1 minute read

Brain dump examples

Reflections: ● Are you wedded to the way you have always approached learning? ● Are you struggling to hit the heights to which you aspire? ● Have you assessed your working habits? ● Have your methods for learning become a comfort blanket? ● Do you waste time creating brand-new, complete sets of notes? ● Do you create desirable difficulties?

Ifyou’re someone who says ‘I don’tdopastpapers until I’veproducedmysetofnotes’, thenyou’re missing thepoint.


7. Quick start: 4 easy to implement Learning 2 Learn Techniques

Now we have a better sense of the strategies behind successful learning, it’s time to look in detail at some of the ways these can be employed.

8. BRAIN DUMP: This is so simple and so effective. Spend, say, fifteen minutes with a blank piece of paper and write down everything you know about a topic. Once finished, look at your class notes, textbook and/or revision guide and check that what you wrote is correct. Then look at what you forgot and focus on this. Date the sheet and store it away. At a later date, do the exercise again and compare the sheets –hopefully, you remember more the second (third, fourth etc.) time and will be able to see the improvement you've made visibly.

Brain dump made easier

Brain dumping can be a terrifying exercise. Below is a gentler version that you could try the first time you try to retrieve a topic. Remember, the more challenging you make a retrieval, the greater the benefit. So, this easier version won’t be as effective at the one above.

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