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1. Reopening Overview
Reopening Overview
Chandler’s mission continues to guide the school during these challenging times. When the campus closed in March, administrators and teachers designed and implemented a distance learning program, keeping academics as a focus but with an emphasis on students’ social-emotional well-being and consideration of families’ home situations.
During the summer, Chandler’s administrative team and faculty have been working on an improved distance learning program and an in-person program that allows for flexibility during this uncertain time.
Guiding our decisions are the lessons offered by hospitals that have avoided becoming spreaders by adhering to the four standards of health and safety to curb the coronavirus - screening, hygiene, physical distance, and mask-wearing.
Screening Daily self-screening for anyone coming on to campus will be instrumental in contact tracing and mandating quarantine or isolation for the safety and health of all our community.
Hygiene We know the importance of washing our hands, but frequency makes a difference. Research has found that washing hands or sanitizing frequently can reduce infections by more than 45%.
Physical Distance Because COVID-19 is spread by aerosol transmission, physical distancing is vital and the six-foot rule is key. Our plan is to space everyone apart in the classrooms and in work areas.
MaskWearing Masks combined with distancing are important to at least partially block the spread of respiratory droplets from a person with an active but unrecognized infection.