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Chaminade College Preparatory - High School
Who We Are
Chaminade College Preparatory inspires young people to love, learn, and lead through our Catholic and Marianist traditions of a living faith, academic excellence, and moral responsibility. Chaminade graduates are prepared, inspired, and equipped to share God’s love by caring for others and seeking justice and peace. They learn, adapt, and grow with the world around them. Our alumni become servant leaders and positive contributors to society.
Characteristics of a Marianist Education
Chaminade prides itself in its mission and identity as a Catholic school in the Marianist tradition which prepares students not only for college but also for a life of leadership in a diverse world. Characteristics of a Marianist Education include:
Educating for Formation in Faith: Students are devoted to ongoing personal faith and character development in their academic classes, extracurriculars, retreats, liturgies, and Apostolic Works Service Learning. They are committed to understanding and respecting religious differences and what is distinctive about their own religious faith tradition.
Educating in Family Spirit: In a community characterized by a family setting of openness, respect, integrity, and dialogue, students develop their spiritual and academic growth.
Educating for Service, Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation: Chaminade students exhibit values of compassion, tolerance, justice, peace, and respect for the dignity of human life and all creation. They become leaders who are informed about social issues and are committed to addressing and resolving injustices in order to improve quality of life for all.
Educating for Adaptation and Change: Chaminade students develop their critical thinking skills in the search for truth and in recognition of the importance of lifelong learning.
Providing an Integral, Quality Education: Chaminade students strengthen their interior spirit and self-knowledge, learning to nurture habits of silence and reflection. They appreciate the value of education and knowledge, which enables them to embark on their journeys of lifelong learning.