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in Buffalo

The Wakanda Alliance: A Program on a Mission to Inspire Youth and Keep Afrofuturism Alive and Well in Buffalo!

Black Panther’s conspicuous debut in Captain America: Civil War was an exciting confirmation for local socialite DQ Grant and community activist John Washington, that their favorite comic book superhero would finally get his story on the big screen. Before the cultural explosion that resulted from Marvel’s Black Panther film, both Grant and Washington were long-time comic book readers who took pride in pushing Black art and entertainment forward. Already spearheading Afrofuturist collective Panthfrica, DQ partnered with John and many other creatives in Buffalo to celebrate the premiere of Black Panther. Selling out theatres, hosting art exhibitions, and conducting multi-media workshops across the city, the duo recognized the unifying power of the film, especially among youth. Building an educational framework for children based on the Black Panther comic books, DQ and John created what would soon become The Wakanda Alliance Program. “We want to inspire the youth. We want kids to be able to be kids again,” mentioned DQ Grant. The success of the duo’s initial Black Panther-centered events was in part by their significant connections. Working with influential, high profile artists like Edreys Wajed and Drea D’nur to community leaders like Geovaira Hernandez, they were able to bring different groups of people together. With that said, the early brainstorming stages of the Wakanda Alliance Program brought in eager, recur-


by Schondra Aytch

ring participants like Buffalo Center for Arts and Technology (BCAT) staff member Da’Vone McCune and photographer/marketer Anthony Pierce, who quickly became staple supporters. With DQ, John, Da’Von, and Anthony solidifying themselves as core members, the Wakanda Alliance found its footing as an independent program centered around Afrofuturism.

“We have lives, we have different businesses, jobs and kids and family and so really we try to move together in a way where we try to fit each other's weaknesses...and hopefully not only does it lead to the freedom of our community but also ourselves,” mentioned Da’Von McCune. To many, Wakanda is the physical manifestation of Afrofuturism. It reimagines the African diaspora, history, and culture as a prime catalyst for developing bright, technological societies. Coined in the early ’90s, Afrofuturism was a movement that encouraged Black Americans to broaden their horizons and reimagine Black modernity. Considering that Black Panther comics were created and introduced in a Civil Rights-era America, Afrofuturism also challenges the socio-political tendencies of first-world countries and the often understated contributions of Black people. “How often as black people do we think unapologetically; And without the context of what’s happening right nowthinking about our future? What does the future look like for black people in 100 years? ” explained John Washington. Using primarily, The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda as the foundation for their workshops, The Wakanda Alliance strives to provide an imaginative, yet holistic experience of Afrofuturism. Working with professors, ecologists, and environmental justice leaders for the program, the group is not only focused on reimagining blackness but providing a progressive perspective to current issues in our world Touching on topics of trauma, mental health, climate change, and equality, the Wakanda Alliance uses the trials of Black Panther to educate youth on solutions. “Children are our present and our future, and I believe that wholeheartedly right now… Ever since the founding of our country, there have been teenagers who have fought up and offered their rights that we have no idea about. Every time they give our heroes, they give us the George Washingtons, Abraham Lincolns, and Martin Luther and Malcolm X and Harriet Tubman, which what do they all have in common? They’re all adults...That is the trick. That is the lie,” explained Da’Von McCune. Since their first official workshop in May of last year, the Wakanda Alliance’s unique approach to sharing Afrofuturism has caught significant attention. From having leaders in the Afrofuturist movement like artist Stacey Robinson attend their workshop, to getting featured on Sirius XM’s Sway In The Morning, the program has developed an impressive support syste Developing a strong virtual presence has contributed to their overall popularity and engagement online continues pictured above l/r Wakanda Alliance Program founders DQ, Anthony Pierce, Da'Von McCune and John Washington (group photo on left by A. Dorcely)

to thrive - even with the global impact of the Coronavirus. “Covid in a way kind of helped us, because we were able to reach audiences that are further out. Or across the state, or across the world,” mentioned Anthony Pierce.

Now utilizing Zoom and Facebook Live as an alternative to being physically present at their meetings, The Wakanda Alliance can maintain lively discussions with its members. Unafraid to explore urgent social issues like police brutality and poverty, the program also uses itself as an outlet to understand what it means to be Black in America’s social climate. On Saturday November 14, The Wakanda Alliance Program invites families and youth to a Hybrid workshop from 12-3pm at 945 Genesee for the live experience or log in for virtual stream via Zoom and Facebook This workshop includes group reading of Marvel Comic’s Shuri issue #1 followed by an explanation of women in the comic who helped lead the country and how they reflect the importance of female leadership in our current society. There will be guest appearances by long time futuristic graphic poster and cover artists Junior Tomlin and musical guest performance The Miserable Genius.

Connect with The Wakanda Alliance Program on social media Instagram and Facebook @TheWakandaAlliance and also on their website thegalactictribe.org (Read the full version of this article on our website thechallengernews.com)


Blanc Photographie

The Community’s Portrait & Event Photographer. 716.319.8979 • Facebook: Blanc Photographie • Instagram: @blanc_photographie

Connecting workers to new skills

This health and humanitarian crisis has had a disproportionate impact on employment for people of color. Here in Buffalo, there is an urgent need for skill building — including re-skilling and up-skilling — to create a clear pathway to jobs that can deliver upward mobility and economic stability.

