Chiropractor Massage Therapy Benefits in Parkland Massage therapy is a form of healing massage, practiced by a licensed massage therapist or other qualified healthcare professional. There are several different modalities or traditions of massage. Massage therapists can practice one or more types of massage when working with their clients or patients. Massage therapy is also recognized to detoxify the body and remove toxins and waste from the body. The overall result that is sought in massage therapy is the ability to bring the body to its natural state with greater healing capabilities. Constant manual massage at least once a month has a number of preventive benefits. To prevent disease in the body and mind, we must take a comprehensive approach that includes nutrition, massage therapy, exercise, and chiropractic care in general. In keeping with this mindset and regimen, you are significantly more likely to relieve stress and minimize pain and injury. In addition, your ability to defend yourself against disease will increase as your body will be in tip-top shape. Chiropractic massage therapy is recommended for a number of conditions and diseases. Some of the conditions it is recommended for include: arthritis, TMJ, immune system problems, muscle spasms, insomnia, fibromyalgia, and many others. It is still a great way to help the body heal itself and rid itself of potential toxins that build up in the system. At Champion Chiropractic in Parkland, our goal is to educate our patients about chiropractic and other natural solutions to common health problems in order to motivate them to take a more active and responsible role in restoring and maintaining their own health, as well as the of the people around him. As a chiropractor, we understand that although our patients may be diagnosed with the same condition, they respond very differently to treatments.