Part 4 The MSA: the next step in your career
Your exclusive PDI guide to the Motor Schools Association
Get your career moving with the MSA Join before December 31 and receive two FREE ADI help guides – one on the DSA’s all-new Standards Check
12 months membership for just £65 – that’s a discount of £25 off the usual joining fee Join now, quoting discount code NJF: Call 0800 026 5986 (free from landline) or 0161 429 9669, or see An MSA special publication distributed free to qualifying PDIs
National chairman Peter Harvey mbe
We’re here to
you when you need it most
The Motor Schools Association wanted to make sure all newcomers to the driver training industry knew that help was out there for them, says Peter Harvey mbe, MSA national chairman... ... and that’s why I’m delighted to welcome you to this special edition of the MSA’s magazine for Potential Driving Instructors (PDIs), Part 4. Why have we called this publication Part 4? Because we think joining the MSA is the next logical step for anyone who has tackled, or is tackling, the DSA’s Part 1, 2 and 3 ADI examinations. We’re here to help, whatever stage you are at in your new career. Indeed, having us at your side as you take your first steps as a driving instructor will help you make your new career a success. You can join the MSA as a PDI and we’ll automatically give you full membership as soon as you pass Part 3 – that’s why we’re Part 4!
So why do you need the MSA?
The truth is, being an ADI can be a lonely and challenging job. Most of us work in isolation and it often feels as if there is no-one to turn to if we have a problem, whether it’s with a pupil, with business, attracting new pupils, with finding the best car, the best finance deal or with the DSA. That’s why I think that being a member of the MSA is vital. We are there to support you, to advise you and to guide you. We have three key pillars on which we have built the association: Representation - Information - Services. We represent your views at the highest levels, from the Minister for Road Safety and the chief executive of the DSA down. Through our website and the pages of Newslink, our monthly membership magazine, we provide you
with the information you need on changes to the industry; and we offer a number of key services, from our industryleading professional indemnity insurance, advice if you get in to conflict with the DSA, through to special discounts on key goods and services that will more than repay your membership fee every year. To newcomers to this association, I am sure that you will find the MSA is a useful, knowledgeable and friendly organisation, one that is perfectly placed to give you real support and superb value for a modest annual subscription of just £65 – that’s little more than £1 a week – and it’s a tax deductible expense, too! The staff at our head office are always on hand to help you on a wide range of matters from across the driver training industry. Your calls will be answered not by a computerised system ending in an answer machine but by a person; if we can’t answer your question there and then we’ll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. The knowledge that the MSA has when it comes to driver training and the best practices for running a driving school, whether on a one-to-one basis or as part of a larger organisation, is possibly unrivalled throughout Great Britain. If we don’t know the answer to your question then we will certainly know who to ask and get back to you. The MSA’s board of management is made up of ordinary working driver trainers just like you, elected by the membership throughout the regions. Between them they have probably experienced most of the ups and downs of the driver training profession. We have franchisees, franchisors, ORDIT trainers, one-man businesses and multi-car partnerships represented, as well as instructors who work on National Driver Awareness schemes. All are happy to make themselves available to help fellow members, no matter what the question. We have the people on board who can help you make a success of your driving instruction career. Much of this knowledge has been condensed into our ADI Help Guides – giving you the information you need to tackle items such as your check test with confidence. See page 17 for more details. You’ll receive copies of one of
Peter Harvey, MSA National Chairman: “Our Board is made up of working driving instructors, just like you... and we’re always ready to help...”
. . . w o Join n
these guides free when you join us through this special promotion. And, as an additional bonus, we’ll send you our latest guide, on the DSA new Standards Check, FREE OF CHARGE when we publish it early in 2014. As I’m sure you know, the current mechanism the DSA uses for assessing an ADI’s tuition ability, the Check Test, is being abolished in 2014, to be replaced by the Standards Check. At the time of writing the DSA has not released too many details on this new assessment – but when the information is released, MSA members will be among the first to know, through our website and Newslink. What’s more important, our experts will decipher the Standards Check and explain to our members what they must do to make sure they take the test and pass. If you’re not a member of the MSA, how are you going to find out about the Standards Check? How are you going to learn what the examiners are looking for when they assess your tuition? In addition to services such as these, MSA membership brings a host of other services and discounts. Included in your membership fee is professional indemnity and public liability insurance, reduced rate cover for personal health and sickness policies and special offers on other ADI products and services. We’ve also teamed up with EeziBuy and Halfords to give members access to a host of great savings on business products and services. I very much hope that you will join the MSA today. To make the decision easier, we have waived our joining fee of £25 for PDIs so all this advice, information and support is available to you for around £1 a week – unbeatable value! To join is simple: complete the application form on page 30 or go online to, quoting special discount code NJF, or call with your payment card details on 0800 026 5986 (free from a landline) or 0161 429 9669. There’s no good being on the outside complaining about what’s going on in the industry; the MSA gets you on the inside and helps you start to take control of your industry and your career. I look forward to welcoming you to the MSA.
Fed up with searching around and haggling for your insurance?
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Who we are... and why join?
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Here you’ll find more details on what the MSA is, what it gives members and why you should join today
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Who we are
The Motor Schools Association of Great Britain (MSA) was formed on March 31, 1935, just before the driving test was introduced. The association’s principal aims, then as now, are to keep members informed of any matters of interest to them, to represent the views of members to Government, its departments and agencies, to provide services that will be of benefit to members and to set standards of professional and ethical behaviour for teachers of driving.
Full MSA membership is reserved for DSA approved driving instructors, however trainees, prospective driving instructors, driving school proprietors and other interested parties may also join but are not allowed to vote. PDIs are welcomed into MSA membership and on qualification are converted to full members at no extra charge. We will also provide you with another useful free gift when you qualify. The MSA also offers membership to LGV instructors.
k ation is h throu Inform s every mont zine, Newslin er . aga t r m o n p e memb w nnual R tion’s o associa nd the MSA A a ) (above How it is run g r trainin The MSA is a company limited by guarantee. Formal title is The Motor Schools Association of ts drive ernment n » representation e s e r Gov A rep t S n M Great Britain Ltd. Registered in London 615026. The association’s registered office is at 101 a v e h le T e re cies. Th ts to all Wellington Road North, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 2LP. The MSA is run on behalf of members by interes nts and agen ber of PACTS m e me the Board of Management. Board members, who are all working driving instructors, are depart n is also a me ry Committe iso tio v ia d c e A democratically elected at local elections held in each of the association’s 10 regions. They are o s h y s r (t a ta A d RoSP rliamen paid no salary for the work they do. (the Pa ort Safety) an ention of sp ev on Tran iety for the Pr lvement is as vo oc Who owns the MSA? Royal S ). European in EFA (the s t o n t e n). e io iv t t The MSA is a non-profit-making association, without shareholders, owned by and run for a ia t Accid c n o e Ass repres Schools the benefit of its membership. g the UK in iv r an D Europe f: ICES take advantage o V R E S » SA and
If I join, what are the main benefits?
Most of what the MSA does for its members can be divided up into the three headings: es eM information, representation and services. You can find out more about these in the Join th urance Servic rance for s u s In following pages. To summarise the offer, however: in A y S •M bilit ublic lia p n We provide you with the information you need to keep ahead of the game, e e r r e F v • nity co lion through Newslink, the website and our many social media feeds £10 mil ssional indem ofe r p n If you have a problem with your work as an ADI, we will offer advice and guidance. e e r •F illion In particular, if you need help with the DSA, perhaps because they are threatening for £5 m ars ice emin to remove your ADI registration, contact us and we will try to help. • CPD s l taxation serv advice al A na n Every year we represent many ADIs in cases against the DSA. We also act as • Perso al and technic tings with DS g ee . expert witnesses in instructor-pupil disputes. • Free le minars and m attendance.. in se n We save you money through special discounts and offers on products and • Local other officials d services likely to be of interest to ADIs: off car servicing, MoTs, business services staff an more ny such as printing and accountancy, etc and ma n We give you professional indemnity insurance worth up to £10m There’s more about all these benefits elsewhere in this publication.
Why join? The MSA professional indemnity
insurance gives you £5m cover for your business and £10m third party liability insurance... and it’s available to our members as soon as you join 04
Fighting your corner: Representation
Why join? “When a pupil said my teaching had directly led to a serious crash and tried to sue me, the MSA came to my aid, providing an expert witness statement that proved I had done everything in my power to prevent the collision. The MSA really helped me out... an absolute lifesaver... case dropped”
Putting over the
ADI’s view
... representing the industry
w Road P, rge: The ne Man in cha r, Robert Goodwill M iste Safety Min potentially major g is overseein e driver testing and th ke changes to stry. Newslink will ma u d h in it g w in e -dat train kept up-to ke sure you are and the MSA will ma – s s w rm ie fo v r re the rs you inister hea sure the M
One of the MSA’s most important roles is to act as a consultative body on behalf of the industry. That means that when the Government is planning changes that affect the way the industry is run, the driving test or the ways in which ADIs are assessed, they talk to us first. We canvass opinion from across our membership and put your views forward. We will argue for, or against, specific proposals as decided by our membership. The MSA believes that those at the sharp end of driving instruction, you, the PDIs and ADIs, understand best what works, what doesn’t and what needs changing. In recent months the MSA has been heavily involved with the Modernising Driver Training (MDT) programme, working with the DSA to pull together a workable set of reforms for the industry. That doesn’t mean we have give unconditional support to the DSA. Far from it, in fact. As you will see on later pages, we have challenged some of the key proposals put forward by the DSA on the MDT, in particular the
introduction of a vocational qualification for new entrants to the profession. We told the DSA… “We are concerned that this option would separate testing and training in a way that would not benefit road safety.” We are currently in talks with the agency over how to change or amend this concept in a way that will benefit the industry and improve road safety. In addition, the MSA is consulted by numerous other Government departments, and national and international bodies with an interest in driver training and/or road safety. These include in the UK the Department for Transport, the DVLA and the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Transport Safety, and further afield with pan-European bodies such as CIECA and the European Driving Schools Association (EFA), of which our general manager, John Lepine, is president. From time to time we have meetings with senior Department for Transport officials, including the Road Safety Minister, and take up major issues affecting the driver training and testing regime with the minister, both face-to-face and in writing.