To drive progress, Bank of America is investing $1 billion over four years to advance racial equality and economic opportunity, building on work we’ve had underway for many years. We’re helping to connect people to the skills, resources and experience needed to succeed by building partnerships with nonprofits and local government, and through our own recruiting and hiring. This includes partnerships with Community Colleges that serve predominately Black and Hispanic/Latino students, and public Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions.

In Buffalo, we remain committed to supporting organizations that help people in our community get the skills they need.

Ted Janicki Buffalo Market President

Strengthening pathways Here in Buffalo, we’re partnering with local organizations to create pathways to better jobs, including:

Boys & Girls Clubs of Buffalo Center for Employment Opportunities City Year Buffalo Dress for Success Buffalo

To learn more, please visit bankofamerica.com/community

"Precious Gems Ready for the World"

HONORING OUR VETERANS. Street Legacy Photos Honoring Our Heroic Veterans

On November 7, 2020 at 10a.m. the Cemetery and Foundation Board Members of the Historic Concordia Cemetery located at 438 Walden Avenue hosted a Veterans Day Program. Foundation Board President Diane Pesch-Savatteri welcomed all in attendance which included telling the History of the Historic Concordia Cemetery. Foundation Board Member Claudette Rogers said a Prayer and AMVETS Post 24 post member Andy Finley played TAPS on his bugle at the end of the ceremony in honor of the brave men and women that served this country! District 1 Erie County Legislator Howard J. Johnson Jr. also a military Veteran and Fillmore District Council Member Mitchell P. Nowakowski participated in the ceremony along with Scoutmaster Randy Siejak and members of Saint John Kanty Church's Boy Scout Troop 104 by placing United States Flags on the graves of the soldiers that served in the various wars honoring the veterans for Veterans Day. Proud family members of veterans interred at the cemetery were able to place a United States Flag on the graves of their loved ones. Some family members while placing the flags did so with tears in their eyes. Members of the Johnetta R. Cole AMVETS Post No. 24 also proudly placed a United States Flag at the grave of Johnetta R. Cole, the post’s name sake. Due to the Covid-19 virus social distancing was in place and face masks were worn.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Introduces 2020 Rites of Passage Initiates During Virtual Ceremony

Alpha Kappa Alpha, Gamma Phi Omega Chapter, blossomed its "Precious Gems Ready for the World" with a virtual Rites of Passage ceremony October 16. The lovely young ladies, the initiates, dressed in African attire, participated in an African pre-adulthood ritual. Their parents ceremoniously presented them to the community with maternal-daughter expressions and gifts. The 2020 initiates are: Timesha Austin (Andriertte) Theresa Banks (Mara) Kamya Cox (Ziemba) Kierra Cox (Ziemba) Camryn Davis (Arjana) Kendell Jelks (Audre) Na'Kya McCann (Alika) Sydney Robinson (Safara) and Angela Samuel (Malaika).

The virtual evening included AKA participants: the elder Patricia Baxter, Libation Giver Elayne Foster, special poem Sydney Johnson, Nija Libation by Tracy N. Garner , SABUTI Dance Performance by the initiates, directed by Janet Barnes and Instrumental Solo Joel Nicholas. Janet Barnes was chairman for the Rites of Passage. Other committee participants were: Lori Adams-Mabry, Rev. Lillian Davis-Wilson, Sharon Amos, Josephine Cross, Hattie McCarley, Juanita Hunter, Denise Cobbs, and Carolyn Malone. Ottilie M. Woodruff and Teena M. Jones are respectively President and Vice-president.

Honorary chairman, the late Carmita Akawumi, created the original Rites of Passage program

Free Girls Flag Football Clinic!

The G.I.R.L.S. Sports Foundation, Inc. will present a free Girls Flag Football Clinic Saturday, November 21 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Lang Weber Park for ages 8-18. Register early as space is limited! Free COVID-19 testing will be held at 10:30 a.m. and COVID-19 regulations and security will be in effect. For more information contact Coach Ces at (716)9312180 or girlssportsfoundationwny@gmail.com You can also link to the application at: https://forms.gle/aQDWzknDatTEuLASA For a hard copy of the application or questions or concerns contact the President, Ceclie Owens at (716) 931-2180. Sponsors include The Ralph Wilson Jr. Foundation, The Buffalo Bills, The City of Buffalo and Project Play Western New York.


Update On Nation’s First African American Veterans Monument

On Wednesday, Nov. 11, Americans everywhere paused to observe Veterans Day. This year, the African American Veterans Monument Committee celebrated Veterans Day quietly reflecting on the sacrifices made by African American Veterans while continuing to advance the Monument’s construction despite unpredicted challenges and setbacks. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, administrative delays have caused the construction schedule and dedication of the Monument to be pushed back to 2021. However, the Committee recently learned that New York State’s Finance Committee approved the release of construction funds that will be released once the New York State Dormitory Authority (DASNY) operations resume; a promising step forward. “We’re still moving forward,” said Warren Galloway, chair of the African American Veterans Monument Committee. “Our plans for 2020 were dramatically shifted because of COVID-19, but we are confident about the Monument’s construction. Our committee has met virtually since March and are wholeheartedly working to make our vision a reality for so many deserving servicemen and women.” The Monument will be located at the Buffalo & Erie County Naval and Military Park in Buffalo and will recognize the contributions of African Americans who have served and are currently serving in all five branches of the military, during war and in peace times. African Americans have fought in all 12 of the United States’ military conflicts, beginning with the Revolutionary War in 1775. To date, approximately $1.6 million has been raised for the project, with significant donations from New York State, Erie County, the City of Buffalo and countless community-based organizations and corporate sponsors. A committee of African American Veterans and historians have led the planning for the African American Veterans Monument with the support and convening of the office of New York State Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes. For additional information or to purchase a commemorative brick, visit AAVMWNY.org or call 716-800-1137.

