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Year 1 String Group –Violin/Viola/Cello/Mini Bass
The Junior School is unique in that it offers a String Group experience. This is essentially a way of learning a string instrument in a sociable and group setting. The girls are able to choose from the Violin, Viola, Cello or Mini-bass. During the Summer Term of their Reception year, these instruments are introduced to the class in order for the girls to be able to see, hear and try them. We also assess each girl’s suitability for the instruments.
Whilst open to all it may not be the right decision at this point of your daughter’s development.
The lessons are structured as follows:
• Once a week during a break, lunchtime or early morning, there will be a large group lesson where all the string pupils in the year group will play and sing together.
• Additionally, during the week, they will have a small group session with their specialist instrumental teacher, to reinforce the work covered.
For the girls whoo began their string playing with the String Group in Year 1, it is generally expected that in Year 2 they will continue to have lessons on an individual basis, alongside the Year 2 String Group. When they are ready to join the Training String Orchestra, they will be warmly welcomed!
For those who wish to start the Violin/Viola/Cello/Mini-Bass in Year 3, a taster lesson can easily be arranged.
Year 3 onwards
The Music curriculum has been carefully designed to give your child an experience of the instruments offered in the tuition programme. Our Visiting Music Staff often pop into the Music Room to show off their instruments at appropriate moments in Music classes. At any point in the year, if your daughter expresses an interest in learning an instrument on offer, please do not hesitate to contact juniormusic@ channing.co.uk to start the ball rolling.
Our main “recruitment season” for the individual tuition programme is early in the Summer Term. Visiting Music Staff who have vacancies for the following academic year come into class Music lessons and demonstrate their instruments. If your daughter expresses an interest in learning, a time will be set up for her to have a “first experience” of her chosen instrument in a small group. This will allow her to get to know the instrument and the teacher before making an informed decision about taking up formal lessons in September. Please understand that our Visiting Music Staff are a precious resource and are often oversubscribed. To that end, it is our practice for children to study one instrument during school hours.