Join now at www., quoting special code NJF,_ see pg 31 for our application form or call 0800 0265986_ (free from landline) or 0161 429 9669_ 06
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Why join? Terms of Business... and Professional Indemnity Cover
Do you have the
protection you need?
if you are taking your Part 2, preparing for your Part 3, or have just qualified, you’ll be only too aware of the long list of things that you need to do if you are to turn your new career into a success. Marketing your driving school... preparing lessons for your pupils... improving your teaching skills... reading up on the latest changes from the DSA... getting to know the examiners, the test centres and local routes... dealing with accounts, finance and legal requirements. It feels like a minefield, and with so much to do it would be easy to forget two things that MSA members get free from this association: the Terms of
Why join? “Having the MSA’s professionally drawn up Terms of Business has meant that every pupil has known the score from the start about cancelling lessons...” 08
Business under which you operate, and your Professional Indemnity Cover. These might not be phrases you’ve heard before. Even if you have, you might not realise how important they are to you. But they are both vital, making sure you are protected against pupils who let you down – and against potential legal challenges if ever your tuition is called into question by a pupil who has been in a traffic collision, among other events. On the next pages we’re going to highlight why the MSA’s Terms of Business and Professional Indemnity Cover are so important to you – and why we’re so determined that all ADIs have them, that we give them away free to all members.
How would you like £5m cover for your business... and £10m third party liability cover for you? There are many reasons to join the MSA, but one of the main ones has to be summed up in just three little words: Professional, Indemnity and Insurance. What is it? It’s insurance for you against any mistakes you are alleged to have made during your tuition which put others at risk. It also covers you for classroom tuition, against claims made against you in that environment. It is so vital that many organisations insist on you having it: if you teach driving on behalf of local authorities, colleges or other public sector bodies, they will only allow you to do so on their behalf if you have professional indemnity insurance in place. Why is this so important? The cover protects you should a pupil or another third party bring a legal action against you for damages. You are expected to maintain the highest standards but if ever your standards should slip, and a mistake on your part leads to someone else being hurt, then you are vulnerable to a claim made against you. Let’s look at an example of the type of scenario that could force you to call upon the policy.
You are taking a lesson with an experienced pupil who is close to taking her driving test. She is a confident driver, one you look forward to teaching as she is receptive, listens and practises regularly. You think she may pass in a couple of weeks as long as nerves don’t get the better of her on the big day. During the lessons you are sat at a junction with a busy A-road and tell her to pull out when she thinks it is safe to do so. A small van is fast approaching in the overtaking lane but the nearside lane is clear. Your pupil hesitates and relaxes as if to wait for the van to clear, then decides that as the approaching car is in the far lane, and is a way off yet, it is safe to pull out. But it isn’t safe. She has misjudged the speed of the van and failed to notice that it is indicating to pull in to the nearside lane as the driver plans to turn left further down the A-road. You were so sure of your pupil’s commonsense and driving ability that you didn’t think for one continued on facing page » » »
Professional Indemnity Insurance Join now at www., quoting_ special code NJF, see pg 31 for our_ application form or call 0800 0265986_ (free from landline) or 0161 429 9669_
Continued from facing page second that she would pull out, and her initial reaction at the Give Way line had confirmed your thoughts. But it’s too late: the van has switched lanes and as your pupil pulls out onto the A-road it hits you, hard. Big impact. All the airbags go off; a small fire breaks out as the petrol tank ruptures. Amazingly you and the van driver walk away, shaken but mainly injury-free, but the pupil isn’t quite so lucky: she suffers severe burns on her arms from the fire.
So what happens next?
You can claim on your insurance for the damage to your car and cover for the van – but that’s not the end of the matter. The pupil decides that she wants compensating. Your standard of tuition in this incident wasn’t up to scratch, she claims, and you should have made sure she didn’t turn on to the A-road. As a result she is going to sue you for damages in a civil case. Even worse, she has a solicitor on hand who is happy to work on a no-win, no-fee basis.
What do you do next?
If you are a member of the MSA, you enact your free professional indemnity cover that comes as part of your membership. It protects you for up to £5 million of legal costs and damages. It could be a trying experience for you but at least you are financially covered. If you are not a member of the MSA... and you haven’t arranged personal indemnity cover, your options are far more limited – and worrying. Either you prepare to admit liability and write a sizeable cheque out for damages, or fight the claim. That means paying for a solicitor to take the case on your behalf, possibly by counter-suing the pupil for negligence. This will be very costly, stressful, time-consuming and, obviously, comes with no guarantee of success. At the end of the fight you either win but lose thousands in fees, or lose, pay the fees and write a sizeable cheque for damages.
The missing piece in your driving school jigsaw... thanks to the MSA‘s professional indemnity insurance
But this won’t happen to me... right?
This isn’t a made-up case. It’s a real situation. It happened to a member of the MSA in the past couple of years. Would you rather be a member and have the peace of mind that that gives you – or not? That’s the peace of mind and protection that professional indemnity insurance can bring. Professional indemnity insurance can be costly – but if you’re a member of the MSA it’s included in your membership for free. So next time someone asks you why did you join the MSA, just remember three words. Professional - Indemnity - Insurance. Oh, and you can throw in the word ‘free’, too.
Why join the MSA? Our Terms of Business
The MSA will help you take control of
the terms of business
At the MSA we are really proud of our membership offer, which gives members access to a range of services for just over £1 a week. We believe membership represents superb value for money. So what do you get for your money? In this article we highlight another of the key benefits of membership – the MSA’s superb and highly recommended Terms of Business, which are available free to members. Terms of Business are an important part of any business relationship. They set out the way in which the business between the client and the service provider – in our case, between the pupil and the ADI – will be conducted. Many ADIs say they have never needed them because nothing ever goes wrong. Others state that they have the details for cancelling lessons printed on their appointment cards and that is all they need, while others think it’s enough to sign up to the industry Code of Practice on the DSA website. However, the purpose of the Code of Practice is to set guidelines for how the ADI will behave towards the pupil. The MSA’s Terms of Business works the
other way. It places a number of conditions on to the client. Of course, for the vast majority of business transactions between trainers and pupils, nothing goes wrong but like most business deals, it is only when something goes wrong that you need a written note of what the agreement was. The MSA Terms and Conditions of Business try to make sure that all bases are covered and your business is protected. The Terms cover the simple things – such as cancellations – as well as prices, lesson duration and other matters. They also set out what the pupil has to do and the responsibilities they have towards their ADI. The following case studies highlight how the Terms of Business can help an ADI fight for his rights in the face of a pupil complaint.
Having a laugh on a motorbike
The situation: A pupil obtains an old motor bike and decides to ride it on private land with some friends for a laugh. The machine is not roadworthy, the tyres are bald, the MOT expired years ago. The bike has no road fund licence and no insurance. continued on page 12
“The MSA’s Terms of Business set out the contract between the trainer and clientpupil, placing a number of conditions on to the client...” 10
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Why join the MSA? Our Terms of Business
« « « Continued from page 10 The client decides that in order to get from their home to the land they want to ride on they will ride the short distance on the public road, with no L plates and no helmet. A police officer spots them and they are prosecuted for numerous offences and the court decides to impose a short period disqualification (SPD). Because they still have their provisional driving licence and their driving lessons are in a car not on a bike, the pupil decides it is not necessary to tell their ADI about the SPD and turns up for a lesson the next day. However, while on the lesson the same police officer who stopped them on the bike sees them driving your car and stops the lesson. Your predicament: What offences is the driver trainer committing? MSA Terms of Business contain a series of clauses about driving licences that protect the trainer. In particular clause 2b) states: Clients MUST inform their driving instructor if they receive any endorsements on their licence during the time they are receiving tuition. The resolution: Even if they have not told you about the SPD they have signed an agreement to expressly state that they will do so and this will help to protect you if you were charged with an offence of allowing or assisting the pupil to drive while banned.
I want to take my test!
The situation: A client fails their test and wishes to re-book as soon as possible and promises to take regular lessons up to their next test. They have a few lessons and you have their test date in your diary but they cancel, in good time, many of their lessons. Their test is in one day’s time and they finally turn up for a lesson and their performance is not just poor it is dangerous. You reluctantly tell them that they cannot use your car for test as you do not think it would be in the best interests of public safety. Your predicament: Pupil’s parents go berserk – they say you have a contract to take their offspring for the test in your car, that you should pay for the next test because they don’t have time to postpone and will lose the test fee. The resolution: Refer the client and their parents to clause 9 section a)i) which states: The school/instructor reserves the right to withhold the use of the training vehicle for the test or a lesson, if in the opinion of the instructor the client is: Not at driving test pass standard. Clause 9 contains a number of situations where you reserve the right to withhold the use of the training vehicle including if you consider the client is: Medically unfit (including eyesight); under the influence of drugs or alcohol; is not
properly licensed to drive; consistently fails to keep, or is late for, appointments; falls into arrears over payment. Clause 9 also includes the information that Clients may be accompanied on their test by a supervising examiner, whose job is to ensure that official standards of testing are observed by examiners. This is a legal requirement.
Bus lane penalty
The situation: An envelope drops through your letter box stating that your car was photographed by CCTV in a bus lane during its period of operation and you are required to pay a fine. You don’t recall this incident and on checking your diary you realise the car was on test at the time of the incident. Your predicament: As the owner, registered keeper, leaser or person responsible for the vehicle you are required to pay the fine. Unlike an offence like speeding, the law requires you to pay, not to provide details of the driver. The resolution: Clause 12 of the MSA recommended Terms of Business clearly state: During an official driving test the client is in charge of the vehicle and is liable for any fines or charges levied as a result of any motoring offence committed. You are therefore able to claim the fee from the client.
Bus problems: If your car is captured in a bus lane while out on an L-test, who picks up the fine? You’ll find out in our Terms of Business
How to obtain your Terms of Business All clients should be provided with a copy of your Terms of Business and should sign to state that they agree, in partnership with you, to be bound by the terms contained in them. The MSA’s recommended Terms of Business are available for free download by members on the MSA website. Only members can download them.
Log in as a member and you can find the terms of business under the Training menu. All useful advice and practical solutions for driver trainers – not bad for around £1 a week. The MSA strap line The support is real – The value excellent is not just a slogan, it is a reality.
