Recruiting Employees Through Social Media

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11/12/21, 8:37 AM

Recruiting Employees Through Social Media | Chantal "Taly" Russell | Recruitment

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Recruiting Employees Through Social Media by talyrussell | Nov 12, 2021 | Blog, Human Resources, Interview, jobs, professional development, recruitment

Every manager has to deal with vacancies in their unit at some point during his career. The earlier you need to make a new hire, the bigger the pressure, and many managers fail to find the right person fast enough. Luckily, social media offers several valuable tools for recruiting which make it much easier and faster than before: 1.

Use your social media presence to attract candidates


11/12/21, 8:37 AM

Recruiting Employees Through Social Media | Chantal "Taly" Russell | Recruitment

Your employees are your best recruitment tool! Many companies still use standard methods for recruiting, like job postings or events, but the biggest pool of potential candidates is already on social media. To find out which applicants you should place at the top of the list, talk with them personally during their interview about how they found the position. This gives you a better understanding of where to post your job offers in the future. 2.

Set up an interview schedule on social media The quality of applicants often drops when managers set up interviews through social media. Many candidates don’t check their profiles regularly, so there is no guarantee that they will see your message. Furthermore, it is hard to schedule a meeting because candidates often live far away from the company’s headquarters. In order to ensure that everyone notices your messages and appointments, post them on specific groups or pages – e.g., “Interested in working @companyX? Let us help you out!”


Recruit through targeted ads Many managers are still hesitant to use social media ads to recruit candidates because they think the platform is too expensive. On the contrary, many companies get more applicants by using targeted ads on Facebook or Twitter. By simply using hashtags like #job or #career, you can reach out to job seekers who are interested in working for your company.


Build an employee referral program Many employees are already on social media, so they can help you find candidates even before they apply for a job! To encourage your employees to participate in the process, you should offer them something for their efforts. If there is no budget available, let them know that you appreciate every tip and will reward them with a “thank you” letter and a small gift.


11/12/21, 8:37 AM

Recruiting Employees Through Social Media | Chantal "Taly" Russell | Recruitment


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