Portfolio /Jefferson Chan

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P O RT F O L I O / J e f f e r s o n C h a n First Chapter of my journey in Architecture





/ S T U D I O P R O J E C TS 1/

S P IRA L G A L L E RY S tu d e n t C en tre / C U H K



RH Y T H M IC S PA CE F OR M U SIC IA N S 1 6 -u n it H o u s in g / S a i Ying Pun



L AY E R S O F H A R M O N IES Co m m u n ity R o w in g C entre / C hungju



RE T H IN K IN G S T R E E TSC A PES M u lti-U n it H o u s in g / Ta ic hung



D IS S O LV IN G B O U N D ARY Co m m u n ity S w im m in g Pool / Shau K e i K w an



RA IN B O W L A N D S c h em a tic D e s ig n / P rec ious Blood Stude nt C e ntre



S Y M B IO S IS E xp er im en ta l H o u s in g / H ong K ong > Tom or row C om pe tition



D U A L C IT Y G r a p h ica l Illu s tr a tio n with N ar r ativ e s / Fair y Tale s C om pe tition


/ OTHERS 1/ 2/


H O N G K O N G CO N D ITIO N S U r b a n s p a c e s tu d y / H o ng K ong


M A C H IN E S O N T H E G R O U N D S o cia l H o u s in g S tu d y / Eas te r n and C e ntr al Europe



CHAN, Cheuk Kiu Jefferson C O NTA C T Mobile: +852 6097 1345 Email: chancheukkiujefferson@gmail.com Address: Flat B, 23/F, Block 3, Mountain Shore, Ma On Shan, Hong Kong

ED UC ATIO N The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) BSSc. Architectural Studies

2013 - 2018

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) Summer Exchange Studio

Summer 2016

University of Exeter (UoE) Summer School

Summer 2015

Ying Wa College (YWC) Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education

2007 - 2013

A C H IEV E M EN T S Learning Center Design for Missionaries of the Precious Blood Winning Team


Hong Kong > Tomorrow Competition Outstanding Proposal


The Leigh and Orange Travel Scholarship for Innovative Design Awardee


The ALAN YUNG Award for Architecture Student Awardee


WO R K EX P ER IE N C E Oval Partnership Architectural Assistant (Summer Internship)

May - July 2016

Radio Television Hong Kong Reporter

June - Sept 2016

C O M M U N ITY WOR K Precious Blood Learning Center Project (To be built) Design Team Hang Lung Young Architects Programme Facilitator UNESCO(HK)University Touch Camp - Architecture Tutor

Sept 2017 - Present Sept 2017 - July 2018 Summer 2016, 2017

S K I L LS Software Profiency AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Photoshop (Proficient), InDesign, Revit Language Proficiency Cantonese, (Native), English and Mandarin (Fluent)



SP I RAL G AL L E RY S tudent C e n t re / C UHK

Typical student centres in CUHK are providing sports facilities as well as studying commons, while there is in lack of spaces that enables students to have any art-related activities such as self-initiated exhibitions, art jamming, busking etc. Located at the main gate of CUHK, the student centre is designed to provide spaces for people to exercise different forms of arts. The main concept of the buildings is CONNECTIVITY and TRANSPARENCY. Spaces are generated from a spine, while it serves as circulation to link up different spaces from different levels. The atrium at the centre allows people from different levels to interact with one another. Also, with the huge glazings designed, the circulation path itself serves as a scenic gallery. When people walk through it, they can enjoy and observe the view of the campus and Tolo Harbour. The building also extends its function to outside space. Echo to the bridge at the main entrance of the student centre, an extend piazza is created for public gatherings and activities. Green decks and rooftop are also created to allow people in the building to connect with outside.





RHYTHMIC SPACE FOR MUSICIANS 1 6-unit Ho u si n g / S a i Yin g P u n

Rhythmic City The stepped, grid like landscape of Sai Ying Pun has created a rhythmic pattern, people interact with one another by walking across the horizontally placed streets, and the vertically placed staircases. The buildings in simliar sizes of volumetric cubes align along the streets has created a sense of repetitiveness, but at the same time showing little variances in terms of heights and set-backs, as well as patterns of facades. A City of transition This community is also special that it has inherited traditions and culture of old Hong Kong, and it has been facing tremendous changes recently brought by urban development. These have made Sai Ying Pun a city of transition, while absorbing new business models and residents, the threat of losing old customs has strengthened the sense of belongings and recognition among the people in Sai Ying Pun. They become more sensible in safeguarding the ordinary lifestyles and rhythms of their habitat.