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About the MSA
Who runs the association? THE MSA is justifiably proud of its democratic structure. The association has a strong maxim – run by ADIs, on behalf of ADIs, for ADIs – and this philosophy is applied to everything the association does. The management of the MSA is through its Board of Directors, which consists of the regional chairs of its 10 regions. All are voted for by the local members at an AGM held in autumn. The Board is led by the national chairman – at
the current time, MSA Scotland’s Peter Harvey MBE – and assisted by two members of the MSA’s full-time staff, general manager John Lepine MBE and the membership secretary, Carol Lepine. Finally, remember that the MSA is a strictly not-for-profit organisation, with every penny raised spent on improving services to members.
Regional voices: Our Board Top row, from left: Bob Baker MSA Scotland; Karl Satloka MSA North East; Graham Clayton MSA North West; Geoff Little MSA West Midlands and National Deputy Chairman; Derek Brutnell MSA East Midlands Bottom row, from left: Jo Chapman MSA South East; Rod Tipple MSA Eastern; Paddy Tyler MSA South Wales; Colin Lilly MSA Western; Tom Kwok MSA Greater London
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Why join? Access to free advice
MSA Guides
priceless advice, written by our experts
JOIN THE MSA TODAY – and we’ll send you one of our four best-selling adi guides free of charge – PLUS, we’ll send you a second guide, on the new Standards Check, in 2014, well before the new assessment is launched by the DSA in April. Each of these simple, eight-page guides is packed with hints, good advice and pointers to make you a better ADI. The information they contain is priceless. Written in a clear, easy-to-understand style, many who have bought them have described them as being invaluable. The four guides cover some of the most important aspects of driver testing and training: The Check Test Guide; the PDI Guide; The Driving Test Guide; and The ADI Part 2 Guide. These guides usually retail at £6 each.
We’ve outlined the guides’ content below – we’re sure they’ll make a really telling contribution to your new career as an ADI. The fifth guide... is under construction. The DSA has not released full details on the new Standards Check as yet but when it does, our panel of experienced and expert ADIs will condense all their knowledge into a new guide that will be the perfect companion for you as you move towards your first Standards Check. Remember, when you pass your Part 3, you can expect to be summoned for a Standards Check fairly soon after you become a fully fledged driving instructor, so make sure you are fully prepared. Failure on the Standards Check could see you lose your hard-won ADI’s licence!
Check Test Guide Once you qualify as an ADI it will not be too long before you will be asked to attend for a Check Test or, to give it its more formal title, The Test of Continued Ability and Fitness to be included in the Register of Driving Standards Agency Approved Driving Instructors. By giving you full details of what is required, this guide seeks to demystify the whole business of the check test and help you to prepare properly and with a full insight into what is expected of you. It is written for ADIs by ADIs and includes all the information needed to complete a successful check test assessment. Advice is given on which pupil you should select for a test. Instructors often ask: “Which pupil is it best for me to take for a check test?” They also say: “I thought the best one for me to take would be my best pupil, then the Examiner will be able to see what a good job I have done”. But is this right?
The MSA Check Test Guide gives details of the list of pre-set lesson plans that are used. It also advises what happens on the day of the check test; the questions your examiner will ask before the test and advises you on the sort of answers s/he is looking for. The guide explains about the core competencies of fault identification, fault analysis and remedial action. It takes you through the requirements of Instructional Techniques. As one reader of the guide put it: “Before I read this guide I was really worried about my check test; after I had read it I felt confident and that was obviously reflected in my performance because I was given a grade 6.” Note: This guide will be replaced by the new guide on the Standards Check in 2014, but it’s contents will be relevant until the DSA ceases conducting Check Tests in March 2014
Coming soon – and yours free if you join before December 31 The DSA is launching its new Standards Check in April 2014. Are you prepared for the changes you’ll have to make in how you teach driving to comply with the new requirements? Do you know what the DSA’s SEs will be looking for? When the guidelines are published we’ll rush you our new Guide to the Standards Check FREE OF CHARGE 16
Why join? Access to free advice
Driving Test Guide Includes Independent Driving Supplement The MSA Driving Test Guide is designed to explain how the driving test works, what examiners are looking for on a driving test and what the markings on the DL25 examiners’ marking sheet actually mean. This guide starts by detailing the duties of a professional driving instructor who presents pupils for test. It goes on to explain the driving test assessment guidelines and gives full details of the differences between driving faults/serious faults and dangerous faults and explains fully the basis on which the severity of a fault is judged and the basis of the cause not effect marking system. Examples are given of the examiners’ ‘script’. While in this day and age examiners are no longer required to learn this stuff parrot fashion and churn it out in exactly the same way on every test, it is useful in as much that it gives instructors an indication of the sense of the points examiners have to get across at each stage of the test. The guide details how errors are categorised in order to assist ADIs to interpret the DL25, the Driving Test Report form. It explains the difference between promptness and control on the controlled stop, differences between moving off safely and moving off under control, and the difference between an error marked under progress as driving at an appropriate speed and one marked as avoiding undue hesitancy. The information given in this guide is widely available from various sources, but this publication brings it all together in one simple, concise booklet.
PDI Guide The MSA PDI Guide provides help for those who want to become ADIs. It is not intended to be a substitute for instructor training or for the information contained in the DSA folder Your Road to Becoming an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI 14), which we recommend all PDIs read. The guide gives details of all three sections of the ADI examinations and explains the qualification system. It gives help and advice on the test of theoretical knowledge and hazard perception skills and suggests strategies to help candidates to prepare for the test and advice on how to work through the examinations in a tried and tested way, including the first simple rule for tackling any examination. The guide includes helpful tips for preparing for the ADI Part 2 examination, Including pointing out some of the common errors candidates make. Advice on the Part 3 test of instructional ability includes briefings and highlights the difference between instructional and directional briefings. One new member told MSA head office: “This guide answered all the questions I had been dying to ask my ADI trainer but was frightened he would think I was an idiot if I did. ”
ADI Part 2 Guide The MSA Part 2 Guide is designed to assist those studying to take the ADI Part 2 examination by bringing much of the theoretical information together in one place. It is not a substitute for training or for a thorough study of all the literature available, in particular the DSA manual Driving - The Essential Skills and The Highway Code. It explains the three sections of the ADI Part 2 examination and gives advice on what to do when you arrive at the test centre, including the documentation you need to take with you and it explains the way the safety check questions will be conducted. All the combinations of safety check questions are listed in this booklet. Advice is given on the Part 2 Test of driving ability. It is explained that this is an advanced driving test and a very high standard of driving competence is required. Candidates must show that they have a thorough knowledge of the principles of good driving and road safety and are able to apply them. Extensive advice is also included on driving economically, including energy saving tips, a list of the effects of driving in different ways on fuel economy, eight advantages of driving gently and answers to some frequently asked questions on driving economically and the effect of speed on pollutant emissions and noise.
Why join? “The Driving Test Guide was a real bonus when I first became an ADI... it gave me confidence that I was preparing my pupils in the right way...” PART 4 | AN MSA PUBLICATION | autumn
Why join? Information....
Join the MSA... and receive
Newslink every month
Our views on DSA changes... coaching and tuition advice... regional news... road safety updates MSA members receive a copy of our excellent membership magazine, Newslink, every month. Every issue is packed full of the key information that matters if you are serious about making a career as a driving instructor. Inside you’ll find: n The latest driving testing and training news: which test centres are closing, which routes are changing, how the DSA is conducting L-tests... and what changes are coming, and what you need to do to accommodate them n Road safety updates
What you’ve missed...
MSA Newslin August 2013
Issue 254
The ADI’s Voice
DSA picks up the pace over driver training reforms ADI groups compla logo final solo.indd 1
25/2/11 15:49:16
In recent issues MSA members have learnt about
in to DfT over limited time given to respond to MDT framework
PARLIAMENT MAY BE in recess but the debate over the future of the driver training As this issue of Newslink went industry and reforming the to press, the MSA was rules governing new drivers drawing up its own response shows no sign of letting up. on MDT. We would urge Throughout this issue you you to keep an eye on the MSA will see articles on what website ( changes various bodies with as we will reveal our response on an interest in road safety believe there. should to be brought in to In light of the major ideas improve the standard of new outlined within the MDT, drivers. But what’s your view? it is no surprise that MSA head offi ce has On new drivers, the RAC correspondence from members. received a great deal of Foundation says they must We will consider their views be controlled by graduated licences carefully as we draw up our (pg 6)... Brake wants all own response. We have been new drivers to have a zero particularly struck by the limit number of ORDIT trainers Association of British Drivers for alcohol... while the who have got in touch. The DSA is concerned about an states starkly that its plans over-reliance on technology sound the death knell for in cars and believes raising ORDIT: it would close in driving standards can be addressed 2016 at which point all new trainee only by post-test driving instructors would be working courses – and not by fitting with recognised training centres hi-tech black boxes (pg 10). approved by Ofqual. Meanwhile, as the Government While nothing would prevent dithers over whether to an ORDIT-registered introduce some, all or none training body from being of these, approved by Ofqual and more decisively on the regulations it has acted quicker and continuing to work, many that control those ORDIT trainers are solo charged with driver training: enterprises: one man/woman ADIs. The proposals outlined bands, not schools or large in the Modernising Driver organisations. Any enterprise Training Reform of the Regulatory wanting to continue as a Framework for ADIs (or MDT) registered training body would the keys to improving driver include, the DSA believes, least two persons: an assessor need the involvement of at trainers in such a way that and an internal verifier. Th they will in turn produce a better news has been met by understandable is standard of new drivers. consternation from Indeed, it has been argued those who have invested heavily that proposals are being progressed the pace with which these business training future ADIs. in building up a successful is in stark contrast to the snail’s pace of the much-discussed However, this concern should new driver reforms. After discussions between all the Modernising Driver Training not cloud the fact that the senior ADI consultative groups document contains many it was agreed that the time good ideas. For instance, given to consult and respond while the MDT was too limited, to sanctions against ADIs who plans to create a list of particularly as the DSA itself do not comply with regulations has acknowledged that some sounds onerous, they make of the sense. is ambiguous or contradictory information published in it For example, under the current in parts. system, an ADI who As you’ll read on page 9, this repeatedly fails to display concern culminated in a his/her unified message from the receive a letter from the registrar ADI badge will either ADI consultative groups, informing them that they asking for more time to discuss, must do so... OR be expelled consider and refine their views from MDT. Unfortunately, this on lose his/her livelihood. Where’s the register entirely and request was rejected by Ministers. the middle ground?
n Government plans for driver training and testing – crucial details which affect The modernising driver training consultation affects every ADI, so it’s important that you have your say on it. Give your views on the proposals to: • introduce fines that the ADI Registrar could charge you if you don’t follow a condition of your approval • let you book your standards check online at a time that suits you • split the registration fee so you pay a lower registration fee, but then pay for your standards check when • change the grading structureyou book it for ADIs • decide what information about ADIs it would be useful and fair for make available to the publicthe DSA to
MSA Newslin
Continued on page 2 » »
Fed up with searching around and haggling for your insuranc
n Reports on Government proposals and new legislation affecting ADIs n Tuition and teaching advice n In-depth features on related topics that can form part of your continuing professional development (CPD) – something the DSA has urged all ADIs to embrace n News on European Union proposals that could impact on the UK n Regional news: our team of editors bring you the latest from your area
How to have your say
Read the proposals in the consultation and see the webchat with Mark Magee (see pg12) for more information. Fill in the online reply form by Thursday, 8 August.
