Women's Initiative Leadership Summit 2023

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Sheraton Eatontown Hotel Eatontown, NJ • May 1-2
map of hotel Meeting Spaces

Message from Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman

With unending gratitude to Hashem, I am so thrilled to welcome all of you to the Orthodox Union Women’s Initiative Leadership Summit. Each of you is here because of the unique talents, skills and devotion you bring to the Jewish community. We are so excited to have participants from so many countries and states here with us. The personal, professional, geographic and hashkafic diversity in attendance will undoubtedly provide a plethora of chances to learn with and from one and other.

What does the job ad for a lay leader look like? Shlomo Hamelech in Mishlei describes this person as one who creates positive and peaceful spaces in the community. The Malbim expands the profile of the lay leader. He describes this individual as one who desires to uphold values, creates positive family and communal opportunities, contributes to the community and assures that all is good, ethical and righteous. And what is the compensation for this role? According to Shlomo, it is simcha, joy,

, for those who plan good and peace, there is joy. While we all experience stressful times, the Malbim reassures us with the words of Mishlei that those who toil for the community and its success, are filled with the joy of open beneficence. Each of you should be blessed with shefa, an abundant bounty of bracha for your dedication and devotion to your community.

These next two days are an opportunity for you to invest in yourselves—to tap into the simcha of your efforts. We are looking forward to two days filled with learning, sharing and growth opportunities. An array of nationally recognized speakers and leaders are here to provide chizuk, wisdom and useful, practical tools for each one of us. In addition to the formal program and learning sessions I encourage you to network and get to know others from different communities. Share experiences of success and challenge with one another, meet old friends and make new ones.

This remarkable gathering is the result of the hard work and support of the Orthodox Union leadership, the lay commission and the incredible work of the Women’s Initiative team, Adeena Mayerfeld, Assistant Director, Rachel Miller, Marketing Manager, Nechama Epstein, Operations Manager and Racheli Finkelstein, the OU WI Intern.

If you need anything whatsoever in our time together these next two days please do not hesitate to call, text or WhatsApp me at 205.999.7072.

I look forward to spending quality time with you and spiritually striving together in an effort to better equip ourselves to aspire, impact and connect the women of Klal Yisroel toward the ultimate peace and joy in our communities.


הָֽחְמִׂש םוֹלָׁש יֵצֲעֹיְלֽוּ

schedule at a glance


8:00-9:45AM Registration, breakfast

10:00AM Opening remarks, keynote

11:10AM–12:00PM Session choices

12:10–1:00PM Session choices

1:00–2:30PM Lunch

2:45–4:15PM Full group interactive session

4:30–5:20PM Session choices

5:20–5:40PM Break (quiet room available for Mincha)

5:40–6:30PM Full group interactive session

6:30–8:00PM Dinner

8:15–9:30PM Night activities

10:00–11:00PM Private swim


7:15–8:30AM Quiet room available for davening

8:15–8:45AM Torat Imecha Nach Yomi shiur

8:30–9:45AM Breakfast and hotel check out

10:00–10:30AM Session choices

10:45–11:15AM Session choices

11:30AM–12:00PM Session choices

3:45–4:00PM Closing remarks

4:00PM Boxed dinners in lobby

12:15–1:30PM Lunch 1:40–2:20PM Micro-sessions
2:30–3:10PM Micro-sessions
3:15–3:45PM Concluding session


We look forward to creating an environment of warmth, connection, friendship, learning and mutual respect. We are excited to welcome a diverse group of professional and lay leaders from cities across North America. To help create a neutral environment where we can all take a break from our daily routine and spend time learning and strategizing together, please refrain from recruitment for any of your businesses or nonprofit organizations.


The networking room is a space for you to meet women working in similar spaces. Take a session off—“cut one class.” Brainstorm, collaborate, or simply connect. Read the directory, think about who you would like to meet. Mentors will also be available in the room throughout the day.

Hot and cold drinks, pastries, fruit and snacks will be available.

The schedule of mentors, presenters and participants in the networking room is on the shared doc you received via email and WhatsApp. Feel free to add your name!

Shortly before each session, an updated list will be sent on the conference WhatsApp group.



Monday, May 1

8:00–9:45AM Welcome to the Summit: Registration LOBBY Breakfast GRAND BALLROOM 2

10:00–11:00AM Opening Remarks

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman, Director, OU Women’s Initiative

Keynote: Behind the Scenes of State Leadership—A Personal View Perspectives of a mother of twelve who achieved an influential role in Israeli politics as the Chief of Staff of Israel’s tenth president.



11:10AM–12:00PM Trust or Bust: Building the Critical Foundation for Successful Organizations

Trust must be built intentionally from the top down. Gain an approach to trust-building through experiential connections and understand the role trust plays in organizational success

Barbara Gottesman SALON A

Mission Creep or Mission Control Your mission statement is why your organization exists and it guides priorities and activities. Is your mission statement your guiding light or are you lost in space?

Cindy Darrison SALON B

The Art of Productive Nonprofit Boards A panel discussion exploring the role of boards, effective board membership, opportunities and challenges, and the lay-professional relationship.

