:20pm MTWTH Last day to add: 01/09/18
Industrial Basic Controls
8:00am-12:20pm MTWTH Last day to add: 02/05/18
Electrical Motors and Controls I
8:00am-12:20pm MTWTH Last day to add: 03/04/18 6:00pm-9:50pm MW Last day to add: 01/16/18
6:00pm-9:50pm MW Last day to add: 03/25/18 8:00am-12:20pm MTWTH Last day to add: 04/03/18
National Electric Code
CHTC-200 CHTC-200
3.00 UNITS
6:00pm-9:50pm TTH Last day to add: 01/14/18
Electrical Blueprints
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of IET-403A, or one year or more of professional work experience in a related field. Interpretation of basic ladder diagrams, one-line diagrams, electrical symbols, schematics, hydraulic symbols, and diagrams including pictorials. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
2.50 UNITS
99428 B.Khairullah 02/27/18-04/24/18
6:00pm-9:50pm TTH Last day to add: 03/05/18
Programmable Logic Controllers
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of IET-403B and 407, or two years or more of professional work experience that includes basic computer skills. Ladder diagrams, common computer terms, and operation of the programmer. Verifying and programming of timers and counters. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
2.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of IET-401A, or one to two years or more of professional work experience in a related field. Principles of motor controls. Direct current motors, basic trigonometry, alternating current, inductance in alternating current circuits, resistiveinductive-capacitive series/parallel circuits. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99422 W.O'Neil 02/28/18-03/29/18 99425 K.Mosley 01/08/18-03/07/18
2.50 UNITS
99427 B.Khairullah 01/09/18-02/22/18
Advisory: Completion of IET-401A, or one year or more of professional work experience in a related field. Study of batteries and other sources of electricity, magnetism, magnetic induction, direct current generators, measuring instruments, resistive and capacitive circuits. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99421 W.O'Neil 02/01/18-02/27/18
Electrical Motors and Controls II
Advisory: Completion of IET-403A, or two years or more of professional work experience in a related field. Interpretation and application of the National Electric Code (NEC) with emphasis on wire size, conduit, motor load protection, classified areas, grounding, and the latest NEC updates. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Industrial Electrical Technology (IET)
99420 W.O'Neil 01/08/18-01/31/18
99426 K.Mosley 03/19/18-05/09/18 99474 W.O’Neil 04/02/18-04/25/18
OTHR 98897 C.Miale 60-75 hours arranged work experience Section 98897: Attendance is required at a mandatory orientation session on January 10, 2018, at 5:30pm in CHCM-206.
Introduction to Electricity
Advisory: Completion of IET-403A, or one or more years of professional work experience in a related field. Applications of motor controls. Resistive-inductive parallel circuits, resistive-inductive-capacitive parallel circuits, three-phase circuits, singleand three-phase transformers, motors, and alternators. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Consent of instructor is required prior to registration. Prerequisite: CUL-442 or HOTFS-422. Supervised work experience in a hotel, restaurant, or commercial kitchen. Includes front office, housekeeping, marketing and kitchen experience. Student will spend a minimum of 60 hours (if unpaid) or 75 hours (if paid) on the work site. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
99424 W.O'Neil 6:00pm-9:50pm MTWTH CHTC-300 01/08/18-02/05/18 Last day to add: 01/09/18 Section 99424: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Intermediate Programmable Logic Controllers
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of IET-411, or two years or more of professional work experience that includes basic knowledge of PLC's. Designing motor control systems, translating information from blueprint to ladder diagrams and employing it into the PLC program, and applying assignments into a hardwire system. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
CHTC-200 CHTC-200
99429 W.O'Neil 6:00pm-9:50pm MTWTH CHTC-300 02/06/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 02/06/18 Section 99429: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Advanced Electricity Laboratory
2.00 UNITS
ID-16 Quick Sketching for Interior Designers
2.50 UNITS
Freehand sketching techniques for illustrating interiors in 3D. Includes perspective, shading, textures, and use of a variety of techniques and materials. Emphasis on quick presentation of ideas for designer or client. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98900 K.Galipeau
Space Planning
3.00 UNITS
99430 STAFF 6:00pm-9:50pm MTWTH CHTC-300 04/09/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 04/10/18 Section 99430: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Furniture layouts and space planning for residential and commercial design projects. Elevations, lettering, partition plans, reflected ceiling plans, electrical plans, building codes and accessibility requirements. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98901 K.Galipeau
Electrical Troubleshooting
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: IET-420. Advisory: Completion of IET-403A, 407, and 411, or two years or more of professional work experience that includes static devices. Applying the knowledge learned on DC/AC motor controls, blueprint reading, and developing troubleshooting skills. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99431 W.O'Neil 02/28/18-04/04/18
6:00pm-9:50pm MTWTH Last day to add: 03/04/18
OSHA Safety Training
98906 K.Galipeau
3.00 UNITS
Overview of the residential interior design field. Examination of floor plans, furniture arrangement, design elements and principles, furniture styles, lighting, flooring, and wall and window treatments. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98898 K.Galipeau
History of Western Architecture and Interiors II
2.00 UNITS
Industry Internship: Interior Design
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Consent of instructor is required prior to registration. Prerequisite: ID-16, ID-21, and ID-22. Corequisite: ID-30 (may be taken previously). Supervised industry internship, in cooperation with private sector design, architectural, and product distribution firms. Provides students expanded, hands-on learning opportunities to apply knowledge and learn new skills, directly related to their program of study, outside of the classroom environment. Placement is arranged by/approved by the instructor. Participation requirements may vary with the job setting. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to Interior Design
Interior Design Management
98907 K.Galipeau
Interior Design (ID) (Also see Art and Drafting)
3.00 UNITS
Professional methods for measuring and estimating materials, purchasing, client relationships, ethics, methods of compensation, contract and business documents. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
2.00 UNITS
8:00am-12:20pm MTWTH Last day to add: 04/30/18
Interior Design Materials
Materials and treatments used in interior design for commercial and residential installations, including "green" resources. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Industry safety and health standards, taught in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. Course is targeted to entry-level workers. Upon successful completion, students receive the OSHA (30-hour) card. Materials Fee: $11.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99432 W.O'Neil 04/30/18-05/10/18
11:00am-12:20pm MW
98909 STAFF 60-75 hours arranged work experience OTHR Section 98909: Attendance is required at a mandatory orientation session on January 11, 2018, at 12:30pm in CHCM-201.
3.00 UNITS
Furniture, interior, and architectural styles of the English, AngloAmerican, and late 19th and 20th century Western periods. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98899 L.Hahn
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Advisory: Completion of IET-405, 407, 411, and 420, or two years or more of professional work experience that includes knowledge of PLC's and static devices. Application and integration of concepts and skills covered in the prerequisite lecture courses. Topics include: designing motor control systems, translating information from blueprint to ladder diagrams and employing it into the PLC program, and applying assignments into a hardwire system. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
This course is designed for the beginning students who would like to learn the importance of breath, alignment of postures and relaxation techniques to improve health and fitness of the mind and body. The goal of the course is to improve flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, and coordination through the physical postures of yoga. Introduction to relaxation techniques will be incorporated for stress reduction and mental calm. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 12:30pm-1:50pm
98663 R.Lander
1.00 UNIT
Walking or running for physical health, muscular strength, fitness, weight control, and general well-being. Students develop a personalized fitness program with the assistance of the instructor. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97851 D.Slover
3.00 UNITS
KINLEC-16 First Aid
3.00 UNITS
97262 M.Cole
Plane Trigonometry
4.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
10:00am-11:50am TTH
Calculus I
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-61. Functions; limits and continuity; differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions with applications; introduction to integration and the definite integral with applications. Students may be required to obtain a graphing utility for the course. (C-ID MATH 211) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97263 M.Cole
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-61 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-25 and 31. Further studies in algebra and trigonometry for students intending to take calculus. NOTE: A graphing calculator is required; students should see instructor for specifics, since CAS-based calculators may be prohibited. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Theory and detailed demonstration of first aid care of the injured. Students learn to assess a victim's condition and incorporate proper treatment. Standard first aid, CPR, and AED certification(s) are granted upon successful completion of requirements. (C-ID KIN 101) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: An additional fee is charged to students who wish to take the optional Red Cross certification exam(s). Grading: Letter grade only 98633 J.Stewart
College Algebra
97238 D.Korneff
A lifestyle approach to fitness, including the study of nutrition, disease prevention, increased cardiovascular endurance, increased strength, flexibility, stress management, and considerations of aging on the body. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97855 G.Schwartz
Prerequisite: MATH-25. Advisory: Completion of 1 year high school geometry. Topics include trigonometric functions, radian measure, graphs, inverse trigonometric functions, vectors, and more. Students may be required to obtain a graphing utility for the course. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Kinesiology: Lecture (KINLEC) KINLEC-15 Diet and Fitness
97235 E.Cannis 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-246 and K.Lam 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97235: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97248. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97236 R.Vineyard 12:00pm-1:50pm MW CHMB-246 97237 S.Borissova 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH CHMB-202
KINACT-35 Cardio Fitness for Life
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Topics include solutions to higher degree polynomial equations: functions, polynomial, rational, inverse, etc.. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
Mathematics (MATH)
Beginning and foundation course in personal safety. Basic martial arts techniques for self-defense, covering safety and defense in a technical and practical framework. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97849 T.Oduwole
3.00 UNITS
(Also see Statistics)
KINACT-31 Introduction to Self-Defense and Personal Safety
Introduction to an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement. An overview of the importance of the sub-disciplines in kinesiology is discussed, along with career opportunities in the areas of teaching, coaching, allied health, and fitness professions. (C-ID KIN 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97836 C.Knight-Garcia
KINLEC-18 Introduction to Kinesiology
Kinesiology: Activity (KINACT) KINACT-28A Beginning Yoga
^ Chaffey College
Mathematics for Health Science
1.00 UNIT
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-520 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-510. An introduction to the language and mechanics of mathematics including the topics of rational number arithmetic, order of operations, expressions, equations, graphing, and polynomial operations. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Materials Fee: $1.00 (Software fees required) Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only
97239 J.Waite 01/09/18-02/15/18 97240 J.Waite 03/20/18-05/01/18
97256 J.Waite 97254 A.Nguyen 97257 S.Lee 97497 T.Nguyen
8:00am-9:20am TTH Last day to add: 01/10/18 8:00am-9:20am TTH Last day to add: 03/21/18
Elementary Algebra
CHMB-161 CHMB-161
4.00 UNITS
97258 T.Nguyen 01/09/18-02/27/18 97260 T.Nguyen 03/20/18-05/10/18 97259 T.Nguyen 01/13/18-03/03/18 97261 T.Nguyen 03/24/18-05/05/18
4.00 UNITS
0.00 UNITS
7:30am-9:35am TTH Last day to add: 01/16/18 7:30am-9:35am TTH Last day to add: 03/26/18 9:00am-1:50pm S Last day to add: 01/13/18 9:00am-1:50pm S Last day to add: 03/24/18
CHMB-261 CHMB-261 CHMB-261 CHMB-261
Music (MUSIC)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Extends concepts from Elementary Algebra. Content includes: polynomial, radical, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic expressions, equations, and functions; linear and non-linear systems of equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; graphing of nonlinear functions; complex numbers; nonlinear single-variable inequalities; conic sections; sequences; series; and the Binomial Theorem. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Music Appreciation
3.00 UNITS
A survey of art music in western civilization. Topics studied include elements of music, basic musical forms, music periods, styles, and the role of music and musicians in the western world. (C-ID MUS 100) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99137 C.Hornung
97248 E.Cannis 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-246 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97248: Fast-Track class linked with MATH-25-97235. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97250 M.Thomason 7:30am-9:20am TTH CHMB-263 97253 A.Lam 8:00am-11:50am F CHMB-262 97252 R.Faradineh 8:00am-11:50am S CHMB-201 97251 M.Cole 2:00pm-3:50pm MW CHMB-246 97249 M.Cole 4:00pm-5:50pm TTH CHMB-202
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
CHMB-261 CHMB-261 CHMB-261 CHMB-261
Mathematics Review for students whose assessment results indicate placement below Arithmetic/Pre-Algebra, and who wish to re-acquire the skills needed to re-assess into a higher level mathematics course. The course focuses on operations of whole numbers, rational numbers, decimal numbers and integers. Other topics include; ratios, proportions and measurement. Successful completion of this course allows the student to bypass the 3-month waiting period for re-assessment. May be taken twice. Materials Fee: $0.00 (Software fees required) Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass
97247 S.Kassman 7:30am-9:20am TTH CHMB-242 97245 S.Mishra 8:00am-9:50am MW CHMB-261 97242 S.Arefin 8:00am-11:50am F CHMB-261 97246 A.Nguyen 10:00am-11:50am MW CHMB-261 97244 D.Korneff 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH CHMB-242 97241 E.Cannis 2:30pm-4:40pm MTWTH CHMB-160 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97241: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97295 B.Ramirez 5:00pm-6:50pm MW OHS-P9 97243 P.Vo 6:00pm-7:50pm TTH CHMB-202
Intermediate Algebra
MATH-605 Preparation for the Study of Pre-Algebra
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-520. Algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additional topics include special products and factoring, rational expressions and their operations, solution and application of linear and rational equations, graphing of linear equations in two variables, solving linear systems of two equations, and determining the equation of a line. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
10:00am-12:30pm 12:00pm-2:30pm 2:00pm-4:30pm 7:00pm-9:30pm
History and Survey of Rock Music
3.00 UNITS
Survey of rock music styles covering their origins, development, and cultural impact. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99122 STAFF
^ Chaffey College
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-520. Course is targeted to students applying for the Nursing A.D.N. program. Topics include: metric, apothecary, and household systems of measurement; system conversions; adult and child dosages, and calculations involving oral, intravenous, and intramuscular medication administrations. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are:
98619 S.Eckvahl 01/09/18-02/08/18
Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change.
(909) 652-6932 (909) 652-8150
98622 C.Piper 01/08/18-02/09/18 98625 D.Keymel 01/08/18-02/09/18 98627 K.Dizon 01/08/18-02/09/18
(909) 652-7408
Nursing: Vocational (NURVN) (909)652-8215
NURVN-401 Foundations of Vocational Nursing 2.00 UNITS Practice
98629 S.Eckvahl 02/13/18-05/15/18
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A, and eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of MATH-520. The health care delivery system and role of the vocational nurse as a member of the health care team. Policies and expectations of the VN program and exploration of strategies for successful program completion. Materials Fee: $4.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
2.00 UNITS
8:00am-4:00pm MWF Last day to add: 01/11/18 8:00am-4:00pm MWF Last day to add: 01/11/18 8:00am-4:00pm MWF Last day to add: 01/11/18
CHHC-210 CHHC-210 CHHC-210
Prerequisite: NURVN-403 and 403L. Corequisite: NURVN-405L. Utilization of the nursing process as a framework for providing care to patients with musculoskeletal, genitourinary, integumentary, and gastrointestinal disorders. Includes twelve hours of related pharmacology content. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $3.00 NOTE: Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-405 and pass NURVN-405L to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Letter grade only
NURVN-405 Beginning Medical Surgical Nursing 4.00 UNITS
Nursing: Associate Degree (NURADN)
3.00 UNITS
Corequisite: NURVN-403. Discussion, demonstration, and application of nursing theory, principles, and effective communication techniques. Focus on medication administration and patient status reporting. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $4.00 NOTE: Students must pass NURVN-403L and achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-403 in order to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Pass/No Pass only
Nursing: Assistant (NURAST)
98617 S.Eckvahl
8:00am-2:00pm TTH Last day to add: 01/10/18
NURVN-403L Fundamentals of Nursing Laboratory
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452
(See Rancho Cucamonga Section)
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing (VN) program. Corequisite: NURVN-403L. Fundamental principles and techniques necessary for the beginning vocational nursing student to provide basic nursing care to patients. Includes twelve hours of related pharmacology content. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $3.00 NOTE: Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-403 and pass NURVN-403L to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Letter grade only
Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters
(See Rancho Cucamonga Section)
NURVN-403 Fundamentals of Nursing
Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
9:00am-12:00pm TTH Last day to add: 02/26/18
^ Chaffey College
NURVN-405L Beginning Medical Surgical Nursing Laboratory
3.00 UNITS
NURVN-407A Beginning Nursing Skills/Clinical Simulation Laboratory
8:00am-12:30pm M Last day to add: 02/25/18 8:00am-12:30pm M Last day to add: 02/25/18
NURVN-407B Intermediate Nursing Skills/Clinical Simulation Laboratory
98948 L.Lopez 01/23/18-05/08/18 99015 STAFF 01/23/18-05/08/18 99021 STAFF 01/23/18-05/08/18
54 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/05/18 54 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/05/18 54 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/05/18
CHHC-206 CHHC-206 CHHC-206
4.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program, and successful completion of the first semester VN curriculum or equivalent. Prerequisite: NURVN-405 and 405L Corequisite: NURVN-409L Discussion, demonstration, and application of the nursing process and developmental theory to the care of adult patients with cardiac, respiratory, and endocrine systems disorders. 12 hours of related pharmacology content. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $4.00 NOTE: Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-409 and pass NURVN-409L to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Letter grade only
CHHC-210 CHHC-210
1.00 UNIT
98650 S.Eckvahl 01/10/18-05/02/18
9:00am-1:30pm W Last day to add: 01/23/18
NURVN-409L Intermediate Medical Surgical Nursing Laboratory
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program, and successful completion of the first semester VN curriculum or equivalent. Prerequisite: NURVN-405 and 405L Corequisite: NURVN-409 Nursing care of adult patients in the hospital/clinical setting with cardiac, respiratory, and endocrine disorders. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $5.00 NOTE: Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-409 and pass NURVN-409L to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Pass/No Pass only
CHHC-206 CHHC-210 CHHC-206
98664 C.Washington 02/19/18-05/04/18 98666 M.Rivera 02/19/18-05/04/18 98667 J.Canlas 02/19/18-05/04/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
54 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/12/18 54 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/12/18 54 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/12/18
NURVN-409 Intermediate Medical Surgical Nursing
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the second semester of the Vocational Nursing program. Application of second semester theoretical concepts in a skills laboratory setting. Focus on maternal/child health nursing and on diseases/disorders of the cardiac, respiratory and endocrine systems. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Pass/No Pass only 98883 D.Keymel 01/18/18-04/26/18 98884 K.Jones 01/18/18-04/26/18 98886 STAFF 01/18/18-04/26/18
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the third semester of the Vocational Nursing program. Application of third semester theoretical concepts in a skills laboratory setting. Focus on emergency and trauma situations and on diseases/disorders of the reproductive, hematologic, and immune systems. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Pass/No Pass only
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program. Application of first semester theoretical concepts in a skills laboratory setting. Focus on musculoskeletal, integumentary, gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Pass/No Pass only 98639 C.Piper 02/12/18-05/07/18 98641 S.Eckvahl 02/12/18-05/07/18
158 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 03/04/18 158 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 03/04/18 158 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 03/04/18
^ Chaffey College
158 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 03/03/18 158 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 03/03/18 158 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 03/03/18
NURVN-407C Advanced Nursing Skills/Clinical Simulation Laboratory
Prerequisite: NURVN-403 and 403L. Corequisite: NURVN-405. Care of adult patients with musculoskeletal, integumentary, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal disorders in the clinical setting. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $4.00 NOTE: Students must pass NURVN-405L and achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-405 to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Pass/No Pass only 98630 C.Piper 02/14/18-05/16/18 98632 M.Catiesanu 02/14/18-05/16/18 98634 A.Lahip 02/14/18-05/16/18
NURVN-411 Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.00 UNITS Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing (VN) program, and successful completion of the 2nd semester of the VN program or equivalent. Prerequisite: NURVN-409 and 409L. Corequisite: NURVN-411L. Discussion, demonstration, and application of the nursing process and developmental theory to the care of adult patients with reproductive, hematologic and immune systems disorders. Emergency and cancer nursing emphasized. 12 hours of related pharmacology. Materials Fee: $4.00 NOTE: Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-411 and pass NURVN-411L to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Letter grade only 98887 J.Clark-Frize and 01/11/18-05/03/18
8:00am-12:00pm W 8:00am-12:00pm TH Last day to add: 01/30/18
NURVN-411L Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing Laboratory
162 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/11/18 162 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/11/18 162 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 02/11/18
CHMB-247 CHMB-202
3.00 UNITS
NURVN-413L Leadership for the Vocational Nurse Laboratory
2.00 UNITS
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program. Stages of growth and development, behavior, and characteristics of the adult and elderly. Highlighting perspectives of mental health nursing. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98637 K.Holman 04/03/18-05/15/18
1:00pm-4:00pm T Last day to add: 04/03/18
NURVN-417A Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process I
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program. Application of critical thinking skills in the health care setting. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
98636 K.Holman 02/13/18-03/27/18
1:00pm-4:00pm T Last day to add: 02/13/18
NURVN-417B Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process II
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program, and successful completion of the first semester VN curriculum or equivalent. Prerequisite: NURVN-417A Advanced concepts in the development of a plan of care and in clinical decision-making. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
98881 K.Holman 02/12/18-04/02/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
108 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 01/30/18 108 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 01/30/18 108 hours per term scheduled Last day to add: 01/30/18
NURVN-415A Growth and Development: Psychology Adult-Geriatric
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program, and successful completion of the second semester VN curriculum or equivalent. Corequisite: NURVN-413L. Leadership skills, capabilities, and knowledge essential to the vocational nurse. Managerial traits, styles, roles, and models are explored. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $3.00 NOTE: Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-413 and pass NURVN-413L to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Letter grade only 1:00pm-4:00pm
98929 S.Espinoza 01/12/18-04/20/18 98935 A.Rascon 01/12/18-04/20/18 98938 K.Montgomery 01/12/18-04/20/18
NURVN-413 Leadership for the Vocational Nurse 3.00 UNITS
98923 K.Holman
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program, and successful completion of the second semester VN curriculum or equivalent. Corequisite: NURVN-413. Clinical application of leadership skills, capabilities, and knowledge essential to the vocational nurse. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $1.00 NOTE: Students must pass NURVN-413L and achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-413 to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Pass/No Pass only
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program, and successful completion of the second semester VN curriculum or equivalent. Prerequisite: NURVN-409 and 409L. Corequisite: NURVN-411. Nursing care of adult patients with reproductive, hematologic and immunologic disorders, cancer, and of patients with emergency and traumatic disorders. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $2.00 NOTE: Students must pass NURVN-411L and achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-411 to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Pass/No Pass only 98910 J.Clark-Frize 01/22/18-05/07/18 98911 J.Mangold 01/22/18-05/07/18 98916 C.Saban 01/22/18-05/07/18
2:00pm-5:00pm M Last day to add: 02/12/18
^ Chaffey College
NURVN-421 Maternal and Child Health Nursing 4.00 UNITS
99200 C.Hines-Tinsley
Last day to add: 01/22/18 108 hours per term scheduled
Last day to add: 01/22/18 108 hours per term scheduled
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Nutrition I: The Science of Nutrition
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
Nutrition II: Modified Diets
99199 C.Hines-Tinsley
3.00 UNITS
Nutrition and the Active Person
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to sports nutrition as related to the nutritional needs of all individuals interested in physical fitness, from the serious athlete to the more leisurely active person. Topics include: the study of basic nutrition, disease prevention, methods for increasing cardiovascular endurance, weight control, increasing strength and flexibility, and stress management through the components of diet and fitness. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
2.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: NF-15. The study of therapeutic diets and the principles of nutrition as related to special physical conditions. Screening and assessment techniques used by health care professionals. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Completion of an accredited vocational nursing program within the past five years, or completion of licensure application packets and 54 hours of pharmacology, or eligibility for licensure through work experience or education. Overview of common diseases with treatment modalities, using the nursing process. Review of over 300 questions, with rationale for answers. Test-taking techniques and preparation for the computerized NCLEX examination. Taking of this course does not guarantee passing of the NCLEX exam. Course is offered on a pass/no-pass basis only. Material Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only 99025 M.Escobosa
99174 C.Hines-Tinsley
Last day to add: 01/22/18
NURVN-500 NCLEX Review for VN Licensure Exam
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to the science of nutrition and its implications for human health, including essential nutrients, basic dietary guidelines, and changing nutritional needs throughout the lifecycle. (C-ID NUTR 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program, and successful completion of the first semester of the VN program or equivalent. Corequisite: NURVN-421. Nursing care of mothers, newborns, and children in the clinical setting using Maslow's theory of human needs to guide the plan of care. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $2.00 NOTE: Students must pass NURVN-421L and achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-421 to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Pass/No Pass only 108 hours per term scheduled
Nutrition for Life
Essentials of nutrition as they relate to diet, health and disease, risk reduction, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
NURVN-421L Maternal and Child Health Nursing 2.00 UNITS Laboratory
98669 S.Manzano and T.Jernigan 01/09/18-05/17/18 98671 S.Manzano and T.Jernigan 01/09/18-05/17/18 98673 S.Manzano and T.Jernigan 01/09/18-05/17/18
99186 C.Hines-Tinsley
NF-471 Dietetic Service Supervisor I
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required. Corequisite: NF-471L. Supervisory and management roles in the professional health care setting for 1st semester students. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99251 H.Wu 2:00pm-2:50pm F CHMB-245 Section 99251: First class meeting on Friday 1/12/18. Additional meeting dates will be provided at that time. Students may be required to provide a fee-based background check. Students enrolled in this section must also enroll in section 99254. Section 99251: ZERO costs for textbooks.
^ Chaffey College
8:30am-1:00pm M Last day to add: 01/28/18
Nutrition and Food (NF)
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Vocational Nursing program, and successful completion of the first semester of the VN program or equivalent. Corequisite: NURVN-421L. Nursing care of mothers, newborns, and children using Maslow's theory of human needs to guide the plan of care. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $3.00 NOTE: Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in NURVN-421 and pass NURVN-421L to meet course and program requirements. Grading: Letter grade only 98668 M.Escobosa 01/08/18-05/17/18
Dietetic Service Supervisor I: Supervised Clinical Laboratory
2.00 UNITS
Introduction to Philosophy
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to the questions and ideas of major philosophers. Topics include knowledge (epistemology); reality (metaphysics); values, aesthetics, and religion (axiology), and social/political influences. (C-ID PHIL 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98054 C.Mabonzo
1.00 UNIT
Critical Thinking
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Argument and reasoning in the investigation of claims, including inductive and deductive reasoning, distinguishing fact from opinion and belief from knowledge, and identifying formal and informal fallacies. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required. Prerequisite: NF-471. Corequisite: NF-472L. Supervisory and management roles in the professional health care setting for 2nd semester students. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only
98069 C.Mabonzo
Photography (PHOTO)
99261 H.Wu 2:00pm-2:50pm F CHMB-245 Section 99261: First class meeting on Friday 1/12/18. Additional meeting dates will be provided at that time. Students may be required to provide a fee-based background check. Students enrolled in this section must also enroll in section 99256. Section 99261: ZERO costs for textbooks.
NF-472L Dietetic Service Supervisor II: Supervised Clinical Laboratory
99254 H.Wu 8:00am-1:50pm F CHMB-245 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99254: First class meeting on Friday 1/12/18. Additional meeting dates will be provided at that time. Students may be required to provide a fee-based background check. Students enrolled in this class must also enroll in section 99251. Section 99254: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Dietetic Service Supervisor II
Philosophy (PHIL)
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required. Corequisite: NF-471. Practical experience in practice and live clinical situations for the 1st semester student. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only
History of Photography
3.00 UNITS
History and appreciation of photography as a medium of artistic and social communication. No lab access with this course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
2.00 UNITS
99219 J.MacDevitt
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required. Corequisite: NF-472. Practical experience in practice and live clinical situations for the 2nd semester student. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Political Science (PS) (909)652-6253
American Politics
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Study of the American political process and institutions. Analysis of the organization and function of California's state and local governments. (C-ID POLS 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
99256 H.Wu 8:00am-1:50pm F CHMB-245 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99256: First class meeting on Friday 1/12/18. Additional meeting dates will be provided at that time. Students may be required to provide a fee based background check. Students enrolled in this section must also enroll in section 99621. Section 99256: ZERO costs for textbooks.
98101 A.Yanez Ruiz 98100 G.White
9:00am-11:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm
CHMB-262 CHMB-262
Introduction to Political Science
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Analysis of political institutions, behaviors, cultures, ideologies, and factors that lead to stability or revolution. (C-ID POLS 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98105 G.White
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
11:00am-12:20pm MW
^ Chaffey College
Sociology (SOC)
Psychology (PSYCH)
Introduction to Psychology
3.00 UNITS
Study of human development from conception through old age with particular emphasis on biological and environmental influences. (C-ID PSY 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
98858 D.Gutknecht 98860 M.Calderon-Zaks
98771 A.Douma 11:00am-12:20pm W CHMB-160 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98771: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98773 A.Douma 2:30pm-5:50pm MW CHMB-160 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98773: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98772 J.Glass 7:00pm-9:50pm T CHMB-160
3.00 UNITS
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Elementary Spanish I
4.00 UNITS
Beginning language acquisition in a cultural context through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Course corresponds to the first year of high school Spanish, and is not recommended for heritage (native) speakers of Spanish. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID SPAN 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of one or more behavioral science courses. Interdisciplinary introduction to human sexuality, with an emphasis on sexual values, sexual communication, and sexual relationships. Includes physiological, cross-cultural, historical, sociological, and psychological information, as well as an evaluation of sex research. Note: Nurses earn 54 hours of CE credit: BRN #00426. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 12:30pm-1:50pm
For help choosing the Spanish course that best meets your needs and current skill level, go to http://www.chaffey.edu/language_arts/spanish.
98796 N.Crook
Spanish (SPAN)
Human Sexuality
CHMB-263 CHMB-263
3.00 UNITS
(Also see Am Sign, Arabic, Chinese, & French)
Social Science (SCSCI) SCSCI-17
Social Problems
98876 D.Gutknecht
3.00 UNITS
2:00pm-4:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Prerequisite: SOC-10. Examination of contemporary social problems with emphasis on how issues come to be defined as social problems, their causes and consequences, and an evaluation of solutions. (C-ID SOCI 115) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Introduction to psychopathology. Disorders of sensation, perception, emotions, and thinking, and their nature, causes, and effects on life. Analysis of attempts at alleviation, helping therapies, and problem intervention. (C-ID PSY 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98784 M.Jones
Marriage, Family, and Relationships 3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Cross-cultural, social class, gender, and ethnic variation in marriages, families, and relationships. Emphasis on the application of theories, research, and social factors. (C-ID SOCI 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
PSYCH-55 Abnormal Psychology
3.00 UNITS
98821 J.Simmers 9:30am-10:50am TTH CHMB-262 98819 D.Gutknecht 11:00am-12:20pm MW CHCM-206 98820 I.Jraisat 7:00pm-10:20pm MW CHMB-161 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98820: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
98744 J.Glass 9:00am-11:50am S CHMB-263 9:30am-10:50am TTH CHMB-160 98742 T.Moreira 98743 A.Douma 11:00am-12:20pm M CHMB-160 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98743: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed.
PSYCH-25 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Development
Introduction to Sociology
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Examination and analysis of social structure, group membership and dynamics, socialization and the self, social stratification, culture and diversity, social change and globalization. (C-ID SOCI-110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of GUID-2, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of psychology, including research methods, history and systems, lifespan, perception, learning and memory, cognition, psychological disorders and treatment, social behavior, and brain mechanisms. (C-ID PSY 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98354 H.Ho
CHMB-160 64
^ Chaffey College
Elementary Spanish II
4.00 UNITS
MATH-410 Elementary Algebra
99050 M.Thomason 01/08/18-05/17/18
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 or higher as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Topics include frequency distribution, measures of variation and central tendency, elementary probability theory, etc.. NOTE: A specific graphing utility is required; see instructor before acquiring. (C-ID MATH 110) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97265 S.Mishra 97264 R.Guthrie
7:30am-9:20am 2:00pm-3:50pm
Registration for the following sections is restricted to CIW students.
Beginning Acting
CHMB-262 CHMB-242
97676 V.Mixson
3.00 UNITS
2:30pm-5:50pm MW Last day to add: 01/16/18
Business Ethics
97679 A.McDaniel-Smith
3.00 UNITS
BUSMGT-44 Introduction to Human Relations
3.00 UNITS
Understanding group and individual dynamics, perception, conflict, motivation, leadership, influence, authority relationships, and causation of behavior. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
97709 V.Mixson
BUSOT-40A Beginning Computer Keyboarding 3.00 UNITS Beginning computer keyboarding with mastery of alphabetic and numeric keyboard and correct touch-typing techniques. Introduction to the personal computer, word processing, and disk management. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97787 M.Tardiff 97786 T.Williamson
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Systems approaches for responsible, practical, defendable decisions. Value-based strategies, systemic implementation of socially responsible tools, and integration of ethics into workplace operations. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Theory of acting and acting techniques with an introduction to Stanislavski's method of acting. Provides a foundation in acting through a study of improvisation, vocal techniques, historical concepts, and theory through scene and monologue work. Emphasis on character development through the use of voice, movement and script analysis. (CID THTR 151) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99181 S.Biggs 01/08/18-03/05/18
Introduction to Business
Multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society, economic systems, legal, international, political, financial institutions, and human behavior interact to affect a business organization's policy and practices within the U.S. and a global society. (C-ID BUS 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Elements of the production process including playwriting, acting, directing, design, and criticism. Survey of different periods, cultures, styles, and genres of theatre through play reading, discussion, films and viewing and critiquing live theatre. Attendance at theatre productions is a requirement of this course. (C-ID THTR 111) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 2:30pm-6:00pm MW Last day to add: 03/27/18
99176 S.Biggs 03/20/18-05/10/18
TBA Last day to add: 01/22/18
California Institution for Women
Theatre Arts (THEATRE) THEATRE-1 Introduction to Theatre
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-520. Algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additional topics include special products and factoring, rational expressions and their operations, solution and application of linear and rational equations, graphing of linear equations in two variables, solving linear systems of two equations, and determining the equation of a line. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Elementary Statistics
Registration for the following sections is restricted to CIM students.
Statistics (STAT) (Also see Mathematics)
California Institution for Men (CIM)
Prerequisite: SPAN-1 or one year of high school Spanish. Continuing language acquisition in a cultural context through listening, speaking, reading, and writing at the second semester level. Students continue to interact with authentic language in cultural context. Course corresponds to the second year of high school Spanish, and is not recommended for heritage (native) speakers of Spanish. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID SPAN 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98355 H.Ho
4:30pm-7:20pm 4:30pm-7:20pm
^ Chaffey College
COMSTD-74 Intercultural Communication
3.00 UNITS
98291 J.Emard 98198 G.Alatorre
4:30pm-7:20pm 4:30pm-7:20pm
99300 J.Boboye 99302 E.Sanchez
Introduction to Literature
99049 P.Vo 01/08/18-05/17/18
4.00 UNITS
4:00pm-7:35pm F Last day to add: 01/22/18
Introduction to Psychology
98741 M.Fitzpatrick 4:30pm-7:20pm Section 98741: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of GUID-2, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of psychology, including research methods, history and systems, lifespan, perception, learning and memory, cognition, psychological disorders and treatment, social behavior, and brain mechanisms. (C-ID PSY 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-520. Algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additional topics include special products and factoring, rational expressions and their operations, solution and application of linear and rational equations, graphing of linear equations in two variables, solving linear systems of two equations, and determining the equation of a line. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Foundation course in the study of the literary genres: novel, short story, poetry, and drama. (C-ID ENGL 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98383 D.Keener
4:30pm-7:20pm 4:30pm-7:20pm
MATH-410 Elementary Algebra
3.00 UNITS
Career Exploration and Life Planning
Career and life planning for students seeking direction in setting life, academic and career goals. Topics include problem-solving approaches; evaluation of values, interests, skills, and personality characteristics; academic learning strategies; and career investigation. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques. Frequent writing of compositions, with the ultimate goal of writing a research paper. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected in the course. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID ENGL 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98494 C.Phipps
^ Chaffey College
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Identification and analysis of processes and problems of communication between people of different cultures. Effects of differences in attitudes, social organization, role expectations, language and nonverbal behavior. (C-ID COMM 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
FNLC – Lewis Center 16855 Merrill Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 | (909) 652-7400
FNAC – Academic Center 16855 Merrill Avenue Fontana, CA 92335
FNFC – Fontana Center 16855 Merrill Avenue Fontana, CA 92335
FHS – Fontana High School 9453 Citrus Avenue Fontana, CA 92335
FONTANA CAMPUS SERVICES FNLC Admissions and Records Administration Counseling EOPS Financial Aid FNAC Bookstore Library Resource Center Student Lounge FNFC Campus Police / Security Success Center The entrance to the Fontana Campus is located on Juniper Avenue at the west side of the campus. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
FONTANA CAMPUS (CCFC) SPRING 2018 CLASSES Beginning and ending dates are listed for all short-term classes. Class offerings, particularly instructor assignment and room numbers, are subject to change without notice. Class sections bearing this logo exclusively use course materials that are free of charge to students. These sections DO NOT require the purchase of textbooks, software, tools, or other course materials to be successful in the course. Class sections bearing this logo have no costs for the textbooks used. A low-cost option for printing the textbook may be available for students who would like to obtain a hard copy version. SECTION INSTRUCTOR
(Also see Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish)
4.00 UNITS
ASL-1 Elementary American Sign Language
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-63 or CIS-1. Development and communication of financial information that is useful to investors, creditors, and other decision-makers. Includes the accounting environment, accounting cycle, generally accepted accounting principles, ethics, financial statements, operating, investing, and financing activities. (C-ID ACCT 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97630 M.Sharifi-Mahzoon
ACCTG-1B Managerial Accounting
American Sign Language (ASL)
ACCTG-1A Financial Accounting
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to Deaf culture/history, ASL vocabulary development, fingerspelling, basic phrasing, sentence patterns, manual counting, and receptive and expressive skills. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. This course corresponds to the first year of high school ASL. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98598 J.Willey
4.00 UNITS
ASL-2 Elementary American Sign Language
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ACCTG-1A. Advisory: Completion of CIS-1 or experience using spreadsheets. Managerial accounting meets the information needs of internal users by developing and communicating information that is useful for management decision-making. (C-ID ACCT 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: ASL-1 or one year of high school ASL. Continued study of ASL structure, vocabulary, conversational strategies, phrasing, sentence patterns, manual counting and spelling, semantics, development of expressive and receptive skills, and Deaf culture/history. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97661 D.Cescolini
98599 J.Willey
Accounting and Financial Services
(909)652-6253 (909)652-6830
U.S. and California Income Tax Preparation
ANTHRO-1 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
4.00 UNITS
FNAC-200 98689 A.Barnes-Kennedy 98690 A.Barnes-Kennedy
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study of the biological features of humankind, utilizing scientific and comparative methods to understand human variation and adaptation, genetics, primatology, and the human fossil record. (C-ID ANTH 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
This course is certified by the California Tax Education Council as fulfilling the 60-hour qualifying education requirement imposed by the State of California for becoming a Registered Tax Preparer. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97668 STAFF
Anthropology (ANTHRO)
9:30am-10:50am 12:30pm-1:50pm
FNLC-124 FNAC-204
^ Chaffey College
Accounting (ACCTG)
ANTHRO-1L Laboratory for Biological Anthropology
1.00 UNIT
ANTHRO-3 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
9:30am-10:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm
ASTRON-35 Planets and the Solar System With Lab
3.00 UNITS
97534 R.Khan 8:00am-9:20am TTH FNAC-201 and 9:30am-10:50am TTH FNAC-201 Section 97534: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97541 M.Asaro 9:00am-11:50am S FNAC-207 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97541: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97541: ZERO costs for textbooks.
FNAC-204 FNFC-115
Automotive Technology (AUTOTEC) (909)652-6859
Fundamentals of Design in Two Dimensions
FNAC-213 FNAC-213
Introduction to Drawing
3:30pm-6:20pm 9:30am-3:20pm 9:30am-12:20pm
AUTOTEC-416 Basic Automotive Air Conditioning Systems
Color Theory
99394 J.Hudson 1:30pm-3:00pm MTWTH FHS-P101 03/19/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 03/27/18 Section 99394: Enrollment limited to current Fontana High School students.
FNAC-213 FNAC-213 FNAC-213
3.00 UNITS
AUTOTEC-450 General Automotive Technician A
Principles, theories, and applications of additive and subtractive color in two dimensions. Topics include major historical and contemporary color systems, production of projects in applied color, and the elements of design as they apply to color. (C-ID ARTS 270) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98880 O.Sutter
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
2.00 UNITS
Operation, service, and repair of automotive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, with emphasis on environmental protection including refrigerant recycling. Prepares students to take the ASE A7 Technician Certification exam. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
2.00 UNITS
99393 J.Hudson 1:30pm-3:00pm MTWTH FHS-P101 01/08/18-03/08/18 Last day to add: 01/17/18 Section 99393: Enrollment limited to current Fontana High School students.
Introduction to freehand drawing from direct observation using a variety of black-and-white media. (C-ID ARTS 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99499 STAFF 98862 L.McNamara 98859 R.Watkins
Automotive Electricity and Electronics
Basic automotive electricity and electronics. Diagnosis of typical automotive electrical concerns using wiring diagrams and schematics. Emphasis on the use of digital multimeters for troubleshooting. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
4.00 UNITS
In-depth introduction to the visual elements of two-dimensional art composition including line, shape, texture, value, color theory, and spatial illusion. (C-ID ARTS 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99498 STAFF 3:30pm-6:20pm 98824 P.Valfer 9:30am-12:20pm Section 98824: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98825 P.Valfer 12:30pm-3:20pm Section 98825: ZERO costs for textbooks.
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of MATH-410. Overview of the solar system, including planets, moons, and other bodies within solar systems. Course includes laboratory activities. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Art (ART) ART-10
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to how anthropologists do their work, employ professional anthropological research ethics, and apply their perspectives and skills to the understanding of humans around the globe. (C-ID ANTH 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98716 D.Jacobsen 98717 M.Medich
Astronomy (ASTRON)
Corequisite: ANTHRO-1 (may be taken previously). Comparative study of both human and non-human primates, human variation, evolution, genetics, forensic anthropology, and the primate fossil record. (C-ID ANTH 115L) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98700 A.Barnes-Kennedy
12.00 UNITS
For students who want the training required for employment as an automotive service technician. Content is similar to Auto Service and Repair; Brakes; and Steering and Suspension. Supports ASEs A4 and A5. Materials Fees: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
99392 J.Hudson
^ Chaffey College
Biology (BIOL)
Beginning Medical Terminology
3.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
Applied medical etymology including the origin, correct spelling, pronunciation, meaning, and current usage of common medical terms. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to the major themes and principles in biology. Topics range from molecules to the ecosystem. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
98998 STAFF 7:00pm-8:30pm MTWTH FNAC-101 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98998: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
General Biology
12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Concepts in Biology
FNAC-101 FNAC-201 FNAC-101 FNAC-201 FNAC-101 FNAC-201 FNAC-101 FNAC-201 FNAC-101 FNAC-201 FNAC-101 FNAC-201 FNAC-101 FNAC-201 FNAC-101 FNAC-201
99001 S.Diaz
99002 S.Diaz 99004 S.Diaz
9:30am-10:50am 11:00am-1:50pm 9:30am-10:50am 11:00am-1:50pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
FNAC-201 FNAC-201
3.00 UNITS
U.S. and state law, Uniform Commercial Code, agency, due process, contract and tort law, crime, and ethics. Application of appropriate rules, laws, and concepts to factual scenarios in written and oral arguments. (C-ID BUS 125) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
4.00 UNITS
97688 W.Moffitt
Business and Office Technologies (BUSOT)
4.00 UNITS
11:00am-1:50pm 11:00am-1:50pm
BUSL-28A Business Law I
Prerequisite: BIOL-20, and CHEM-9 or 10 or 1 year of high school chemistry. Physiological principles, function, integration and homeostasis of the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism level. Lab exercises emphasize experimentation and scientific reasoning. (C-ID BIOL 120B) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98999 S.Diaz and 99000 S.Diaz and
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study of the microscopic and macroscopic structures of the human body from cellular to organ system levels of organization. Course is intended for biology, general education, kinesiology and health related majors. (C-ID BIOL 110B) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Human Physiology
Business: Legal Studies (BUSL)
98997 S.DeRuyter 7:00pm-8:30pm MTWTH FNAC-101 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98997: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
BIOL-424L Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 1.00 UNIT
3.00 UNITS
Human Anatomy
3.00 UNITS
Corequisite: BIOL-424 (may be taken previously). Advisory: Completion of BIOL-30. Lab investigation of anatomy and physiology of organ systems, from cell through system levels. Course is primarily intended for students entering related vocational programs. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to the major themes and principles of biology including energy flow and metabolism, structure/function relationships, inheritance patterns, ecology, evolution, and diversity of biological organisms. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Anatomy and Physiology
Advisory: Completion of BIOL-30. Human anatomy and physiology with emphasis on the structures and functions of the organ systems. Course is primarily intended for students entering related vocational programs. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Many Business and Office Technology courses are taught online. See the Hybrid/Online area of this schedule for additional classes.
BUSOT-40A Beginning Computer Keyboarding 3.00 UNITS Beginning computer keyboarding with mastery of alphabetic and numeric keyboard and correct touch-typing techniques. Introduction to the personal computer, word processing, and disk management. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
FNAC-101 FNAC-201 FNAC-101 FNAC-201
97789 C.Ayala
^ Chaffey College
98989 M.Hassanzadah and 98990 M.Hassanzadah and 98991 K.Harker and 98992 K.Harker and 98993 A.Hill and 98994 A.Hill and 98995 C.Robinson and 98996 C.Robinson and
Computer Keyboarding: Speed and Accuracy Development
3.00 UNITS
BUSOT-60A Microsoft Office Word - Specialist
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
BUSOT-61 Microsoft Office PowerPoint
If you are taking a chemistry lab course, you MUST attend the first class meeting or you will be dropped! All chemistry lab students must purchase a lab manual, splash-proof safety goggles, and a protective apron (available at campus bookstores), and bring them to the first class meeting!
1:00pm-3:50pm S Last day to add: 01/19/18
Introductory Chemistry
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410, or one year of high school algebra. Introduction to the principles of chemistry with an emphasis on measurements, atomic and molecular structure, classification of matter, nomenclature, stoichiometry, chemical equations, gas laws, solutions and acid-base chemistry. Laboratory activities emphasize proper techniques, safety procedures, and experimental exercises in support of lecture content. (C-ID CHEM 101) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
97738 S.Tjandra and 97739 S.Tjandra and 97740 K.Kupecz and 97741 K.Kupecz and
1.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A and 60A. Learn concepts, formatting features, and visual media/animation effects of a presentation software program to create and share effective electronic presentations for support personnel and business managers. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97813 C.Williams 01/13/18-03/10/18
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A. MS Word. Develop personal and workplace skills to build a foundation for other Windows software applications. Customize and format academic papers, business reports, tables, columns, and graphics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97809 S.Balderrama
Chemistry (CHEM)
Limitation on Enrollment: Students will demonstrate keyboarding technique in first class meeting to evaluate keyboarding technique for 20 words per minute. Prerequisite: BUSOT-40A. Develop computer literacy. Analyze, evaluate, and improve keyboarding speed and accuracy using correct keyboarding techniques. Intense review of letters, numbers, symbols, 10-key, and the production of basic reports, business letters, and memoranda. Proficiency certificate issued after successful completion of course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97797 S.Balderrama
9:30am-10:50am 11:00am-1:50pm 9:30am-10:50am 11:00am-1:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm
FNLC-120 FNAC-207 FNLC-120 FNAC-207 FNLC-120 FNAC-207 FNLC-120 FNAC-207
Child Development and Education
Principles & Practices in Early Childhood Education
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Practices applied to programs and environments emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative, and intellectual development for all children. (C-ID ECE 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98110 C.Greenman 11:00am-2:20pm MW FNAC-204 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98110: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Observation and Assessment
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Observation and assessment strategies used to document development, growth, play, and learning. Recording protocols, rating systems, portfolios and multiple assessment tools are explored. (C-ID ECE 200) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98136 C.Esquivel Corado
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Child, Family and Community
3.00 UNITS
Curriculum Development: The Creative Arts
COMSTD-2 Fundamentals of Effective Speaking 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Emphasis on preparing and delivering various types of speeches before an audience. Communication theory and speech criticism are included for student application. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
98578 C.Veazey 11:00am-2:20pm TTH FNAC-200 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98578: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98579 C.Veazey 11:00am-2:20pm TTH FNAC-200 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98579: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99287 A.Nguyen 12:00pm-2:50pm F FNFC-115 98577 C.Veazey 2:00pm-3:20pm MW FNAC-200 98607 K.Wood 7:00pm-9:50pm T FNFC-113 98608 K.Wood 7:00pm-9:50pm TH FNFC-113
Cinema (CINEMA) (Also see Broadcasting)
COMSTD-4 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
CINEMA-25 Survey of World Cinemas
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. In-depth exploration of the variables of interpersonal communication processes as they occur in day-to- day, face-to-face human interaction. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 130) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Historical introduction to motion pictures as an art form, through the viewing of international cinematic works. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99072 E.Jacobson
CINEMA-26 Survey of American Cinema
FNLC-120 98468 A.Nguyen 9:30am-10:50am TTH FNAC-200 98469 A.Nguyen 11:00am-12:20pm W FNAC-200 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98469: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed.
3.00 UNITS
Survey of American cinema from silent classics through contemporary commercial films. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99084 STAFF
3.00 UNITS
COMSTD-6 Fundamentals of Small Group Communication
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Develop confidence and competence as a group member and leader through a combination of theoretical and practical application of small group principles in everyday life. (C-ID COMM 140) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98467 A.Nguyen
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introduction to the Creative Arts for young children including storytelling, language, visual arts, drama, music, and dance. Theories and techniques to develop children's creative abilities. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98153 L.Blackman
Communication Studies (COMSTD)
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. An examination of the developing child in a societal context, focusing on the interrelationship of family, school and community and emphasizing historical and socio-cultural factors. (C-ID CDEV 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98143 B.Kirby
COMSTD-8 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
3.00 UNITS
(See Rancho Cucamonga Section)
CJ-1 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
99373 M.Buckhannon 99381 C.Cano
3.00 UNITS
FNLC-120 FNAC-202
3.00 UNITS
CJ-3 Criminal Court Process
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Step-by-step examination of the criminal prosecution process from prearrest through final disposition, and the associated court actions taken by the defense and prosecution. Roles and responsibilities of law enforcement, the judiciary and corrections, viewed as both independent and collectively operating segments within the criminal justice system. Review of past and current criminal justice procedures as they relate to individual Constitutional and procedural rights. (C-ID AJ 122) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
(909)652-6830 Many Computer Information Systems courses are taught online. See the Hybrid/Online area of this schedule for additional classes.
Introduction to Computer Information Systems
Concepts of Criminal Law
98167 G.Marquez
Computer Information Systems: Core (CIS)
7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Historical development of criminal law, philosophy of law and constitutional provisions, definitions, classification of crime and the application to the criminal justice system. Legal research, study of case law, methodology, and concepts of law as a social force. (C-ID AJ 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of COMSTD-8, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Examination of communication patterns existing between males and females. Communication problems relating to gender are addressed, along with listening, assertiveness, negotiation, and other conflict strategies. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98575 C.Veazey
3.00 UNITS
This course introduces students to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States. Focus is placed on examining crime measurement, theoretical explanations of crime, responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. The course examines the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized by the justice system and the evolving forces which have shaped those principles and approaches. Although justice structure and process is examined in a cross cultural context, emphasis is placed on the US justice system, particularly the structure and function of US police, courts, and corrections. Students are introduced to the origins and development of criminal law, legal process, and sentencing and incarceration policies. (C-ID AJ 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
COMSTD-12 Mass Communication and Society 3.00 UNITS
COMSTD-76 Gender & Communication
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. A critical examination of the form, content, and influence of the processes of mass communication. Historical overview and examination of massmediated reality using theories of rhetoric and symbolic interaction. (C-ID JOUR 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only F
Criminal Justice (CJ)
98576 C.Veazey 11:00am-12:20pm M FNAC-200 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98576: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed.
Cooperative Education / Work Experience (COOPED)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Basic foundations of interpersonal communication, small group communication and public speaking. Students will be introduced to the breadth of the communication discipline. Additionally, students will examine and practice human communication principles and theories, at a basic level, to develop critical thinking and communication competencies in a variety of contexts. (C-ID COMM 115) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98470 A.Nguyen
99455 A.Rosales
3.00 UNITS
Principles and applications of computers including their role in business and society. Provides computer competency for Computer Information Systems majors and non-majors. (C-ID ITIS 120 and BUS 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99324 W.Baker 99318 R.Hrdlicka 99298 R.Hrdlicka
8:00am-9:20am 7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
FNLC-121 FNLC-121 FNLC-121
^ Chaffey College
Culinary Arts (CUL)
Economics (ECON)
(Also see Hospitality Management and Chino section) (909)652-8010
CUL-15 Sanitation, Safety, and Equipment Management
3.00 UNITS
97934 R.Brown 8:00am-9:20am Section 97934: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Earth Science
3.00 UNITS
Topics include geology, oceanography, meteorology, and planetology. (C-ID GEOL 120) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Earth Science Laboratory
3.00 UNITS
Principles of Microeconomics
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of the choices of individual economic decision-makers on markets, taxation, production, scarcity, competition, monopoly, and regulation. Effects of taxes on individuals and businesses; income distribution and poverty; economics of race, gender, and culture; and market failure. (C-ID ECON 201) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
Corequisite: ESC-1 (may be taken previously). Hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts using scientific tools and methods to image, measure and observe phenomenon in geology, oceanography, astronomy and meteorology. (C-ID GEOL 120L) Materials Fee: $10.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97955 L.Arroyo 9:30am-10:50am Section 97955: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97956 R.Brown 7:00pm-9:50pm Section 97956: ZERO costs for textbooks.
