2 minute read
Food Capital
Benny Omar navigates the movable feast of Vientiane Capital, a town of exciting cuisines and dining experiences, with everything from sizzling street fare, cafe cool, or fi ne dining gourmandise.
Benny Omar is a food & travel blogger based in Vientiane. Visit his page online: facebook.com/vientianelifestyle
This café is a well-kept secret in the neighborhood it's nestled in. Walk inside the lane of Sihom Road and keep a lookout for a three-story shophouse. Inside, its spacious interior and high ceilings give way to all-around pleasing aesthetics resembling what could be mistaken for a modern design studio rather than a café. Homemade pastries and breakfast and lunch are served here. Whether you're looking for a quiet spot to enjoy some time alone or a cozy spot to have catch up with friends, head to this modern-style café in Vientiane.
Sihom Road open daily 7 am – 6 pm
don't miss
Kaogee Sinn Mai
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(Cabbage, Shitake mushroom & carrot)
Phonexay Road Mon–Sat 8 am – 8 pm @VeggieLoverCafeOnline
Whether you’re a committed vegan or someone who just needs a break from the meat, Veggie a break from the meat, Veggie Lover Cafe is the place where you Lover Cafe is the place where you can fi nd the crème de la crème of can fi nd the crème de la crème of vegetarian food in Vientiane. vegetarian food in Vientiane. Tucked away in a quiet street off Tucked away in a quiet street off of Phonsinuan, Veggie Lover Cafe of Phonsinuan, Veggie Lover Cafe serves up homey vegetarian fare serves up homey vegetarian fare – like stir-fried sukiyaki, stir-fried – like stir-fried sukiyaki, stir-fried mushrooms, gyoza, and fresh spring rolls. This small but well-loved hidden café allows you to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and simply unwind.

Living in a rapidly developing city like Vientiane, it can be easy to overlook the past. Perhaps that's why it is important to preserve things like vintage furniture, historical buildings, and traditional crafts. If you prefer old-school objects rather than the hottest new trends, then you'll love this retro-themed cafe in Vientiane. Hidden away off of Sokpaluang Road, Kongtalang Café serves up delicious Asian fare. The decor screams vintage and is suitable for a backdrop to photoshoots with its retro vibe and lovely outdoor space.
Sokpaluang Road Tues-Sat 8 am– 7 pm Sunday 8 am– 6 pm @Kongtalangcafe

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