Moderated by Tamar Frydman • Panelists: Leah Berry, Nomi Rotblat, Chana Siff THEATER

e How Does She Do It Hints and tips for managing your time.



Effecting Change: Leadership Lessons from Women in Tanach Women in Tanach exercised leadership in effective and ingenious ways. Learn to apply their wisdom to your work.

Leslie Ginsparg Klein, PhD SALON A

Discover Your Gifts. Transform Your Work Explore The Six Types of Working Genius, a new leadership model that will help you discover your natural “geniuses” that illustrate how you work best and are most productive. Understand the types of work that bring you energy, joy, and fulfillment and avoid the work that leads to frustration, exhaustion, and burnout.

Naami Schorr SALON B

Leading Through Growth Learn strategies and tools to help lead an organization or project through change and growth while maintaining the mission and culture.

Chana Siff THEATER

e Raising the Dough: The Role of the Executive An organization’s leader is integrally involved with raising funds and setting the tone for the entire organization. Learn tips of the trade that will make you a successful fundraiser.

Cindy Darrison GRAND BALLROOM 1

1:00–2:30PM Lunch

Connect with women involved in similar initiatives across the globe (assigned seating)

e Executive sessions: For women leading 501(c)(3) organizations

n Networking Room: Check the shared doc for most current schedule

Tea Room will be open until 11PM in the Atrium



2:45–4:15PM MAROONED!

Josh Gottesman, OU Human Resources, Associate Director, Talent Development, Director REGAL BALLROOM


To Agree or Not to Agree: Setting the Stage for Healthy Discord Difficult conversations are necessary for the health of your team. Learn to deliver concise, clear, and credible feedback so that your message is heard.

Barbara Gottesman SALON A

Crafting an Effective Message Learn to communicate effectively and convincingly by tailoring your message to your audience.

Leslie Ginsparg Klein, PhD SALON B

When An Email Won’t Suffice: The Power of a Great Meeting An essential step-by-step focused on the key elements of planning, implementing and facilitating an effective meeting, whether you are in the office with a colleague, in a board setting, or at a conference.

SHIUR Ruth and Boaz: Planting the Seeds that Built the Beit Hamikdash

Stacey Goldman GALLERY

e Pitch Perfect Guidance in approaching philanthropic foundations from a seasoned foundation professional who will provide feedback on your public narrative,organizational pitch deck and/or foundation outreach strategy. 20-minute slots, sign up required (Networking Room shared doc)

Deena Fuchs ATRIUM


Josh Gottesman, specializing in professional development and team dynamics ATRIUM



Break Quiet room available for davening SALON B

Who is Here and What Do They Do? Full group interactive session

Moderated by Leslie Ginsparg Klein, PhD GRAND BALLROOM 1

6:30–8:00PM Dinner

relax and rejuvenate

8:15–9:30PM Tea room ATRIUM


Meet your inner artist with Nikki Fuchs Sausen REGAL BALLROOM

Fusion Fitness

An all-levels exercise class with Marla Rottenstreich GRAND BALLROOM 1

Exercise Room

Please note this will be open to all hotel guests FITNESS CENTER

10:00–11:00PM Private Swim POOL

All windows will be covered


Tuesday, May 2

7:15AM Quiet room available for davening SALON B

8:15–8:45AM Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Shiur

Liat Mayerfeld GRAND BALLROOM 1

8:30–9:45AM Breakfast and hotel check out


10:00–10:30AM Finance Fundamentals Are you a board member approving a budget? A professional overseeing accounting staff? Gain an overview of financial building blocks for non-profit organizations.

Breindy Glicher SALON A

5T: Time, Talent, Treasure, Ties, and Trust Learn the unique value add of women’s philanthropy and how you too can think about your tzedakah as strategic giving.

Deena Fuchs SALON B

Plugging the Leaky Donor Bucket Are you always chasing new donors but bringing in the same amount of money? Is your organization losing donors faster than they can be replaced? You may have a leaky bucket. Gain insight and tools for donor retention and plugging those leaks.

Becca Zebovitz THEATER

e Crowdfunding Campaign 2.0 Crowdfunding campaigns may look like magic, but in truth, a lot of preparation and hard work make them possible. Discover how you can grow beyond your prior campaign achievements to maximize your financial goals and utilize the campaign to strengthen your fundraising efforts more broadly.

Rachel Cyrulnik GRAND BALLROOM 1


10:45–11:15 AM Sharing Your Story Through Social Media Learn how to effectively use social media as a marketing tool to reach your target audience.

Rivki Schwartz SALON A

Speak Up The greatest speech will not be successful unless it is delivered well. Learn tips for speaking effectively and confidently, even if you hate speaking in public.

Leslie Ginsparg Klein, PhD SALON B

Plugging the Leaky Donor Bucket Are you always chasing new donors but bringing in the same amount of money? Is your organization losing donors faster than they can be replaced? You may have a leaky bucket. Gain insight and tools for donor retention and plugging those leaks.

Becca Zebovitz THEATER

Embracing Fundraising: A Coach’s Guide to Achieving Success for Your Cause

Learn how to develop a positive mindset around fundraising, understand the donor cultivation cycle and discover top fundraising best practices.

