A NEW ERA FOR CORK South Docks project is a major boost but Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) commitments and Croí Cónaithe must deliver. Recently released plans for the €350m South Docks project show major confidence in the Cork region and are a preview of the thriving City that can be achieved if the conditions for brownfield development are favourable.
The development of the Docklands has been in sharp focus in recent years and has been given the attention it deserves in Project
Ireland 2040, the National Development Plan and the proposed City Development Plan. Plans unveiled by O’Callaghan Properties bring this vision a step closer to reality by showcasing the variety of uses that can be achieved in the area; a rehabilitation hospital, office space, mixed-use buildings, apartments, and the creation of a new public realm and riverfront amenity.
This ambitious project will be transformative, regenerating the previously industrial zone of the docklands to a district that will thrive in a new way, driving economic growth and enhancing the attractiveness of the city for people and investors alike. However, it is vital that the recent Government commitment of €353m in Urban Regeneration and