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Freedom Garden’s Facebook Page Is Public And Active!

We are pleased to announce that our Freedom Garden’s facebook page is public and active. Please go to the links below to view and share with your facebook community to grow Buffalo Freedom Gardens facebook page and Instagram page (Also linked below).

https://www.facebook.com/ BuffaloFreedomGarden

https://www.instagram.com/ buffalofreedomgardens/

When you visit our Facebook page you will learn about the freedom garden family, the numerous volunteers, and our funders and supporters. Our Instagram page has useful information for those who love to garden in an urban setting. Please contact us at yourfreedomgardens@ gmail.com with comments, questions, and any other inquires.

Thank you for making freedom gardens a success! Sincerely, Gail V. Wells, Founder, Freedom Gardens Maisha Copeland, Marketing, Freedom Gardens Dasia R. Brewer, Freedom Gardens Facebook Administrator Leah Hamilton, Freedom Gardens Videographer

“We wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us.” - John Russwurm, Freedom’s Journal. 1827 America’s 1st Black Newspaper

BLM: "We want something for our vote!"

“The American people have chosen decency over dysfunction, fact over fiction, truth over lies and empathy over cruelty. .. opportunities … lie ahead for America – from fixing a broken healthcare system, to repairing global alliances, to addressing wealth inequality and corrosive racial bias. " The above quote was part of a promo to urge readers to support an international news outlet. But it could not have been more on point and more truthful in regards to America’s current state of affairs in the wake of a presidential election that will be remembered as one of the most crucial in history, and the pivotal role the Black vote played in its outcome. Black people voted for President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris in record numbers, leading America in the winning direction; proof that the power of the Black vote is undeniable. For starters, Mr. Biden would not have even won the democratic nomination to run for president had it not been for Majority Whip Rep. Clyburn of South Carolina, the most powerful and influential Black politician in the state, who gave Biden his endorsement. The result, Black South Carolinians gave Biden a massive landslide victory that made him the consensus nominee. Then Clyburn went a step further and privately urged Biden to pick a Black woman as his running mate. Biden ultimately choose Harris.

-The Abrams Factor-

Then there was the Abrams factor. One columnist wrote - “Joe Biden can thank Stacey Abrams for his lead in Georgia.” As Georgia still counts ballots to determine if Joe Biden or Donald Trump wins the state, Biden has the lead, flipping Georgia to possibly turn blue for the first time in nearly three decades. A major reason for the shift has to do with former state representative and voting rights advocate Abrams who started the movement to turn Georgia into a blue state. After her failed bid for governor in 2018, Abrams formed the nonprofit Fair Fight to help combat voter suppression within Georgia and increase voter registration in marginalized communities, moves that made the state potentially lean more Democratic, giving Biden an edge.

-The Black Vote: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due-

While a projected 161 million Americans voted in the 2020 presidential election, more than at any other time in American history, Black voters are “taking a well earned victory lap,” having led Biden and Harris to victory. Early exit polls estimate that 91% of African American women voted for Biden and Harris. Black men gave them 80% of their votes…. again, ushering the Biden-Harris ticket to an historic win. Can Court Challenges to the Vote Count Flip the Election and Make Trump the Winner? Some Democratic voters are nervous — and some Republican voters, are hopeful —that somehow court challenges to the vote count will make President Trump the winner. According to Amber Phillips of The Washington Post, that is highly unlikely. Why? She writes: •The Trump campaign is running out of time to stop ballots from being counted and so far hasn’t succeeded in any court case to do so. Even if they did stop counting, it’s not clear what they’d get out of it. Even without the few outstanding states, Biden has already won the 270 electoral votes needed. •The Trump campaign has yet to provide evidence of fraud to overturn results. And they have shared no evidence of the kind of widespread fraud that would overturn an election by tens of thousands of votes in several states. That’s what they’d need to prove to win, and proving it would mean they’ve uncovered a historic, unprecedented level of corruption in America. •A recount is expected in at least Georgia, possibly the closest state of all, where Biden is leading by almost 10,700 votes (at this writing). There could be other recounts. But recounts typically change hundreds of votes, not thousands. NOTE: The New York Times reported this week that it called election officials in every

state. The result - no irregularities or evidence of the president and his allies baseless false claims of Voter Fraud that affected the election outcome.