Rachel Cyrulnik


e Pitch Perfect Guidance in approaching philanthropic foundations from a seasoned f oundation professional who will provide feedback on your public narrative, organizational pitch deck and/or foundation outreach strategy. 20-minute slots, sign up required (Networking Room shared doc)

Deena Fuchs ATRIUM


e Executive sessions: For women leading 501(c)(3) organizations

n Networking Room: Check the shared doc for most current schedule Tea Room will be open until 11PM in the Atrium


11:30AM–12:00PM Sharing Your Story Through Social Media Learn how to effectively use social media as a marketing tool to reach your target audience.

Rivki Schwartz SALON A

Know Your Volunteers Matching the right volunteer to the right role and maintaining the spark that brought them there when they started.

Rachel Dratch SALON B

Questions You Didn’t Know You Needed to Ask Privacy, data sharing, important contract provisions, copyright and waivers.

Rachel Sims, Esq.

Crowdfunding for the First Time Campaigns may look like magic, but in truth, a lot of preparation and hard work make them possible. Understand the theory of peer-to-peer fundraising and learn the strategies employed to position crowdfunding campaigns for success!

Rachel Cyrulnik GRAND BALLROOM 1

e Pitch Perfect Guidance in approaching philanthropic foundations from a seasoned foundation professional who will provide feedback on your public narrative, organizational pitch deck and/or foundation outreach strategy. 20-minute slots, sign up required (Networking Room shared doc)

Deena Fuchs


Lunch (assigned seating)

The OU is part of YOU: Meet the OU Departments

(Schedule continues on next page)

רובצ יכרצב םיקסועש ימ לכו
םלשי אוה ךורב שודקה

schedule Tuesday, May 2 (continued)

You and the OU Women’s Initiative Leadership Community

1:40–2:20PM Collaborative Solutions Are you facing a similar challenge? Have you dealt with this challenge in the past? Do you anticipate dealing with this challenge? Join the brainstorming session.

! How can I work professionally within a “heimish” structure lacking protocol, systems or formal budget?

Sara Diament

@ As organizations grow, how do we build a team where everyone feels connected, inspired by the mission, appreciated by their colleagues and an integral part of the cause?

Jessica Katz

# How can the younger generation of volunteers navigate the expectations of the older generation of leaders, hear and learn from them, while also improving and leading the program to a new level?

Rachel Dratch


Meet with OU reps. in networking room


$ As a professional, how do I navigate challenging board members and personalities, in and out of the boardroom?

Andrea Shulman

% How do we create collaboration between the many community initiatives to assure cohesion and minimize duplication? How can leaders spread awareness of chesed efforts and proper “address” for concerns?

Joy Sklar

2:30–3:10PM Spreading the Impact: Sharing successes broadly

! Forging Paths to Successful

Leadership: Executive boards, fundraising, dinners and capital campaigns

Shira Isenberg

@ Reinventing Myself as a Leader Personally and Communally

Julie Joseph, PhD


# The Leadership Horizon: Positivism and relationship building through board leadership, fundraising events and beyond

Leslie Ostrin

$ Turning Strengths into Superpowers: Making Your Vision


Bracha Poliakoff

So What, Now What?

Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph

3:45–4:00PM Closing Remarks

% Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone as Women in Leadership Roles

Rachel Sims, Esq.

^ The Gift of a Mission Statement: How the Bergen County Chanukah Toy Drive uses its mission to cap growth while recognizing new areas of need as the community grows

Joy Sklar

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman, Director, OU Women’s Initiative

^ With so many chesed initiatives now available, how do we encourage people to accept help? How do we navigate the challenges of different models, communal messages and interactions with individuals in need?

& Clothing Exchange and Food Rescue: Recycling resources in our community with almost no funding

Dalia Stelzer

* Behind the Scenes of Building Houston’s “Lev Echad” Community Chesed Website and Kivun Houston

Tzivia Weiss



Boxed dinners will be available LOBBY

Have a safe trip and much continued Hatzlacha as we build communities together!


presenter bios


Leah Berry began her career in 2005 at The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, where she had many positions including developing teen leadership programs, Baltimore City School volunteerism partnerships, community building projects between diverse segments of the Jewish community and running the Jewish Women’s Giving Foundation. She served as the director at the Center for Leadership and Engagement where she orchestrated leadership development programs for volunteers within the Federation system along with partnering with professional leadership to ensure that right lay leaders were chosen and onboarded effectively. In 2013, Leah joined American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and has served in a variety of professional roles, leading her to her current position as Mid-Atlantic Deputy Regional Director. Leah serves as the President of the Women’s Institute of Torah (WIT), serves as a board member at Naaleh: The Hub for Leadership Learning, Sister to Sister, and is an advisor for the Baltimore’s Orthodox Community Engagement (OCE) Women’s Cohort. Leah received her MSW from University of Maryland and Masters in Jewish Communal Service from Baltimore Hebrew University. While in graduate school, she was a participant in the Darrell Friedman Institute (DFI) for Professional Development and a FEREP Scholar (Jewish Federation Executive Recruitment & Education Program).


