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Preface: The Observer looks outwardly from within. Our body mimics this notion, encasing thought behind the body walls within its chamber. It creates a separation from the conformed outside world.
 This sartorialist engages psychoanalytical and philosophical perceptions and translates them into an answer for the choices people make. A peculiarity emerges from the observer. 
Why ‘Fashion’? Perhaps because it is the most obvious subtext in deciphering what people want to express?
 It is their attempt to untie the knots which tangle us all together.
 The observing sartorialist aims, in their fragmented writing, to dismantle the unconscious actions of the people. 
Over time the entries unfold before us, an almost effortless and predictable way of saying ‘I told you so’.
 The workings of this commentator, or narrator, who reads the scenes before them – are they not also part of the fashion system? 
The observer comprehends the stereotypical title of an individual and processes it into the simplistic and literal.
 ‘Inside and outside are inseparable’i. 
The point is that we must look from the inside, outside.

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Why such impulsivity? It is an indication they’re evolving themselves before us all. Surely there has to be a connector between one and another self?



I see people making choices, and the majority of them are made from these sudden reactions.

It’s as if they shun the existence of a system that formulates them.

These individuals transfigure their fashion style when it suits them.


The subconscious act of taking off clothing can tell me many stories. Even the adjustment of their limbs, hands and fingers as they swivel, pull, press and bend all partake in the act of positioning the body as its shape shifts and settles into a second skin.

Out of their will, they decide to disfigure their bodies to ‘fit in’.


Once that piece of clothing has worn out, they too feel worn out. To renew themselves they begin to be in want. The seams in their garment keep their silhouette intact. They speak of what you ‘put yourself through’. ‘A shape is nothing but a sum of limited views, and the consciousness of a shape is a collective entity’.iii


One could say they are ‘dangling on by a thread’ bonding them to the symmetry of the fashion system.

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Skin on the body is the line between the objective and subjective in which each draws a circle around themselves. ‘I am different, I am my own’.!













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There is something being suppressed. It’s an unconscious act but I know it’s there because I recognize the glitches in the way they walk and talk.




Why does one anticipate certain agendas while others are left out? What one has deterred is evaded by censorship.!









Is fashion then a transportation device used to ‘get-by’?

What is repressed also sits side-by-side to what is latent. What is latent sits side-byside to what is resisted.

I cannot execute blame because people may be going through their days in numb passivity.


This continuity in time has shaped our fashionable society so unknowingly.


There is this inclination to stand firmly by one’s moral values, yet they hesitate for they dread being disapproved.

What’s ‘preferred’ over what is not? So why then are particular objects heightened before them? Can you tell me? One identifies only selected areas and then gets used to what one calls ‘MY Style’. Can it be controlled?

! vii






Why then are particular objects heightened before them? Can you tell me? One identifies only selected areas and then gets used to what one calls ‘MY Style’. Can it be controlled?!



If the entire fashioned society is repressed the combination of their opposing styles creates disorder and confusion. It is then that repression comes with exerting what’s from the inside, releasing their tensions upon one another unconsciously. This results in the emergence of new trends and those who ‘stand out’.


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The synonymous subjects are with their euphemisms in speech mixed with the way they bring across their messages. Are we! elliptical shifters?

..I say this because I find an abstract quality within each that keeps changing with time.



That one gesture alone which is portrayed is an outlet for subjective kindling within the mind. I wonder what they mean each time..



What provokes them to reduce or downgrade their learnt axiom of behavior so that ‘outsiders’ may understand their message, yet not grasp it entirely? The same goes in the way they dress. It is a shame they’re forced to belittle themselves amongst the masses.



It becomes solid from what was once floating in the mind and without form.









Is there a need for circumstantial relevance that returns us to current social behavior? You tell me. Upon watching them it has come to my attention that people live idly, almost a weighty type of patience to ‘speak as you’re spoken to’ in the sense of what to wear when. ‘You can wear that tomorrow not today’, they indirectly proclaim.



The others behold the semiotics of a second language. I can’t refrain from asking, ‘Is there really an unbalanced rhythm which they have become used to and normalized?’



That so-called trend, which has been nearing us, is no more than a reappropriated piece of work which only exists upon instructing words entering into your ears if one is willing to hear it.


Who is in the position to tell me whether or not it will serve parasitic function or hold a temporary moment in history? 
If categorized in words they are familiar with plural (socials) and not the singular (intrapersonal) values.


What Fashion is to me is not what it is to them, despite how many

coincidences our likings hold.


Is there a disturbance in our society, with its context of multiple fashions? Does this create disruptions and behavioural changes in tolerating each ones own ‘story’? Can these disruptions create the

‘next big thing’?