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors sent a letter to President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris calling for the development of a “fully resourced” agenda that addresses the challenges Black people face.In the letter dated Nov. 7, Cullors called for a meeting with Biden and Harris to discuss the administration’s commitment to Black people, noting that, although Donald Trump’s demise is to be celebrated, it does not guarantee that conditions facing Black people will improve. Her letter follows: Dear President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris: Congratulations on your election to the Presidency and VicePresidency of the United states. Like so many, we are relieved that the Trump era in government is coming to a close. As we celebrate his electoral demise, we also know that his political exit does not ensure an end to the intolerable conditions faced by Black people in America. A well-thought out, community-driven, fully resourced agenda that addresses the particular challenges faced by Black people must be a top priority. We are requesting a meeting with you both to discuss the expectations that we have for your administration and the commitments that must be made to Black people.

Without the resounding support of Black people, we would be saddled with a very different electoral outcome. In short, Black people won this election. Alongside Black-led organizations around the nation, Black lives Matter invested heavily in this election. ·vote and Organize• became our motto, and our electoral justice efforts reached more than 60 million voters. We want something for our vote.

We want to be heard and our agenda to be prioritized. We issue these expectations not just because Black people are the most consistent and reliable voters for Democrats, but also because Black people are truly living in crisis in a nation that was built on our subjugation. Up until this point, the United states has refused to directly reckon with the way that it devalues Black people and devastates our lives. This cannot continue. Black people can neither afford to live through the vitriol of a Trump-like Presidency, nor through the indifference of a Democrat-controlled government that refuses to wrestle with its most egregious and damnable shame.

President-Elect Biden and Vice-President-Elect Harris: both of you discussed addressing systemic racism as central to your election campaigns. Both of you also expressed regrets regarding your record on issues impacting Black people. The best way to ensure that you remedy past missteps and work towards a more just future for Black people-and by extension all people-is to take your direction from Black grassroots organizers that have been engaged in this work for decades, with a legacy that spans back to the first arrival of enslaved Africans. We look forward to meeting with you at your convenience to begin the immediate work of Black liberation. We would like to be actively engaged in your Transition Team's planning and policy work. Again, congratulations on your win. Let's get to work!

Most Sincerely, Patrisse Cullers On behalf of the Black lives Matter Global Network

Challenger Community News P.O. BOX 474 Buffalo, NY 14209

advertising@thechallengernews.com P: 716 881.1051 F: 716 881.1053 • Published every Wednesday • News Deadline: Friday 5 p.m. • Ad Deadline: Friday 5 p.m. • Classified Deadline: Thursday 5 p.m. We respectfully submit that the opinions expressed on the editorial pages of this newspaper are not necessairly those of Challenger Community News Corporation or its advertisers. Advertising /News/ Information/Inquiries advertising@thechallengernews.com Phone: 716-881-1051 Fax: 716-881-1053

LEGAL NOTICE Summons STOX File #69198 SUMMONS, NOTICE AND BRIEF STATEMENT OF NATURE OF ACTION CONSUMER CREDIT TRANSACTION SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ERIE Index No. 817315/2019 M&T BANK, Plaintiff, -against- BRANDON REED, AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF THERESA P. WRIGHT; ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THERESA P. WRIGHT AND ANY OF HER, HIS OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCESSORS IN RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST, et. al. Defendants. TO THE DEFENDANT(S): ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THERESA P. WRIGHT AND ANY OF HER, HIS OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCESSORS IN RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to serve upon plaintiff's attorneys an answer to the complaint in this action within twenty (20) days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service is complete if the Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service hereof. In case of your failure to answer, judgment will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. Trial is desired in the County of ERIE. The basis of venue designated above is that the real property, which is the subject matter of this action, is located in the County of ERIE, New York. NOTICE: YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY WHO FILED THIS FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT A DEFAULT JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AND YOU CAN LOSE YOUR HOME. SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY OR GO TO THE COURT WHERE YOUR CASE IS PENDING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON HOW TO ANSWER THE SUMMONS AND PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. SENDING A PAYMENT TO YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY WILL NOT STOP THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. The foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of HON. HENRY J. NOWAK, J.S.C. Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, signed on October 6, 2020 Clerk's Office location, New York and entered in the ERIE County Clerk's Office on October 7, 2020, Buffalo, New York. The Nature of this action pertains to a note and mortgage held by Plaintiff on real property owned by the above named defendants as specified in the complaint filed in this action. The above named defendants have failed to comply with the terms and provisions of the said mortgage and said instruments secured by said mortgage, by failing and omitting to pay the balance due and owing and the Plaintiff has commenced a foreclosure action. Plaintiff is seeking a judgment foreclosing its mortgage against the real property and premises which situates in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York and is commonly known as 966 Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14215 and all other relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. DATED: October 13, 2020 SCHILLER, KNAPP, LEFKOWITZ & HERTZEL, LLP BY: WILLIAM B. SCHILLER, ESQ. Attorneys for Plaintiff 950 New Loudon Road Latham, New York 12110 Telephone: (518) 786-9069 69198


