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3. Middle School Instruction
Stable Groups In the Middle School, there will be grade-level stable groups during in-person instruction. It is our intention to limit mixing to mitigate the risk in our community; however, to optimize our instructional program faculty and students will rotate from classroom to classroom during in-person instruction. Chandler School will follow the most current health guidelines provided by the City of Pasadena Public Health Department. Please see the Public Health Reopening Protocols for Public and Private Schools for TK-12. Schedules - Both the in-person and distance learning school day will begin at 8:30 a.m. and finish at 3:30 p.m. We will retain advisory, electives like art and music, and student activities. Lastly, we will set aside time for independent work and meetings with teachers. To meet the social and emotional needs of our students, we will continue Wellness Wednesdays. Use of Space - To maximize space and safety, spaces in the Middle School are being reconfigured to meet the distancing guidelines set by the local health departments.
Physical Education & Sports - Students will be able to choose from several physical education classes and intermix within their grade level. The utilization of outdoor space will be prioritized, weather permitting. In addition, a health curriculum will be provided to all students. The final unit to be covered this year is nutrition, which all students will receive. While team sports have been cancelled for this year, we will continue to find ways to promote physical activity through our programming. Well-Being and Balance - As we focus on the whole child approach, we will balance mandatory core academic classes with a year-round curriculum in art and music, as well as social & emotional wellness for all students. While public health protocols have suspended choral or singing programs, performing arts are being reimagined to include filmmaking and dramatic works.
This year lockers will be unavailable for use by any student because they are a congregation area. All students will be required to keep their personal belongings with them throughout the day including their lunch. Chandler School Educational Models Definitions [In-Person Learning] will take
place when the city and state officials permit schools to re-open on campus. There are many benefits of an in-person program, despite the health risks of the pandemic. With the support of our community and strict health and safety guidelines, we have put together a plan with detail about how to operate, putting strict guidelines into practical plans.
[Distance Learning] will take
place throughout the school year when public health officials deem it unsafe to gather on campus.
[Blended Learning] will take place
when some students participate in the distance learning model while other students participate in the in-person program. This will occur when students or cohorts are absent due to illness, symptoms, exposure, quarantine and/ or isolation. This may also occur when students or their family members have underlying health conditions and choose distance learning to minimize risk of exposure.