Inspirit Health and Wellness Magazine

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Health and Wellness magazine


Foods that will improve your mood

October 2012

new on the imvu scene KaVaciea Enterprises


Herbal alternatives Cinnamon and Diabetes

Inspirit Relaxation Spa Healing the Inner spirit

Inspirit Magazine was created under the direction of KaVaciea Enterprises. We wanted to create an avenue for people to focus on their total well being. So many people are desiring to make positive changes in their lifestyles and need motivation and support. It is our hope and desire that you will find some of that as you flip thru the pages of the magazine. The definition of Inspirit is “to instill courage or life into� in our quest to do just that..........We Present to you ...

Inspirit Magazine.

est. 7.7.12

Mission Statement To provide quality and innovative products and services that will promote a positive self image, healthy lifestyle and increase ones awareness and knowledge. We are committed to maintaining respect, and integrity in all aspects of our operations and professional conduct. We strive to reflect the highest ethical standards in our relationships with clients, business associates and co workers.

“Whether it’s home, family or business if it’s not built with a strong foundation then even the slightest of winds can cause it to come tumbling down. We truly believe that without belief, faith and trust in God first there is nothing.”

Meet The KaVaciea’s....

Our Favorite Pastime

We love to dance....spending time at our club “slowjams all the way� is one of our favorite things to do. Entertaining, being with friends, conversating and laughing together is a must for us.,,20351621,00.html

Foods That Will Improve Your Mood Limit Refined Carbs

Concentrated sources of sugars can leave you cranky and tired. Foods like candy, soda, jam and syrup can cause radical spikes in your blood sugar level. White starchy foods such as white bread, crackers, bagels and rice will cause the same effect to your blood sugar levels.

Information was taken from Visit Joy Bauers website for more information

Incorporate High Quality Carbs

Instead incorporate high quality carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, lentils, brown and wild rice and oatmeal. Foods rich in soluble fibers have the ability to slow down the absorbtion of sugar in your blood and therefore lessen mood swings. Add barley, apples strawberries, pears

oranges, carrots & sweet potatoes to your diet.

The incredible Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner has transformed the way we look at our health, and has created a business opportunity like no other in the world. What is the Scanner? It’s a revolutionary tool developed by Pharmanex to measure the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skinand prove the effectiveness of your supplements in improving your overall antioxidant health. What does the Scanner do? Place the palm of your hand in front of the Scanner’s safe, low-energy blue light, and you will obtain an immediate reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin-your Skin Carotenoid Score.

Why should I be scanned? By measuring the stable level of carotenoid antioxidants in your skin and generating your Skin Carotenoid Score, the Scanner provides a more accurate and reliable biomarker of your overall antioxidant health status than other methods of measuring antioxidants. Getting your Skin Carotenoid Score makes you aware of the antioxidant levels in your body-and gives you the push you need to improve your overall antioxidant health.

“The recent study showing that skin carotenoids can be indicative of oxidative stress in the body is an important advance in antioxidant research and may potentially be the most important discovery with the Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner. These findings should encourage consumers to know their score and increase their consumption of more fruits and vegetables while continuing to supplement.” - Lester Packer, Ph.D., The world’s foremost antioxidant research scientist

How Do I Get Scanned?

215.459.8546 D.W. Wilkins

The single most important tool you have to achieve your goals-whether you desire wealth, fame, relationships, a specific job, etc.-is merely to believe in yourself. It is incredibly difficult to teach such knowledge or have an outsider impress this realization upon you. Such knowledge must come from within! No matter who or what you may be up against at present, believe in yourself and that you have what it takes to be triumphant in the end. If there is something you desire, believe in your self-worth. Believe that you are worthy of receiving all that you desire, especially if it’s for your personal benefit or the greater good of the world. Self-confidence is contagious-the more you believe in yourself and trust in your own abilities, the more confidence others will have in you. Moreover, both men and women consistently rank confidence as one of the most desirable traits that the opposite sex can possess. So in addition to all of its other benefits, confidence is sexy.

Self-confidence arises from a variety of factors and circumstances. It can come from from triumphing over obstacles, from experiences gained from life lessons, from one’s accumulated knowledge of the world, and from knowing one’s self (especially the reasons why you are alive and on the planet, what is your higher purpose).

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF The word ‘shall’ is a very powerful word in the English language. In the field of law, the term ‘shall’ means ‘mandatory.’ Life is too short to spend obsessing over “what if” and “maybe”. Seize the moment and live life without regrets. Believe that you can make it and will be successful at following your heart’s desire. If there a certain job position open that you really desire, believe in yourself and GO FOR IT!

