The Salem Witch Trials
The Trails
This is the water trail and people did the trails when someone was accused of being a witch and the water trail was when people would put the person accused of being a witch and if the person were to float then he or she would be a witch and This is the fire trai an that is when if he or she were to drown people would put a man or women then he or she wouldn't be a on a steak and burn it and if the witch and then that would be man and or women were to burn a unfair death. then they wouldn't be a witch but if
The most common trail was the fire trail.
they did burn but come back after then he or she would be a witch and if he or she were to burn and not come back then that would be an unfair death.
Women were unfairly accused of being a witch. If a women could do something that no other women could do then she would be accused of being a witch. In the book The witch of Blackbird pond Kit Tyler was accused of being a witch because she could swim and nobody else could at the time. Kit learned how to swim when she was a young and her grandfather thought her how.
The Trials were part of the time period that created the unfairness. There were seven different trails. There was the water trail and the prayer trial and the touch test the witch cakes the witch marks the pricking and scratching test and the indications test. The men did the trials to the women when they were accused of being a witch when they did the water trials, if you sunk they would consider you human, but if you floated, you were a witch. This wasn't fair because if you weren't a witch then she would have died for no reason.
The punishment was you would go into the trails even if he or she wasn’t a witch and because the weren’t a witch they would die because someone thought that he and or she was a witch. The women and men that were accused of being a witch had to do trails to see if he or she was a witch and one on the trials was the swimming trial and that was when people would throw someone into a lake or pond and if he or she were to drown then he or she wouldn’t be a witch and is he or she floats then that means that they are a witch. Another trial is the fire trial and that is when men or women are burned at stake and if they burn but then they come back that would also mean that they are a witch because of the super natural power. If he or she were to burn and not come back then they were a normal person and then that was an unfair death.
The Salem Witch trials was a time when women were treated unfairly The Salem Witch Trials was a scary time for women because they were not treated fairly, accused of being a witch, and killed or put in jail. This is the women being hung
This is the women being accused of being a witch This is the water trail
This is the fire trial