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5. New Protocols
New Protocols
Adherence to New Protocols
Health and safety protocols have been established to promote a safe environment and minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19. We expect 100% adherence to all safety protocols including self-screenings, mask-wearing, handwashing and appropriate physical distance. It is everyone’s responsibility to uphold the safety guidelines and the school will enforce the protocols to promote the health and safety of our community.
Self-Screening Daily
All families will be required to self-screen daily before coming to school. Parents will need to take their child(rens) temperature and a 15-second web-based online survey answering questions about their symptoms and any known exposure to COVID-19. Online screening makes the COVID risk visible and manageable for the School, while keeping your health data protected. For more information about your student’s privacy, please see Student Health Privacy on page 10.
Symptoms surveyed in the screening include, but are not limited to:
A fever of 100°F or higher or a sense of having a fever
Congestion/running nose – not related to seasonal allergies A cough New loss of taste or smell A sore throat
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Chills, unusual fatigue, muscle or body aches
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Temperature Screening on Campus
A physical temperature screening will also be required for all children coming to campus. In the morning before going to class, students will stop at kiosks to take their temperature. No-touch, thermal scanners with facial recognition will be used for a quick and contactless process. If children are febrile with a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, they will be retested for accuracy. If they still have a high temperature, they will not be allowed to go to class and a guardian will be asked to pick them up immediately. Children will be escorted to wait with an adult at Johnson Courtyard or the MS upper parking lot structure with an adult until a guardian picks them up.
Mask Wearing combined with distancing are important to at least partially block the spread of respiratory droplets from a person with an active but unrecognized infection. As wearing a mask will now be part of your child’s uniform, please see Uniforms on page 6 for more information.
Hygiene and Handwashing
Frequency makes a difference and our school will be scheduling regular times for handwashing and sanitizing throughout the day for all students. Additional handwashing and hand sanitizing stations have been installed around campus.
Physical Distance
Because COVID-19 is spread by aerosol transmission, physical distancing is vital and the six-foot rule is key. Students should limit their time walking around campus and movement to other areas should be approved or facilitated by the faculty.
Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfecting will take place daily, focusing on high-touch surfaces. Bathrooms will be cleaned multiple times a day. Foggers will be used daily after classes are dismissed. We have upgraded air filters to MERV 13 that catch 90% of airborne particles, like viruses and bacteria.
International Travel
Students and families who have traveled internationally must stay home and quarantine for a 14-day period before returning to campus. Please see the CDC’s International Travel Policy for more information.