Rachel Cyrulnik is the founder of RAISE, a leading consulting firm specializing in resource development for nonprofit organizations. She is an expert in philanthropic trends, a frequent contributor in publications such as The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Pro and a sought-after presenter in the nonprofit community. She serves on the advisory board of Nonprofit Pro and on the Professional Advancement Committee of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, NYC and is an Orthodox Leadership Project fellow. Rachel serves on the National Yachad Commission for Special Needs Inclusion and was the first recipient of the Yachad Women’s Leadership Award. Prior to founding RAISE, Rachel was partner at ALTRUICITY, where she developed a pioneering approach to fundraising consulting, combining data analysis and project management to set strategy and accomplish goals. Rachel also spent a decade in leadership positions at Yeshiva University and UJA-Federation of New York. She established the funding model at the YU School Partnership and ran three community campaigns for UJA-Federation of New York, where she raised and stewarded millions of dollars in grants and private support from national foundations and individual donors. Rachel graduated from Yeshiva University summa cum laude with a BA in Journalism and earned her MPA, with honors, from New York University, where she studied nonprofit management.


Cindy Darrison is the Director of Organizational Advancement of HASC Center, Inc, and the Founding Director of the Chesed Leadership Program, a fellowship for women in the Orthodox Jewish community designed to train them in nonprofit management, now in its seventh year. Cindy is known for navigating the nexus between the nonprofit, political and corporate arenas. She strategically and deftly leads people, processes and organizations to bring about desired results. Cindy’s career began in labor relations, and she went on to become a labor arbitrator. She shifted to political campaign work in 1989, working on campaigns on the national, federal, state and local levels – rising to the rank of campaign manager and raising over 106 million dollars for candidates and party committees. She was an adjunct professor at New York University for 15 years, first in the graduate political science department and then in the Heyman Center for Philanthropy and Fundraising. Cindy studied economics and English at Touro College in Manhattan and earned a Master of Science degree in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University. She and her daughter, a student at Touro College in Brooklyn, live in Brooklyn.



Sara Diament is the Director of School Services at Hidden Sparks, a non-profit that provides professional development services to yeshiva educators across North America. She lives in Bergenfield, NJ, where she is a board member of Congregation Beth Abraham, a member of the educational board of Naaleh High School for Girls and is involved in the Bikur Cholim of Bergen County.


Rachel Levitt Klein Dratch, is the Director of Educational Innovation at Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools. She is wholeheartedly invested in the Jewish world of education and has held meaningful roles at numerous day schools including Frisch, Ramaz, Maimonides, Fuchs Mizrachi, Berman Academy and Beth Tfiloh. Rachel has also been director of SLED educational consulting. She spends her summers at Camp Moshava IO running drama and special programming. Rachel was a student teacher at Michlalah in Jerusalem before continuing her passion for teaching as a Hebrew school teacher and student leader at Stern College. She has a master’s degree in Jewish education from Yeshiva University, is a Mandel Jerusalem Fellow, participated in the Mandel Teacher Education Program and has served as a scholar in residence in many communities.


Tamar Frydman is the Director of the OU Impact Accelerator where she supports entrepreneurial ventures and innovatively addresses communal challenges through grants, education, mentorship and fostering collaboration. Before joining the OU, she served as Senior Director of Programs at the Jewish Funders Network, and prior to that held management positions at UJA Federation of New York. Tamar holds a bachelor’s in psychology from Towson University and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Maryland School of Social Work. Tamar has over fifteen years of experience driving organizational strategy and pioneering new programs in the nonprofit world.


Deena K. Fuchs is the inaugural Executive Director of Micah Philanthropies. A seasoned philanthropic and non-profit professional, Deena works in partnership with Ann and Jeremy Pava, Trustees of Micah Philanthropies, to develop and implement the foundation’s grantmaking and field-building strategies. Deena has over 20 years of experience working in the Jewish philanthropic community, most recently, prior to joining Micah, as Executive Vice President at the Jewish Funders Network where she worked to grow and transform the organization into a catalyst for partnerships and coalitions in the Jewish world. Previous to her work at JFN, Deena served as Senior Director of Strategy and Partnerships for The AVI CHAI Foundation, leading the Foundation’s partnership strategy, thought leadership program, and the Foundation’s strategy related to its 2020 sunset. Deena takes an adaptive, collaborative and solutions-oriented approach to her work, joining grantee-partners in crafting organizational strategy, program design and knowledge sharing. Her commitments to Jewish wisdom, tradition, and innovation, along with her devotion to the Jewish people, guide her as she seeks out authentic and creative frameworks, strategies and partners to help shape the Jewish future.


Breindy Glicher, a licensed CPA, is the Director of Accounting at the Orthodox Union. She assists the CFO with financial planning, budgeting and accounting processes to support the organization’s growth and operations. Over the course of her career, she has successfully managed accounting operations at companies across many industries, including healthcare and not for profit. Breindy received her BA in accounting from Touro College and her MBA from the New York Stern School of Business.