97561 A.Foutz 8:00am-10:50am TTH FNAC-207 01/09/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97561: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97562 B.Scherzer 7:00pm-9:50pm T FNAC-207 Section 97562: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Principles of Macroeconomics
97945 L.Arroyo 8:00am-9:20am Section 97945: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97944 R.Brown 7:00pm-9:50pm Section 97944: ZERO costs for textbooks.
97543 A.Foutz 11:00am-12:20pm MTWTH FNAC-101 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97543: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97543: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97544 B.Scherzer 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH FNLC-125 Section 97544: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of market systems, aggregate measures of economic activity, macroeconomic equilibrium, money and financial institutions, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, and economic growth. (C-ID ECON 202) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Earth Science (ESC) (Also see Geology)
3.00 UNITS
^ Chaffey College
Introduction to Economics
Overview of basic economic theories and models. Contemporary economic issues including unemployment, growth, globalization, wealth and income distribution, the environment, regulation, deregulation, inflation, interest rates, price discrimination, corporations and labor unions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a current negative tuberculosis test is required. Safety, sanitation, and proper equipment management issues in the food service industry. In-depth coverage of industry-based sanitation and safety standards that prevent contamination and food-borne illness, forestall on-the-job accidents and injuries of workers, and preclude equipment misuse and damage. Disaster planning fire prevention, and basic first aid procedures are highlighted. Special emphasis on the local, state, and federal agencies and programs - such as OSHA, HACCP, and Serv-Safe -having regulatory oversight in food service workplaces. Transfer: CSU Materials Fee: $5.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98889 C.Miale
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are:
98044 J.Abad 98375 R.Jones 98546 C.Short 98547 C.Short
Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change.
(909) 652-6932
(909) 652-8150 (909) 652-7408
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques. Frequent writing of compositions, with the ultimate goal of writing a research paper. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected in the course. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID ENGL 100) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Sections held in FNFC-114 and FNAC-112 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Latino Literature
FNLC-122 FNLC-122 FNLC-125 FNFC-115
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm MW
Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-475 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-575. Careful study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and expository writing techniques, using primarily nonfiction texts, and the frequent writing of compositions with the ultimate goal of writing an essay using sources. Preparation for English 1A and a variety of academic disciplines. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. NOTE: Students who have successfully completed ESL 475 may not take English 475. Materials Fee: $2.00 NOTE: Sections held in FNAC-112 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only
8:00am-9:20am 8:00am-9:20am 9:00am-11:50am 9:00am-11:50am 9:30am-10:50am 12:30pm-1:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 1:00pm-3:50pm 2:00pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-4:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
8:00am-9:20am 12:30pm-1:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
98349 D.Hernandez
English (ENGL)
98292 B.Eskew 98373 R.Jones 98553 T.Steagall 98472 S.Nicholas 98374 R.Jones 98235 J.Branson 98256 S.Connelly 98473 S.Nicholas 98365 B.Cortez 98372 R.Jones 98364 J.Jared 99297 J.Hodges 98516 S.Regis 98359 J.Hodges
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Introduction to Latino literature written in English. Analysis of literary modes, recurring themes, and the social, cultural, and political influence of Latino literature during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Students incorporate rhetorical strategies in analysis and researched argumentation. Focus on logical reasoning, credibility, and emotional appeals. Writing intensive with a minimum production of 6,000 words. (C-ID ENGL 105) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters
ENGL-1B Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking
Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
98259 J.Lehar 98278 S.Diaz 98350 D.Hernandez 98254 S.Connelly 98255 S.Connelly 98447 V.Miranda 98409 J.Lehar 98326 C.Gibson 98366 R.Coronado 98500 E.Polson 98530 A.Sacks 98499 E.Polson
FNAC-200 FNLC-122 FNAC-204 FNAC-204 FNLC-122 FNAC-200 FNAC-112 FNAC-204 FNFC-115 FNLC-122 FNAC-204 FNFC-114 FNFC-114 FNFC-114 75
8:00am-9:50am 8:00am-9:50am 8:00am-9:50am 10:00am-11:50am 10:00am-11:50am 12:00pm-3:50pm 12:00pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-3:50pm 4:00pm-5:50pm 6:00pm-9:50pm 6:00pm-9:50pm 6:00pm-9:50pm
FNAC-112 FNAC-112 FNFC-115 FNAC-112 FNAC-112 FNLC-122 FNFC-115 FNAC-112 FNFC-115 FNFC-115 FNLC-122 FNLC-122
^ Chaffey College
Introduction to College Reading and Writing
4.00 UNITS
ESL-531 English as a Second Language III
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-575 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process. Introduction to the academic reading, writing, critical thinking, and study skills expected at the college level with the ultimate goal of producing clear, competent essays. Seven hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Materials Fee: $2.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-531 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ESL-621 or ESL-641. This is the third multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes the study of grammar and sentence structure, paragraph format and organization, reading skills, and oral communication. Eight hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only
98348 D.Hernandez 98351 D.Hernandez 98376 B.Jue
98052 I.Abidin
8:00am-9:50am MW 10:00am-11:50am TTH 6:00pm-9:50pm M
FNAC-202 FNFC-115 FNLC-122
Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing for ESL Students
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-475 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ESL-551 or ESL-558. Careful study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and expository writing techniques for non-native speakers of English. Uses primarily nonfiction texts to facilitate composition writing, with the ultimate goal of writing an essay uses sources. Prepares the student for English 1A and a variety of academic disciplines. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. NOTE: Students who have successfully completed English 475 may not take ESL 475. Materials Fee: $4.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98489 K.Pennett
ESL for Workplace and Academic Success
3.00 UNITS
98048 I.Abidin
ESL-508 Pronunciation of American English
3.00 UNITS
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
English as a Second Language V
98487 K.Pennett 98532 D.Saline
4.00 UNITS
10:00am-11:50am MW 10:00am-11:50am TTH
FNLC-122 FNAC-206
English as a Second Language I
0.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-611 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process. This is the first multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes reading and writing the English alphabet, producing the sound system, as well as practicing simple grammar, reading, and writing. Students also learn basic classroom rules and communication necessary for success at school. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. May be taken twice. Materials Fee: $0.00 Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-541 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or satisfactory completion of ESL-531 or ESL-538. Intensive instruction speaking and pronunciation skills to improve fluency and minimize accents. Topics include: consonants and vowels, pitch and intonation patterns, rhythm, and sound reductions. Eight hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only 98490 K.Pennett
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-551 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ESL-541 or ESL-548. An introduction to the academic reading, writing, critical thinking, and oral communication expected at the college level. This is the fifth multi-skills core course in the study of English reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course further develops and adds to the skills taught in ESL-541: grammar and sentence structure, essay organization and development, reading, and speaking skills. Eight hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-531 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or satisfactory completion of ESL-621 or ESL-641. Prepares students for jobs, job advancement, career success and academic success by strengthening language skills for the workplace. Topics include: career pathways, interviewing and resume writing, cultural norms, and academic skills. Focus is on developing the formal reading, writing, oral language and vocabulary skills commonly developing the formal reading, writing, oral language and vocabulary skills commonly used in the workplace. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only 98488 K.Pennett
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-541 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ESL-531 or ESL-538. This is the fourth multi-skills core course in the study of English reading, writing, listening, and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course further develops and adds to the skills taught in ESL 531: grammar and sentence structure, paragraph organization and development, reading, and speaking skills. Eight hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only
English as a Second Language (ESL) ESL-475
English as a Second Language IV
98455 S.Moussavi 01/08/18-05/17/18 98454 S.Moussavi 01/08/18-05/17/18
9:00am-12:50pm S Last day to add: 01/22/18 6:00pm-7:50pm TTH Last day to add: 01/22/18
FNAC-206 FNAC-206
^ Chaffey College
10:00am-11:50am MW
English as a Second Language II
0.00 UNITS
9:00am-12:50pm S Last day to add: 01/22/18 12:00pm-1:50pm MW Last day to add: 01/22/18
English and Citizenship
FNFC-115 FNFC-115
0.00 UNITS
7:00pm-9:50pm TH Last day to add: 01/22/18
ESL-502 and ESL-650
3.00 UNITS
Fire Prevention
3.00 UNITS
The Fire Prevention course provides fundamental knowledge relating to the field of fire prevention. Topics include; history and philosophy of fire prevention, organization and operation of a fire prevention bureau, use and application of codes and standards, plans review, fire inspections, fire and life safety education, and fire investigation. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
English as a Second Language III
English as a Second Language II
English as a Second Language I
99412 M.Atchison
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Building Construction for Fire Protection
99411 J.Augino
English as a Second Language IV
ESL-640 or ESL-611 N/A
May also enroll in…
Components of building construction relating to firefighter and life safety. The elements of construction and design of structures are shown to be key factors when inspecting buildings, preplanning fire operations, and operating at emergencies. Evolution of building and fire codes, developed in response to historical fires, in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
English as a Second Language V
English and Citizenship
ESL-641 or ESL-621 ESL-640
ESL for Workplace and Academic Success
You should register for… ESL-475
Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing for ESL Students
If you If you passed placed into… OR these classes… ESL-475 ESL-558 or ESL-551 ESL-558 or ESL-548 or ESL-551 ESL-541 ESL-548 or ESL-538 or ESL-541 ESL-531 ESL-538 or ESL-641 or ESL-531 ESL-621
Fire Technology (FIRETEC)
Pronunciation of American English
To better meet the academic and scheduling needs of students, the ESL curriculum has been revised. If you have already taken ESL courses at Chaffey, or took the Chaffey ESL assessment test in a previous term, use the following chart to help select the appropriate new courses(s). Still have questions? Ask any academic counselor or ESL instructor for help.
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-531 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ESL-621 or ESL-641. A beginning course for non-native speakers of English who wish to become citizens of the United States. Topics: basic English, basic U.S. history and government, and American culture and civics. May be repeated. Materials Fee: $2.00 Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass 98531 R.Saikali 01/08/18-05/17/18
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-621 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ESL-611 or ESL-640. This is the second multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes basic listening and speaking skills, beginning with simple words and phrases, then progressing to sentence level interaction. It also includes basic classroom culture, basic US culture, and communication necessary for success in school and life. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. May be taken twice. Materials Fee: $0.00 Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass 98564 D.Tougas 01/08/18-05/17/18 98307 C.Fucaloro 01/08/18-05/17/18
^ Chaffey College
FIRETEC-9 Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival
3.00 UNITS
Course introduces the basic principles and history related to the national firefighter life safety initiatives, focusing on the need for cultural and behavioral change throughout the emergency services. This course curriculum is approved by the National Fire Academy (FESHE). Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99413 S.Hall
FIRETEC-10 Wildland Fire Control
3.00 UNITS
FIRETEC-420 Fire Inspector 1A - Duties and Administration
99417 C.Schmitz 04/07/18-04/21/18
9:00am-4:50pm S Last day to add: 01/27/18
FIRETEC-421 Fire Inspector 1B - Fire and Life Safety
2.00 UNITS
9:00am-4:50pm S Last day to add: 03/03/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
9:00am-4:50pm S Last day to add: 04/07/18
1.00 UNIT
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-422 or department-determined equivalency. Advisory: Course assumes familiarity with firefighting procedures and protocols as it is designed for certified fire personnel. Non-firefighters are permitted to take the course, however they are ineligible to apply for the State Fire Marshall CFSTES certificate upon successful completion of the course. Course provides students with basic knowledge of a Fire Fighter I's field inspection roles and responsibilities specific to California, including tents, canopies, and temporary membrane structures; fireworks and explosives; and wildland-urban interface environments. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99418 C.Schmitz 04/28/18-05/04/18
9:00am-4:50pm S Last day to add: 04/28/18
Geography (GEOG) (909)652-6404
2.00 UNITS
Physical Geography
3.00 UNITS
Spatial study of the Earth's dynamic physical systems and processes, including Earth-sun geometry, weather, climate, water, landforms, soil, and the biosphere. (C-ID GEOG 110) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-420 or department-determined equivalency. Advisory: Course assumes familiarity with firefighting procedures and protocols, as it is designed for certified fire personnel. Non-firefighters are permitted to take the course, however they are ineligible to apply for the State Fire Marshall CFSTES certificate upon successful completion of the course. This course provides students with a basic knowledge of fire and life safety aspects related to the roles and responsibilities of a Fire Inspector I, including building construction, occupancy classifications, occupancy load, means of egress, hazardous conditions, fire growth potential, fire flow, and emergency planning and preparedness measures. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99416 P.Villalobos 03/03/18-03/31/18
1.50 UNITS
FIRETEC-423 Fire Inspector 1D - Field Inspection - California Specific
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-1 and 5, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Advisory: Course assumes familiarity with firefighting procedures and protocols, as it is designed for certified fire personnel. Non-firefighters are permitted to take the course, however they are ineligible to apply for the State Fire Marshall CFTES certificate upon successful completion of the course. Fundamental information on the responsibility and authority for fire inspections, principles and procedures used to correct fire hazards, and occupancy classifications. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99415 P.Villalobos 01/27/18-02/24/18
Fire Inspector 1C - Field Inspection and Gases
97591 M.Bayle
11:00am-12:20pm MW
Physical Geography Laboratory
1.00 UNIT
Corequisite: GEOG-4 (may be taken previously). On-site observation, interpretation, and analysis of climate, soils, landforms, plant, and animal distribution. Two Friday-through-Sunday field trips are a required part of this course. (C-ID GEOG 111) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97594 M.Bayle
^ Chaffey College
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-421 or department-determined equivalency. Advisory: Course assumes familiarity with firefighting procedures and protocols, as it is designed for certified fire personnel. Non-firefighters are permitted to take the course, however they are ineligible to apply for the State Fire Marshall CFSTES certificate upon successful completion of the course. This course provides students with a basic knowledge of field inspection roles and responsibilities of a Fire Inspector I, including basic plan review; emergency access for an existing system; hazardous materials; and the operational readiness of fixed fire suppression systems, existing fire detection and alarm systems, and portable fire extinguishers. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of FIRETEC-2. Factors affecting wildland fires including fuel, weather, topography, prevention, fire behavior, and public education. Control techniques common to all agencies involved in wildland fire control. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99414 S.Hall
Geology (GEOL) (Also see Earth Science)
4.00 UNITS
Principles of geology emphasizing Earth's processes, internal structure, origin, and the processes that change and shape it. Lab focuses on identification of rocks and minerals, and topographic and geologic map exercises demonstrating the work of water, wind, ice, and gravity and the effects of tectonic activity. (C-ID GEOL 101) Materials Fee: $15.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97579 A.Foutz 8:00am-9:20am and 9:30am-10:50am Section 97579: ZERO costs for textbooks.
FNAC-207 FNAC-207
GUID-3 Career Exploration and Life Planning
Opening Doors to Student Effectiveness
97970 L.Gunderson
3.00 UNITS
United States History Through 1877
97985 Z.Wolters 97986 Z.Wolters
3.00 UNITS
9:30am-10:50am MW 11:00am-12:20pm MW
United States History From 1865
FNAC-110 FNLC-124
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Development of the United States from the Reconstruction Era through the present. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98007 O.Dphrepaulezz 98008 S.Bailey 98009 E.Gregory 98010 E.Gregory
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of United States history from its colonial foundations through Reconstruction. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Comparative study of the world's major civilizations from pre-history to 1500 in Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas. Similarities and differences between the civilizations and their influences on human history. (C-ID HIST 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Targeted to students in the Opening Doors to Excellence program designed to address the academic and personal challenges of student effectiveness. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only 99038 L.Garcia
Arranged hours Success Centers Last day to add: 05/17/18
HIST-1 World History: Pre-Civilization to 1500
Career and life planning for students seeking direction in setting life, academic and career goals. Topics include problem-solving approaches; evaluation of values, interests, skills, and personality characteristics; academic learning strategies; and career investigation. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99225 J.Moser
0.00 UNITS
2.00 UNITS
Designed to increase student proficiency and retention in college. Topics include: learning styles, study and time management techniques, motivation, library research methods, critical thinking, memory and reading strategies, and exploration of college services. Helps students develop the personal and interpersonal communication skills critical to becoming responsible learners. Introduces students to the various segments of higher education and campus culture. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99378 I.Whitfield 3:00pm-4:50pm Section 99378: Targeted to EOPS students.
History (HIST)
Essentials of Student Success
Supervised Tutoring
99202 G.Kenehan 01/08/18-05/17/18
Guidance (GUID) GUID-2
Limitation on Enrollment: Referral by course instructor or academic counselor is required. Student must be enrolled in another Chaffey College course. Open-entry/open-exit supervised tutoring course that provides students assistance in understanding college course assignments. Individualized/small group tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions are conducted outside of class time in a learning assistance center, and are structured to help students achieve specific course objectives or improve learning and study skills in specific subject matter. The content of this course varies according to the course for which tutoring is sought. May be repeated. Materials Fee: $0.00 Non-credit Grading: Ungraded
Physical Geology
11:00am-12:20pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
FNLC-124 FNAC-110 FNAC-110 FNLC-120
^ Chaffey College
California History
3.00 UNITS
(Also see Statistics)
3.00 UNITS
1.00 UNIT
High energy, low impact aerobic exercises stressing good posture, proper warm-ups and cool-downs, strength, flexibility, and endurance exercise. Designed for beginning students. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97823 C.Knight-Garcia
1.00 UNIT
11:00am-12:20pm MW 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH
97514 J.Yoo
FNAC-105 FNAC-105
3.00 UNITS
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
Elementary Algebra
4.00 UNITS
97268 L.Baidoo-Jackson 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH FNFC-113 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97268: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97274. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97270 L.Padgett 8:00am-9:50am MW FNLC-125 97272 L.Padgett 8:00am-9:50am TTH FNLC-125 97273 H.Duong 9:00am-12:50pm S FNLC-125 97269 M.Grigsby 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH FNAC-112 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97269: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97275. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
A lifestyle approach to fitness, including the study of nutrition, disease prevention, increased cardiovascular endurance, increased strength, flexibility, stress management, and considerations of aging on the body. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99166 R.Baiz
FNFC-113 FNFC-114 FNFC-113
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-520. Algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additional topics include special products and factoring, rational expressions and their operations, solution and application of linear and rational equations, graphing of linear equations in two variables, solving linear systems of two equations, and determining the equation of a line. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Kinesiology: Lecture (KINLEC) KINLEC-15 Diet and Fitness
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-61 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-25 and 31. Further studies in algebra and trigonometry for students intending to take calculus. NOTE: A graphing calculator is required; students should see instructor for specifics, since CAS-based calculators may be prohibited. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
This course is designed for the beginning students who would like to learn the importance of breath, alignment of postures and relaxation techniques to improve health and fitness of the mind and body. The goal of the course is to improve flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, and coordination through the physical postures of yoga. Introduction to relaxation techniques will be incorporated for stress reduction and mental calm. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97837 F.Stewart 97840 C.Knight-Garcia
9:00am-12:50pm 1:00pm-2:50pm 5:00pm-6:50pm
Plane Trigonometry
97513 K.Baccari
KINACT-28A Beginning Yoga
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-25. Advisory: Completion of 1 year high school geometry. Topics include trigonometric functions, radian measure, graphs, inverse trigonometric functions, vectors, and more. Students may be required to obtain a graphing utility for the course. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Aerobic Cross Training
College Algebra
97512 S.Ngobi 97266 B.Nguyen 97267 K.Baccari
Kinesiology: Activity (KINACT) KINACT-24
^ Chaffey College
History of African Americans from their African heritage to their emancipation in 1865. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99295 O.Dphrepaulezz
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Topics include solutions to higher degree polynomial equations: functions, polynomial, rational, inverse, etc.. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
African-American History I
Mathematics (MATH)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of the history of California from pre-Columbian times to the present. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98024 W.Willison
Intermediate Algebra
4.00 UNITS
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are: Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change. Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-520 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-510. An introduction to the language and mechanics of mathematics including the topics of rational number arithmetic, order of operations, expressions, equations, graphing, and polynomial operations. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Materials Fee: $1.00 (Software fees required) Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only 97279 L.Padgett 97614 L.Padgett 97280 G.Souza 97281 E.Allado
10:00am-12:30pm 10:00am-12:30pm 1:00pm-3:30pm 4:00pm-6:30pm
MATH-605 Preparation for the Study of Pre-Algebra
1:00pm-3:05pm MW Last day to add: 01/16/18 1:00pm-3:05pm MW Last day to add: 03/25/18 1:00pm-3:05pm TTH Last day to add: 01/16/18 1:00pm-3:05pm TTH Last day to add: 03/26/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452 (909) 652-6932 (909) 652-8150 (909) 652-7408
Music (MUSIC) (909)652-6066
FNLC-125 FNLC-125 FNLC-121 FNLC-121
Music Appreciation
3.00 UNITS
A survey of art music in western civilization. Topics studied include elements of music, basic musical forms, music periods, styles, and the role of music and musicians in the western world. (C-ID MUS 100) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
0.00 UNITS
Mathematics Review for students whose assessment results indicate placement below Arithmetic/Pre-Algebra, and who wish to re-acquire the skills needed to re-assess into a higher level mathematics course. The course focuses on operations of whole numbers, rational numbers, decimal numbers and integers. Other topics include; ratios, proportions and measurement. Successful completion of this course allows the student to bypass the 3-month waiting period for re-assessment. May be taken twice. Materials Fee: $0.00 (Software fees required) Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass 97510 L.Padgett 01/08/18-03/05/18 97511 L.Padgett 03/19/18-05/07/18 97282 L.Padgett 01/09/18-02/27/18 97283 L.Padgett 03/20/18-05/10/18
Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters
97274 L.Baidoo-Jackson 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH FNFC-113 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97274: Fast-track class linked with MATH-410-97268. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97276 B.Nguyen 9:00am-12:50pm S FNAC-101 97277 N.Zuick 1:00pm-2:50pm MW FNFC-113 97278 M.Kassab 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH FNFC-113 97275 M.Grigsby 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH FNAC-112 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97275: Fast-track class linked with MATH-410-97269. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Extends concepts from Elementary Algebra. Content includes: polynomial, radical, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic expressions, equations, and functions; linear and non-linear systems of equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; graphing of nonlinear functions; complex numbers; nonlinear single-variable inequalities; conic sections; sequences; series; and the Binomial Theorem. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
99138 D.Elsenbroich
Nutrition and Food (NF) (909)652-6294
Nutrition for Life
3.00 UNITS
Essentials of nutrition as they relate to diet, health and disease, risk reduction, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
FNAC-112 FNAC-112
99203 A.Woodward 7:00pm-10:20pm MW FNAC-200 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99203: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
FNLC-121 FNLC-121
^ Chaffey College
Nutrition I: The Science of Nutrition
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to Political Science
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to the science of nutrition and its implications for human health, including essential nutrients, basic dietary guidelines, and changing nutritional needs throughout the lifecycle. (C-ID NUTR 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Analysis of political institutions, behaviors, cultures, ideologies, and factors that lead to stability or revolution. (C-ID POLS 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
99144 A.Fitzgerald 7:00pm-10:05pm MW FNAC-200 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99144: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
98104 K.Callahan
Psychology (PSYCH) (909)652-6253
Philosophy (PHIL) PSYCH-1
Introduction to Philosophy
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to the questions and ideas of major philosophers. Topics include knowledge (epistemology); reality (metaphysics); values, aesthetics, and religion (axiology), and social/political influences. (C-ID PHIL 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98055 D.Gale
Critical Thinking
98745 C.Ward 98747 L.Gonzaga 98746 T.Moreira 98748 E.Lozano
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Argument and reasoning in the investigation of claims, including inductive and deductive reasoning, distinguishing fact from opinion and belief from knowledge, and identifying formal and informal fallacies. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98068 D.Gale
Personal and Social Awareness
PSYCH-25 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Development
3.00 UNITS
History and appreciation of photography as a medium of artistic and social communication. No lab access with this course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
FNAC-110 FNLC-120 FNAC-202 FNLC-124
3.00 UNITS
98775 C.Ward 9:30am-10:50am TTH FNAC-110 98776 STAFF 11:00am-2:20pm MW FNAC-202 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98776: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
American Politics
3.00 UNITS
Study of human development from conception through old age with particular emphasis on biological and environmental influences. (C-ID PSY 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Political Science (PS) PS-1
99362 L.Savitzsky 11:00am-2:20pm TTH FNLC-120 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99362: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
History of Photography
8:00am-9:20am 9:00am-11:50am 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
99218 A.Emdur
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Factors affecting personal and social awareness, including culture, gender, ethnicity, historical cohorts, and socioeconomic status are examined using psychological perspectives. (C-ID PSY 115) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Photography (PHOTO) PHOTO-1
Introduction to Psychology
Advisory: Completion of GUID-2, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of psychology, including research methods, history and systems, lifespan, perception, learning and memory, cognition, psychological disorders and treatment, social behavior, and brain mechanisms. (C-ID PSY 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Study of the American political process and institutions. Analysis of the organization and function of California's state and local governments. (C-ID POLS 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98097 R.Saporito 98098 R.Saporito 98099 K.Callahan
11:00am-12:20pm MW 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH 7:00pm-9:50pm TH
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
FNAC-110 FNAC-110 FNLC-125 82
^ Chaffey College
PSYCH-41 Biological Psychology
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Study of the biological basis of behavior including basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology as applicable to movement, sensation, perception, learning, memory, emotion, psychological disorders, language, and consciousness. (C-ID PSY 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Marriage, Family, and Relationships 3.00 UNITS
98868 STAFF 11:00am-2:20pm TTH FNAC-202 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98868: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Statistics for Social Science
Ethnic and Race Relations: U.S. and Global Perspectives
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Cross-cultural, social class, gender, and ethnic variation in marriages, families, and relationships. Emphasis on the application of theories, research, and social factors. (C-ID SOCI 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Social Science (SCSCI) SCSCI-10
98834 STAFF 11:00am-2:20pm TTH FNAC-202 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98834: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Introduction to psychopathology. Disorders of sensation, perception, emotions, and thinking, and their nature, causes, and effects on life. Analysis of attempts at alleviation, helping therapies, and problem intervention. (C-ID PSY 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98785 N.Patel
Advisory: Completion of SOC-10. Application of major sociological theories and concepts to the examination of ethnic and race relations in the U.S. and the world. Significance of contemporary multiculturalism, racism, ethnocentrism, and sexism. (C-ID SOCI 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98779 STAFF 11:00am-2:20pm TTH FNLC-120 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98779: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
PSYCH-55 Abnormal Psychology
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to Research Methods in Sociology
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 or higher as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Survey of methods used to analyze and interpret data generated by scientific investigation. Applications using data from disciplines including business, social sciences, psychology, life science, health science, and education. Use of computerized statistical packages such as SPSS. Note: Nurses earn 50 hours of CE credit BRN #00426. (C-ID SOCI 125 and MATH 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: SOC-10 Advisory: Completion of SCSCI-10. Survey of research methods including the nature of sociological theory, hypotheses, variables, and research ethics. Designed for the sociology major and others who require familiarity with sociological research techniques. Emphasis on student participation in conducting research and analyzing data from a variety of methodological approaches. (C-ID SOCI 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98792 S.Gomez
98877 STAFF
Sociology (SOC) Introduction to Sociology
(Also see Am Sign, Arabic, Chinese, & French)
3.00 UNITS
For help choosing the Spanish course that best meets your needs and current skill level, go to http://www.chaffey.edu/language_arts/spanish.
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Examination and analysis of social structure, group membership and dynamics, socialization and the self, social stratification, culture and diversity, social change and globalization. (C-ID SOCI-110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Elementary Spanish I
4.00 UNITS
Beginning language acquisition in a cultural context through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Course corresponds to the first year of high school Spanish, and is not recommended for heritage (native) speakers of Spanish. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID SPAN 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98822 M.Rotondi 9:30am-10:50am MW FNLC-124 98823 M.Rotondi 11:00am-2:20pm MW FNAC-202 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98823: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
98297 L.Fajardo 98309 D.Garcia
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Spanish (SPAN)
8:00am-11:50am 6:00pm-7:50pm
FNAC-206 FNAC-206
^ Chaffey College
Elementary Spanish II
4.00 UNITS
THEATRE-1 Introduction to Theatre
99177 S.Biggs
Elementary Statistics
4.00 UNITS
9:30am-11:20am 1:00pm-2:50pm 1:00pm-2:50pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Beginning Acting
3.00 UNITS
Theory of acting and acting techniques with an introduction to Stanislavski's method of acting. Provides a foundation in acting through a study of improvisation, vocal techniques, historical concepts, and theory through scene and monologue work. Emphasis on character development through the use of voice, movement and script analysis. (CID THTR 151) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 or higher as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Topics include frequency distribution, measures of variation and central tendency, elementary probability theory, etc.. NOTE: A specific graphing utility is required; see instructor before acquiring. (C-ID MATH 110) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97285 A.Sacdalan 97284 M.Kim 97286 A.Sacdalan
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Elements of the production process including playwriting, acting, directing, design, and criticism. Survey of different periods, cultures, styles, and genres of theatre through play reading, discussion, films and viewing and critiquing live theatre. Attendance at theatre productions is a requirement of this course. (C-ID THTR 111) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
99496 S.Biggs
FNLC-121 FNAC-110 FNFC-113
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
^ Chaffey College
Statistics (STAT) (Also see Mathematics)
Theatre Arts (THEATRE)
Prerequisite: SPAN-1 or one year of high school Spanish. Continuing language acquisition in a cultural context through listening, speaking, reading, and writing at the second semester level. Students continue to interact with authentic language in cultural context. Course corresponds to the second year of high school Spanish, and is not recommended for heritage (native) speakers of Spanish. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID SPAN 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98308 D.Garcia
5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 | (909) 652-6000 RANCHO CAMPUS LOCATIONS AERO ATL BE BEB BL CAA CAB CAC CAE CCE CD CHEM DL G
Aeronautics (AMT) Automotive Technology Business Education Don Berz Excellence Building Beeks Laboratory Center for the Arts – Building A Center for the Arts – Building B Center for the Arts – Building C Center for the Arts – Building E Campus Center East Child Development Center Chemistry desLauriers Laboratory Earl Sicosky Gym, Pool, & Athletic Fields
Health Sciences Internet (see Hybrid/Online section) Language Arts Mathematics Modulars Milliken Planetarium Physical Science Sports Center Social Sciences Swing Space Village Vocational & Student Support Wargin Hall Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art Zimmermann Hall
Clinical Sites (for Health Sciences programs)
OTHR Other Location (field trip or work experience locales) RSAM Rancho San Antonio Medical 7777-A Milliken Ave, Rancho Cucamonga TADO Transitional Assistance Dept., Ontario nd 1627 E. Holt Blvd, Dorothy Rowe, 2 Floor, Ontario For a detailed map of the Rancho Cucamonga campus, see the inside back cover.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
RANCHO CUCAMONGA CAMPUS (CCRC) SPRING 2018 CLASSES Beginning and ending dates are listed for all short-term classes. Class offerings, particularly instructor assignment and room numbers, are subject to change without notice. Class sections bearing this logo exclusively use course materials that are free of charge to students. These sections DO NOT require the purchase of textbooks, software, tools, or other course materials to be successful in the course. Class sections bearing this logo have no costs for the textbooks used. A low-cost option for printing the textbook may be available for students who would like to obtain a hard copy version. SECTION INSTRUCTOR
ACCTG-1B Managerial Accounting
Accounting (ACCTG)
4.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-63 or CIS-1. Development and communication of financial information that is useful to investors, creditors, and other decision-makers. Includes the accounting environment, accounting cycle, generally accepted accounting principles, ethics, financial statements, operating, investing, and financing activities. (C-ID ACCT 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97657 P.Worsham 7:30am-9:20am MW BE-105 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97657: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97657: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97652 C.Dickerson 8:00am-9:50am MW BE-102 97651 C.Dickerson 10:00am-12:15pm MTWTH BE-102 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97651: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97658 K.Nelson 10:00am-11:50am MW BE-113 97655 K.Nelson 12:30pm-2:20pm TTH BE-102 97656 R.Elias 2:30pm-4:20pm MW BE-103 97653 M.Sharifi-Mahzoon 3:00pm-6:50pm SU BE-102 97654 S.Kazmi 6:00pm-9:50pm T BE-102 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
97642 P.Worsham 7:30am-9:20am MW BE-105 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97642: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97642: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97626 STAFF 8:00am-9:50am TTH BE-102 97613 M.Farag 8:00am-11:50am F BE-102 97639 K.Nelson 9:00am-10:50am TTH BE-103 97618 C.Dickerson 10:00am-12:15pm MTWTH BE-102 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97618: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97622 S.Allen 12:30pm-2:20pm MW BE-102 97624 S.Allen 3:00pm-4:50pm MW BE-102 97647 Y.Kirkpatrick 3:00pm-4:50pm TTH BE-105 97616 M.Farag 6:00pm-9:50pm M BE-102 97638 D.Cescolini 6:00pm-9:50pm T BE-103 97635 STAFF 6:00pm-9:50pm W BE-102 97646 STAFF 6:00pm-9:50pm TH BE-105 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
ACCTG-70 Cost Accounting
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ACCTG-1B. Determination of product costs for manufacturing, merchandising, and service companies. Students also evaluate quantitative and qualitative methods to assist management in strategic decisions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97665 A.Lemos
ACCTG-435 Payroll Accounting
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ACCTG-1A, 480, or 481. Comprehensive overview of federal and state payroll laws and their effect on payroll records and required government reports. Course may be taken every three years as needed to maintain currency with payroll laws. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97662 P.Hartley
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Prerequisite: ACCTG-1A. Advisory: Completion of CIS-1 or experience using spreadsheets. Managerial accounting meets the information needs of internal users by developing and communicating information that is useful for management decision-making. (C-ID ACCT 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
ACCTG-1A Financial Accounting
ACCTG-460 Commercial Accounting Software
3.00 UNITS
ACCTG-481 Applied Accounting II
(Also see Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish)
ASL-1 Elementary American Sign Language
3.00 UNITS
98548 K.Soza 8:00am-11:50am 98423 C.Lively 8:00am-9:50am 98611 M.Walsh 12:00pm-1:50pm 98272 S.De Laune 2:00pm-3:50pm 98271 S.De Laune 4:00pm-5:50pm 98317 Y.Gastelum 6:00pm-7:50pm 98432 Y.Marin 6:00pm-7:50pm 98318 Y.Gastelum 8:00pm-9:50pm 98433 Y.Marin 8:00pm-9:50pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Accounting and Financial Services (ACCTGFS)
Introduction to Financial Planning
3.00 UNITS
U.S. and California Income Tax Preparation
4.00 UNITS
LA-102 LA-102 LA-102 LA-102 LA-102 LA-102 LA-102 LA-102 LA-102
ASL-2 Elementary American Sign Language
4.00 UNITS
ASL-3 Intermediate American Sign Language
LA-102 LA-102 LA-102
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ASL-2 or two years of high school ASL. Continued study ASL structure, vocabulary, conversational strategies, grammar, idiomatic constructions, Deaf culture/history, and the Deaf community. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU, UC Grading: Letter grade only
98422 C.Lively
10:00am-11:50am MW
ASL-4 Intermediate American Sign Language
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ASL-3. Continued study of ASL structure, vocabulary, grammar, conversational strategies, sentence structure, Deaf cultural norms/values/behaviors, and refinement of receptive and expressive skills. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU, UC Grading: Letter grade only
Acting (See Theatre Arts)
Administration of Justice (See Criminal Justice)
98270 S.De Laune
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.00 UNITS
98421 C.Lively 8:00am-9:50am MW 98612 K.Rose 10:00am-11:50am TTH 98273 S.De Laune 4:00pm-5:50pm TTH (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
This course is certified by the California Tax Education Council as fulfilling the 60-hour qualifying education requirement imposed by the State of California for becoming a Registered Tax Preparer. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97667 K.Nelson 2:00pm-3:50pm M and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97667: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98169 STAFF 6:00pm-9:50pm W (another section at Fontana)
Prerequisite: ASL-1 or one year of high school ASL. Continued study of ASL structure, vocabulary, conversational strategies, phrasing, sentence patterns, manual counting and spelling, semantics, development of expressive and receptive skills, and Deaf culture/history. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to the concepts of the personal financial planning process, including budgeting, cash flow, debt considerations, the economic environment, wealth accumulation, and retirement concerns. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97666 Y.Kirkpatrick
Introduction to Deaf culture/history, ASL vocabulary development, fingerspelling, basic phrasing, sentence patterns, manual counting, and receptive and expressive skills. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. This course corresponds to the first year of high school ASL. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: ACCTG-480. Continuation of bookkeeping for a small service business, with an introduction to bookkeeping for a merchandising enterprise and accounting for partnerships and corporations. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97664 J.Muir
American Sign Language (ASL)
Advisory: Completion of ACCTG-1A, and completion of or concurrent enrollment in CIS-1. Basic concepts and techniques for using QuickBooks commercial accounting software designed for the use of microcomputers in businesses grossing less than $500,000 annually. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97663 P.Hartley
^ Chaffey College
ASL-18 Introduction to Deaf Studies
3.00 UNITS
98701 M.Fong (another section at Chino)
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to how anthropologists do their work, employ professional anthropological research ethics, and apply their perspectives and skills to the understanding of humans around the globe. (C-ID ANTH 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
98705 M.Hickey 8:00am-9:20am TTH SS-105 BL-107 98703 J.Strom 9:30am-10:50am MW 98706 W.Nielson 11:00am-12:20pm MW SS-106 Section 98706: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. 98707 M.Meyer 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SS-105 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98707: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98708 M.Meyer 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SS-105 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98708: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98710 M.Hornsey 12:00pm-2:50pm SU BL-107 98704 J.Strom 12:30pm-1:50pm MW SS-103 98709 J.Liashenko 7:00pm-9:50pm M BL-107 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
98681 M.Medich 8:00am-9:20am TTH BL-107 98686 A.Yefremian 9:00am-11:50am S BL-107 98678 M.Meyer 9:30am-10:50am MW ATL-105 98682 M.Fong 9:30am-10:50am TTH BL-107 98679 M.Meyer 11:00am-12:20pm MW BL-107 98683 M.Fong 11:00am-2:20pm TTH BL-107 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98683: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98684 M.Fong 11:00am-2:20pm TTH BL-107 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98684: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98680 W.Nielson 12:30pm-1:50pm MW BL-107 98685 M.Fong 7:00pm-9:50pm T BL-107 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Arabic (ARABIC) (Also see Am Sign, Chinese, French, & Spanish)
ARABIC-1 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic 4.00 UNITS
1.00 UNIT
Introduction to functional modern Arabic (aural, oral, reading, and writing skills), Arabic script, pronunciation, vocabulary, and Arabic culture/values/customs. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required for reinforcement of language skills. Corresponds to the first year of high school Arabic. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Corequisite: ANTHRO-1 (may be taken previously). Comparative study of both human and non-human primates, human variation, evolution, genetics, forensic anthropology, and the primate fossil record. (C-ID ANTH 115L) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98697 B.Wong 9:00am-11:50am F DL-101 98698 A.Yefremian 1:00pm-3:50pm S DL-101 98691 D.Jacobsen 2:00pm-4:50pm M DL-101 98695 D.Keithly 2:00pm-4:50pm W DL-101 98693 D.Keithly 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH DL-101 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98693: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98694 D.Keithly 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH DL-101 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98694: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98692 D.Jacobsen 7:00pm-9:50pm M DL-101 98696 M.Hickey 7:00pm-9:50pm W DL-101 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
98544 S.Shihadeh 98511 A.Ramadan
2:00pm-3:50pm 8:00pm-9:50pm
^ Chaffey College
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study of the biological features of humankind, utilizing scientific and comparative methods to understand human variation and adaptation, genetics, primatology, and the human fossil record. (C-ID ANTH 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
ANTHRO-3 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
ANTHRO-1L Laboratory for Biological Anthropology
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ENGL-475. Introduction to the study of concepts, theories, data and models of anthropological archaeology that contribute to our knowledge of the human past. (C-ID ANTH 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Anthropology (ANTHRO) ANTHRO-1 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANTHRO-2 Introduction to Archaeology
Prerequisite: ASL-1. Overview of Deaf history and the origins of American Sign Language. Introduction to the basic issues of Deaf culture and communication. Students gain an overview of historical and contemporary issues and people in the Deaf community. Course introduces students to the wide variety of issues involved in Deaf Studies, including linguistics, education, sociology, psychology, and interpreting. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98424 C.Lively
Prerequisite: ARABIC-1 or one year of high school Arabic. Continued study of functional modern Arabic (aural, oral, reading, and writing skills), Arabic script, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and Arabic culture/values/customs. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required for reinforcement of language skills. Corresponds to the second year of high school Arabic. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of ART-10. In-depth introduction to the visual elements of three-dimensional design, including color and surface treatments of form, as well as the implications of time and environmental space. (C-ID ARTS 101) Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98850 M.Burruel 98853 A.Maloof
ARABIC-4 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic 4.00 UNITS
(See Drafting)
Art (ART) ART-10
Fundamentals of Design in Two Dimensions
ART-15 4.00 UNITS
In-depth introduction to the visual elements of two-dimensional art composition including line, shape, texture, value, color theory, and spatial illusion. (C-ID ARTS 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
CAB-102 CAB-102 CAB-102 CAB-102 CAB-102 CAB-102
CAB-102 CAB-102 CAB-102
Color Theory
3.00 UNITS
98878 C.Farrand 12:30pm-3:20pm 98879 C.Farrand 3:30pm-6:20pm (another section at Fontana)
Introduction to Painting
CAC-105 CAC-105
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ART-10 or ART-14. Introduction to painting in acrylic media. Exploration of traditional and contemporary approaches and techniques. Includes fundamentals of color theory and composition as applied to painting. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
CAA-210 CAA-210 CAA-210 INET CAA-210 CAA-210 INET
98904 C.Balent 98908 J.Rochlin 98905 C.Balent
CAA-210 CAA-210
9:30am-12:20pm 12:30pm-3:20pm 2:00pm-4:50pm
Introduction to Ceramics
CAB-101 CAB-101 CAB-101
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to the materials, tools, and processes used in making pottery and other ceramic art. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99009 C.Jilek 99003 S.Hunter 99008 B.Benfer 99005 B.Kohl 99007 A.Delgado
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
CAC-105 CAC-105
Principles, theories, and applications of additive and subtractive color in two dimensions. Topics include major historical and contemporary color systems, production of projects in applied color, and the elements of design as they apply to color. (C-ID ARTS 270) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98826 P.Valfer 9:30am-3:20pm F Section 98826: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98827 STAFF 9:30am-12:20pm MW 98829 A.Sarkisian 9:30am-12:20pm TTH 98830 C.Farrand 12:30pm-3:20pm M and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98830: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98835 M.Lierly 12:30pm-3:20pm TTH 98833 C.Farrand 3:30pm-6:20pm W and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98833: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98836 S.Maing 3:30pm-6:20pm TTH 98839 M.Beierle 6:30pm-9:20pm TTH (more sections at Fontana)
Introduction to Drawing
98863 J.Hutchins 9:30am-12:20pm 98867 M.Batongmalaque 9:30am-12:20pm 98875 B.Wilkie 9:30am-3:20pm 98864 J.Cline 12:30pm-3:20pm 12:30pm-3:20pm 98869 C.Balent 98865 J.Newman 3:30pm-6:20pm Section 98865: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98871 R.Iadevaia 3:30pm-6:20pm 98866 N.Bockelman 6:30pm-9:20pm 98872 C.Trueman 6:30pm-9:20pm (more sections at Fontana)
(Also see Art History)
9:30am-12:20pm 6:30pm-9:20pm
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to freehand drawing from direct observation using a variety of black-and-white media. (C-ID ARTS 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: ARABIC-3. Continued study of Arabic leading to accurate understanding and use of the language through emphasis on advanced-level speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98545 S.Shihadeh
Fundamentals of Design in Three Dimensions
ARABIC-2 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic 4.00 UNITS
98510 A.Ramadan
9:30am-3:20pm 9:30am-12:20pm 9:30am-3:20pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 7:00pm-9:20pm
CAC-107 CAC-107 CAC-107 CAC-107 CAC-107
^ Chaffey College
Ceramic Sculpture
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to three-dimensional (3D) design, sculptural processes, concepts, and materials with the emphasis on clay. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99012 S.Hunter 99011 S.Hunter 99010 Q.Joseph
9:30am-12:20pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Figure Drawing
CAC-107 CAC-107 CAC-107
Intermediate Ceramics
Introduction to Graphic Design
99026 T.Giali 9:30am-12:20pm 99022 K.Counes 12:30pm-3:20pm Section 99022: ZERO costs for textbooks. 99023 B.Albert 3:30pm-6:20pm 99024 K.Alexander 6:30pm-9:20pm Section 99024: ZERO costs for textbooks.
3.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to the essential principles and historical aspects of digital imaging and design. Project-based experience, with current hardware and software used in contemporary visual communications. Materials Fee: $15.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of ART-14. Drawing the human form from the model with an emphasis on structure, anatomy, and its expressive potential. (C-ID ARTS 200) Transfer: CSU; UC Materials Fee: $4.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99013 A.Brewer
CAA-119 CAA-115
CAA-115 CAA-119
Typography and Layout
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ART-63 or 82. Introduction to the principles and practice of the universally important skills in the design field. Projects are directed toward both print media and screen-based projects. Materials Fee: $15.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
99027 A.Dennis
Introduction to Digital Media
4.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ART-10 and basic keyboarding skills are recommended. Introduction to design and development of time based digital media. Course will cover motion graphics, video, animation, sound, social media and web uploading using Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: ART-35. Advanced use of the potter's wheel and off-wheel construction methods. Attention is given towards the development of a personal aesthetic and conceptual focus. Materials Fee: $14.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
99029 M.Lewis 9:30am-12:20pm W CAA-115 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99029: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99028 M.Lewis 12:30pm-3:20pm TTH CAA-115
99018 C.Jilek 99017 B.Benfer 99014 B.Kohl 99016 A.Delgado
Advanced Ceramics
99020 S.Hunter 99019 S.Hunter
9:30am-3:20pm 9:30am-3:20pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 7:00pm-9:20pm
9:30am-12:20pm 2:00pm-3:20pm
Mixed-Media Studio and Theory
CAC-107 CAC-107 CAC-107 CAC-107
CAC-107 CAC-107
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ART-12. Development of both 2D and 3D projects. Experimental use of materials and techniques such as collage, assemblage, installation and sitespecific works. Media may include fiber, metal, wood, plastic, and found objects. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99508 STAFF
Student Invitational Exhibition
4.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must pass faculty review of creative project proposal and portfolio in November for the Spring course and exhibition. Interested students should contact an art or photography faculty member no later than September 1st. Portfolios and applications are due in early November. Honors course for highly motivated studio art, digital media, and photography students who meet portfolio requirements. In-depth independent research involving critical evaluation of concepts and ideas in the context of contemporary artistic expression, as well as rigorous exploration of media and techniques. In conjunction with the Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art Director/Curator and discipline faculty, selected students cooperatively undertake all phases of mounting a professional quality exhibition of their artworks. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99249 M.Lewis 9:30am--3:20pm F CAA-115 Section 99249: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Prerequisite: ART-18. Performance of tasks and procedures designed to further the student's ability to understand and manipulate clay and glazes and the types of kiln firings. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Identity System Design
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ART-73. A visual identity program providing an integrated typographic and graphic system for identifying an organization in print and all other media. Materials Fee: $15.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99030 A.Dennis
Motion Graphic Animation
4.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm TTH 2:00pm-3:20pm MW 3:30pm-4:50pm TTH
3.00 UNITS
Astronomy (ASTRON) (909)652-6404
ASTRON-26 Stars and Galaxies
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of MATH-410. Overview of the universe beyond our solar system. Understand progressively larger structures in Astronomy, such as stars, galaxies, and extra-galactic structures by understanding the processes that shape them. Use observations (from telescopes, spacecraft, neutrino and gravity wave detectors, etc.) the scientific method, and basic physical concepts. Briefly consider relativity, black holes, spacetime, and the history and fate of the universe. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
CAA-211 CAA-211 CAA-211
Survey of Western Art from 3.00 UNITS Prehistory through the Middle Ages
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Survey of the architecture, sculpture, and painting of past cultures from the ancient beginnings of art of the Western World through the Medieval period. (C-ID ARTH 110) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97530 B.Hughes 11:00am-12:20pm Section 97530: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97528 J.Wilson 12:30pm-1:50pm Section 97528: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97526 D.McElroy 12:30pm-1:50pm Section 97526: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97529 STAFF 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 97529: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97527 D.McElroy 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 97527: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97533 B.Hughes 7:00pm-9:50pm Section 97533: ZERO costs for textbooks. (more sections online and at Chino)
99057 T.McDermott 9:30am-10:50am TTH CAA-211 99055 J.Machado 3:30pm-6:50pm MW CAA-211 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99055: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99058 M.Landsberg 7:00pm-9:50pm M CAA-211 (more sections online)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Art of the Ancient Americas
99065 J.Machado
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Historical survey of the diverse artistic movements from the end of WWII to the present, tracing the discourse of late modernism to postmodernism. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99053 L.Ming 99052 L.Ming 99054 L.Ming (another section at Chino)
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Survey of visual and material culture within the historical context of selected ancient American civilizations in Mexico, Central America, and South America, up to European contact. (C-ID ARTH 145) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Contemporary Art: 1945-Present
Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary
99061 J.Machado 11:00am-12:20pm MW CAA-211 99062 L.Ming 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH CAA-211 99060 J.Machado 3:30pm-6:50pm MW CAA-211 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99060: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections online)
Art History (ARTH) (Also see Art)
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Survey of the architecture, sculpture, and art of past cultures of the Western World from the Renaissance through the Modern period. (C-ID ARTH 120) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: ART-63 or 82. Introduction to motion graphics animation for design production. Course will cover the use of Adobe After effects as it applies to motion graphics, visual effects, compositing, and animation. Topics include motion typography, stop motion, reel production, timing, organization and workflow management. Materials Fee: $4.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99031 M.Lewis
^ Chaffey College
ASTRON-35 Planets and the Solar System With Lab
4.00 UNITS
PS-100 PS-100
99387 S.Critchfield
PS-100 PS-100
99388 V.Martinez
8:00am-10:50am 9:00am-2:50pm 3:30pm-6:20pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Automotive Electricity and Electronics
HS-143 HS-143
99389 S.Taylor
11:00am-12:20pm TTH 5:30pm-6:50pm MW 6:00pm-9:50pm F
ATL-115 ATL-121 ATL-121 ATL-115
99390 S.Taylor
4.00 UNITS
Engine Operation and Service
High Performance Engine Building and Blueprinting
AUTOTEC-450 General Automotive Technician A
2.00 UNITS
5.00 UNITS
5.00 UNITS
12.00 UNITS
For students who want the training required for employment as an automotive service technician. Content is similar to Auto Service and Repair; Brakes; and Steering and Suspension. Supports ASEs A4 and A5. Materials Fees: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only (section at Fontana)
ATL-109 ATL-109 ATL-109
AUTOTEC-455 General Automotive Technician B
12.00 UNITS
For students who want the training required for employment as an automotive service technician. Content is similar to Auto Electricity; Fuel, Ignition & Emissions; and Auto Air Conditioning. Supports ASE's A6, A7, and A8. Materials Fees: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99391 J.Osburn
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Suspension and Steering Systems
Advisory: Completion of AUTOTEC-430 and 431. Students develop advanced skills in automotive machining operations, use of precision measuring tools, and high performance engine modification and assembly techniques, including engine blueprinting. Supports ASE A1. Materials Fees: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Basic automotive electricity and electronics. Diagnosis of typical automotive electrical concerns using wiring diagrams and schematics. Emphasis on the use of digital multimeters for troubleshooting. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99383 J.Scott 99385 M.Sheldon 99386 J.Polidano
Automotive engine operation, service, and repair. Machine work and the use of specialized equipment to diagnose and test engine conditions is emphasized. Supports the ASE A1 Exam. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
4.00 UNITS
^ Chaffey College
Introduction to the automotive service industry. Basic principles of the operation of engines, transmissions, driveline, steering, suspension and braking systems, and heating and air conditioning systems. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99377 J.Scott 99382 J.Polidano 99379 T.Bender 99375 M.Sheldon
2.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of AUTOTEC-10 and 15. Operation, diagnosis, and repair of steering and suspension systems, including wheel and tire service, and two- and four-wheel alignments. Supports the ASE A4 Exam. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Service and Repair
Operation, service, and repair of automotive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, with emphasis on environmental protection including refrigerant recycling. Prepares students to take the ASE A7 Technician Certification exam. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Automotive Technology (AUTOTEC) AUTOTEC-10
AUTOTEC-416 Basic Automotive Air Conditioning Systems
Advisory: Completion of MATH-410. Overview of the solar system, including planets, moons, and other bodies within solar systems. Course includes laboratory activities. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97535 B.Neumann 9:30am-10:50am MW and 11:00am-12:20pm MW Section 97535: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97536 B.Hughes 11:00am-12:20pm TTH and 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH Section 97536: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97538 J.Eisberg 7:00pm-9:50pm T and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97538: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97538: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97540 J.Eisberg 7:00pm-10:15pm TH and Online hours 01/29/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 97540: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97540: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97537 H.Jackson 7:00pm-8:20pm MW and 8:30pm-9:50pm MW Section 97537: ZERO costs for textbooks. (more sections online and at Fontana)
Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT)
AVIATION MAINTENANCE ENTRY INFORMATION Visit Chaffey’s AMT web page at www.chaffey.edu/bat/aviation for information regarding the steps required prior to entry into the AMT program. Informational AMT flyers are also available in the Counseling department.
