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Year XII - Number 583 | 18 JUNE 2019


Br. Ángel Diego García Otaola

Director of the Secretariat of Solidarity


r. Ernesto Sánchez, with his Council, has appointed Br. Ángel Diego, from the Province of Mediterránea, as the first Director of the Secretariat of Solidarity. The establishment of the Secretariat of Solidarity is a response to the calls and suggestions of the XXII General Chapter. In its organisational chart the General Council developed three strategic areas of the General Administration: Shared Services, Marist Life and Marist Mission. The new secretariat of Solidarity is part of the Marist Mission Area. The Secretariat of Solidarity will focus on responding to the calls of the General Chapter and takeresponsibility for animating the General Administrations initiatives in child rights, ecology, and education in solidarity. The new Secretariat will also continue the work of establishing and strengthening the Solidarity Network, as well aswork in collaboration with Cmiand FMSI. Br. Ángel Diego, who is currently a Formator at the post novitiate community of the Provinces of Compostela and Mediterránea in Madrid, will take up his responsibilities from September 2019. To know more about him, read his autobiography below. Br. Ángel Diego I was born on January 9, 1975, in Burgos, Spain. I grew up in a family of 4 (with my parents and sister). My parents instilled the faith in me from when I was a child and encouraged me to live Christian values. At the age of 11, I entered the juniorate at Guardamar, in the former Province of Levante. I did all my formation in that Province. The closeness and affection that I saw in the Brothers helped me to grow and strengthen my Marist religious vocation, along with the support of my family. I made my first vows in Torrente on 16 July 1995. Over the years I have had the opportunity to work in different fields. In the schools of Cullera, Sanlúcar la Mayor, Badajoz and Chamberí. I also worked for some years in Torrente, in a children's centre. In recent years I have been part of the post-novitiate community of the Provinces of Compostela and Mediterránea in Madrid, accompanying the Brothers in the first stage of post-novitiate formation.

As for my studies, I had the privilege of being able to study for a Teaching Diploma and Degree in Psychology and Religious Sciences.

general administration ■ The General Council continues in plenary session. After the “Collaborative Week” with the departments and secretariats of the General Administration, these days are devoted to reflection on the accompaniment of the regions. ■ From 17th to the 18th of June, Brother Álvaro Sepúlveda,

from the FMSI, took part in the meeting of the Council for the Administration of BICE, in Paris. ■ Next Saturday and Sunday, the Superior General and the Council will take part in the meeting of the General Councillors from the 4 branches of the Marist Family, in Manziana.

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Working together on strategies for Marist life and mission

The General Council meets with the directors of the Secretariats and Departments of the General Administration


s has now become the norm, during one week of the plenary session of the General Council, 10 – 14 June, the directors of the Secretariats and Departments of the General Administration participated in meetings of the Council in order to increase collaboration in implementing the initiatives of the del General Administration’s Strategic Plan for Animation, Leadership and Government. In the final session, Br Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, recalled one of the guiding principles for the work of the General Administration, “We have to create synergy. If we do things together, the result will be much better”. He went on to ask all present to reflect on whether every action being undertaken is helping us realise the overall vision of the Strategic Plan leading up to 2025: As Marists of Champagnat, we are a global charismatic family, living an integrated spirituality and are passionately committed to an innovative mission without borders, at the service of children and young people, especially the most vulnerable and excluded. The process used in the week consisted in moments of input from Br Luis Carlos, Vicar General, and especially, meetings of the secretariats with their link Councillors and others in their respective areas of Marist life and mission. The main purpose of these days of work, ever aware of the need for the different groups to collaborate more, was to get

to know what each group is working on, develop as a team, evaluate tasks completed so far, and determine next steps in the short to medium term. The following questions helped to frame discussions during the week: • Did we seek an evaluation of our projects/initiatives? How was it? What are our indicators of “success” or “real impact” for these projects/initiatives? • What is the S.W.O.T. analysis for our projects/initiatives, and their regional (or global) implementation? • How can we best work collaboratively in our area during 2019-2020? • What initiatives can we work on together in the short term? The next “Collaboration week” will be from 9 to 13 September.

Holland On May 8, Brother Emili Turú took part in a meeting organized by the Leerhuis Westerhelling. The participants reflected with the Former Superior General on the Marist charism and how they are guided by that inspiration, and mainly, how the Marists pass from “thinking less to loving more”. They also meditated on how Mary is a source of inspiration.