Stacey Nechama Goldman teaches Tanach at Kohelet Yeshiva High School in Philadelphia. She also teaches adult education classes throughout the greater Philadelphia area including Aish Chaim, Lower Merion Synagogue and Hillel at the University of Pennsylvania. Stacey Nechama has presented numerous shiurim for the OU Women’s Initiative Torah programming, including the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program. Stacey Nechama has published reflective essays and articles on chabad.org and audio classes on YUTorah.org. She also posts original Torah content on Instagram @staceyfruengoldman. She is a graduate of Barnard College and the U.S. Yoetzet Halacha Program of Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center and currently serves as Yoetzet Halacha for the Philadelphia community and for Young Israel/Aish in Las Vegas.


As an executive, leadership and speaker coach, former attorney, published author and motivational speaker, Barbara Gottesman gets what it takes to drive her clients to be their best, both professionally and personally. Her legal career spanned over ten years, in Toronto, New York and the San Francisco Bay area, after which she turned her experience and expertise to coaching and consulting, inspiring leaders to authentically grow in their roles in evolving situations. Barbara is also skilled at facilitating team building to strengthen collaboration and productivity. She is a sought-after TEDx speaker coach, regularly leads communications programs that grow executive presence and presentation skills and works with emerging women leaders in empowerment and career transition groups. Her clients have included executives at Fortune 500 companies as well as emerging growth and early-stage enterprises, throughout the United States as well as internationally. Most recently, Barbara worked with the OU Women’s Initiative team to develop The Art of Speaking Advanced Seminar, an intensive 3-month professional development seminar course tailored to Orthodox women educators and lay leaders. Barbara received her coaching training and certification from the internationally accredited Coaches Training Institute, is a certified Myers Briggs facilitator as well as a Mussar instructor through the Mussar Institute. Barbara lives in the San Francisco Bay area, where she volunteers extensively in her community.


Josh Gottesman is the Associate Director of Human Resources and the Director of Talent Development for the Orthodox Union. He plays an integral role in all global recruitment and professional development activities across the organization. He has been a corporate trainer and facilitator for seven years and is especially skilled at building effective, productive,and working relationships with clients and staff. He holds an MBA in Industrial Organizational Psychology and HR Management and is a Senior Certified Professional in the Society for Human Resources Management.


Shira Isenberg is the principal designer at SI Interiors, a full-service Interior Design Firm in NJ and NY for the past 20 years. She has served in various lay leadership roles for over 15 years. She is also currently a vice president on the executive board of Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey (RYNJ) and board secretary for Torah Academy of Bergen County. She has served on the executive board of Maayanot High School for Girls, as well as the Teaneck Mikvah Board and is involved in many capacities at Congregation Beth Abraham, most recently in the shul’s capital fundraising campaign and the design committee. She currently works on the finance committee for RYNJ, oversees the annual scholarship and dinner campaigns and leads the committee producing the annual report. She lives in Teaneck with her husband and three children.



Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph is the Orthodox Union’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer since September of 2020. He is the senior professional leader, responsible for all aspects of OU programs and operations, other than OU Kosher. He joined the OU from Yeshiva University where he served in a variety of roles over 16 years, ultimately rising to senior vice president. In that role, he established and implemented strategic plans, managed the university’s operations and played key roles on major initiatives such as the university’s response to the coronavirus. Josh previously worked at a hedge fund, as a community rabbi, served as the executive director of the Orthodox Caucus and director of social entrepreneurialism at YU’s Center for the Jewish Future. A native of Montreal, Josh received both his Ed.D. and Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He received his rabbinical ordination from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, as well as a Master of Arts in Jewish philosophy from the Bernard Revel Graduate School. He also completed fellowships and certificates at NYU’s Wagner School of Public Administration, as well as Harvard’s Institute of Higher Education. He and his wife, Julie, live in Lawrence, New York and are the proud parents of Zach, Ozzie and Marsha.


Julie Joseph, PhD is the Educational Director for Project Inspire Long Island and an Educator at the Project Inspire retreats. Additionally, Julie is a fellow in Ohr Torah Stones’s Women’s International Halakha program. She is a popular educator and author, has taught at several high schools and served as an adjunct professor at Stern College for Women, teaching medieval Jewish life in both Ashkenaz and Sefarad. Julie holds a masters in medieval Jewish history from New York University and a masters in Jewish studies from Touro Graduate School. She is also a recipient of a doctorate in Jewish education from Yeshiva University where she studied peer-victimization in Modern-Orthodox Middle School programs. Julie authored a memoir titled, Am I My Mother’s Daughter: A Search for Identity and Jewish Women’s Literacy in Eastern Europe During the 18th and 19th Centuries in Poland.


Amy Herskowitz Katz is a leadership coach and organizational consultant who has devoted her extensive professional career to building community and enhancing Jewish life and learning. As a non-profit executive, Amy held senior leadership positions at PEJE, the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education, Boston’s Jewish Federation- Combined Jewish Philanthropies, The Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, and The Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Institute. As a volunteer leader she continues to commit time and energy to her local day school and area synagogues. Amy is a certified co-active coach through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI), the oldest and largest coach training school in the world. Utilizing well-honed and newly acquired skills, she focuses on coaching professional women who want to lead with power, strengthen their presence, and successfully move themselves and their careers forward with clarity, confidence and courage. At the OU, Amy has consulted and provided guidance for leadership development programming and has presented sessions at OU Women’s Initiative Lay Leadership Summits. Amy holds a master’s degree from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work and a BA from Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University.