L AY E R S O F H A R M O N I E S Commun i t y R o w i n g C e n tre / C h u n g ju

Rowing is a kind of sport which emphasizes on particular kinds of quality: Unity in diversity, purity and adaptability. To its ideal, it is all about the pursuit of harmony with its surroundings. To let the rowing shell running on the water surface smoothly, it requires a high degree of adaptation to certain variables, such as site conditions (Wind and river flow, weather and climate), different physical qualities of team mates (the difference on body length and weight could affect the driving force at different levels), aerodynamics of shells, and so on. Every stroke driven by the crews has to be united in order to maximize its effects to speed up the rowing shells, and they must have trust on their teammates as well as the order of the coxswain in order to strike total balance of the rowing shell. The concept of the design has taken order to the special feature of rowing, which is to create a place in Chungju which is well adapted to different site contexts, especially well-concerned in mircroclimatology and its effects to the building performance. In relation to that, traditional Korean architecturual strategies have been used in the design as a response both in term of functionality and cultural realization. Spatial clarity has also been well considered with the relationship between serving spaces and served spaces. The serving spaces are arranged at the central spine, connecting different programmes at the side. The central spine works with the roof design that it draws and reflect skylight from the glazed part, creating a transitional inside-outside area that increases the diversity of spatial experiences.









RETHINKING STREETSCAPES Multi-U n i t Ho u si n g / Ta ic h u n g

The grid layout with square clusters in Taichung old town demonstrated a kind of formality in its city planning. Nevertheless, the backyard alleys and leftover pocket spaces within the grids are the feature that this project aims to address and suggest another way of intepretation in which they are negatively perceived. With advantage of the site, the building can make use of the leftover courtyard with the side alleys linking it up with the main road. The volume of the building has been made as thin as the width of alleys and typical single block within the site, while the living spaces are re-interpreted by plugging in various units types into mass. Another key concept of the project is to elevate the streetscape to higher level, forming a linear skygarden which serves as the communal areas of the building linking up different kinds of inhabitants.









D I S S O LV I N G B O U N D A RY Mixed U se C o mmu n i t y C en tre / S h a u K ei Kw a n


The project is served as a response to the issue of permeability in the site. Impermeability in the site, is observed in soft and hard boundaries, for instance, the megastructures, modes of activities that are being shaped by the urban fabrics. Therefore, base on the observation, the intended act is to develop a community complex that dissolves boundaries from within to without (from a building scale to city context). The modus operandi would be aggregating different scopes of communal activities as parts/ components of the building, while the complex would be functioned like a sponge (in terms of the programmes) to absorb the energy from the inner city and bring them into the new land, restoring connections to the seafront. The overall design of the complex is an attempt to achieve the modus operandi in relation to the 1) selection of programmes and 2) volumetric arrangements, 3) The envelope as the initial perception to the complex also embodies the quality of individual programmes as parts and their porous relationships as a whole.





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2/F 1. Spectator’s Stand 2. Cafe 3. Observation Point 4. Sitting - Out Area 5. Skateboarding Park (Aboveground) 6. Stair Entrance



G/F 1. 25 m lap pool 2. 5m Diving Pool 3. Swimmer’s Deck 4. Staff Room + First Aid Room 5. Male Toilet and Changing Room 6. Family Changing Room 7. Female Changing Room 8. Footbath 9. Entrance Foyer 10. Male Public Toilet 11. Female Public Toilet 12. Atrium / Market 13. Skateboarding Park (Underground)







S chemati c De si g n / P re c io u s B lo o d S tu d e n t C en tre








Genesis 9:14 “ I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” Rainbow in the Holy Bible has a special meaning, that it symbolises a dialogue, a promise made between the God and us. The idea of our project is to bring the sisters and children together under the big colourful shelter, and to recall their relationship with the God. The dynamic shift of our project creates a certain degree of openess to the outside, and through the colourful openings on the roof, sunlight as the creation of god is being drawn in and reinterpreted into different colours, and the colour of light changes in the course of a day, a season and a year. The interactive play of sunlight, interior and exterior space hopes to provide a stable yet ever changing atmosphere of environment to the sisters and children, establishing dialogues between the god and the his creation - the Nature.