Buffalo City School District

Advertisement for Bids

Sealed proposals for the following project will be received at the office of Plant Services & School Planning, 403 City Hall, Buffalo, NY 14202. On Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud for: Ventilation Upgrades at: P.S. 089: DR. LYDIA T. WRIGHT SCHOOL Bids will be opened for single prime contract: General Construction. Beginning Tuesday, November 10, 2020, bidding document packages may be viewed and obtained through Buffalo Public Schools Division of Plant Services and School Planning by contacting Mel L. Alston by phone at 716-816-3748, email address malston@buffaloschools.org. A mandatory pre-bid walk through conference will be held on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 10:00 a.m. at BPS #089 Dr. Lydia T. Wright School, 106 Appenheimer Ave., Buffalo, NY 14214. Please assemble in the school parking lot on the West Side of the building in front of overhead service garage doors. The Architect will be present. Eligible bidders are required to attend this walk through or another previously arranged and documented site visit with Architect and/or District personnel. Please note that required bid bond is 10%. The work will be subject to the equal employment opportunity requirements. Any questions regarding this project, please request in writing via email, addressed to Michael Hitzel, email address: mhitzel@ didonato.cc, no later than Thursday, November 19, 2020 by 12:00 noon. Paul McDonnell, AIA Director of Facilities Planning


Notice of Formation of a

Limited Liability Company

Chi-Lo Group LLC Articles of Organization filed with the New York Secretary of State on 09/21/20. Office in Erie County SSNY is the designated agent of LLC upon process to 3842 Harlem Rd. Suite 400-224 Buffalo, NY 14215. Any lawful purpose. October14,21,28, November 4,11,18

Notice of Formation of a

Limited Liability Company

G.M.S. Transportation, LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on September 23, 2020. Office in Erie County. SSNY is the designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 540 Woodlawn Avenue Buffalo, NY 14208. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. October14,21,28,November 4,11,18



Shoreline Trail Repaving and Enhancement Project

RTP #175333, ECDEP A.19075

Department of Public Works, Division of Highways with the Department of Environment & Planning are seeking sealed bids for Shoreline Trail Repaving and Enhancement Project. Sealed proposals will be received at Rath County Office Building, DPW, 95 Franklin St, Room 1404, Buffalo, NY 14202 by, and opened at, 10 am local time, Monday, November 30, 2020. Certified check, attached to bid submittal, in the amount of $63,000.00, is required as bid deposit. Pre-let meeting scheduled Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 10 am local time at Rath County Office Building, DPW, 95 Franklin St, Room 1404, Buffalo, NY. Davis Bacon Wage Rates, NYS Apprenticeship, and response to other local, State and Federal compliance instructions may be required. Plans and additional bid submittal information on the Erie County website at: http: //www2.erie.gov/dpw , see On Line Bid Retrieval. Attention is called to COVID bid procedures on the County’s website. This project is funded in part by the Recreational Trails Program, an assistance program of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration and administered by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Under Article 15A, Executive Law, it is the policy of the State of New York to encourage participation of minority and woman-owned business enterprises in State-funded projects. The Contractor, by bidding on the contract, acknowledges understanding and support of this policy and pledges to fully cooperate with Erie County in meeting NYS requirements as set forth in the Bidding and Contract Documents. Erie County has been and will continue to be an equal opportunity organization. All qualified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) suppliers, contractors and/ or businesses will be afforded equal opportunity without discrimination because of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual preference or Vietnam Era Veterans status.


NFTA Procurement Invitation to Bid

4995 - FACILITY DISINFECTING SERVICES Download Bids from www.nfta.com

Notice of Formation of a

Limited Liability Company Freedom Culture Technologies LLC flled articles of organization with the New York Secretary of State NYSS 06/25/2020.Office located in Erie County. The NYSS has been designated as the agent upon whom the process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 753 Kensington Ave. Buffalo, New York 14215. Purpose is any lawful act permitted under the NY Limited Liability Act. Focus on understanding production. October14,21,28, November 4,11,18

Notice of Formation of a

Limited Liability Company

Notice of Formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC): Name: RISE UP FAMILY ORGANIZATION LLC, Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 08/25/2020. Office location: Erie County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: C/O RISE UP FAMILY ORGANIZATION LLC, 17350 State Hwy 249 #220, Houston 77064. Purpose: Any Lawful Purposes. Latest date upon which LLC is to dissolve: No specific date. October14,21,28, November 4,11,18


CCP Buffalo LLC, filed its Articles of Organization with the NY Dept of State on 09/04/2020. The LLC is located in Erie County at 210 Southampton Street Buffalo, NY 14208. The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLC at: 210 Southampton Street Buffalo, NY 14208. CCP Buffalo LLC was formed for any lawful purpose permitted for LLCs under NY Limited Liability Company Act. Oct. 7,14,21,28 Nov. 4,11


NAME: Khari’s LLC, Articles of Organization with NY Dept of State on June 12, 2020, Erie County. SSNY has been designated as the agent upon whom processes may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to 128 Fargo Ave., Buffalo, NY 14201. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Oct. 7,14,21,28 Nov. 4,11



Sonia’s Expressions of Love, LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on September 14, 2020. Office in Erie County. SSNY is the designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 94 Wilkes Avenue Buffalo, New York 14215. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Oct. 7,14,21,28 Nov. 4,11


COUNTY OF ERIE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Rehabilitation of North Main St. Ph2 PROJ# CAP-09-20 The Department of Public Works (DPW), Division of Highways, seeking sealed bids for mill & overlay, with new drainage project in Evans/ Angola, NY. Sealed proposals received at the DPW, 95 Franklin St, Rm 1404, Buffalo, NY at 12 pm local time, Thursday, November 19, 2020. Bid deposit of $100,000. required with bid submittal. Minority workforce, MBE/WBE participation, Apprenticeship goals, and Local & Disadvantaged Workforce requirements may apply. Pre-let meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 11 am local time, DPW, 95 Franklin Street, Room 1404, Buffalo, NY. Plans and additional bid submittal information on the Erie County website at: http://www2.erie. gov/dpw. Attention is called to COVID bid procedures on the County’s website.


