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Baccalaureate Mass
Friday, May 26, 2023
This evening, we stand by each other for one of the last times here as a class and it is most fitting that it is to celebrate with the Eucharist. We are here to thank God for the blessings given to us during our time here. For this mass, we chose the theme "Shine Bright Like a Diamond." Diamonds are formed deep within the earth’s surface. They start out as simple carbon atoms, but under the heavy weight and pressure of the earth, along with high temperature, they transform into diamonds. And in time, they are brought to the surface. Throughout our time at Chaminade, we have been through a great deal – the heavy weight of a global pandemic, the normal pressures of growing up and doing our best in school -- but all this has made us even more beautiful and strong. Through the guidance and support of our parents, families, friends, and Chaminade, we emerge ready to radiate our God-given light within a world in need. We recognize all the talents that the Class of 2023 possesses and we are excited to reflect that light wherever we may go.
Fr. Michael Chiuri, SM, Chaplain Celebrant
Procession of the Senior Class & Faculty
Please remain seated as the graduating Seniors and Faculty process in.
Faith Wang
Recipients of the 2023 Fr. Larry Mann Campus Ministry Award