Belief can seem like a powerful self-fulfilling prophecy. Here’s a list of belief systems to help get you started: Believe that you are the best and you shall become the best. Believe that you are loved and you shall be loved. Believe that you are protected and you shall be protected. Believe that you are victorious and you shall be victorious. Believe that you are powerful and you shall become powerful. Believe that you are prosperous and you shall be prosperous Believe you are provided for and you shall be provided for. THIS ARTICLE WAS TAKEN FROM


Good Morning America anchor, Robin Roberts announced on July 31, 2oo7, during the live broadcast of Good Morning America that she had been diagnosed with an early form of breast cancer. She noticed a lump through self-examination the day they were working on Joel Siegel’s farewell on Good Morning America. (Siegel died from colon cancer. Roberts underwent surgery on August 3, and six days later it was announced by ABC News that Roberts was planning to return to the anchor desk on August 13. Roberts announced on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on September 5, 2007, that she was healthier now than before the cancer but still faces future treatment. She also revealed that a mammogram did not detect her cancer but a followup ultrasound did. Roberts shaved her head during chemotherapy treatment. She wore a wig on Good Morning America because she “didn’t want to distract viewers from the news.” On April 21, 2008, Roberts stopped wearing the wig.

Roberts revealed this summer that she had been diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a rare blood disorder that affects bone marrow, a condition likely caused by complications with her treatment for breast cancer five years ago.

Robin R

Since Robin announced she had MDS in June, Be the Match, an organization that helps match marrow donors to recipients and works to encourage others to volunteer, has received tremendous support.

Robin Roberts says temporary goodb she goes on medical leave. Co-host her sister Sally-Ann Roberts, left, an Spencer.


bye to ‘Good Morning America’ as Robin Roberts, second left, with nd co-hosts Josh Elliott and Lara

Myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) Myelodysplastic syndromes are diseases of the blood and bone marrow. Normally, the bone marrow makes blood stem cells (immature cells) that become mature blood cells over time. A blood stem cell may become a myeloid stem cell or a lymphoid stem cell. A lymphoid stem cell becomes a white blood cell. A myeloid stem cell becomes one of three types of mature blood cells: Red blood cells that carry oxygen and other substances to all tissues of the body. White blood cells that fight infection and disease. Platelets that form blood clots to stop bleeding.

Risk Factors

Anything that increases your risk of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get a disease; not having risk factors doesn’t mean that you will not get a disease. Talk with your doctor if you think you may be at risk. Risk factors for myelodysplastic syndromes include the following:

Being male or white. Being older than 60 years. Past treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Being exposed to certain chemicals, including tobacco smoke, pesticides, and solvents such as benzene. Being exposed to heavy metals, such as In myelodysplastic syndromes, the blood mercury or lead. stem cells do not mature into healthy red Plese visit the resources that was used blood cells, white blood cells, or platefor this article listed below: lets. The immature blood cells, called, do not function normally and ment/myelodysplastic/Patient/page1 either die in the bone marrow or soon after they enter the blood. This leaves less room for healthy white post/robin-roberts-says-temporary-goodbye-toblood cells, red blood cells, and platelets good-morning-america-as-she-goes-on-medicalto form in the bone marrow. When there leave/2012/08/30/e877b196-f2cc-11e1-adc687dfa8eff430_blog.html are fewer blood cells, infection, anemia, or easy bleeding may occur.

Race and ethnicity matter The Need for Donors Thousands of patients with blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, sickle cell and other life-threatening diseases need a bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant. They depend on Be The Match RegistryŽ to find a match — someone like you. We all have the power to help, the power to give hope. Finding a match: The basics For a successful transplant, a patient needs a matching donor. Special testing determines whether a patient and a bone marrow donor or umbilical cord blood are a good match. The closer the match, the better for the patient.

Because the markers used in matching are inherited, patients are more likely to match someone from their own race or ethnicity. Adding more donors and cord blood units from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds to the Be The Match Registry increases the likelihood that all patients will find the match they need. Your heritage can make all the difference. If you are from one of the following communities, you are especially encouraged to join the Be The Match Registry or donate umbilical cord blood: Black and African American American Indian and Alaska Native Asian, including South Asian Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander Hispanic and Latino Multiple race

A match for every patient. Hope for every family. We have a registry of millions. But we still do not have matched bone marrow donors or umbilical cord blood for all patients, especially those from racially and ethnically diverse communities. We need more people to join the registry and expectant parents to donate umbilical cord blood. With your help, more people will receive a transplant. And more families will have a future filled with hope. Visit BE THE MATCH’S website for more information on becoming a donor.