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ERIE Index No: 809244/2019 D/O/F: 07/24/2019 RE-FILED: 11/07/2019 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Premises Address: 3 Robin Hill Drive Amherst, NY 14221 U.S. BANK N.A., AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGE ACQUISITION CORP. 2006-FRE1 ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006RE1 Plaintiff, -againstUnknown heirs at law of MICHAEL E. BLUM, his next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, creditors, and successors in interest, and generally all persons having or claiming, under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise, any right title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained; RAYMOND BLUM AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE TO THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL E. BLUM; LYNDA GIBSON AKA LINDA BATCH AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE TO THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL E. BLUM; THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; LVNV FUNDING, LLC AS ASSIGNEE OF CREDIT ONE BANK, N.A.; CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA) N.A.; KALEIDA HEALTH; “ JOHN DOES” and “JANE DOES”, said names being fictitious, parties intended being possible tenants or occupants of premises, and corporations, other entities or persons who claim, or may claim, a lien against the premises, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your Answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the Plaintiff’s Attorneys within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, where service is made by delivery upon you personally within the State, or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner, and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Dennis E. Ward, a Justice of the Supreme Court, Erie County, entered October 9, 2020 and filed with the complaint and other papers in the Erie County Clerk’s Office. THE OBJECT OF THE ACTION is to foreclose a mortgage recorded in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on November 25, 2005 in Book: 13259, Page 9814, covering premises k/a 3 Robin Hill Drive, Amherst, NY 14221 a/k/a Section 55.08, Block 9, Lot 1.

NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT.

The following notice is intended only for the defendants who are owners of the premises sought to be foreclosed or who are liable upon the debt for which the mortgage stands as security.


(1)that debt collectors, in accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1692 et seq., are prohibited from engaging in abusive, deceptive, an unfair debt collection efforts, including, but not limited to: i.the use or threat of violence; ii.the use of obscene or profane language; and iii.repeated phone calls made with the intent to annoy, abuse, or harass. (2)If a creditor or debt collector receives a money judgment against you in court, state and federal laws may prevent the following types of income from being taken to pay the debt: 1.Supplemental security income, (SSI); 2.Social security; 3.Public assistance (welfare); 4.Spousal support, maintenance (alimony) or child support; 5.Unemployment benefits; 6.Disability benefits; 7.Workers’ compensation benefits; 8.Public or private pensions; 9.Veterans’ benefits; 10.Federal student loans, federal student grants, and federal work study funds; and 11.Ninety percent of your wages or salary earned in the last sixty days.

TO THE DEFENDANTS, except THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL E. BLUM: The Plaintiff makes no personal claim against you in this action.

TO THE DEFENDANTS: THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL E. BLUM: If you have obtained an order of discharge from the Bankruptcy court, which includes this debt, and you have not reaffirmed your liability for this debt, this law firm is not alleging that you have any personal liability for this debt and does not seek a money judgment against you. Even if a discharge has been obtained, this lawsuit to foreclose the mortgage will continue and we will seek a judgment authorizing the sale of the mortgaged premises. Dated:10/9/2020 Sandy J. Stolar, Esq. THE MARGOLIN & WEINREB LAW GROUP, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 165 Eileen Way, Suite 101 Syosset, New York 11791 516-921-3838 #98640

LEGAL NOTICE Bid The NFTA is soliciting bids for Project No. 12BA2001 BNIA - Airport Pavement Maintenance 2021 Bid No. E567 due on December 15, 2020 at 10am. www.nftaengineering.com



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•Teacher III: Bachelors or Associates degree in Early Childhood Education with 2-3 years’ experience teaching preschool age children.

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•LPN/Health Coordinator: College graduate or nursing registration with NYS Department of Education.

•Substance Abuse Counselor: BA/BS in Behavioral Health Services or Social Science field and two years related experience. (Certificates: CASAC, LCSW, LMSW, CRC required).

•Certified Teachers: Part Time evening opportunities. BS in Elementary or Secondary Education with one-year exp. working with school age children. NYS Teacher’s Certification.

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•Program Secretary: Associates degree in Business Administration or 5 yrs. office management experience.

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SUN 11/1 MON 11/2 TUES 11/3 WED 11/4 THURS 11/5 FRI 11/6 SAT 11/7 3-WAY MID-6-7-6 MID-6-5-6 MID-7-4-1 MID-9-2-7 MID-2-2-6 MID-0-5-8 MID-4-9-6 EVE-5-8-5 EVE-0-5-6 EVE-8-4-0 EVE9-9-1 EVE-2-1-2 EVE-6-6-3 EVE-1-5-6


MID-2-9-2-5 MID-0-2-7-8 MID-5-9-5-8 MID-0-0-6-3 MID-4-1-7-8 MID-8-2-8-7 MID-4-1-2-0 EVE-5-2-5-2 EVE-7-6-4-6 EVE-5-5-7-2 EVE-2-7-9-1 EVE-7-9-9-1 EVE-9-5-0-0 EVE-9-0-2-2