2 Year Fixed Driving Tuition MOTOR SCHOOLSInsuranc
September 2013
Issue 255
New insurer exclusive to LloydASSOCIATION Latchford. You will not Thehave ADI’s to this price from any Voice access other broker in the UK. Why not get a 2 year fixed Driving Tuition Policy? Benefits include: Protecting your No Claims Bonus after just 1 year, Increased personal belongings cover, Nil fire and theft excess, Misfuel and Lost key cover as standard. Heavy discounts available for fleet policies. logo final solo.indd 1
No, minister: MSA rejects DSA’s main MDT proposal
25/2/11 15:49:16
YOUR career. We’ve criticised the plans, outlining where we think the Government has gone wrong and given the MSA’s interpretation of what needs to change n Talked about EU plans that could radically shake-up how we teach driving in the UK n Called the Government to task over its lack of focus on road safety
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Introduction of a vocation entry to the profession offal qualification ers no links to improving new driver’s standard s Registered in England No. 5988054.
THE MSA HAS heavily criticised the DSA’s modernising driver training framework, training and testing in in particular its preferred option for reforming the process Britain. by which new ADIs enter the industry. Sadly, we believe a chance In our official response, the has been badly missed. MSA’s board of management rejected the DSA’s plans to We publish here our replace the current qualifying process by introducing a new vocational qualification overseen official response. It has been by an independent body, saying drawn up after a lengthy are concerned that this option the idea was badly flawed. “We internal consultation would separate testing and training in a way that would process, with submissions not benefit road safety.” Indeed, it is this final point drawn from the MSA’S 10 which most disappoints us: is no reason to believe that there regional committees. the DSA’s proposals would In have any addition we have effect, direct or otherwise, on driving standards. It is taken into an administrative change, albeit account responses from a relevance to road safety, the major one, which has no direct individual ADIs and ADI quality of young drivers or improves their attitude and groups with links to the MSA. risk management post-test. While the analogy may seem We do not reject the entire a little extreme, as the plight document out of hand. Th driver training isn’t quite of meaaures within it that as dire, it is surely a case of we suport, and there are others ere are rearranging the deckchairs which, with minor amendments, on the can make positive contributions Our rejection of this proposal Titanic. driver testing and training. to is one the association does You can read our official response reluctantly. We have been from here: eagerly attempt to reform the profession. anticipating this latest We believe that only by creating a truly professional Our response industry from the bottom up can we ensure driving instructors Along with other ADI associations have the skills they need to we have been critical of the next generation of learner teach the decision to have drivers. a very short If we have a professional, this framework]. We understand period of consultation [over highly that this was because it was of ADIs, working to a stringent skilled and committed body considered unnecessary driving for there training to be a full length period of syllabus and controlled by Issue consultation as the ADI representatives a rigorous 256 driving test, all backed by post-test had been closely learning and testing opportunities involved with the MDT agenda for new drivers, we believe from the start. that, together with the DSA While our involvement and its successor agencies, with this project has been we can make considerable progress ongoing for a period approaching in ten years, the options shown in which new drivers constitutereducing the current situation in the consultation paper are not fully of the country’s road casualties. a disproportionate percentage discussing previously, however. the options we had been This was a real chance for It was only a short time ago the DSA to make its mark that we were being told that on driving training: if taken in DSA officials had cleared conjunction with some decisive this consultation with ministers, action by Government in those proposals were being and its long-overdue Green Paper www.msagb finalised in preparation for on new drivers, this could have .com formal consultation. been a landmark year for driver Continued on page 4 » »
MSA Newslin
October 2013
The ADI’s Voice
logo final solo.indd 1
EU looks again at the way we teach driving 25/2/11 15:49:16
Fed up with searching around and haggling for your insuranc Siim Kallas, European Commissioner for Transport and one of five vice-presidents, will be the man CIECA will have to convince over its proposed reforms
• Use of external verifiers for assessments after research suggested DSA staff could ‘significantly increase costs’ • No confidence that the DSA properly understands the costs proposals could impose on ADI trainers • Yes to civil sanctions being used to improve compliance within the ADI registration process • Yes to making ADI qualification last a lifetime, ending need to requalify if you leave the register for 12 months or more
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s Newslink has reported throughout the year, the UK Government is considering making major changes to both the world of driver testing and training and the framework in which novice drivers operate – though deadlines for firm details reforms have slipped, frustratingly. on these Yet any plans – major or minor – that The DSA is a member of CIECA Westminster may have could be swept away MSA holds associate membership and the by possible changes that are through brewing in the EFA, the European Driving corridors of the European Schools Union. CIECA, Association. the international commission for The purpose of these testing authorities, is proposing driver a project that ations will be to assist four recommendwill make a whole series of the European recommendations Commission to the European Commission in drafting new legislation. for Minimum By making this effort, the project European Requirements for hopes to Road User contribute to reaching the Education. 50 per reduction target of road fatalities cent In particular, it wants to look that the again at: European • minimum driver competency Commission has set. standards It should be stressed that • minimum standards for at first glance, persons many of the ideas currently performing paid driver instruction being discussed by CIECA would find favour • minimum requirements with for persons ADIs. Indeed, there is a chance British performing unpaid driver instruction recently introduced National that our (so-called layman instruction) Standard for Driver and Rider Training • and a minimum requirement and National for driving Standard for Driving Cars schools. and Light Vans could form the basis of any new future
CIECA proposal for ‘minimum standards’ could revolutionise driving tuition
Fed up with searching around and haggling for your insuranc
European standards, particularly minimum competency standards on for drivers and for persons performing paid driver instruction.
However, there may be serious challenges over other proposals. For instance, do ADIs want a minimum requirement for persons performing unpaid driver instruction, which CIECA is referring to as layman instruction? We need to know what is meant by the term ‘qualified layman instructor’. Does that simply mean someone who has held a full licence for more than three years and is over 21 – which would, on paper, seem reasonable – or does it mean a whole lot more? While most British ADIs are learners to practise with parentshappy for and friends, by creating a new class of “qualified layman instructors”, might they want to job for them? There is a danger do the ADI’s that by creating a halfway house between amateur and the driver training the total professional we may raise the standards of lay instruction but at the same time reduce the number of hours learners are prepared to spend with professionals. Continued on page 6
• To read the full report, see page 24
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In addition we’ve... ... helped develop members’ skills in our special ‘Towards Your CPD’ section, with coaching reports, the experts’ view on client-centred learning, check test analysis, lesson planning, risk management... ideas, thoughts and new concepts for you to add to your own teaching style
Plus special reports on youth insurance... the condition of Britain‘s roads... Northern Ireland’s plans for driver training... the proposed reforms of young drivers post-test... the end of the DSA as it merges with VOSA...
ADIs hit by big drop in income, says report A major report into ADIs’ income has revealed worrying rates of pay across the country. The research, carried out as part of a wider survey, found that the lesson rates charged by ADIs are now between 10 and 20 per cent lower than they were five years ago; and that trading conditions in the learner driver market over the last five years have steadily declined and are at their lowest point so far. Lesson prices are now as low as £15 for an hour in some parts of the country - while the report also finds fault with DSA claims on average earnings.
New insurer exclusive to Lloyd Latchford. You will not have access to this price from any other broker in the UK. Why not get a 2 year fixed Driving Tuition Policy? Benefits include: Protecting your No Claims Bonus after just 1 year, Increased personal belongings cover, Nil fire and theft excess, Misfuel and Lost key cover as standard. Heavy discounts available for fleet policies.
Key points on MSA response to the MDT: • No to the introduction of vocational qualifications overseen by external body
Registered in England No. 5988054.
... and all your local news from our team of regional editors
Want to read what else you’ve been missing? See pg 24 for a few tasters of stories we’ve carried in recent issues PART 4 | AN MSA PUBLICATION | autumn
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Why join the MSA? Our regional - democratic - network
MSA training seminar and AGM diary ONE OF THE MANY parts of the MSA that we’re rightly proud of is our regional, democratic structure. This sees the association’s Board of Management made up of elected representatives from each of our 10 regions and nations. All members are entitled to stand for election to their local committee, and each member has a vote in the electoral process. Each autumn the 10 regions and nations hold their Annual General Meeting, usually as part of a wider training day or seminar. They are your opportunity to get involved with your region at a branch level, to have your say in MSA policy and ultimately, to play your part in running the association. If you look at the events listed on these pages you’ll find one taking part near you. Even if you are not a member of the
Thinking of attending your local AGM but not yet a member? Join the MSA on the day and we’ll refund you the difference between member and non-member prices where applicable
MSA you are welcome to come along. Your time will certainly not be wasted: the meetings are not purely administrative. Each region has gone to considerable lengths to put together an event that will be informative and educational, delivering real CPD to attendees. With so many changes in the pipeline for our industry it has never been more important that you attend your local meeting. Each of these meetings will include an update on the new Standards Check: this will be in place at the start of April next year, and it is vital that you are kept informed about its impact and what it means to you. Please take a moment to see when and where your nearest event will be held, and make a note to attend. The investment you make in that time away from the car will pay for itself many times over in the information you receive, I assure you.