Well wishes and prayers go out to Robin Roberts, her family and all others facing bone marrow transplants or are seeking a match.

Did You Know????

Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren’t added to it.


Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by arIn France, people eat approximately 500,000,000 snails per year.

There are about 10 in one litre of dri


Three quarters of fish caught are eaten – the rest is used to make things such as glue, soap, margarine and fertilizer

It Takes 3500 Calories To Make A Pound Of Fat!

00,000 bacteria inking water.

Spotted bananas are sweeter, with a sugar content of more than 20%, compared with 3% in a green banana.

Coconut water can be used (in emergencies) as a substitute for blood plasma. The reason for this is that coconut water (the water found in coconuts – not to be confused with coconut milk, which comes from the flesh of the coconut) is sterile and has an ideal pH level. Coconut water is liquid endosperm – it surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition.

Im a Survivor Oral Cancer....My Story

2010 started out like any other year. It was full of hopes and dreams. I decided one day it was time to get my dental checkup and have my teeth cleaned. I Arrived at the dentist in a good mood. I can remember sitting there praying that I wouldn’t have any cavities. If I had only known. I’m called into the office and they take the normal x-rays I’m then taken back to the dentist office. He performs his routine check. He says, good news is that you’re cavity free, but I need to send you to see an oral surgeon. I looked at him puzzled. I must have heard him wrong, I think to myself, but I hadn’t. He was very insistent that I go right away. I left the office without my teeth having been cleaned and I sat in my car while I made the appointment. Two days later, on a Thursday, I remember the rain pouring down. Running into the building, I was thinking, this is going to cost me a fortune (sigh). I sat in the waiting room, waiting to be seen for what seemed like an eternity. It really was probably only 15 minutes. They called me back to the office and I am sitting at this very large black wood lacquer desk. The Doctor says after looking at the x-rays and in my mouth, I concur with your dentist’s suspicions. He says that I need to make an appointment with the Cancer centers of Florida. I am so shocked that I just sit there blankly staring. I said, “What? I’m sorry. Where?”. He explains that he is pretty sure I have oral cancer, but the diagnosis would be determined there. I am thinking to myself cancer.. ??? What the hell is he talking about? I have tears pouring down myface. I am so scared now.

They ask if someone can come get me. I said, “No”, grab my purse and walk out the door. I get to my car and just sit there. The receptionist comes out about 40 minutes later. I think she was going to lunch. “ You ok hun“, she asks. I look up and just start crying again. I leave and return to work. I call the cancer center and make an appointment for the following Tuesday. The weekend drags by. Tuesday arrives and I leave work to go to my appointment. I arrive there and I see a lady in the waiting room wearing a bandana (she clearly had no hair). She says hi in the most cheerful voice. I look at her in amazement. What could she possibly be so happy about? She then asks, is this your first timehere? I nod (trying to hold myself together) She says “It’s ok to be scared, we all are”. I said “May I ask why you’re so happy?” She said “I am alive”. I busted out in tears and ran to the bathroom. I regained composure and when I returned she was gone. I never forgot about her or her words. I never saw the woman again. She touched me in a way I can never explain. I was called up to the 2nd floor. The staff was amazing. Everyone was so kind. I was told that I needed to have a test and that they would schedule it for me. The next afternoon I returned for the test. By the next day, I was called and told that the results were in and I needed to return to the cancer center. My doctor confirmed I had stage 1 oral cancer. His first words to me, were, “ Do you have any idea how lucky you are?”. I sat there thinking, “lucky... are u kidding... I must be asleep”. He said we are going to start chemo right awa for 6 months. He said it so calmly

As if we were going to a day spa. He said the nurses will set you up to have some blood work done and then schedule you for your first round of chemo. Everything was so non chalant. I was dazed, yet calm. The nurse came back and explained the side effects and what to expect. I went straight over to have the blood drawn and they would start my first round of chemo the following Friday. I decided that I would treat myself to all of the things I enjoyed to make me happy, but none of them did. The only thing I found joy in was being around my family and holding my baby. His laugh brought me the most joy. I can remember holding him in my arms as he slept thinking there is no way I’m going to miss this. I need to fight. The day of chemo arrived. I was set up in a room and my family was there. They hooked me up to a machine and I can remember thinking, “Here we go.” I had no idea what I was in store for. Sick doesn’t begin to describe the vast amount of vomiting. Your body aches in every bone and muscle you have. Eating wasn’t an option. You don’t feel alive. I felt dead. I remember being in and out of consciencousness. The chemo made me weak and frail physically, but mentally, I found strength. Each treatment was the same, until one day, I looked on my pillow and there laid a huge clump of hair. I ran to the mirror and was horrified. A bald spot on the rear left quadrant of my head. I knew this was a possibility but it was like the story of Delilah. When she cut his hair and he lost all his strength. I wept for hours. I finally decided to try and get in the shower.