Jessica Katz is the founding director of Yad Leah, a used-clothing collection agency for Israel. She holds a BA from Stern College for Women and an MSW from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University. She resides in Clifton, NJ with her family.



Leslie Ginsparg Klein, PhD, is the Academic Dean of Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary/Maalot Baltimore, an Orthodox Jewish college for women. An accomplished scholar and author, Dr. Klein lectures on Jewish history, Tanach, leadership and communication skills across the United States and internationally. She is an alumna of Michlalah, Stern College for Women and the Wexner Graduate Fellowship, and a recipient of the New York Jewish Week’s “36 Under 36” award (2009). Dr. Klein received her PhD from New York University, where she researched the history of Orthodox girls’ education in America and the Bais Yaakov movement. Dr. Klein lives in Baltimore with her husband and children.


Rachel Krich is the Executive Director of Project Ezrah, a nonprofit organization based in Englewood, NJ that serves the Jewish community of Bergen County. Rachel received her BA in history and AA in Judaic studies from Stern College for Women and her MPA from Fairleigh Dickenson University. Prior to Project Ezrah Rachel was the Executive Director at Shorefront Jewish Community Council in Brooklyn NY. Rachel lives with her husband and 5 children in Fair Lawn, NJ.


Liat Mayerfeld is an international speaker and the co-director of Kii, an outreach organization engaging unaffiliated young professionals in New York City. Liat has worked and taught for Aish in England and New York City and has lectured at seminars in Spain, Poland, Israel, Denmark and Australia. Born in New York and raised in Israel, Liat also spent over two years working for Israeli military intelligence. She holds a teaching qualification and degrees in Jewish studies and special needs education from Michlalah College, Jerusalem. While teaching and educating, she is completing her MA in Jewish education. Liat has an open-door policy, and together with her husband and their eight children they have welcomed thousands to their Shabbat, festival and random weekday dinners.


Leslie Blank Ostrin is Corporate Counsel for Micro Stamping Corporation, a medical device manufacturing company. Leslie is a passionate advocate and supporter of community and non-profit organizations and initiatives. She has served on the Board of Governors of Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva for over 15 years, on the Executive Committee, and was president of the school from 2014-2018. She is currently a board member of Ma’ayanot Yeshiva HS for Girls. Leslie is on the Executive Committee of Teach NJ, a member of the Teach Coalition, which advocates for public funding for non-public schools. For ten years she worked to support the Mekor Chaim – Steinsaltz Ambassador program, which brought representatives from Israel to enrich local communities in the US. Leslie served on the board of the Federation in the heart of NJ over ten years and served on the board of Congregation Ahavas Achim for four years, where she continues to manage the Chesed Committee. She also helped establish a local initiative, HP Kids Helping Kids – Project Zambia, to build a school in a rural community in Zambia, Africa. Leslie has also taught US Law & Government and Landmark Supreme Court Cases, for over ten years, to middle school students. Leslie graduated, cum laude, from Tufts University and, cum laude, from Boston University School of Law, where she was an Article Editor on the Boston University Law Review.


Bracha Poliakoff, LCSW-C is a licensed clinical social worker, speaker and writer. She currently serves as the founder and director of continuing education at Bright Ideas Continuing Education, where she provides high quality continuing education programs for mental health professionals in the United States and Canada. She has also taught Torah to both high schoolers and adults in a variety of settings and is the co-author of “Reclaiming Dignity: A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women.” Bracha has served on the board of Keneseth Beth Israel, Richmond, VA and Women’s Institute of Torah, Baltimore, MD, participated in The Associated’s Young Leadership Council and has been involved in many other community programs and initiatives. She lives in Baltimore, MD, with her husband and three children.



Rivka Ravitz served as Chief of Staff to the 10th President of the State of Israel, Mr. Reuven Rivlin. In 1999 she began working as Reuven Rivlin’s parliamentary assistant. She became head of his office and ran many of his campaigns, including successful campaigns for his election as Speaker of the Knesset in 2003 and 2009, and his election as President of the State of Israel in 2014. Ms. Ravitz studied business administration and computer science at the Open University of Israel where she received her MBA in Information Systems. She is working on a doctorate in public policy at the University of Haifa. Ms. Ravitz wrote a book about her Charedi childhood and the behind the scenes of the president’s office. She also lectures on these topics. Ms. Ravitz is married to Yitzchak Ravitz, the mayor of Kiryat Yearim, where they live with their twelve children. During Mr. Rivlin’s July 2021 visit to the United States, President Biden’s awed reaction to learning of Ms. Ravitz’s family was reported in many news outlets.


Nomi Rotblat is a self-employed attorney in private practice. Nomi serves as co-chair of the OU Women’s Initiative Commission and is an OU Board member. She is the president of the Teaneck Mikvah, a member of the Board of Governors of RYNJ and is a member of various committees at Torah Academy of Bergen County. Nomi attended Michlalah College, received her BA from Stern College for Women and her JD from Columbia Law School, Columbia University. She lives in Teaneck, NJ with her family.


