1 minute read
Editorial Allen Meagher
Media commentators may liken what is happening with pay in other sectors. We know the gardaí are struggling to recruit, the navy cannot staff all its ships, teachers are impossible to hire and midwives are scarce.
The housing crisis is a contributary factor especially in Dublin where young teachers and gardaí cannot afford the rent. You may well think – the country has more pressing need for gardaí and teachers and midwives than for community development workers.
However, the situation facing us is different. Community workers – often indirectly funded by the State - are perversely being offered better pay in other areas funded by government. However, when they move, it takes them out of the community (usually to desk jobs) and there are around 1,000 unfilled community sector vacancies at present. The situation is urgent. It is the most talked about issue of the day and that’s saying something.
If you believe in Community Development and enjoy writing, why not file a report for us about your community project and what makes it unique. 300-400 words is plenty (and a photo if possible). Certain criteria apply. Your first point of contact should be the editor.
Published By:
Established in 2001, ‘Changing Ireland’ is a national magazine focused on community development and social inclusion. It is managed and published by Changing Ireland Community Media CLG., through funding from the Department of Rural & Community Development.
Tel Editor: 061-326057. E: editor@changingireland.ie
Office: ‘Changing Ireland’, Moyross Community Hub, Moyross, Limerick, V94 V0NP.
W: www.changingireland.ie
T: @changingireland
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I: changingireland
Editor: Allen Meagher.
Journalist: Kathy Masterson.
Students on placement: Caoimhe Lalor.
Editorial Team: Joe Saunders, Robert Carey, Viv Sadd, Paul Geraghty/Padraic Sweeney/Jane O’Connor/Edel Healy and Allen Meagher.
Packing and Distribution: Speedpak, Dublin, an awardwinning social enterprise.
Printed by: Davis Printers, Limerick.

Voluntary Board of Directors: Shane O’Sullivan (chair), George Clancy (vice), Andrew O’Byrne, Cathy Jones and Seamus McGiff (sec).
Thanks To . . .‘Changing Ireland’ thanks everyone involved in the production of Issue 79.
Front Cover: Main photo by Brian Lawless.
The views expressed in this magazine are those of the author concerned. They do not, by any means, necessarily reflect the views of the editor, the editorial team, the voluntary management board of Changing Ireland Community Media CLG, or its core-funder the Department of Rural & Community Development.