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news in brief

P acific District On the 9th of June, thirty Brothers gathered at Onslow to celebrate the feast of Marcellin Champagnat. The morning began with a prayer celebrating Pentecost Sunday which was followed by Brother David sharing news about various events coming up in the District, including the Retreat, the Chapter, Jubilees, voting for delegates and the District Leader.

Receiving support and inspiration to continue the mission

Marist leaders from 8 countries of the district of Asia met in Bangkok, Thailand

P ortugal In the context of the celebration of Saint Marcellin Champagnat and the feast of Pentecost, the Marist community of Vouzela came together to commission three members of MarCha Vouzela who in the months to come will respond, in a concrete way, to their invitation to meet the young people and Brothers in other parts of the world through voluntary work in Mozambique and Zambia.

United States The Provincial Council met in New York and welcomed the presence of Brother Gerard Bachand and Mr. Alain Barrete, from the Province of Canada. Among the topics the Council looked into was the implementation of Lay Marists in the Province.

Brasil Sur -Amazonia Last month, the Province held regional meetings of animators of the Young Marist Vocation. The identity of the PJM was the theme of formation with the objective of reaffirming the principles and the 10 years of the PJM which take place in 2019. The province has 23 groups of Young Marists.


he Leaders of the 11th communities of the Marist District of Asia held their annual meeting in Bangkok, from May 26 to 28. The gathering was a time of fraternal sharing that helps the brothers to keep alive the Marist spirit of the District presents in 8 different countries of Asia: China, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines and Sri Lanka. Meeting together gives to the participants the opportunity to share experiences and receive support and inspiration to continue the mission. Some of the points that were shared during those days were based in the inputs received at the meeting of Provincials held in Rome some months earlier. Some aspects of the strategic plan of the General administration were shared

among the superiors. During the congregation, the Brothers were happy to see that the commitment made to go to the peripheries is on line with one of the objectives of the mission plan of the General Administration, but also to know that the new local brothers are also committed to be at the margins, join efforts with other groups, to give voice to the voiceless. Another important aspect was the dialogue based on the reflection about the new local brothers after finishing their post novitiate stages of Formation. We reflected in ways we should use to accompany them in different circumstances of their lives. Finally, the proximity of the 3rd District Chapter (10-16 August) made us reflect in the preparation of this important event in the Life of our Young District. 18 I JUNE I 2019


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marist world

Spain Huelva

Philippines: Brothers Tabunga Etuati and Anitelea Fidow renewed their vows in front of the MAPAC community

Papua New Guinea Port Moresby

Venezuela Maracaibo

United States Foundation Stones

Solomon Islands St Marcellin Primary School in Vanga Point

25 years living in fraternity

CMMF: Champagnat Fraternity of the city of Irapuato


n the 1st June, 23 members of the Champagnat Fraternity of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family of Irapuato, Mexico, lived an experience "around the same table" with brothers and lay Marists.... They celebrated and thanked God with a Eucharistic celebration for the 25 years of life in fraternity. In this ceremony three important aspects that give vigor and consistency to the Fraternity were highlighted: 1) Awareness that through the grace of baptism one lives the same vocation to holiness, Brothers and laity, renewing the baptismal promises. 2) The Holy Spirit, who calls to share in fraternity the charism of Champagnat, helps the members of the fraternity with his grace to live faithfully the spirituality and the charism as an inspiration to follow Jesus. 3) The loving presence of the Good Mother help the members to experience in a real way the union between brothers and laity, drinking from the same source and nourishing with the same doctrine that allows the members of the Fraternity to share life and mission.


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The celebration concluded with a meal. The members of the Fraternity thank Brother JosĂŠ SĂĄnchez Bravo, Provincial of MĂŠxico Central, for his kind and fraternal presence, as well as Pedro Chichilla, responsible for the Lay Commission of the Province and the members of the FORMARME team, who enriched the celebration with their friendship and company.

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Governance, Management and Pastoral leadership of the Marist Province of Cruz del Sur

Meeting of the Executive team, legal officers and School leaders


meeting of the Executive team, legal officers and School leaders from Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay was held from 29 to 31 May in the Champagnat College of Buenos Aires, Argentina. More than 80 people attended. The purpose of the gathering was to reflect on ideas and decisions taken regarding Province governance, management and pastoral leadership; study the principles of innovation in education that is being adopted by Marist schools; and provide spaces for quiet time and group celebration to foster personal growth. Also present were the Provincial, Br Raúl José Schönfeld Hergenreder, the

Vice-Provincial Br Marcelo De Brito and other members of the Province leadership team.