Last day to add: 01/28/18
1.00 UNIT
Corequisite: AMT-15 (may be taken previously). General Aeronautics laboratory that fulfills FAA practical aeronautical applications lab hours in aerodynamics, FAA and manufacturer's publication, aircraft materials and processes, blueprint reading, aircraft servicing and mathematics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99435 E.Guzman 01/12/18-03/02/18 99434 T.Teeguarden 01/08/18-03/01/18
7:15am-2:05pm F Last day to add: 01/12/18 2:15pm-3:45pm MTWTH Last day to add: 01/16/18
Aviation Science
7:15am-2:05pm F Last day to add: 03/09/18 2:15pm-3:45pm MTWTH Last day to add: 03/25/18
1.00 UNIT
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
1.00 UNIT
Last day to add: 01/16/18
1.00 UNIT
7:15am-2:05pm F Last day to add: 03/09/18 2:15pm-3:50pm MTWTH
Last day to add: 03/19/18
Airframe Structures: Fabrication, Inspection and Repair
7.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: AMT-15 (or AMT-12). Aircraft metallic and non-metallic structural fabrication, inspection, and repair methods. Related training for FAA airframe maintenance technician's license. Lab emphasizes sheet metal fabrication and repair, composite structures inspections, welding, and alignment of airframe structures. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99445 C.Byars and J.Little 01/08/18-03/01/18
Prerequisite: AMT-15 (or AMT-12). Aircraft reciprocating engine instrumentation, lubrication systems, electrical and ignition systems. Lab emphasizes reciprocating engine instrumentation and ignition systems overhaul, repair, installation and operation. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 7:15am-2:05pm MTWTH Last day to add: 01/16/18
7:15am-2:05pm F Last day to add: 01/12/18 2:15pm-3:50pm MTWTH
Powerplant: Turbine Engine Auxiliary Systems
99444 E.Guzman 03/09/18-04/27/18 99443 R.Baty and J.Little 03/05/18-05/03/18
Powerplant: Engine Instrumentation, 7.00 UNITS Lubrication, and Electrical
99438 R.Baty 01/08/18-03/01/18
7.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: AMT-15 (or AMT-12). Corequisite: AMT-27 (may be taken previously). Powerplant laboratory course to fulfill FAA practical applications relating to aircraft turbine engine auxiliary systems. Projects include turbine engine indicating, ignition, lubrication and fuel systems. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Corequisite: AMT-15 (may be taken previously). General aeronautics laboratory that fulfills FAA practical aeronautical applications lab hours in physics, weight and balance, electricity and mathematics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99437 E.Guzman 03/09/18-04/27/18 99436 T.Teeguarden 03/05/18-05/03/18
7:15am-2:05pm MTWTH Last day to add: 03/19/18
Powerplant: Electrical Systems
99441 E.Guzman 01/12/18-03/02/18 99440 R.Baty and J.Little 01/08/18-03/01/18
Aviation Materials, Processes, Inspections and Regulations
Prerequisite: AMT-15 (or AMT-12). Corequisite: AMT-26 (may be taken previously). Powerplant laboratory course to fulfill FAA practical applications relating to aircraft powerplant electrical systems. Projects include engine starters, generators and their controls. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Aerospace materials, hardware, manufacturing processes and safety, blueprint reading, inspection techniques, aircraft servicing, cleaning and corrosion control, and FAA regulations. Includes FAA-required General Aeronautics lab hours for Airframe and/or Powerplant Technician's license. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 7:15am-2:05pm
Powerplant: Reciprocating Engine Fuel and Auxiliary Systems
99442 R.Baty 03/05/18-05/03/18
Introduction to Aviation 14.00 UNITS Maintenance for Airframe and Powerplant
99433 L.Hultgren and T.Teeguarden 01/08/18-05/03/18
Prerequisite: AMT-15 (or AMT-12). Aircraft reciprocating engine fuel, propeller, and auxiliary systems overhaul, repair, installation, and operation. Lab emphasizes engine induction, cooling, and exhaust systems. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Last day to add: 01/16/18
AERO-03 93
^ Chaffey College
Airframe Primary Systems Inspection and Repair
7.00 UNITS
1.00 UNIT
Last day to add: 01/16/18
Prerequisite: AMT-15 (or AMT-12). Corequisite: AMT-36 (may be taken previously). Airframe laboratory course to fulfill FAA practical applications relating to inspection, operation, and repair of aircraft hydraulic landing gear systems. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
7:15am-2:05pm F Last day to add: 03/09/18 2:15pm-3:50pm MTWTH
Last day to add: 03/19/18
Aircraft Electrical and Avionics 5.00 UNITS Theory, Repair and Troubleshooting
This course covers the theory, inspection, repair and the diagnosis of modern aircraft electrical/avionics systems. Emphasis placed on electrical wiring interface system (EWIS), communication, navigation and data transmission systems used on general and commercial aviation, drones, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This course content provides the knowledge to pass the NCATT (National Center for Aerospace and Transportation Technologies) AET (Aircraft Electronics Technician) test and receive the AET certification. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99451 E.Perez 01/09/18-05/03/18
6:00pm-9:50pm TTH Last day to add: 01/24/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Environmental Biology
HS-143 BL-108 HS-143 BL-108 HS-143 DL-108 HS-143 DL-108 HS-143 BL-108 HS-143 BL-108 ZH-123 BL-110 ZH-123 BL-110 HS-143 BL-108 HS-143 BL-108 ZH-123 BL-108 ZH-123 BL-108 ZH-123 BL-108 ZH-123 BL-108 ZH-123 BL-108 ZH-123 BL-108 HS-143 BL-108 HS-143 BL-108
4.00 UNITS
An overview of ecosystem structure and function. Topics include overpopulation, resource depletion, pollution, climate change, habitat fragmentation, and loss of biodiversity. Course includes a weekend field trip. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97913 D.Cosand and 97912 K.Beaman
11:00am-12:20pm MW 12:30pm-3:20pm W 7:00pm-9:50pm TTH
BL-114 BL-114 DL-108
^ Chaffey College
AMT-38B Airframe Structure: Hydraulic Systems 1.00 UNIT
99450 E.Guzman 03/09/18-04/27/18 99449 R.Baty and J.Little 03/05/18-05/03/18
4.00 UNITS
97894 E.Kolb 8:00am-9:20am and 9:30am-12:20pm 97895 E.Kolb 8:00am-9:20am and 9:30am-12:20pm 97896 STAFF 9:30am-10:50am and 11:00am-1:50pm 97897 STAFF 9:30am-10:50am and 11:00am-1:50pm 97900 V.McDonald 11:00am-12:20pm and 12:30pm-3:20pm 97901 V.McDonald 11:00am-12:20pm and 12:30pm-3:20pm 97906 T.Myers 11:00am-12:20pm and 2:00pm-4:50pm 97907 T.Myers 11:00am-12:20pm and 2:00pm-4:50pm 97898 S.Garcia 12:30pm-1:50pm and 2:00pm-4:50pm 97899 S.Garcia 12:30pm-1:50pm and 2:00pm-4:50pm 97904 M.Jones 2:00pm-3:20pm and 3:30pm-6:20pm 97905 M.Jones 2:00pm-3:20pm and 3:30pm-6:20pm 97908 A.Conilogue 3:30pm-4:50pm and 5:00pm-7:50pm 97909 A.Conilogue 3:30pm-4:50pm and 5:00pm-7:50pm 97910 C.King 5:30pm-8:20pm and 9:00am-11:50am 97911 C.King 5:30pm-8:20pm and 1:00pm-3:50pm 97902 T.Pupka 5:30pm-6:50pm and 7:00pm-9:50pm 97903 T.Pupka 5:30pm-6:50pm and 7:00pm-9:50pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Last day to add: 03/19/18
7:15am-2:05pm F Last day to add: 01/12/18 2:15pm-3:50pm MTWTH
General Biology
Introduction to the major themes and principles in biology. Topics range from molecules to the ecosystem. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: AMT-15 (or AMT-12). Corequisite: AMT-35 (may be taken previously). Airframe laboratory course to fulfill FAA practical applications relating to fabricating airframe structural components, paint application techniques, and inspections of painted surfaces. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99447 E.Guzman 01/12/18-03/02/18 99446 J.Little and R.Baty 01/08/18-03/01/18
Airframe Structure: Structure Fabrication
Biology (BIOL)
Prerequisite: AMT-15 (or AMT-12). Aircraft electrical, hydraulic and landing gear systems. Related training for FAA airframe maintenance technician's license. Lab emphasizes electrical and hydraulic landing gear systems, and lighting systems. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99448 C.Byars and J.Little 03/05/18-05/03/18
California Natural History
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to California's natural communities. Topics include: energetics, materials cycling, and succession. Course includes an overnight field trip. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97914 D.Cosand and
9:30am-10:50am 11:00am-1:50pm
Concepts in Biology
BL-114 BL-114
3.00 UNITS
ZH-123 ZH-123
Introduction to Human Genetics
3.00 UNITS
Health Science
3.00 UNITS
Human health and wellness. Topics include mental health, nutrition, abuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, sexually transmitted diseases and other communicable and non-communicable diseases, physical fitness, and many other aspects of positive health. May satisfy the health education unit requirement for a teaching credential in the state of California. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97918 STAFF
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Human Anatomy
97920 N.DeRose and 97990 N.DeRose and 97992 E.Kolb and 97995 E.Kolb and 98922 S.Cotton and 98924 S.Cotton and 97997 R.Kaur and 98912 R.Kaur and 98913 D.Dutton and 98914 D.Dutton and 98920 I.McGuire and 98921 I.McGuire and 98915 K.Noriega and 98917 K.Noriega and 98918 STAFF and 98919 STAFF and (more sections at Chino)
Introduction to the fundamentals of human heredity including patterns of inheritance, DNA structure and function, the role of mutation in genetic diseases and cancer, and interaction between genes and the environment. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97917 L.Kretzner
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study of the microscopic and macroscopic structures of the human body from cellular to organ system levels of organization. Course is intended for biology, general education, kinesiology and health related majors. (C-ID BIOL 110B) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to the major themes and principles of biology including energy flow and metabolism, structure/function relationships, inheritance patterns, ecology, evolution, and diversity of biological organisms. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97916 STAFF 12:30pm-1:50pm 97915 R.Cobos 2:00pm-3:20pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 5:30pm-8:20pm 9:00am-11:50am 5:30pm-8:20pm 1:00pm-3:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
ZH-123 DL-107 ZH-123 DL-107 ZH-123 DL-107 ZH-123 DL-107 ZH-122 DL-101 ZH-122 DL-101 ZH-123 DL-107 ZH-123 DL-107 HS-143 DL-107 HS-143 DL-107 HS-143 DL-107 HS-143 DL-107 HS-143 DL-107 HS-143 DL-107 ZH-123 DL-107 ZH-123 DL-107
^ Chaffey College
Human Physiology
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: BIOL-20, and CHEM-9 or 10 or 1 year of high school chemistry. Physiological principles, function, integration and homeostasis of the human body at the cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism level. Lab exercises emphasize experimentation and scientific reasoning. (C-ID BIOL 120B) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
General Microbiology
ZH-123 BL-110 ZH-123 BL-110 ZH-123 BL-110 ZH-123 BL-110 HS-127 BL-110 HS-127 BL-110
98946 A.Burk-Herrick and and 98947 S.Spring-Pearson and and 98950 O.Kim and and 98951 E.Avila-Teeguarden and and 98952 E.Avila-Teeguarden and and 98954 A.Van Leersum-Morano and and
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm TTH 5:30pm-6:50pm MW
General Microbiology Laboratory
ZH-123 ZH-123
8:00am-10:50am 2:00pm-4:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Beginning Medical Terminology
2.00 UNITS
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
8:00am-10:20am 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 8:00am-10:20am 8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 12:30pm-2:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:30pm-2:50pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 5:30pm-7:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-7:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Biology of Organisms
98955 S.Cotton and
BL-104 BL-104 BL-104 BL-104
BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101 BL-101
5.00 UNITS
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm
Evolutionary Ecology
DL-108 DL-108
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: BIOL-61. Introduction to the principles, theories, and methods of evolutionary ecology, applied to systems ranging from organisms to ecosystems. Course includes one or more overnight field trips. (C-ID BIOL 130S when combined with BIOL-62) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Applied medical etymology including the origin, correct spelling, pronunciation, meaning, and current usage of common medical terms. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98944 L.Kretzner 2:00pm-3:20pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
5.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: BIOL-61. An introduction to the origin and evolution of life on earth, emphasizing systematics, anatomy, physiology, and development. (C-ID BIOL 140, & 130S when combined with BIOL-63) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Corequisite: BIOL-23 (may be taken previously). Introduction to microbiology laboratory techniques. Methods of culturing, staining, biochemically analyzing, and classifying microorganisms. NOTE: Attendance ON TIME at the first class meeting is MANDATORY! Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98941 R.Cobos 98933 N.DeRose 98942 R.Cobos 98939 M.Lee (more sections at Chino)
Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
Prerequisite: CHEM-10 or 1 year of high school chemistry, and eligibility for MATH-25 or higher level math as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Introduction to cell and molecular biology emphasizing biochemical, structural, metabolic, and genetic aspects of cells. Lab uses instrumentation, techniques & data analysis relevant to cell and molecular biology. (C-ID BIOL 190) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: BIOL-22 or 61. Introduction to microbiology with strong emphasis on microorganisms pathogenic to humans. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98932 R.Cobos 98931 M.Lee (another section at Chino)
98957 D.Cosand and 98958 K.Stephens and
9:30am-10:50am 9:30am-3:20pm 2:00pm-3:20pm 11:00am-4:50pm
BL-114 BL-114 DL-108 DL-108
^ Chaffey College
98926 W.Acosta 9:30am-10:50am and 11:00am-1:50pm 98927 W.Acosta 9:30am-10:50am and 11:00am-1:50pm 98928 C.Waters 9:30am-10:50am and 11:00am-1:50pm 98930 C.Waters 9:30am-10:50am and 11:00am-1:50pm 99476 L.Wilkins 5:30pm-6:50pm and 7:00pm-9:50pm 99477 L.Wilkins 5:30pm-6:50pm and 7:00pm-9:50pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Anatomy and Physiology
3.00 UNITS
Beginning Audio Production
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to the theory and practice of audio production for radio, television, film and digital recording applications. Students gain basic knowledge of applied audio concepts, production workflow, equipment functions, and audio editing software. (C-ID FTVE 120) Materials Fee: $15.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99066 D.Jacobo and
98624 G.Carlson
10:00am-10:50am MW 11:00am-12:20pm MW
CAA-215 CAA-251
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to Global Business
3.00 UNITS
VSS-113 VSS-113
97680 T.Brusselle
Business Communication
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Develop writing fluency, professional tone, and the use of proper grammar to produce clear, correct and logically-organized business communications, both written and oral. (C-ID BUS 115) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
CAA-251 CAA-251
97681 S.Jezek-Arriaga (another section is online) Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Examine the operation and performance of multinational corporations. Analyze social, cultural, legal, environmental, political, technological, and competitive trends within international business. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
High Definition Cinematography 3.00 UNITS
7:00pm-7:50pm 8:00pm-9:20pm
Business Ethics
97678 C.Dickerson
Advisory: Basic computer skills are recommended. Visual theory, techniques, and methodology of high-definition cinematography applied to the production of dynamic television stories. Students collaboratively produce and/or edit a high-definition video project. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99068 D.Jacobo and
3.00 UNITS
Systems approaches for responsible, practical, defendable decisions. Value-based strategies, systemic implementation of socially responsible tools, and integration of ethics into workplace operations. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Basic computer skills are recommended. Theory, terminology and operation of a multi-camera studio and control room. Students coordinate cameras and on-screen performers, and collaborate with production crew members and master control-room personnel to produce, direct, and edit multi-camera studio productions. (C-ID FTVE 135) Materials Fee: $10.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 9:30am-11:30am 12:30pm-3:20pm
Business Decisions Using Basic Quantitative Tools
Business and management decision-making using basic quantitative tools. Students must supply their own business calculator. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Beginning TV Studio Production 3.00 UNITS
99067 D.Schroeder and
3.00 UNITS
97198 M.Stockhausen 8:00am-9:20am MW WH-142 97672 STAFF 9:00am-11:50am S BE-111 97670 STAFF 9:30am-12:20pm MW BE-106 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97670: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97671 STAFF 9:30am-12:20pm MW BE-106 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97671: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97673 T.Brusselle 9:30am-10:50am TTH BE-111 97669 M.Farid Nejad 11:00am-12:20pm TTH BE-103 97674 T.Brusselle 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH BE-111 97675 M.Issa 2:00pm-3:20pm MW BE-106 97200 G.Carlson 7:00pm-9:50pm T WH-112 97509 M.Farid Nejad 7:00pm-9:50pm W WH-112 (more sections online and at Chino)
Broadcasting (BRDCAST) (Also see Cinema)
Introduction to Business
Multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society, economic systems, legal, international, political, financial institutions, and human behavior interact to affect a business organization's policy and practices within the U.S. and a global society. (C-ID BUS 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Corequisite: BIOL-424 (may be taken previously). Advisory: Completion of BIOL-30. Lab investigation of anatomy and physiology of organ systems, from cell through system levels. Course is primarily intended for students entering related vocational programs. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only T
BIOL-424L Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 1.00 UNIT
98960 L.Villeneuve 9:30am-12:20pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Business (BUS)
Advisory: Completion of BIOL-30. Human anatomy and physiology with emphasis on the structures and functions of the organ systems. Course is primarily intended for students entering related vocational programs. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98959 L.Villeneuve 8:00am-9:20am (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
^ Chaffey College
Business: Legal Studies (BUSL) Introduction to Law and the Legal Process
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Exploration of the roles of the law, courts and participants in our legal system. Analysis of substantive laws - from torts and contracts to consumer protection and civil rights - and their effects. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97683 D.Karp
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
BUSL-28A Business Law I
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to Paralegal Studies
Law Office Operations
3.00 UNITS
International Business Law
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUS-61. Legal aspects and ramifications of international trade. Multinational enterprises, sovereignty, technology transfer, arbitration, negotiation and diplomacy. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only (section is online)
Estate Planning and Probate Law
3.00 UNITS
Fundamentals of estate planning and probate law for paralegals. Topics include estate planning, intestate succession, wills, trusts, community property, joint tenancy, guardianships and conservatorships, and powers of attorney. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
BE-105 BE-105
3.00 UNITS
98623 V.Julien-Peto
Workers' Compensation Law
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Business: Legal Studies 28A. Fundamentals of Workers' Compensation law for the paralegal. Topics include types of injuries and benefits, claims, medical treatment, benefits, litigation, appeals, settlement, and the paralegal's role in a workers' compensation practice. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
97880 STAFF
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
97696 S.Stark
Relationships between paralegals, attorneys, and clients. Career options, ethics, investigations, litigation assistance, legal research and writing, computer use, and general law office administration. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97693 A.Chen
^ Chaffey College
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-60B and BUSL-400. Introductory course for students pursuing careers in law offices. Survey of court systems, terminology, court documents, research, calendaring, client contact, court procedure and introduction to legal research. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Civil Litigation
98163 S.Stark
Prerequisite: BUSL-28A. Commercial paper, creditors' rights, secured transactions, agency, employment, partnerships, corporations, property, and regulations. Application of rules, laws, and concepts to scenarios in written and oral arguments. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 9:00am-11:50am 2:00pm-3:20pm
Prerequisite: BUSL-400 and BUSL-28A. Civil procedure and litigation. Evidence gathering and investigation, jurisdiction, venue, court rules, complaints, filing, defending, discovery, settlement, trial assistance, post-trial, and alternative dispute resolution. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
97686 D.Karp 9:30am-12:20pm MW BE-105 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97686: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97687 D.Karp 9:30am-12:20pm MW BE-105 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97687: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97195 D.Karp 9:30am-10:50am TTH WH-142 97684 A.Chen 11:00am-12:20pm MW BE-103 97199 A.Chen 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH WH-112 97685 V.Julien-Peto 7:00pm-9:50pm T BE-108 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
97692 S.Johnson 97691 D.Karp
Legal Research and Writing
97694 V.Julien-Peto
U.S. and state law, Uniform Commercial Code, agency, due process, contract and tort law, crime, and ethics. Application of appropriate rules, laws, and concepts to factual scenarios in written and oral arguments. (C-ID BUS 125) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
BUSL-28B Business Law II
Advisory: Completion of BUSL-400 and BUSOT-455. Legal research, writing, and analysis. Statute analysis, primary and secondary sources, computer research, opinion letters, pleadings, law office memos, case briefs, memorandums of law, and legal citation rules. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Business: Management (BUSMGT) Retail Merchandising and Management
3.00 UNITS
Analysis of customer needs, store location, layout, merchandising mix, vendor negotiation, pricing, display, advertising, and inventory control in the operation of a retail store. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Transportation Management
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm TTH 7:00pm-9:50pm W
BE-111 BE-111
Human Resource Management
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to Human Relations
9:30am-10:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm
Small Business Ownership and Management
9:30am-10:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm 4:30pm-5:50pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
2.00 UNITS
Introduction to Project Management
3.00 UNITS
A comprehensive, integrative understanding of effectively and efficiently defining, planning, scheduling, budgeting, managing risk, and executing major projects in order to increase an organization's competitive advantage. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97893 P.Meng
Principles of Supervision
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUS-60, BUSMGT-40, or BUSMGT-48. Management functions and techniques of supervising and motivating personnel, including employee/management relations, problem solving, decision making, planning, conflict management, and case studies in functional supervision. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
97714 D.Thompson
BE-101 BE-111
Business: Marketing (BUSMKT) (909)652-6830
3.00 UNITS
Professional Selling
3.00 UNITS
Techniques used to sell ideas, products and services. Tactics for prospecting, sales planning, securing appointments, presentation preparation and closing strategies, follow-up, and managing a sales territory. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Fundamentals of owning and operating a small business including finance, employment law, and marketing strategies. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97712 M.Stockhausen 97711 M.Stockhausen 99457 STAFF
3.00 UNITS
Principles of Leadership
Understanding group and individual dynamics, perception, conflict, motivation, leadership, influence, authority relationships, and causation of behavior. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97707 M.Farid Nejad 97708 STAFF
Introduction to Logistics Management
97710 STAFF
Advisory: Completion of BUSMGT-40. Formulation and implementation of human resource policy concerned with the major aspects of how an organization manages its people. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97703 C.Burnley
Styles and tactics used by effective leaders to enhance individual and team performance. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Management concepts, functions, and skills applicable to work environments. Application of management theory to practices that improve effectiveness and efficiency, and enhance national and international competitiveness. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97700 T.Brusselle 97701 M.Issa (another section is online)
3.00 UNITS
(section is online)
(section is online)
Introduction to Management
Logistics fundamentals with emphasis on outbound goods movement. Topics include warehouse/distribution site selection, supply chain, customer service, packaging, and transportation functions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Traffic management principles and techniques that facilitate distribution of the world's commerce. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Quality Management Principles
97713 STAFF
(section is online)
For individuals who want to understand and improve existing processes. Implementation of continuous improvement and the understanding of various quality philosophies and tools. Basic principles, objectives, and policies of a Quality Management program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
BE-108 BE-103 TADO
97715 L.Schambach
^ Chaffey College
Marketing Principles
3.00 UNITS
BUSOT-60A Microsoft Office Word - Specialist
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUS-10. Marketing principles and methods covering management, demand analysis, forecasting, product development, pricing, distribution, material handling, advertising, personal selling, and global and Internet marketing. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A. MS Word. Develop personal and workplace skills to build a foundation for other Windows software applications. Customize and format academic papers, business reports, tables, columns, and graphics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97716 A.McDaniel-Smith 97717 S.Jezek-Arriaga
(sections at Chino, Fontana, and online)
12:30pm-1:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
BE-113 BE-108
BUSOT-60B Microsoft Office Word - Expert
3.00 UNITS
Historical, economic, social, and psychological appeal of advertising. Practical and psychological aspects of product packaging and trademarks. Ad media, management, campaigns, budgeting, evaluation, and career trends. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97719 A.McDaniel-Smith
International Marketing
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm MW
(section is online)
BUSOT-61 Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Business and Office Technologies (BUSOT)
(sections online and at Fontana)
BUSOT-62 Microsoft Office Outlook
Many Business and Office Technology courses are taught online. See the Hybrid/Online area of this schedule for additional classes.
Beginning computer keyboarding with mastery of alphabetic and numeric keyboard and correct touch-typing techniques. Introduction to the personal computer, word processing, and disk management. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
(sections online and at Chino)
(sections at Chino, Fontana, and online)
Computer Keyboarding: Speed and Accuracy Development
BUSOT-63 MS Office Excel - Comprehensive
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A and 60A. Use advanced formulas and features to create worksheets, including spreadsheets, charts, pivot tables, IF functions, templates, and sorting and filtering records. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Students will demonstrate keyboarding technique in first class meeting to evaluate keyboarding technique for 20 words per minute. Prerequisite: BUSOT-40A. Develop computer literacy. Analyze, evaluate, and improve keyboarding speed and accuracy using correct keyboarding techniques. Intense review of letters, numbers, symbols, 10-key, and the production of basic reports, business letters, and memoranda. Proficiency certificate issued after successful completion of course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97794 M.Tardiff 9:00am-11:50am S (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
1.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A or a minimum typing speed of 20 words per minute. Electronic information management of e-mail; appointments; conferences, and task scheduling; and integration of other software applications to manage work flow. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
BUSOT-40A Beginning Computer Keyboarding 3.00 UNITS
1.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A and 60A. Learn concepts, formatting features, and visual media/animation effects of a presentation software program to create and share effective electronic presentations for support personnel and business managers. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97817 D.Henderson 9:30am-10:50am 97818 H.Myers 7:00pm-9:50pm 97816 G.Patton 7:00pm-9:50pm (more sections online and at Chino)
BE-108 BE-108 BE-106
^ Chaffey College
Advisory: Completion of BUS-61 or equivalent business experience. Theory and practices of international marketing to include market entry strategies, analysis of foreign markets, culture and marketing, product design, pricing, distribution, promotion and sales. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97718 T.Brusselle
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: BUSOT-60A, Word Specialist MOS Certification, or equivalent full-year high school course. Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A. A hands-on approach to advanced formatting features of Microsoft Word: Customizing and streamlining using macros, building blocks, quick parts, autocorrect, themes, styles, and templates; creating multiple-page business documents using tabling features, indexes, page numbering, tables and charts, and reference citations; and using reviewing tools for adding comments and tracking in shared documents. Computer assignments are a required part of this course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
BUSOT-64 Microsoft Office Access Comprehensive
3.00 UNITS
97804 L.Zamora
1.50 UNITS
1.50 UNITS
BUSOT-455 Fundamentals of English for Business
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
Chemistry (CHEM) (909)652-6404 If you are taking a chemistry lab course, you MUST attend the first class meeting or you will be dropped! All chemistry lab students must purchase a lab manual, splash-proof safety goggles, and a protective apron (available at campus bookstores), and bring them to the first class meeting!
Chemistry in Everyday Life With Lab 4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of MATH-520, or eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or one year of high school algebra. Introduction to scientific measurements, the scientific method, and the application of chemical principles to everyday life. Course includes laboratory activities. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Study, review, and practice of grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and sentence structure to prepare students for employment and college-level business writing courses and for effective business communication skills. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 4:00pm-6:50pm
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
97802 STAFF (another section is online)
BUSOT-470 Office Systems and Procedures
97807 J.Scott
Recordkeeping procedures to broaden skills of the office professional in handling financial records relevant to small business operations. Includes mastery of the 10-key display calculator features. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 12:00pm-2:50pm
Business office management principles and strategies to maintain a sound, flexible, and dynamic office organization whose objectives correspond to those of the business. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
(section is online)
97801 C.Ayala
BUSOT-471 Administrative Office Management
Prerequisite: BUSOT-410A. This module continues the study of a full-featured desktop publishing software, offering core and advanced concepts. Emphasis is on creating style sheets and master pages, special effects, templates, scanned images, and formatting and managing long documents. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
BUSOT-452 Office Financial Recordkeeping
(section is online)
(section is online)
Microsoft Office Publisher Expert
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-60A and 460. Emphasis on work procedures, technology in the office, stress- and timemanagement techniques, teamwork, customer service, event planning, office ethics and etiquette, and business travel arrangements. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-60A. Desktop publishing application using MS Publisher. Introduction to concepts for in-house publications such as brochures and flyers, newsletters, and general advertisements. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in BUSOT-60A and 455. Develop essential skills needed to perform proofreading and text-editing functions for the automated office. Emphasis on formatting and accuracy of input using word processing software and office reference manuals. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
(section is online)
Microsoft Office Publisher Specialist
BUSOT-460 Proofreading: Text-Editing Skills
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-63. Hands-on introduction to the concepts and terminology used to create, use, and manage information contained in databases. Students design tables, queries, forms, and reports using the features of the current database software. Computer assignments are a required part of this course. Mastery of core features and introduction of advanced features of the current Microsoft Office Access database software application for working with databases, tables, reports, forms, and queries. Integration of Access data objects with the other Microsoft Office software. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97771 STAFF and
11:00am-12:20pm MW 8:00am-10:50am W
Chemistry in Society
PS-121 CHEM-117
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of ENGL-475. How scientific measurements are taken and presented, the scientific method, and how chemical principles are applied to everyday life and used to address scientific issues in society. (C-ID CHEM 100) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
(section is online)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Health Science Chemistry
5.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:50pm 8:00am-10:50am 11:00am-12:50pm 8:00am-10:50am 12:00pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm 12:00pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-4:50pm
Introductory Chemistry
97756 S.Lim and 97757 S.Lim and
ZH-122 CHEM-108 ZH-122 CHEM-108 CHMB-202 CHMB-209 CHMB-202 CHMB-209
5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
BL-107 CHEM-103 BL-107 CHEM-103
5.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CHEM-10 or completion of 1 year of high school chemistry, and eligibility for MATH-25 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of MATH-425. Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH-25. First semester General Chemistry for Science and Engineering students. Topics include: atomic structure and periodic properties; types and structure of matter; thermochemistry; chemical reactions; stoichiometry; nomenclature; bonding models and theories; gas, liquid, solid, and solution properties. Laboratory with hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts, develop chemical laboratory techniques, and use the scientific methods of inquiry. (C-ID CHEM 110 and 120S when combined with CHEM-24B) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97763 M.Agarwal and 97758 M.Agarwal and 97759 M.Agarwal and 97848 N.Yamaguchi and 97765 STAFF and 97760 J.Opotowsky and L.Spada 97762 J.Opotowsky and
HS-143 CHEM-125 HS-143 CHEM-125 ZH-122 CHEM-125 ZH-122 CHEM-125 ZH-122 CHEM-125 ZH-122 CHEM-125 HS-143 CHEM-125 HS-143 CHEM-125 ZH-122 CHEM-125 ZH-122 CHEM-125 PS-102 CHEM-125 PS-102 CHEM-125 PS-112 CHEM-125 PS-112 CHEM-125
9:30am-10:50am 11:00am-1:50pm 11:00am-12:20pm 8:00am-10:50am 11:00am-12:20pm 12:30pm-3:20pm 2:00pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-6:20pm 5:00pm-6:20pm 6:30pm-9:20pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 2:30pm-5:20pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
ZH-122 CHEM-117 ZH-122 CHEM-117 ZH-122 CHEM-117 ZH-122 CHEM-117 BL-107 CHEM-117 ZH-122 CHEM-117 ZH-122 CHEM-117
^ Chaffey College
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.00 UNITS
CHEM-24A General Chemistry I
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CHEM-10. Survey course in organic and biochemistry. Intended for health science students; not a science major course. (C-ID CHEM 102) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410, or one year of high school algebra. Introduction to the principles of chemistry with an emphasis on measurements, atomic and molecular structure, classification of matter, nomenclature, stoichiometry, chemical equations, gas laws, solutions and acid-base chemistry. Laboratory activities emphasize proper techniques, safety procedures, and experimental exercises in support of lecture content. (C-ID CHEM 101) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97752 E.Wen 11:00am-12:20pm and M.Chemama 8:00am-10:50am 97753 E.Wen 11:00am-12:20pm and M.Chemama 8:00am-10:50am 97754 M.Chemama 12:30pm-1:50pm and 9:30am-12:20pm 97755 M.Chemama 12:30pm-1:50pm and 9:30am-12:20pm 97742 M.Chemama 2:30pm-3:50pm and 11:30am-2:20pm 97743 M.Chemama 2:30pm-3:50pm and 11:30am-2:20pm 97746 S.Bernard 3:30pm-4:50pm and V.Prutyanov 12:30pm-3:20pm 97747 S.Bernard 3:30pm-4:50pm and 12:30pm-3:20pm 97750 E.Shweikeh 4:00pm-5:20pm and 5:30pm-8:20pm 97751 E.Shweikeh 4:00pm-5:20pm and 5:30pm-8:20pm 97744 R.Choppi 5:30pm-6:50pm and 7:00pm-9:50pm 97745 R.Choppi 5:30pm-6:50pm and 7:00pm-9:50pm 97748 STAFF 5:30pm-6:50pm and 2:30pm-5:20pm 97749 STAFF 5:30pm-6:50pm and 2:30pm-5:20pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
CHEM-12 Elementary Organic and Biochemistry
Advisory: Eligibility for Mathematics 425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of Mathematics 410 or 401. Introduction to the principles of chemistry, including inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Intended for health science students; not a science major course. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97780 L.Musaitif and 97781 L.Musaitif and 97778 T.Edison and 97779 T.Edison and
CHEM-24B General Chemistry II
5.00 UNITS
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-12:20pm 4:00pm-5:20pm 1:00pm-3:50pm 4:00pm-5:20pm 5:30pm-8:20pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 2:30pm-5:20pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
CHEM-75A Organic Chemistry I
5:00pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:00pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
CHEM-75B Organic Chemistry II
PS-101 CHEM-108 PS-112 CHEM-108 PS-112 CHEM-108 PS-112 CHEM-108 PS-112 CHEM-108
98114 J.Bollman 8:00am-9:20am 98113 L.Blackman 9:30am-10:50am 98111 J.Bollman 3:30pm-4:50pm 98112 B.Kirby 6:00pm-8:50pm (another section at Fontana)
8:00am-9:50am 10:00am-12:50pm 8:00am-9:50am 10:00am-12:50pm 3:30pm-5:20pm 12:30pm-3:20pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Child Growth and Development
SS-103 CD-124B SS-103 CD-124A
3.00 UNITS
98119 C.McPeck 8:00am-9:20am TTH CD-124A 98123 M.Siao 11:00am-12:20pm MW CD-124B 98116 L.Marcotte 11:00am-12:20pm TTH CD-124A 98115 M.Alexander 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH CD-124B 98117 L.Marcotte 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH CD-124A 98121 M.Merjil 1:00pm-3:50pm S CD-124A 98124 C.Greenman 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH CD-124A 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98124: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98122 M.Mergil 7:00pm-9:50pm T CD-124B (more sections online and at Chino)
ZH-122 CHEM-103 ZH-122 CHEM-103
5.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Proof of negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introductory course examining the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. (C-ID CDEV 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: CHEM-75A. Continuation of CHEM-75A, expanding the study of organic chemistry to include aromatic compounds, introduction to organometallic compounds, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, enolates, amines, and introduction to biochemistry. Laboratory work emphasizes the techniques of organic synthesis, purification, qualitative analysis, and analysis by using various spectroscopic methods. (C-ID CHEM 160S when combined with CHEM-75A) Materials Fee: $7.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97862 S.Tjandra and 97864 S.Tjandra and 97865 J.Oakdale and
Principles & Practices in Early Childhood Education
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Practices applied to programs and environments emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative, and intellectual development for all children. (C-ID ECE 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
5.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CHEM-24B. Chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, including their structure, properties, reactions mechanisms, and spectroscopy. Lab work emphasizes techniques of organic synthesis, separation, purification, and characterization. (C-ID CHEM 150, and 160S when combined with CHEM-75B) Materials Fee: $7.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97772 J.Oakdale and 97773 J.Oakdale and S.Bernard
Child Development and Education
Prerequisite: CHEM-24A. Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH-25. Second semester General Chemistry for Science and Engineering students. Topics include kinetics, equilibrium, acid/base/buffers, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, descriptive chemistry, and organic chemistry. Laboratory provides hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts, develop chemical laboratory techniques, and use the scientific method of inquiry. (C-ID CHEM 120S when combined with CHEM-24A) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97770 S.Kuruvilla and 97768 M.Hamza and E.Wen 97769 M.Hamza and 97766 STAFF and 97767 STAFF and
Observation and Assessment
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Observation and assessment strategies used to document development, growth, play, and learning. Recording protocols, rating systems, portfolios and multiple assessment tools are explored. (C-ID ECE 200) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
ZH-122 CHEM-103 ZH-122 CHEM-103 BL-107 CHEM-103
98134 M.Merjil 9:00am-11:50am 98135 S.Diehl-Hope 12:30pm-1:50pm 98137 S.Diehl-Hope 3:30pm-4:50pm (another section at Fontana)
CD-124A CD-124B SS-102
^ Chaffey College
Child, Family and Community
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. An examination of the developing child in a societal context, focusing on the interrelationship of family, school and community and emphasizing historical and socio-cultural factors. (C-ID CDEV 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98138 C.McPeck 8:00am-9:20am 98139 C.McPeck 9:30am-10:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm 98142 J.Bollman (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
CD-124A CD-124A CD-124A
3.00 UNITS
Teaching in a Diverse Society
9:30am-10:50am 3:30pm-4:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
Curriculum Development: The Creative Arts
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to Children With Special Needs
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CDE-2. Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required. Presentation of different types of physical and behavioral difficulties that interfere with normal cognitive, social, and emotional growth. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98125 L.Blackman 2:30pm-5:50pm MW CD-124B 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98125: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms, and teaching. (C-ID ECE 230) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98150 M.Siao 98149 M.Siao 98148 L.Gonzaga
Introduction to Curriculum Theory Practices
2.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required and students must present proof of immunization for measles, pertussis and influenza administered within the previous 12 months. Prerequisite: CDE-1, 2, 3, and 4. Corequisite: CDE-24W. Principles of early childhood growth and development as they apply to appropriate curriculum design. (C-ID ECE 130 when combined with CDE-24W) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
CD-124A CD-124B CD-124B
98126 L.Marcotte
3.00 UNITS
CDE-24W Practicum I: Supervised Occupational 1.00 UNIT Work Experience
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introduction to the Creative Arts for young children including storytelling, language, visual arts, drama, music, and dance. Theories and techniques to develop children's creative abilities. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required and students must present proof of immunization for measles, pertussis and influenza administered within the previous 12 months. Corequisite: CDE-24. Supervised occupational work experience practicum applying principles of early childhood growth and development to teaching. Curriculum planning and implementation. (C-ID ECE 130 when combined with CDE-24) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU NOTE: Students must be available three hours per day, two days per week (Monday through Friday), between 9:00am and 12:00pm for participation in practicum activities. Specific days and job site location assignments are provided in the first week of instruction. Grading: Letter grade only
98152 E.Jannati 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH CD-124A 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98152: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (another section at Fontana)
98128 L.Marcotte 60-75 hours arranged work experience 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Curriculum Development: Math and Sciences
98154 E.Jannati
Advisory: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and first aid training are recommended. Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures, and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. (C-ID ECE 220) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98147 E.Jannati (another section at Chino)
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introduction to how children develop concepts of math and science, including problem-solving abilities, theoretical underpinnings of practice activities, and varied learning strategies and styles. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Health, Safety and Nutrition
Advanced Curriculum Theory Principles and Practices
2.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required and students must present proof of immunization for measles, pertussis and influenza administered within the previous 12 months. Prerequisite: CDE-1, 2, 4, 24 and 24W. Corequisite: CDE-25W. Advanced principles and practices of curriculum theory of early childhood growth and development, and their application through student teaching. (C-ID ECE 210 when combined with CDE-25W) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Infant and Toddler: Group Caregiving I
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Advisory: Completion of CDE-2. Infant and toddler (birth through three years of age) development, as reflected in theory and research findings, including socialization, emotional development and temperament. Appropriate health, safety, and nutritional practices for environments; routines; and culturally sensitive care for infants and toddlers are also covered. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only (section is online)
98130 L.Marcotte
Practicum II: Supervised Occupational Work Experience
1.00 UNIT
Chinese (CHIN) (Also see Am Sign, Arabic, French, & Spanish)
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required and students must present proof of immunization for measles, pertussis and influenza administered within the previous 12 months. Prerequisite: CDE-1, 2, 4, 24, and 24W. Corequisite: CDE-25. Advanced, supervised application of the principles of early childhood growth and development to student teaching. Advanced curriculum planning and implementation. (C-ID ECE 210 when combined with CDE-25) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU NOTE: Students must be available three hours per day, two days per week (Monday through Friday), between 9:00am and 12:00pm for participation in practicum activities. Specific days and job site location assignments are provided in the first week of instruction. Grading: Letter grade only 98132 L.Marcotte 60-75 hours arranged work experience 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Dynamics of Play
98417 J.Liu 98420 J.Liu 98408 Y.Petersen (another section at Chino)
3.00 UNITS
98418 J.Liu
Advisory: Completion of CDE-2. Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introduction to a child's brain physiology and function. Brain research and its relevance to education. Learning and memory, stress and drugs, emotional and intellectual functioning, and gender differences. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Elementary Mandarin Chinese
LA-101 LA-101 SSV-5
4.00 UNITS
Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CHIN-3. Third semester of Mandarin Chinese focusing on idioms, more advanced grammar, and the continued development of conversation, reading, and writing skills. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Brain Research and the Implications 3.00 UNITS for Classroom Teaching
10:00am-11:50am MW 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH 2:00pm-3:50pm MW
Prerequisite: CHIN-1 or one year of high school Chinese. Continued study of Mandarin Chinese language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), grammar, vocabulary, and Chinese customs, cultural practices, and the geography of China. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. This course corresponds to the second year of high school Chinese. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98144 B.Kirby 2:30pm-5:50pm MW CD-124B 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98144: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
98145 L.Marcotte
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to Mandarin Chinese language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), grammar, vocabulary, Chinese customs, cultural practices, and the geography of China. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. This course corresponds to the first year of high school Chinese. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Analysis of the ways that play affects the social, emotional, and physical development of young children. Methods of analyzing play activities, designing play environments, and facilitating enhanced play experiences. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Elementary Mandarin Chinese
98419 J.Liu
10:00am-11:50am TTH
^ Chaffey College
CINEMA-22 Introduction to Media Writing
3:30pm-4:20pm 4:30pm-5:50pm
CINEMA-25 Survey of World Cinemas
3.00 UNITS
99092 D.Jacobo and
CAA-251 CAA-251
10:00am-10:50am TTH 11:00am-12:20pm TTH
CAA-251 CAA-251
3.00 UNITS
An in-depth exploration and discussion on producing content for the broadcast and cinema industries. Topics include various programming in the broadcasting, motion picture, corporate and entertainment industries. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
99093 D.Schroeder
Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are: Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change.
3.00 UNITS
Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
Survey of American cinema from silent classics through contemporary commercial films. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99088 STAFF 7:30am-10:50am MW CAA-218 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99088: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99091 A.Gregory 8:00am-12:15pm F CAA-218 02/02/18-05/04/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 99086 D.Schroeder 12:30pm-3:20pm T CAA-218 99087 J.Berry 3:30pm-4:50pm MW CAA-218 99085 D.Jacobo 3:30pm-6:20pm T CAA-218 99089 L.Rivas 7:00pm-10:20pm MW CAA-218 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99089: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99090 M.Mesa 7:00pm-9:50pm W CAA-215 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452 (909) 652-6932 (909) 652-8150 (909) 652-7408
^ Chaffey College
99073 E.Jacobson 7:30am-10:50am MW CAA-218 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99073: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99070 D.Schroeder 12:30pm-3:20pm TH CAA-218 99076 T.Lewis 1:00pm-5:15pm F CAA-218 02/02/18-05/04/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 99076: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99077 T.Lewis 3:30pm-6:20pm TH CAA-218 99078 L.Rivas 5:00pm-6:20pm MW CAA-218 99074 J.Berry 6:00pm-8:50pm F CAA-218 99075 J.Hill Jr 7:00pm-10:20pm MW CAA-218 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99075: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99080 A.Gregory 7:00pm-9:50pm T CAA-218 99079 E.Vafaeisefat 7:00pm-9:50pm TH CAA-215 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
CINEMA-80 Producing for Broadcast and Cinema
Historical introduction to motion pictures as an art form, through the viewing of international cinematic works. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
CINEMA-26 Survey of American Cinema
Theory, terminology, and processes of motion picture production for film and television. Students write, produce, direct and edit basic projects. (CID FTVE 150) Materials Fee: $50.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Basic keyboarding skills are recommended. Writing for film, television, documentary and electronic media with an emphasis on preparing scripts in proper formats. Fundamental technical, conceptual and stylistic issues related to writing fiction and non-fiction screenplays. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99069 D.Jacobo and
CINEMA-30 Beginning Motion Picture Production
Cinema (CINEMA) (Also see Broadcasting)
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. In-depth exploration of the variables of interpersonal communication processes as they occur in day-to- day, face-to-face human interaction. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 130) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
COMSTD-2 Fundamentals of Effective Speaking 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Emphasis on preparing and delivering various types of speeches before an audience. Communication theory and speech criticism are included for student application. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
COMSTD-4 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Communication Studies (COMSTD)
98459 C.Navarro 6:30am-7:50am MW 98463 C.Navarro 8:00am-9:20am TTH 98319 M.Gaynor 11:00am-12:20pm MW 98584 J.Warhol 12:00pm-2:50pm F 98385 S.Keough 12:30pm-1:50pm MW 98441 R.May III 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH 98386 S.Keough 2:00pm-3:20pm MW 98442 R.May III 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH 98310 J.Garcia 3:30pm-4:50pm MW 98525 S.Roberts 3:30pm-4:50pm TTH 98543 F.Shibley 7:00pm-9:50pm M 98596 E.Wenzel 7:00pm-9:50pm T 98387 S.Keough 7:00pm-9:50pm TH (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
98462 C.Navarro 6:30am-7:50am TTH SSV-1 98527 E.Rose 8:00am-9:20am MW SSV-3 Section 98527: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. 98536 S.Shelton 8:00am-9:20am M SSV-1 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98536: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98538 S.Shelton 8:00am-9:20am W SSV-1 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98538: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98219 R.Bjornsen 9:00am-11:50am F SSV-4 98199 K.Allbee 9:30am-10:50am MW SSV-3 98464 C.Navarro 9:30am-10:50am TTH SSV-1 98202 J.Alvarez 11:00am-12:20pm M SSV-1 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98202: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98205 J.Alvarez 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SSV-3 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98205: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98321 M.Gaynor 11:00am-12:20pm TTH SSV-1 98203 J.Alvarez 11:00am-12:20pm W SSV-1 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98203: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98220 R.Bjornsen 12:00pm-2:50pm F SSV-4 98277 K.Dhaliwal 12:00pm-2:50pm SU LA-100 98352 J.Hill Jr 12:30pm-1:50pm MW SSV-1 98353 J.Hill Jr 2:00pm-3:20pm MW SSV-1 98231 B.Bracamontes 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH SSV-2 98229 B.Bracamontes 3:30pm-4:50pm MW SSV-3 98542 F.Shibley 5:30pm-6:50pm MW SSV-2 98217 S.Bee 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH SSV-3 98221 R.Bjornsen 6:00pm-8:50pm F SSV-4 98210 B.Natividad 7:00pm-9:50pm M SSV-3 98218 S.Bee 7:00pm-9:50pm T SSV-3 98380 Z.Kazmi 7:00pm-9:50pm W SSV-2 98212 B.Natividad 7:00pm-9:50pm TH SSV-3 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
COMSTD-6 Fundamentals of Small Group Communication
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Develop confidence and competence as a group member and leader through a combination of theoretical and practical application of small group principles in everyday life. (C-ID COMM 140) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98594 E.Wenzel 7:30am-10:50am TTH SSV-2 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98594: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98460 C.Navarro 8:00am-9:20am MW SSV-2 98393 T.Kurogi 9:00am-11:50am F SSV-2 98276 K.Dhaliwal 9:00am-11:50am S SSV-1 98394 T.Kurogi 12:00pm-2:50pm F SSV-2 98230 B.Bracamontes 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH SSV-2 98227 B.Bracamontes 2:00pm-3:20pm M SSV-3 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98227: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98228 B.Bracamontes 2:00pm-3:20pm W SSV-3 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98228: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98541 F.Shibley 3:30pm-4:50pm MW SSV-2 98443 R.May III 3:30pm-4:50pm TTH SSV-1 98311 J.Garcia 5:30pm-6:50pm MW SSV-1 98595 E.Wenzel 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH SSV-1 98312 J.Garcia 7:00pm-9:50pm M SSV-1 98196 G.Alatorre 7:00pm-9:50pm T SSV-2 98211 B.Natividad 7:00pm-9:50pm W SSV-3 98275 K.Dhaliwal 7:00pm-9:50pm TH SSV-1 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
^ Chaffey College
COMSTD-8 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
3.00 UNITS
COMSTD-74 Intercultural Communication
COMSTD-76 Gender & Communication
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of COMSTD-8, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Examination of communication patterns existing between males and females. Communication problems relating to gender are addressed, along with listening, assertiveness, negotiation, and other conflict strategies. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
(section at Fontana)
COMSTD-78 Family Communication
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to communication in the family setting. Analysis of how communication-related behavior affects the development, maintenance, enhancement, and deterioration of family relationships. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
SSV-3 98201 K.Allbee (another section at Chino)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
^ Chaffey College
98529 E.Rose
Theoretical and practical experience in the oral interpretation of prose, poetry, and dramatic literature. Recommended for students of speech communication, theatre, English, and the teaching professions. (C-ID COMM 170) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 9:30am-10:50am
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Identification and analysis of processes and problems of communication between people of different cultures. Effects of differences in attitudes, social organization, role expectations, language and nonverbal behavior. (C-ID COMM 150) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
COMSTD-12 Mass Communication and Society 3.00 UNITS
98204 J.Alvarez
3.00 UNITS
98540 S.Shelton 7:30am-10:50am TTH SSV-2 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98540: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98461 C.Navarro 9:30am-10:50am MW SSV-2 98206 J.Alvarez 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SSV-3 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98206: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. A critical examination of the form, content, and influence of the processes of mass communication. Historical overview and examination of massmediated reality using theories of rhetoric and symbolic interaction. (C-ID JOUR 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
COMSTD-14 Oral Interpretation of Literature
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. The study of argumentation as an oral and written skill with an emphasis on the principles of critical thinking and sound reasoning. (C-ID COMM 120) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98537 S.Shelton 9:30am-10:50am M and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98537: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98539 S.Shelton 9:30am-10:50am W and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98539: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. (another section at Fontana)
COMSTD-72 Logic and Argumentation
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Basic foundations of interpersonal communication, small group communication and public speaking. Students will be introduced to the breadth of the communication discipline. Additionally, students will examine and practice human communication principles and theories, at a basic level, to develop critical thinking and communication competencies in a variety of contexts. (C-ID COMM 115) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98200 K.Allbee 8:00am-9:20am 98583 J.Warhol 9:00am-11:50am 98528 E.Rose 11:00am-12:20pm 98320 M.Gaynor 12:30pm-1:50pm 98392 T.Kurogi 7:00pm-9:50pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Computer Information Systems: Core (CIS) Many Computer Information Systems courses are taught online. See the Hybrid/Online area of this schedule for additional classes.