ATTORNEYS TAKE 5 11-17-18-20-25 16-22-23-31-35 01-06-10-14-19 07-28-30-34-38 07-08-27-34-37 02-17-22-26-29 23-27-34-38-39



“Everything Real Estate” LOTTO 07-31-35-42-43-50 #19 03-10-18-32-42-44 #36 523 Main Street (716)541-8574 HOT TIPS 4018 022 064 648 996 515 140


Franklin Muhammad (Pratcher) Attorney 1133 Kensington Avenue Zakiyyah’s Rundown (ZR) Challenger Hits AUTO (716) 838-4612 876-016-983-706-186-967-849-701-265-478-026-070MIDDAY BEN’S Downtown Tire 50 Sycamore (cor. Elm) (716) 856-1066 or 894-1483 945-761-017-899-676-010-546-806-596-864-968-601089-265-800-103-496-186-460-496-186-257-350-659486-625-967-806-079-657-236-671-678-340-726-9707-4-1 Ma Ruth (box) 9-2-7 Quick$ (straight) Taste of Supreme 100% Gluten Free Vegan Goodies BAKERY 430-968-086-609-705-563-435-978-265-780-104-657569-478-630-359-763-946-019-757-684-908-695-785959-678-219-576-605-246-806-675-380-100-435-768685-209-359-189-603-407-996-515-202-133-045-822 0-5-8 #Book, Gemini (box) 4-9-6 ZR, Aquarius (straight) #Book, Pisces, Aries,Gemini (box)

Contact the Supreme Bakers (585) 285 - 5496 MA RUTH SPEAKS THE “It’s In The Stars” EVENING ELECTRICAL www.tasteofsupreme.com Rochester Public Market 280 N. Union St. BLDG. B #44 TRUTH! SURE HITS! 168-985-678-198-256-890054-698-679-943-001-202147-001-865-732-855 Aquarius -496-235-165-579 Pisces - 056-362-237-694 Cancer - 482-372-895-718 Aries - 289-946-034-594 5-8-5 Ma Ruth (box) 0-5-6 Pisces (straight) Capricorn (box) 1-5-6 Aquarius (box)

EMPIRE ELECTRIC Taurus -258-231-026-695 (716) 634-0330 FLORISTS NOVEMBER VIBES 289-163-654-890Gemini-495-257-694-508 Leo-345-213-157-201 Virgo 385-291-431-170 Libra -247-723-179-501 Scorpio - 453-253-571-597 LUCKIE DUCKIE 743-133-202- 335 -2015-4444-1871MAUREEN’S Flower Market 529-236 Sagittarius - 389-701-234-924 Capricorn:893-275-342-506 134-431--143441 Ellicott St. * 852-4600 648*123*104 IMMUNITY SUPPORT VITALITY USA Davis Honey Local Raw Honey Retail / Wholesale Rochester Public Market 280 N. Union St. BLDG. B www.davisnaturalhoney.com (315 )730-5780 HONEY quick money 189-809-444 886-980-422 322-522-355 800-592-390 394-833-924 127-909-418 927-313-466 124-550-098 511-005/201 THE NUMBER BOOK 708-469-801-066 781-980-194-580 805-075-467-890 579-944-357-909 680-434-680-073 678-456-708-286 230-110-781-009 920-536-580-697 075-356-579-498 COVID CASH$$ 980-422-809-981-989-970-990-080800-515-996-390-196-102-581-752-319408-378-352-126-189-444-886-514- 332522-112-432-421-423-154-039-524 GRANDMA'S DOUBLES 911-255-677-556

TAILORS FREE CATALOG (716) 249-4800 GAMMA’S NOVEMBER PICS 793-563-867-296-243-738 190-093-142-534-857-521-406

ANN RHOD’S Tailoring BEST TRIPLE 666 Madam Ozlla's Predictions 3185 Bailey Ave. (716) 838-5633 202 With faith everything is possible. 140-143-133-392-320-965-843 5037-2156-3034-1342

community calendar

Public Meeting Notice: There will be a meeting of the Board of the Westmin-

ster Community Charter

School on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. If you are interested in participating, please email info@buffalopromiseneighborhood.org for further details.

Free On-Line Alkaline Cooking Classes

The Dorothy J. Collier Community Center is offering On-Line ZOOM Alkaline Cooking Classes with Coach AJ of Finger Lickin' Alkaline every Tuesday at 1 p.m. during the month of November. Benefits of following an Alkaline Diet : fights against fatigue, strengthens immune system, reduces inflammation and strengthens bones. Just go to the following link to register and we will send you the link for the class: https://form.jotform. com/203003595102037 Express Flea Market Every Friday 12-5 p.m., Saturday 8a.m. -5pm and Sunday 10am -5p.m. the Express Flea Market located at 1870 Fillmore will be open to the public. Booths available! For more info contact (716) 4957386 or 716 262-0236


Capital Connect Hosts Road 2 Wealth Event on Nov 19

It is time for Western NY businesses to get on the Road 2 Wealth. Capital Connect, a coalition of four Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) invested in the Western NY region: Launch NY, PathStone Enterprise Center, Pursuit, and The Westminster Economic Development Institute (WEDI), with the support of J.P. Morgan Chase, will host “Road to Wealth,” a virtual event to provide resources and information about funding and 1-on-1 coaching opportunities for small businesses on November 19 at 3:00 pm. The event will feature remarks from local Black and minority owned businesses that have taken advantage of the opportunities provided by the CDFIs. This event is part 2 of a major regional effort to build and develop Black and minority owned businesses. At the last event, “Change The Game”, the Capital Connect team educated and provided resources to 81 businesses across Western NY. To RSVP for the event please go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/road-2-wealth-tickets-126959014831 Business owners can also apply directly to CapitalConnectNY.org to receive information on grants up to $5,000, equity financing up to $100,000, business loans from $500 to $500,000, and free one-to-one business coaching on a range of business skills. The intention of this event is grow the small business community in Western NY.