Marla Rottenstreich owns Mekor Fitness LLC, a NJ-based Women’s Fitness & Wellness company. During the pandemic, Marla’s studio and all live services were transitioned to the MindBody20 Virtual Fitness Program, which has impacted the lives of thousands of women worldwide and gained attention in multiple Jewish publications. She is an AFAA-certified Group Fitness Instructor, ACE-certified Personal Trainer, 500HR Yoga teacher, IIN-licensed Health coach, licensed Zumba instructor (in 4 formats), ACSM Teen/Adolescent Fitness Instructor as well as ACSM Senior Fitness provider, DONA-certified birth doula, lactation consultant and prenatal fitness provider and licensed Beachbody instructor. Marla also holds degrees in Marketing, Jewish Education and Nonprofit Management and has served in several roles in the Jewish nonprofit sector. When she is not teaching fitness or coaching clients, Marla is either lecturing in various communities promoting healthy habits as an IIN-licensed health coach or offering healthy salad recipes on her show “A New Leaf” on Kosher.com-as a trained vegan chef.


PAINT WITH ME! was inspired by Nikki Fuchs Sausen’s desire to have everyone meet their inner artist. Nikki is an artist and an art therapist. She studied art at Stern College for Women and Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT.) She received her master’s degree in creative arts therapy from Hofstra University. PAINT WITH ME! is Nikki’s way of sharing art with both beginners and more advanced artists. She aims to make painting fun and relaxing with step-by-step directions.


Naami Schorr founded Overbrook Coaching & Consulting in 2022. She is a leadership coach and consultant who supports executives, leaders and their teams in both non-profit and for-profit organizations. For over a decade, Naami worked as a professional for non-profits in Los Angeles, New York, Israel and Baltimore and most recently, was the program director for Na’aleh: The Hub for Leadership Learning in Baltimore. There, she co-created and designed cohorts and leadership development opportunities for both top level and emerging lay leaders in the Baltimore Jewish community. Naami focuses on bringing


organizational health to leaders and their teams by helping them build strong cultures and cohesive teams with engaged, productive and fulfilled employees. Naami helps leaders acquire stronger communication skills, find their voice and leadership presence, learn the art of having difficult conversations, design better meetings and create an environment of accountability and feedback. Naami’s greatest passion is helping individuals tap into their areas of genius – their natural gifts and skills that bring them the most energy and fulfillment. Naami holds an MA in Leadership and Certification in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University. She lives in Baltimore with her husband and three daughters.


Andrea Schulman is the Executive Director of the Rebbetzin Frieda K. Hirmes Women’s Institute of Torah (WIT) in Baltimore, Maryland. She is a graduate of Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women. Prior to joining WIT she served as the marketing director for both The Jewish Literacy Foundation and NJOP. Andrea recently completed a seven-year term on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore and was the recipient of the 2022 Joseph Meyerhoff II Chair’s Award. She also spent three years as the president of the PTA at the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore. Andrea lives in Baltimore with her husband and two sons.


Rivki Schwartz is the Director of Marketing and Communications at the Orthodox Union, responsible for overseeing the OU’s Marketing and Communications department and works directly with the organization’s executive and departmental leadership to raise awareness about the OU’s global impact on the Jewish community. With 15 years of experience in the non-profit sector, she has built organizational marketing and communications infrastructures as well as community outreach programs and a national volunteer network from the ground up.


Rebbetzin Dr. Shmidman is the founding director of the OU Women’s Initiative. She is a community leader with over three decades of teaching experience in New York, Alabama and Pennsylvania. She received a PhD in Educational Psychology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, MS in School Psychology from Queens College and MA in Jewish Education and a Certificate in Educational Technology from Azrieli Graduate Institute of Yeshiva University. She received a Teacher’s Certificate from Beth Jacob Seminary (BJJ). She is the rebbetzin of the Lower Merion Synagogue as well as the co-chair of the Lower Merion Community Mikvah in Bala Cynwyd, PA. She is a kallah teacher and mikvah attendant. She and her husband, Rabbi Avraham Shmidman, live in Balal Cynwyd, PA and are the parents of four sons.


Chana Siff is the Executive Director of the Neuberger Family Foundation where she enjoys using her expertise in organizational management, community planning, grantmaking, advocacy, strategic planning, leadership training and communications to help strengthen organizations and develop communal initiatives. She has worked in the Jewish nonprofit sector over the last 13 years, including at The Baltimore Jewish Council and The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore. In 2016, Chana received the Outstanding Jewish Communal Professional Award from The Darrell D. Friedman Institute for Professional Development (DFI). Chana received her MBA, with a focus in Leadership & Management Development, and her BS in Corporate Communications both from the University of Baltimore. Chana personally enjoys applying her professional experience to her work with community organizations and projects, including in her current role as PTA co-president and on the Executive Board of Talmudical Academy of Baltimore. She lives in Baltimore with her husband and children.



