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CR288 Focus on Homelessness

Homelessness is a complex and increasing issue, often requiring a wide range of supportive services to help those living on the street within our community. Too often, homelessness is about much more than being without a home.


In 2017 Chandler formalized the city Interdepartmental Homeless Operations Team (IHOT) to ensure a coordinated citywide response to persons experiencing homelessness. IHOT member departments include Police, Fire, City Prosecutors Oce, Neighborhood Resources, Law, Community Services and Public Works. Did you know that Chandler Fire Department CR288 sta regularly support individuals who are homeless by providing basic necessities such as hygiene kits, clothing, food/water, or transportation and service connections?

Throughout the rst quarter of 2022, EMS responded within the City of Chandler to 106 incidents involving persons experiencing homelessness. Over 75% of encounters with persons experiencing homelessness resulted in transport by EMS to the emergency department.

If you run a 911 call for an individual or family experiencing homelessness who does not have a medical need, please consider adding CR288 to the call or contacting the City Peer 4349, email address: homelessoutreach@chandleraz.gov Navigation Homeless Outreach Team for follow up: 480-782 Jessica Westmiller

Top 5 Primary Impressions of Persons Experiencing Homelessness Who Were Transported by EMS Q1 2022 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Pain Weakness Altered Neurological Fun Alcohol use, Intoxicated No Complaint on Exam ction


CFD EMS Contacts with Persons Experiencing Homelessness Resulted in Transport to an Emergency Department in Q1 2022

The Average EMS Time on Task Responding to Homelessness Calls PSAP to Transfer of Care in Q1 2022 is 0:46:03

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