Essay Rubric

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AP Score

AP Qualifier

Class Percentage


Extremely Well Qualified

100 – 95

4 3 2 1

Well Qualified Qualified Possibly Qualified No Recommendation

94 – 90 89 – 80 79 – 75 74 - 65

         

Indicates complete understanding of the prompt Correctly identifies position Refers to a variety of rhetorical strategies & devices for theme development Smoothly integrates references to the text into the essay body Establishes effective connection between texts and insights Constructs a clear & effective organization Adroitly uses connective tissue – transitions and echo words Effectively manipulates language Demonstrates a mature voice & writing style Contains few, if any, syntactical errors



(10-9) ____Topic clearly stated – Style and language appropriate for purpose. Strong original thesis and essay structure. (8-7) _______Topic generally stated – Style and language appropriate for purpose. Adequate originality of thesis and structure.

(10-9) _____ Strong focus – Central idea is clearly stated near beginning and maintained throughout essay

(15-13) ______Significant topic – Outstanding examples – Vivid, concrete details – Ample support

(8-7) ______Generally clear focus – Central idea is stated near beginning – few unrelated details

(6-5) ____Vague use of topic – Some style and language inappropriate for purpose. Little originality of thesis.

(1-4) ____ Indefinite topic – Little or no idea of purpose. No originality and little reader interest development.



Sentence Structure/Word Usage


(15-13) ______Effective paragraphing – number of paragraphs appropriate – Strong Introduction/conclusion – Smooth flow logical order of information

(40-36) ______Variety of sentence forms – no awkward sentences– No unnecessary repetition – Complete and properly constructed sentences(No fragments, comma splices, or run-on's). No agreement errors. Effective word choice

(10) _______Spelling and capitalization perfect – Periods and other punctuation mostly correct – Manuscript form correct – No spacing problems – Excellent presentation

(12-10) ____ Appropriate topic – Acceptable example – Mostly specific details – Effective support

(12-10) ____ Acceptable paragraphing – Number of paragraphs needs work – Adequate Introduction/conclusion – Some choppy transitions or connectors – Some information loosely organized

(35-31) ____ Generally effective sentences – Some awkward phrasing – Some unnecessary repetition – Some sentence problems (a few fragments, comma splices, run-on's, and/or agreement problems). Occasional errors of diction or usage (pronoun case/agreement, subject/verb, verb forms)

(9-8) ____ Some spelling errors or caps errors – Some comma/period/other punctuation errors, Manuscript form generally correct – Good – Presentation

(6-5) ____ Weak focus – Central idea is vague or misplaced – Many unrelated details

(9-8) ____ Weak or general topic – Poor or few examples – Mostly general details – Needs support

(9-8) ____ Organization needs work – Poor/Unsatisfactory paragraphing – Weak introduction or conclusion

(7-6) ____ Frequent spelling or capitalization errors – Numerous comma/punctuation errors – Manuscript form needs major work – Presentation hinders communication

(1-4) ____ Little or no focus – No central idea – Little or no support – Random use of details

(1-7) ____ Inadequate topic – Unsupportive examples – Vague or random details – Little or no support

(1-7) ____ Non-fluent – ideas confused or disconnected – Illogical or no paragraphing – Ineffective, weak, or missing introduction or conclusion

(30-24) ____ Frequent problems with awkward phrasing – Garbled sentences – Frequent unnecessary – Serious construction problems (many fragments, comma splices, and run-on's) .Limited vocabulary – Frequent errors of diction of usage (pronoun case/agreement, subject/verb, verb tenses, verb forms. (1-23) ____ Communication severely hampered by garbled sentences – Nonstandard Written English Communication seriously hindered by word form errors


(1-5) ____ Spelling errors seriously hinder communication – Frequent capitalization errors – Nonstandard use of commas/periods/punctuation – Manuscripts is hard to read or illegible

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