5 minute read
Past examples of personal statements
Examples of paragraphs to give you an idea of what has been written in the past:
1. General opening paragraph describing what you want to study
2. Description/reflection on your A’ level subjects (starting with the most relevant) and remember to include your Channing project here too!
3. Description/reflection on extra-curricular activities in school
4 Description of outside school activities / work experience
5. Closing paragraph (to get the reader to confirm why you should be given an offer)
Sample opening paragraphs:
My zest for performance and other aspects of drama began at a young age and has since been fuelled by the different genres of theatre that I have both seen and been involved in. I have recently been inspired by the RSC's production of 'The Crucible' as well as Stephen Schwartz's 'Wicked'. I feel that a vocational degree in a performance subject would enable me to channel my enthusiasm and flair in this area in order to grow as an actor, in the hope of following this pathin the future.
I find History absorbing. I enjoy extending my knowledge of individuals and events, as well astrying to weigh up how the worldhas been shapedby itspast. Historical context is illuminating as societies, like individuals, can rarely shake off their history. In modern history I have been particularly engaged by the revolutionary ideas of Marx and Lenin and their emphasis on the role of class-consciousness as the cornerstone of the historical process, driving the developmentofsocialandpoliticalchange.
Sample A level subjects paragraphs:
I love studying Classical Civilisation for A level , as I believe it complements English very well, not only with the language analysis but from a historical and factual point of view. Tragedies are my preferred aspect of the subject and my particular favourite is "Electra" by Sophocles. Economics has helped me improve the quality ofrationalargumentwithin an essay andallowedme togain a wider understanding ofcurrentaffairs.
My enjoyment of science subjects stems from the opportunity to apply one ' s knowledge to solve specific problems. Chemistry, in particular, allows great creativity and satisfaction from reaching a correct solution. I like Maths as it constantly encourages thought and provides an excellent grounding in calculations for other closely relatedsubjects. Ihave studiedLatin because Ifind the construction of languages interesting and it has helped me to think more logically when facedwithaproblem.
School has given me the opportunity to learn and think independently. Alongside Biology, which has been an introduction to the workings of the human body, studying Chemistry hasgiven me experimentalandanalyticalskills. Maths is ajoy to learn, from solvingproblems to its active role in society. Artat AS level appealed to my creative side andgave me the balance between science andnon-science subjects.
Maths was possibly a poor choice for A-level as Ifounditvery challenging after GCSE, andperhaps neglecteditin favour ofthose subjects thatIenjoyedmore.
My A levels have been an excellent preparation for the demands of a degree based on media and sociology. I found History A Level enormously satisfying, particularly my personal investigation on the Iranian Revolution. It developed my research skills and my ability to sift through and analyse a huge amount of information in order to extractkeypoints.
Sample descriptions of extra-curricular activities in school:
Sport is a large part of my life. I have represented my school in the netball, hockey and rounders teams, and received full colours in netball for my contribution, effort andhardworkin the team. Ihave takenpartin the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award scheme, completing 12 hours of community service at a local primary school assisting with a Year 2 class. This taught me the importance of patience and responsibility as I helped with reading and writing tasks. I also enjoy playing the piano at Grade 5 level. Following the Tsunami in 2004, I initiated the selling of 300 'WaveOfHope' wristbands of which the proceeds were donatedto Tsunamivictims via my school.
Last year I was awarded a Bronze certificate in the Senior Mathematics Challenge and I have competed in the Hans Woyda Mathematics competition. I represented Channing at the Financial Mathematics day at Barclays Bank, which involved problem solving exercises in groups and attending lectures about the use and importance of mathematics in the financial industry. In Year 12, I completed the Young Enterprise Scheme which showed me how businesses operate and the importance ofgood organisation andas the FinancialDirector, I achieved a Credit in the examination. Enrichment courses (AS Critical Thinking and the Financial Institute's Certificate in FinancialServices)have been enjoyable whilstbroadening my knowledge andskills. Ialso thrive on takingpart in sporting activities, such as hockey, rounders, tennis and I am currently the captain ofthe senior netballteam.
In my final year at school I took on the responsibility of being editor of the Frenchmagazine 'La VacheQuiDit' Itwas a fantastic opportunity, working with writers ofalldifferentages andabilities.
Sample descriptions of outside school activities / work experience:
My hobbies are playing the cello and singing. I love the outdoors and I now ski competitively appreciating landforms such as corries which I had learned about in glaciology, as much as the sport itself! I also enjoy sailing a topper, for pleasure purposes as well as in regattas in Aldeburgh, Suffolk, and this has certainly strengthened my understanding of coastal landscapes and marine processes.
For work experience, I spent a week in July 2005 in a jewellery shop where I learned first hand how a company works and how to dealwiththepublic. This was relevant last summer when I worked for six weeks at a tennis club organising children's activities, tennis tournaments as well as family suppers where my people skills were tested with customers. I also teach at a Sunday School and enjoy helping children problem solve and allowing them to explore their capabilities. The latter two experiences have allowed me to interact with children and have fuelled my ambition to become a Geography teacher after leaving university.
My other interests are varied; I play the flute and dance has been an enduring passion from an early age. I am currently working towards ballet Grade 8 and tap Grade 6. I am proud ofmy Duke ofEdinburghBronze andSilver Awards, in which I have been able to exercise my leadership qualities anddemonstrate my ability to workin a team.
I have carried out voluntary work at Kentish Town City Farm and have contributed greatly toThe British Divers' Marine Life Rescue charity, raising money at both schoolandpublic events to supportthe conservation workthey endeavour to carry out.
Over the past few years I have accumulated a wide range of work experience relating to animal welfare and management I have been assisting in consultations and operations at a localsmallanimalveterinary surgery. This has comprised evening surgeries over sixteen months and two one-week stints. During summer 2006 I spent two weeks working in London zoo looking after a variety ofmammals ranging fromgiraffes andokapito meerkats andmarmosets. Other farm related experience includes two weeks on a dairy farm in Staffordshire helping with milking, feeding calves, fixing fences and generally getting my hands dirty; animal care andgeneral maintenance over a six month period at Kentish Town City Farm; a weekend lambing in Milton Keynes and a briefspellhelping on apig farm.
Sample closing paragraphs:
I believe that I am ready for university life and the fresh challenges it will inevitably present, and that with the education Ihave receivedto date, my hard work and determination, combined with agooduniversity degree, Iwillbe able to make apositive contribution to society in the near future.
I enjoy reading New Scientist magazine, which has increased my knowledge of recent breakthroughs in Science. Its independent stance, such as the unbiased report on MMR vaccines, has developed my enthusiasm for studying further into this field. Science is rapidly advancing and to read Natural Sciences, I am sure, wouldbe an exciting andworthwhile challenge to undertake.
I am looking forward to the challenges of university and the rewards that my career willbring.
Section 5
Subject Board
ART & DESIGN (9 - 1)
DRAMA (9 - 1)
HISTORY (9 - 1)
LATIN (9 - 1)
MUSIC (9 - 1)