Wally Olins - IAA

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What a brand really is Wally Olins

30th September 2013

A bit about brands and branding

Branding is about belonging and being seen to belong


Brands are about emotions


“What we sell is the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him” — Harley Davidson




Branding is about expressing an idea.

Winning —

Usability —

A brand idea projected in everything you do — Products & Services


What you create and sell

How you tell people about yourself and what you do

Your physical environment


How your people behave to each other and the world outside


Product —

Communication —

Environment —

Behaviour —

What are brands worth?





All ‘Made in India’ for $2

You make, they brand —

How about designed in India? —

How did you get here?

18th Century —

Everyone imported goods from India —

The West was fell in inlove with Indian love with products your — products —

But then… —

Hindustan Lever —

West is Best —

The Swadeshi movement —

But then you started imitating the West —

But then you started imitating the West —

Pretending to be American —

English… —

Italian… —

Where is the authenticity? —

Seems like you lack self confidence about being Indian… —

Too many of your brands are built on somebody else’s personality —

Suering from multiple personality disorder? —

USA, 2013 —

India, 2013 —

Trying to be everything to everyone… —


‌is the same as meaning nothing to no one —

A culture of shouting the loudest —

It’s a mess…

Competition is tougher than ever —

And lately you’ve slowed down —

What to do?

To compete globally, you need to get your brands right —

Where you come from is more important than ever —


Made in Germany —



Important not just for Western legacy nations

Important not just for Western legacy nations But also for emerging markets

Made in Korea —

Made in Brazil —

Made in Mexico —

The new zeitgeist: Authenticity


“Behind our products is a poetic vision of Provence. It's the story of the land. I was raised with respect and love for its traditions.” Olivier Baussan – Founder of L’Occitane





Empathy —


“Authenticity is the new thing. Now we have to learn how to fake it.”


New zeitgeist = huge opportunities

Create authentic Indian brands

What is (still) authentic about you? —

Health —

Food —

Bollywood pop culture —

IT —

Frugal technology —

How many true brands do you have in these areas? —

If you don’t, others do… —

The ColorRun™

Be proud of your provenance —

Start building authentic Indian brands

It’s a slow burn

A few guidelines —

1. Be who you truly are —

2. Stand for something —

3. Look at the big picture —

3. Look at the big picture not just advertising —

3. Look at the big picture not just advertising —

4. Show your own unique personality —

5. Be consistent and coherent, speak with one voice —

6. Use your leading brands —

7. Be self confident —

New times, new book —


Spring 2014 —

Let’s talk!


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