Introduction to Computer Information Systems
99314 D.Edery 8:00am-10:50am F BE-104 99310 G.Reotutar 8:00am-9:20am MW BE-104 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99310: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 99310: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99333 A.Nimri 8:00am-9:20am MW BE-104 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 Section 99333: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 99333: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99312 J.Blyzka 9:00am-11:50am S BE-104 99327 A.Nimri 9:30am-10:50am TTH BE-100 99332 G.Bergreen 11:00am-2:05pm TTH BE-100 01/09/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99332: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99334 J.Alfano 11:00am-2:20pm TTH BE-100 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99334: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99328 G.Bergreen 12:30pm-1:50pm MW BE-104 99315 A.Nimri 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH BE-113 99329 J.Alfano 3:00pm-6:05pm TTH BE-100 01/09/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99329: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99316 M.Castillo 3:30pm-4:50pm MW BE-100 99323 P.Watson 5:30pm-6:50pm MW BE-100 99307 A.Soyemi 7:00pm-9:50pm T BE-104 99311 G.Patton 7:00pm-9:50pm W BE-104 99313 A.Soyemi 7:00pm-9:50pm TH BE-100 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Fundamentals of Microsoft Windows
9:30am-10:50am MW Last day to add: 01/16/18 7:00pm-10:15pm M Last day to add: 01/08/18
Introduction to Computer Networks
3.00 UNITS
Using the Internet
1.50 UNITS
Introduction to and use of the Internet. Topics include access, hardware, software, protocols, security, communication, file transfer, search tools, e-commerce, and other current Internet and Web technologies. Transfer: CSU Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only (section is online)
CIS-420 Computer Security Basics
1.50 UNITS
Introduction to security issues affecting individual computers and Internet access. Protection strategies from viruses, Trojan-Horse programs, email attacks, and other forms of intrusion. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99342 A.Nimri 03/19/18-05/09/18 99341 J.Alfano 03/19/18-05/07/18
9:30am-10:50am MW Last day to add: 03/25/18 7:00pm-9:50pm M Last day to add: 03/25/18
Social Media Technology
BE-100 BE-100
1.50 UNITS
Social Media technologies enable individuals to create, collaborate, and share information with audiences of all sizes. Students will explore the possibilities and limitations of social media in the business and Career and Technical Education environments and will gain hands-on experience with several forms of social media technology. Those who complete this course will also learn to use social media productively and have a framework for understanding and evaluating new tools and platforms. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
1.50 UNITS
Introduction to the terminology, application, and use of the graphical operating system. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99335 A.Nimri 01/08/18-03/05/18 99336 J.Alfano 01/08/18-03/05/18 (another section is online)
99338 S.Siedschlag 11:00am-12:20pm M BE-100 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99338: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99339 S.Siedschlag 7:00pm-9:50pm T BE-100 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99339: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 1st class meeting is January 09. Remaining classroom meetings are 1/23, 2/06, 2/20, 3/06, 3/27, 4/10, 5/01 and 5/15.
3.00 UNITS
Principles and applications of computers including their role in business and society. Provides computer competency for Computer Information Systems majors and non-majors. (C-ID ITIS 120 and BUS 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: CIS-1. Architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks. Preparation for the CompTIA Network+ certification exam. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
(section is online)
CIS-431 Project Management for Information Technology
BE-100 BE-100
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CIS-1. Fundamentals of project management applied to the field of information technology using current project management software. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only (section is online)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Fundamentals of Microsoft Visio
1.50 UNITS
CISHDSP-40 Microcomputer Hardware
1.50 UNITS
99355 W.Baker 99354 W.Baker
BE-113 BE-113
(See Chino Section)
CISIWEB-72 Web Page Development and Publishing
CIS: Game Development (CISGAME)
Advisory: Completion of CIS-68. Basic web page development using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Topics include web site planning, responsive Web page creation, hyperlinks, formatting, graphics, multimedia, tables, scripting, dynamic page creation, and Web publishing. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
CISGAME-1 Fundamentals of Game Development
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CIS-1. Introduction to the principles of interactive 2D and 3D game development. Work in teams to development game concepts and build prototypes. Topics include: history, hardware, graphics, sound, game genres, design elements, game generation software, game programming, artificial intelligence, and available careers in game development. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 9:30am-10:50am
Fundamentals of Game Programming
99356 K.Devlin (another section is online)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
CISIWEB-424 WordPress Web Development
1.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CIS-68. Development of Websites using the WordPress Content Management System (CMS). Includes wordpress.com and wordpress.org, WordPress codex, installation, using the dashboard, navigation, themes, plugins, widgets, organizing content, multimedia, blogs, security, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), troubleshooting, modifying with HTML and CSS, and other topics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CISGAME-1. Introduction to game programming using a popular computer game programming language. Fundamentals of planning, syntax, logic, testing, debugging, and documentation in the development of computer games. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 11:00am-12:20pm TTH
3.00 UNITS
(section is online)
^ Chaffey College
CIS: Cisco Internetworking (CISCO)
99353 T.Kocher
2:00pm-4:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
CIS: Internet and Web Development
(section is online)
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CIS-1 An introduction to microcomputer hardware and software as well as advanced concepts such as security, networking, and the responsibilities of an ICT professional. Topics include basic analysis of microcomputers and related equipment including computer hardware installations, configuring (upgrading) computers, troubleshooting techniques and the interaction between computer hardware and software. Prepares students for CompTIA A+ certification exams. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
A foundation for exploring what coding is, why it is needed, and how it is used in controlling digital technology such as creating computer software, apps, Websites, and the interfacing of devices for the Internet of Things (IoT). Topics include introduction to coding concepts and terminology, types of programming languages, logic, syntax, debugging, hardware, documentation, Internet of Things (IoT), careers in programming, and others. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
99352 T.Kocher
(section is online)
Fundamentals of Coding
CIS: Hardware and Support
Advisory: Completion of CIS-1. Fundamentals of the diagramming software used for business and information technology; flowcharts, project schedules, organization charts, office layouts, network, other IT diagrams, and templates. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Computer Science (COMPSCI)
CIS: Networking (CISNTWK)
CISNTWK-11 Microsoft Network Server
COMPSCI-1 Programming Concepts and Methodology I
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CIS-50. In-depth study of Microsoft network server software and the administration of a network. Topics include: installation and configuration, active directory, file system management, and security. Helps prepare students for the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) exams. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99359 S.Siedschlag
1.50 UNITS
99368 R.Loya 9:00am-12:15pm S 02/03/18-05/12/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 99366 T.Kocher 11:00am-12:20pm MW and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99366: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99365 A.Nimri 5:30pm-6:50pm W and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99365: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99367 R.Loya 7:00pm-10:15pm TH 02/01/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18
99372 S.Siedschlag 7:00pm-10:15pm T BE-100 01/30/18-05/08/18 Last day to add: 01/30/18 Section 99372: 1st class meeting is January 30. Remaining classroom meetings are 2/13, 2/27, 3/20, 4/03, 4/24, and 5/08.
CIS: Programming (CISPROG)
COMPSCI-2 Programming Concepts and Methodology II
Prerequisite: CIS-1. Introduction to the principles of computer programming including the program development life cycle, control structures, and object-oriented programming. (C-ID COMP 112) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
CISPROG-5 Programming with Python
BE-100 BE-104 INET BE-104 INET BE-104
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: COMPSCI-1. Application of software engineering techniques to the design and development of large programs; data abstraction; and structures and associated algorithms. (C-ID COMP 132) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
99364 T.Kocher 12:30pm-1:50pm T and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99364: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99363 M.Castillo 2:00pm-3:20pm MW 99361 W.Baker 5:30pm-6:50pm TH and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99361: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99360 G.Patton 7:00pm-9:50pm M
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CISPROG-1. Introduces the discipline of computer science using a high level language, utilizing programming and practical hands-on problem solving. Topics include hardware, software, computer architecture, memory and registers, input-output data operations, storage, information control, problem solving, and Object Oriented Programming. First course in a sequence of courses that is compliant with the standards of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (C-ID COMP 122) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: CIS-50. Study of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and its implementation on various operating systems. Helps prepare students for the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), and CompTIA exams. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
CISPROG-1 Introduction to Computer Programming
99369 T.Kocher 11:00am-12:20pm F and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99369: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed.
COMPSCI-3 Computer Architecture and Organization
BE-100 BE-104 INET
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: COMPSCI-1. Organization and behavior of real computer systems at the assemblylanguage level. Mapping of statements and constructs in a high-level language onto sequences of machine instructions. (C-ID COMP 142) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
99370 W.Baker
Prerequisite: CISPROG-1. Beginning computer application design and construction concepts using Python programming language. Course includes fundamental concepts of control structures, data structures, and object-oriented programming. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only (section is online)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Cooperative Education / Work Experience (COOPED) 1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must be employed or participating in an internship. Supervised employment which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. The work experience need not be related to the students' educational goals. Career and professional development seminars include study of knowledge, judgments, skills and attitudes essential for success in the world of work. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Cooperative Education: General Work Experience
4.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must be employed or participating in an internship. Supervised employment which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. The work experience need not be related to the students' educational goals. Career and professional development seminars include study of knowledge, judgments, skills and attitudes essential for success in the world of work. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
2.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must be employed or participating in an internship. Supervised employment which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. The work experience need not be related to the students' educational goals. Career and professional development seminars include study of knowledge, judgments, skills and attitudes essential for success in the world of work. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
97197 STAFF 240-300 hours arranged work experience OTHR 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section Instructor consent and completion of mandatory online orientation required; call (909) 652-6097 to verify appropriate course placement.
Correctional Science (See Criminal Justice)
97291 STAFF 120-150 hours arranged work experience OTHR 01/29/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 97291: Instructor consent and completion of mandatory online orientation required; call (909) 652-6097 to verify appropriate course placement.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Cooperative Education: General Work Experience
Cooperative Education: General Work Experience
97292 STAFF 180-225 hours arranged work experience OTHR 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97292: Instructor consent and completion of mandatory online orientation required; call (909) 652-6097 to verify appropriate course placement.
OTHR 97289 STAFF 60-75 hours arranged work experience 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/18/18 Section 97289: Instructor consent and completion of mandatory online orientation required; call (909) 652-6097 to verify appropriate course placement. OTHR 97294 STAFF 60-75 hours arranged work experience 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/28/18 Section 97294: Instructor consent and completion of mandatory online orientation required; call (909) 652-6097 to verify appropriate course placement.
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must be employed or participating in an internship. Supervised employment which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. The work experience need not be related to the students' educational goals. Career and professional development seminars include study of knowledge, judgments, skills and attitudes essential for success in the world of work. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
COOPED-497A Cooperative Education: General Work Experience
3.00 UNITS
This course introduces students to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States. Focus is placed on examining crime measurement, theoretical explanations of crime, responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. The course examines the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized by the justice system and the evolving forces which have shaped those principles and approaches. Although justice structure and process is examined in a cross cultural context, emphasis is placed on the US justice system, particularly the structure and function of US police, courts, and corrections. Students are introduced to the origins and development of criminal law, legal process, and sentencing and incarceration policies. (C-ID AJ 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98176 B.Brown
CJ-3 Criminal Court Process
Legal Aspects of Evidence
3.00 UNITS
Juvenile Procedures
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CJ-1. This course is an examination of the origin, development, and organization of the Juvenile Justice System as it evolved in the American Justice System. The course explores the theories that focus on Juvenile Law, courts and processes, and the constitutional protections extended to juveniles administered in the American Justice System. This course also includes evaluation of factors that contribute to delinquency, as well as those that aid in its prevention/repression. (C-ID AJ 220) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
98186 B.Brown
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CJ-1. Sociological analysis of crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system. Explores the history and social construction of crime and criminality and examines the definition of crime and its violations as well as the laws and methods used to control criminal behavior. Discuss measurement of crime and basic theoretical explanations of criminal behavior.(C-ID SOCI 160) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Step-by-step examination of the criminal prosecution process from prearrest through final disposition, and the associated court actions taken by the defense and prosecution. Roles and responsibilities of law enforcement, the judiciary and corrections, viewed as both independent and collectively operating segments within the criminal justice system. Review of past and current criminal justice procedures as they relate to individual Constitutional and procedural rights. (C-ID AJ 122) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98188 B.Aschenbrenner (another section at Chino)
98175 R.Price 5:30pm-6:50pm MW SS-105 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98175: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 98175: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (another section at Fontana)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
(section at Chino)
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Historical development of criminal law, philosophy of law and constitutional provisions, definitions, classification of crime and the application to the criminal justice system. Legal research, study of case law, methodology, and concepts of law as a social force. (C-ID AJ 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98166 K.Schmauss 7:00pm-9:50pm M (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Origin, development, philosophy, and the constitutional basis of evidence; constitutional and procedural considerations affecting arrest, search, and seizure; kinds and degrees of evidence and the rules governing admissibility; judicial decisions interpreting individual rights; and case studies. (C-ID AJ 124) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98155 B.Brown 9:30am-10:50am TTH SS-103 98156 B.Brown 11:00am-12:20pm TTH SS-103 98157 B.Brown 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH SS-103 98159 R.Price 5:30pm-6:50pm MW SS-105 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98159: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 98159: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98162 B.Aschenbrenner 7:00pm-9:50pm T SS-103 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Concepts of Criminal Law
This course examines the complex, dynamic relationship between communities and the justice system in addressing crime and conflict with an emphasis on the challenges and prospects of administering justice within a diverse multicultural population. Topics may include the consensus and conflicting values in Culture, Religion, and Law. Roles of justice system agencies and practitioners, focusing on the interrelationships between the various agencies and their interaction with a diverse multicultural population. Analysis of the differences between community-oriented and problem-solving policing, with emphasis on the resultant public perception and effectiveness of law enforcement actions. (C-ID AJ 160) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
CJ-4 Community and the Justice System
Criminal Justice (CJ) CJ-1 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
^ Chaffey College
Introduction to Corrections
3.00 UNITS
Philosophical and practical overview of the history, evolution and current practices of the field of corrections, including extensive examination of the roles and responsibilities of the three prongs of the United States criminal justice system. Critical analysis of five correctional philosophies and their impact on correctional systems, processes, clients, case law, and client's rights. Includes a critical examination of the types of correctional institutions and community based programs, and an examination of contemporary correctional issues. Exploration of the diverse career opportunities available at the city, county, state, and federal levels. (C-ID AJ 200) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
CJ-57 Probation and Parole
Narcotics and Vice Investigation
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Survey of Dance
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Conceptual and historical study of dance from antiquity to the present, including the role of dance as a theatrical art and social form. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
99094 M.Jenkins 99095 K.Rooney
11:00am-12:20pm TTH 3:30pm-4:50pm MW
Ballet IA
CAA-215 CAA-215
1.00 UNIT
Skill acquisition and practice of fundamental classical ballet barre and center technique at the beginning level. Study of ballet theory, history, and vocabulary. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99103 M.Jenkins 3:30pm-4:50pm Section 99103: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Ballet IB
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Level placement pending instructor approval. Advisory: Completion of DANCE-7A. Skill improvement in fundamental classical ballet barre and center technique at the advanced beginning level. Continued study of ballet theory, history, and vocabulary. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Vice control (gambling, prostitution, sex crimes, alcohol, etc.) and the identification of narcotic and dangerous drug use. Detection, suppression, arrests, prosecution, and offenses as stipulated in the California Penal Code, Health and Safety Code, Welfare and Institutions Code, Business and Professional Code, and Vehicle Code. Topics include: surveillance, court testimony, probable cause, search warrants, and court decisions related to the narcotic and vice offenders. Special consideration is given to physical evidence and the Uniform Control Substance Act. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98177 B.Aschenbrenner
Dance (DANCE)
3.00 UNITS
(See Chino and Fontana sections)
Overview of the history and philosophical foundations of probation and parole in the United States. Organization and operations of probation and parole agencies as particular segments of the criminal justice system. Probation as part of the judicial process, and parole as part of the corrections system. Theoretical concerns exemplified in probation and parole supervision, as well as the practical aspects of probation and parole services. Review and evaluation of community-based corrections and the programs included in response to criminal behavior. Issues and problems relating to the pre-sentence investigation report, determinate versus indeterminate sentencing, the vast and diverse roles of the probation officer and parole agent, and case law decisions affecting probation and parole practice. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 7:00pm-9:50pm
3.00 UNITS
99104 M.Jenkins 3:30pm-4:50pm Section 99104: ZERO costs for textbooks.
^ Chaffey College
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
Culinary Arts (CUL)
3.00 UNITS
Inmate supervision in correctional institutions, including security procedures, contraband control, treatment programs, and prison dynamics. Prison staff responsibilities and the effect of their application on inmate culture and institution characteristics. Current and historical methods of controlling inmates. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98185 R.Weatherford (another section at Chino)
Police Supervision, Leadership, and Management
98178 S.Van Leeuwen
CJ-52 Control and Supervision of Inmates
Advisory: Completion of CJ-408. Role, function, and duties of the law enforcement supervisors and managers. Topics include: defining the mission of law enforcement agencies; organizational structure; patrol operations, scheduling and deployment; department policies and procedures, personnel training; performance evaluations, selection, promotion of personnel; oral and written communications, including response to complaints and community concerns. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
(section is online)
98183 J.Estrada (another section at Chino)
Ballet IIA
1.00 UNIT
Advisory: Completion of DANCE-7B. Skill improvement and added complexity in classical ballet barre and center technique. Development and practice of intermediate skill level combinations with modifications and complications. Continued study of ballet theory, history, and vocabulary. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99105 M.Jenkins 3:30pm-4:50pm Section 99105: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Ballet IIB
Jazz Dance IA
99099 P.Melvin 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 99099: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Modern Dance IB
DANCE-42 Dance Production I
DANCE-25 Dance Conditioning and Somatic Techniques
1.00 UNIT
3.00 UNITS
99107 M.Jenkins 162 hours per term arranged CAA-206 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 04/03/18 Section 99107: Open-Entry. By audition only. Auditions for the Spring Dance Production will be held on Sunday, December 3, 2017, at 2:00pm and Sunday, January 21, 2018, at 2:00pm in CAA-206 (dance studio) at the Rancho Cucamonga campus. 162 hours per term arranged between 6:00pm-10:30pm MTWTH. Instructor consent required. Section 99107: ZERO costs for textbooks.
2.00 UNITS
Dance conditioning and somatic techniques emphasizing alignment/placement dynamics, core stabilization, flexibility, strength, and efficiency for the dancer. May include Pilates, Alexander Technique, and other disciplines. Basic dance-related anatomical analysis of movement and mind-body connection through dance-conditioning system of floor mat work. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99098 Z.Cano
Limitation on Enrollment: Audition to determine technical experience in various dance styles. Course provides theatrical dance experience in a fully produced dance concert production. Students gain knowledge of all aspects of the choreographic and rehearsal process culminating in dance performance of faculty and advanced student dance works in ensemble roles. Materials Fee: $2.00. Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
Modern Dance IIB
99100 P.Melvin 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 99100: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Limitation on Enrollment: Level placement pending instructor approval. Advisory: Completion of DANCE-20A. Further development of modern dance vocabulary and dance skills at the advanced beginning level, with emphasis on technique and creativity. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99097 P.Melvin 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 99097: ZERO costs for textbooks.
1.00 UNIT
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Level placement pending instructor approval. Advisory: Completion of DANCE-40A. Advanced-level modern dance skills and vocabulary emphasizing technical mastery and deep artistic range and expression, and drawing upon classical, post-modern, and contemporary styles. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Basic jazz dance, vocabulary, and dance technique. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99096 P.Melvin 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 99096: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Modern Dance IIA
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Level placement pending instructor approval. Advisory: Completion of DANCE-20B. Intermediate-level modern dance skills and vocabulary, with additional development and complexity emphasizing expanded technical and artistic range and expression, and drawing upon classical, post-modern, and contemporary styles. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of DANCE-8A. Skill improvement in increasingly complex classical ballet barre and center technique. Further development and practice of intermediate/advanced skill level combinations with modifications and complications. Continued study of theory, history and vocabulary. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99106 M.Jenkins 3:30pm-4:50pm Section 99106: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Dance Production II
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Audition to determine technical experience in various dance styles. Advisory: Completion of DANCE-42. Course provides continued theatrical dance performing experience in a fully produced dance concert production. Students perform more complex choreography; multiple roles; and principle roles including solo, demi solo, small group, and ensemble, culminating in dance performance of faculty and advanced student dance works in ensemble roles. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
99108 M.Jenkins 162 hours per term arranged CAA-206 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 04/03/18 Section 99108: Open-Entry. By audition only. Auditions for the Spring Dance Production will be held on Sunday, December 3, 2017, at 2:00pm and Sunday, January 21, 2018, at 2:00pm in CAA-206 (dance studio) at the Rancho Cucamonga campus. 162 hours per term arranged between 6:00pm-10:30pm MTWTH. Instructor consent required. Section 99108: ZERO costs for textbooks. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Hip Hop Dance
1.00 UNIT
Basic technique and styles of Hip Hop dance, including musicality, rhythms, and the basic and complex movements required to develop performance and choreographic skills. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99101 D.Bonds 5:00pm-6:20pm Section 99101: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Social Dance
1.00 UNIT
(909)652-6404 Advisory: Completion of CIS-4 or Windows experience. Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) technology, terminology, and application, using an industry-standard program. Emphasis on two-dimensional working drawings. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Advanced CAD Modeling and Applications
5:00pm-5:50pm 6:00pm-7:20pm
Architectural Design II
Advanced Design Applications
VSS-102 VSS-102
4.00 UNITS
5:00pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-7:50pm
VSS-103 VSS-103
Earth Science (ESC) (Also see Geology)
Earth Science
3.00 UNITS
Topics include geology, oceanography, meteorology, and planetology. (C-ID GEOL 120) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
VSS-103 VSS-103 VSS-102 VSS-102
97546 E.Peprah 8:00am-9:20am MW 97547 D.Neves 8:00am-9:20am TTH 97545 R.Bisquera 9:00am-11:50am S 97548 E.Peprah 9:30am-10:50am MW 97549 D.Neves 9:30am-10:50am TTH 97553 A.Ellaboudy 11:00am-12:20pm MW 97550 R.Woolford 11:00am-12:20pm TTH 97554 D.Pomeroy 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH 97555 A.Aranda 2:00pm-3:20pm MW 97551 STAFF 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH 97552 J.Johnston 7:00pm-8:20pm TTH Section 97552: ZERO costs for textbooks. (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: EGTECH-10. Advanced concepts and development of three-dimensional visualization skills. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97224 S.Egli and
5:30pm-8:15pm 8:25pm-9:25pm
97225 S.Egli and
DRAFT-20 Computer-Aided Drafting and Design 4.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
VSS-103 VSS-103
3.00 UNITS
PS-112 PS-112 PS-112 PS-112 PS-112 PS-112 PS-112 PS-112 PS-112 PS-112 PS-112
Prerequisite: DRAFT-50. Design issues associated with more complex buildings and settings including the impact of zoning, local codes and challenging sites. Course uses REVIT software. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97226 S.Hall
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-10:50am 5:00pm-6:20pm 6:30pm-7:50pm
Prerequisite: EGTECH-10, or 1 year experience using SolidWorks or a similar feature-based modeling software. Advanced modeling/drawing of machine parts in the various stages of manufacturing with required back-up items such as jigs, fixtures, weldments, tooling, molds, and dies. Assignments may be done using a CAD system. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Drafting (DRAFT)
97222 R.Koyle and 97223 L.Pirkle and
Architectural Applications of CAD
97227 S.Hall and
Digital Media (See Art)
Prerequisite: DRAFT-51. In-depth use of parametric three-dimensional for Building Information Modeling (BIM), building design and production of working drawings using Revit Architecture software. This will build upon the skills developed in Drafting 51 and will include creating and modifying threedimensional topography and building mass objects, parametric building walls with floor and roof slabs, creating floor and reflected ceiling plans, generating building elevations and sections, and creating professional quality renderings. Hands-on exercises will be used to reinforce the functions of Revit. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Basic technique and styles of American and Latin ballroom dance with an emphasis on partnering skills, footwork, rhythms, musicality, and performance. Dance styles may include Salsa, Tango, Rumba, Bachata, Cha-Cha, Samba, Swing, Waltz, Foxtrot, and Night Club 2-Step. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99102 K.Rooney
Earth Science Laboratory
1.00 UNIT
Introduction to Economics
3.00 UNITS
Overview of basic economic theories and models. Contemporary economic issues including unemployment, growth, globalization, wealth and income distribution, the environment, regulation, deregulation, inflation, interest rates, price discrimination, corporations and labor unions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
PS-101 PS-109 PS-109 PS-101 PS-109 PS-101 PS-101
97922 H.Murata Inouye 8:00am-9:20am TTH SS-111 97925 E.Ogbuchiekwe 8:00am-10:50am S SS-105 97921 H.Murata Inouye 9:30am-10:50am MW SS-111 97927 S.Nowakhtar 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SS-111 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97927: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97928 S.Nowakhtar 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SS-111 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97928: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97926 J.Lindvall 12:00pm-2:50pm SU SS-105 97929 C.Parker 2:30pm-5:50pm M SS-111 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97929: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97929: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97930 C.Parker 7:00pm-8:20pm M SS-111 and Online hours INET Section 97930: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 97924 R.Bandzak 7:00pm-9:50pm T SS-111 97923 A.Casolari 7:00pm-9:50pm W SS-111 (more sections online and at Fontana)
PS-101 PS-101 PS-109 PS-109 PS-109
3.00 UNITS
(section at Chino)
Oceanography Laboratory
Study of the marine environment including seawater properties, ocean currents, and marine biology. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Economics (ECON)
Corequisite: ESC-1 (may be taken previously). Hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts using scientific tools and methods to image, measure and observe phenomenon in geology, oceanography, astronomy and meteorology. (C-ID GEOL 120L) Materials Fee: $10.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97567 J.Warger 9:30am-10:50am TTH Section 97567: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97568 D.Pomeroy 9:30am-10:50am TTH 97564 E.Peprah 11:00am-12:20pm MW 11:00am-12:20pm TTH 97565 D.Neves 97572 D.Pomeroy 11:00am-12:20pm TTH 97571 A.Ellaboudy 12:30pm-1:50pm MW 97566 R.Woolford 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH Section 97566: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97573 STAFF 2:00pm-3:20pm MW 97569 A.Aranda 3:30pm-4:50pm MW 97574 J.Maas 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH Section 97574: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97640 J.Warger 6:00pm-8:50pm F Section 97640: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97570 J.Maas 8:30pm-9:50pm TTH Section 97570: ZERO costs for textbooks. (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
1.00 UNIT
Corequisite: ESC-5. Hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts using scientific tools and methods to image, measure and observe phenomenon in oceanography. Materials Fee: $10.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Principles of Macroeconomics
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of market systems, aggregate measures of economic activity, macroeconomic equilibrium, money and financial institutions, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, and economic growth. (C-ID ECON 202) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
(section at Chino)
97937 S.Nowakhtar 9:30am-10:50am TTH SS-111 97939 B.McMurran 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH WH-102 97938 K.Brown 1:00pm-3:50pm S SS-100 97940 C.Parker 2:30pm-5:50pm W SS-111 and Online hours INET 03/21/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97940: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97940: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97943 A.Casolari 7:00pm-9:50pm M WH-142 97941 C.Parker 7:00pm-8:20pm T SS-106 and Online hours INET Section 97941: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. Section 97941: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 97942 R.Bandzak 7:00pm-9:50pm TH SS-111 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Principles of Microeconomics
3.00 UNITS
99408 C.Williams (another section at Chino)
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative TB test within past 12 months and legal fingerprint clearance through the Chaffey College Human Resources Department are required for fieldwork placement. Prerequisite: ED-400, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Exploration of the concepts and issues related to teaching diverse K-12 learners. 45 hours of structured fieldwork with a certified teacher in a public elementary classroom is a required part of the course. (C-ID EDUC 200) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
ED-400 Introduction to Education and Teaching I
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-10:50am
7.00 UNITS
8:30am-6:20pm 5:00pm-9:50pm
BE-105 WH-142
Engineering (ENGIN) (909)652-6403
ENGIN-30 Engineering Applications of Digital Computation
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-65A. Structured programming concepts applied to engineering problem types. Material Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
CD-124B CD-124B
97232 Z.Aliyazicioglu and
(See Industrial Electrical Technology in Chino section)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Emergency Medical Technician
99409 N.Pheng 99410 T.Standon
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-450 or ESL-450. Explores professional responsibilities, career pathways, and job search strategies for tutors, para educators, activity supervisors, and credentialed teachers. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98191 M.Alexander 98192 M.Alexander
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must be 18 years or older at the start of the course, and possess a current American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR card. Prerequisite: EMT-405. Advisory: Students should possess good dexterity and have good physical condition with the ability to lift 150 pounds and work in confined areas and in different positions (e.g. on the ground or floor). This course will provide EMT students with training to recognize the signs and symptoms of illness and traumatic injuries, as well as instruction on how to perform life-saving skills. This course meets requirements as defined in the California Code of Regulations Title 22, and is approved by the State of California EMS Authority, and local EMSA Inland Counties EMS Agency (ICEMA). This course includes lecture and laboratory experiences, as well as 24 hours of clinical rotation and/or ambulance ride along as per requirements of Title 22. Upon successful completion of the course, students are eligible to register for the National Registry licensing examination which is taken off campus at an approved testing site. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
7:00pm-7:50pm 8:00pm-9:20pm
PS-122 PS-122
^ Chaffey College
Emergency Medical Responder Services
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must be 18 years or older at the start of the course. Advisory: Students should possess good dexterity and physical condition, have the ability to lift and carry up to 150 pounds, and be able to work in confined spaces and different positions (e.g. on the ground or floor). Emergency Responder and CPR training for the professional rescuer, meeting CA Title 22 requirements. Course meets the American Heart Association CPR prerequisite and recommended preparation for admission to the EMT program. Materials Fee: $7.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Education (ED)
98189 M.Alexander 8:00am-9:20am Section 98189: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98190 M.Alexander 9:30am-10:50am Section 98190: ZERO costs for textbooks.
97949 H.Murata Inouye 8:00am-9:20am MW SS-111 97950 B.McMurran 11:00am-12:20pm MW WH-102 97951 B.McMurran 11:00am-12:20pm TTH WH-102 97958 J.White 12:00pm-2:50pm F SS-103 97953 C.Parker 2:30pm-5:50pm MW SS-106 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97953: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. Section 97953: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97952 R.Bandzak 7:00pm-9:50pm M CD-124B (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Elementary Classroom Fieldwork
Emergency Medical Technician
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of the choices of individual economic decision-makers on markets, taxation, production, scarcity, competition, monopoly, and regulation. Effects of taxes on individuals and businesses; income distribution and poverty; economics of race, gender, and culture; and market failure. (C-ID ECON 201) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Engineering Dynamics
3.00 UNITS
Materials of Engineering
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are:
3.00 UNITS
Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change. Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
Engineering Technology (EGTECH) (909)652-6403
EGTECH-10 Introduction to Engineering Design
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to the design process using engineering graphics systems. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97228 M.Ortiz and 97229 S.Egli and
9:00am-10:20am 10:30am-11:50am 2:00pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-4:50pm
EGTECH-14 Electronics for Engineering Technologists I
8:00am-10:50am 11:30am-2:20pm
PS-122 PS-122
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
(909) 652-7408
3.00 UNITS
98425 J.Lopez 6:30am-7:50am MW LA-110 98263 R.Cowles 7:30am-10:50am TTH SSV-4 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98263: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98264 R.Cowles 7:30am-10:50am TTH SSV-4 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98264: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98323 K.George 7:30am-9:00am MTWTH LA-106 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98323: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98360 J.Huver 7:30am-10:50am MW SSV-4 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98360: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Prerequisite: EGTECH-10, or DRAFT-43, or one year of high school CAD/Engineering courses using feature-based modeling software such as AutoDesk Inventor or Solidworks, or demonstrated performance with feature-based modeling software. Overview of automated manufacturing concepts including CNC programming. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-8:20pm
(909) 652-8150
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques. Frequent writing of compositions, with the ultimate goal of writing a research paper. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected in the course. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID ENGL 100) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Sections held in LA-110 and LA-111 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only
EGTECH-16 Computer Integrated 3.00 UNITS Manufacturing - CNC Material Removal
97230 S.Egli and
(909) 652-6932
3.00 UNITS
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452
English (ENGL)
VSS-103 VSS-103 VSS-103 VSS-103
Prerequisite: MATH-425. Advisory: Completion of EGTECH-12. Introduction to the application of electronics in engineering technology. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97231 S.Chng and
Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters
Prerequisite: CHEM-24A Properties of materials as they relate to atomic and crystal structure. Topics include atomic structure and bonding; crystalline structures; phases and phase diagrams; metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites; mechanical deformation and fracture; electrical, magnetic, and optical properties; corrosion; and process methods. Material Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97234 S.Contreras
Prerequisite: ENGIN-50 and MATH-65B. Kinematics and kinetics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies from a Newtonian viewpoint. Force- acceleration, work-energy, and impulse-momentum principles. Planar kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies. Introduction to mechanical vibration. Vector mathematics where appropriate. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97233 M.Tavakoli
VSS-103 VSS-103
^ Chaffey College
98426 J.Lopez 8:00am-9:20am MW LA-110 98587 N.Watkins 8:00am-9:20am TTH LA-110 98343 S.Hanson 9:00am-11:50am F LA-110 98446 M.Mermilliod 9:00am-11:50am F LA-100 98313 R.Garcia 9:00am-11:50am S LA-110 98396 R.Lacson 9:00am-11:50am S LA-100 98243 A.Cardinale 9:30am-10:50am TTH LA-111 98588 N.Watkins 9:30am-10:50am TTH LA-110 98556 S.Stratton 11:00am-12:20pm T LA-110 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98556: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98557 S.Stratton 11:00am-12:20pm TH LA-110 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98557: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98324 K.George 11:00am-12:20pm TTH LA-100 98405 E.Leano 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SSV-4 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98405: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98600 C.Williams 11:00am-12:20pm MW LA-111 Section 98600: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. 98605 S.Williams 11:00am-2:20pm MW SSV-4 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98605: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98344 S.Hanson 12:00pm-2:50pm F LA-110 98397 R.Lacson 12:00pm-2:50pm SU LA-110 98274 M.DeStefano 12:30pm-1:50pm MW LA-110 98295 D.Estrada 12:30pm-1:50pm MW LA-100 98434 A.Marinelli 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH LA-111 98314 R.Garcia 1:00pm-3:50pm S LA-110 98325 K.George 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH LA-110 98495 L.Picklesimer 2:00pm-3:20pm MW LA-110 98514 D.Ramser 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH LA-100 98284 M.Lopez 2:30pm-5:50pm MW SSV-4 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98284: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98285 M.Lopez 2:30pm-5:50pm MW SSV-4 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98285: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98558 J.Tancredi 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH SSV-4 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98558: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98496 L.Picklesimer 3:30pm-4:50pm MW LA-110 98512 S.Ramos 3:30pm-4:50pm TTH LA-110 98515 D.Ramser 3:30pm-4:50pm TTH LA-100 98533 L.Santamaria Estrada 3:30pm-4:50pm MW LA-100 98327 D.Godoy 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH LA-100 98427 H.Blyzka 5:30pm-6:50pm MW LA-110 98513 S.Ramos 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH LA-110 98534 L.Santamaria Estrada 5:30pm-6:50pm MW LA-100 98260 B.Cortez 6:00pm-8:50pm F LA-110 98305 M.French 7:00pm-9:50pm M LA-110 98347 J.Harris 7:00pm-9:50pm M LA-100 98401 G.Lara 7:00pm-9:50pm T LA-110 98222 H.Blyzka 7:00pm-9:50pm W LA-100 98306 M.French 7:00pm-9:50pm W LA-110 98216 K.Beach 7:00pm-9:50pm TH LA-100 98402 G.Lara 7:00pm-9:50pm TH LA-110 98261 C.Cotton 7:00pm-10:20pm MW SSV-4 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98261: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98518 D.Richards 7:00pm-10:20pm TTH SSV-4 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98518: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
98519 D.Richards 7:00pm-10:20pm TTH SSV-4 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98519: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
ENGL-1B Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Students incorporate rhetorical strategies in analysis and researched argumentation. Focus on logical reasoning, credibility, and emotional appeals. Writing intensive with a minimum production of 6,000 words. (C-ID ENGL 105) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Sections held in LA-110 and LA-111 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only 98361 J.Huver 7:30am-10:50am MW SSV-4 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98361: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98585 N.Watkins 8:00am-9:20am MW LA-111 98520 N.Richards 9:00am-11:50am F LA-111 98456 A.Jeffredo 9:00am-11:50am S LA-111 98586 N.Watkins 9:30am-10:50am MW LA-111 98382 D.Keener 11:00am-12:20pm MW LA-110 Section 98382: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. Section 98382: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98606 S.Williams 11:00am-2:20pm MW SSV-4 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98606: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98224 J.Bonafede 11:00am-12:20pm TTH LA-111 98521 N.Richards 12:00pm-2:50pm F LA-111 98474 N.Null 12:30pm-1:50pm MW LA-111 98390 B.Khaw-Posthuma 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH LA-100 98389 B.Khaw-Posthuma 2:00pm-3:20pm MW LA-100 98475 N.Null 2:00pm-3:20pm MW LA-111 98225 J.Bonafede 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH LA-111 98559 J.Tancredi 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH SSV-4 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98559: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98435 A.Mark 3:30pm-4:50pm MW LA-111 98449 M.Molchan 3:30pm-4:50pm TTH LA-111 98436 A.Mark 5:30pm-6:50pm MW LA-111 98450 M.Molchan 5:30pm-6:50pm TTH LA-111 98507 P.Quaranta 6:00pm-8:50pm F LA-111 98262 C.Cotton 7:00pm-10:20pm MW SSV-4 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98262: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98444 R.Meenan 7:00pm-9:50pm M LA-111 98554 S.Steffen 7:00pm-9:50pm T LA-111 98445 R.Meenan 7:00pm-9:50pm W LA-111 98555 S.Steffen 7:00pm-9:50pm TH LA-111 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
^ Chaffey College
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Introduction to Literature
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Foundation course in the study of the literary genres: novel, short story, poetry, and drama. (C-ID ENGL 120) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Introduction to folklore and analysis of its various forms: myths, legends, fairy tales, fables, epics, and tall tales. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98209 J.Ausubel 9:30am-10:50am MW LA-100 Section 98209: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. 98406 E.Leano 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SSV-4 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98406: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98215 K.Beach 7:00pm-9:50pm T LA-100 (more sections online and at Chino)
98400 J.LaMay
Creative Writing: Fiction
Creative Writing: Poetry
98388 B.Khaw-Posthuma
3.00 UNITS
Literary Magazine Publication
4.00 UNITS
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Latino Literature
3.00 UNITS
ENGL-80B Survey of British Literature
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Survey of the history and development of English literature, from the late 18th century to the present, including contemporary British and postcolonials works. Examination of the relationship between historical events and literary works. (C-ID ENGL 165) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98301 L.Fisher
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A and 80A. Intensive reading, along with oral and written discussion, of a selected group of Shakespearean plays. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
(section at Fontana)
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Survey of significant authors and texts of world literature - including those from Europe, the Middle East, Asian and other areas - from the mid-17th century to the present. (C-ID ENGL 145) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 9:30am-10:50am
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Introduction to Latino literature written in English. Analysis of literary modes, recurring themes, and the social, cultural, and political influence of Latino literature during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98279 M.Dowd 2:00pm-3:20pm MW WH-071 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98279: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 98279: ZERO costs for textbooks.
98603 C.Williams
11:00am-12:20pm MW
African-American Literature
98602 C.Williams
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Experience in magazine production. As editors for The Chaffey Review, students master the fundamentals of editorial selection, evaluation, editing, proofreading, layout, design, production, promotion, and distribution. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
ENGL-70B World Literature
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introductory analysis of African-American literature. Identification and analysis of recurrent themes, gender portrayals, writing styles, and topics associated with African-American authors. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Writing seminar focused on analysis of methods, forms, and meanings of poetry. Students develop standards for judging the worth of a poem, analyze and critique professional and student work, and write their own poetry. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98568 V.Tulacro
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Survey of significant authors and texts of American literature from the Civil War to the present. Examination of the relationship between historical events and literary works. (C-ID ENGL 135) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
ENGL-75B American Literature
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Seminar in fiction writing focused on longer works. Students study the underlying principles of this form of literature; write longer and more developed short stories, novellas, or several chapters of a novel; analyze and critique each other's work; edit/revise/rewrite works to ready for publication; and research potential markets for submission. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98567 V.Tulacro
98381 D.Keener
LA-100 121
^ Chaffey College
Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-475 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-575. Careful study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and expository writing techniques, using primarily nonfiction texts, and the frequent writing of compositions with the ultimate goal of writing an essay using sources. Preparation for English 1A and a variety of academic disciplines. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. NOTE: Students who have successfully completed ESL 475 may not take English 475. Materials Fee: $2.00 NOTE: Sections held in LA-113 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to College Reading and Writing
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-575 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process. Introduction to the academic reading, writing, critical thinking, and study skills expected at the college level with the ultimate goal of producing clear, competent essays. Seven hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Materials Fee: $2.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only 98356 D.Hodge 8:00am-9:50am 98357 D.Hodge 10:00am-11:50am 98552 B.Spears 10:00am-11:50am 98604 C.Williams 12:00pm-1:50pm Section 98604: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98601 C.Williams 2:00pm-3:50pm Section 98601: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98410 C.Liang 6:00pm-9:50pm 98377 B.Jue 6:00pm-9:50pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
LA-108 LA-108
Preparation for College Reading and Writing
0.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-675 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process. Introduces the inexperienced reader and writer to a variety of pre-college and college-level texts and writing situations. Prepares students for the thinking, reading, and writing skills necessary to succeed at the college level. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Upon successful completion of the course student may re-assess for possible placement into the credit curriculum. May be taken three times. Materials Fee: 2.00 Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass 98481 M.Olivera-LaVallee 01/08/18-05/17/18 98479 M.Olivera-LaVallee 01/08/18-05/17/18 98480 M.Olivera-LaVallee 01/08/18-05/17/18
8:00am-11:50am F Last day to add: 01/22/18 10:00am-11:50am TTH Last day to add: 01/22/18 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH Last day to add: 01/22/18
LA-113 LA-113 LA-113
English as a Second Language (ESL) (909)652-6903
Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing for ESL Students
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-475 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ESL-551 or ESL-558. Careful study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and expository writing techniques for non-native speakers of English. Uses primarily nonfiction texts to facilitate composition writing, with the ultimate goal of writing an essay uses sources. Prepares the student for English 1A and a variety of academic disciplines. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. NOTE: Students who have successfully completed English 475 may not take ESL 475. Materials Fee: $4.00 NOTE: Sections held in LA-110, LA-111, LA-113, TA-1M, CHMB-260, FNFC-114, and FNAC-112 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only 98493 C.Phipps 8:00am-11:50am (another section at Fontana)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
LA-108 LA-106 LA-108 LA-108
^ Chaffey College
98300 L.Fisher 6:00am-7:50am MW LA-100 Section 98300: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98322 K.George 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH LA-106 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98322: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98248 C.Castro 8:00am-11:50am F LA-108 98384 D.Keener 8:00am-11:50am F LA-106 98398 J.LaMay 8:00am-9:50am MW LA-113 98484 Z.Parekh 8:00am-9:50am TTH LA-113 98304 J.Ford 9:00am-12:50pm S LA-108 98395 K.Kusudo 9:00am-12:50pm S LA-106 98302 L.Fisher 10:00am-11:50am MW LA-108 Section 98302: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98358 J.Lowe 10:00am-11:50am TTH LA-106 98399 J.LaMay 10:00am-11:50am MW LA-113 98437 A.Martinez 12:00pm-3:50pm F LA-106 98244 A.Cardinale 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH LA-106 98286 R.Ebert 12:00pm-1:50pm MW LA-108 98428 J.Lowe 12:00pm-1:50pm MW LA-113 98391 B.Khaw-Posthuma 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH LA-108 98429 D.Hodge 2:00pm-3:50pm MW LA-113 98497 L.Picklesimer 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH LA-113 98266 C.Decker 2:30pm-4:40pm MTWTH LA-106 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98266: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98267 C.Decker 2:30pm-4:40pm MTWTH LA-106 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98267: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98287 R.Ebert 4:00pm-5:50pm MW LA-108 98453 Z.Moore 4:00pm-5:50pm TTH LA-108 98498 L.Picklesimer 4:00pm-5:50pm TTH LA-113 98430 K.Lyons 6:00pm-9:50pm M LA-113 98056 V.Abundis 6:00pm-9:50pm T LA-113 98431 K.Lyons 6:00pm-9:50pm W LA-113 98269 D.DeEspinosa-Jones 6:00pm-9:50pm TH LA-113 98438 A.Martinez 6:00pm-9:50pm F LA-106 98268 C.Decker 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH LA-106 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98268: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
ESL for Workplace and Academic Success
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-541 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or satisfactory completion of ESL-531 or ESL-538. Intensive instruction speaking and pronunciation skills to improve fluency and minimize accents. Topics include: consonants and vowels, pitch and intonation patterns, rhythm, and sound reductions. Eight hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only TTH
ESL-531 English as a Second Language III
English as a Second Language IV
4.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
English as a Second Language I
0.00 UNITS
(sections at Fontana)
English as a Second Language II
0.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-621 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ESL-611 or ESL-640. This is the second multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes basic listening and speaking skills, beginning with simple words and phrases, then progressing to sentence level interaction. It also includes basic classroom culture, basic US culture, and communication necessary for success in school and life. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. May be taken twice. Materials Fee: $0.00 Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-541 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ESL-531 or ESL-538. This is the fourth multi-skills core course in the study of English reading, writing, listening, and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course further develops and adds to the skills taught in ESL 531: grammar and sentence structure, paragraph organization and development, reading, and speaking skills. Eight hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only 98213 C.Barley 8:00am-9:50am MW 98509 B.Quinones 10:00am-11:50am TTH 98458 S.Murphy 12:00pm-1:50pm MW (another section at Fontana)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-611 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process. This is the first multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes reading and writing the English alphabet, producing the sound system, as well as practicing simple grammar, reading, and writing. Students also learn basic classroom rules and communication necessary for success at school. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. May be taken twice. Materials Fee: $0.00 Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-531 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ESL-621 or ESL-641. This is the third multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes the study of grammar and sentence structure, paragraph format and organization, reading skills, and oral communication. Eight hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only 98491 C.Phipps 8:00am-9:50am 98407 C.Lee 2:00pm-3:50pm (another section at Fontana)
English as a Second Language V
98457 S.Murphy 8:00am-9:50am MW 98492 C.Phipps 10:00am-11:50am TTH (more sections at Fontana)
(section at Fontana)
98508 B.Quinones 8:00am-9:20am (another section at Fontana)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-551 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ESL-541 or ESL-548. An introduction to the academic reading, writing, critical thinking, and oral communication expected at the college level. This is the fifth multi-skills core course in the study of English reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course further develops and adds to the skills taught in ESL-541: grammar and sentence structure, essay organization and development, reading, and speaking skills. Eight hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-531 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or satisfactory completion of ESL-621 or ESL-641. Prepares students for jobs, job advancement, career success and academic success by strengthening language skills for the workplace. Topics include: career pathways, interviewing and resume writing, cultural norms, and academic skills. Focus is on developing the formal reading, writing, oral language and vocabulary skills commonly developing the formal reading, writing, oral language and vocabulary skills commonly used in the workplace. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only
ESL-508 Pronunciation of American English
98214 C.Barley 10:00am-11:50am MW 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 98296 D.Evans 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 (more sections at Fontana)
English and Citizenship
0.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ESL-531 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ESL-621 or ESL-641. A beginning course for non-native speakers of English who wish to become citizens of the United States. Topics: basic English, basic U.S. history and government, and American culture and civics. May be repeated. Materials Fee: $2.00 Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass
(section at Fontana) Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
FIRETEC-1 Principles of Emergency Service
English as a Second Language IV
English as a Second Language III
English and Citizenship
FIRETEC-2 Fire Behavior and Combustion
English as a Second Language I
ATTENTION ESL STUDENTS To better meet the academic and scheduling needs of students, the ESL curriculum has been revised. If you have already taken ESL courses at Chaffey, or took the Chaffey ESL assessment test in a previous term, use the following chart to help select the appropriate new courses(s). Still have questions? Ask any academic counselor or ESL instructor for help. You should register for… ESL-475
ESL-641 or ESL-621 ESL-640
ESL-640 or ESL-611 N/A
May also enroll in…
99397 J.Sloan 8:00am-11:05am MW BE-101 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99397: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack
FIRETEC-3 Fire Protection Systems
ESL-502 and ESL-650
3.00 UNITS
Course provides information relating to the design features and operation of fire detection and alarm systems, heat and smoke control systems, special protection and sprinkler systems, water supply for fire protection, and portable fire extinguishers. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Fashion Design/Merchandising (FASHD/FASHM) (See Chino Section)
3.00 UNITS
Course explores the theories and fundamentals of fire causation, spread, and control. In-depth study of fire chemistry and physics, characteristics of combustible and flammable substances, unique dangers of hazardous materials, types of extinguishing agents, and fire control techniques. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99398 J.Sloan 11:15am-2:20pm MW BE-101 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99398: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack
Film/Radio/Television (See Broadcasting and Cinema)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
99396 J.Cascadden 3:00pm-6:05pm TTH BE-101 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99396: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack
English as a Second Language II
If you If you passed placed into… OR these classes… ESL-475 ESL-558 or ESL-551 ESL-558 or ESL-548 or ESL-551 ESL-541 ESL-548 or ESL-538 or ESL-541 ESL-531 ESL-538 or ESL-641 or ESL-531 ESL-621
3.00 UNITS
Overview of fire protection and emergency services. Topics include career opportunities in fire protection and related fields; culture and history of emergency services; fire loss analysis; organization and function of public and private fire protection services; fire departments as part of local government; laws and regulations affecting the fire service; fire service nomenclature; specific fire protection functions; basic fire chemistry and physics; introduction to fire protection systems; introduction to fire strategy and tactics; and life safety initiatives. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
English as a Second Language V
ESL for Workplace and Academic Success
Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing for ESL Students
Fire Technology (FIRETEC)
Pronunciation of American English
Building Construction for Fire Protection
3.00 UNITS
99402 J.Sloan 6:00pm-9:05pm MW BE-101 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99402: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack (another section at Fontana)
FIRETEC-10 Wildland Fire Control
(section at Fontana)
3.00 UNITS
FIRETEC-11 Legal Aspects of Emergency Services Safety and Survival
Introduction to the mechanized equipment operated by fire service personnel and the regulations pertaining to its use. Topics include: driving laws and techniques, construction and operation of pumping engines, ladder trucks, aerial platforms, specialized equipment, and apparatus maintenance. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 6:15pm-9:05pm
3.00 UNITS
This course will address the Federal, State, and local laws that regulate emergency services and include a review of national standards, regulations, and consensus standards. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99406 J.Sloan
FIRETEC-12 Occupational Safety and Health for 3.00 UNITS Emergency Services This course introduces the basic concepts of occupational health and safety as it relates to emergency service organizations. Topics include risk and hazard evaluation and control procedures for emergency service organizations. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99405 T.Morehead
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of FIRETEC-2. Factors affecting wildland fires including fuel, weather, topography, prevention, fire behavior, and public education. Control techniques common to all agencies involved in wildland fire control. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99401 J.Sloan 11:15am-2:20pm MW BE-101 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99401: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack (another section at Fontana)
99403 R.Lopez
3.00 UNITS
Course introduces the basic principles and history related to the national firefighter life safety initiatives, focusing on the need for cultural and behavioral change throughout the emergency services. This course curriculum is approved by the National Fire Academy (FESHE). Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Fire Apparatus and Equipment
3.00 UNITS
FIRETEC-9 Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival
The Fire Prevention course provides fundamental knowledge relating to the field of fire prevention. Topics include; history and philosophy of fire prevention, organization and operation of a fire prevention bureau, use and application of codes and standards, plans review, fire inspections, fire and life safety education, and fire investigation. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Strategies and Tactics
99404 J.Cascadden 3:00pm-6:05pm TTH BE-101 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99404: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack
99400 J.Sloan 8:00am-11:05am MW BE-101 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99400: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack (another section at Fontana)
Fire Prevention
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-1. Principles of fire control, through utilization of personnel, equipment, extinguishing agents, and fire command and control procedures. Use of information on building construction types in fire control. Pre-fire planning and the organized approach to decision making on the fire ground. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Components of building construction relating to firefighter and life safety. The elements of construction and design of structures are shown to be key factors when inspecting buildings, preplanning fire operations, and operating at emergencies. Evolution of building and fire codes, developed in response to historical fires, in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. This course is identified by the National Fire Academy and FESHE as an approved course as listed in the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Associate's document produced 2011, Revised 2014, 2016. This course is included as part of the articulation between CSU and Community Colleges and by standardized CID numbers. The course units are transferable into the CSULA Bachelors Program. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
^ Chaffey College
FIRETEC-420 Fire Inspector 1A - Duties and Administration
2.00 UNITS
FIRETEC-423 Fire Inspector 1D - Field Inspection - California Specific
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-1 and 5, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Advisory: Course assumes familiarity with firefighting procedures and protocols, as it is designed for certified fire personnel. Non-firefighters are permitted to take the course, however they are ineligible to apply for the State Fire Marshall CFTES certificate upon successful completion of the course. Fundamental information on the responsibility and authority for fire inspections, principles and procedures used to correct fire hazards, and occupancy classifications. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-422 or department-determined equivalency. Advisory: Course assumes familiarity with firefighting procedures and protocols as it is designed for certified fire personnel. Non-firefighters are permitted to take the course, however they are ineligible to apply for the State Fire Marshall CFSTES certificate upon successful completion of the course. Course provides students with basic knowledge of a Fire Fighter I's field inspection roles and responsibilities specific to California, including tents, canopies, and temporary membrane structures; fireworks and explosives; and wildland-urban interface environments. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only (section at Fontana)
(section at Fontana)
FIRETEC-421 Fire Inspector 1B - Fire and Life Safety
French (FR)
2.00 UNITS
(Also see Am Sign, Arabic, Chinese, & Spanish)
Fire Inspector 1C - Field Inspection and Gases
4.00 UNITS
Introduction to the French language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills), vocabulary, grammar, and life/culture/norms of Frenchspeaking populations. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. This course corresponds to the first year of high school French. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98249 Z.Chakhchir 98223 STAFF
(section at Fontana)
Elementary French 1
8:00am-9:50am 4:00pm-5:50pm
Elementary French 2
LA-101 SSV-5
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: FR-1 or one year of high school French. Continued study of the French language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), grammar, vocabulary, and life/culture/norms of Frenchspeaking populations. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
1.50 UNITS
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-421 or department-determined equivalency. Advisory: Course assumes familiarity with firefighting procedures and protocols, as it is designed for certified fire personnel. Non-firefighters are permitted to take the course, however they are ineligible to apply for the State Fire Marshall CFSTES certificate upon successful completion of the course. This course provides students with a basic knowledge of field inspection roles and responsibilities of a Fire Inspector I, including basic plan review; emergency access for an existing system; hazardous materials; and the operational readiness of fixed fire suppression systems, existing fire detection and alarm systems, and portable fire extinguishers. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
98236 P.Buffam
Geography (GEOG) (909)652-6404
World Regional Geography
3.00 UNITS
Survey of the physical, cultural, and economic features of the world's regions and nations as interpreted by geographers. (C-ID GEOG 125) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
(section at Fontana)
97584 P.Konovnitzine 11:00am-12:20pm TTH Section 97584: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97585 R.Mukundan 7:00pm-9:50pm F
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
PS-102 PS-102
^ Chaffey College
Prerequisite: FIRETEC-420 or department-determined equivalency. Advisory: Course assumes familiarity with firefighting procedures and protocols, as it is designed for certified fire personnel. Non-firefighters are permitted to take the course, however they are ineligible to apply for the State Fire Marshall CFSTES certificate upon successful completion of the course. This course provides students with a basic knowledge of fire and life safety aspects related to the roles and responsibilities of a Fire Inspector I, including building construction, occupancy classifications, occupancy load, means of egress, hazardous conditions, fire growth potential, fire flow, and emergency planning and preparedness measures. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Geography of California
3.00 UNITS
Physical Geography
(Also see Earth Science)
3.00 UNITS
Physical Geography Laboratory
Environmental Geography
PS-102 PS-102
1.00 UNIT
PS-100 PS-100
3.00 UNITS
PS-109 PS-109
PS-109 PS-109
Historical Geology
4.00 UNITS
PS-109 PS-109
Introduction to Gerontology
3.00 UNITS
97619 STAFF 7:00pm-10:30pm T HS-133 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97619: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97619: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections online)
Study of diverse human populations, their cultural origins, diffusion and contemporary spatial expressions. Topics include demography, languages and religions, urbanization and landscape modification, political units and nationalism, and economic systems and development. (C-ID GEOG 120) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 9:30am-10:50am
Interdisciplinary study of aging, aging services, community resources, careers in gerontology, ethical, legal, and policy issues. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN#00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
(section at Chino)
97587 P.Konovnitzine
PS-109 PS-109
GEOG-10 Cultural Geography of North America 3.00 UNITS
Human Geography
Gerontology (GERO)
Overview of migration, population, and cultural patterns in North America. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
4.00 UNITS
97581 J.Warger 12:30pm-1:50pm and 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 97581: ZERO costs for textbooks.
3.00 UNITS
Physical Geology
Advisory: Completion of GEOL-1. History of the Earth and the evolution of life forms. Changes in tectonic plates and life forms through time, and the study of fossils. (C-ID GEOL 111) Materials Fee: $15.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Global perspectives on environmental geography, including economics, human impact, extinction and biodiversity, food/population crises, global tampering, global climate change, and contemporary values in global environmental issues. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97595 K.Kremenetski
97580 M.Freeman 8:00am-9:20am and 9:30am-10:50am Section 97580: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97582 J.Warger 12:30pm-1:50pm and 2:00pm-3:20pm Section 97582: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97583 R.Bisquera 6:00pm-7:20pm and 7:30pm-8:50pm Section 97583: ZERO costs for textbooks. (another section at Fontana)
Corequisite: GEOG-4 (may be taken previously). On-site observation, interpretation, and analysis of climate, soils, landforms, plant, and animal distribution. Two Friday-through-Sunday field trips are a required part of this course. (C-ID GEOG 111) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97593 P.Konovnitzine 1:00pm-2:50pm 97592 P.Konovnitzine 5:00pm-6:50pm (another section at Fontana)
Principles of geology emphasizing Earth's processes, internal structure, origin, and the processes that change and shape it. Lab focuses on identification of rocks and minerals, and topographic and geologic map exercises demonstrating the work of water, wind, ice, and gravity and the effects of tectonic activity. (C-ID GEOL 101) Materials Fee: $15.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Spatial study of the Earth's dynamic physical systems and processes, including Earth-sun geometry, weather, climate, water, landforms, soil, and the biosphere. (C-ID GEOG 110) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97590 P.Konovnitzine 9:00am-11:50am 97589 P.Konovnitzine 7:00pm-9:50pm (another section at Fontana)
Geology (GEOL)
Survey of California's natural and human resources including climate, landforms, natural vegetation, water resources, cultural landscape, ethnic diversity, urban and agricultural regions, and the economy. (C-ID GEOG 140) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97588 E.Ogbuchiekwe
Aging and the Life Course
3.00 UNITS
Social, cultural, economic, gender, ethnic, and policy issues affecting an aging society, viewed from the gerontological perspective. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN#00426, and BBS#2178. Grading: Letter grade only
(sections are online)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Dying and Death
3.00 UNITS
Study of death from a gerontological perspective, including history, societal practices, cross-cultural influences, biomedical, and the grieving process. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
Aging and Older Adulthood
GERO-407 Gerontology Career Cooperative Education
3.00 UNITS
GERO-462 Activity Coordinator Training
4.00 UNITS
Training for individuals working as activity directors in skilled nursing facilities and other settings. Materials Fee: $12.00 NOTE: Earns 72 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Guidance (GUID) (909)652-6479
3.00 UNITS
Essentials of Student Success
2.00 UNITS
Designed to increase student proficiency and retention in college. Topics include: learning styles, study and time management techniques, motivation, library research methods, critical thinking, memory and reading strategies, and exploration of college services. Helps students develop the personal and interpersonal communication skills critical to becoming responsible learners. Introduces students to the various segments of higher education and campus culture. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: GERO-11. Functions and responsibilities of caregiving for older adults in both formal and informal settings. Topics include individualized assessment, problem solving, interventions, effective communication, client advocacy, and functional decline factors. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only (sections are online)
99439 M.Martinez 4:30pm-6:45pm TTH WH-161 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99439: Targeted to EOPS students. Section 99439: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99376 M.Ramirez-Mooney 8:00am-9:50am F WH-161 Section 99376: Targeted to EOPS students. 99039 S.Starr 10:00am-12:15pm MW WH-161 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99039: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99040 S.Starr 10:00am-12:15pm MW WH-161 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99040: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98677 J.de Leon 3:30pm-4:20pm TTH WH-161 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
GERO-404 Health and Wellness for Older Adults 3.00 UNITS Understanding healthy aging as well as chronic conditions of later life. Health behaviors and lifestyle factors that contribute to good health. Materials Fee: $1.00 NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #044426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only (sections are online)
^ Chaffey College
97645 B.Sailors 7:30am-1:20pm S HS-101 02/03/18-05/05/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 97645: No class on 2/17/18 holiday. Class meetings include a one-hour meal break.