Experime n t a l Ho u si n g / H o n g Ko n g > To m o r ro w C o m pe tition

In biological terms, the concept of symbiosis suggests a notion of co-living of two different systems in which they are mutually beneficial. Our proposal is to unleash the potential possibility of the commonly found residual spaces in Hong Kong - the stilt structures on the slopes. Specially recognized as a stepped-city due to her mountainious topography, we interpret these structures as a urban typology of Hong Kong. Besides working on the spaces within, the scheme are also designed not to intervene, but to adapt, as well as to work as a urban connector of the cityscape. We picked the slope between Hip Wo Street and Yuet Wah Street of Kwun Tong as the experimental site. The natural boundary had divided the community into two - while Yue Man Square on the lowland was for the grassroots, the terrace on the other side are inhabitated with middle-class. With the ongoing renewal of the Yue Man Square, it provides a good opportunity to re-establish the relationship bewteen the future Urban Oasis to the separated communities. Our scheme is to fit the living units into the structual spans. These spans has their meanings as they are the foundations of the units’ seperation of their host building. In the plug-in process, we are at the same time re-difining living spaces on adapting to the limitations that were laid by the former architects and urban planners. The units are designed by considering the relationship between its volume and the structure. Therefore, L-shaped features are obviously found in plans and sections, as they are the connecting nodes to the columns and beams, attached in different orienations. The spaces in-between the unit clusters are developed as communal spaces, while the leftovers are designed to be the horizontally-spread circulation . In between the stilt structure of different host buildings, the gaps are developed as walkways linking up the upland and lowland.






G raphic a l I l l u st ra t i o n w ith Na r r a tiv e s / F a ir y Ta l e s C om pe tition

“What a lovely city.” Shan lives in a city of order. This is one of the icon of urbanization and development, not only does it provide steady necessity to the citizens but also appealing living standards. Every day, disciplined and civilised citizens go to school and working in schedule and everyone has his or her own role to fit in. Every parts of the city is well-planned and all-you-need functions are housed in the neatly organised towers. Whoever visits this city, undoubtedly, would fall in love with it, just like Shan does. Shan is a facade-cleaning lady of the typical high-rise buildings. No one knows the buildings better than Shan in this city. In fact, despite of the different forms of the buildings, they have the same souls to her. However, there is one different tower among all. Situated on an ordinary street, it stands with highly reflective glasses just like its neighbours yet displays


no entrance on the all levels. Still, no one, not even Shan, cares to bother. Plshckbleh! On a typical Tuesday, when she is cleaning the window of that particular tower, she finds a piece of glass missing from the facade. Never has this happened and it disturbs her regular routine, making her insecure and anxious. “What… Something strange lies inside, really strange.” As Shan is looking for hints to fix the window, she has a glimpse of the space beyond the building skin. She finds that the depth is unusual and space is unrealistically huge. Trembling with uncertainty and curiosity, she steps into the building and starts her journey to search for answer. “Where the heck am I? I’ve never

seen anything like this before…” The mysterious mask gets unveiled. She finds herself in a world of reversal, a world demonstrates the unselected appearance of where she lives. It is a gigantic complex housing all the elements that form a city. This is a city within a city. Shops and dwellings that exist in the outside world appear, but they are no longer aligned straightly along the main street. Here, they are parasitically developed on one another, shaping strange streetscapes. This complex systems may look sophisticated as if it could not work, all are connected closely and perform well in the system. The residual spaces created by the messily arranged structures creates new opportunities for interactions and vibrant activities. This city complex is isolated from the outside, enveloped by pixelated screen structure. Unlike the coldness of the outside world, this inner city warms Shan with a sense of richness.

Shan has seen and felt so much in so little. A block is not just a single building, but represents a harmony of collective spirits and individual identity. Hundreds of people are packed in the same residential block displays a great variety of livelihood and one can tell the stories of all from the open and diversified windowscape. Not only does these express the organic beauty, but also an appreciation, a mutual respect and existence of diverse livings. Nothing looks the same here, or even similar. Enchanted by the weirdness, chaos and variety of activities, architecture and city arrangement, Shan decides to explore further. It is hard for Shan to imagine what happens if she works as a window cleaner in a place like this. Each of them is expressing uniqueness and individuality unlike the outside world, where everything is a wellconstructed and perfect system. It must be amazing and extremely tiring


Shan has seen and felt so much in so little. A block is not just a single building, but represents a harmony of collective spirits and individual identity. Hundreds of people are packed in the same residential block displays a great variety of livelihood and one can tell the stories of all from the open and diversified windowscape. Not only does these express the organic beauty, but also an appreciation, a mutual respect and existence of diverse livings. Nothing looks the same here, or even similar. Enchanted by the weirdness, chaos and variety of activities, architecture and city arrangement, Shan decides to explore further. It is hard for Shan to imagine what happens if she works as a window cleaner in a place like this. Each of them is expressing uniqueness and individuality unlike the outside world, where everything is a wellconstructed and perfect system. It must be amazing and extremely tiring