South East
North East
Training Day and AGM
Training Day and AGM
Training Day and AGM
Training Day and AGM
Sunday, 20th October 9am for 10am - 5pm Venue Crowne Plaza Resort, Five Lakes, Colchester Rd, Maldon, Essex. CM9 8HX
Monday, 21st October 6.15pm for 7pm -10pm Venue Motorline Nissan Crawley 1 Gatwick Road, Crawley RH10 9DE
Sunday, 27th October 8.45am - 4.30pm Venue Gomersal Park Hotel, Moor Lane, Gomersal, Cleckheaton BD19 4LJ
Sunday, 3rd November 9am for 9.30am start Venue Westerwood Hotel & Golf Resort, Cumbernauld G68 0EW
Speakers to include n Amanda McLoughlin, DSA Sector Manager n Peter Harvey MBE MSA National Chairman n Kevin Isaacson AA Drivetech n Essex Air Ambulance Price £35 which will include tea/coffee, two -course carvery lunch and all conference papers
Speakers to include n Peter Harvey MBE - MSA National Chairman n Jo Chapman MSA (SE) Regional Chairman n Find out about the NEW Standards Check ADMISSION FREE No need to book: just turn up on the night Free refreshments and buffet
Speakers to include n Peter Harvey MBE - MSA National Chairman n Karl Satloka - MSA North East Chairman n Mac McDade n Andy Guile n Trevor Wedge n Richard Bacon Price £45 including tea/coffee, lunch and conference pack
Speakers to include n Lesley Young, Chief Driving Examiner n Chris Bryant, Scottish Cycling n Peter Harvey MBE, MSA National Chairman n John Lepine MBE, MSA General Manager Price £39.99
includes tea/coffee, two course hot carvery lunch and afternoon tea/ coffee and cakes
To book... on any of these events: Go online to services/sv-sales.asp and don’t forget, to get member prices you must log in
or call 0800 0265986 with your credit/ debit card details
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South Wales
Greater London
Training Day and AGM
Training Day and AGM
Training Day and AGM
Saturday, 9th November 9am-12am
Monday, 11th November 9.30am for 10am - 4.30pm Venue Devon Travel Academy,
Saturday, 16th November 9.30am for 10am start Venue Master Roberts Hotel,
Venue Western Leisure Centre, Caerau Lane, Ely Cardiff, CF5 5HJ Speakers to include n John Lepine MBE - MSA General Manager n ADI Standards Check n Other speakers to be confirmed Price £5 members £8 non members
(formerly Devon Driver Centre) Westpoint, Clyst St. Mary, Exeter EX5 1DJ
Speakers to include n John Lepine MBE - MSA General Manager n ADI Standards Check n Use of technology in driver training n Other speakers to be confirmed
Price £30 including lunch, refreshments etc.
366 Great West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW5 0BD
Speakers to include n John Lepine MBE - MSA General Manager n Faisal Iqbal, DSA n Euan MacGuiness, High Performance Course UK Ltd
n Geraldine Turner, Chartered Physiotherapist n Tariq Musaji n Marion D’Moirah, QEF Mobility Services
Price: £39 to include lunch and refreshments
More AGMs and training days – see pg 22 » » »
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MSA training seminar and AGM diary (continued) West Midlands
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Training Day and AGM
Training Day and AGM
Training Day and AGM
Sunday, 17th November
Monday, 18th November
Sunday, 24th November
9am for 10am start - finish 5pm
Stone House Hotel, Stafford Road, Stone, Staffordshire ST15 0BQ
to book your place...
10am start - finish 4pm
Blackley Golf Club,
King Power Stadium,
Speakers to include n John Lepine MBE - MSA General Manager n North West Air Ambulance n Greater Manchester Fire Service, Road Safety n Jackie Broughton, Aszuki n Mac McDade, Ideas 4 ADIs n Russ Middleton, on identity fraud Price £25 MSA Members, £30 Non Members
Speakers to include n Peter Harvey MBE - MSA National Chairman n Kirti Patel-Sidat - Leicester City Council n Imogen Cox - Cartwright King Solicitors n Graham Feest - AIRSO n Martin Brown - Network Rail
Victoria Ave East, Manchester M9 7HW
Speakers to include n John Lepine MBE - MSA General Manager n Mark Magee, ADI Registrar n Tim Clark, Network Rail n Russ Middleton, Delmont ID Price £40 MSA Members: £50 Non Members
9am for 9.30am start - finish 4.30pm
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Price £37.50
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Why join the MSA? To receive Newslink MSA News June 2013
Issue 252
The ADI’s Voice
25/2/11 15:49:16
Every month, MSA members receive their own copy of Newslink, with all the latest news, views, training tips and opinion from ADIs just like you. On the next few pages we reproduce a handful of articles we’ve carried in recent issues to give you a taste of what you’ll receive every month as a member.
Clock ticking on major reforms to L-test industry logo final solo.indd
Sources claim unique ‘window of opportu nity’ looks for non-partisan legislation to fill Parliamas Government entary time
As thIs IssuE of Newslink went to press, eagerly awaiting news the MSA was issues, this industry of driver testing and trainingtwo key reforms proposed for the is standing on the cusp momentous changes, of potentially,” commented some The Government has industry. manager John Lepine. MSA general on driver training beforepromised to release its Green Paper “But the key word is have heard rhetoric ‘potentially’. We the end of spring 31. In a pre-release such briefing it was suggested– officially, May without it being carried as we heard earlier this year before considered included a minimum learning that ideas being number of indicators through, but there have been a candidates could sit period before that the Government their down a marker in this wants to put drivers to take lessons driving test, enabling learner area. with However, the rumours ” increasing the probationary ADIs on motorways and coming out of both London and the DSA the DfT in period for new drivers years to three – an in Nottingham are that from two are highly possible extension of the New major changes Drivers Act. – although a cynic In addition, officials might political logic, rather looking at making the have suggested the Government is than an overwhelming suggest that improve road safety, L-test even more rigorous desire to creating new incentives is the and one Whitehall observer key driver behind the reforms. As further training post-testto encourage new drivers to take uneasy about pushing put it, “The coalition government is However, this is not – the so-called Pass Plus II. highly politicised legislation Parliament in 2014-15 the only news on reform: through expected too is the as next stage in the reform creates a unique window we run up to the next election. It the Department for of opportunity to bring Transport’s executive of legislation on more forward agencies, covered by non-partisan matters the Motoring Services that won’t threaten the coalition, Strategy, which has such hinted at a major the L-test and executive as road safety. Reforming shake-up of the DSA, agencies would fit the the DVLA and other nicely.” bill bodies, as well as a decision Whitehall observers not to remove the language on whether or support offered to is already winding downbelieve that the Government non-English-speaking candidates in the despite the next election its legislative programme, driving tests. being nearly two years It was interesting to “As we reported in note how light Parliament’s away. our March and April caseload will be in 2013-2014 – a fact noted by a number of political commentators after Busy workload? the recent Queen’s Speech Stephen contained Hammond looks only 19 bills, some likely of which impact of the few ministers to be one solely on the devolved assemblies or as the Government kept busy were carried over from to the 2015 generalwinds down year’s parliamentary the previous election sesssion.
Driving g Tuition
Because you have
Continued on page
enough to worry
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No minister: MSA rejects MDT
msA’s general manager elected as EFA President
msA GEnErAl mAnAGEr John Lepine mbe has been elected as President Driving Schools Association of The European (EFA). The post is a huge honour for both John and the MSA, and places the heart of the debate the association at on road safety and driver training and testing across Europe. John was elected at an EFA delegates meeting in Sopron, Hungary lead the driving instructors’ last month to group for a three-year term. He will vice-presidents during be supported by two his period in office: Cathy Bacon, chair of IDIA, the association for driver trainers in Ireland and previously EFA’s 2nd vice-president , who becomes 1st vice-president, and Manuel UNEASCA, the national Picardi, CEO of union of driving schools in Italy, who will be 2nd vice president.
Continued on page
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First published September 2013
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The MSA has heavily criticised the DSA’s Modernising Driver Training framework (MDT), in particular its preferred option for reforming how new ADIs enter the industry. In our official response, the MSA’s board of management rejected the DSA’s plans to replace the current qualifying process by introducing a new vocational qualification overseen by an independent body, saying the idea was badly flawed. “We are concerned that this option would separate testing and training in a way that would not benefit road safety.” Indeed, it is this final point which most disappoints us: there is no reason to believe that the DSA’s proposals would have any effect, direct or otherwise, on driving standards. It is an administrative change, albeit a major one, which has no direct relevance to road safety, the quality of young drivers or improves their attitude and risk management post-test. Our rejection of this proposal is one the association does reluctantly. We have been eagerly anticipating this latest attempt to reform the profession. We believe that only by creating a truly professional industry from the bottom up can we ensure driving instructors have the skills they need to teach the next generation of learner drivers. If we have a professional, highly skilled and committed body of ADIs, working to a stringent driving training syllabus and controlled by a rigorous driving test, all backed by post-test learning and testing opportunities for new drivers, we believe that, together with the DSA and its successor agencies, we can make considerable progress in reducing
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Introduction of a vocational qualification entry to the profession offers no links to improving new driver’s standards the current situation in which new drivers constitute a disproportionate percentage of the country’s road casualties. This was a real chance for the DSA to make its mark on driving training: if taken in conjunction with some decisive action by Government in its long-overdue Green Paper on new drivers, this could have been a landmark year for driver training and testing in Britain. Sadly, we believe a chance has been badly missed. We publish here our official response. We do not reject the entire document out of hand. There are measures within it that we support, and there are others which, with minor amendments, can make positive contributions to driver testing and training.
Our response Along with other ADI associations we have been critical of the decision to have a very short period of consultation [over this framework]. While we have been involved with this project for 10 years, the options shown in the consultation paper are not fully the options we had been discussing previously. It was only a short time ago that we were being told that DSA officials had cleared this consultation with ministers, and those proposals were being finalised in preparation for formal consultation. Compare the points that we have previously discussed with the DSA and anticipated would form some part of the MDT paper: • a modern qualification processes and
enhancement of the current DSA route and an alternative accredited qualification route – NOT INCLUDED • that external verifiers would be DSA staff – NOT INCLUDED • mandatory continuing professional development – NOT INCLUDED. In a press statement the minister said: “The next step is for DSA to finalise proposals to modernise the qualification, registration and quality assurance arrangements for driver and rider trainers. The aim is to ensure minimum standards of training, mandatory CPD and improved information for every learner driver.” What this consultation offers is not what we have been discussing. We wanted, as apparently did the minister, a package to assist the whole driver trainer profession. • A dual-entry system to the profession in order that new ideas could be tested and a measure of the success of one route against another could be considered. We are being denied that choice. • An accredited qualification system backed up by DSA involvement. We are being denied that back-up, which would give many in the profession confidence in a new qualification. • In the short-term, concerns about the quality of driver training is not going to be addressed by changes to the entry system. We need to tackle the business of improving standards of all ADIs and we were repeatedly promised CPD for all. We are being denied something that would most assist in upping the standards of the whole profession.