It often helped with the body aches. I tried to close my eyes as I washed my hair. It felt so strange. Something wasn’t right. I got out, threw a towel over my head and got dressed. I decided it was time for a baseball cap my Mom had bought me. I was trying so hard. I needed to be brave for my children. Life had to continue. I never knew what my hair had meant. I know it seems trivial. Maybe it is. But it had some link to my woman hood. Time progressed on pretty much the same. Having your good days and bad. It appeared that the bad were out numbering the good all too frequently. The vomiting had gotten worse. The aches had intensified and my spirit seemed to fade. I had quit praying. I kept one picture with me at all times. A picture of my two boys. They were my inspiration. They had always been my gift from God. I remember thinking God had answered my prayers. He had just done it years before I knew I needed it. I returned to praying that day. Two more very long months of chemo followed. My hair had stopped falling out. The tests were showing that the cancer was receding. I was going to make it. On Oct. 22nd I was officially told that the cancer was in remission and that the chemo was finished. There was still much to do, but it was time to celebrate. I was so happy to be alive.

For more information on oral cancer follow the link below:


always confer with your doctor about any new herbal treatment.


Healthy herbs in the kitchen work along with a healthy lifestyle to help prevent and manage diabetes. Baked goods are more diabetic friendly with spices like cinnamon used to lessen the need for sugar. Cinnamon can aid in regulating the activity of insulin,and so help in blood sugar control. Remember that the cinnamon powder that is on the grocery shelves is much to old to have much if any medicinal value, and it is not very feasible to use a therapeutic amount in your cooking and baking. Use high quality, organic cinnamon in supplements and herbal teas to reap the medicinal benefits. Even better you can replace the sugar in many recipes with herbal stevia In a small study the active component of stevia, markedly lowered blood sugar levels in 16 healthy adults, suggesting a possible therapeutic use for diabetes. Almond flour contains practically no

trials have shown that bitter melon extract and juice lower blood sugar in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. bitter melon contains compounds that are close chemical relatives of insulin. Asian markets often carry fresh bitter melon which can be used in cooking. Dried bitter melon slices can be made into teas and extracts and are available online. Burdock roots are another import from Asia that can be used in healthy stir frys, look for Go Bo root at the Asian market. Burdock tinctures and extracts made from burdock roots are the most common form of diabetic herbal therapy using burdock. Inulin, a starch easily assimilated by diabetics, is one of the important constituents of burdock. The fibrous root helps to slow down the absorption of sugars in the intestine. Dietary fiber as well as the mucilage found in slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) and psyllium (Plantago spp.) can also

be of help in regulating blood sugar levels. Dandelion root also contains inulin and works in a similar fashion as burdock, the roasted, dried root makes a tasty coffee like drink. This doesn’t mean coffee lovers have to give up on their morning cup of joe. A new study published by American Medical Association showed that daily consumption of caffeinated coffee and tea lowered the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. For more finely controlling blood sugar levels, herbs such as goat’s rue, fenugreek , and the Ayurvedic herb Gymnema sylvestre can be used. Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine report that jambul fruit pulp lowers blood-sugar levels in approximately thirty minutes, while jambul seed lowers blood-sugar levels in about twenty-four hours. You may have trouble seeking out a good source to purchase this herb here in the US, however. Licorice, Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), and ginkgo biloba can be used to inhibit the activity of the enzyme aldose reductase. 1 Botanicals can be used along with modern medicinal therapy with managing diabetes, however if you are currently taking insulin or hypoglycemic drugs monitor your blood sugar levels closely and always confer with your doctor about any new herbal treatment.

Yoga The word “yoga” means “union.” Learning to unify your mind, body and spirit is what it’s all about. No matter what kind of yoga classes you take, three things will tell you you’re doing authentic yoga and not just stimulating acrobatics movements. Awareness of what you are doing (mind), conscious relaxation of your muscles (body), and conscious control of the breath (spirit).

GETTING BETTER SKIN WHILE YOU SLEEP Perhaps Sleeping Beauty was ahead of her time. All of those extra hours of shut-eye could have been the secret to her flawless beauty. Could beauty sleep just be the new fountain of youth? Possibly. According to one study published in the British Medical Journal, sleep deprivation shows up on your face. Participants rated photos of sleep-deprived faces as less attractive, less healthy, and more tired. “When you’re physically and mentally fatigued, then that stress shows itself,” says Susan H. Weinkle, MD, dermatologist in private practice in Bradenton, Fla., and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of South Florida. “It definitely shows on your face.”

