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Fig 78- Site Location


• Circular Ground with North Orientation • Capacity over 80000 pax • Too close and voluminous for Highway on West of the side • No spill out space in front of the Stadium 2


• Circular Ground rotated 15° West of North (to achieve best and glare free orientation) • Capacity reduced to around 35000 pax • Buffer space given on all sides to accomodate crowd • Front is still too close to highway. This might not give a complete view of stadium when viewing from major roads and highway.

“ I dream of space full of wonder. Spaces that rise and envelop, flowingly without beginning, without end, of a jointless material white and gold. When I place the first line on paper, to capture the dream, the dream becomes less. “


• Ground shape changed to elliptical, to get more spill out space on east and west of the stadium (Ground’s dimensions and sizes are still complaint with ICC Codes) • Capacity remains around 35000 pax • Spill Out and plazas could be accomodated at the front and rear of the site (but not on North and South sides due to site constraints).


• Elliptical Ground, and elliptical stadium. Compaint with ICC Codes and helps in achieving dynamic form. • Capacity increases to be around 45000 pax • Seating capacity increased at better viewing angles • Spill out areas and plazas could be accomodated at the front and rear of the site.

Continuation and seamless transition of hills into the site via abstracting it into a built form.

Fig 132- Conceptualization Source- Author

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