to do cleaning here. All of a sudden, the floor starts shifting and Shan hears something cracking outside. “What’s wrong with this place? I have to go.” She rushes to the balcony to find out what is happening but the tangled and complicated pathway makes her clueless. In a great haste, Shan glances at a silhouette, which seemingly draws her attention. Shan pauses and takes a closer look on the lady. She sees a person who is so familiar, yet so strange. At the very moment their sight meet, a strong sense of realization comes to her soul. Through the process she revealed the hidden parts of herself: the parts that she does not even be aware of or understand, the parts of the innocence that leaves in childhood… all her memories are

recalled. The hidden self is unleashed has come to the end. She sits by the and embraced deeply. window, grabs a coffee, and enjoys this new dynamic cityscape. “Long time no see, my friend.” “What a lovely city!” Shan has never felt so light, as if she could fly towards the other self. The destruction of the envelope continues. The pixelated screen starts to collapse, letting rays of sunlight to penetrate through to light up the inner city. The barrier between the inside and the outside starts dissolving and walkways extend outwards to connect the two. When inner collapsed into outer, when chaos coexisted with order, when Shan meets Shan, eventually, they complete as a cohesive whole. The city is now filled with vibrant and vivid colours. They are no longer separated. Shan takes the newly constructed railway from the inner city back to her home. A journey of witnessing the rebirth of a city




Experime n t a l Ho u si n g / H o n g Ko n g > To m o r ro w C o m pe tition

Tin Shui Wai as the newly developed satellite town in the 1990s, the cityscape has a strong colour of rules and obligations. Everything is designed to be for maximum saftety and stability, such as a lot of redundant railings, signages that abondon people from doing various activities in the public spaces etc. Schools and public housings could be found everywhere but little difference could you to be distinguished in terms of architectural design. However, across the drainage channel there is another world: a flatland with single to triple storey housing clusters, massive container yards, and at the famous seafood restaurants in Lau Fau Shan. Although in general the master-planning was highly exclusive for the rural parts on the left side of the channel, there are still some elements of government-planned spaces found in between these clusters. Inside the Lau Fau Shan Seafood Village, there is a massive space outside the path connecting to different restaurants, with tile pavements, seatings and decorated railings. However, the space is very scarced with people flow, meanwhile there is a well-designed space with different sorts of furnitures in between the railings and the main circulation. It is shaded by transitory metal roofs and plastic clothes. The south side was open to the public space with shading towels, while the chairs are placed right at the railing for the elderly to enjoy sunshine. On the chairs there are newspapers available to all. It acts well as a interim space for people to rest and gather, and it seems to be much more user-friendly and considerate in terms of spatial design to the local residents. In terms of its location and context, it is also miniature of how the indigenous people react with the invasion of new town development and adapted to it through the alternative between the two seemingly opposing trend.


PORTFOLIO / OTHERS The scattered and organic cityscape of Hong Kong Island has made roads to be narrow, most of them could only allow single way, while the space for pedestrians were sometimes not even wide enough for a person to walk on. Therefore, unlike Kowloon, temporary stores in Hong Kong Island , especially in the central and western districts, usually lie scatteredly on the steppings, in which not much of them were alongside the road. An exceptional case is found in the South Lane of Shek Tong Tsui. Formerly a hub of business and entermainments, there was once a outdoor market in the 1970s and 80s, however many of the, were relocared to the community complex nearby in the 1990s. Nonetheless, two of them were found remained there, in between the Housing Mansion and the unusally offseted double yellow line. With reference to the legal documents, the small area there was a permitted place for hawkers. Therefore the yellow line has to be offseted for the stores even there is no walkable space and limited width for vehicles. Recently the old apartments of South Lane were demolished and re-constructed to be high-rise apartment buildings for high income groups. The sharp contrast further sets off the 2 temporary stores to be a survival in the course of history.

Temporary Stores lining up with linear building blocks and streets is a site-specific condition in Kowloon. Those spaces are officially granted to the shop owners to have business activities on the streets, co-existing with the ground floor shops inside the buildings. Since they are usually aligned with the streets signs, sometimes they will make good use of it. One of the road sign in Pei Ho Street is being blocked by the clothings of the temporary store next to it. It is indeed being covered by the clothes on the steel hangers extended from the store to the road sign. They are originally developed from a still frame, and from time to time the additional pipes are extended to them, creating a parasitic substructure. There are a few contradictory features shown, such as the expansion of store area and the alternative use of government properties. Such kind of activities could be deemed illegal, but somehow it demonstrates a certain degree of tolerance from the officials. As long as they do not disturb the neighbourhood, these mutual consensus could be seen as a way to gain collaboration in between the officials and the inhabitants.



MACHINES ON THE GROUND S ocial Ho u si n g S t u d y / E a s ter n a n d C en tr a l E u ro p e










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