Chalkdust, Issue 13

Page 30


Moonlighting agony uncle Professor Dirichlet answers your personal problems. Want the prof’s help? Contact c

Dear Dirichlet, As a successful author on spies who are also fish, I’m looking to branch out a little. What with the number of stream ing platforms, I’m hoping I can get a TV company to make my series of novels into a ten-episode drama. But it fee ls like a buyers’ marketβ€”how can I hook a produc er? Let minnow!

β€” Micholas H erron, Oxford


dirichlet says: May I recommend the school market. Each year there

is a new set of 7Β­yearΒ­olds looking to be entertained. For example, I am about to pitch the BBC my Downton Abbey / second world war / great railway infrastructure crossover series for children, with all the characters played by simple 3D shapes. I have already written to CubeΒ­onneville, Dame Sphera Lynne and Prismbard Kingdom Brunel. (Still waiting for a reply from the latter twoΝΎ Cube’s on board.) Dear Dirichlet,

ns. But when I get tner bought me some new jea For my birthday this year my par ring the day, matchsticks in the pockets! Du find ays alw I , obe rdr wa the of them out and pull out some his hand in one of my pockets, put r, ove e com l wil r tne par my ember the moral to do the same? Does he not rem of the matches! Am I supposed play with matches! film Frances the Firefly?... Never from 1990s public information rs, Wigan

β€” The Wrong Trouse

dirichlet says: FΓ©licitations!

You’ve been given the latest in French fashion: couture deNim! But also comΒ­misΓ¨reΒ­ations: nobody’s going to remove the last matchstick for you. If you’re happy to play along, sew up all but two pockets and keep the sticks in each pocket equal. Failing that, I suggest an eXORcism to heal these obviously cursed jeans. A word to the wise: run away if your partner offers you chocolate where you are only allowed to eat squares if you also eat those that are below it and to its right.



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