Our response to the Modernising Driver Training proposal
Here we answer the points raised by the DSA in its MDT consultation document, and offer the MSA’s response: Question 1: How strongly do you support the option to introduce a vocational qualification to replace the current qualifying tests (including reform of the trainee licence scheme)? The MSA’s response: We disagree with option 1. We are concerned that this option would separate testing and training in a way that would not benefit road safety. Many driver trainers complain about aspects of the service provided by the DSA, however, almost without exception, ADIs believe that the agency and their staff provide a fair and honest examination system that is linked to testing. The proposed system in option 1 will produce a huge burden on one-person trainers and micro-businesses. This seems very unfair when we have been told that the reason for dropping compulsory CPD was because of the regulatory burden it would impose on small businesses. In the past driving instructor training has been provided by a wide range of businesses, from one person to large companies. Most of the evidence, we believe, shows that the small providers had higher pass rates, fewer drop outs and better results. That is why we are finding it difficult to support a system that favours some of the larger training providers. We are also concerned about the way in which assessment might be developed for any new qualification in driver training. The assessment route already exists for fleet driver trainers and while we have no desire to cast aspersions on any training bodies we are concerned that few, if any, of those who attend fleet instructor courses fail to complete the assessment. We also note the concerns of the Education Secretary on the subject of assessment. Speaking in Parliament on 11 June, 2013 he said: “Both the Education Committee report and Ofqual recognise that controlled assessment, which counted for 60% of the English GCSE qualification, undermined the reliability of the assessment as a whole. “It is proposed that coursework and controlled assessment will largely be replaced by linear, externally marked end-of-course exams.” With no alternative route to qualification being allowed under this option, we cannot support it. Question 2: How strongly would you support a proposal to recruit external verifiers from outside the DSA, as long as they can demonstrate an appropriate level of occupational competence and are formally qualified in the quality
assurance of vocational qualifications? The MSA’s response: We disagree with the proposal to recruit external verifiers from outside the DSA. When option one was being discussed by DSA with ADI consultative groups prior to this consultation, it was repeatedly stated that in this option the external verifiers would be DSA staff. Therefore, the revelation in the consultation document that: “The impact assessment has explored the option of the external verifier role being performed by DSA. However, it should be noted that this option would significantly increase the costs that would have to be recovered through the qualification. “It would also compromise Ofqual and the awarding organisation’s ability to exercise their responsibility for quality within the academic framework” was genuinely disappointing and surprising. This confirms our view that Option 1, which would divorce ADI testing completely from the DSA, is unacceptable. We also note in this passage the comment about the academic framework. Teaching people to drive is a practical, vocational skill, not an academic exercise. We do not want to lose our practical training skills in favour of a system based in academia. Question 3: Would you support the option to improve the existing ADI qualification route (including reform of the trainee licence scheme)? The MSA’s response: We agree with this option. Question 4: How strongly would you support the option to make no changes other than to reform the trainee licence scheme? The MSA’s response: We strongly disagree with only changing the trainee licence system. Withdrawing the trainee licence system is important and long campaigned for by the industry but it is not enough on its own. Question 5: Do you agree that the costs, benefits and assumptions set out in the impact assessment present an accurate picture? The MSA’s response: We disagree: we feel that many of the figures shown are, at best, suspect, at worst confusing, particularly in relation to the extra costs that will be imposed on ADI trainers who are not ORDIT members and the harm that would do their individual businesses.
Question 6: Do you believe there is any further evidence about the costs and benefits of these proposals which we should take into account? The MSA’s response: We agree that the analysis is comprehensive, however, we are concerned about its accuracy. Question 7: Would you support the introduction of civil sanctions as part of the process by which the Registrar enforces compliance within the ADI registration process? The MSA’s response: We agree with this proposal and have been pressing for this sanction for a number of years. We would welcome further discussion about the levels at which the sanctions should be set, and whether the sanction should vary according to compliance failure and if limited suspension be considered alongside financial penalties. Question 8: Would you support an online booking process for the standards check? The MSA’s response: We agree with this proposal and have been pressing for an online booking process for the check test for a number of years. Question 9: Would you support the restructuring of the registration fee so that the standards check is paid for separately at the time of booking? The MSA’s response: We agree with this proposal BUT our members do have concerns that ADIs might think they are being failed in order to generate greater revenue for the regulating agency. We would want careful monitoring of the system. Question 10-12: Would you support changes to the ADI grading structure? What would your preferred structure be? What information about ADIs do you think it would be fair for DSA to make available to consumers? The MSA’s response: We would be interested in further discussion on these subjects. Question 13: Do you agree that an ADI whose registration has lapsed for more than 12 months should no longer be required to re-qualify, but instead undergo a standards check after re-registration? The MSA’s response: We agree with this proposal.
Why join the MSA? A taste of Newslink
Northern Ireland leads way on new driver reform n First published August 2013
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While Westminster considers its options over new driver rules, their colleagues in Northern Ireland have been working on a series of proposals that they believe will have a major impact on casualty figures among new drivers. Unfortunately the plans have been inflicted with a similar strain of inertia that has condemned Westminster to moving at a glacial pace on this issue, although they are still far ahead of their counterparts in Great Britain. First launched in the summer of 2012, the radical changes to the rules governing new drivers in Northern Ireland were introduced by Environment Minister Alex Attwood. They include introducing legislation to permit a lower provisional licence age of 16½, the removal of the current 45 mph restriction on learners and newly-qualified drivers, learner drivers to be allowed to take lessons on motorways when accompanied by a fully qualified driving instructor in a dual-controlled car and provisional licence holders will undergo a mandatory minimum learning period of 12 months. The minister is also proposing that new drivers up to age 24 will not be allowed to carry young passengers (aged 14 to 20, except immediate family members) during their first six months post-test, unless there is a supervising driver over 21, with three years full licence in the passenger seat. Finally, there is a move to link pupil progression more closely to the driver training syllabus, the introduction of R plates and changes to the drink-driving for new drivers. It is a complex package but one that generates real benefits. The changes to the age at which a provisional licence can be obtained combined with a minimum learning period means that the earliest age at which someone will be able to get a full licence will be 17½. The carriage of passengers by new drivers is one that has caused great consternation in Westminster, as there is evidence that suggests peer pressure pushes younger drivers into bad behaviour and risk-taking. Under these rules young new drivers (up to age 24) will not be allowed to carry young passengers (aged 14 to 20, except immediate family members) during their first six months post-test. The restriction will not apply if there is a supervising driver
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(aged 21 years or older and who has held a full driving licence for three years) in the front seat, and there will be exemptions for emergency services drivers with appropriate training. Of particular interest is the policy regarding following the driver training syllabus – an issue over which this association has been campaigned for some time. All learners will have to follow a new, structured, ‘Learning to Drive’ syllabus and before they take their first practical test they will have to produce evidence – in the form of compulsory student logbook signed off by their ADI and/ or supervising driver – that they have completed it. The reforms would also end the current process of requiring newly qualified drivers to display an N (for new drivers) plate, replacing it with an R-plate for two years. In another move to place clear water between the rules governing established drivers and newcomers. drive-drink legislation will include a two-year period during which new drivers must adhere to a new, much lower, limit of 20mg/100ml Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit. The ‘New Drivers Order’ already provides for a driver’s licence to be revoked if they receive six or more penalty points during their first two years post-test. Interestingly, and proving how far the Northern Ireland peace process has moved in recent years, Mr Attwood said he had had talks with his counterpart in the Republic which would mean “mutual recognition of penalty points on the island of Ireland by 2014”. He urged the public and politicians to get behind the proposals, which would “create the most radical change in the driver-training regime for a generation” and would challenge public thinking. “But the objective of better road safety with the ambition of zero road deaths on one hand and reduced driver premiums on the other makes a bold and informed approach, the right approach,” he said. “This is the core argument at the heart of the proposals. The risk of death and injury where a young driver carries people of his own generation escalates alarmingly when there are one, two or three passengers. Unfortunately it’s quite clear that the younger the driver, the greater the risk of a crash.” Mr Attwood believed these new proposals would build on successes of previous road safety initiatives: “Road deaths have fallen to their lowest level since records began. But we can do more. Car drivers under 25 are responsible for 44% of road fatalities but hold only 11% of full car licences. To turn this problem around we need fundamentally to change how we help new drivers become safe drivers for life. Continued on page 28
MSA Annual Conference 2014 heading to the Western region
Got a diary for 2014 yet? Well, if you have we’ve got some early dates you must reserve: Friday, March 21 to Sunday, March 23.
SAVE THE DATE! msa conference, MARCH 21-23, 2014
That’s when the MSA Annual Conference and Training Day catch up with old friends and And Awards 2014 takes place. meet new ones. Our hosts will be the MSA Western region, as we’ll be holding the event at the Holiday Inn, Bristol. It’s a great venue, well used to hosting high-profile conferences and with superb service standards from its team of dedicated staff. As in previous years we will open up proceedings on the Friday evening with a social ‘ice-breaker’ event, giving delegates the chance to
Saturday, 22 March will be the main day of conference, with a full training day packed with interactive sessions and workshops that will educate and inform. Among our guest speakers already confirmed is the Chief Driving Examiner, Lesley Young, who will be delivering the keynote address.
There‘s never been a more important time to be at conference. It will take place just days before the introduction of the new Standards Check and the DSA merging with VOSA to create a new agency to regulate driver training and motor vehicle standards. So will you be there? We will be announcing more speakers and pricing soon but for the time being, save the date!
