2 minute read

God Promise

God Promise

Anoop Mathew


dear Amma,

why did you leave me? I love you. I am sorry that i dont listen to you. I am sorry that I fight with you. God promise that I will listen to everything you say. please dont leave me. I dont know what teacher is telling me but teacher took some test book and some note book from my bag and put it front of me. I opened the test book but did not like the pictures in it. I am writing this in the note book so that i can give it you when i see you tomorrow ok? I cried so much when you left in our car. i wanted to come with you but they did not let me. i went and sat on the bed you made. everyone is looking at me. i did not know what to do Amma. is this punishment for being a bad boy. I promise that I will be a good boy from today. I will listen to everything you say. God promise. please come back. the bell rang. one boy told me take my bible and golden bells book and come to the prayer hall for prayer time. i said i did not want to come. everyone left. the teacher came and told me to take my gold bells and bible and go to the prayer hall. she asked me if i have a bible and golden bells book. i don’t know. she opened the blue steel box you kept there and took a bible and a red book and gave it to me. She told me to stop crying. i dont like her. when i went to the prayer hall everyone was looking at me. the boy who told me to come to the prayer hall was looking at me and laughing. Amma please come back. the teacher put me in a seat in the front. I was sitting next to a small boy who was looking at me and smiling. teacher standing in front of the hall said a number and everyone opened the red book. the small boy told me to open the red book. the red book has numbers and words. I searched for number 39 but before I got the page everyone started singing. it was the same words in the red book. I did not like the song. everyone sang one more song. teacher said something and everyone opened the bible. I did not know what to do so I opened the bible and acted like everyone else. teacher prayed and everyone closed their eyes. I did not and saw some people looking at me so I closed my eyes. after prayer I went with the small boy but he told me that I was in other dom. where the bed and the blue steel box is so I went and sat on

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teacher. the bell rang. after three bells you will come and we will leave for home. I will listen to whatever you say Amma. I promise. God promise.

Dear Amma,


Why dont you come Amma. I waited for you. after school I waited and waited. I looked at the black gate for our car. did you pray to God yesterday. did he tell you that I will be a good boy from today. I told him to tell you. please pray to God and he will tell you. all the teachers are bad and they give me so much punishement. I dont know why. alice teacher is the only good teacher. I just want to be with you. I am sorry Amma, for all the bad things i did. but please come and take me home. please. i promise to be a good boy and listen to everything you say. God promise.

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