2. Specific Areas of Interest Having given a broad account of why you love your subject, now focus on specific areas of interest within it, particularly those you have researched in detail yourself. So if you have explained why you like Philosophy, the academic discipline, now think about particular problems in Philosophy (free will, personal identity, God’s existence) or particular philosophers (Aristotle, Hume, Nietzsche) you have explored further. Similarly, if you have outlined why Chemistry is so important in understanding the natural world, now think about particular chemicals you have researched or particular methods in Chemistry that you find interesting. In what ways will the degree courses you are applying for help develop your interests further? You will need to read the course outlines for all the courses you are applying to in order to write this part fully! :Area 1:
What is it about this topic that I have found so interesting? How will the course I am applying for help me explore it further?
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Area 2:
What is it about this topic that I have found so interesting? How will the course I am applying for help me explore it further?
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