Why join the MSA? A taste of Newslink
Northern Ireland leads way on new driver reform n Continued from page 26 Mr Attwood believed these new proposals would build on successes of previous road safety initiatives: “Road deaths have fallen to their lowest level since records began. But we can do more. Car drivers under 25 are responsible for 44% of road fatalities but hold only 11% of full car licences. To turn this problem around we need fundamentally to change how we help new drivers become safe drivers for life. “So what can we do? We can help make young people better fit to drive on motorways when they have a driving licence rather than facing the daunting task of driving on one after they receive their licence. “This is not about letting 16½-year-olds loose on the motorway. Learner drivers could only go on the motorway if accompanied by a fully qualified ADI in a dual controlled car. And research around the world has shown that a mandatory period of one year for learner drivers increases road safety. At present, someone could attain their provisional licence on their 17th birthday and apply for the driving test on the same day. I propose the minimum age for attaining a full driving licence will be 17½. “I am also proposing that a new young driver will be excluded from carrying passengers aged 14 to 20, unless family members, except where a qualified driver aged 21 or more with a full licence is in the passenger seat. “The reason for this is simple. The risk of death and injury where a young driver carries people of his own generation escalates alarmingly when there are one, two or three passengers.” The Minister concluded: “We should move towards a vision of zero road deaths. We need to take radical action and bold measures to achieve this, in turn reducing insurance premiums. I believe that we are leading the way and that others will follow. “Reforming driver training is just one of a number of road
safety initiatives I am driving forward as part of my strategy to eliminate road deaths. The Executive supports my new drink -drive legislation. Working with the Transport Minister in Dublin, we will have mutual recognition of penalty points on the island of Ireland by 2014. At all times my proposals are guided by best practice, adopting the best international evidence and doing our best for young drivers.” Improving new driver safety should also lead to lower insurance premiums as the cost of claims falls in line with the number of deaths and, particularly, the number of long-lasting serious injuries involving young drivers and passengers. The Association of British Insurers director general Otto Thoresen commented: “These measures should benefit young drivers both on the road and in their pocket: by helping to make them safer drivers and reducing their crash risk, they will benefit from lower motor insurance premiums. “The crash risk of a young driver carrying three passengers nearly triples compared to if they were driving alone, so reducing the number of passengers in cars driven by young people is critical. “And by giving young learners a more controlled driving experience before obtaining a full driving licence, they will learn to drive rather than learning to pass the driving test. “The insurance industry been calling for reforms such as these for many years, and politicians in Westminster should consider following Northern Ireland’s lead in making the changes that are needed to ensure that the young drivers of today become the older drivers of tomorrow”. A number of even more radical ideas had been contemplated but dropped, including the idea of a curfew for new drivers. It is hoped that the Northern Ireland Assembly would vote the new driver proposals into law this autumn. Certainly the insurance industry has signalled its backing for the reforms and urged politicians in Westminster to move quickly so as not to be left behind by their Northern Irish counterparts.
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om Fr es ag ep th ws Ne of
Is it the end for
n First published September 2013
Newslink carries a series of coaching and tuition advice articles, with this one by experienced ADI Philip Burman an excellent example of the kind of advice our members receive every month. Something we just can’t seem to get away from, or at least I can’t, is the subject of client-centred instruction (CCL). After yet another visit to an ADI meeting where CCL was the main topic, I was left worried. It wasn’t that the speakers gave incorrect information. My fear was more the fact that the emphasis placed on CCL might lead some instructors astray. At the moment CCL appears to exclude all else, it seems to me. Is there solid proof that this is the way to go? And if the majority is in favour of CCL, are the majority always correct, especially in matters of education and training? For instance, I was told to study hard in order to pass the ‘11 plus’. Years later I discovered the IQ basis of this exam was fraudulent and the educational psychologist who devised it was subsequently held up to ridicule. He simply invented data to fit his imagined theories yet the authorities took him seriously enough to implement his ideas. No wonder I didn’t pass! At age 15, I was in the introductory year of the new Certificate of Secondary Education. My teachers were tremendously enthusiastic because coursework had to be completed throughout the school year. This was considered to be a more accurate way to assess knowledge compared to a one-off exam. Recently I heard the Government wants to abandon coursework for GCSE
candidates because it fails to provide a true assessment of ability. Who makes these decisions anyway, and what exactly is the basis of their judgments? Sometimes I think they reach their conclusions by counting the birds on the trees! Human beings are extremely complex. I doubt if more than a fraction of knowledge about how we can gain information and skills in the most effective way has yet been discovered. Most readers will have heard of whole brain learning, that is combining the functions of the right and left brain. (If not, it is a vital tool for ADIs to understand and an easy way to implement this is explained in my CPD manual The ADI Rules!). Recently I read of the importance of engaging the upper and lower brain too, although I’m yet to get to grips with that one. In any case, is our entire sum of knowledge located within our brains? Do we not learn something every day? Of course we do. We only have to read the paper or watch the news. What about more practical information? Perhaps we are able to develop an additional route because we had a pupil in another area. How should that be described? I don’t think CCL quite fits, do you? Maybe ‘discovery learning’ is more apt? Does CCL have to be used when teaching
“Human beings are extremely complex. I doubt if more than a fraction of knowledge about how we can gain information and skills in the most effective way has yet been discovered. ..” PART 4 | AN MSA PUBLICATION | autumn
manipulative skills? If so I can’t see it working with any great efficiency compared to instructorcentred tuition. Pupils need to be aware of what feels right with regard to their use of the controls. If they don’t get immediate and correct feedback it can result in them becoming a ‘harsh’ driver. You may have come across this gross lack of smoothness when teaching a pupil with previous experience, perhaps someone taught by their mum or dad. It can be a tricky situation because they often don’t have any idea of their lack of vehicle sympathy. Unfortunately I’ve never come across a quick fix for this problem. Personally, I was a ‘natural’ who picked up driving quickly and easily. But somehow physical co-ordination outside of a car was never my forte. I did better with what seemed to me to be a complicated harness for our Jack Russell. Maybe because this time my wife took the trouble to explain how to put it on, then she demonstrated before allowing me to practise. If she asked me if I wanted to learn to put the harness on or do something else, something else would probably been my choice. I mention this because a speaker in the recent ADI meeting told us to ask pupils what they wanted to learn on their lessons as part of the CCL approach. Personally, I am not sure this is always wise. Surely it must depend on the type of pupil we have and where the pupil is in the scheme of things? I recently bought a camera with a massive amount of features. There was a certain aspect I was having trouble with. I hate reading instructions and took advantage of a nephew’s visit. He can tell me what to do, I thought (being a professional photographer with a university degree in the subject). Well, he certainly did tell me what to do. He said consult the product manual! (Because he was unfamiliar with the make of the camera – so he said!). I solved the problem following his Continued on pg 30
Join the MSA : Application form
Join the MSA today Call 0800 0265986, apply online at or fill in this form. Use discount code NJF when applying for membership.
THE MOTOR SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD membership application form Head Office: 101 Wellington Road North, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 2LP Tel: 0800 0265986 Web: Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Surname First name Business name
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Continued from page 29
advice, but I would sooner have saved time, effort and brain power by being shown what to do. Is that laziness on my part or is it CCL? More likely it’s a desire for instructor-centred tuition but as I’m led to believe this is now frowned on, what does one do? And as the client can I not choose the instructional method which I prefer? The speaker at this meeting mentioned not being critical of a pupil’s efforts. I fully support that. Being told off for making a mistake can make adults feel foolish for sure and this can prevent learning from taking place. Worse still, it can bring back feelings from long ago, if the instructor happens to use the same phrase as that hated teacher or an unpleasant ex-boss. It’s a process called ‘pattern matching’ and I describe it in my CPD manual entitled Get Your Message Across! The pupil may not associate or even remember the circumstances of the previous criticism, but the brain recalls the negative emotion associated with the incident in a split second,
and this feeling can then completely ruin their lesson. However, as much as I agree with the speaker about avoiding criticism, I would not place this under the category of CCL. Before I was an ADI I had a manager who liked to make things seem complicated. Fortunately I received some sound advice from a colleague. He said, don’t listen to Mr Smith. Just take one thing at a time and you’ll find the job is easy. I would like to say the same thing to Newslink readers. I would encourage you to look at all aspects of instructional techniques. Yes, learn about CCL by all means, but don’t exclude methods which now appear to be out of favour with CCL enthusiasts. Apply them one at a time, evaluate them carefully and see if they work for you. And if they work, they work! I can assure readers there is nothing complicated about any of these techniques, be they old or new.
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Dear Sir, Thank you for the two-page article you published last month about my campaign to get white lines and yellow boxes repainted in the Tameside area of Manchester. I am pleased to report that in recent weeks, Tameside Council has been out attending to the areas I photographed and have maintained excellent communication with me. Most of the areas, where the lines had faded to the point of being almost invisible, have now been repainted, with the exception of one that you featured (Church Street in Hyde, which requires new give way lines and a give way sign). At the time of writing this is still the same but they have promised to sort it out soon. I am certain that had I not raised the issue none of this work would have been done – which just goes to prove that if you shout loud enough and long enough... I just hope other ADIs will now follow suit and we can see an improvement in our roads right across the country. Robert Ridley, Bramhall, Stockport
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Tameside gets the paint pot out!
Why join the MSA? Towards your CPD
Ready for your
Part 3?
Regular Newslink columnist, ADI trainer and experienced driving instructor Sue McCormack looks at the challenges posted by the Part 3 exam – your ‘interview for the post of ADI’
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First, it might be helpful to look at the Part 3 test as an interview. It is your opportunity to showcase your skills and abilities and say to the interviewer, ‘I am ready and willing to, and capable of, doing this job’. In a job interview you would be asked a series of questions where you would have to demonstrate, through your responses, that you have the necessary skills, qualities and competencies to do the work well. However, the time is limited and most likely you will only be able to talk through a snapshot of what you do. You would make certain that you didn’t waffle or wander off the point or repeat yourself because you wouldn’t want the interview panel to think that your skills were limited to what you were talking about. You might even have to give a presentation and, in this case, you would have spent some time preparing what you would talk about and what visual aids you would use that would best demonstrate your capabilities. Throughout the whole process you would be showing off your abilities so that the interviewer would be absolutely convinced that you were the best person for the job. This is what the Part 3 test is all about. It is your moment and you need to convince the examiner that you are ready to do the job. Often this is difficult because we underestimate our skills and abilities and our confidence sinks to an all-time low. This is especially the case if you have already had one or two attempts at the Part 3. Second, it will be helpful to see the Part 3 test as exactly the same as a driving lesson. If you think it is completely different from a driving lesson then you will find it difficult to deliver what is needed. True, time-wise it is different from a driving lesson, as each phase is only 25 minutes long; and, your briefing can only last 5 minutes; and you have to pick up on every single fault. However, in terms of the skills you are demonstrating it is exactly the same as a driving lesson. In any driving lesson there are two questions you must be able to answer – and it is no different for the Part 3 test: n Did learning take place? n Did I give value for money? These two questions are lesson aims and they go hand in hand. For the customer to gain value for money, learning will have
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taken place. These two aims are achieved through the application of three skills: n Lesson planning n Levels of instruction n Core competencies Every driving lesson that you deliver should meet the two aims of learning taking place and giving value for money through lesson planning, levels of instruction and core competencies. Show snapshots of these skills in your Part 3 test and you will find the whole process straightforward, regardless of the subject you are covering. Let’s take a look at each one in turn:
Lesson planning
Follow a straightforward lesson plan. For phase one – recap, objective, briefing, practice, summary. For phase two – recap, objective, practice, summary. Of course it doesn’t matter which order the recap and objective come in. Some people find it easier to state the objective for the lesson straightaway so that they can then focus on the recap. Remember the point of a recap is to take the learner / examiner from the known to the unknown as this will enhance their learning and help ensure that learning does take place. If you throw someone in at the deep end of the swimming pool for the first time they may drown; if you let them find their own feet in the shallow end of the pool and make their own way down to the deep end, they will swim. In the briefing there is no need to tell the examiner everything you know – your knowledge was tested in the Part 1 and, again, in the Part 2 when you had to demonstrate its application. Tell the examiner only what he or she needs to know in order to carry out the exercise for the first time. You can always build
Why join the MSA? Towards your CPD
About the author:
Susan McCormack has been in the driver training industry for over 25 years as an ADI, instructor trainer and producer of training materials, and has an MSc in Driver Behaviour and Education from Cranfield University. She is a director of Tri-Coaching Partnership Limited, which delivers driver training and coaching courses to all driver trainers. In particular, the company offers a BTEC Level 4 and Level 3 in Coaching for Driver Development, as well as a two-day course called ‘aCCeLerate’. Visit the website for further information: Susan can be contacted on 07817 646970.