I attempt dismantling the continuum of change by interpreting their styles, their whereabouts and forms of communication. It seems that they go into ‘auto-correct’ mode, questioning whether they will be accepted or denied.


They are constantly in question saying, ‘Does this look good?.. Is what I’m wearing decent?.. What will they think of me’? 
In their last minute 
touch ups they finalize 
their body with what seems 
right. Sometimes they remove
 what they thought was successful 
and quickly throw on what is ‘in’.
. And despite these occurrences, I see them repeatedly evaluating themselves in what’s worn

. It indeed affects the psyche…


Their bodies hold up as if suspending the entire system intact. Inevitably, the column itself stumps 
forward as they layer weighty 
objects onto their bodies – 
and at times more than 
what can be handled.! xv





One’s body leans toward the front as they sit or walk, informing me that their clothing ‘wears them’.




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Fashion at large is the conversion of a verb into a noun. A factual occurrence in living becomes The Image.

..Or rather it is like how a noun then becomes a described adjective – ‘A thing’ that becomes ‘The thing to do’.


Each is a by-product based on influence. They were born from influence and there seems to be a continuity that they also live by it. Is it passed-on that what is laid before each was caused by effect? If I were to discuss their liking on an objective level, they find general units of cloth become The Noun which one assembled.


Would value of these notions become tainted once they are out of context?




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Conformity or unconformity? In observing these people I’ve noticed them struggle in their decision – to be or not to be?


The ethnographical presence of the diverse ‘styles’ have allowed them to blend in. It becomes its own subject matter in itself with several multicomponents it is made up of.




It is as though these fashionable groups are sub-grouped further, yet still acknowledge that they are the same fashion ‘species’.


It appears as if there’s the reproach of other groups that stand outside the borderline - almost an invisible ‘no man’s land’. No association, or the least minimal.



They do not realise that their

perspective of items is




EIn perception we do not think the object and we do not think ourselves thinking it, we are given over to the object and we merge into this body which is better informed than we are about the world’. xxi. ‘



That Is Not My style’ each says.

Then what is it to them?








A new sort of relief is given to them when they emend what was once ‘not their style’ when it was a singular object.

There is either the subjective feeling with the intuitive mind, or the objective feeling in those who seeks actuality.
 These social values partake in who they are. 01!


Those sartorialists are my subjects that are as analogous to who I am to myself.


‘Should you really open your eyes and see,
 You would behold your image in all images.
 And should you open your ears and listen,
 You would hear your own voice in all voices’ xxvi


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Fashion in literature gives us the freedom to translate writing into the image of our choice.


you really epitomize it? ! ! !


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‘Fashion is..’ is an understatement for it’s true philosophy. One cannot truly determine what fashion is but rather act in cohesion in it.








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‘The world is already constituted, but also never completely constituted; in the first case we are acted upon, in the second we are open to an infinite number of possibilities.... There is, therefore, never determinism and never absolute choice, I am never a thing and never bare consciousness.’ xxix


One tries to be ‘IT’.
 ‘IT’ presumably is the ideal genderless objective in its word of a description. You revere ‘IT’ yet separate it from yourself as though to admit it isn’t part of your being.

The comprehension of something so broad feels impossible to fully contain in one moment. 
In the attempt to understand a minor idea of fashion in words we come up with dictionaries which ‘..are to be found in the unlikely or obsolete etymology at the end ..or the sidelong glance that draws us to a new word.’ xxx





‘The contingency of the world must not be understood as a deficiency in being, a break in the stuff of necessary being, a threat to rationality, nor as a problem to be solved as soon as possible by the discovery of some deeper-laid necessity. That is ontic contingency, contingency within the bounds of the world.’ xxxii


You manifest this ‘Je ne sais quoi’,

an ineffable fashion being which cannot be labeled or defined but partakes in the functional fashion system.










“Sanity, as the project of keeping ourselves recognizably human, therefore has to limit the range of human experience. To keep faith with recognition we have to stay recognizable. Sanity, in other words, becomes a pressing preoccupation as soon as we recognize the importance of recognition..

When we define ourselves by what we can recognize, by what we can comprehend- rather than, say, by what we can describe- we are continually under threat from what we are unwilling and/or unable to see. We are tyrannized by our blind spots, and by whatever it is about ourselves that we find unacceptable.�




……… As time precedes
are the reincarnation of the Sartorial Mind.



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By Chantelle Heldt S3287331 RMIT - Bachelor of Design (Fashion) 2nd Year Submitted: 30.05.2012

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