97632 J.Laguna 7:15am-10:45am TH HS-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97632: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97632: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections online)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
97644 S.Yoakum 180-225 hours arranged work experience 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Study of the aging process from a gerontological perspective. Theories of aging, stereotypes, changes in health, cognition, and social relationships. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations NOTE: Earns 54 hours CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
GERO-400 Principles of Caregiving: Older Adults and Their Care
Prerequisite: GERO-11. Supervised work experience in public or private agencies, facilities, or organizations. Designed to apply gerontological knowledge, learn new skills, and provide career-related work experience in community situations. Instructor arranges student placement, and maintains contact with student throughout semester via online tools and resources. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only
97627 C.Bacus 7:15am-10:45am T HS-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/14/18 Section 97627: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 97627: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections online)
GUID-3 Career Exploration and Life Planning
3.00 UNITS
Successful College Transition
WH-161 WH-161 WH-161 WH-161 WH-161 WH-161 WH-161 WH-161
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Arranged hours Success Centers Last day to add: 05/17/18
HIST-1 World History: Pre-Civilization to 1500
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Comparative study of the world's major civilizations from pre-history to 1500 in Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas. Similarities and differences between the civilizations and their influences on human history. (C-ID HIST 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97963 A.Cruz 7:30am-10:50am MW SS-113 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97963: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97959 B.Christensen 8:00am-9:20am MW SS-105 97966 D.Okonyan 9:00am-11:50am S SS-113 97960 H.Haynes-Nicholls 9:30am-10:50am TTH SS-102 97961 L.Reams 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH SS-102 Section 97961: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97962 A.Cruz 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH SS-113 97965 L.Gunderson 7:00pm-9:50pm M SS-102 97964 J.Harrington 7:00pm-10:20pm TTH SS-102 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97964: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
3.00 UNITS
0.00 UNITS
Targeted to students in the Opening Doors to Excellence program designed to address the academic and personal challenges of student effectiveness. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only 98616 J.Law 8:00am-9:20am 98618 G.Diaz 9:30am-10:50am 98620 A.Borghi 12:30pm-1:50pm 98621 A.Borghi 2:00pm-3:20pm 98675 K.Hirst 7:00pm-9:50pm 98676 K.Hirst 7:00pm-9:50pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
History (HIST)
2.00 UNITS
(section at Chino)
Opening Doors to Student Effectiveness
Supervised Tutoring
99202 G.Kenehan 01/08/18-05/17/18
A course for new students that want to start college with a Hope, Growth and Grit mindset and learn the necessary skills to transition successfully to college. Topics to be reviewed in depth include: student services; firstyear academic planning strategies; academic resources; policies and procedures; completion requirements for Career Technical Education (CTE) programs; Associate Degrees, and transfer pathways; as well as integrate critical thinking skills and personal management strategies necessary to the planning and successful implementation of a first-year educational plan. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Referral by course instructor or academic counselor is required. Student must be enrolled in another Chaffey College course. Open-entry/open-exit supervised tutoring course that provides students assistance in understanding college course assignments. Individualized/small group tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions are conducted outside of class time in a learning assistance center, and are structured to help students achieve specific course objectives or improve learning and study skills in specific subject matter. The content of this course varies according to the course for which tutoring is sought. May be repeated. Materials Fee: $0.00 Non-credit Grading: Ungraded
Career and life planning for students seeking direction in setting life, academic and career goals. Topics include problem-solving approaches; evaluation of values, interests, skills, and personality characteristics; academic learning strategies; and career investigation. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99045 C.Mor 8:00am-9:20am TTH 99211 R.Garcia 9:00am-11:50am S 99046 B.Mansouri 11:00am-12:20pm TTH 99047 B.Mansouri 12:30pm-1:50pm MW 99048 D.Colondres 2:00pm-4:50pm M Section 99048: Targeted to AMAN/AWOMAN students. 99212 E.Banuelos 6:00pm-8:50pm F 99204 B.Mansouri 7:00pm-9:50pm M 99205 S.Lee 7:00pm-9:50pm TH (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
WH-161 WH-161 WH-161 WH-161 WH-161 WH-161
^ Chaffey College
World History: 1500 to Present
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Cross-cultural study of the world's major civilizations since 1500. Understanding the causes of the Rise of the West, the reaction of the non-Western world, and the ongoing dynamic of the "West versus the Rest" dialectic. (C-ID HIST 160) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm MW
Early Western Civilizations
3.00 UNITS
Modern Western Civilizations
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
History of Asian Civilizations II
3.00 UNITS
Cultural development of Asian peoples and nations from the 1500's to the present. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97972 H.Haynes-Nicholls
History of Ethnic Relations in the United States
3.00 UNITS
Survey of the American experience of ethnic, gender and racial relations, as well as an introduction to fundamental theories of racism and ethnocentrism. Emphasis is given to Native, African, Hispanic, and Asian-American cultural experiences. (C-ID SOCI 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98013 A.Cruz
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
97991 V.Nobile 8:00am-9:20am MW SS-101 98001 J.Bradshaw 9:00am-11:50am SU SS-113 97993 V.Nobile 9:30am-10:50am MW SS-103 97996 D.Loomis 9:30am-10:50am TTH SS-106 Section 97996: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. 97994 V.Nobile 11:00am-12:20pm MW SS-103 97989 B.Christensen 12:30pm-1:50pm MW SS-113 97998 O.Dphrepaulezz 2:00pm-3:20pm MW SS-102 98002 B.Lawson 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH SS-110 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98002: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98003 T.Stanek 5:30pm-6:50pm MW SS-100 97999 R.Hunt 7:00pm-9:50pm M SS-113 98000 K.Schaefer 7:00pm-9:50pm TH SS-113 Section 98000: ZERO costs for textbooks. (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Western Civilization: The modern world from the 1500's to the present. (C-ID HIST 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98031 D.Loomis (another section at Chino)
United States History From 1865
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Development of the United States from the Reconstruction Era through the present. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Development of the cultural foundations of Western peoples from prehistoric times, through the era of Middle Eastern dominance, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance period in Western Europe. (C-ID HIST 170) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98028 L.Reams 12:00pm-2:50pm Section 98028: ZERO costs for textbooks.
3.00 UNITS
97973 D.Loomis 8:00am-9:20am TTH SS-102 97975 F.Melo 9:00am-11:50am F SS-111 97974 D.Loomis 9:30am-10:50am MW SS-102 97979 J.Bradshaw 12:00pm-2:50pm SU SS-113 97976 R.Reeves 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH SS-103 97980 B.Lawson 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH SS-110 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97980: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97981 T.Stanek 3:30pm-4:50pm MW SS-100 97977 R.Hunt 7:00pm-9:50pm T SS-113 97978 K.Ahn 7:00pm-9:50pm W SS-113 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A is recommended. Survey of slavery from ancient times to the present world history. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98026 O.Dphrepaulezz
United States History Through 1877
^ Chaffey College
History of Slavery
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of United States history from its colonial foundations through Reconstruction. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98018 A.Cruz 7:30am-10:50am MW SS-113 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98018: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98014 A.Cruz 8:00am-9:20am TTH SS-113 98016 D.Okonyan 1:00pm-3:50pm S SS-113 98017 J.Harrington 7:00pm-10:20pm TTH SS-102 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98017: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98015 S.Kiser 7:00pm-9:50pm W SS-102 (more sections online and at Chino)
The Sixties in American History
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
98035 A.Cruz (another section at Chino)
Survey of the history of women in America from the colonial period to the present with emphasis on relevant political, economic, and social factors. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98023 A.Cruz
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
California History
3.00 UNITS
Historical development of a Mexican-American community and the emergence of a Chicano cultural identity. Social, cultural, political and economic issues and conflicts affecting the Chicano minority from the nineteenth century to the present. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
(section at Chino)
Women in United States History
HIST-71 Chicanos: the Chicano Minority in the United States
Issues and events of the 1960's - one of the most turbulent decades in American history - including Civil Rights and the Vietnam War. May be taught in lecture or seminar format. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
11:00am-12:20pm MW
Homeland National Security (HNS) (909)652-6253
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to Homeland Security
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of the history of California from pre-Columbian times to the present. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
This course introduces and explores the fundamentals of national security, global security and terrorism. Aspects of U.S. federal, state and local inter-agency cooperation to combat domestic and foreign threats will be discussed. Additional issues of discussion will include Narcoterrorism, terrorist groups and motivation of terrorists. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
(sections at Chino and Fontana)
(section at Chino)
Retrospective of World War II
3.00 UNITS
HNS-401 Intelligence Analysis and Security Management
World War II impact on history, sociology, philosophy, literature, the arts, business and technology, psychology, science, politics, religion, economics and sports. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98027 D.Loomis
11:00am-12:20pm MW
African-American History I
3.00 UNITS
Intelligence analysis and its relationship to the security management of terrorist attacks, man-made disasters and natural disasters. Vulnerabilities of U.S. national defense and the private sector, as well as the threats posed to these institutions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
History of African Americans from their African heritage to their emancipation in 1865. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98194 R.Price 7:00pm-10:20pm T SS-105 and Online hours INET 01/09/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98194: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 98194: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
(section at Fontana)
African-American History II
3.00 UNITS
African-American experience from emancipation to the present. Focus on legal and extra-legal racial and gender discrimination in rural and urban settings after emancipation; migrations to northern industries and western lands; and black contributions to United States polity and economy. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98029 O.Dphrepaulezz
HIST-70 Chicanos: Common History of Mexico and The United States
Transportation and Border Security
3.00 UNITS
Overview of post 09/11/2001 border and transportation security threats and countermeasures. Agencies, allied infrastructure, and technology associated with U.S. border security. Assessment of the vulnerabilities inherent to seaports, ships, aircraft, airports, trains, rail lines, trucking, public buses, and pipelines. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98195 S.Van Leeuwen
3.00 UNITS
The historical relationship between Mexico and the United States from Native American roots to present the day. Examination of the Spanish and British colonial systems, processes of independence and nationbuilding. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98033 N.Lopez
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
SS-113 131
^ Chaffey College
Introduction to Hospitality Management
Journalism (JOUR)
Hospitality Management (HOTFS) (Also see Chino Section)
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
An overview of the hospitality industry with emphasis on career opportunities and guest services. This course covers organization and management of the hospitality industry including restaurants, hotels, convention centers, amusement parks, and areas of leisure and travel. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Selecting information and writing news stories in a clear and concise manner, with focus on fundamentals of correct grammar and spelling. News copy preparation and formatting. Legal and ethical issues facing journalists. (C-ID JOUR 110) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97494 D.Bentum (another section at Chino)
98615 STAFF
Humanities (HUMAN) 3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. An interdisciplinary study of the movements in art, music, literature, and philosophy from Ancient Western Civilization to the 1500s within a cultural and historical perspective. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98036 F.Melo 98037 R.Reeves
8:00am-9:20am 2:00pm-3:20pm
HUMAN-6 Arts and Ideas: Renaissance to Modern
SS-103 CD-124B
Overview of the residential interior design field. Examination of floor plans, furniture arrangement, design elements and principles, furniture styles, lighting, flooring, and wall and window treatments. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97495 L.Monk (another section at Chino)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Beginning Tennis
1.00 UNIT
Emphasis on court etiquette, history, and fundamental skills for tennis including singles and doubles play, so that students may participate in a lifetime activity. Fundamental instruction includes serving, forehand, backhand, volley shots, and game strategy. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to Interior Design
Student Media Practicum II
Interior Design (ID) ID-10
WH-071 WH-071
Kinesiology: Activity (KINACT)
(Also see Art, Drafting, and Chino Section)
98280 M.Dowd 3:30pm-4:20pm W WH-071 and 4:30pm-5:50pm W WH-071 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98280: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 98280: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Industrial Electrical Technology (IET) (See Chino Section)
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: JOUR-10 or 30. Leadership/management roles in the planning, editing, and production of a bi-weekly student newspaper. Students write stories, editorials, reviews, and headlines; edit copy; take, print, and edit photos; design/layout pages; and distribute the finished paper. (C-ID JOUR 131) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Student Media Practicum I
98281 M.Dowd 2:00pm-2:50pm and 3:00pm-4:20pm Section 98281: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. An interdisciplinary study of the movements in art, music, literature, and philosophy from 1500s Western Civilization to the modern era within a cultural and historical perspective. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98038 D.Loomis
99262 R.Lander
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
^ Chaffey College
Arts and Ideas: Antiquity to Renaissance
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-475 or higher level English as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-575. Experience in planning, editing, and producing a bi-weekly student newspaper. Students write stories, editorials, reviews, and headlines; design the layout; edit copy; take, print, and edit photos; design/layout pages; and distribute the finished paper. (C-ID JOUR 130) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Advanced Tennis
1.00 UNIT
Course emphasizes the rules, court etiquette, history, and advanced skills of tennis. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99263 R.Lander
11:00am-12:20pm TTH
Aerobic Cross Training
Spinning for Fitness
98646 R.Hadaway 98645 R.Hadaway 97825 C.Kindred 97826 P.Peoples 97824 C.Kindred
97761 J.Stewart
KINACT-28A Beginning Yoga
KINACT-17 Advanced Volleyball
1.00 UNIT
11:00am-12:20pm MW
1.00 UNIT
Introduction to the game of soccer with emphasis on information and practice in the skills of kicking, trapping, shooting, passing, rules, and basic tactics. Class is suitable for both beginners and students who have played soccer. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99292 G.Cooper
Intermediate Soccer
1.00 UNIT
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-10:50am 11:00am-12:20pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm
1.00 UNIT
Intermediate Yoga
G-203 G-203 G-203 G-203 G-203 G-203 G-203
1.00 UNIT
Prerequisite: KINACT-28A. This course is designed for intermediate students to advance their yoga skills through breathing exercises, alignment of physical postures and advanced forms of relaxation techniques to improve health and fitness of the mind and body. The goal of the course is to advance flexibility, muscle strength, endurance and coordination through the challenge of intermediate physical postures such as inversions, arm balances, twists and wraps. Intermediate levels of meditation will be incorporated for stress reduction and mental calm. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of KINACT-22. Designed for players with basic soccer playing skills and understanding of the game who wish to improve their playing abilities. Topics include heading drills, systems of play, ball control skills, and advanced and defense and offense tactics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99293 G.Cooper
1.00 UNIT
97835 F.Stewart 8:00am-9:20am 98648 A.Henry 9:30am-10:50am 98647 E.Martinez 11:00am-12:20pm 97828 D.Bednarczyk 12:30pm-1:50pm 97842 K.Rooney 5:30pm-6:50pm 97838 L.Harlow 5:30pm-6:50pm 97841 L.Harlow 7:00pm-8:20pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
1.00 UNIT
Rules, court etiquette, basic offensive and defensive positions, and basic passing and dribbling techniques of basketball. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 98643 J.Harlow
G-203 G-203
This course is designed for the beginning students who would like to learn the importance of breath, alignment of postures and relaxation techniques to improve health and fitness of the mind and body. The goal of the course is to improve flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, and coordination through the physical postures of yoga. Introduction to relaxation techniques will be incorporated for stress reduction and mental calm. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Previous volleyball experience is recommended. Advanced volleyball skills with emphasis on strategy, skills, and complex offensive and defensive schemes. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97783 J.Stewart
Use of indoor cycling bikes for improving overall physical fitness and health. Students develop a safe and efficient spinning program designed to meet their fitness goals. Suitable for both genders and all fitness levels. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
1.00 UNIT
97822 C.Kindred 9:30am-10:50am 97821 P.Peoples 2:00pm-3:20pm (another section at Fontana)
Course emphasizes rules, strategy, and basic volleyball skill development such as setting, digging, serving, spiking and team strategies. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 12:30pm-1:50pm
1.00 UNIT
High energy, low impact aerobic exercises stressing good posture, proper warm-ups and cool-downs, strength, flexibility, and endurance exercise. Designed for beginning students. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Basic skills and safety precautions for swimming. Several different strokes are taught according to skill levels. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 98628 M.Dickson 9:30am-10:50am 97854 STAFF 9:30am-10:50am Section 97854: ZERO costs for textbooks.
98649 E.Martinez
^ Chaffey College
KINACT-29A Beginning Body Conditioning
1.00 UNIT
G-205 G-205 G-205 G-205 G-205
G-205 G-205
G-205 G-205
KINACT-29B Intermediate Body Conditioning
KINACT-29C Advanced Body Conditioning
99114 D.Bednarczyk and
KINACT-31 Introduction to Self-Defense and Personal Safety
1.00 UNIT
KINACT-35 Cardio Fitness for Life
99170 R.Hadaway 99169 J.Harlow 99171 R.Hadaway 98631 J.Stewart (another section at Chino)
1.00 UNIT
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Theory and detailed demonstration of first aid care of the injured. Students learn to assess a victim's condition and incorporate proper treatment. Standard first aid, CPR, and AED certification(s) are granted upon successful completion of requirements. (C-ID KIN 101) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: An additional fee is charged to students who wish to take the optional Red Cross certification exam(s). Grading: Letter grade only
Walking or running for physical health, muscular strength, fitness, weight control, and general well-being. Students develop a personalized fitness program with the assistance of the instructor. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99109 E.Martinez (another section at Chino)
3.00 UNITS
KINLEC-16 First Aid
Beginning and foundation course in personal safety. Basic martial arts techniques for self-defense, covering safety and defense in a technical and practical framework. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97847 T.Oduwole (another section at Chino)
99168 R.Baiz 8:00am-9:20am MW MOD-3 99112 R.Baiz 9:30am-10:50am MW MOD-3 98659 H.Spohn 9:30am-10:50am TTH G-134 99111 A.Henry 11:00am-12:20pm TTH G-134 99210 A.Henry 11:00am-12:20pm W G-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99210: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99110 A.Henry 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH G-134 97858 D.Portz 7:00pm-9:50pm M G-133 98655 D.Portz 7:00pm-10:05pm TTH G-134 01/09/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98655: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
1.00 UNIT
3.00 UNITS
A lifestyle approach to fitness, including the study of nutrition, disease prevention, increased cardiovascular endurance, increased strength, flexibility, stress management, and considerations of aging on the body. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
G-111 G-111
8:00am-9:15am TTH 24-27 hours per term arranged
KINLEC-15 Diet and Fitness
1.00 UNIT
Prerequisite: KINACT-29B Advanced exercises for development of the major muscle groups with emphasis on muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, plyometrics and Olympic strength training. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99201 P.Roberts
Introduction to Athletic Training
Advisory: Possession of current first-aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation cards. Concepts of prevention, recognition, emergency care, evaluation, management, treatment and rehabilitation and reconditioning resulting from physical activity and athletics. Course is intended for students interested in pursuing careers as Athletic Trainers and/or Coaches. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-10:50am 9:30am-10:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm
G-135 G-135 G-135 G-135
^ Chaffey College
9:30am-10:50am 3:00pm-4:20pm
Prerequisite: KINACT-29A. Intermediate exercises for the development of major muscle groups, with emphasis on muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. Introduction to interval training and plyometrics. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 98658 P.Roberts 98661 P.Roberts
Kinesiology: Lecture (KINLEC)
Basic exercises for the development of major muscle groups, with emphasis on muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 98651 R.Hadaway 6:30am-7:50am 98657 J.Harlow 8:00am-9:20am 98654 J.Harlow 8:00am-9:20am 98652 J.Harlow 9:30am-10:50am 98656 E.Martinez 11:00am-12:20pm Section 98656: Targeted to DPS students. 98626 G.Cooper 12:30pm-1:50pm 97844 D.Slover 12:30pm-1:50pm Section 97844: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97845 B.Cooper 5:30pm-6:50pm 97843 B.Cooper 7:00pm-8:20pm
KINLEC-18 Introduction to Kinesiology
2.50 UNITS
Prerequisite: KINLEC-21 Course provides third semester student with the opportunity to observe and learn the advanced principles and protocols of athletic training during day-to-day sports activities in a supervised lab setting. Emphasis on prevention, care, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation for the upper and lower extremities. Helps prepare students for transfer to a Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) accredited athletic training program. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99172 E.Martinez 8:00am-9:20am MW G-135 99260 P.Roberts 11:00am-12:20pm MW G-134 99173 P.Roberts 11:00am-12:20pm TTH G-133 99213 E.Martinez 12:30pm-1:50pm T G-135 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99213: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99113 A.Allen 7:00pm-10:05pm TTH G-134 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99113: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98660 A.Allen 7:00pm-9:50pm W G-133 (more sections online and at Chino)
98642 C.Balderrama 9:00am-9:50am F G-135 and 96-108 hours per term arranged 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98642: Classroom meetings every other Friday: 01/12, 01/26, 02/09, 02/23, 03/09, 03/30, 04/13, and 04/27. Section 98642: ZERO costs for textbooks.
KINLEC-24 Biomechanics
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BIOL-20. Anatomical and mechanical study of motion as it pertains to exercise and sport, including muscles, joints, bones, nerves, and muscle analysis of movement patterns. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
2.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: KINLEC-2 Course provides first semester students with the opportunity to observe and learn the basic principles and protocols of athletic training during day-to-day sports activities in a supervised lab setting. Emphasis on prevention, care, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation for the lower extremities. Helps prepare students for transfer to a Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) accredited athletic training program. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99121 D.Bednarczyk
KINLEC-32 Outdoor Adventure(s
2.00 UNITS
Advisory: Comfort in an outdoors environment and good physical fitness are recommended for course success. Techniques of environmentally-sensitive backpacking, including selecting equipment, group planning, conditioning, safety, first aid, and survival information. Field trips are required; there is a nominal fee for the trips. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98635 C.Balderrama 9:00am-9:50am F G-135 and 72-81 hours per term arranged 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98635: Classroom meetings every other Friday: 01/12, 01/26. 02/09, 02/23, 03/09, 03/30, 04/13, and 04/27. Section 98635: ZERO costs for textbooks.
KINLEC-21 Practical Applications in Athletic Training II
KINLEC-22 Practical Applications in Athletic Training III
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement. An overview of the importance of the sub-disciplines in kinesiology is discussed, along with career opportunities in the areas of teaching, coaching, allied health, and fitness professions. (C-ID KIN 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
KINLEC-19 Practical Applications in Athletic Training I
99276 R.Hadaway 2:00pm-4:05pm M G-133 and Field Trips 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/08/18 Section 99276: A three-day field trip to the Sierras scheduled for March 2-4 or weekend trips to local mountains is a required part of this class. There are fees for the field trip. 99277 R.Hadaway 2:00pm-3:50pm M G-133 and Field Trips 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 Section 99277: A three-day field trip to the Sierras scheduled for May 4-6 or weekend trips to local mountains is a required part of this class. There are fees for the field trip.
2.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: KINLEC-19 Course provides second semester students with the opportunity to observe and learn the basic principles and protocols of athletic training during day-to-day sports activities in a supervised lab setting. Emphasis on prevention, care, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation for the upper extremities. Helps prepare students for transfer to a Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) accredited athletic training program. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98638 C.Balderrama 9:00am-9:50am F G-135 and 72-81 hours per term arranged 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98638: Classroom meetings every other Friday: 01/12, 01/26, 02/09, 02/23, 03/09, 03/30, 04/13 and 04/27. Section 98638: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Kinesiology: Team (KINTM) Football Team Activity
0.50 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based on a successful tryout. Advisory: Competitive football background is recommended. Information and practice in the development of football basic skills and techniques. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98662 D.Slover 04/09/18-05/03/18 98665 D.Slover 04/09/18-05/03/18
Basketball Team Activity, Women
1.00 UNIT
1:00pm-2:50pm MTWTH Last day to add: 03/25/18
Water Polo Team Activity, Men
7:00pm-8:15pm TTH Last day to add: 01/24/18
Basketball Team Activity, Men
3:00pm-4:50pm MTWTH Last day to add: 03/25/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
KINTM-8 Cross Country Team Activity, Women
1.00 UNIT
7:00am-7:50am TWF Last day to add: 01/29/18
Water Polo Team Activity, Women
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based on a successful tryout. Rules, etiquette, history, and advanced skills for competitive water polo play. Designed for prospective women's water polo team participants. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
99275 B.Weiny 01/08/18-05/09/18
7:00pm-8:15pm MW Last day to add: 01/28/18
Soccer Team Activity, Men
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based on a successful tryout. Advisory: Competitive soccer background is recommended. Information and practice to develop basic soccer skills, techniques, and strategies. Designed for men interested in playing competitive soccer at the college level. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
99278 B.Cooper 03/19/18-05/09/18
3:00pm-5:50pm MW Last day to add: 03/25/18
Soccer Team Activity, Women
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based on a successful tryout. Information and practice to develop basic soccer skills, techniques, and strategies. Designed for women interested in playing competitive soccer at the college level. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based on a successful tryout. Designed for men interested in playing competitive men's basketball. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99269 P.Harris 03/19/18-05/01/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based on a successful tryout. Rules, etiquette, history, and advanced skills of water polo. Course is designed for the prospective water polo intercollegiate team participant. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99265 C.Carlson 01/09/18-05/08/18
7:00am-7:50am TWF Last day to add: 01/29/18
99274 R.Lander 01/09/18-05/09/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment based on a successful tryout. Focus on history, conditioning, rules, and fundamental and advanced skills needed for competitive women's basketball. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99264 L.Burnett 03/19/18-05/01/18
1.00 UNIT
99279 G.Cooper 03/19/18-05/09/18
2:00pm-4:50pm MW Last day to add: 03/25/18
^ Chaffey College
5:00pm-6:50pm TTH Last day to add: 02/05/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based on a successful tryout. Training in skills, techniques, strategies, and conditioning for cross country runners. Designed for women interested in competitive cross country at the college level. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based on a successful tryout. Designed for women interested in learning competitive volleyball and joining the women's intercollegiate team. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98674 B.Gonzales 01/30/18-05/10/18
Cross Country Team Activity, Men
99272 R.Lander 01/09/18-05/09/18
3:00pm-4:20pm MTWTH G-AR/FIELD Last day to add: 04/10/18 4:30pm-5:50pm MTWTH G-AR/FIELD Last day to add: 04/10/18
Volleyball Team Activity, Women
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment based on successful tryout. Provides training in skills, techniques, strategies, and conditioning for cross country runners. Designed for men interested in competitive cross country at the college level. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Intermediate Dance/Cheer Team
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission is by audition. Advisory: Previous dance training is recommended. Intermediate skills in cheer techniques, motivation, and dance. Course is for students who will represent the college at athletic contests, national dance competitions, and community events. Instructor consent required for enrollment. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99281 R.Fawcett 01/08/18-03/07/18
6:30pm-9:20pm MW Last day to add: 01/16/18
Intercollegiate Softball, Women
175 hours/term arranged Last day to add: 04/18/18
3.00 UNITS
Intercollegiate Swimming Team, Men and Women
99280 P.Roberts 01/08/18-04/11/18 99282 P.Roberts 01/08/18-04/11/18
87.5 hours/term arranged Last day to add: 02/21/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
6:30am-7:20am MTWTH Last day to add: 01/23/18 2:00pm-2:50pm MTWTH Last day to add: 01/23/18
G-111 G-111
Limitation on Enrollment: Concurrent or previous enrollment in any Softball KINTM course. Advanced sport-specific drills and exercises for softball athletes. Exercises are prescribed by the instructor and are tailored to the physical demands of the sport and individuals' capabilities. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken four times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
99286 P.Roberts
KINTM-65 Water Polo Strength and Conditioning for Athletes
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Concurrent or previous enrollment in any Water Polo KINTM course. Advanced sport-specific drills and exercises for water polo athletes. Exercises are prescribed by the instructor and are tailored to the physical demands of the sport and individuals' capabilities. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken four times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
1.50 UNITS
99395 P.Roberts 8:00am-9:15am MW G-111 01/08/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 01/28/18 Section 99395: Enrollment limited to women's water polo athletes.
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is restricted to student athletes who meet both skill and eligibility requirements. Opportunity for women to compete at the intercollegiate level in basketball during the Spring semester conference play and post-season schedule. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99290 L.Burnett 01/01/18-03/11/18
87.5 hours/term arranged Last day to add: 02/21/18
KINTM-64 Softball Strength and Conditioning for 1.00 UNIT Athletes
99288 M.Dickson 175 hours/term arranged G-POOL 01/15/18-05/05/18 Last day to add: 04/07/18 Section 99288: Enrollment limited to men's swim athletes. 99289 B.Weiny 175 hours/term arranged G-POOL 01/15/18-05/05/18 Last day to add: 04/07/18 Section 99289: Enrollment limited to women's swim athletes.
Intercollegiate Basketball Team, Women (Spring)
1.50 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Concurrent or previous enrollment in any Football KINTM course. Advanced sport-specific drills and exercises for football athletes. Exercises are prescribed by the instructor and are tailored to the physical demands of the sport and individuals' capabilities. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken four times. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is restricted to student athletes who meet both skill and eligibility requirements. Opportunity for men and women to compete at the intercollegiate level in swimming. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
KINTM-57B Intercollegiate Basketball Team, Men (Spring)
KINTM-62 Football Strength and Conditioning for 1.00 UNIT Athletes
Intercollegiate Baseball Team, Men 3.00 UNITS
175 hours/term arranged Last day to add: 04/03/18
99291 P.Harris 01/01/18-03/11/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is restricted to student athletes who meet both skill and eligibility requirements. Opportunity for men to compete at the intercollegiate level in baseball. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99284 M.Cordero 01/15/18-05/28/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is restricted to student athletes who meet both skill and eligibility requirements. Opportunity for men to compete at the intercollegiate level in basketball during the Spring semester conference play and post-season schedule. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is restricted to student athletes who meet both skill and eligibility requirements. Opportunity for women to compete at the intercollegiate level in softball. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken 4 times. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 99283 T.Senyo 01/15/18-05/20/18
^ Chaffey College
KINTM-65A Water Polo Strength and Conditioning for Athletes
0.50 UNITS
KINTM-66A Baseball Strength and Conditioning 0.50 UNITS for Athletes
Management (See Business: Management)
Mathematics (MATH) MATH-3
Discrete Math
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-61, and COMPSCI-1 or consent of Computer Science coordinator/instructor. Fundamental topics for computer science including logic, proof techniques, set theory, an introduction to computer programming, basic counting rules, relations, functions and recursion, graphs, and probability trees. (C-ID COMP 152 and MATH 160) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99452 D.Yegge 01/08/18-03/01/18
7:30am-9:00am MTWTH Last day to add: 01/16/18
4.00 UNITS
MATH-4 Mathematical Concepts for Elementary 4.00 UNITS School Teachers Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Mathematical concepts targeted to students preparing to teach elementary school math. Topics include real number systems and subsystems, patterns and sequences, basic set theory, logic, and mathematical induction. (C-ID MATH 120) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97324 J.Garland
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Limitation on Enrollment: Concurrent or previous enrollment in any Baseball KINTM course. Advanced sport-specific drills and exercises for baseball athletes. Exercises are prescribed by the instructor and are tailored to the physical demands of the sport and individuals' capabilities. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken four times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
(Also see Statistics)
97298 D.Yegge 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH PS-104 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97298: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97301 W.Yazigi 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH MATH-112 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97301: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97370. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97305 R.Kopp 7:30am-9:20am M VSS-109 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97305: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 97311 M.Ballard 7:30am-9:20am TTH VSS-108 97306 R.Kopp 7:30am-9:20am W VSS-109 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97306: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 97304 S.Pearsall 9:00am-12:50pm S MATH-113 97307 J.Brouwer 10:00am-11:50am MW VSS-109 97312 M.Khou 10:00am-11:50am TTH VSS-109 97308 J.Brouwer 12:00pm-1:50pm MW VSS-109 97313 L.Crow 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH VSS-109 97299 D.Valdez 12:30pm-2:40pm MTWTH MATH-112 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97299: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97302 K.Dewilde 12:30pm-2:40pm MTWTH MATH-112 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97302: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97523 S.Munayco 2:00pm-3:50pm MW VSS-109 97314 M.Khou 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH VSS-109 97300 V.Garcia 4:30pm-6:40pm MTWTH PS-123 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97300: Fast-track class linked to MATH-425-97368. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97309 A.Hassandzada 5:00pm-6:50pm MW VSS-109 97315 T.Naeve 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH VSS-109 97303 B.Johnson 6:00pm-9:50pm F MATH-113 97297 J.Hyder 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH PS-123 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97297: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97310 G.Antashyan 7:00pm-8:50pm MW VSS-109 97316 J.Haider 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH VSS-109 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
99399 P.Roberts 8:00am-9:15am MW G-111 Last day to add: 01/16/18 01/08/18-03/19/18 Section 99399: Enrollment limited to men's water polo athletes.
12:30pm-1:20pm MW Last day to add: 01/23/18
College Algebra
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Topics include solutions to higher degree polynomial equations: functions, polynomial, rational, inverse, etc.. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Concurrent or previous enrollment in any Water Polo KINTM course. Advanced sport-specific drills and exercises for water polo athletes. Exercises are prescribed by the instructor and are tailored to the physical demands of the sport and individuals' capabilities. Instructor consent required for enrollment. May be taken four times. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99285 P.Roberts 01/08/18-04/23/18
Plane Trigonometry
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-25. Advisory: Completion of 1 year high school geometry. Topics include trigonometric functions, radian measure, graphs, inverse trigonometric functions, vectors, and more. Students may be required to obtain a graphing utility for the course. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Calculus for Business
10:00am-11:50am TTH 5:00pm-6:50pm MW
4.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
Calculus II
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-65A. Applications of the definite integral including area, volume, arc length, surfaces of revolution, and more. Students may be required to obtain a graphing utility for the course. (C-ID MATH 221) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97469 M.Tavakoli 7:30am-9:20am MW MATH-114 97467 L.Durfee 10:00am-12:10pm MTWTH MATH-112 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97467: Fast-track class linked with MATH-65A-97466. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97472 A.Roebuck 2:00pm-3:50pm MW MATH-114 97470 J.Buli 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH MATH-114 97468 A.Hassandzada 7:00pm-8:50pm MW MATH-113
MATH-113 MATH-113
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-61 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-25 and 31. Further studies in algebra and trigonometry for students intending to take calculus. NOTE: A graphing calculator is required; students should see instructor for specifics, since CAS-based calculators may be prohibited. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Calculus III
5.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-65B. Vectors; lines, planes, and surfaces in space; cylindrical and spherical coordinates; vector-valued functions; functions of several variables; differential calculus; and more. Students may be required to obtain a graphing utility for the course. (C-ID MATH 230) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97459 S.Bahk 7:30am-9:20am MW PS-102 97460 L.Crow 10:00am-11:50am TTH MATH-114 97461 R.Kopp 10:00am-11:50am W PS-125 and Online hours INET Section 97461: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 97458 E.Pachas 4:30pm-6:40pm MTWTH MATH-112 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97458: Fast-track class linked with MATH-31-97317. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
97471 L.Crow 97473 M.Du
9:30am-11:50am 4:30pm-6:50pm
Linear Algebra
MATH-114 MATH-113
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-75. Systems of linear equations; vectors, matrices and determinants; 2- and 3-dimensional vectors; vector spaces, linear transformations; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; linear transformations. (C-ID MATH 250) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97474 J.Fay
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Calculus I
97462 H.Nguyen 7:30am-9:20am TTH MATH-114 97466 L.Durfee 10:00am-12:10pm MTWTH MATH-112 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97466: Fast-track class linked with MATH-65B-97467. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97464 L.Crow 12:00pm-1:50pm MW MATH-114 97465 M.Wardak 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH MATH-113 97463 C.Sardan 7:00pm-8:50pm MW MATH-114 (another section at Chino)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-31 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-25. Techniques of calculus as applied to problem solving in business and economics, including limits, continuity, differentiation and integration in one and several dimensions, optimization, and transcendental functions. (C-ID MATH 140) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97430 H.Croft-Seidler 97431 STAFF
Prerequisite: MATH-61. Functions; limits and continuity; differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions with applications; introduction to integration and the definite integral with applications. Students may be required to obtain a graphing utility for the course. (C-ID MATH 211) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
99167 M.Tavakoli 10:00am-11:50am MW PS-123 97319 M.Gutierrez 12:00pm-1:50pm MW MATH-113 97321 H.Croft-Seidler 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH MATH-113 97322 M.Tavakoli 2:00pm-3:50pm MW MATH-113 97317 E.Pachas 4:30pm-6:40pm MTWTH MATH-112 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97317: Fast-track class linked with MATH-61-97458. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97323 M.Khou 5:00pm-6:50pm MW PS-102 97318 R.Barraza 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH MATH-114 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
^ Chaffey College
Differential Equations
4.00 UNITS
Mathematics for Health Science
1.00 UNIT
2:00pm-4:50pm TTH Last day to add: 01/09/18 2:00pm-4:50pm TTH Last day to add: 02/05/18 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH Last day to add: 03/21/18
Elementary Algebra
MATH-114 MATH-114 MATH-114
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-520. Algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additional topics include special products and factoring, rational expressions and their operations, solution and application of linear and rational equations, graphing of linear equations in two variables, solving linear systems of two equations, and determining the equation of a line. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97329 A.Leontas 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH PS-123 and J.Enciso 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97329: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97375. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97334 K.Dewilde 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH PS-104 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97334: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97338 D.Rahman 7:30am-9:20am MW VSS-201 97350 A.Roebuck 7:30am-9:20am MW VSS-208 97364 C.Dang 7:30am-9:50am MW VSS-204 01/30/18-05/08/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 97344 S.Bahk 7:30am-9:20am TTH VSS-201 97356 D.Troy 7:30am-9:20am TTH VSS-208 97363 C.Cretu 7:30am-9:20am TTH VSS-204 97336 S.Arefin 9:00am-12:50pm S VSS-208 97339 M.Khou 10:00am-11:50am MW VSS-201 97351 R.Witt 10:00am-11:50am MW VSS-208 97357 E.Seager 10:00am-11:50am TTH VSS-208 97366 H.Nguyen 10:00am-11:50am TTH VSS-204 97345 B.Neal 10:00am-11:50am TTH VSS-201 97365 M.Gutierrez 10:00am-11:50am MW VSS-204 97340 S.Munayco 12:00pm-1:50pm MW VSS-201 Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-520. Course is targeted to students applying for the Nursing A.D.N. program. Topics include: metric, apothecary, and household systems of measurement; system conversions; adult and child dosages, and calculations involving oral, intravenous, and intramuscular medication administrations. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97325 A.Schardijn 01/09/18-01/25/18 97326 A.Schardijn 02/05/18-02/26/18 97327 J.Fay 03/20/18-05/01/18 (more sections at Chino)
97352 F.Sadiq 12:00pm-1:50pm MW VSS-208 97346 B.Nelson 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH VSS-201 97358 T.Jenkins 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH VSS-208 97330 J.Enciso 12:30pm-2:40pm MTWTH PS-123 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97330: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97377. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97331 D.Yegge 12:30pm-2:40pm MTWTH PS-104 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97331: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97337 T.Jenkins 1:00pm-4:50pm S VSS-208 97353 STAFF 2:00pm-3:50pm MW VSS-208 97347 B.Nelson 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH VSS-201 97359 T.Nguyen 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH VSS-208 97341 M.Khou 2:00pm-3:50pm MW VSS-201 97296 B.Carrillo 4:30pm-6:40pm MTWTH PS-104 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97296: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97373. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97342 G.Young 5:00pm-6:50pm MW VSS-201 97354 A.Roebuck 5:00pm-6:50pm MW VSS-208 97362 J.Meekins 5:00pm-6:50pm MW VSS-204 97348 J.Zimmer 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH VSS-201 97360 T.Nguyen 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH VSS-208 97335 B.Ramirez 6:00pm-9:50pm F VSS-208 97328 A.Leontas 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH PS-104 and L.Chung 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97328: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97374. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97333 J.Hyder 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH PS-123 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97333: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97343 W.Martinez 7:00pm-8:50pm MW VSS-201 97355 S.Armstrong 7:00pm-8:50pm MW VSS-208 97349 T.Nguyen 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH VSS-201 97361 S.Kenehan 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH VSS-208 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Prerequisite: MATH-75. Advisory: Prior experience with a graphing calculator is needed. Methods of solving ordinary differential equations, including existence of solutions, series solutions, and singular points. Laplace transforms and linear systems. A graphing utility is required for this course; see instructor for details since CAS-based calculators may be prohibited. (C-ID MATH 240) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97475 M.Wardak
Intermediate Algebra
4.00 UNITS
97391 R.Barraza 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH PS-125 97403 P.Chaudhary 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH VSS-108 97408 K.Nguyen 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH HS-127 97409 L.Ting 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH VSS-204 97378 L.Tran 6:00pm-9:50pm F MATH-112 97369 S.Lo Sarah 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH MATH-112 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97369: Fast-Track class linked with STAT-10-97476. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97374 L.Chung 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH PS-104 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97374: Fast-track section linked with MATH-410-97328. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97386 STAFF 7:00pm-8:50pm MW PS-125 97398 J.Meekins 7:00pm-8:50pm MW VSS-108 97392 O.Chairez 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH PS-125 97404 P.Chaudhary 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH VSS-108 97405 R.Dinu 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH MATH-113 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Extends concepts from Elementary Algebra. Content includes: polynomial, radical, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic expressions, equations, and functions; linear and non-linear systems of equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; graphing of nonlinear functions; complex numbers; nonlinear single-variable inequalities; conic sections; sequences; series; and the Binomial Theorem. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97370 J.August 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH MATH-112 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97370: Fast-track class linked with MATH-25-97301. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97375 J.August 7:30am-9:40am MTWTH PS-123 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97375: Fast-track class linked with MATH-410-97329. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97381 R.Elsdon 7:30am-9:20am MW PS-125 97393 B.Neal 7:30am-9:20am MW VSS-108 97387 A.Roebuck 7:30am-9:20am TTH PS-125 97399 R.Kopp 7:30am-9:20am TTH VSS-109 97379 I.Yang 9:00am-12:50pm S MATH-112 97371 D.Yegge 10:00am-12:10pm MTWTH PS-104 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97371: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97376 D.Yegge 10:00am-12:10pm MTWTH PS-104 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97376: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97382 R.Kopp 10:00am-11:50am M PS-125 and Online hours INET Section 97382: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 97388 M.Gutierrez 10:00am-11:50am TTH PS-125 97400 R.Witt 10:00am-11:50am TTH VSS-108 97406 D.Valdez 10:00am-11:50am TTH PS-123 97394 D.Valdez 10:00am-11:50am MW VSS-108 97383 H.Ong 12:00pm-1:50pm MW PS-125 97395 H.Croft-Seidler 12:00pm-1:50pm MW VSS-108 97389 M.Gutierrez 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH PS-125 97401 A.Roebuck 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH VSS-108 97377 A.Leontas 12:30pm-2:40pm MTWTH PS-123 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97377: Fast-track class linked with MATH-410-97330. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97372 D.Yegge 12:30pm-2:40pm MTWTH PS-104 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97372: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97380 D.Rahman 1:00pm-4:50pm S MATH-112 97384 R.Elsdon 2:00pm-3:50pm MW PS-125 97407 H.Ong 2:00pm-4:20pm MW PS-121 01/30/18-05/08/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 97390 R.Campbell 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH PS-125 97402 E.Kim 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH VSS-108 97396 H.Croft-Seidler 2:00pm-3:50pm MW VSS-108 97368 V.Garcia 4:30pm-6:40pm MTWTH PS-123 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97368: Fast-track class linked to MATH-25-97300. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97373 B.Carrillo 4:30pm-6:40pm MTWTH PS-104 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97373: Fast-track class linked with MATH-410-97296. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97385 C.Sardan 5:00pm-6:50pm MW PS-125 97397 G.Antashyan 5:00pm-6:50pm MW VSS-108 Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-520 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-510. An introduction to the language and mechanics of mathematics including the topics of rational number arithmetic, order of operations, expressions, equations, graphing, and polynomial operations. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Materials Fee: $1.00 (Software fees required) Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only 97411 T.Jenkins 7:30am-9:55am MTWTH PS-122 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97411: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97412 T.Jenkins 7:30am-9:55am MTWTH PS-122 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97412: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97413 T.Jenkins 7:30am-12:20pm S PS-122 97414 K.Lee 7:30am-9:55am MW VSS-205 97420 E.Seager 7:30am-9:55am TTH VSS-205 97415 T.Nguyen 10:00am-12:30pm MW VSS-205 97421 D.Troy 10:00am-12:30pm TTH VSS-205 97416 STAFF 12:00pm-1:40pm MW VSS-204 and 1:45pm-2:30pm MW VSS-205 97422 S.Ngobi 12:00pm-1:40pm TTH VSS-204 and 1:45pm-2:30pm TTH VSS-205 97417 F.Sadiq 2:00pm-3:40pm MW VSS-204 and 3:45pm-4:30pm MW VSS-205 97423 M.Gutierrez 2:00pm-3:40pm TTH VSS-204 and 3:45pm-4:30pm TTH VSS-205 97426 C.Jacinto 2:00pm-4:30pm TTH VSS-102 97427 STAFF 2:00pm-4:30pm MW VSS-102 97418 D.Geiger 5:00pm-7:30pm MW VSS-205 97424 A.Schardijn 5:00pm-7:30pm TTH VSS-205 97410 F.Gelenchi 7:00pm-9:30pm MW PS-122 97419 M.Matin 7:00pm-8:40pm MW VSS-204 and 8:45pm-9:30pm MW VSS-205 97425 L.Ting 7:00pm-8:40pm TTH VSS-204 and 8:45pm-9:30pm TTH VSS-205 97428 S.Johnson 7:00pm-10:05pm MW HS-141 01/29/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 97429 R.Garcia 7:00pm-10:05pm TTH HS-141 01/30/18-05/08/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
^ Chaffey College
MATH-605 Preparation for the Study of Pre-Algebra
0.00 UNITS
VSS-102 VSS-102 VSS-102
PS-122 PS-122 PS-122 PS-122 PS-122 PS-122 INET
Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters
VSS-102 PS-122
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are:
PS-122 VSS-102 INET
Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change.
Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
PS-122 PS-122 VSS-102 VSS-102 VSS-102 INET VSS-102 INET
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452 (909) 652-6932 (909) 652-8150 (909) 652-7408
PS-122 PS-122 PS-122 PS-122 PS-122 PS-122
^ Chaffey College
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
97448 E.Cannis 2:30pm-4:35pm TTH and T.Nguyen 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 97444 E.Cannis 2:30pm-4:35pm MW and M.Lo 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 97437 A.Leontas 4:45pm-6:50pm MW and F.Gelenchi 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97445 M.Wardak 4:45pm-6:50pm MW 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 97441 M.Haider 4:45pm-6:50pm TTH 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97449 A.Leontas 4:45pm-6:50pm T and Online hours 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/20/18 Section 97449: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Mathematics Review for students whose assessment results indicate placement below Arithmetic/Pre-Algebra, and who wish to re-acquire the skills needed to re-assess into a higher level mathematics course. The course focuses on operations of whole numbers, rational numbers, decimal numbers and integers. Other topics include; ratios, proportions and measurement. Successful completion of this course allows the student to bypass the 3-month waiting period for re-assessment. May be taken twice. Materials Fee: $0.00 (Software fees required) Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass 97450 D.Valdez 7:30am-9:35am MW 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97451 D.Valdez 7:30am-9:35am MW 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 97452 D.Valdez 7:30am-9:35am TTH 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97453 D.Valdez 7:30am-9:35am TTH 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 97432 D.Valdez 9:00am-1:50pm S 01/13/18-03/03/18 Last day to add: 01/13/18 97433 F.Khatami 9:00am-1:50pm S 03/24/18-05/05/18 Last day to add: 03/24/18 97434 J.Fay 10:00am-12:05pm MW 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97442 W.Yazigi 10:00am-12:05pm MW 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 97456 B.Neal 10:00am-12:05pm M and Online hours 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/08/18 Section 97456: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98670 B.Neal 10:00am-12:05pm M and Online hours 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 Section 98670: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 97438 M.Wardak 10:00am-12:05pm TTH 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97446 W.Yazigi 10:00am-12:05pm TTH 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 97454 L.Nemeth 10:00am-12:05pm TTH 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97455 M.Wardak 10:00am-12:05pm TTH 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 97457 B.Neal 10:00am-12:05pm W and Online hours 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97457: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98672 B.Neal 10:00am-12:05pm W and Online hours 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/20/18 Section 98672: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 97435 J.Fay 12:15pm-2:20pm MW 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97443 W.Yazigi 12:15pm-2:20pm MW 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 97439 L.Nemeth 12:15pm-2:20pm TTH 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97447 L.Nemeth 12:15pm-2:20pm TTH 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 97436 B.Vigil 2:30pm-4:35pm MW 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 97440 T.Nguyen 2:30pm-4:35pm TTH 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18
MATH 85 Differential Equations
99127 C.Kamm
MATH 61 Pre-Calculus
MATH 25 College Algebra
Music Appreciation
3.00 UNITS
Music Theory and Musicianship I
SSV-8 CAE-101 SSV-8 SSV-8 CAE-101 SSV-8 CAE-101
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in MUSIC-35. This course, through guided composition, analysis, and cultural inquiry, incorporates the following concepts: rhythm and meter; basic properties of sound; intervals; diatonic scales and triads; diatonic chords; basic cadential formulas and phrase structure; dominant seventh; figured bass symbols; and non-harmonic tones; music as science, mathematics, and philosophy in Ancient Greek culture; musical form in the context of poetic, artistic and architectural form. Students explore the history and evolution of music notation in the context of the growth of European vernacular literacy, and development of skills in handwritten notation is expected. In addition, the musicianship component of this course applies and develops the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials of the first semester of Music Theory through ear training, sight singing, analysis, and dictation, drawing from and examining musicals sources from European art music, traditional/folk music from American, European, and non-European cultures, and American popular music. (C-ID MUS 120 and MUS 125) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
MATH 4 Math Concepts for Teachers
MATH 425 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 401 Math for Health Science
99145 A.Maldonado 8:00am-9:20am MW 99149 R.Hermosillo Flores 9:00am-11:50am S 99151 P.Aranda 11:00am-12:20pm MW 99150 M.Altmire 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH 99152 M.Altmire 12:30pm-3:20pm F 7:00pm-9:50pm W 99148 E.Levine 99146 J.Fagre 7:00pm-9:50pm TH (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
MATH 65A Calculus I
STAT-10 * Elementary Statistics
3.00 UNITS
A survey of art music in western civilization. Topics studied include elements of music, basic musical forms, music periods, styles, and the role of music and musicians in the western world. (C-ID MUS 100) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
MATH 65B Calculus II
MATH 31 Plane Trigonometry
Music History and Literature
Chronological survey of music in Western culture, from 1750 to the present. Explores the music of the great composers of the Classical, Romantic, and 20th Century eras. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
MATH 60 Business Calculus
MATH 75 Calculus III
MATH 3 Discrete Math
Music (MUSIC)
Mathematics Course Sequence MATH 81 Linear Algebra
MATH 410 Elementary Algebra
99155 P.Aranda 99156 P.Aranda
9:30am-11:20am 3:30pm-5:20pm
CAE-101 SSV-8
MATH 520 Pre-Algebra
MATH 510 Arithmetic
MATH 605 Review of Arithmetic and Algebra
* Some majors may allow SCSCI-10 to substitute for STAT-10
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
MUSIC-6 Music Theory and Musicianship II
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MUSIC-5. Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in MUSIC-36. This course incorporates the concepts from Music Theory and Musicianship I. In addition, through guided composition and analysis, the course will include: an introduction to two-part counterpoint; voice leading involving four-part chorale writing; diatonic harmony; and an introduction to secondary/applied chords and modulation. Applies and develops the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials of the second semester of Music Theory through ear training, sight singing, analysis, and dictation. Students continue to explore the history and evolution of music notation and theory, as well as cultural influences thereon, through examination and analysis of historically and geographically diverse musical examples. (C-ID MUS 130 and MUS-135) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99159 D.Rentz
Music Theory and Musicianship IV
Introduction to Recording Arts
99117 A.Schnurr and
3:30pm-4:20pm 4:30pm-5:50pm
Electronic Music
4.00 UNITS
9:30am-10:20am MW 10:30am-11:50am MW
CAA-119 CAA-119
3.00 UNITS
History and Survey of Rock Music
3.00 UNITS
Survey of rock music styles covering their origins, development, and cultural impact. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99124 D.Elsenbroich 99123 C.Hornung 99125 M.Cahow 99120 K.Anglim 99119 A.Yankee (another section at Chino)
3.00 UNITS
8:00am-9:20am 9:00am-11:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
World Music
CAE-101 CAE-101 CAE-101 CAE-101 CAE-101
3.00 UNITS
Music and music cultures around the world, focusing on their role(s) in those cultures. Extensive listening and musical vocabulary development. Some performance expected. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99126 A.Maldonado
VSS-113 VSS-113
Piano for Music Majors I
1.00 UNIT
Introduction to notation, rhythm, fingering, and the major scales, through the playing of beginning exercises and pieces. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
99129 M.Lee 99130 M.Lee
9:30am-10:50am 12:30pm-1:50pm
Piano for Music Majors II
1.00 UNIT
Advisory: Completion of MUSIC-35. Continued introduction to notation, rhythm, fingering, major and minor scales, primary chords, and key transposition through the playing of beginning exercises and pieces. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
CAA-119 CAA-119
99131 M.Lee
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
12:30pm-1:20pm 1:30pm-2:50pm
History of Jazz
99118 P.Aranda
Advisory: Some keyboard skills and/or experience with electronic components. Electronic sound production. Topics include sound types, sound manipulation, sequencing, Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), and editing. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99116 A.Schnurr and
3.00 UNITS
Survey of the development of jazz from its origins in the Afro-American society, through the developmental periods of the various metropolitan areas, to the present day eclectic style. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Theory and application of contemporary recording concepts, techniques and equipment utilizing modern technology and practice in the recording studio. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99115 A.Schnurr and
Computer-Assisted Recording and Editing
^ Chaffey College
Advisory: Completion of MUSIC-16. Techniques and applications of recording and editing sound on personal computers. Hardware, software, editing for song, sound effects, and dialog for film. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: MUSIC-7. Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in MUSIC-37. Post-Romantic techniques such as borrowed chords and modal mixture, chromatic mediants, Neapolitan and augmented-sixth chords, 9th, 11th and 13th chords, altered chords and dominants. 20th century techniques such as Impressionism, tone rows, set theory, pandiatonicism and polytonalism, meter and rhythm. Application and development of the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials of the fourth semester of Music Theory through ear training, sight singing, analysis, and dictation. (C-ID MUS 150 and MUS 155) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99164 D.Rentz
Intermediate Piano
1.00 UNIT
Advisory: Completion of MUSIC-35. Extensive sight reading, performance of all major and minor scales, chords, and arpeggios. Some analysis and melodic harmonization. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99132 M.Lee
11:00am-12:20pm MW
Studio Piano
1.00 UNIT
11:00am-12:20pm MW
Beginning Guitar
Intermediate Guitar
1.00 UNIT
Applied Music
0.50 UNITS
99162 P.Aranda
Community Concert Band
1.00 UNIT
Jazz Band
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Intermediate to advanced proficiency on one's musical instrument, together with the ability to read music is required. Students may pre-register, but instructor will assess students' ability to play on the first day of class. Audition on the following instruments: trumpet, trombone, saxophone, bass and bass guitar, keyboards, drums, guitar, and auxiliary percussion. Instrumental studio/performing group, emphasizing reading, improvisation and stylistic concepts as they apply to the intermediate/advanced player. In most instances, student is expected to supply his/her own instrument. Attendance at public performances is required. May be taken four times. (C-ID MUS 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
SSV-8 CAE-101
99163 P.Aranda
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
1.50 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Students may pre-register, but will be assessed by instructor on first day of class as to ability to play a musical instrument. Instrumental music group specializing in training and experience in a wide sampling of band repertoire, through rehearsals and performance. Attendance at on-campus end of semester concert in the theater is required. Students must provide their own instruments, although some larger instruments may be available through the Music Department. May be taken four times. (C-ID MUS 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Audition is required. Corequisite: MUSIC-75, 76, 77, or 78. Individualized study of the appropriate techniques and repertoire for the specific instrument or voice being studied. Emphasis is on the progressive development of skills needed for solo performance. Achievement is evaluated through a juried performance. May be taken four times. (C-ID MUS 160) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99157 P.Aranda 2:00pm-2:50pm W Section 99157: 9 additional hours per term arranged. 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 04/03/18 99158 D.Rentz 2:00pm-2:50pm W Section 99158: 9 additional hours per term arranged. 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 04/03/18
Chamber Choir
99161 D.Rentz 11:30am-12:20pm MTTH CAE-101 Section 99161: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. Section 99161: 27 additional hours per term arranged.
Advisory: Completion of MUSIC-40 or the ability to sight-read in the first position. Further exploration of guitar literature and the capabilities of the solo guitar. Student must provide own guitar for use in class. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99154 K.Anglim
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Audition is required first week of class, to determine basic music reading ability, tonal memory, independence in carrying an assigned part, and ability to blend with other voices. Advisory: Experience with choral and sight-reading. Advanced study and performance of varied choral music, with a focus on a cappella art, folk and popular music. Attendance at public performances is required. May be taken four times. (C-ID MUS 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
1.00 UNIT
Concert Choir
99160 D.Rentz 12:30pm-1:20pm MTTH CAE-101 Section 99160: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Basic fundamentals of technique for most styles of guitar playing, including right hand technique, chording, melodic playing, and basic music reading. Student must provide own guitar for use in class. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99153 K.Anglim
Limitation on Enrollment: Audition is required during the first week of class to verify ability to match pitches, sing in tune, perform simple rhythms, and carry an assigned part independently. Advisory: Previous choral experience is desirable. Study and performance of a wide variety of classical and contemporary literature for mixed choirs, both a cappella and accompanied. Attendance at public performances is required. May be taken 4 times. (C-ID MUS 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of MUSIC-51B or audition with instructor consent. Basic contemporary harmony and chording techniques. Performance of popular music in a variety of styles, reading from lead sheets, and construction of song arrangements. Approach to basic improvisation. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99133 M.Lee
^ Chaffey College
Nursing: Assistant (NURAST) (909)652-6675
Nursing Assistant
3.50 UNITS
Nursing Assistant Laboratory
97599 C.Zmudka and and 02/15/18-03/01/18 97604 C.Zmudka and and 04/26/18-05/09/18
2.00 UNITS
Last day to add: 01/25/18 108 hours scheduled clinical
Last day to add: 04/03/18 108 hours scheduled clinical Last day to add: 04/03/18
Last day to add: 01/11/18 8:00am-2:30pm TH 8:00am-2:30pm F Last day to add: 03/22/18
HS-131 HS-131
1.00 UNIT
8:00am-2:30pm TH (2/15) 8:00am-2:30pm TH (2/22) 8:00am-2:30pm TH (3/1) Last day to add: 02/15/18 8:00am-2:30pm TH (4/26) 8:00am-2:30pm TH (5/3) 8:00am-2:30pm W (5/9) Last day to add: 04/26/18
HS-132 HS-141 HS-132 HS-132 HS-141 HS-132
Nursing: Associate Degree (NURADN) (909)652-6671
NURADN-3 Transition in Nursing
1.50 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Must be a graduate of a Vocational Nursing school with an active LVN license, and have at least one year of work experience as a LVN in a clinical health care setting. Corequisite: NURADN-3L. Development of critical thinking skills, concepts of patient-centered and evidence-based care, utilization of the nursing process, and therapeutic communication. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97724 S.Clay and R.Arciniega 01/08/18-04/02/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission into the Nursing Assistant program. Advisory: Basic computer skills are recommended. Demonstration of the interpersonal and professional skills needed by entry-level healthcare providers joining the workforce. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $1.00 NOTE: Stated hours include a half-hour lunch break. Grading: Letter grade only
HS-141 HS-132 HS-132 HS-132
0.50 UNITS
NURAST-450 Professional Development for the Nursing Assistant
HS-141 HS-132 HS-132 HS-132
108 hours scheduled clinical
Nursing Assistant Skills Laboratory
97598 C.Zmudka and K.Wilson 01/11/18-02/01/18 97603 C.Zmudka and K.Wilson 03/22/18-04/05/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission to the Nursing Assistant program. Corequisite: NURAST-400. Clinical application of the basic nursing care required to provide for the hygiene, comfort, and safety needs of clients in long-term health care settings. Focus on roles and responsibilities, knowledge of and adherence to federal and state regulations, demonstration of nursing skills, and practice in effective communications. Materials Fee: $2.00 NOTE: A half-hour lunch break is included in assigned clinical hours. Grading: Pass/No Pass only 97597 C.Zmudka and K.Wilson 01/16/18-03/09/18 97602 C.Zmudka and K.Wilson 03/26/18-05/11/18 97605 STAFF 03/26/18-05/11/18
Last day to add: 01/21/18
^ Chaffey College
8:00am-2:30pm M (1/8) 8:00am-2:30pm T (1/9) 8:00am-2:30pm W (1/10-2/28) 8:00am-11:00am W (3/7) Last day to add: 01/08/18 8:00am-2:30pm M (3/19) 8:00am-2:30pm T (3/20) 8:00am-2:30pm W (3/21-5/2) 8:00am-11:00am TH (5/10) Last day to add: 03/19/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission into the Nursing Assistant program. Corequisite: NURAST-400 and 400L. Demonstration of the twenty-eight core skills requiring mastery in preparation for the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) exam. Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $1.00 NOTE: Stated hours include a half-hour lunch break. Grading: Pass/No Pass only
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission to the Nursing Assistant program. Corequisite: NURAST-400L. Fundamental principles of basic nursing care necessary to meet the hygiene, comfort, and safety needs of clients, including the prevention, identification and reporting of suspected patient abuse. Focus on developing communicative skills and effective interpersonal relations with clients, families, and fellow health care team members. Course follows the guidelines established by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Instructor signature required. Materials Fee: $0.00 NOTE 1: Call (909) 652-6675 or go to www.chaffey.edu/healthsciences for program information. NOTE 2: Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in NURAST-400 and pass NURAST-400L to meet course and program requirements. NOTE 3: Stated hours include a half-hour lunch break. Grading: Letter grade only 97596 C.Zmudka and and and 01/08/18-03/07/18 97601 C.Zmudka and and and 03/19/18-05/10/18
NURADN-3L Transition in Nursing Laboratory
0.50 UNITS
NURADN-14L Nursing Process 1 Laboratory
3.50 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Must be a graduate of a Vocational Nursing school with an active LVN license, and have at least one year of work experience as a LVN in a clinical health care setting. Corequisite: NURADN-3. Application of basic nursing in an on-campus clinical setting. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Pass/No Pass only
Corequisite: NURADN-14. Clinical application of the nursing process in providing basic care of adult and geriatric clients and their families. Application of beginning clientcentered communication, interpersonal relationships, and critical thinking skills. Clinical application at long-term care and medical surgical facilities. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Pass/No Pass only
97725 S.Clay 01/08/18-04/02/18 97726 R.Arciniega 01/08/18-04/02/18
97732 L.Doget including and 02/12/18-05/17/18 97733 H.MacDonald including and 02/20/18-05/17/18 97734 P.Edmonds including and 02/12/18-05/17/18 97827 T.DePonte including and 02/12/18-05/17/18
10:30am-1:15pm M Last day to add: 01/21/18 10:30am-1:15pm M Last day to add: 01/21/18
Clinical Nursing Skills
HS-132 HS-132
1.50 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission to the Nursing (A.D.N.) program. Development of the essential components of safe patient-centered care. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97727 L.Doget and 01/09/18-02/09/18 97728 H.MacDonald and 01/09/18-02/09/18 97729 G.Hullings and 01/09/18-02/09/18 97730 M.Aquino, M.Valenzuela, and J.Oleson 01/09/18-02/09/18
8:30am-1:30pm TW 8:30am-2:30pm F Last day to add: 01/11/18 8:30am-1:30pm TW 8:30am-2:30pm F Last day to add: 01/11/18 8:30am-1:30pm TW 8:30am-2:30pm F Last day to add: 01/11/18 8:30am-1:30pm TW 8:30am-2:30pm F
HS-127 HS-127 HS-127 HS-127
NURADN-26 Maternal-Newborn Nursing
HS-127 HS-127 HS-127 HS-127
4.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission into the A.D.N. program. Prerequisite: NURADN-6. Corequisite: NURADN-14L. Development of basic nursing concepts in patient-centered care, including communication, interpersonal relationships, and critical thinking skills. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97731 L.Doget and H.MacDonald 02/14/18-05/14/18
8:30am-10:45am M 8:30am-2:30pm W Last day to add: 02/27/18
97834 S.Paplanus and C.Lightner 04/09/18-05/16/18
CLIN HS-127 HS-127 CLIN HS-127 HS-132 CLIN HS-127 HS-127
2.00 UNITS
Last day to add: 04/10/18
Maternal-Newborn Nursing Laboratory
1.50 UNITS
Corequisite: NURADN-26. Application of maternal-newborn nursing concepts in patient-centered, evidence-based care, taking into consideration individual differences, developmental level and culture. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Pass/No Pass only
HS-127 HS-127
97839 S.Paplanus including 04/09/18-05/17/18 97850 C.Lightner including 04/09/18-05/17/18 97852 J.Pham including 04/09/18-05/17/18 97853 P.Candelario including 04/09/18-05/17/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
CLIN HS-127 HS-127
Prerequisite: NURADN-27. Corequisite: NURADN-26L. Development of maternal-newborn nursing concepts for child-bearing family using evidence-based practice, nursing process, and critical thinking skills in perinatal and clinical settings in selected community agencies. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Last day to add: 01/11/18
Nursing Process 1
189 hours per term scheduled 8:30am-2:30pm T 8:30am-1:30pm TH Last day to add: 02/26/18 189 hours per term scheduled 8:30am-2:30pm T 8:30am-1:30pm F Last day to add: 02/26/18 189 hours per term scheduled 8:30am-2:30pm T 8:30am-1:30pm F Last day to add: 02/26/18 189 hours per term scheduled 8:30am-2:30pm T 8:00am-1:30pm TH Last day to add: 02/26/18
81 hours per term arranged 12:00pm-2:30pm MW Last day to add: 04/09/18 81 hours per term arranged 12:00pm-2:30pm MW Last day to add: 04/09/18 81 hours per term arranged 12:00pm-2:30pm MW Last day to add: 04/09/18 81 hours per term arranged 12:00pm-2:30pm MW Last day to add: 04/09/18
^ Chaffey College
Nursing Process 2
NURADN-38 Family-Child Nursing
4.00 UNITS
2.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: NURADN-3 and 3L, or NURADN-14 and 14L. Corequisite: NURADN-27L. Nursing care of adults in the hospital environment. Use of the nursing process and critical thinking skills in medical-surgical units. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Corequisite: NURADN-38L. Development of nursing concepts for infants, toddlers, school-age children, and adolescents and their families using evidence-based nursing, the nursing process, and critical reasoning/thinking skills. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97829 S.Paplanus and M.Cianchetti 01/08/18-04/08/18
97866 S.Clay 04/09/18-05/16/18
Last day to add: 01/21/18
Nursing Process 2 Laboratory
Corequisite: NURADN-38. Application of family-child nursing concepts in patient-centered, evidence-based care, taking into consideration individual differences, developmental level, and culture. Materials Fee: $6.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Pass/No Pass only
Nursing Process III
97867 S.Clay 04/09/18-05/17/18 97870 J.Hinson 04/09/18-05/17/18 97871 S.Bark 04/09/18-05/17/18 97872 STAFF 04/09/18-05/17/18
4.00 UNITS
97873 M.Cianchetti and S.Herman and 01/09/18-04/12/18
3.00 UNITS
Corequisite: NURADN-34. Application of medical/surgical nursing concepts in patient-centered, evidence-based care to the geriatric, acute, and chronically ill individual/family, taking into consideration individual differences, developmental level, and culture. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Pass/No Pass only 97857 R.Arciniega 01/08/18-04/06/18 97859 S.Clay 01/08/18-04/06/18 97860 G.Kim 01/08/18-04/06/18 97861 J.Craigmyle 01/08/18-04/06/18
162 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 01/24/18 162 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 01/24/18 162 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 01/24/18 162 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 01/24/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.00 UNITS
12:30pm-2:45pm W 8:30am-11:30am T 8:30am-11:15am TH Last day to add: 01/29/18
Nursing Process 4 Laboratory
HS-141 HS-101 HS-101
3.50 UNITS
Corequisite: NURADN-45. Clinical application in the nursing management of critically ill clients, family and groups of clients in high acuity medical surgical and community health settings. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Pass/No Pass only
Last day to add: 01/22/18
Nursing Process III Laboratory
Nursing Process 4
Prerequisite: NURADN-34 and 34L. Corequisite: NURADN-45. Nursing management of critically ill clients, family, and groups of client in high acuity medical surgical and community health settings. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: NURADN-3 and 3L, or NURADN-27 and 27L. Corequisite: NURADN-34L. Development of medical/surgical nursing concepts for geriatric, acute, and chronically ill patients and their families, using evidence-based nursing, the nursing process, and critical reasoning/thinking skills. Materials Fee: $6.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97856 R.Arciniega and S.Clay 01/09/18-04/04/18
81 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 04/15/18 81 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 04/15/18 81 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 04/15/18 81 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 04/15/18
97874 M.Cianchetti 01/08/18-04/13/18 97875 S.Herman and R.Ketchum 01/08/18-04/13/18 97876 C.Eastman 01/08/18-04/13/18 97877 E.Aragon 01/08/18-04/13/18
189 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 01/26/18 189 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 01/26/18 189 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 01/26/18 189 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 01/26/18
^ Chaffey College
162 hours per term scheduled 12:00pm-2:30pm MW Last day to add: 01/08/18 162 hours per term scheduled 12:00pm-2:30pm MW Last day to add: 01/08/18 162 hours per term scheduled 12:00pm-2:30pm MW Last day to add: 01/08/18 162 hours per term scheduled 12:00pm-2:30pm MW Last day to add: 01/08/18
NURADN-38L Family-Child Nursing Laboratory 1.50 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: NURADN-3 and 3L, or NURADN-14 and 14L. Corequisite: NURADN-27. Nursing care of adults in the hospital environment. Use of the nursing process and critical thinking skills in medical/surgical units. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Pass/No Pass only 97830 S.Paplanus including 01/08/18-04/06/18 97831 L.Brown including 01/08/18-04/06/18 97832 M.Rosas including 01/08/18-04/06/18 97833 J.Renteria including 01/08/18-04/06/18
9:00am-12:00pm MW Last day to add: 04/10/18
NURADN-48 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
2.00 UNITS
NURADN-404 Basic ECG and Dysrhythmia Interpretation
2.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission into A.D.N. Program. Corequisite: NURADN-48L. Mental health and psychiatric illness across the life span. Application of client-centered communication and critical thinking skills. Materials Fee: $6.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Study of basic ECG waveforms in relation to atrial, junctional and ventricular dysrhythmias. Designed to assist health care workers and those interested in health care with recognition and treatment of basic dysrhythmias. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
97878 R.Arciniega 04/16/18-05/15/18
97891 H.MacDonald 02/20/18-05/17/18
8:00am-12:00pm MTTH Last day to add: 04/20/18
NURADN-48L Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Laboratory
1.00 UNIT
97881 STAFF including 04/16/18-05/17/18 97882 STAFF including 04/16/18-05/17/18 97883 STAFF including 04/16/18-05/17/18 97884 STAFF including 04/16/18-05/17/18
54 hours per term scheduled 1:00pm-4:30pm M Last day to add: 04/16/18 54 hours per term scheduled 1:00pm-4:30pm M Last day to add: 04/16/18 54 hours per term scheduled 1:00pm-4:30pm M Last day to add: 04/16/18 54 hours per term scheduled 1:00pm-4:30pm M Last day to add: 04/16/18
NURADN-50 Professional Issues in Nursing
1:00pm-4:00pm T Last day to add: 02/26/18
Basic Pharmacology
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Student must be in good standing in the Chaffey A.D.N. or V.N. program, or another California accredited A.D.N. or V.N. program, or be a California licensed health care provider, or student must obtain permission of the nursing program coordinator. Basic concepts of pharmacology with an emphasis on the role of the nurse in drug administration. Course is recommended for students enrolled in a nursing program, and as Continuing Education credit for RN's and LVN's, BRN #00426. Materials Fee: $4.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission into A.D.N. Program. Corequisite: NURADN-48. Clinical application of psychiatric nursing. Performance of client-centered communication and critical thinking skills at psychiatric and community health facilities. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Pass/No Pass only
97892 L.Doget
NURADN-550 Health Science Skills Development I
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Students must be enrolled in the NURADN program. Highly recommended instructor supervised application of appropriate health science clinical skills in a simulated lab setting. Skills taught correspond to skills levels in current health science programs. Materials Fee: $1.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only
1.00 UNIT
48-54 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 04/03/18 48-54 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 05/02/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission to the Nursing A.D.N. program. Historical contributions, ethics, current patient-centered care delivery systems, quality assurance, QSEN, IOM, expanded role of the nurse, political actions, continuing nursing education, and health care reform. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97886 M.Valenzuela 01/08/18-05/17/18 97887 R.Ketchum 03/19/18-05/17/18
97885 M.Cianchetti 01/09/18-02/06/18
Limitation on Enrollment: Students must be enrolled in the NURADN program. Highly recommended, instructional guidance for use of informatics, critical thinking, and technical and clinical skills in conjunction with current health science courses. Materials Fee: $1.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Pass/No Pass only
12:30pm-4:05pm T Last day to add: 01/09/18
NURADN-403 Pathophysiology for Nursing
NURADN-551 Health Science Skills Development II
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission into a nursing (A.D.N. or V.N.) program or equivalent. Advisory: Completion of BIOL-22. Mechanisms of disease processes and effects of these changes as they relate to nursing practice. The use of the Nursing Process in prevention, evaluation and treatment of disease outcomes within the scope of nursing process. Materials Fee: $4.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97890 J.Abukamleh
97888 S.Seol 01/08/18-05/17/18 97889 M.Cianchetti and R.Ketchum 03/19/18-05/17/18
1.00 UNIT
48-54 hours per term arranged Last day to add: 04/03/18 48-54 hours per term arranged
HS-130 HS-130
Last day to add: 05/02/18
Nursing: Vocational (NURVN) (See the Chino Section)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Nutrition and Food (NF) Nutrition for Life
3.00 UNITS
Essentials of nutrition as they relate to diet, health and disease, risk reduction, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Nutrition II: Modified Diets
3.00 UNITS
NF-471 Dietetic Service Supervisor I
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required. Corequisite: NF-471L. Supervisory and management roles in the professional health care setting for 1st semester students. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only (section at Chino)
Dietetic Service Supervisor I: Supervised Clinical Laboratory
2.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required. Corequisite: NF-471. Practical experience in practice and live clinical situations for the 1st semester student. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to the science of nutrition and its implications for human health, including essential nutrients, basic dietary guidelines, and changing nutritional needs throughout the lifecycle. (C-ID NUTR 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99222 C.Hines-Tinsley 9:30am-10:50am M and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99222: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99128 A.Alvarado 9:30am-10:50am TTH 99135 C.Crocker 7:00pm-9:50pm TH (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
(section at Chino)
G-133 INET
Dietetic Service Supervisor II
1.00 UNIT
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required. Prerequisite: NF-471. Corequisite: NF-472L. Supervisory and management roles in the professional health care setting for 2nd semester students. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only
G-133 G-133
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: NF-15. The study of therapeutic diets and the principles of nutrition as related to special physical conditions. Screening and assessment techniques used by health care professionals. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
(section at Chino)
NF-472L Dietetic Service Supervisor II: Supervised Clinical Laboratory
2.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months is required. Corequisite: NF-472. Practical experience in practice and live clinical situations for the 2nd semester student. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only
(section at Chino)
(section at Chino)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Nutrition I: The Science of Nutrition
Nutrition and the Active Person
99294 T.Senyo (another section at Chino)
99207 A.Fitzgerald 8:00am-9:20am TH MOD-3 and Online hours INET Section 99207: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99243 C.Hines-Tinsley 11:00am-12:20pm M G-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99243: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99244 C.Hines-Tinsley 12:30pm-1:50pm M G-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99244: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99165 A.Fitzgerald 7:00pm-10:05pm T G-133 and Online hours INET 01/09/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99165: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. Section 99165: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99206 STAFF 7:00pm-9:50pm W G-134 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Introduction to sports nutrition as related to the nutritional needs of all individuals interested in physical fitness, from the serious athlete to the more leisurely active person. Topics include: the study of basic nutrition, disease prevention, methods for increasing cardiovascular endurance, weight control, increasing strength and flexibility, and stress management through the components of diet and fitness. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Pharmacy Technician (PHARMT) (909)652-6675
PHARMT-402 Pharmacology of the Body Systems II
Principles of Institutional Pharmacy Practice
3.00 UNITS
97611 L.Breegle 97612 L.Breegle
1.50 UNITS
Institutional Pharmacy Operations Laboratory
1.00 UNIT
9:00am-12:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm
Introduction to Philosophy
97609 L.Breegle
2.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Registration is restricted to students who have attended a mandatory orientation session and submitted a contact application to the program. Corequisite: PHARMT-431L. Duties and responsibilities of the pharmacy technician working in an institutional setting. Emphasized topics include aseptic technique, use and maintenance of laminar flow hoods, IV admixture and Total Parenteral Nutrition preparation, materials management, inpatient oral medication distribution systems, institutional organization and function, and relevant legal and ethical issues. Students develop the knowledge and skills required to work with pharmacists, other clinical staff, and patients. NOTE: Student must achieve a minimum grade of "C" in both PHARMT-431 and 431L to meet course and program requirements. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only 9:00am-12:00pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Seminar in Ethics
WH-102 SS-108 WH-102 WH-142 SS-100 ATL-105 SS-100 SS-100 SS-100
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Advisory: Completion of PHIL-70. Seminar class for the study of ethics, with an emphasis on personal, social, and political values. (C-ID PHIL 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
PHARMT-431 Institutional Pharmacy Operations 3.00 UNITS
97610 L.Breegle
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to the questions and ideas of major philosophers. Topics include knowledge (epistemology); reality (metaphysics); values, aesthetics, and religion (axiology), and social/political influences. (C-ID PHIL 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Registration is restricted to students who have attended a mandatory orientation session and submitted a contact application to the program. Basic concepts of aseptic techniques. Focus on the use of laminar flow hoods and the proper handling and disposal of needles, syringes, and other supplies used in the preparation/compounding of sterile pharmacy products. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Sterile Products
HS-103 HS-103
98041 E.Kostiuk 8:00am-9:20am MW 98039 L.Gentry 8:00am-9:20am TTH 98047 P.Rodriguez 8:00am-9:20am TTH 98049 B.King 12:00pm-2:50pm F 98043 C.Castaneda 12:30pm-1:50pm MW 98040 L.Gentry 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH 98042 B.King 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH 98045 D.Kern 2:00pm-3:20pm MW 98046 C.Castaneda 7:00pm-9:50pm T (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Limitation on Enrollment: Registration is restricted to students who have attended a mandatory orientation session and submitted a contact application to the program. Course introduces students to acute care, long-term care, and homehealth care facilities, to include the role of a pharmacy technician and pharmacist in the institutional pharmacy practice setting, pharmaceutical care, the patient model, and the drug delivery process as they relate to these health care facilities. An introduction to dosage forms, routes of administration, medication order reading, and patient profiles is emphasized. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97608 L.Breegle
Limitation on Enrollment: Registration is restricted to students who have attended a mandatory orientation session and submitted a contact application to the program. Corequisite: PHARMT-431. Application and practice of the knowledge, concepts, and skills acquired in the corequisite course that are needed to operate effectively in an institutional setting. NOTE: Student must achieve a minimum grade of "C" in both PHARMT-431 and 431L to meet course and program requirements. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: PHARMT-401. Basic anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology related to drugs affecting the respiratory, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, integumentary, nervous and cardiovascular systems, and special senses. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97607 L.Breegle
98058 R.Falcioni 98059 R.Falcioni
11:00am-12:20pm TTH 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH
SS-106 SS-106
^ Chaffey College
Symbolic Logic
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm MW
Critical Thinking
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to Religion
8:00am-9:20am 9:30am-10:50am 7:00pm-9:50pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
SS-100 SS-100
History of Photography
3.00 UNITS
History and appreciation of photography as a medium of artistic and social communication. No lab access with this course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99217 A.Emdur 3:30pm-4:50pm MW (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
PHOTO-7 Introduction to Digital Photography
4.00 UNITS
Instruction in the basic principles of digital photography, including digital printing. Student must furnish an adjustable DSLR (i.e. not a point-andshoot model) digital camera. Materials Fee: $8.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
9:30am-10:50am MW 11:00am-12:20pm MW
Photography (PHOTO)
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Exploration into the philosophies of religion and it's intellectual, cultural, and personal expressions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98071 D.Gale 98072 R.Falcioni 98073 R.Mittendorf
3.00 UNITS
99221 C.Crone 9:30am-12:20pm MW 99224 J.Porter 9:30am-3:20pm F 99226 B.Bischoff 12:30pm-3:20pm MW 99220 K.Haddad 12:30pm-3:20pm T and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99220: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99227 R.Chartier 6:30pm-9:20pm MW
SS-110 SS-100 SS-103
CAA-123 CAA-123 CAA-123 CAA-123 INET CAA-123
^ Chaffey College
Intro to Monotheistic Religions: Judaism/Christianity/Islam
98077 R.Falcioni 98078 R.Falcioni
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Advisory: Completion of PHIL-70 and 77. A survey of the major philosophers and ideas from Descartes to the 19th century, including Kant, Locke, Hume, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and others. (C-ID PHIL 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98070 D.Kern
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Exploration of the unity and contrast among basic Jewish, Christian, and Moslem belief systems and practices. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98061 S.Parise 8:00am-9:20am MW BL-107 98063 R.Mittendorf 7:00pm-9:50pm M SS-103 Section 98063: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98064 K.Thompson 7:00pm-10:20pm MW SS-100 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98064: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98065 K.Thompson 7:00pm-10:20pm MW SS-100 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98065: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98062 D.Mages 7:00pm-9:50pm TH SS-100 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
History of Philosophy: Modern
Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
98074 B.King 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH SS-100 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98074: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98075 B.King 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH SS-100 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98075: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98076 B.King 3:00pm-5:50pm F SS-100
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Argument and reasoning in the investigation of claims, including inductive and deductive reasoning, distinguishing fact from opinion and belief from knowledge, and identifying formal and informal fallacies. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. The principles and practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism in understanding self, others, and the universe. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Advisory: Completion of PHIL-76. Introduction to symbolic methods of reasoning, covering sentential logic and predicate logic. Translation of ordinary language sentences and arguments into symbolic form and evaluation of symbolized arguments. (C-ID PHIL 210) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98060 D.Kern
Digital Imaging
4.00 UNITS
99242 K.Haddad
PHOTO-11 Intermediate Photography
CAA-127 CAA-127 CAA-127 CAA-127 CAA-127 CAA-127 CAA-127 CAA-127
99238 A.Alger
PHOTO-12 Studio Lighting
PHOTO-20 Photography for Media
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.00 UNITS
Survey of Chemistry and Physics
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Introduction to the principles of physics and chemistry, including motion, forms of energy, electricity, magnetism, waves, and more. Course is recommended for liberal studies majors and future teachers. (C-ID CHEM 140 and PHYS 140) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
4.00 UNITS
97782 V.Prutyanov and
Prerequisite: PHOTO-7. Introduction to commercial publications and mediums that use photography to convey visual information, including photojournalism, sports, advertising, and editorials. Focus on the technical and aesthetic aspects of photo creation and the resultant communication impact. Student must supply an adjustable digital camera. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99236 L.Lewis
Physical Science (PHSCI)
4.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
99239 L.Lewis
Prerequisite: PHOTO-7 or 10. Introduction to the use of studio equipment and lighting techniques. Topics include portrait, still life, advertising, and art photography. Students must furnish an adjustable camera. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99235 A.Alger
Prerequisite: PHOTO-7 and 20. Designed for photography students interested in further honing skills learned in Photography for Media. Individually directed work in a supervised studio environment includes regular group, individual, and written critiques and reviews, with an emphasis on the development of work suitable for portfolio review. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
4.00 UNITS
PHOTO-438 Photography for Media Portfolio
Prerequisite: PHOTO-10. Continuation of the principles learned in Photography 10 with more advanced film-based conceptual and technical approaches to contemporary photography. Student must furnish an adjustable camera. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99234 A.Sanchez
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisites: PHOTO-7 and 12. Designed for photography students interested in further honing skills learned in Studio Lighting, through individually directed work in a supervised studio environment. Includes regular group, individual, and written critiques and reviews, with an emphasis on the development of work suitable for portfolio review. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
4.00 UNITS
PHOTO-436 Studio Lighting Portfolio
Introduction to film based photography and the principles of black-andwhite photography, including cameras and the darkroom. Students must furnish an adjustable non-digital camera. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 9:30am-12:20pm 9:30am-12:20pm 9:30am-12:20pm 1:00pm-3:50pm 12:30pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-6:20pm 6:30pm-9:20pm 6:30pm-9:20pm
Prerequisite: PHOTO-7. Advisory: Completion of PHOTO-9. Basic background in the aesthetics, history, theory, techniques, and materials of color photography. Students must furnish an adjustable digital camera. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99241 K.Haddad 12:30pm-3:20pm TH CAA-123 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99241: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 99240 N.Russell 6:30pm-9:20pm TTH CAA-123
99228 J.Rico 99229 E.Stocki 99230 STAFF and 99232 K.Emmett 99233 A.Giesel 99231 S.Black 99467 A.Thompson
PHOTO-50 Introduction to Color Photography
An introductory course in using computer imaging software such as Adobe Photoshop in photography and the digital arts. Class explores the creative potential of imaging software used by visual artists. Materials Fee: $17.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
PHOTO-10 Beginning Photography
3:30pm-4:50pm 5:00pm-6:20pm
ZH-122 CHEM-125
^ Chaffey College
Physics (PHYS) The Ideas of Physics
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Basic concepts of mass, force, Newton's Laws of Motion, conservation laws, momentum and energy. Course is designed for students needing a general education science lecture course and for students majoring in engineering technology or the life sciences. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97207 H.Crogman 97206 K.Han
8:00am-9:20am 12:30pm-1:50pm
Ideas of Physics Lab
CAA-211 PS-112
Prerequisite: PHYS-20A. Simple harmonic motion, static fluids and fluid flow, zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics, sound waves, electric force and field, and more. (C-ID PHYS 110) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only PS-121 PS-120
PHYS-30B Physics for the Medical and Life Sciences II
4.00 UNITS
7:45am-10:35am MW 11:00am-12:20pm W
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
PS-121 PS-120 PS-121 PS-120 PS-121 PS-120 PS-121 PS-120
9:00am-10:50am 11:00am-1:50pm 9:00am-10:50am 11:00am-1:50pm 5:00pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
MATH-113 PS-120 MATH-113 PS-120 PS-121 PS-120
PHYS-46 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II 5.00 UNITS Prerequisite: PHYS-45 and MATH-65B. Calculus-based physics with a focus on electromagnetic concepts. (C-ID PHYS 210) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97218 M.Padilla and 97219 M.Padilla and
Prerequisite: MATH-65A and PHYS-30A. Course is designed for students majoring in a life or medical science whose university major requires calculus-based physics. Electricity and magnetism, including electric force and field, electric potential energy, potential, capacitance, resistance, electromotive force, magnetic force and field, and Faraday's Law. Inductors, with induced electromotive force presented as a derivative of flux. Power, intensity, and loudness of sound waves. Interference, diffraction, and geometrical optics of light waves. (CID PHYS 110) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97210 J.Wilson and
1:30pm-2:50pm 3:00pm-5:50pm 1:30pm-2:50pm 3:00pm-5:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm 5:30pm-6:50pm 7:00pm-9:50pm
2:00pm-3:50pm 4:00pm-6:50pm 2:00pm-3:50pm 4:00pm-6:50pm
Physics for Scientists and Engineers III
ATL-105 PS-120 ATL-105 PS-120
5.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-65B and PHYS-45. Calculus-based physics with a focus on thermodynamics and wave motions. (C-ID PHYS 215) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97220 M.Padilla and 97221 M.Padilla and
PS-121 PS-120
9:30am-11:20am 11:30am-2:20pm 9:30am-11:20am 11:30am-2:20pm
PS-121 PS-120 PS-121 PS-120
^ Chaffey College
97215 M.Padilla and H.Crogman 97216 M.Padilla and H.Crogman 97217 K.Irwin and
4.00 UNITS
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: MATH-65A, and PHYS-44 or completion of high school physics. Calculus-based physics with a focus on mechanics of motion. (C-ID PHYS 205) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
97208 K.Han 8:00am-10:50am M PS-120 Section 97208: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
11:30am-1:10pm 8:30am-11:20am
PHYS-45 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I 5.00 UNITS
Corequisite: PHYS-5 (may be taken previously). Experiments with lecture concepts, including measurement, free fall, springs, centripetal force, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, conservation of momentum, and Archimedes' principle. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
97209 B.Neumann and K.Irwin
Introduction to Motion
97213 D.Carson and 97214 D.Carson and 97211 R.Ruiz and 97212 R.Ruiz and
1.00 UNIT
PHYS-20B Algebra/Trigonometry College Physics II
Prerequisite: MATH-61. Introduction to study of mechanics for students majoring in a physical science or engineering. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Political Science (PS) American Politics
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Study of the American political process and institutions. Analysis of the organization and function of California's state and local governments. (C-ID POLS 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Introduction to Political Science
Political Theory
International Relations
3.00 UNITS
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Latino Politics
3.00 UNITS
STUDENT SUCCESS CENTERS Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are: Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change. Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
3.00 UNITS
Urban Politics
98107 L.Bohon 9:00am-11:50am Section 98107: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Survey of historical and contemporary international relations. Examination of key IR theories and research methodologies. Foreign policies of major states, areas of conflict and tension, and aspects of globalization. (C-ID POLS 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98109 P.Tang
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Examination of political issues within the Latino community, including influence, civil rights, discrimination, immigration, affirmative action, assimilation, acculturation, citizenship, and voting affiliation. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm MW
3.00 UNITS
98106 M.Carter
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Introduction to the philosophical underpinnings of historical and contemporary political systems. Analysis of theoretical concepts including the nature of justice, power, freedom, and democracy. (C-ID POLS 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98108 K.Cameron
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-475 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-575. Analysis of the politics of urban and suburban areas in the United States, other industrialized countries, and the Third World. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Analysis of political institutions, behaviors, cultures, ideologies, and factors that lead to stability or revolution. (C-ID POLS 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98103 M.Hijaz 12:30pm-1:50pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
Comparative Politics
98102 P.Tang
98080 L.Bohon 8:00am-9:20am MW SS-104 Section 98080: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98079 V.Haynes 8:00am-9:20am TTH SS-101 98081 M.Carter 9:30am-10:50am MW WH-142 Section 98081: Emphasis on women's participation in American politics. 98083 M.Hijaz 9:30am-10:50am TTH SS-104 98082 M.Carter 11:00am-12:20pm MW WH-142 98092 L.Bohon 12:00pm-2:50pm F SS-104 Section 98092: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98091 W.Martinez 12:00pm-2:50pm SU SS-104 98090 W.Martinez 12:30pm-1:50pm MW SS-104 98084 K.Cameron 2:00pm-3:20pm MW SS-104 Section 98084: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors. 98086 K.Cameron 2:00pm-3:20pm TTH SS-104 98085 K.Cameron 3:30pm-4:50pm MW SS-104 98087 K.Cameron 3:30pm-4:50pm TTH SS-104 98088 P.Tang 7:00pm-9:50pm T SS-104 98089 V.Haynes 7:00pm-9:50pm TH CD-124A (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Study of political systems through analysis of democracies, current/former communist states, and developing states. Focus on the impact of ideological, social, economic, and historical factors. (C-ID POLS 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452 (909) 652-6932 (909) 652-8150 (909) 652-7408
^ Chaffey College
Introduction to Psychology
3.00 UNITS
98750 N.Barbari
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Study of human development from conception through old age with particular emphasis on biological and environmental influences. (C-ID PSY 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
PSYCH-41 Biological Psychology
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Study of the biological basis of behavior including basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology as applicable to movement, sensation, perception, learning, memory, emotion, psychological disorders, language, and consciousness. (C-ID PSY 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98777 M.Jennings 7:00pm-9:50pm (more sections online and at Fontana)
PSYCH-55 Abnormal Psychology
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Introduction to psychopathology. Disorders of sensation, perception, emotions, and thinking, and their nature, causes, and effects on life. Analysis of attempts at alleviation, helping therapies, and problem intervention. (C-ID PSY 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98781 L.Savitzsky 11:00am-2:20pm MW ATL-104 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98781: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98780 N.Hallak 7:00pm-9:50pm W SS-106 (another section at Fontana)
98783 A.Sadowski 9:30am-10:50am (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
^ Chaffey College
8:00am-9:20am MW SS-108 98751 E.Nuccio 98762 M.Fitzpatrick 9:00am-11:50am F WH-142 98763 N.Milani 9:00am-11:50am S WH-102 98752 E.Nuccio 9:30am-10:50am MW WH-102 98757 N.Barbari 9:30am-10:50am TTH SS-108 98753 N.Barbari 11:00am-12:20pm MW SS-108 98758 M.DiLorenzo 11:00am-2:20pm TTH WH-142 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98758: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98759 M.DiLorenzo 11:00am-2:20pm TTH WH-142 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98759: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98754 C.Mitchell 12:30pm-1:50pm MW WH-102 98756 N.Hallak 2:00pm-4:50pm W SS-108 98760 E.Chiao 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH SS-111 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98760: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98755 C.Umali Kopp 7:00pm-9:50pm M WH-112 98761 M.Baker 7:00pm-9:50pm TH WH-112 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Factors affecting personal and social awareness, including culture, gender, ethnicity, historical cohorts, and socioeconomic status are examined using psychological perspectives. (C-ID PSY 115) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
PSYCH-25 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Development
98730 H.Lucas 9:00am-11:50am F SS-108 98733 J.Trujillo 9:00am-11:50am SU SS-108 98718 N.Barbari 9:30am-10:50am MW SS-108 98724 E.Chiao 9:30am-10:50am TTH SS-110 98719 J.Buchanan 11:00am-12:20pm MW ATL-105 Section 98719: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98725 A.Sadowski 11:00am-12:20pm T ATL-105 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98725: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98726 A.Sadowski 11:00am-12:20pm TH ATL-105 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98726: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98173 J.Buchanan 12:30pm-1:50pm MW ATL-105 Section 98173: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98723 L.Krajewski 12:30pm-1:50pm W SS-108 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98723: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98732 N.Milani 1:00pm-3:50pm S WH-102 98720 L.Krajewski 2:00pm-4:50pm M SS-108 98728 S.Sabet 2:30pm-5:50pm TTH SS-108 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98728: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98727 J.Robinson 3:30pm-4:50pm W SS-113 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98727: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98721 L.Krajewski 5:30pm-6:50pm M SS-108 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98721: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98731 H.Lucas 6:00pm-8:50pm F SS-108 98722 M.Baker 7:00pm-9:50pm M SS-108 98729 S.Sabet 7:00pm-9:50pm T ATL-105 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Personal and Social Awareness
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Study of human development from conception through adolescence. Physical, social, and cognitive changes in development are examined in light of contemporary research and theory. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of GUID-2, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of psychology, including research methods, history and systems, lifespan, perception, learning and memory, cognition, psychological disorders and treatment, social behavior, and brain mechanisms. (C-ID PSY 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
PSYCH-20 Developmental Psych: Childhood and Adolescence
Psychology (PSYCH) PSYCH-1
PSYCH-65 Social Psychology
3.00 UNITS
Radiographic Imaging
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Individual human behavior in relation to the social environment. Topics include aggression, prejudice and stereotypes, interpersonal attraction, attitudes and attitude change, conformity, group phenomena, gender roles, cultural norms, person perception, and social cognition. (C-ID PSY 170) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Radiologic Technology Program is required. Prerequisite: RADTEC-20. Corequisite: RADTEC-34L. Comprehensive study of digital imaging systems, including design, image acquisition, display, processing, delivery, and storage. Materials Fee: $7.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98786 M.DiLorenzo
97504 K.Beinschroth
11:00am-12:20pm MW
PSYCH-80 Research Methods in Psychology
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1 and SCSCI-10. Survey of research methods currently used in psychology including archival, naturalistic observation, case study, survey, and field and laboratory experiments. Students will conduct research and analyze data. (C-ID PSY 205B) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98788 N.Barbari 11:00am-12:20pm TTH and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98788: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98787 M.DiLorenzo 2:00pm-4:50pm MW
97505 M.Soto 97506 J.Cathcart 97507 M.Soto 97508 J.Cathcart
Anatomy and Radiographic Positioning II
Laboratory for Anatomy and Radiographic Positioning II
8:00am-11:00am 8:00am-11:00am 12:00pm-3:00pm 12:00pm-3:00pm
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
1.00 UNIT
8:00am-11:00am 8:00am-11:00am 12:00pm-3:00pm 12:00pm-3:00pm
Limitation on Enrollment: Successful completion of the first semester of the Radiologic Technology program. Prerequisite: RADTEC-31. Clinical practice experiences designed for sequential development, application, critical analysis, integration, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts and theories in the performance of radiologic procedures. Materials Fee: $26.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
97519 A.Dutton, 8:00am-4:30pm WTHF M.Batchelor, T.Ortiz, A.Dyer, and J.Cathcart Section 97519: Stated hours include a 30-minute lunch.
RADTEC-70 Radiographic Clinical Education V
1.00 UNIT
11.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Must be a 2nd year Radiologic Technology student in good standing. Guided practice in application of radiologic technology to hospitalized patients at multiple clinical sites, with increasingly independent performance by the student practitioner. Evening shifts are required. Materials Fee: $25.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Successful completion of the first semester of the Radiologic Technology Program. Prerequisite: RADTEC-10L. Corequisite: RADTEC-25. Application, demonstration, role-play and timed procedure evaluations of positioning for the vertebral column, bony thorax, gastrointestinal, biliary systems, trauma, mobile/surgical, pediatric and geriatric radiography. Materials Fee: $6.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97500 A.Dutton 97501 H.Bush 97502 A.Dutton 97503 H.Bush
Laboratory for Radiographic Imaging
RADTEC-40 Radiographic Clinical Education II 8.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Successful completion of the first semester of the Radiologic Technology Program. Prerequisite: RADTEC-10. Corequisite: RADTEC-25L. Positioning of the vertebral column, bony thorax, gastrointestinal tract, and biliary system. Imaging considerations for trauma, mobile/portable, surgical, pediatric and geriatric procedures. Materials Fee: $7.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97499 A.Dutton
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission to the Radiologic Technology program is required. Prerequisite: RADTEC-20L. Corequisite: RADTEC-34. Through discussion, demonstration, return demonstration, group sharing, and evaluation, students apply radiation theory to the production of quality digital images. Materials Fee: $26.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Radiologic Technology (RADTEC) RADTEC-25
97520 M.Soto, 8:00am-4:30pm MTTHF Y.Gomez, H.Bush, J.Parton, K.Beinschroth, and R.Castillo Section 97520: Stated hours include a 30-minute lunch.
