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The Chaminade Legacy
Celebrating 65 years
Inspired by our founder, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade (Society of Mary – Marianists), Chaminade College Preparatory has remained steadfast over the last 65 years in celebrating its Catholic, Marianist traditions with students, parents and alumni. From those early days in Cheviot Hills to today, on two expansive campuses in the San Fernando Valley, more than 10,000 students have graduated from the school and gone on to pursue careers at the highest levels. The pride and dedication of the
Chaminade Family is the hallmark of our school and we see it celebrated every day with our students, faculty, and staff.
Part of our success is the commitment to stay at the forefront of Catholic education. Strategic planning has long played an integral role at the school. Building on our strengths and evaluating areas of growth have allowed Chaminade to move forward with key initiatives and capital projects that make the school what it is today.

Tutor Family Center for the Performing Arts
The Tutor Family Center for the Performing Arts is a 23,000 square-foot facility on our high school campus that boasts a 365-seat theater with storage rooms, workshop, dressing rooms, and office space. In addition, it houses classrooms for dance, band, choral, and drama, including a black box theater. The Tutor Center showcases the talents and creativity of all students while contributing to the overall spirit of our campus community.

Joseph A. Rauser Library Commons
The Joseph A. Rauser Library Commons on our middle school campus is an expansion and renovation of an existing area into 4,600 square feet of learning and studying space. It includes an open area for studying, comfortable seating, as well as a conference room and quiet study room. It is named in honor of Mr. Rauser for his 50 years of service to Chaminade as a teacher, coach, mentor, and friend.

James V. Adams Center for Innovative Learning
The James V. Adams Center for Innovative Learning on our middle school campus is a new 9,000 square-foot, six-classroom building. These flexible classrooms allow for more project-based learning activities and innovative lesson planning for teachers and students. Three large breakout areas allow for small group work and presentations. It is named in honor of Mr. Adams for his service as president of Chaminade College Preparatory from 1996 – 2014.

The Chaminade Endowment continues to be a significant marker for long term financial stability and resources. Since 2012, the endowment has grown by 63% to its current value of $8,700,000. These permanently restricted funds support several programs and initiatives at the school ranging from academics, arts, athletics, financial aid, and technology. The continued growth of our endowment will provide greater financial security and support to all student programs for the future.

Compensation benchmarks for all employees is an important focus. Being able to attract and retain mission-centered Marianist Educators is a high priority for the school. The school has also increased faculty and staff professional development resources to better support the needs of our colleagues who teach, mentor, and coach students on a daily basis. Over the past ten years, Chaminade has increased its professional development resources from $145,000 in 2007 to over $500,000 in 2017.

Enrolling a diverse student body from across the San Fernando Valley and beyond is a continuous endeavor. Our financial aid program allows students to attend the school who would not otherwise be able to afford a Chaminade education. Through strategic financial planning and fundraising initiatives, the school has increased assistance awarded to families from $945,000 in 2007 to $3,467,000 in 2017. As the demand for a Chaminade education continues to rise, we will look to expand our scope of support for those deserving students who wish to enroll in our school.