Rachel Sims, Esq., is the General Counsel of the OU where she manages the OU’s legal and compliance work and provides guidance to all departments within the organization. Rachel joined the OU after spending five years as a senior litigator at Blank Rome LLP. She has nearly two decades of legal experience, at some of the top law firms in New York. Rachel incorporates her legal skills, knowledge and experience to help the OU continue to grow and to inspire the greater Jewish community. Rachel graduated from Brooklyn Law School magna cum laude, where she was a member of the Brooklyn Law Review.


Joy Sklar directs the Bergen County Chanukah Toy Drive, an organization which currently collects toys from over fifty Jewish institutions and re-distributes them to twenty charities. She is a manager at Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County and a board member of Shearit Haplate, a food rescue and redistribution entity. Joy also occasionally leads informational packing sessions at Yad Leah. She is currently working with the Jewish Link and communal leaders and institutions to promote chesed awareness initiatives in Bergen County. One of the highlights of her week is the Parshat Hashavua class she has been teaching to the senior citizens at the JCC on the Palisades for the past 25 years. Joy has devoted her time and expertise to dozens of communal and national institutions and organizations since she and her family moved to Bergenfield 27 years ago.


Dalia Stelzer is a professional travel advisor. She co-founded the annual Bergen County Community Clothing Drive and the Bergen County Kosher Food Pantry and co-leads the Bergen County Community Toy Drive. Throughout her many years of involvement with Yeshivat Noam in Paramus, NJ, Dalia has served on several school committees and task forces including parent liaison on the Parent School Partnership, co-chair of the Chesed Committee, co-chair of the YNPA Book Fair and co-chair of the Bidding for Good Online Auction.


Tzivia Weiss is the Executive Director of the Houston Kashrut Association (since 2015). Her diverse background spans retail management, directing the Young Leadership Division of the Orthodox Union, running kosher cruises in the Mediterranean and marketing special events for Aish HaTorah in the old city. Tzivia co-founded two Houston based non-profit initiatives. Kivun Houston, an organization for women by women, is dedicated to the inspiration and growth of the women in the community. Lev Echad Houston was created as a generalized chesed initiative which runs the gamut of various needs both short and long-term for medical, financial, emotional or practical support both on an individual level and a community wide scale. Tzivia was recently honored as “A Heroine of Hurricane Harvey” for her outstanding leadership ability in mobilizing the community to help those in need. Tzivia lives with her husband and four children in Houston, TX.


Becca Zebovitz is the Director of Donor Services at the Orthodox Union (OU). She is responsible for managing and expanding the development operations team that supports fundraisers across the OU. Prior to this role, Becca worked for Yachad for over nine years where she held roles in both operations and development. During her time at Yachad, Becca spearheaded the giving day campaigns, established and edited the annual report, developed and instituted new systems and processes and directed the Joel Daner Fellowship. Previously, she held roles at the City of Bowie, MD’s grants office and the City of College Park, MD’s City Council. Becca received her undergraduate degree at the University of Maryland where she also earned her master’s degree in public policy. She also holds a Certificate in Fundraising from Boston University. Becca lives in White Plains with her husband and two children.


Make the OU part of YOU.


Rabbi Menachem Genack genackm@ou.org

Rabbi Moshe Elefant elefantm@ou.org


Nathan Diament ndiament@ou.org


Nechama Carmel carmeln@ou.org

Sara Goldberg goldbergsa@ou.org


Joshua Ross rossj@ou.org


Dan Mitzner mitznerd@ou.org


Simon Posner posners@ou.org

Eliyahu Krakowski krakowskie@ou.org


Avi Berman aberman@ouisrael.org

Laya Bejell lbejell@ouisrael.org


Avromie Adler adlera@ou.org


Micah Greenland greenlandm@ncsy.org

Daniel Gordon gordond@ncsy.org


Moshe Brandsdorfer brandsdorferm@ou.org

Moshe Schwed schwedm@ou.org


Yaakov Glasser glassery@ou.org


Adir Posy posya@ou.org

Naftali Herrman naftalih@ou.org


Tamar Frydman frydmant@ou.org


Simon Taylor staylor@ou.org

Phil Karesh kareshp@ou.org


Yael Tamari tamariy@ou.org



Torat Imecha Nach Yomi

Torat Imecha Parsha

The Art of Speaking Advanced Seminar

The Art of Writing Advanced Seminar


Tehillim 150

Challenge Grant Initiative

Counting Toward Sinai Audio Series

Yemei Ratzon

Selichot Night of Inspiration

Foundations of Mental Health Community Support Cohort

Nach Shabbat

Ideas and Inspiration

Lay Leadership Summit

Max and Yetty Monderer a”h ALIT Virtual Summer Beit Midrash

Programming Idea Lab

Rosh Chodesh Lunch ‘n Learn

Rebbetzin Elaine Wolf Rebbetzin to Rebbetzin Mentoring

Sense and Sensitivity Mikvah Professional Development

Aseret Yemei Teshuva - Pesach booklets

Tisha B’Av Holding on to Faith Video

Bat Mitzvah Mother-Daughter curriculum

To learn more and support the OU Women’s Initiative programming, visit ou.org/women/donate or connect ouwomen@ou.org

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