^ Chaffey College
RADTEC-77 Radiographic Pathology
3.00 UNITS
Statistics for Social Science
3.00 UNITS
98171 S.Gomez 8:00am-10:50am 98172 M.Vincent 11:00am-1:50pm 98790 M.Vincent 11:00am-1:50pm 98789 S.Gomez 2:00pm-4:50pm 98791 M.Vincent 2:00pm-4:50pm (another section at Fontana)
97720 J.Darby (another section is online)
Real Estate Practice
3.00 UNITS
Real Estate Finance
Human Sexuality
WH-112 WH-112 WH-112 SS-110 ATL-105
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of one or more behavioral science courses. Interdisciplinary introduction to human sexuality, with an emphasis on sexual values, sexual communication, and sexual relationships. Includes physiological, cross-cultural, historical, sociological, and psychological information, as well as an evaluation of sex research. Note: Nurses earn 54 hours of CE credit: BRN #00426. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of RE-10. Office procedures and practices of the broker and salesperson in the real estate business, including listing, prospecting, advertising, financing, exchanges, and sales techniques. Course is applicable toward the educational requirements for broker's license and real estate salesperson's license. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98168 J.Darby
98793 N.Crook 3:30pm-6:20pm (more sections online and at Chino)
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of RE-10. Analysis of real property financing. Topics include primary and secondary sources of real estate loans, mathematics and legal aspects of finance, role of government agencies, mortgage insurance and interest rates, credit reporting, real estate appraisal, and taxation. Course is applicable toward the educational requirements for broker's and real estate salesperson's licenses. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only (section is online)
Real Estate Property Management
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: RE-10. Introduction to management of real estate property. Identification and analysis of functions, responsibilities, legal rights, liabilities, and leasing instruments of property management. Course is an elective for the California sales or broker's license. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97723 STAFF
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Fundamentals of real estate covering basic laws and principles of California real estate. Gives understanding, background, and terminology necessary for advanced study in the specialized courses. Meets licensing requirements. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 7:00pm-9:50pm
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 or higher as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Survey of methods used to analyze and interpret data generated by scientific investigation. Applications using data from disciplines including business, social sciences, psychology, life science, health science, and education. Use of computerized statistical packages such as SPSS. Note: Nurses earn 50 hours of CE credit BRN #00426. (C-ID SOCI 125 and MATH 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Real Estate Principles
Real Estate (RE) RE-10
Social Science (SCSCI)
Limitation on Enrollment: Must be a 2nd year Radiologic Technology student in good standing. Introduction to theories of disease causation, the pathophysiologic disorders that compromise healthy systems, and the impact on related radiographic procedures. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97518 M.Soto
Sociology (SOC) (909)652-6253
Introduction to Sociology
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
SS-102 SS-101
Marriage, Family, and Relationships 3.00 UNITS
Sociology of Aging
SS-100 SS-103 SS-104 SS-105 SS-111 SS-102 SS-108 CD-124A SS-101 WH-102 SS-110
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of SOC-10. Social, cultural, and policy issues for an aging society. Diversity in the experience of aging: cultural, economic, gender, and ethnic differences. Age and aging as social constructs. Life-long age status and role expectations. Society's response to an increasingly aged population. Earn 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #00426, and BBS #2178. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 98870 STAFF 2:30pm-5:50pm MW SS-103 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98870: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Introduction to Social Justice Studies
3.00 UNITS
Inter-disciplinary study of dominant and minority group relations. Examines the emergence of social justice movements to address oppression on the basis of race, sex, religion, gender, social class, and ability in the United States to provide a basis for a better understanding of the socio-economic, cultural and political conditions among key social groups. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98902 S.Gomez 7:00pm-9:50pm Section 98902: ZERO costs for textbooks. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
98843 I.Jraisat 8:00am-9:20am TTH 98847 G.Cicchelli 9:00am-11:50am F 98837 N.McCool 9:30am-10:50am MW 98844 I.Jraisat 9:30am-10:50am TTH 98838 N.McCool 11:00am-12:20pm MW 98845 G.Cicchelli 12:30pm-1:50pm MW 98849 L.Gaetje 1:00pm-3:50pm S 98842 R.Halili 2:00pm-4:50pm W 98841 R.Halili 3:30pm-6:20pm M 98840 STAFF 7:00pm-8:50pm MW 01/29/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 98846 R.Pratt 7:00pm-9:50pm T (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
3.00 UNITS
Ethnic and Race Relations: U.S. and Global Perspectives
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Cross-cultural, social class, gender, and ethnic variation in marriages, families, and relationships. Emphasis on the application of theories, research, and social factors. (C-ID SOCI 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of SOC-10. The role and status of women and men in society, emphasizing sexual inequality and recent changes that affect the family, education, economy, law, and other societal institutions. (C-ID SOCI 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98828 N.McCool
98831 A.Guaracha 2:00pm-3:20pm 98832 J.Simmers 7:00pm-9:50pm (another section at Fontana)
98797 T.Ubovich 8:00am-9:20am MW ATL-105 98804 STAFF 8:00am-9:20am TTH ATL-105 98811 A.Guaracha 9:00am-11:50am F SS-110 98812 L.Gaetje 9:00am-11:50am S SS-101 98798 A.Guaracha 9:30am-10:50am MW SS-110 98806 J.Song 9:30am-10:50am T SS-101 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98806: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98800 J.Song 11:00am-12:20pm M SS-110 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98800: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98807 P.Snyder 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SS-101 01/09/18-02/27/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98807: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 98807: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98808 P.Snyder 11:00am-2:20pm TTH SS-101 03/20/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98808: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 98808: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98801 J.Song 11:00am-12:20pm W SS-110 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98801: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. 98799 T.Ubovich 12:30pm-1:50pm MW SS-101 98809 A.Guaracha 12:30pm-1:50pm TTH SS-108 98802 A.Guaracha 2:00pm-3:20pm MW SS-101 98803 R.Pratt 7:00pm-9:50pm M SS-101 98805 STAFF 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH WH-102 01/30/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 98810 J.Simmers 7:00pm-9:50pm TH SS-101 (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Sociology of Gender
Advisory: Completion of SOC-10. Application of major sociological theories and concepts to the examination of ethnic and race relations in the U.S. and the world. Significance of contemporary multiculturalism, racism, ethnocentrism, and sexism. (C-ID SOCI 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Examination and analysis of social structure, group membership and dynamics, socialization and the self, social stratification, culture and diversity, social change and globalization. (C-ID SOCI-110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
^ Chaffey College
Social Problems
3.00 UNITS
12:30pm-1:50pm 3:30pm-4:50pm
SS-110 SS-101
Introduction to Research Methods in Sociology
4.00 UNITS
(Also see Am Sign, Arabic, Chinese, & French)
Elementary Spanish I
4.00 UNITS
Beginning language acquisition in a cultural context through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Course corresponds to the first year of high school Spanish, and is not recommended for heritage (native) speakers of Spanish. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID SPAN 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
STUDENT SUCCESS CENTERS Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are: Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change.
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452 (909) 652-6932 (909) 652-8150 (909) 652-7408
^ Chaffey College
98371 T.Jenkins 8:00am-11:50am F LA-104 98282 C.Drumond 8:00am-9:50am TTH LA-103 98336 N.Guillen 8:00am-9:50am MW LA-103 98439 B.Martinez 8:00am-9:50am MW LA-104 98482 L.Ordonez 8:00am-9:50am TTH LA-104 98283 C.Drumond 9:00am-12:50pm S LA-104 98413 M.Limon 10:00am-11:50am TTH LA-103 98316 V.Garcia 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH SSV-6 98337 N.Guillen 12:00pm-1:50pm MW LA-103 98369 T.Jenkins 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH LA-104 98610 STAFF 12:00pm-1:50pm MW SSV-5 98368 T.Jenkins 2:00pm-3:50pm MW SSV-6 98411 M.Limon 2:00pm-3:50pm MW LA-103 98412 M.Limon 4:00pm-5:50pm MW LA-103 98415 C.Lin 4:00pm-5:50pm MW LA-104 98476 H.Ocegueda 4:00pm-5:50pm TTH LA-101 98522 O.Rios 4:00pm-5:50pm TTH LA-103 98293 A.Estangui Carmena 6:00pm-7:50pm MW LA-101 98477 H.Ocegueda 6:00pm-7:50pm TTH LA-101 98580 I.Vejar 6:00pm-7:50pm MW LA-103 98613 Y.Che 6:00pm-7:50pm TTH LA-104 98257 A.Corona 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH SSV-6 01/08/18-03/01/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98257: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98258 A.Corona 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH SSV-6 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98258: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98294 A.Estangui Carmena 8:00pm-9:50pm MW LA-101 98581 I.Vejar 8:00pm-9:50pm MW LA-103 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
(section at Fontana)
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
For help choosing the Spanish course that best meets your needs and current skill level, go to http://www.chaffey.edu/language_arts/spanish.
Prerequisite: SOC-10 Advisory: Completion of SCSCI-10. Survey of research methods including the nature of sociological theory, hypotheses, variables, and research ethics. Designed for the sociology major and others who require familiarity with sociological research techniques. Emphasis on student participation in conducting research and analyzing data from a variety of methodological approaches. (C-ID SOCI 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
Spanish (SPAN)
Prerequisite: SOC-10. Examination of contemporary social problems with emphasis on how issues come to be defined as social problems, their causes and consequences, and an evaluation of solutions. (C-ID SOCI 115) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98873 R.Halili 98874 STAFF (another section at Chino)
Elementary Spanish II
4.00 UNITS
Intermediate Spanish I
10:00am-11:50am MW 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH
SPAN-3SS Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
10:00am-11:50am MW 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH 4:00pm-5:50pm TTH
Intermediate Spanish II
10:00am-11:50am MW
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
4.00 UNITS
Survey of Mexican Literature 1700-Present
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Mexican culture identity exploration through the reading and discussion of major works in Mexican literature in translation from different historical periods. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98562 V.Tirado
4.00 UNITS
Statistics (STAT) (Also see Mathematics)
Elementary Statistics
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 or higher as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Topics include frequency distribution, measures of variation and central tendency, elementary probability theory, etc.. NOTE: A specific graphing utility is required; see instructor before acquiring. (C-ID MATH 110) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
SSV-6 LA-104
4.00 UNITS
97479 H.Duong 7:30am-9:20am MW HS-108 97485 R.Elsdon 7:30am-9:20am TTH HS-108 97491 J.Roche 7:30am-9:20am TTH PS-102 97478 C.Jacinto 9:00am-12:50pm S HS-108 97480 M.Wardak 10:00am-11:50am MW HS-108 97486 R.Elsdon 10:00am-11:50am TTH HS-108 97481 X.Wang 12:00pm-1:50pm MW HS-108 97487 E.Kim 12:00pm-1:50pm TTH HS-108 97482 M.Wardak 2:00pm-3:50pm MW HS-108 97488 R.Elsdon 2:00pm-3:50pm TTH HS-108 Section 97488: Honors class: see www.chaffey.edu/honors. 97483 S.Armstrong 5:00pm-6:50pm MW HS-108 97489 G.Uppala 5:00pm-6:50pm TTH HS-108 97477 J.Roche 6:00pm-9:50pm F VSS-201 97476 S.Lo Sarah 7:00pm-9:10pm MTWTH MATH-112 03/19/18-05/09/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97476: Fast-track class linked with MATH-425-97369. See www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97484 J.Garland 7:00pm-8:50pm MW HS-108 97490 G.Uppala 7:00pm-8:50pm TTH HS-108 (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
LA-104 LA-103 LA-104
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: SPAN-3. Continued study of the Spanish language (all skills), with emphasis on grammar, composition, reading, and discussion in Spanish through Hispanic cultural and historical texts and topics. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID SPAN 210) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98340 R.Hanna
SPAN-4SS Spanish for Heritage Speakers II
LA-103 LA-101 LA-104 LA-104 LA-101 LA-101 LA-104 LA-103
Prerequisite: SPAN-2 or department-determined equivalency (visit www.chaffey.edu/language_arts/spanish to provide evidence to challenge this prerequisite). Course is designed for heritage speakers of Spanish and other linguistically qualified students. Instruction builds on existing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, increasing linguistic registers and understanding of Hispanic cultures in Spanish speaking countries and the U.S. Course is conducted entirely in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 220) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98560 V.Tirado 98414 M.Limon 98563 V.Tirado
98561 V.Tirado
Prerequisite: SPAN-2 or two years of high school Spanish. Continued study of the Spanish language (all skills), with emphasis on grammar, composition, reading, and discussion in Spanish through Hispanic cultural and historical texts and topics. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID SPAN 200) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98367 T.Jenkins 98370 T.Jenkins
Prerequisite: SPAN-3SS or department-determined equivalency. Continued development of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills; linguistic awareness; and Hispanic culture as manifested in Spanish speaking countries and the U.S. Course is conducted in Spanish. (C-ID SPAN 230) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: SPAN-1 or one year of high school Spanish. Continuing language acquisition in a cultural context through listening, speaking, reading, and writing at the second semester level. Students continue to interact with authentic language in cultural context. Course corresponds to the second year of high school Spanish, and is not recommended for heritage (native) speakers of Spanish. Ten hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID SPAN 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98483 L.Ordonez 8:00am-11:50am 98315 V.Garcia 8:00am-9:50am 98341 R.Hanna 10:00am-11:50am 98440 B.Martinez 12:00pm-1:50pm 98342 R.Hanna 2:00pm-3:50pm 98303 J.Florez 4:00pm-5:50pm 98416 C.Lin 6:00pm-7:50pm 98523 O.Rios 6:00pm-7:50pm (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
^ Chaffey College
Theatre Arts (THEATRE) (909)652-6066
THEATRE-1 Introduction to Theatre
3.00 UNITS
THEATRE-5 Theatre History: 1700-Present
99187 K.Ford
CAA-215 CAA-218 CAA-218
99188 K.Ford
3.00 UNITS
99194 S.Malone
99189 S.Malone and
3.00 UNITS
99258 C.El-Said
99190 S.Malone and
Beginning Acting
3.00 UNITS
Intermediate Acting
99191 C.El-Said and
CAE-102 SSV-8 CAE-102
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
12:30pm-1:20pm 1:30pm-2:50pm
Theatre Design-Lighting
VSS-113 VSS-113
3.00 UNITS
9:30am-10:20am TTH 10:30am-11:50am TTH
Musical Theatre Performance I
VSS-113 VSS-113
3.00 UNITS
9:30am-10:20am TTH 10:30am-11:50am TTH
Stage Management
CAE-102 CAE-102
3.00 UNITS
Duties and responsibilities of a stage manager in a theatrical production process from pre- through post-production. Prepares students to assume stage management positions for Chaffey Theatre Arts Department productions. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of THEATRE-10. Study of performance techniques in musical theatre. Emphasis on the integration of acting, singing, and movement techniques through a combination of group scenes and solo works. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: THEATRE-10. In depth application of the techniques explored in beginning acting with emphasis on characterization and scene study. (C-ID THTR 152) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99185 K.Ford
Directing for the Stage II
Advisory: Completion of THEATRE-30. Study and execution of stage lighting with emphasis on equipment, control, color, and their relationships to design. (C-ID THTR 173) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Theory of acting and acting techniques with an introduction to Stanislavski's method of acting. Provides a foundation in acting through a study of improvisation, vocal techniques, historical concepts, and theory through scene and monologue work. Emphasis on character development through the use of voice, movement and script analysis. (CID THTR 151) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99182 C.El-Said 11:00am-12:20pm MW 99184 K.Ford 11:00am-12:20pm TTH 99183 C.El-Said 7:00pm-9:50pm M (more sections at Chino and Fontana)
11:00am-12:20pm MW
The theory and practice of stagecraft including construction techniques, painting properties, rigging, lighting, sound, and computer assisted set lighting and sound design. Course requires participation in scheduled college production(s). (C-ID THTR 171) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. This course explores principles, techniques and theories of play script analysis for theatrical production. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 9:30am-10:50am
3.00 UNITS
99192 S.Malone
^ Chaffey College
THEATRE-7 Theatrical Script Analysis
Seminar in Television Production: Acting Techniques
Prerequisite: THEATRE-20. In-depth study of directing for advanced theatre students. Through a series of exercises, students demonstrate a knowledge of specific directing techniques and skills necessary to direct a one-act play for a public performance. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study of theatre history from the late 17th century through the present, emphasizing the historical, philosophical and sociological influences on its development. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 11:00am-12:20pm MW
Advisory: Completion of THEATRE-10. Techniques needed to work before a camera, either motion-picture or television. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Elements of the production process including playwriting, acting, directing, design, and criticism. Survey of different periods, cultures, styles, and genres of theatre through play reading, discussion, films and viewing and critiquing live theatre. Attendance at theatre productions is a requirement of this course. (C-ID THTR 111) Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99180 C.El-Said 9:00am-11:50am F 99179 P.Hadobas 9:30am-10:50am TTH 99178 P.Hadobas 2:00pm-3:20pm MW (more sections online and at Chino and Fontana)
Musical Theatre Performance II
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: THEATRE-35. Extensive practice of synthesizing acting, singing, and movement skills. Course will include the preparation and performance of an audition portfolio appropriate for musical theatre auditions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99193 C.El-Said and
9:30am-10:20am TTH 10:30am-11:50am TTH
Main Stage Production Workshop I
Technical Theatre in Production 2.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: THEATRE-30 or THEATRE-40. Practical experience in stage management, house management, construction, scenery, properties, costume, lighting, sound, and/or running crews. May require work at different venues on and off campus. (C-ID THTR 192) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
CAE-102 CAE-102
99197 S.Malone 1:30pm-2:50pm TTH Section 99197: 54 additional hours per term arranged.
3.00 UNITS
Children's Theatre
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Audition/interview with the faculty overseeing the specific production. Instruction and supervised participation in theatre rehearsal and performance. Requires participation in either an acting or production role. (C-ID THTR 191) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment is based upon a successful audition or interview. Advisory: Completion of THEATRE-10. Selection, design, rehearsal and presentation of a play for children at the elementary and/or junior high school level. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99195 K.Ford 3:30pm-6:20pm MTWTH CAE-102 and S.Malone 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 04/03/18 Section 99195: Auditions for “Love and Information” by Caryl Churchill will be held Wednesday 1/17/18 at 3:30pm in CAE-102. Call backs will be Thursday 1/18/18 at 3:30pm in CAE-102. Prepare a one minute contemporary monologue. Monologue must be memorized. Performance dates are March 29-31, 2018.
99198 K.Ford and 01/08/18-05/17/18
Main Stage Production Workshop II
9:00am-10:50am F 11:00am-1:50pm F Last day to add: 01/22/18
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: THEATRE-50. A continuation of supervised practical experience in the preparation and public performance of a faculty-directed theatrical production. Requires participation in an acting, design, or production role. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99196 K.Ford 3:30pm-6:20pm MTWTH CAE-102 and S.Malone 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 04/03/18 Section 99196: Auditions for “Love and Information” by Caryl Churchill will be held Wednesday 1/17/18 at 3:30pm in CAE-102. Call backs will be Thursday 1/18/18 at 3:30pm in CAE-102. Prepare a one minute contemporary monologue. Monologue must be memorized. Performance dates are March 29-31, 2018.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
HYBRID AND ONLINE DISTANCE EDUCATION WHAT ARE THE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS? Students considering an online or hybrid class should have easy and regular access to a personal computer with the following minimum capabilities: • Access to the internet through DSL, cable, FIOS or other high speed connection • Use of a major browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer / Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari • Operating systems: Windows, Mac OSX or Android • An active Chaffey Panther e-mail account • Ability to view PowerPoint presentations • Ability to view and create Word documents, or .rtf files Some online classes may require the following: • Ability to download and listen to audio files • Ability to view streaming video
ALL STUDENTS REGISTERED IN ONLINE AND/OR HYBRID COURSES MUST ACTIVATE THEIR CHAFFEY PANTHER E-MAIL ACCOUNT. ARE YOU READY FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION LEARNING? To learn more about Chaffey’s online and hybrid classes and to determine if your learning style is compatible with this type of learning, visit the Distance Education (DE) website at http://libguides.chaffey.edu/distance_ed/students. To learn more about Moodle and some of the online tasks that might be required in online and hybrid courses, review the information on the DE website. You are also encouraged to participate in the online orientation. For information on accessing the orientation, please review the Online Student Orientation information on the DE website at http://libguides.chaffey.edu/distance_ed/students.
MOODLE MOBILE NOW AVAILABLE Students may now access their Chaffey Moodle courses using the Moodle Mobile App by Moodle Pty Ltd. This is the only approved app for use with Moodle. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Store, or the Windows Phone Store. NOTE: Not all course content is available when using the app. Students may need a dropbox app to submit documents. Students are responsible for checking their course with a desktop or laptop computer to ensure they are aware of all course requirements and activities.
MODDLE AND CANVAS As of Fall 2017, Chaffey College began using Canvas Course Management System in addition to Moodle. During Spring 2018, the college will be using both Moodle and Canvas. Not all courses will be on Canvas. Students should check the location of the course in their individual course schedule or check the Online Course List on the Distance Education (DE) website (http://libguides.chaffey.edu/distance_ed/schedule) to find out if a course is on Moodle or Canvas. If a course is on Moodle the location for the course will reflect INET-M. If a course is on Canvas the location for the course will reflect INET-C. Students can access either Moodle or Canvas through the launchpad in the Chaffey portal. More information can be found on the DE website (http://libguides.chaffey.edu/distance_ed/students).
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
SPRING 2018 HYBRID CLASSES Beginning and ending dates are listed for all classes. Class offerings, particularly instructor assignment and room numbers, are subject to change without notice. Class sections bearing this logo exclusively use course materials that are free of charge to students. These sections DO NOT require the purchase of textbooks, software, tools, or other course materials to be successful in the course. Class sections bearing this logo have no costs for the textbooks used. A low-cost option for printing the textbook may be available for students who would like to obtain a hard copy version.
Hybrid classes are a combination of online and classroom instruction, with at least 50% of the instruction held in the classroom. All hybrid classes meet on-campus during the first week of the class, during which important information about the class – including access instructions for the online instruction – is provided. Students should check the schedule of classes for the designated date, times and location of the first week’s meeting and all subsequent oncampus meetings. Students in hybrid classes are expected to attend all class meetings as well as fully participate in the online portion of the instruction.
Accounting (ACCTG) (909)652-6830
ACCTG-1A Financial Accounting
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-63 or CIS-1. Development and communication of financial information that is useful to investors, creditors, and other decision-makers. Includes the accounting environment, accounting cycle, generally accepted accounting principles, ethics, financial statements, operating, investing, and financing activities. (C-ID ACCT 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Students register for hybrid courses using the same registration process used for on-campus courses. See the Registration area for more information.
97642 P.Worsham 7:30am-9:20am MW BE-105 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97642: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Students must have officially enrolled in the hybrid class via MyChaffeyVIEW or in person, and have a Chaffey Registration Receipt that indicates they have both registered and paid for the course.
ACCTG-1B Managerial Accounting
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ACCTG-1A. Advisory: Completion of CIS-1 or experience using spreadsheets. Managerial accounting meets the information needs of internal users by developing and communicating information that is useful for management decision-making. (C-ID ACCT 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
The waitlist process for hybrid classes is the same as it is for face-to-face classes; see page 12. Students waitlisted, or hoping to add a hybrid class after the waitlists close, should attend the first class meeting. If there is room in the class, the instructor will provide an add code to be used to register into the class. Students who add a hybrid class after instruction has begun will be able to access the online component of their class one to two business days after they have completed the registration process in MyChaffeyView.
97657 P.Worsham 7:30am-9:20am MW BE-105 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97657: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Accounting and Financial Services (ACCTGFS)
U.S. and California Income Tax Preparation
4.00 UNITS
This course is certified by the California Tax Education Council as fulfilling the 60-hour qualifying education requirement imposed by the State of California for becoming a Registered Tax Preparer. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97667 K.Nelson and 01/08/18-05/17/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
2:00pm-3:50pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
Art (ART) (Also see Art History)
4.00 UNITS
In-depth introduction to the visual elements of two-dimensional art composition including line, shape, texture, value, color theory, and spatial illusion. (C-ID ARTS 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98830 C.Farrand and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98833 C.Farrand and 01/08/18-05/17/18
12:30pm-3:20pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 3:30pm-6:20pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Introduction to Digital Media
99029 M.Lewis and 01/08/18-05/17/18
9:30am-12:20pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
ASTRON-35 Planets and the Solar System With Lab
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of MATH-410. Overview of the solar system, including planets, moons, and other bodies within solar systems. Course includes laboratory activities. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97538 J.Eisberg 7:00pm-9:50pm T and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97538: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97540 J.Eisberg 7:00pm-10:15pm TH and Online hours 01/29/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 97540: ZERO costs for textbooks. 97541 M.Asaro 9:00am-11:50am S and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97541: ZERO costs for textbooks.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
BUSOT-62 Microsoft Office Outlook
1.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A or a minimum typing speed of 20 words per minute. Electronic information management of e-mail; appointments; conferences, and task scheduling; and integration of other software applications to manage work flow. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97863 T.Williamson and 03/20/18-05/10/18
2:00pm-3:20pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 03/28/18
Communication Studies (COMSTD) (909)652-6902
COMSTD-2 Fundamentals of Effective Speaking 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Emphasis on preparing and delivering various types of speeches before an audience. Communication theory and speech criticism are included for student application. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98536 S.Shelton and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98538 S.Shelton and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98202 J.Alvarez and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98203 J.Alvarez and 01/08/18-05/17/18
8:00am-9:20am M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 8:00am-9:20am W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 11:00am-12:20pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 11:00am-12:20pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
COMSTD-4 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. In-depth exploration of the variables of interpersonal communication processes as they occur in day-to- day, face-to-face human interaction. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 130) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98469 A.Nguyen and 01/08/18-05/17/18
11:00am-12:20pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
Astronomy (ASTRON)
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ART-10 and basic keyboarding skills are recommended. Introduction to design and development of time based digital media. Course will cover motion graphics, video, animation, sound, social media and web uploading using Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Business and Office Technologies
Fundamentals of Design in Two Dimensions
COMSTD-6 Fundamentals of Small Group Communication
3.00 UNITS
2:00pm-3:20pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 2:00pm-3:20pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
COMSTD-8 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
11:00am-12:20pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to Computer Networks
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CIS-1. Architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks. Preparation for the CompTIA Network+ certification exam. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99338 S.Siedschlag 11:00am-12:20pm M BE-100 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99339 S.Siedschlag 7:00pm-9:50pm T BE-100 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99339: First class meeting is January 9. Remaining classroom meetings are 1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/6, 3/27, 4/10, 5/1 and 5/15.
CIS: Cisco Internetworking (CISCO) (909)652-7660
Cisco Internetworking III
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CISCO-2 or equivalent experience. Third in a four-course sequence that qualifies students to take the newest Cisco CCNA examination. Topics include: intermediate switching and routing; configuration of routers and switches for wired and wireless networks; Virtual LANs (VLANs), Virtual Trunking Protocol (VTP), Spanning Tree Protocol (STP); advanced IP addressing techniques; Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM); intermediate routing protocols such as multi area OSPF, Hot Standby Routing (HSRP), network security/troubleshooting and management issues. Meets latest CCNA certification requirements. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99346 J.Kerr and 01/09/18-02/27/18 99347 J.Kerr and 01/10/18-02/28/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
99310 G.Reotutar 8:00am-9:20am MW BE-104 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99310: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99333 A.Nimri 8:00am-9:20am MW BE-104 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/07/18 Last day to add: 03/25/18 Section 99333: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. A critical examination of the form, content, and influence of the processes of mass communication. Historical overview and examination of massmediated reality using theories of rhetoric and symbolic interaction. (C-ID JOUR 100) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 9:30am-10:50am M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 9:30am-10:50am W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Introduction to Computer Information Systems
Principles and applications of computers including their role in business and society. Provides computer competency for Computer Information Systems majors and non-majors. (C-ID ITIS 120 and BUS 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
COMSTD-12 Mass Communication and Society 3.00 UNITS
98537 S.Shelton and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98539 S.Shelton and 01/08/18-05/17/18
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Basic foundations of interpersonal communication, small group communication and public speaking. Students will be introduced to the breadth of the communication discipline. Additionally, students will examine and practice human communication principles and theories, at a basic level, to develop critical thinking and communication competencies in a variety of contexts. (C-ID COMM 115) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98576 C.Veazey and 01/08/18-05/17/18
Computer Information Systems: Core (CIS)
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Develop confidence and competence as a group member and leader through a combination of theoretical and practical application of small group principles in everyday life. (C-ID COMM 140) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98227 B.Bracamontes and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98228 B.Bracamontes and 01/08/18-05/17/18
6:00pm-9:50pm T Online hours Last day to add: 01/14/18 6:00pm-9:50pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/18/18
^ Chaffey College
Cisco Internetworking IV
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CISCO-3 or equivalent experience. Final course in a four-course sequence that qualifies students to take the newest Cisco CCNA examination. Topics include: Network Design/Security policies; advanced LAN/WAN/Wireless technologies; IP addressing techniques; Quality of Service, Monitoring, Troubleshooting, Network Programming, Cloud and Virtualization. Comprehensive review of all topics covered in Cisco I, II, III, and IV courses in preparation for the newest CCNA certification exam. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99349 J.Kerr and 03/20/18-05/15/18 99350 J.Kerr and 03/21/18-05/09/18
6:00pm-9:50pm T Online hours Last day to add: 03/26/18 6:00pm-9:50pm W Online hours Last day to add: 03/27/18
CISCO-416 Cisco Internetworking VI
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CISCO-2 or equivalent experience. CCNA Security equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to prepare for the latest CCNA Security certification and entry-level security specialist careers. This course is a hands-on, career-oriented e-learning solution that emphasizes practical experience. Network threats are identified and appropriate technologies such as virtual private networks, firewalls, intrusion prevention/cryptographic systems and security protocols are discussed and used to mitigate. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade with option for Pass/No Pass grade 99351 J.Kerr and 03/22/18-05/10/18
6:00pm-9:50pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 03/28/18
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CISCO-4 or equivalent training/experience. CCNP TSHOOT. Third course in a three course prep sequence for the newest CCNP examinations. Extensive CCNA/CCNP review. Skills include monitoring, troubleshooting and maintaining enterprise routed and switched IP networks using technology based practices. Prepares student for the latest externally administered Cisco CCNA Route/Switch and CCNP TSHOOT exams. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade with option for Pass/No Pass grade 99348 J.Kerr and 01/11/18-03/01/18
6:00pm-9:50pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 01/17/18
CIS: Programming (CISPROG) (909)652-6830
CISPROG-1 Introduction to Computer Programming
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CIS-1. Introduction to the principles of computer programming including the program development life cycle, control structures, and object-oriented programming. (C-ID COMP 112) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99364 T.Kocher and 01/08/18-05/17/18 99361 W.Baker and 01/08/18-05/17/18
12:30pm-1:50pm T Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 5:30pm-6:50pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Computer Science (COMPSCI) (909)652-6830
COMPSCI-1 Programming Concepts and Methodology I
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CISPROG-1. Introduces the discipline of computer science using a high level language, utilizing programming and practical hands-on problem solving. Topics include hardware, software, computer architecture, memory and registers, input-output data operations, storage, information control, problem solving, and Object Oriented Programming. First course in a sequence of courses that is compliant with the standards of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (C-ID COMP 122) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99366 T.Kocher and 01/08/18-05/17/18 99365 A.Nimri and 01/08/18-05/17/18
11:00am-12:20pm MW Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 5:30pm-6:50pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
COMPSCI-2 Programming Concepts and Methodology II
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: COMPSCI-1. Application of software engineering techniques to the design and development of large programs; data abstraction; and structures and associated algorithms. (C-ID COMP 132) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99369 T.Kocher and 01/08/18-05/17/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
11:00am-12:20pm F Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
CISCO-419 Cisco Internetworking IX
Criminal Justice (CJ) 3.00 UNITS
This course introduces students to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States. Focus is placed on examining crime measurement, theoretical explanations of crime, responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. The course examines the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized by the justice system and the evolving forces which have shaped those principles and approaches. Although justice structure and process is examined in a cross cultural context, emphasis is placed on the US justice system, particularly the structure and function of US police, courts, and corrections. Students are introduced to the origins and development of criminal law, legal process, and sentencing and incarceration policies. (C-ID AJ 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
98556 S.Stratton and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98557 S.Stratton and 01/08/18-05/17/18
Economics (ECON)
3.00 UNITS
11:00am-12:20pm T Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 11:00am-12:20pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Literary Magazine Publication
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Experience in magazine production. As editors for The Chaffey Review, students master the fundamentals of editorial selection, evaluation, editing, proofreading, layout, design, production, promotion, and distribution. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Overview of basic economic theories and models. Contemporary economic issues including unemployment, growth, globalization, wealth and income distribution, the environment, regulation, deregulation, inflation, interest rates, price discrimination, corporations and labor unions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
98279 M.Dowd 2:00pm-3:20pm MW and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98279: ZERO costs for textbooks.
97929 C.Parker 2:30pm-5:50pm M SS-111 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97929: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97930 C.Parker 7:00pm-8:20pm M SS-111 and Online hours INET
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques. Frequent writing of compositions, with the ultimate goal of writing a research paper. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected in the course. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID ENGL 100) Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Sections held in LA-110, LA-111, LA-113, TA-1M, CHMB-260, FNFC-114, and FNAC-112 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Grading: Letter grade only
98175 R.Price 5:30pm-6:50pm MW SS-105 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98175: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Introduction to Economics
3.00 UNITS
English (ENGL)
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Step-by-step examination of the criminal prosecution process from prearrest through final disposition, and the associated court actions taken by the defense and prosecution. Roles and responsibilities of law enforcement, the judiciary and corrections, viewed as both independent and collectively operating segments within the criminal justice system. Review of past and current criminal justice procedures as they relate to individual Constitutional and procedural rights. (C-ID AJ 122) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Principles of Macroeconomics
97940 C.Parker 2:30pm-5:50pm W SS-111 and Online hours INET 03/21/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97940: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97941 C.Parker 7:00pm-8:20pm T SS-106 and Online hours INET Section 97941: Honors class; see www.chaffey.edu/honors.
98159 R.Price 5:30pm-6:50pm MW SS-105 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98159: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
CJ-3 Criminal Court Process
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of market systems, aggregate measures of economic activity, macroeconomic equilibrium, money and financial institutions, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, and economic growth. (C-ID ECON 202) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
CJ-1 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
^ Chaffey College
Homeland National Security (HNS)
Gerontology (GERO)
Introduction to Gerontology
3.00 UNITS
Interdisciplinary study of aging, aging services, community resources, careers in gerontology, ethical, legal, and policy issues. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN#00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only 97619 STAFF 7:00pm-10:30pm T HS-133 and Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97619: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Dying and Death
97627 C.Bacus 7:15am-10:45am T HS-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/14/18 Section 97627: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Aging and Older Adulthood
3.00 UNITS
97632 J.Laguna 7:15am-10:45am TH HS-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97632: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Guidance (GUID) (909)652-6479
Supervised Tutoring
0.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Referral by course instructor or academic counselor is required. Student must be enrolled in another Chaffey College course. Open-entry/open-exit supervised tutoring course that provides students assistance in understanding college course assignments. Individualized/small group tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions are conducted outside of class time in a learning assistance center, and are structured to help students achieve specific course objectives or improve learning and study skills in specific subject matter. The content of this course varies according to the course for which tutoring is sought. May be repeated. Materials Fee: $0.00 Non-credit Grading: Ungraded 99202 G.Kenehan 01/08/18-05/17/18
Arranged hours Success Centers Last day to add: 05/17/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Intelligence analysis and its relationship to the security management of terrorist attacks, man-made disasters and natural disasters. Vulnerabilities of U.S. national defense and the private sector, as well as the threats posed to these institutions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98194 R.Price 7:00pm-10:20pm T SS-105 and Online hours INET 01/09/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98194: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Journalism (JOUR) (909)652-6902
Student Media Practicum II
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: JOUR-10 or 30. Leadership/management roles in the planning, editing, and production of a bi-weekly student newspaper. Students write stories, editorials, reviews, and headlines; edit copy; take, print, and edit photos; design/layout pages; and distribute the finished paper. (C-ID JOUR 131) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98280 M.Dowd 3:30pm-4:20pm W and 4:30pm-5:50pm W and Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98280: ZERO costs for textbooks.
WH-071 WH-071 INET
Kinesiology: Lecture (KINLEC) (909)652-6290
KINLEC-15 Diet and Fitness
3.00 UNITS
A lifestyle approach to fitness, including the study of nutrition, disease prevention, increased cardiovascular endurance, increased strength, flexibility, stress management, and considerations of aging on the body. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99210 A.Henry and 01/08/18-05/17/18
11:00am-12:20pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
KINLEC-18 Introduction to Kinesiology
G-133 INET
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement. An overview of the importance of the sub-disciplines in kinesiology is discussed, along with career opportunities in the areas of teaching, coaching, allied health, and fitness professions. (C-ID KIN 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99213 E.Martinez and 01/08/18-05/17/18 170
12:30pm-1:50pm T Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
G-135 INET
^ Chaffey College
Study of the aging process from a gerontological perspective. Theories of aging, stereotypes, changes in health, cognition, and social relationships. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations NOTE: Earns 54 hours CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
HNS-401 Intelligence Analysis and Security Management
3.00 UNITS
Study of death from a gerontological perspective, including history, societal practices, cross-cultural influences, biomedical, and the grieving process. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
Mathematics (MATH) (Also see Statistics)
College Algebra
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Topics include solutions to higher degree polynomial equations: functions, polynomial, rational, inverse, etc.. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97305 R.Kopp and 01/08/18-05/17/18 97306 R.Kopp and 01/08/18-05/17/18
7:30am-9:20am M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 7:30am-9:20am W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
10:00am-11:50am W Online hours
Intermediate Algebra
10:00am-11:50am M Online hours
MATH-605 Preparation for the Study of Pre-Algebra
10:00am-12:05pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/08/18 10:00am-12:05pm M Online hours Last day to add: 03/25/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
97457 B.Neal and 01/08/18-03/05/18 98672 B.Neal and 03/19/18-05/07/18 97449 A.Leontas and 03/20/18-05/10/18
10:00am-12:05pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/16/18 10:00am-12:05pm W Online hours Last day to add: 03/20/18 4:45pm-6:50pm T Online hours Last day to add: 03/20/18
Multidisciplinary Centers are located at all Chaffey sites and are designed to serve students in all discipline areas. The Rancho Cucamonga campus also houses three discipline-specific centers designed to help students with particular subject area courses and skills. Hours, locations, and phone numbers are:
4.00 UNITS
Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm All Success Center hours are subject to change. Language Success Center BEB-101, Rancho Cucamonga Campus ESL & Modern Languages: English (Reading and Writing): Math Success Center MATH-121, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Multidisciplinary Success Center Library, Rancho Cucamonga Campus Chino Success Center CHMB-145, Chino Campus Fontana Success Center FNFC-122, Fontana Campus
4.00 UNITS
(909) 652-6907 (909) 652-6820 (909) 652-6452 (909) 652-6932 (909) 652-8150 (909) 652-7408
Nutrition and Food (NF)
0.00 UNITS
Nutrition for Life
3.00 UNITS
Essentials of nutrition as they relate to diet, health and disease, risk reduction, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Mathematics Review for students whose assessment results indicate placement below Arithmetic/Pre-Algebra, and who wish to re-acquire the skills needed to re-assess into a higher level mathematics course. The course focuses on operations of whole numbers, rational numbers, decimal numbers and integers. Other topics include; ratios, proportions and measurement. Successful completion of this course allows the student to bypass the 3-month waiting period for re-assessment. May be taken twice. Materials Fee: $0.00 (Software fees required) Non-credit Grading: Pass/No Pass 97456 B.Neal and 01/08/18-03/05/18 98670 B.Neal and 03/19/18-05/07/18
Chaffey’s Student Success Centers provide free workshops, study groups, library and Internet research opportunities, focused learning activities, and tutoring to assist students in their academic development and success. For more information, visit http://libguides.chaffey.edu/successcenters
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Extends concepts from Elementary Algebra. Content includes: polynomial, radical, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic expressions, equations, and functions; linear and non-linear systems of equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; graphing of nonlinear functions; complex numbers; nonlinear single-variable inequalities; conic sections; sequences; series; and the Binomial Theorem. Materials Fee: $1.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97382 R.Kopp and
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-61 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-25 and 31. Further studies in algebra and trigonometry for students intending to take calculus. NOTE: A graphing calculator is required; students should see instructor for specifics, since CAS-based calculators may be prohibited. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97461 R.Kopp and
99207 A.Fitzgerald 8:00am-9:20am TH MOD-3 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99243 C.Hines-Tinsley 11:00am-12:20pm M G-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99244 C.Hines-Tinsley 12:30pm-1:50pm M G-133 and Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99165 A.Fitzgerald 7:00pm-10:05pm T G-133 and Online hours INET 01/09/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99165: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
^ Chaffey College
Nutrition I: The Science of Nutrition
3.00 UNITS
Introduction to the science of nutrition and its implications for human health, including essential nutrients, basic dietary guidelines, and changing nutritional needs throughout the lifecycle. (C-ID NUTR 110) Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99222 C.Hines-Tinsley and 01/08/18-05/17/18
9:30am-10:50am M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
G-133 INET
Photography (PHOTO) (909)652-6066
PHOTO-7 Introduction to Digital Photography
4.00 UNITS
Instruction in the basic principles of digital photography, including digital printing. Student must furnish an adjustable DSLR (i.e. not a point-andshoot model) digital camera. Materials Fee: $8.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99220 K.Haddad and 01/08/18-05/17/18
12:30pm-3:20pm T Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Digital Imaging
4.00 UNITS
An introductory course in using computer imaging software such as Adobe Photoshop in photography and the digital arts. Class explores the creative potential of imaging software used by visual artists. Materials Fee: $17.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 12:30pm-3:20pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of GUID-2, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of psychology, including research methods, history and systems, lifespan, perception, learning and memory, cognition, psychological disorders and treatment, social behavior, and brain mechanisms. (C-ID PSY 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98725 A.Sadowski and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98726 A.Sadowski and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98723 L.Krajewski and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98727 J.Robinson and 01/08/18-05/17/18
11:00am-12:20pm T Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 11:00am-12:20pm TH Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 12:30pm-1:50pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 3:30pm-4:50pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
5:30pm-6:50pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 11:00am-12:20pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
PSYCH-25 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Development
3.00 UNITS
Study of human development from conception through old age with particular emphasis on biological and environmental influences. (C-ID PSY 180) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 98771 A.Douma and 01/08/18-05/17/18
11:00am-12:20pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
PSYCH-80 Research Methods in Psychology
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1 and SCSCI-10. Survey of research methods currently used in psychology including archival, naturalistic observation, case study, survey, and field and laboratory experiments. Students will conduct research and analyze data. (C-ID PSY 205B) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98788 N.Barbari and 01/08/18-05/17/18
11:00am-12:20pm TTH Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Sociology (SOC) (909)652-6253
SOC-10 (909)652-6253
Introduction to Psychology
98721 L.Krajewski and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98743 A.Douma and 01/08/18-05/17/18
Psychology (PSYCH) PSYCH-1
Introduction to Sociology
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Examination and analysis of social structure, group membership and dynamics, socialization and the self, social stratification, culture and diversity, social change and globalization. (C-ID SOCI-110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98806 J.Song and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98800 J.Song and 01/08/18-05/17/18 98801 J.Song and 01/08/18-05/17/18
9:30am-10:50am T Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 11:00am-12:20pm M Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 11:00am-12:20pm W Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
99241 K.Haddad and 01/08/18-05/17/18
SPRING 2018 ONLINE CLASSES Beginning and ending dates are listed for all classes. Class offerings, particularly instructor assignment and room numbers, are subject to change without notice. Class sections bearing this logo exclusively use course materials that are free of charge to students. These sections DO NOT require the purchase of textbooks, software, tools, or other course materials to be successful in the course. Class sections bearing this logo have no costs for the textbooks used. A low-cost option for printing the textbook may be available for students who would like to obtain a hard copy version.
Online classes are attended exclusively on the internet; there are no campus meetings. However, some online classes do require specific dates or times for interactive internet class activities. Instructors provide details of these and other requirements in the course syllabus.
Accounting (ACCTG) (909)652-6830
ACCTG-1A Financial Accounting
4.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-63 or CIS-1. Development and communication of financial information that is useful to investors, creditors, and other decision-makers. Includes the accounting environment, accounting cycle, generally accepted accounting principles, ethics, financial statements, operating, investing, and financing activities. (C-ID ACCT 110) Transfer: CSU; UC Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Students register for online courses using the same registration process used for on-campus courses. For more information, see www.chaffey.edu/admissions/registration.shtml.
ENROLLED STUDENTS Students are officially enrolled in an online course when they have completed the online registration process on MyChaffeyVIEW or in person, and have a Chaffey Registration Receipt that indicates they have both registered and paid for the course.
97650 R.Elias 01/08/18-05/17/18
The waitlist process for online classes, prior to the beginning of the semester, is the same as for face-to-face classes; see www.chaffey.edu/admissions/registration.shtml for more information. After the close of registration, waitlisted students should email the instructor as soon as possible to indicate their interest in adding. The email to the instructor should include the following information: student’s full name, student ID number, position on waitlist, and the name and section number of the course. Faculty email addresses can be found by selecting the instructor on the Online Class List on the Distance Education website (http://libguides.chaffey.edu/distance_ed/schedule).
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Anthropology (ANTHRO) (909)652-6253
ANTHRO-3 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to how anthropologists do their work, employ professional anthropological research ethics, and apply their perspectives and skills to the understanding of humans around the globe. (C-ID ANTH 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
ADDING AN ONLINE CLASS Students wishing to add an online class after registration closes or after the class start date should email the instructor as soon as possible. The email to the instructor should include the following information: student’s full name, student ID number, position on waitlist (if applicable), and the name and section number of the course. Faculty email addresses can be found by selecting the instructor on the Online Class List on the Distance Education website (http://libguides.chaffey.edu/distance_ed/schedule).
98711 M.Fong 01/08/18-05/17/18 98712 M.Meyer 01/08/18-05/17/18 98713 M.Meyer 01/08/18-05/17/18
If the instructor is able to add you to the course, they will email you an authorization code. This code will allow you to register for the course.
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Students who register for an online class after instruction has begun, will be able to access the course on Moodle or Canvas one to two business days after they have completed the registration process in MyChaffeyVIEW.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Survey of the architecture, sculpture, and painting of past cultures from the ancient beginnings of art of the Western World through the Medieval period. (C-ID ARTH 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Business (BUS)
(909)652-6830 INET
Introduction to Business
3.00 UNITS
Multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society, economic systems, legal, international, political, financial institutions, and human behavior interact to affect a business organization's policy and practices within the U.S. and a global society. (C-ID BUS 110) Transfer: CSU; UC Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
97677 D.Dokter 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Business Communication
3.00 UNITS
97682 M.Vitale 01/08/18-05/17/18
3.00 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Advisory: Completion of MATH-410. Overview of the universe beyond our solar system. Understand progressively larger structures in Astronomy, such as stars, galaxies, and extra-galactic structures by understanding the processes that shape them. Use observations (from telescopes, spacecraft, neutrino and gravity wave detectors, etc.) the scientific method, and basic physical concepts. Briefly consider relativity, black holes, spacetime, and the history and fate of the universe. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
BUSL-28A Business Law I
97531 B.Hughes Online hours INET 01/29/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 97531: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97532 J.Eisberg Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97532: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
97689 S.Johnson 01/08/18-05/17/18
Business: Legal Studies (BUSL) (909)652-6830
3.00 UNITS
U.S. and state law, Uniform Commercial Code, agency, due process, contract and tort law, crime, and ethics. Application of appropriate rules, laws, and concepts to factual scenarios in written and oral arguments. (C-ID BUS 125) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
International Business Law
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUS-61. Legal aspects and ramifications of international trade. Multinational enterprises, sovereignty, technology transfer, arbitration, negotiation and diplomacy. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97697 A.Chen 01/08/18-05/17/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Develop writing fluency, professional tone, and the use of proper grammar to produce clear, correct and logically-organized business communications, both written and oral. (C-ID BUS 115) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Astronomy (ASTRON) ASTRON-26 Stars and Galaxies
4.00 UNITS
97539 B.Hughes Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97539: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Survey of the architecture, sculpture, and art of past cultures of the Western World from the Renaissance through the Modern period. (C-ID ARTH 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99063 D.Plouffe 01/08/18-05/17/18 99064 T.McDermott 01/08/18-05/17/18
Advisory: Completion of MATH-410. Overview of the solar system, including planets, moons, and other bodies within solar systems. Course includes laboratory activities. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Survey of Western Art from 3.00 UNITS Prehistory through the Middle Ages
99056 T.Folland 01/08/18-05/17/18 99059 STAFF 01/08/18-05/17/18
ASTRON-35 Planets and the Solar System With Lab
Art History (ARTH) (Also see Art)
Business: Management (BUSMGT) Retail Merchandising and Management
3.00 UNITS
BUSOT-40A Beginning Computer Keyboarding 3.00 UNITS
Analysis of customer needs, store location, layout, merchandising mix, vendor negotiation, pricing, display, advertising, and inventory control in the operation of a retail store. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Beginning computer keyboarding with mastery of alphabetic and numeric keyboard and correct touch-typing techniques. Introduction to the personal computer, word processing, and disk management. Transfer: CSU Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
97698 D.Dokter 01/08/18-05/17/18
97790 D.Henderson Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 97791 M.Tardiff Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 97792 M.Tardiff Online hours 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97792: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97793 M.Tardiff Online hours 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97793: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Transportation Management
3.00 UNITS
Traffic management principles and techniques that facilitate distribution of the world's commerce. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97699 J.Corella 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Introduction to Management
97702 A.Chen 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Introduction to Logistics Management
3.00 UNITS
97798 M.Tardiff 01/08/18-05/17/18
Logistics fundamentals with emphasis on outbound goods movement. Topics include warehouse/distribution site selection, supply chain, customer service, packaging, and transportation functions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97706 D.Dokter 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Computer Keyboarding: Speed and Accuracy Development
3.00 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
BUSOT-60A Microsoft Office Word - Specialist
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A. MS Word. Develop personal and workplace skills to build a foundation for other Windows software applications. Customize and format academic papers, business reports, tables, columns, and graphics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97810 D.Henderson 01/08/18-05/17/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Limitation on Enrollment: Students will demonstrate keyboarding technique in first class meeting to evaluate keyboarding technique for 20 words per minute. Prerequisite: BUSOT-40A. Develop computer literacy. Analyze, evaluate, and improve keyboarding speed and accuracy using correct keyboarding techniques. Intense review of letters, numbers, symbols, 10-key, and the production of basic reports, business letters, and memoranda. Proficiency certificate issued after successful completion of course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Management concepts, functions, and skills applicable to work environments. Application of management theory to practices that improve effectiveness and efficiency, and enhance national and international competitiveness. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Business and Office Technologies
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
BUSOT-60B Microsoft Office Word - Expert
3.00 UNITS
BUSOT-64 Microsoft Office Access Comprehensive
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: BUSOT-60A, Word Specialist MOS Certification, or equivalent full-year high school course. Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A. A hands-on approach to advanced formatting features of Microsoft Word: Customizing and streamlining using macros, building blocks, quick parts, autocorrect, themes, styles, and templates; creating multiple-page business documents using tabling features, indexes, page numbering, tables and charts, and reference citations; and using reviewing tools for adding comments and tracking in shared documents. Computer assignments are a required part of this course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-63. Hands-on introduction to the concepts and terminology used to create, use, and manage information contained in databases. Students design tables, queries, forms, and reports using the features of the current database software. Computer assignments are a required part of this course. Mastery of core features and introduction of advanced features of the current Microsoft Office Access database software application for working with databases, tables, reports, forms, and queries. Integration of Access data objects with the other Microsoft Office software. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
97812 M.Tardiff 01/08/18-05/17/18
97820 D.Henderson 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
BUSOT-61 Microsoft Office PowerPoint
1.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A and 60A. Learn concepts, formatting features, and visual media/animation effects of a presentation software program to create and share effective electronic presentations for support personnel and business managers. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97814 T.Williamson 03/19/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 03/29/18
BUSOT-62 Microsoft Office Outlook
BUSOT-63 MS Office Excel - Comprehensive
97799 T.Williamson 01/08/18-03/09/18
1.50 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/19/18
Microsoft Office Publisher Expert
1.50 UNITS
Prerequisite: BUSOT-410A. This module continues the study of a full-featured desktop publishing software, offering core and advanced concepts. Emphasis is on creating style sheets and master pages, special effects, templates, scanned images, and formatting and managing long documents. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
97800 T.Williamson 03/19/18-05/17/18
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A and 60A. Use advanced formulas and features to create worksheets, including spreadsheets, charts, pivot tables, IF functions, templates, and sorting and filtering records. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97819 D.Henderson 01/08/18-05/17/18
1.50 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 03/29/18
BUSOT-455 Fundamentals of English for Business
3.00 UNITS
Study, review, and practice of grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and sentence structure to prepare students for employment and college-level business writing courses and for effective business communication skills. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
97803 J.Osgood 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
BUSOT-470 Office Systems and Procedures
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-60A and 460. Emphasis on work procedures, technology in the office, stress- and timemanagement techniques, teamwork, customer service, event planning, office ethics and etiquette, and business travel arrangements. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 97806 T.Williamson 01/08/18-05/17/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
Online hours Last day to add: 01/19/18
Microsoft Office Publisher Specialist
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-60A. Desktop publishing application using MS Publisher. Introduction to concepts for in-house publications such as brochures and flyers, newsletters, and general advertisements. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A or a minimum typing speed of 20 words per minute. Electronic information management of e-mail; appointments; conferences, and task scheduling; and integration of other software applications to manage work flow. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97815 T.Williamson 01/08/18-03/09/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Chemistry (CHEM)
COMSTD-4 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
3.00 UNITS
98226 B.Bracamontes 01/08/18-05/17/18 98524 S.Roberts 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Infant and Toddler: Group Caregiving I
3.00 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Introduction to Computer Information Systems
99301 D.Edery 01/08/18-05/17/18 99319 S.Siedschlag 01/08/18-05/17/18 99320 N.Woolridge 01/08/18-05/17/18 99322 N.Woolridge 01/08/18-05/17/18 99326 N.Woolridge 01/08/18-05/17/18
3.00 UNITS
Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Advisory: Completion of CDE-2. Infant and toddler (birth through three years of age) development, as reflected in theory and research findings, including socialization, emotional development and temperament. Appropriate health, safety, and nutritional practices for environments; routines; and culturally sensitive care for infants and toddlers are also covered. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 98146 C.McPeck 01/08/18-05/17/18
3.00 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Fundamentals of Microsoft Windows
1.50 UNITS
Introduction to the terminology, application, and use of the graphical operating system. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99337 W.Baker 03/19/18-05/10/18
Online hours Last day to add: 03/28/18
Using the Internet
1.50 UNITS
Introduction to and use of the Internet. Topics include access, hardware, software, protocols, security, communication, file transfer, search tools, e-commerce, and other current Internet and Web technologies. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
99340 T.Helfand 01/08/18-03/05/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Principles and applications of computers including their role in business and society. Provides computer competency for Computer Information Systems majors and non-majors. (C-ID ITIS 120 and BUS 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Proof of negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introductory course examining the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. (C-ID CDEV 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 98118 C.McPeck 01/08/18-05/17/18
Child Growth and Development
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Computer Information Systems: Core (CIS)
Child Development and Education CDE-2
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. In-depth exploration of the variables of interpersonal communication processes as they occur in day-to- day, face-to-face human interaction. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of ENGL-475. How scientific measurements are taken and presented, the scientific method, and how chemical principles are applied to everyday life and used to address scientific issues in society. (C-ID CHEM 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97777 J.Oakdale 01/08/18-05/17/18
If you are taking a chemistry lab course, you MUST attend the first class meeting or you will be dropped! All chemistry lab students must purchase a lab manual, splash-proof safety goggles, and a protective apron (available at campus bookstores), and bring them to the first class meeting!