Sleep and Your Skin Nighttime is the best time to allow your skin to replenish itself and reap anti-aging benefits. Your body doesn’t have to deal with daytime environmental stressors, like sunlight, pollution, and extreme temperatures. While you sleep, your skin gets a reprieve from the trauma of the day, says Amy Derick, MD, dermatologist in private practice in Barrington, Ill., and clinical instructor of dermatology at Northwestern University. Many of us aren’t getting enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that only about a quarter of Americans get eight hours of sleep a night. So it’s time to make bedtime a priority -- for your health’s sake. Recent research shows that good sleepers tend to live longer, too.

Nighttime Skin Care What’s the best way to care for your skin at night? We’ve got tips on making the most of your nighttime hours and getting the beauty sleep you need.

Keep it clean. It’s important to establish a nighttime regimen to remove makeup and build-up from the day. Mascara is the biggest culprit, notes Weinkle. So use a soft cloth or mild cleanser to gently wash your skin. A fresh surface will allow creams and lotions to penetrate better. Be diligent about cleaning your face nightly. “Like brushing your teeth, it has to be habit-forming,” says Weinkle. “It doesn’t have to be a lengthy routine. Just keep it nice and simple.”

Work the night shift. Facial moistur-

izers should be a girl’s best friend. The more you hydrate, the better, says Weinkle. Pay special attention to the area around your lips (try a lip conditioner) and eyes. A moisturizer with caffeine can help with puffiness around the eyes, she says.

Use retinoids at night. Applying topi-

Take your vitamins. Dark circles under

the eyes are a common complaint associated with lack of sleep. So what’s a tired woman to do? One study found that women who applied an under-eye cream containing vitamin K and retinol nightly for 12 weeks saw a marked improvement in their dark circles.

Switch your sleep position. Sleeping

regularly on your side or stomach can cause noticeable sleep lines to appear across your forehead and around the sides of the nose and chin. Sleep lines result from the pressure of lying on a pillow, Derick says. By sleeping on your back, you may be able to smooth out and avoid those facial wrinkles.

Check your bedroom environment.

Consider adding a humidifier to your bedroom, especially during dry wintry months when the heat is on. The extra moisture in the air will help prevent your skin from drying out. Derick recommends wearing cotton pajamas instead of polyester fabric. It keeps your skin more hydrated, she says.

Brew your own home remedy. Joanna

Czech, an esthetician in New York City, highly recommends utilizing scrubs with oatmeal and dandelion tea bags to reduce puffy eyes. She creates her own healing mask for bedtime using a combination of oatmeal, flaxseed, and hot water. Soak your feet with Epsom salt at night and sprinkle in sage if you tend to sweat a lot. Add lavender to create a spa environment, she says. Sweet dreams. And the best part of following these beauty sleep guidelines? You’ll wake up looking as refreshed as you feel.

cal retinoids, such as tretinoin, or products with retinol, derived from Vitamin A, at bedtime is recommended because they are light-sensitive and aren’t as effective when exposed to UV rays or fluorescent light. Retinoic acid lightens brown spots, thickens the epidermis, makes the skin look more youthful and stimulates collagen production, Weinkle says. It’s the one product you want for your bedtime kit.

Kitchen Table Beauty Homemade facial scrub with Oatmeal, Buttermilk & Olive oil Skin softening facial scrub. The cornmeal gently exfoliates and works together with the buttermilk and olive oil to condition and hydrate dry skin What do you need: 2 tablespoons Oatmeal Buttermilk extra virgin Olive oil How to do it:

Homemade Facial Toner with Aloe vera & Lime juice Aloe vera has healing properties and hydrates the skin while the lime gently cleanses and exfoliates What do you need:

2 tablespoons Aloe vera gel 1 teaspoon Lime juice Mix the oatmeal with enough but- How to do it:

termilk and a bit of olive oil to make a smooth paste. Massage this gently onto your clean face. Then wash it off with lukewarm water and end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and moisturize

Mix the ingredients well until you have a smooth substance

Homemade Face Moisturizer with Oatmeal, Aloe vera & Honey A super hydrating homemade facial moisturizer What do you need: 1/4 cup cooked Oatmeal 1 tablespoon Aloe vera gel 2 tablespoons dark organic Honey How to do it: Mix the ingredients to a smooth cream; you can keep this in the fridge for a few days

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InSpirit Health and vWellness Magazine

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