upon this later (or state that you will add to this in the next lesson). At phase 2 remember to just ask a few questions to check knowledge and understanding of the subject before getting the car moving to assess the practical aspects. The examiner will take control of the route and give you directions that you just repeat straight back. This removes a huge part of your task as a driving instructor so concentrate on watching the driver as much as possible and constantly change your focus from eyes, to hands, to feet, to road ahead, and dual mirror.
Levels of instruction
There are three levels of instruction: guided, prompted and independent. For learning to take place (and therefore to give value for money) you need to get the customer to be independent as far as the objective is concerned. During your Part 3 test this might not be achievable. However, sometimes, it will feel as if the examiner is achieving the unthinkable and improving far too quickly. This is only because you are being given an opportunity to show off your understanding of how the three levels of instruction work. Guided instruction is best used to ensure they can physically use the controls and drive on the roads. If you have just given a briefing and are putting something into practice for the first time, guided instruction is probably the most useful tool. As soon as the customer appears to be getting the hang of things, then prompted instruction is used to check memory and recall so that you can assess whether they are able to remember what they are learning and are getting to the stage where they will be able to do it for themselves. As soon as they can do it for themselves the independent level of instruction is all about helping them think for themselves. So you might be asking questions such as, ‘What could be around the corner?’ or ‘I notice you checked your mirror just then, what were you looking for?’ The levels of instruction focus on the three domains of learning – psychomotor (physical control skills), cognitive (knowledge, understanding and recall), and affective (beliefs, attitudes, opinions).
Core competencies
The core competencies of fault identification, fault analysis and fault correction are the pivotal elements of the Part 3 test. If you do not get these right then you will not pass your Part 3 test. However, if you are focused on giving value for money and ensuring learning takes place then it will be easier to address these.
Fault Identification
You must identify the faults. To do this, you must keep your eyes moving between the customer’s eyes, hands and feet, as well as the road ahead and your dual mirror. When the examiner tells you where to go, first of all, identify the junction and then look at him or her before repeating the instruction – and do not look away again until you have seen him or her look in the mirrors. Check that the signal has gone on correctly and look to see if the car is positioned correctly; notice whether they are starting to brake at the right time and, if they change gear, check to see if the clutch comes back up. At a junction notice the position of the vehicle and which way the wheels are pointing; watch to see that they check both ways and, when you know they are about to go, make sure you check yourself that it is safe. If you are on a gradient make sure that you can feel the biting point so that you know whether the car will roll backwards or not. As soon as you have identified a fault you need to decide whether to deal with it on the move or parked at the side of the road. My advice is that if it is related to the subject, ask the examiner to pull up and park. If it is a general driving fault then deal with it on the move. For example, mirrors can often be dealt with on the move as the examiner is simply checking your observation skills. Coasting will often be thrown in again to check your observation skills and, if it is non-subject related this can be dealt with on the move. Continued on page 34
Why join? “I really enjoy the coaching tips in Newslink... the ‘Towards your CPD’ feature is one I turn to every month. There’s always something to learn” PART 4 | AN MSA PUBLICATION | autumn
Towards your CPD
Ready for your Part 3? Continued from page 33 However, if your subject is emerging and you notice the examiner only looks to the right before emerging to the left then pull over and deal with the fault.
Fault analysis
You must establish why the fault occurred. You can do this through questions because often the customer / examiner will be able to tell you why it happened and is likely to know why better than you. On the move, if the examiner says, ‘Oh, sorry, I forgot’ then the fault has been analysed and this tells you that a simple reminder will sort it out next time. The point of analysing a fault is to determine what to do about it to correct it. You may need to draw a diagram to help determine why the fault occurred.
Fault remedy
It is not enough to explain at the side of the road what the driver needs to do to correct the fault. They will not remember this once the car is moving and you will need to remind them on the move so that they can avoid committing the same fault again. Levels of instruction come in here again. You could ask the pupil / examiner what sort of help they would need or you could just say that you are going to talk them through the next situation where the fault could re-occur. For example, if the examiner cut the right-hand corner and you are on
Phase 2 Approaching junctions to turn left or right, then you would give the instruction ‘Take the next road on the right please’ and then say ‘Remember what we were saying about where to steer this time’ while watching them check their mirrors, signal, position and start to brake. As they get closer to the junction, you might say, ‘Look for where to steer. Okay, now steer.’ In effect, you have given them two reminders on the approach to the junction because you would want to be absolutely certain they could get the fault correct. Give them some feedback and check that this feels better and agree what will happen next time. The second right turn you might just give one prompt and then you would transfer the responsibility over to them for steering correctly at right turns. You can perhaps recognise from my description of the core competencies how much of a snapshot of your skills you are demonstrating to the Examiner because in reality this might go very differently and could take a lot longer. In summary, focus on giving value for money and ensuring learning takes place by delivering a well-planned lesson, using appropriate levels of instruction and, above all, addressing the core competencies of fault identification, analysis and remedy. However, to be successful at the Part 3 test you have to believe in yourself. Remind yourself why you want to become a driving instructor and consider what your strengths are. Do not be in awe of the examiner – he or she wants you to succeed and is simply providing you with the opportunities to show off your skills and abilities.
MSA Newslink March 2013
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Issue 249
The ADI’s Voice
25/2/11 15:49:16
ADIs stand on brink of major change: tell us what you think Sharp fall
Like what you’ve read?
by John Lepine MSA General Manager
This is just a taster of what you’ll find in every issue of Newslink Regional news... coaching tips... CPD... news and views... DSA updates on driving test centres, the L-test and the introduction of the Standards Check
CONSULTATIONS ARE, it seems, like the proverbial buses: you wait for one for ages and then two come along together. In January we reported on the Department for Transport (DfT) Consultation on Motoring Services Strategy and now we also have the DSA consultation paper discussing a Review of Language Support Provided for Driving Test Candidates. How should the MSA respond to these consultations? What follows are some draft ideas about how the MSA might respond to the pair. If you have thoughts about our responses, please get in touch. The consultation period for the DfT’s Motoring Services Strategy has been open for a while and closes on 5 March, while the Review of Language Support Provided for Driving Test Candidates closes at the end of March. The Review of Language Support Provided for Driving Test Candidates sets out proposals to remove or reduce the language support given to non-Englishspeaking candidates taking theory and practical driving tests. It seeks views on whether foreign language voiceovers and interpreters should continue to be provided or whether the statutory driving tests should be conducted only in the national languages (English and, in Wales, English and Welsh).
Consultation paper opens debate on potential changes to the DSA The paper puts forward four principal reasons for change. It says its overarching goals are to: Improve road safety – there is concern about the ability of non-English or Welsh speakers to understand road signs and other advice to drivers. Enhance social cohesion – to encourage integration in society by learning the national language. Reduce fraud – to address the problem of an interpreter attending for test with a learner driver and communicating advice beyond a strict translation of the theory test questions or the instructions given by the examiner. Reduce costs – there will be a small saving to the DSA from not paying a fee to the theory test service provider for the annual update of voiceovers. DSA estimates of the number of candidates likely to be effected by removal of the opportunity for voiceovers or the use of a translator is relatively small. In the year to April 2012 there were 1.5 million theory tests and 1.57 million practical car driving tests. Of these 57,361 theory test candidates requested voiceovers, 1,690 theory test candidates requested interpreters and 9,555 practical test candidates requested
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interpreters. Experience in the other EU member states indicates that there is no clear standard for provision of language support across the EU. In addition to the national language or languages of that country 15 of the 27 EU member countries also offer the theory test in English. No other country offers as many languages as the 21 we offer in Great Britain; runners up are Sweden, with 14 languages offered and Germany with 12. Interpreters are allowed on theory tests in 19 countries and in 18 countries interpreters are allowed on practical tests. The consultation paper offers four options for change. • Remove voiceovers and interpreters • Remove voiceovers on the theory test but retain the use of interpreters on all tests • Remove interpreters on both tests but retain the use of voiceovers for the theory test • Do nothing From the small number of members MSA has spoken to so far on this subject, all have favoured option one – the removal of voiceovers and interpreters.
Continued on page 8
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in young learners
THE NUMBER OF young people taking driving tests has dropped almost a fifth in the past five years, according to figures released by the Department for Transport – and the fall could be the start of a “demographic change that will transform a generation’s relationship with cars.”
See page 6
Police arrest six in L-test fraud case DSA’S FRAUD AND INTEGRITY team led a raid in Greater London on 20 February as part of a joint operation with the Metropolitan Police into ‘cash-for-pass’ allegations. The raid resulted in the arrest of a DSA driving examiner, an ADI and four driving test candidates suspected of conspiracy to commit fraud.
See page 4
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Why join? “Because it’s run and owned by ADIs, for ADIs. We’re not a profit-making body ... any surplus goes into improving services” 34
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