On the first day, after the opening remarks from Br Raul, the new Marists Spain structure of the Province of Cruz The 22nd edition del Sur was of the magazine presented. Then “Maristas Siglo time was given to XXI”, published by studying the manthe Spanish Marist date and planning Conference is now of the Province available. The central Schools Team. In topic of this edition is the afternoon, the “Syria and Lebanon: work was divided hope reborn among into workshops run the ruins”. This can by different teams: be accessed using Evangelisation; this connection: Public advocacy; protection of the Rights of Children.

The second day was led by Xavier Aragay, director of the Re-imagine Education Lab in Barcelona, Spain; he has more than 25 years’ experience in leadership and the management of change and educational innovation in universities and school networks. The first session of the day was devoted to re-imagining education from our experience and charism, one that is centred on students and the world of tomorrow in which they will live. The process had many activities, of both a theoretical and practical nature, geared towards examining and redefining approaches to learning. On the third day, the GRAM publishing company presented a new proposal for designing and using school and evangelisation texts in Marist schools. The program finished with a presentation about the Province administration and personnel. 18 I JUNE I 2019


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District of West Africa

Marist Cote d’Ivoire celebrates 50 years


n June 1st all roads led to St Paul Gonfreville Parish, Bouaké for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Marist Brothers in Côte d’Ivoire. The Eucharistic celebration was preceded by a march by students, teachers, priests, religious men and women, parishioners and other invited guests accompanied by a local band as we danced and gave thanks to God for all his blessings, guidance and protection upon us. We were privileged to have Br Juan Carlos (Provincial of Mediterennea) with a delegation of six Brothers from Spain, Br Cyprian Gandeebo (District Superior), brothers from Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Cameroon who responded to our invitation for the great celebration. The Eucharistic celebration was well animated by the students of Centre Scolaire St Marcelin Champagnat, Bouaké with a few students from Champagnat Korhogo. In his homily, Reverend Father Maxim Kouakou, vicar general of the archdiocese of Bouaké retraced the history of the arrival of the first Marist Brothers (Cayetano Quintana, Javier Goñi, Antonio Capel, Jesus Jarauta and Luis Minguillon) to Côte d’Ivoire. He thanked the Brothers for their immense contribution towards the education of the youths

through schools, the teaching of catechism in the parishes and their active participation in the vocation ministry in the archdiocese. He also encouraged the Brothers to continue bearing witness to the Gospel values which they profess with great zeal and enthusiasm. Finally, he challenged the Brothers to expand to other regions of the country as the dream of St Marcelin was to have Brothers present in all the dioceses in the world. Towards the end of the Eucharistic celebration, a solemn procession was organized with 50 students from the rear of the Church to the altar with 50 candles which they lit and placed on a special Jubilee symbol designed for the occasion. The Brothers and lay faithful then recited the prayer for the Jubilee of the Marist Presence in Côte d’Ivoire, thanking God for all he has done and praying for more blessings upon Marist Côte d’Ivoire. The liturgical ceremony ended with a few speeches by Br Cyprian (District Superior), Br Juan Carlos (Provincial), Br Germain (the representative of the District Superior in Côte d’Ivoire) and Fr Komenan Francois (the parish priest of St Paul de Gonfreville). They all thanked God for the work being done by the Brothers and invited them to continue to do more for the education of the youths and marginalized. The parish priest went further to state that he was a priest because of the Marist Brothers. The last part of the ceremony took place at the Centre Scolaire St Marcelin Champagnat where a meal was shared with all the invited guests We thank God for leading Marist Côte d’Ivoire all this far after 50 years of Marist Presence. Let us pray that the Marist Mission in Cote d’Ivoire will continue to bear witness to the Gospel values and that there will be more vocations for it to expand to other parts of the country...

years in the Cote d'Ivoire: and this is just a beginning! 50 years have passed since the first Marists arrived in the Cote d'Ivoire. Cayetano Quintana, Javier Goñi, Antonio Capel, Jesus Jarauta, Luis Minguillón… Later, many more arrived. Brothers who wore out their sandals in the winding roads of red earth connecting each part of the forest and, further north, tracing the less than visible routes that cross the