Chemistry in Society
Communication Studies (COMSTD)
Online hours Last day to add: 01/18/18
^ Chaffey College
Social Media Technology
1.50 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 03/28/18
CIS-431 Project Management for Information Technology
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Fundamentals of Microsoft Visio
CISIWEB-72 Web Page Development and Publishing
3.00 UNITS
99357 D.Edery 01/08/18-05/17/18
Fundamentals of Coding
CISIWEB-424 WordPress Web Development
Online hours Last day to add: 01/18/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
1.50 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CIS-68. Development of Websites using the WordPress Content Management System (CMS). Includes wordpress.com and wordpress.org, WordPress codex, installation, using the dashboard, navigation, themes, plugins, widgets, organizing content, multimedia, blogs, security, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), troubleshooting, modifying with HTML and CSS, and other topics. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
1.50 UNITS
99358 G.Reotutar 03/19/18-05/10/18
Online hours Last day to add: 03/28/18
CIS: Programming (CISPROG)
1.50 UNITS
CISPROG-5 Programming with Python
A foundation for exploring what coding is, why it is needed, and how it is used in controlling digital technology such as creating computer software, apps, Websites, and the interfacing of devices for the Internet of Things (IoT). Topics include introduction to coding concepts and terminology, types of programming languages, logic, syntax, debugging, hardware, documentation, Internet of Things (IoT), careers in programming, and others. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99345 T.Kocher 01/08/18-03/05/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: CISPROG-1. Beginning computer application design and construction concepts using Python programming language. Course includes fundamental concepts of control structures, data structures, and object-oriented programming. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99371 T.Kocher 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
Online hours Last day to add: 03/28/18
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of CIS-68. Basic web page development using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Topics include web site planning, responsive Web page creation, hyperlinks, formatting, graphics, multimedia, tables, scripting, dynamic page creation, and Web publishing. Transfer: CSU Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Advisory: Completion of CIS-1. Fundamentals of the diagramming software used for business and information technology; flowcharts, project schedules, organization charts, office layouts, network, other IT diagrams, and templates. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99374 S.Siedschlag 03/19/18-05/10/18
Advisory: Completion of CIS-1. Fundamentals of project management applied to the field of information technology using current project management software. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99344 S.Siedschlag 01/08/18-05/17/18
CIS: Internet and Web Development
Social Media technologies enable individuals to create, collaborate, and share information with audiences of all sizes. Students will explore the possibilities and limitations of social media in the business and Career and Technical Education environments and will gain hands-on experience with several forms of social media technology. Those who complete this course will also learn to use social media productively and have a framework for understanding and evaluating new tools and platforms. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only 99343 W.Baker 03/19/18-05/10/18
Criminal Justice (CJ)
(Also see Geology)
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Earth Science Laboratory
1.00 UNIT
Economics (ECON) (909)652-6253
3.00 UNITS
Philosophical and practical overview of the history, evolution and current practices of the field of corrections, including extensive examination of the roles and responsibilities of the three prongs of the United States criminal justice system. Critical analysis of five correctional philosophies and their impact on correctional systems, processes, clients, case law, and client's rights. Includes a critical examination of the types of correctional institutions and community based programs, and an examination of contemporary correctional issues. Exploration of the diverse career opportunities available at the city, county, state, and federal levels. (C-ID AJ 200) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 98180 A.Rosales 01/08/18-05/17/18
3.00 UNITS
97575 A.Foutz Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97575: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97576 A.Foutz Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97576: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
98164 R.Price Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98164: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Introduction to Corrections
Earth Science
Corequisite: ESC-1 (may be taken previously). Hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts using scientific tools and methods to image, measure and observe phenomenon in geology, oceanography, astronomy and meteorology. (C-ID GEOL 120L) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: CJ-1. Historical development of criminal law, philosophy of law and constitutional provisions, definitions, classification of crime and the application to the criminal justice system. Legal research, study of case law, methodology, and concepts of law as a social force. (C-ID AJ 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
97556 A.Foutz Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97556: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97557 A.Foutz Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97557: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97558 T.Castiglione Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97558: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97559 M.Freeman Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 97559: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
98158 R.Price Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98158: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98160 A.Rosales Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Concepts of Criminal Law
Topics include geology, oceanography, meteorology, and planetology. (C-ID GEOL 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
This course introduces students to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States. Focus is placed on examining crime measurement, theoretical explanations of crime, responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. The course examines the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized by the justice system and the evolving forces which have shaped those principles and approaches. Although justice structure and process is examined in a cross cultural context, emphasis is placed on the US justice system, particularly the structure and function of US police, courts, and corrections. Students are introduced to the origins and development of criminal law, legal process, and sentencing and incarceration policies. (C-ID AJ 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Earth Science (ESC) (909)652-6253
CJ-1 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
Introduction to Economics
3.00 UNITS
Overview of basic economic theories and models. Contemporary economic issues including unemployment, growth, globalization, wealth and income distribution, the environment, regulation, deregulation, inflation, interest rates, price discrimination, corporations and labor unions. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 97931 J.Lindvall 01/08/18-05/17/18 97932 J.Lindvall 01/08/18-05/17/18 97933 J.Gurtovoy 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
Principles of Macroeconomics
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Principles of Microeconomics
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
98207 J.Ausubel 01/08/18-05/17/18 98208 J.Ausubel 01/08/18-05/17/18 98252 D.Chatman-Riley 01/08/18-05/17/18 98253 D.Chatman-Riley 01/08/18-05/17/18 98549 B.Spears 01/08/18-05/17/18 98550 B.Spears 01/08/18-05/17/18 98589 W.Watnik 01/08/18-05/17/18 98590 W.Watnik 01/08/18-05/17/18
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Introduction to Literature
98551 B.Spears 01/08/18-05/17/18 98565 V.Tulacro 01/08/18-05/17/18 98566 V.Tulacro 01/08/18-05/17/18
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques. Frequent writing of compositions, with the ultimate goal of writing a research paper. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected in the course. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID ENGL 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 98238 B.Bynum 01/08/18-05/17/18 98239 B.Bynum 01/08/18-05/17/18 98241 A.Cardinale 01/08/18-05/17/18 98242 A.Cardinale 01/08/18-05/17/18 98332 H.Greenberg 01/08/18-05/17/18 98333 H.Greenberg 01/08/18-05/17/18 98338 C.Hamlett 01/08/18-05/17/18 98339 C.Hamlett 01/08/18-05/17/18 98573 A.Vanciu 01/08/18-05/17/18 98574 A.Vanciu 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
3.00 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing
4.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-475 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-575. Careful study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and expository writing techniques, using primarily nonfiction texts, and the frequent writing of compositions with the ultimate goal of writing an essay using sources. Preparation for English 1A and a variety of academic disciplines. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. NOTE: Students who have successfully completed ESL 475 may not take English 475. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
98298 L.Fisher Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98298: ZERO costs for textbooks. 98299 L.Fisher Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 98299: ZERO costs for textbooks.
^ Chaffey College
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Foundation course in the study of the literary genres: novel, short story, poetry, and drama. (C-ID ENGL 120) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
English (ENGL) ENGL-1A
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Students incorporate rhetorical strategies in analysis and researched argumentation. Focus on logical reasoning, credibility, and emotional appeals. Writing intensive with a minimum production of 6,000 words. (C-ID ENGL 105) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of the choices of individual economic decision-makers on markets, taxation, production, scarcity, competition, monopoly, and regulation. Effects of taxes on individuals and businesses; income distribution and poverty; economics of race, gender, and culture; and market failure. (C-ID ECON 201) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97954 B.McMurran 01/08/18-05/17/18
ENGL-1B Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Advisory: Completion of MATH-425. Study of market systems, aggregate measures of economic activity, macroeconomic equilibrium, money and financial institutions, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, and economic growth. (C-ID ECON 202) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 97948 B.McMurran 01/08/18-05/17/18
Gerontology (GERO) Introduction to Gerontology
3.00 UNITS
Interdisciplinary study of aging, aging services, community resources, careers in gerontology, ethical, legal, and policy issues. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN#00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
Aging and the Life Course
GERO-400 Principles of Caregiving: Older Adults and Their Care
3.00 UNITS
GERO-404 Health and Wellness for Older Adults 3.00 UNITS Understanding healthy aging as well as chronic conditions of later life. Health behaviors and lifestyle factors that contribute to good health. Materials Fee: $0.00 NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #044426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Study of death from a gerontological perspective, including history, societal practices, cross-cultural influences, biomedical, and the grieving process. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
97641 J.Laguna Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97641: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97641: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97643 J.Laguna Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97643: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97643: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
97628 J.Laguna Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97628: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97628: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97629 J.Laguna Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97629: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97629: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97631 STAFF Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97631: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97631: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
97636 C.Bacus Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97636: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97636: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97637 STAFF Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97637: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97637: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
97623 J.Laguna Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97623: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97623: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97625 J.Laguna Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97625: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97625: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Dying and Death
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: GERO-11. Functions and responsibilities of caregiving for older adults in both formal and informal settings. Topics include individualized assessment, problem solving, interventions, effective communication, client advocacy, and functional decline factors. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Social, cultural, economic, gender, ethnic, and policy issues affecting an aging society, viewed from the gerontological perspective. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN#00426, and BBS#2178. Grading: Letter grade only
Aging and Older Adulthood
97633 STAFF Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97633: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97633: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97634 STAFF Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97634: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97634: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
97615 C.Bacus Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97615: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97615: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97620 STAFF Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97620: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97620: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 97621 STAFF Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97621: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. Section 97621: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Study of the aging process from a gerontological perspective. Theories of aging, stereotypes, changes in health, cognition, and social relationships. Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Materials Fee: $0.00 NOTE: Earns 54 hours CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN #00426, and BBS #2178. Grading: Letter grade only
^ Chaffey College
Guidance (GUID) Essentials of Student Success
2.00 UNITS
Designed to increase student proficiency and retention in college. Topics include: learning styles, study and time management techniques, motivation, library research methods, critical thinking, memory and reading strategies, and exploration of college services. Helps students develop the personal and interpersonal communication skills critical to becoming responsible learners. Introduces students to the various segments of higher education and campus culture. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99041 A.Borghi Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99043 J.Boboye Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99384 M.Andrade Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 Section 99384: Targeted to EOPS students.
GUID-3 Career Exploration and Life Planning
3.00 UNITS
United States History Through 1877
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of United States history from its colonial foundations through Reconstruction. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST 130) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
History (HIST)
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
United States History From 1865
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Development of the United States from the Reconstruction Era through the present. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. (C-ID HIST 140) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Comparative study of the world's major civilizations from pre-history to 1500 in Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas. Similarities and differences between the civilizations and their influences on human history. (C-ID HIST 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98004 V.Nobile 01/08/18-05/17/18 98005 V.Nobile 01/08/18-05/17/18 98006 V.Nobile 01/08/18-05/17/18
97967 T.Greene Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 97967: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97968 T.Greene Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 97968: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 97969 F.Melo Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
97982 K.Brindell 01/08/18-05/17/18 97983 K.Brindell 01/08/18-05/17/18 97984 L.Gunderson 01/08/18-05/17/18
99208 B.Barraza Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99208: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99209 K.Burleson Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
World History: 1500 to Present
98019 T.Greene Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98019: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98020 T.Greene Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98020: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98021 L.Smith-Trafzer Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Career and life planning for students seeking direction in setting life, academic and career goals. Topics include problem-solving approaches; evaluation of values, interests, skills, and personality characteristics; academic learning strategies; and career investigation. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only
HIST-1 World History: Pre-Civilization to 1500
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Cross-cultural study of the world's major civilizations since 1500. Understanding the causes of the Rise of the West, the reaction of the non-Western world, and the ongoing dynamic of the "West versus the Rest" dialectic. (C-ID HIST 160) Transfer: CSU; UC Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Kinesiology: Lecture (KINLEC) 3.00 UNITS
A lifestyle approach to fitness, including the study of nutrition, disease prevention, increased cardiovascular endurance, increased strength, flexibility, stress management, and considerations of aging on the body. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 99250 J.Harlow Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99252 R.Baiz Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99255 J.Harlow Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99266 R.Baiz Online hours 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99266: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99267 R.Baiz Online hours 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 99267: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99268 A.Henry Online hours 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99268: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 99270 A.Henry Online hours 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99270: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
KINLEC-18 Introduction to Kinesiology
98050 D.Kern 01/08/18-05/17/18 98051 J.Russell 01/08/18-05/17/18 98053 R.Livingston 01/08/18-05/17/18
Music (MUSIC) (909)652-6066
3.00 UNITS
Chronological survey of music in Western culture, from 1750 to the present. Explores the music of the great composers of the Classical, Romantic, and 20th Century eras. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 2:00pm-3:20pm
Introduction to Philosophy
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Critical Thinking
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Argument and reasoning in the investigation of claims, including inductive and deductive reasoning, distinguishing fact from opinion and belief from knowledge, and identifying formal and informal fallacies. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98066 D.Kern 01/08/18-05/17/18 98067 E.Kostiuk 01/08/18-05/17/18
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to the questions and ideas of major philosophers. Topics include knowledge (epistemology); reality (metaphysics); values, aesthetics, and religion (axiology), and social/political influences. (C-ID PHIL 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
99257 E.Martinez Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99259 J.Harlow Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99273 R.Baiz Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 99273: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
99127 C.Kamm
3.00 UNITS
Philosophy (PHIL)
3.00 UNITS
Music History and Literature
Music Appreciation
99134 J.Fagre Online hours INET 01/29/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 99136 J.Fagre Online hours INET 01/29/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 99139 A.Yankee Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99140 A.Yankee Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99141 A.Schnurr Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99142 A.Schnurr Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99143 M.Cahow Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99147 M.Cahow Online hours INET 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 99331 A.Grabarchuk Online hours INET 01/29/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 99331: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials. 99464 A.Grabarchuk Online hours INET 01/29/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 02/05/18 Section 99464: NO costs for textbooks, software, tools, or materials.
Introduction to an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement. An overview of the importance of the sub-disciplines in kinesiology is discussed, along with career opportunities in the areas of teaching, coaching, allied health, and fitness professions. (C-ID KIN 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
A survey of art music in western civilization. Topics studied include elements of music, basic musical forms, music periods, styles, and the role of music and musicians in the western world. (C-ID MUS 100) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
KINLEC-15 Diet and Fitness
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
History of Photography
3.00 UNITS
History and appreciation of photography as a medium of artistic and social communication. No lab access with this course. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 99214 K.Haddad 01/08/18-05/17/18 99215 K.Haddad 01/08/18-05/17/18 99216 S.Black 01/08/18-05/17/18 99463 G.DeAngelis 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
PSYCH-25 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Development
98764 M.Fitzpatrick 01/08/18-05/17/18 98765 M.Fitzpatrick 01/08/18-05/17/18 98766 M.Fitzpatrick 01/08/18-05/17/18 98767 M.Fitzpatrick 01/08/18-05/17/18 98768 D.Fell 01/08/18-05/17/18 98769 D.Fell 01/08/18-05/17/18 98770 D.Fell 01/08/18-05/17/18
American Politics
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Study of the American political process and institutions. Analysis of the organization and function of California's state and local governments. (C-ID POLS 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
98778 K.Koenigshofer 01/08/18-05/17/18
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of GUID-2, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of psychology, including research methods, history and systems, lifespan, perception, learning and memory, cognition, psychological disorders and treatment, social behavior, and brain mechanisms. (C-ID PSY 110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
3.00 UNITS
3.00 UNITS
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Real Estate (RE) (909)652-6830
Real Estate Principles
3.00 UNITS
Fundamentals of real estate covering basic laws and principles of California real estate. Gives understanding, background, and terminology necessary for advanced study in the specialized courses. Meets licensing requirements. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only
98734 A.Sadowski Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98734: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98735 A.Sadowski Online hours INET 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98735: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98736 A.Sadowski Online hours INET 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98736: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
PSYCH-41 Biological Psychology
Introduction to Psychology
Prerequisite: PSYCH-1. Study of the biological basis of behavior including basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology as applicable to movement, sensation, perception, learning, memory, emotion, psychological disorders, language, and consciousness. (C-ID PSY 150) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Psychology (PSYCH) PSYCH-1
97721 J.Darby 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
^ Chaffey College
98093 P.Tang 01/08/18-05/17/18 98094 P.Tang 01/08/18-05/17/18 98095 P.Tang 01/08/18-05/17/18 98096 M.Carter 01/08/18-05/17/18
Study of human development from conception through old age with particular emphasis on biological and environmental influences. (C-ID PSY 180) Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Political Science (PS) PS-1
98737 A.Sadowski Online hours 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98737: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98738 K.Koenigshofer Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 98739 M.Jennings Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 98740 C.Ward Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Photography (PHOTO) PHOTO-1
Real Estate Finance
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of RE-10. Analysis of real property financing. Topics include primary and secondary sources of real estate loans, mathematics and legal aspects of finance, role of government agencies, mortgage insurance and interest rates, credit reporting, real estate appraisal, and taxation. Course is applicable toward the educational requirements for broker's and real estate salesperson's licenses. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 97722 C.Martinez 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Completion of one or more behavioral science courses. Interdisciplinary introduction to human sexuality, with an emphasis on sexual values, sexual communication, and sexual relationships. Includes physiological, cross-cultural, historical, sociological, and psychological information, as well as an evaluation of sex research. Note: Nurses earn 54 hours of CE credit: BRN #00426. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98794 L.DeVillers 01/08/18-05/17/18 98795 L.DeVillers 01/08/18-05/17/18
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
THEATRE-1 Introduction to Theatre
3.00 UNITS
99175 S.Malone 01/29/18-05/10/18
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Examination and analysis of social structure, group membership and dynamics, socialization and the self, social stratification, culture and diversity, social change and globalization. (C-ID SOCI-110) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
3.00 UNITS
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Elements of the production process including playwriting, acting, directing, design, and criticism. Survey of different periods, cultures, styles, and genres of theatre through play reading, discussion, films and viewing and critiquing live theatre. Attendance at theatre productions is a requirement of this course. (C-ID THTR 111) Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only
98813 J.Song Online hours 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98813: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98814 J.Song Online hours 01/08/18-03/05/18 Last day to add: 01/16/18 Section 98814: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98815 J.Song Online hours 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98815: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98816 J.Song Online hours 03/19/18-05/10/18 Last day to add: 03/26/18 Section 98816: Fast-track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. 98817 N.McCool Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18 98818 N.McCool Online hours 01/08/18-05/17/18 Last day to add: 01/22/18
Introduction to Sociology
Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18 Online hours Last day to add: 01/22/18
Theatre Arts (THEATRE)
Sociology (SOC) SOC-10
Marriage, Family, and Relationships 3.00 UNITS
98851 R.Decter 01/08/18-05/17/18 98852 R.Decter 01/08/18-05/17/18 98854 P.Snyder 01/08/18-05/17/18 98855 P.Snyder 01/08/18-05/17/18 98856 N.McCool 01/08/18-05/17/18 98857 N.McCool 01/08/18-05/17/18
Human Sexuality
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Cross-cultural, social class, gender, and ethnic variation in marriages, families, and relationships. Emphasis on the application of theories, research, and social factors. (C-ID SOCI 130) Transfer: CSU; UC Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only
Social Science (SCSCI) SCSCI-17
Online hours Last day to add: 02/05/18
^ Chaffey College
Beginning and ending dates are listed for all classes. Class offerings, particularly instructor assignment and room numbers, are subject to change without notice. Course
CHINO CAMPUS BIOL-22 98979 and BIOL-424 98985 BIOL-424L 98988 COMSTD-2 98197 ENGL-1A 98404 ENGL-475 98240 HIST-71 98034 MATH-425 97252 MATH-605 97259 MATH-605 97261 MUSIC-4 99137 NURVN-500 99025 PS-1 98101 PSYCH-1 98744 FONTANA CAMPUS ASTRON-35 97541 and BUSOT-61 97813 CDE-4 98143 CDE-7 98153 CUL-15 98889 ENGL-1A 98472 ENGL-1A 98473 ESL-611 98455 ESL-621 98564 FIRETEC-420 99415 FIRETEC-421 99416 FIRETEC-422 99417 FIRETEC-423 99418 FIRETEC-5 99412 MATH-25 97512 MATH-410 97273 PSYCH-1 98747
Start & End Dates
9:00am - 11:50am 1:00pm - 3:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 1:00pm - 3:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 12:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 8:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 1:50pm 9:00am - 1:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 8:00am - 4:00pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 11:50am
01/08/18 - 05/17/18
CHMB-246 CHHC-202 CHMB-241 CHMB-260 CHMB-243 CHMB-161 CHMB-201 CHMB-261 CHMB-261 CHMB-247 CHTC-310 CHMB-262 CHMB-263
01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/13/18 - 03/03/18 03/24/18 - 05/05/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/12/18 - 01/20/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18
9:00am - 11:50am Online hours 1:00pm - 3:50pm 1:00pm - 3:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 11:50am 1:00pm - 3:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 9:00am - 4:50pm 9:00am - 4:50pm 9:00am - 4:50pm 9:00am - 4:50pm 6:00pm - 8:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am
01/08/18 - 05/17/18
FNAC-207 INET FNLC-121 FNAC-200 FNAC-200 FNAC-110 FNAC-204 FNAC-204 FNAC-206 FNFC-115 FNLC-124 FNLC-124 FNLC-124 FNLC-124 FNAC-202 FNFC-113 FNLC-125 FNLC-120
9:00am - 12:50pm 3:00pm - 6:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 1:00pm - 3:50pm 12:00pm - 2:50pm 9:30am - 3:20pm 9:30am - 3:20pm 9:30am - 3:20pm 9:00am - 2:50pm 6:00pm - 9:50pm 5:30pm - 8:20pm 9:00am - 11:50am 5:30pm - 8:20pm 1:00pm - 3:50pm 5:30pm - 8:20pm 9:00am - 11:50am 5:30pm - 8:20pm 1:00pm - 3:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 11:50am
FNAC-202 BE-102 BL-107 DL-101 BL-107 CAB-102 CAC-107 CAC-107 ATL-121 ATL-109 ZH-123 BL-108 ZH-123 BL-108 HS-143 DL-107 HS-143 DL-107 BE-111 BE-105 BE-106
01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18
J.Martinez J.Martinez G.Alatorre J.Larios S.Camacho N.Lopez R.Faradineh T.Nguyen T.Nguyen C.Hornung M.Escobosa A.Yanez Ruiz J.Glass M.Asaro C.Williams B.Kirby L.Blackman C.Miale S.Nicholas S.Nicholas S.Moussavi D.Tougas P.Villalobos P.Villalobos C.Schmitz C.Schmitz M.Atchison S.Ngobi H.Duong L.Gonzaga
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18
^ Chaffey College
RANCHO CUCAMONGA CAMPUS ACCTG-1A 97630 M.Sharifi-Mahzoon ACCTG-1B 97653 M.Sharifi-Mahzoon ANTHRO-1 98686 A.Yefremian ANTHRO-1L 98698 A.Yefremian ANTHRO-3 98710 M.Hornsey ART-14 98875 B.Wilkie ART-18 99008 B.Benfer ART-35 99017 B.Benfer AUTOTEC-10 99382 J.Polidano AUTOTEC-15 99386 J.Polidano BIOL-1 97910 C.King and BIOL-1 97911 C.King and BIOL-20 98920 I.McGuire and BIOL-20 98921 I.McGuire and BUS-10 97672 BUSL-28B 97692 S.Johnson BUSOT-40B 97794 M.Tardiff
01/13/18 - 03/10/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/27/18 - 02/24/18 03/03/18 - 03/31/18 04/07/18 - 04/21/18 04/28/18 - 05/04/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18
Start & End Dates
4:00pm - 6:50pm 12:00pm - 2:50pm 7:00pm - 9:50pm 6:00pm - 8:50pm 1:00pm - 3:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 11:50am 6:00pm - 8:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 12:15pm 12:00pm - 2:50pm 6:00pm - 8:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 8:00am - 10:50am 12:00pm - 2:50pm 1:00pm - 3:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 12:00pm - 2:50pm 6:00pm - 8:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 6:00pm - 8:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 6:00pm - 9:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 6:00pm - 8:50pm 7:00pm - 9:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 6:00pm - 8:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 1:00pm - 3:50pm 12:00pm - 2:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 12:50pm 6:00pm - 9:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 1:00pm - 4:50pm 6:00pm - 9:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 1:00pm - 4:50pm 6:00pm - 9:50pm 7:30am - 12:20pm 9:00am - 1:50pm 9:00am - 1:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:30am - 12:20pm 1:00pm - 3:50pm 12:00pm - 2:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 1:00pm - 3:50pm 6:00pm - 8:50pm 9:00am - 11:50am 9:00am - 11:50am 1:00pm - 3:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 9:00am - 12:50pm 6:00pm - 9:50pm
BE-106 BE-108 BE-108 CD-124A CD-124A CD-124A CD-124B CAA-218 BE-104 BE-100 LA-100 SSV-04 SSV-01 SS-105 SS-105 SS-100 LA-100 LA-110 LA-110 LA-111 LA-111 LA-108 LA-106 LA-106 PS-112 PS-109 PS-102 WH-161 WH-161 SS-113 SS-113 SS-113 SS-113 MATH-113 MATH-113 VSS-208 VSS-208 VSS-208 MATH-112 MATH-112 MATH-112 PS-122 VSS-102 VSS-102 CAE-101 CAA-127
01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 02/03/18 - 05/12/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/13/18 - 03/03/18 03/24/18 - 05/05/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18
SS-104 SS-108 WH-102 SS-108 WH-102 SS-101 SS-108 LA-104 HS-108 VSS-201
01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18 01/08/18 - 05/17/18
97816 97801 97802 98112 98121 98134 98154 99074 99312 99368 98277 98221 98276 97925 97926 97938 98396 98397 98260 98456 98507 98304 98395 98438 97545 97640 97585 99211 99212 97966 98016 97979 98001 97304 97303 97336 97337 97335 97379 97380 97378 97413 97432 97433 99149 99230 and 98091 98733 98732 98731 98763 98812 98849 98283 97478 97477
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
G.Patton C.Ayala A.Omlor B.Kirby M.Merjil M.Merjil E.Jannati J.Berry J.Blyzka R.Loya K.Dhaliwal R.Bjornsen K.Dhaliwal E.Ogbuchiekwe J.Lindvall K.Brown R.Lacson R.Lacson B.Cortez A.Jeffredo P.Quaranta J.Ford K.Kusudo A.Martinez R.Bisquera J.Warger R.Mukundan R.Garcia E.Banuelos D.Okonyan D.Okonyan J.Bradshaw J.Bradshaw S.Pearsall B.Johnson S.Arefin T.Jenkins R.Ramirez I.Yang M.Rahman L.Tran T.Jenkins D.Valdez F.Khatami R.Hermosillo Flores STAFF W.Martinez J.Trujillo N.Milani H.Lucas N.Milani L.Gaetje L.Gaetje C.Drumond C.Jacinto J.Roche
^ Chaffey College
Beginning and ending dates are listed for all classes. Class offerings, particularly instructor assignment and room numbers, are subject to change without notice. Course
Start & End Dates
CHINO – Linked Fast-Track classes, where a Track 1 (T1) class is tied to a Track 2 (T2) class MATH-425 97248 E.Cannis 7:30am - 9:40am MTWTH CHMB-246 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 MATH-25 97235 E.Cannis 7:30am - 9:40am MTWTH CHMB-246 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 and K.Lam
T1 T2
CHINO – Track 1 Stand-Alone Fast-Track classes CINEMA-26 99081 E.Jacobson 7:30am - 10:50am CINEMA-26 99082 E.Jacobson 11:00am - 2:20pm CINEMA-26 99083 STAFF 7:00pm - 10:20pm CJ-1 98161 S.Greene 11:00am - 2:20pm COMSTD-2 98504 L.Pratt 7:30am - 10:50am ENGL-1A 98378 R.Karim 11:00am - 2:20pm HIST-17 97987 T.Greene 11:00am - 2:20pm HOTFS-21 98894 D.Bentum 2:30pm - 5:35pm MATH-410 97241 E.Cannis 2:30pm - 4:40pm SOC-10 98820 I.Jraisat 7:00pm - 10:20pm
CHMB-161 CHMB-161 CHMB-161 CHMB-161 CHMB-241 CHMB-260 CHMB-262 CHCM-206 CHMB-160 CHMB-161
01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
CHINO – Track 2 Stand-Alone Fast-Track classes CINEMA-25 99071 E.Jacobson 11:00am - 2:20pm CJ-2 98165 STAFF 11:00am - 2:20pm CJ-8 98187 C.Cano 7:00pm - 10:20pm COMSTD-2 98505 L.Pratt 7:30am - 10:50am ENGL-1B 98379 R.Karim 11:00am - 2:20pm HIST-18 98011 T.Greene 11:00am - 2:20pm HOTFS-431 98896 D.Bentum 2:30pm - 5:50pm PSYCH-25 98773 A.Douma 2:30pm - 5:50pm
CHMB-161 CHMB-161 CHMB-161 CHMB-241 CHMB-260 CHMB-262 CHCM-206 CHMB-160
03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
FONTANA – Linked Fast-Track classes, where a Track 1 (T1) class is tied to a Track 2 (T2) class MATH-410 97268 L.Baidoo-Jackson 7:30am - 9:40am MTWTH FNFC-113 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 MATH-425 97274 L.Baidoo-Jackson 7:30am - 9:40am MTWTH FNFC-113 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
MATH-410 MATH-425
97269 97275
7:00pm - 9:10pm 7:00pm - 9:10pm
FNAC-112 FNAC-112
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
FONTANA – Track 1 Stand-Alone Fast-Track classes BIOL-10 98997 S.DeRuyter 7:00pm - 8:30pm CDE-1 98110 C.Greenman 11:00am - 2:20pm COMSTD-2 98578 C.Veazey 11:00am - 2:20pm ESC-1 97543 A.Foutz 11:00am - 12:20pm ESC-1L 97561 A.Foutz 8:00am - 10:50am NF-5 99203 A.Woodward 7:00pm - 10:20pm PSYCH-41 98779 STAFF 11:00am - 2:20pm SOC-10 98823 M.Rotondi 11:00am - 2:20pm SOC-15 98834 STAFF 11:00am - 2:20pm
FNAC-101 FNAC-204 FNAC-200 FNAC-101 FNAC-207 FNAC-200 FNLC-120 FNAC-202 FNAC-202
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/09/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
FONTANA – Track 2 Stand-Alone Fast-Track classes BIOL-30 98998 STAFF 7:00pm - 8:30pm COMSTD-2 98579 C.Veazey 11:00am - 2:20pm NF-15 99144 A.Fitzgerald 7:00pm - 10:05pm PSYCH-5 99362 L.Savitzky 11:00am - 2:20pm PSYCH-25 98776 STAFF 11:00am - 2:20pm SOC-16 98868 STAFF 11:00am - 2:20pm
FNAC-101 FNAC-200 FNAC-200 FNLC-120 FNAC-202 FNAC-202
03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
^ Chaffey College
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
M.Grigsby M.Grigsby
Start & End Dates
RANCHO – Linked Fast-Track classes, where a Track 1 (T1) class is tied to a Track 2 (T2) class MATH-425 97370 J.August 7:30am - 9:40am MTWTH MATH-112 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 MATH-25 97301 W.Yazigi 7:30am - 9:40am MTWTH MATH-112 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
MATH-425 MATH-25
97368 97300
V.Garcia V.Garcia
4:30pm - 6:40pm 4:30pm - 6:40pm
PS-123 PS-123
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
97317 97458
E.Pachas E.Pachas
4:30pm - 6:40pm 4:30pm - 6:40pm
MATH-112 MATH-112
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
97466 97467
L.Durfee L.Durfee
10:00am - 12:10pm 10:00am - 12:10pm
MATH-112 MATH-112
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
A.Leontas 7:30am - 9:40am J.Enciso Villasenor J.August 7:30am - 9:40am
01/08/18 - 03/01/18
97329 and 97375
03/19/18 - 05/09/18
MATH-410 MATH-425
97330 97377
J.Enciso Villasenor 12:30pm - 2:40pm A.Leontas 12:30pm - 2:40pm
PS-123 PS-123
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
MATH-410 MATH-425
97296 97373
B.Carrillo B.Carrillo
4:30pm - 6:40pm 4:30pm - 6:40pm
PS-104 PS-104
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
A.Leontas L.Chung L.Chung
7:00pm - 9:10pm
01/08/18 - 03/01/18
97328 and 97374
7:00pm - 9:10pm
03/19/18 - 05/09/18
MATH-425 STAT-10
97369 97476
S.LoSarah S.LoSarah
7:00pm - 9:10pm 7:00pm - 9:10pm
MATH-112 MATH-112
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T1 T2
BE-105 INET BE-102 BL-107 DL-101 SS-105 CAA-211 BE-106 BE-105 CD-124A CD-124B CAA-218 CAA-218 BE-104 INET BE-100 BE-100 SS-105 INET SSV-03 SSV-02 SS-111 SS-106 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 LA-106 LA-106
01/08/18 - 03/05/18
01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
01/09/18 - 03/01/18 01/09/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18
T1 T1 T1
01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
RANCHO – Track 1 Stand-Alone Fast-Track classes ACCTG-1A 97642 P.Worsham 7:30am - 9:20am and Online hours ACCTG-1A 97618 C.Dickerson 10:00am - 12:15pm ANTHRO-1 98683 M.Fong 11:00am - 2:20pm ANTHRO-1L 98693 D.Keithly 2:30pm - 5:50pm ANTHRO-3 98707 M.Meyer 11:00am - 2:20pm ARTH-3 99055 J.Machado 3:30pm - 6:50pm BUS-10 97670 STAFF 9:30am - 12:20pm BUSL-28A 97686 D.Karp 9:30am - 12:20pm CDE-2 98124 C.Greenman 2:30pm - 5:50pm CDE-23 98125 L.Blackman 2:30pm - 5:50pm CINEMA-26 99088 STAFF 7:30am - 10:50am CINEMA-26 99089 L.Rivas 7:00pm - 10:20pm CIS-1 99310 G.Reotutar 8:00am - 9:20am and Online hours CIS-1 99332 G.Bergreen 11:00am - 2:05pm CIS-1 99329 J.Alfano 3:00pm - 6:05pm CJ-1 98159 R.Price 5:30pm - 6:50pm and Online hours COMSTD-2 98205 J.Alvarez 11:00am - 2:20pm COMSTD-72 98540 S.Shelton 7:30am - 10:50am ECON-1 97927 S.Nowakhtar 11:00am - 2:20pm ECON-4 97953 C.Parker 2:30pm - 5:50pm ENGL-1A 98360 J.Huver 7:30am - 10:50am ENGL-1A 98263 R.Cowles 7:30am - 10:50am ENGL-1A 98605 S.Williams 11:00am - 2:20pm ENGL-1A 98405 E.Leano 11:00am - 2:20pm ENGL-1A 98284 M.Lopez 2:30pm - 5:50pm ENGL-1A 98558 J.Tancredi 2:30pm - 5:50pm ENGL-1A 98261 C.Cotton 7:00pm - 10:20pm ENGL-1A 98518 D.Richards 7:00pm - 10:20pm ENGL-475 98322 K.George 7:30am - 9:40am ENGL-475 98266 C.Decker 2:30pm - 4:40pm Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Start & End Dates
98268 99396 99397 99398 99402 97632 and 99039 99439 97963 97964 97980 98194 and 98655 99452 97298 97299 97297 97371 97372 97411 99165 and 98064 98074 98728 98781 98758 98807 98870 98257
C.Decker J.Cascadden J.Sloan J.Sloan J.Sloan J.Laguna
7:00pm - 9:10pm 3:00pm - 6:05pm 8:00am - 11:05am 11:15am - 2:20pm 6:00pm - 9:05pm 7:15am - 10:45am Online hours 10:00am - 12:15pm 4:30pm - 6:45pm 7:30am - 10:50am 7:00pm - 10:20pm 2:30pm - 5:50pm 7:00pm - 10:20pm Online hours 7:00pm - 10:05pm 7:30am - 9:00am 7:30am - 9:40am 12:30pm - 2:40pm 7:00pm - 9:10pm 10:00am - 12:10pm 12:30pm - 2:40pm 7:30am - 9:55am 7:00pm - 10:05pm Online hours 7:00pm - 10:20pm 2:30pm - 5:50pm 2:30pm - 5:50pm 11:00am - 2:20pm 11:00am - 2:20pm 11:00am - 2:20pm 2:30pm - 5:50pm 7:00pm - 9:10pm
LA-106 BE-101 BE-101 BE-101 BE-101 HS-133 INET WH-161 WH-161 SS-113 SS-102 SS-110 SS-105 INET G-134 CAA-215 PS-104 MATH-112 PS-123 PS-104 PS-104 PS-122 G-133 INET SS-100 SS-100 SS-108 ATL-104 WH-142 SS-101 SS-103 SSV-06
01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 03/05/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
01/09/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18 01/09/18 - 03/05/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/09/18 - 02/27/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/01/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
03/19/18 - 05/10/18
03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18
T2 T2 T2 T2
03/21/18 - 05/10/18
03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
S.Starr M.Martinez A.Cruz J.Harrington B.Lawson R.Price D.Portz D.Yegge D.Yegge D.Valdez J.Hyder D.Yegge D.Yegge T.Jenkins A.Fitzgerald K.Thompson B.King S.Sabet L.Savitzky M.DiLorenzo P.Snyder STAFF A.Corona
RANCHO – Track 2 Stand-Alone Fast-Track classes ACCTG-1B 97657 P.Worsham 7:30am - 9:20am and Online hours ACCTG-1B 97651 C.Dickerson 10:00am - 12:15pm ANTHRO-1 98684 M.Fong 11:00am - 2:20pm ANTHRO-1L 98694 D.Keithly 2:30pm - 5:50pm ANTHRO-3 98708 M.Meyer 11:00am - 2:20pm ARTH-5 99060 J.Machado 3:30pm - 6:50pm BUS-10 97671 STAFF 9:30am - 12:20pm BUSL-28A 97687 D.Karp 9:30am - 12:20pm CDE-7 98152 E.Jannati 2:30pm - 5:50pm CDE-415 98144 B.Kirby 2:30pm - 5:50pm CINEMA-25 99073 E.Jacobson 7:30am - 10:50am CINEMA-25 99075 J.Hill Jr 7:00pm - 10:20pm CIS-1 99334 J.Alfano 11:00am - 2:20pm CJ-3 98175 R.Price 5:30pm - 6:50pm and Online hours COMSTD-6 98594 E.Wenzel 7:30am - 10:50am COMSTD-72 98206 J.Alvarez 11:00am - 2:20pm ECON-1 97928 S.Nowakhtar 11:00am - 2:20pm ECON-1 97929 C.Parker 2:30pm - 5:50pm and Online hours ECON-2 97940 C.Parker 2:30pm - 5:50pm and Online hours ENGL-1A 98323 K.George 7:30am - 9:00am ENGL-1A 98264 R.Cowles 7:30am - 10:50am ENGL-1A 98285 M.Lopez 2:30pm - 5:50pm ENGL-1A 98519 D.Richards 7:00pm - 10:20pm ENGL-1B 98361 J.Huver 7:30am - 10:50am ENGL-1B 98606 S.Williams 11:00am - 2:20pm ENGL-1B 98559 J.Tancredi 2:30pm - 5:50pm Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
BE-105 INET BE-102 BL-107 DL-101 SS-105 CAA-211 BE-106 BE-105 CD-124A CD-124B CAA-218 CAA-218 BE-100 SS-105 INET SSV-02 SSV-03 SS-111 SS-111 INET SS-111 INET LA-106 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04 SSV-04
^ Chaffey College
Start & End Dates
98262 98406 98267 99400 99401 99404 97619 99040 98018 98017 98002 99113 97302 97334 97331 97333 97376 97412 98065 98075 98759 98760 98808 98258
C.Cotton E.Leano C.Decker J.Sloan J.Sloan J.Cascadden STAFF S.Starr A.Cruz J.Harrington B.Lawson A.Allen K.Dewilde K.Dewilde D.Yegge J.Hyder D.Yegge T.Jenkins K.Thompson B.King M.DiLorenzo E.Chiao P.Snyder A.Corona
7:00pm - 10:20pm 11:00am - 2:20pm 2:30pm - 4:40pm 8:00am - 11:05am 11:15am - 2:20pm 3:00pm - 6:05pm 7:00pm - 10:30pm 10:00am - 12:15pm 7:30am - 10:50am 7:00pm - 10:20pm 2:30pm - 5:50pm 7:00pm - 10:05pm 12:30pm - 2:40pm 7:30am - 9:40am 12:30pm - 2:40pm 7:00pm - 9:10pm 10:00am - 12:10pm 7:30am - 9:55am 7:00pm - 10:20pm 2:30pm - 5:50pm 11:00am - 2:20pm 2:30pm - 5:50pm 11:00am - 2:20pm 7:00pm - 9:10pm
SSV-04 SSV-04 LA-106 BE-101 BE-101 BE-101 HS-133 WH-161 SS-113 SS-102 SS-110 G-134 MATH-112 PS-104 PS-104 PS-123 PS-104 PS-122 SS-100 SS-100 WH-142 SS-111 SS-101 SSV-06
03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18 03/19/18 - 05/07/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/20/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/09/18
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
ONLINE – Track 1 Stand-Alone Fast-Track classes CJ-1 98158 R.Price Online hours GERO-11 97620 STAFF Online hours GERO-11 97615 C.Bacus Online hours GERO-23 97633 STAFF Online hours GERO-404 97641 J.Laguna Online hours GERO-404 97643 J.Laguna Online hours GUID-3 99208 B.Barraza Online hours HIST-1 97967 T.Greene Online hours HIST-2 98019 T.Greene Online hours KINLEC-15 99266 R.Baiz Online hours KINLEC-15 99267 R.Baiz Online hours KINLEC-18 99519 STAFF Online hours PSYCH-1 98734 A.Sadowski Online hours PSYCH-1 98735 A.Sadowski Online hours SOC-10 98813 J.Song Online hours SOC-10 98814 J.Song Online hours
01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18 01/08/18 - 03/05/18
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
ONLINE – Track 2 Stand-Alone Fast-Track classes BUSOT-40A 97793 M.Tardiff Online hours CJ-2 98164 R.Price Online hours GERO-11 97621 STAFF Online hours GERO-18 97623 J.Laguna Online hours GERO-18 97625 J.Laguna Online hours GERO-22 97628 J.Laguna Online hours GERO-22 97629 J.Laguna Online hours GERO-22 97631 STAFF Online hours GERO-23 97634 STAFF Online hours GERO-400 97636 C.Bacus Online hours GERO-400 97637 STAFF Online hours HIST-1 97968 T.Greene Online hours HIST-2 98020 T.Greene Online hours KINLEC-15 99268 A.Henry Online hours KINLEC-15 99270 A.Henry Online hours KINLEC-18 99273 R.Baiz Online hours PSYCH-1 98736 A.Sadowski Online hours PSYCH-1 98737 A.Sadowski Online hours SOC-10 98815 J.Song Online hours SOC-10 98816 J.Song Online hours
03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18 03/19/18 - 05/10/18
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Challenging curriculum and small classes Priority access to designated Honors courses Participation in local, state, and national research conferences Access to university libraries and invitations to special events Transcript annotation indicating honors credit and grade Increased probability of transfer (twice the average) coupled with Honors transfer agreements with designated universities guaranteeing priority consideration/acceptance
WHO MAY ENROLL IN AN HONORS COURSE? A student who is a member of the Chaffey College Honors Program, or A student who has obtained special permission from the Director of the Honors Program, the Dean of Social & Behavioral Sciences, or the instructor of the course.
HONORS PROGRAM STAFF Dr. Julie Song, Honors Director Susan Starr, Honors Counselor Dan Loomis, Phi Theta Kappa Advisor Dotty Nevarez, Administrative Assistant Dr. Cory Schwartz, Dean
Download the Honors Program application from the Chaffey website at www.chaffey.edu/honors or pick up a copy in the Honors Office or the Counseling Center. Contact us with questions at Honors.Program@chaffey.edu.
OFFICE LOCATION: SSA-122 (909) 652-6263 HOURS:
Monday-Thursday 7:30am-4:30pm Friday 10:00am-2:00pm
Anthropology Art Communication Studies Economics and 01/08/18-05/17/18 Economics 01/08/18-03/05/18 English English English History Political Science Statistics
98706 99249 98527 97941
W.Nielson M.Lewis E.Rose C.Parker
11:00am-12:20pm 9:30am-3:20pm 8:00am-9:20am 7:00pm-8:20pm Online hours Section 97941: Hybrid class; see www.chaffey.edu/onlineed. ECON-4 97953 C.Parker 2:30pm-5:50pm Section 97953: Fast track class; see www.chaffey.edu/fasttrack. ENGL-1A 98600 C.Williams 11:00am-12:20pm ENGL-1B 98382 D.Keener 11:00am-12:20pm ENGL-1C 98209 J.Ausubel 9:30am-10:50pm HIST-18 97996 D.Loomis 9:30am-10:50am PS-1 98084 K.Cameron 2:00pm-3:20pm STAT-10 97488 R.Elsdon 2:00pm-3:50pm
SS-106 CAA-115 SSV-3 SS-106 INET
LA-111 LA-110 LA-100 SS-106 SS-104 HS-108
2. Do an Honors Program Contract after meeting with the counselor and mapping out your plan All transfer-level courses may earn Honors credit through an Honors contract, contingent upon agreement by the individual instructor. Students must be accepted into the Honors Program to be eligible for Honors contracts. Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Friday May 11
Saturday May 12
Sunday May 13
If your class time is: Your exam time is 6:00am – 8:30am If your class time is: Your exam time is 8:45am – 11:15am
If your class time is: Your exam time is 11:30am – 2:00pm
If your class time is: Your exam time is 2:15pm – 4:45pm
Wednesday May 16
Thursday May 17
MW 6-7:50 MW 6:30-7:50 MW 7-8:50
TTh 6-7:50 TTh 6:30-7:50 TTh 7-8:50
MW 7:30-9:20 MW 8-9:20 MW 8-9:50 M or MW 8-10:50 M or MW 9-11:50
TTh 7:30-9:20 TTh 8-9:20 TTh 8-9:50 T or TTh 8-10:50 T or TTh 9-11:50
MW 9-10:50 MW 9:30-10:50 MW 9:30-11:20 MW 10-11:50 W 8-10:50 W 9-11:50 W 9:30-12:20
TTh 9-10:50 TTh 9:30-10:50 TTh 9:30-11:20 TTh 10-11:50 Th 8-10:50 Th 9-11:50 Th 9:30-12:20
S 9-11:50 S 9-12:50
F 11-1:50 F 12-1:20 F 12-2:50 F 12:30-3:20 F 1-2:50 F 1-3:50
S 12-2:50
SU 11-2:50 SU 12-2:50
MW 11-12:20 MW 11-12:50 MW 12-1:50 M or MW 9:30-12:20 M or MW 10-12:50 M or MW 11-1:50 M or MW 12-2:50
TTh 11-12:20 TTh 11-12:50 TTh 12-1:50 T or TTh 9:30-12:20 T or TTh 10-12:50 T or TTh 11-1:50 T or TTh 12-2:50
MW 12:30-1:50 MW 12:30-2:20 MW 1-2:50 MW 1:30-3:20 W 10-12:50 W 11-1:50 W 12-2:50 W 12:30-3:20
TTh 12:30-1:50 TTh 12:30-2:20 TTh 1-2:50 TTh 1:30-3:20 Th 10-12:50 Th 11-1:50 Th 12-2:50 Th 12:30-3:20
F 2-3:50 F 2-4:50
S 1-3:50 S 1-4:50
SU 3-5:50 SU 3-6:50
MW 2-3:20 MW 3-4:50 M or MW 12:30-3:20 M or MW 1-3:50 M or MW 2-4:50
TTh 2-3:20 TTh 3-4:50 T or TTh 12:30-3:20 T or TTh 1-3:50 T or TTh 2-4:50
MW 2-3:50 MW 3:30-4:50 W 1-3:50 W 2-4:50
TTh 2-3:50 TTh 3:30-4:50 Th 1-3:50 Th 2-4:50
MW 4-5:50 MW 5-6:50 MW 5:30-6:50 M or MW 3-5:50 M or MW 3:30-6:20 M or MW 4-6:50 M or MW 5-7:50 M or MW 5:30-8:20
TTh 4-5:50 TTh 5-6:50 TTh 5:30-6:50 T or TTh 3-5:50 T or TTh 3:30-6:20 T or TTh 4-6:50 T or TTh 5-7:50 T or TTh 5:30-8:20
W 3-5:50 W 3:30-6:20 W 4-6:50 W 5-7:50 W 5:30-8:20
Th 3-5:50 Th 3:30-6:20 Th 4-6:50 Th 5-7:50 Th 5:30-8:20
MW 7-8:20 MW 7-8:50 M or MW 6-7:50 M or MW 6-8:50 M or MW 6-9:50 M or MW 6:30-9:20 M or MW 7-9:50
TTh 7-8:20 TTh 7-8:50 T or TTh 6-7:50 T or TTh 6-8:50 T or TTh 6-9:50 T or TTh 6:30-9:20 T or TTh 7-9:50
MW 8-9:50 MW 8:30-9:50 W 6-8:50 W 6-9:50 W 6:30-9:20 W 7-9:50
TTh 8-9:50 TTh 8:30-9:50 Th 6-8:50 Th 6-9:50 Th 6:30-9:20 Th 7-9:50
Your exam time is 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Your exam time is 7:45pm – 10:15pm
Tuesday May 15
F 8-10:50 F 8-11:50 F 9-11:50
If your class time is:
If your class time is:
Monday May 14
F 6-7:30pm / S 9-10:30am F 6-8:50pm / S 9-10:50am F 6-8:50 F 6-9:50
S 7-9:50
SU 7-9:50 SU 7-10:50
NOTES: 1. Lab-only classes do not require scheduled finals. 2. Lecture/Lab combination classes generally hold finals based on when the lecture portion is scheduled. 3. All classes scheduled less than full term hold finals during the last regular class meeting. 4. Full term classes that meet 2 hours per week or less (including hybrids and 1-2 unit courses) may hold their final during the last regular class meeting, or online as appropriate; please consult your instructor. 5. If your class regularly meets 3 or more days per week, has TBA or arranged hours, is not listed above and the notes above do not apply, OR you have a conflict, please confirm the exam time with your instructor. 6. Modifications to the final exam schedule are subject to approval by the appropriate Dean. 7. If you have any questions regarding the time of your final exam, please consult your instructor.
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College
Spring 2018 Schedule of Classes
^ Chaffey College