HUD Secretary Ben Carson has Tested Positive for COVID-19 Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson’s diagnosis of COVID-19 comes days after chief of staff Mark Meadows and five other Trump White House aides received positive test results in the time around Election Day, the Washington Post reports. Officials Name New Road in Florida After Trayvon Martin MIAMI— A section of road that leads to the South Florida high school that Trayvon Martin attended now bears the name of the Black teenager whose 2012 death sparked a movement for social justice. The road became Trayvon Martin Avenue during a brief ceremony near Dr. Michael K. Krop Senior High, where the teen was in 11th grade when he was killed at age 17 in Central Florida in 2012. He was unarmed and walking back from a convenience store. George Zimmerman’s acquittal under Florida’s selfdefense law in July 2013 sparked the Black Lives Matter movement.


Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes joined Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, Mayor Byron W. Brown and State Sen. Tim Kennedy, D-Buffalo, in cutting the ribbon in front of the exit to the platform of the new downtown $28 million Amtrak train station on Exchange Street recently. During the early planning stages there was a huge push by residents and some political figures to have the new station built on the site of the old Central Terminal on the East Side. The old Exchange Street station which was built in 1952 was torn down last August.


Invitation to Bid

From Campus Construction Management Group 6225 Sheridan Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, New York 14221. Phone: (716) 239-4884 Project:Wyoming County Community Hospital – Lab Renovations Project 400 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 Pre-Bid: A Pre-Bid conference will not be held. If a bidder is interested in reviewing the project site for the purpose of reviewing the bidding procedures, the scope of work, and inspecting the proposed work areas, please contact Allison Thomson with Campus CMG at athomson@campuscmg.com for arrangements. Bid Due: Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 2:00 PM, location will be finalized and outlined in bidding documents. Vice President: Nicolas Humphrey Phone: (716) 523-7367 Email: Nhumphrey@campuscmg.com Project Manager: Allison Thomson Phone: (585) 397-5948 Email: Athomson@campuscmg.com

Project Notes:

Separate Bids are requested for Prime Contracts for: Contract No. 101 General Trades Work Contract No. 102 HVAC Work Contract No. 103 Electrical WorkContract No. 104 Plumbing/ Fire Protection Work Renovation work will take place within the Wyoming County Community Hospital in Warsaw, NY. Phase 1 will consist of moving medical records out of their current locations and renovating their space into a new Laboratory Suite. Demolition of existing space, all new finishes (walls, ceilings, floors, etc.) and new MEP’s will be installed for a complete renovation of the space for a new laboratory suite. This phase will also start the renovations to their current conference room on the 1st floor. Phase 2 will consist of moving the Laboratory into their new space and renovating their existing wing into a new Medical Records Suite. Within the new suite, offices and support space for the laboratory will be constructed with demolition of the existing space, all new finishes (walls, ceilings, floors, etc.) and new MEP’s. In this phase the remainder of the renovations to their current conference room on the 1st floor will be completed. Most of the work will take place on the 1st floor of the Hospital with some work required off hours during hospital operations. Some work will need to be completed at the Roof, 4th floor, 3rd floor, 2nd floor and ground floor levels. Asbestos abatement is required at the beginning of both phases of construction work. MBE/WBE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: It is the policy of the New York State Department of Health to encourage Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise participation in this project by contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers and all bidders are expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. The selected prime contractors must comply with the M/WBE goals and submit an acceptable MWBE Utilization plan reflective of this goal. The NYS Department of Health has established a combined M/WBE 30% participation goal for this grant funded project. Sealed bids will be received by the Owner until 2:00 PM local time, on Thursday, November 12 2020, Bids will be accepted at the Administration Office, 1st floor Room A.1520, located at 400 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569, at which time and place, all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in a location outlined in the bidding documents. The Bidding Documents and Forms of Proposals may be examined at the following locations starting Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 3:00 PM: 1.Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, 2660 Williams Street, Cheektowaga, NY 14227 2.Builders Exchange of Rochester, 180 Linden Oaks, Rochester, NY 14625 3.Campus Construction Management Group, 6225 Sheridan Drive, Suite 100, Williamsville NY 14221 Copies may be obtained from the Avalon Rochester Office, 89 Allen Street, Rochester, NY 14608 by the contractors, with a refundable deposit of $100.00 per set. Checks are to be made payable to Kideney Architects, P.C. Additional Shipping charges will apply. Please direct any questions, RFI’s or correspondence to the Construction Manager at: Campus Construction Management Group, 6225 Sheridan Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, New York 14221 Nicolas Humphrey (716) 523-7367 Email: Nhumphrey@campuscmg.com Allison Thomson (585) 397-5948 Email: Athomson@campuscmgcom

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