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savannah. Brothers who dedicated their lives to the people of the Ivory Coast, seeking them out and educating them. They learned to dream dreams together, where the sun of fraternity lit up the dawn of a new world, similar to the one that God imagined at the beginning of time. The celebration of these days in Bouaké has been a memori-

marist news 583 al, a shared Sacrament filled with music and dance, of happiness and colour that are only possible in Africa. A vibrant memory of dedicated lives, capable of moving mountains. We have remembered the names of all of these Brothers and we have toasted the memory of José Antonio Ruiz, Miguel Angel Isla and many others who have already left us. We have celebrated the life of the Brothers from the Ivory Coast and the District of West Africa, hundreds of lay men and women who gave the best of themselves to the service of the mission in Bouaké, Korhogo, Toumodi and Dimbokro. And we are reminded of the children and young Ivorians who study in our schools, the lepers of Chrétienkro whom we have accompanied for many years, to the dioceses, parishes, priests, catechists,

educators of Catholic schools and students with whom we have shared so much time. We have remembered the associations, ONGs and volunteers that have linked their lives forever with ours, of the ONG SED and of the Marist Province of Mediterránea 50 years of looking back, yes. But also being encouraged to go forward with audacity and creativity. Because dreams are never enough… we give thanks to God for so much life. We are a great family that has the good fortune to live at home with Our Good Mother. The dream of Marcellin has taken root in these West African lands. We are already 50 years old. And this is just the beginning…! Br. Aureliano García Manzanal

Community Lavalla200> Holguín

The Community "Montagne" takes part in the Course for Inculturation into Cuban life


or one week, at the beginning of June, those involved in the international community of Holguín, as part of the Project Lavalla200>, took part, in Havana, in a course of organized Inculturation for the Cuban Conference of Religious. The aim of the course was to strengthen the process of gradual Inculturation throughout the country and the Church, as well as offering a means of revisiting the experiences ofthe last number of years or months. Present also, besides the panellists and the directive group of the Conference of Religious, were 31 participants of 21 nationalities from the five continents and 22 different Charisms of the Spirit which collaborate with the mission of the Church in Cuba. The participants found a diverse and intercongregational space in which they had the opportunity to meditate and to discuss the history of Cuba with the economic, political, cultural, religious, ecclesiastic testimonies, recalling the memory of the outstanding documents and dates, as well as the threats and opportunities which the consecrated life and the ecclesiastic life can offer in their evangelizing action.

The meeting coincides with the discernment process that the Marist community of Holguín is going through at this historical and sacred time. With this perspective, the four members of the community expressed in a shared way their experience and training: At you can read testimonials from members of the community.

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International Congress of the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC)

Marist projects and educational works mentioned as an example of best practices


he Director of the Secretariat of Education and Evangelisation, Br Carlos Alberto Rojas, represented the Institute at the International Congress of the OIEC (International Office of Catholic Education) that was held from 5 to 8 June at Fordham University, New York. Its logo was “Educating to Fraternal Humanism to build a Civilisation of Love”. motivation At the event, some Marist projects and educational works were mentioned as examples of best practice. The one that stood out was the Fratelli Project in Lebanon, a joint initiative of the Marist and De la Salle congregations, as one of the

most inspiring examples in the world of the ministry of Catholic education. The De la Salle Brother, Habib Zraibi, made the presentation in front of 550 participants in the auditorium of the United Nations General Assembly. Similarly, mention was made of the Marist initiative, “Visión estratégica Operativa”, of the Province of Central Mexico as an example of a quality approach, unified under the same provincial apostolic project. It was presented by Prof. Alfonso Ruiz. Also, at the congress there was the book launch of “Las escuelas católicas del mundo: innovan y transforman sus

contextos. Educan al humanismo solidario para construir una civilización del amor”. Of the 240 Catholic schools singled out as worthy of imitation, eight are Marist. “Over the last 4 years we Marist Brother have been on the Executive Committee of the OIEC and have been re-elected for a further 4 years. Representation is institutional”, said Br Carlos Alberto when talking about his participation in the Congress. OIEC is an international Catholic organization with the aims to participate in the Church’s mission to promote a worldwide Catholic-inspired educational project.

Institute of the Marist Brothers General House Piazzale Marcellino Champagnat, 2 - Rome, Italy - Website YouTube Facebook Twitter


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