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Preparing for Brexit
While the economic impact of COVID-19 continues to be immediately pressing for business, we must prepare in parallel for the UK’s departure from the EU. The Transition Period is in place until 31st December 2020, at which point the UK will become a third country for customs purposes. This will mean significant changes in how we trade with the United Kingdom.
If your organisation is planning to import or export goods from the UK after the end of this year, then it is urgent that you take the following preparatory steps:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Register for your EORI number with Revenue Decide who will submit your customs declarations Know the key data and paperwork required for customs declarations Set up a customs payment plan
The Chamber has a dedicated Brexit page on our website which is updated regularly and outlines the many state supports available to businesses to assist you with your Brexit preparations.
Contact the International Relations and Exports team at Cork Chamber for assistance and guidance on your Brexit preparations as well as information on available training and supports.