The 5 Minute Christian
The 5 Minute Christian O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! ~Psalm 34:8 From Lukewarm to Fire Hot in 31 days! This devotional is especially designed for the person who finds it difficult to set aside time to spend with God each day. The 5 Minute Christian is 31-day devotional that will impact your life in a profound way. It will give you new lifelong habits that will keep God at the forefront of your life. As we live our lives day-to-day, we get caught up in the trappings of life. It's not a coincidence that they are called trappings. They trap you into a lifestyle or way of life that causes you to focus more time and attention to these things. These trappings are inconsistent with how God wants us to live. God wants us to live in freedom and liberty. Developing a heart to heart relationship with God gives you that freedom. The "joy of living" is increased in your life and trappings become less and less important. The things that now consume your time and attention will be minimized while the development of your relationship with the Lord is maximized. Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father, but through me." John 14:6 God has a plan and a purpose for your life. If He didn't you wouldn't be reading this book right now. You can find your way to that plan through faith in Jesus. We have faith that the Lord will do a work in us. In order to do that work, we must have a willingness to yield our hearts, our time, and our attention. If you have never trusted Jesus as your Personal Savior, you can say this prayer: “Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me. I want to turn from my sins and accept you today as my Personal Savior. Come into my life and I help me to trust You as my Lord and Savior. Amen.”
© 2010 Vivian Aldana. This work may be reproduced and redistributed, in whole or in part, without alteration and without prior written permission, solely by ministries, and church affiliated organizations for use in building the body of Christ provided all copies contain the following statement: "© 2010 Vivian Aldana. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission Vivian Aldana. No other use is permitted without the express prior written permission of Vivian Aldana. For permission email Vivian Aldana at:
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Instructions: This daily devotional is interactive. Its purpose is to deepen your daily walk with the Lord; 5 minutes at a time. This devotional can only accomplish its purpose through your dedicated participation. It is meant to increase the time you spend on the things of God. It is meant to cause you to think about the vastness of God, who you are in relation to God, and what to do now that you know. It is meant to bring you into closer alignment with the plans and purposes of God for your life. There are 5 essentials that will make this 31-day devotional profitable to you. Make sure you have everything you need before you get started: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
An open heart for willing and active participation A Bible (any version) 3 X 5 note cards, writing pad, or journal A pencil or pen A quiet meeting place to read and pray
Everyday, you will be instructed to pray. Write down each prayer on a 3X5 card. Give each prayer a title. Name it whatever makes sense to you. After this 31-day devotional has been completed, you will be able to use these prayers as a part of your regular prayer life. Everyday, will be instructed to read your Bible and refer to it throughout the day. Make sure you are using a Bible that you are comfortable with. In the back of this book, you will find a list of the most popular versions of the Bible and a couple of sample scriptures from them. Choose the one that works for you. Whether you use 3X5 note cards, a writing pad, or a journal is up to you. The purpose of writing things down is to refer back to them. So, the tool you use to accomplish this depends on your own preference.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 1 Commit to set aside 5 minutes for God everyday. Let God know that you are serious about getting to know Him better. You do this through prayer. Say your prayers out loud. We are created in God's image. He "spoke" the world into existence. He didn't "think" it into existence. The Bible says that "The tongue has the power of life and death..." Speak life into your circumstances and situations. Say this short prayer (out loud): "God, I really do love you and I want to get to know you better. Please forgive me; for not allowing you to speak into my life. Help me to know you better. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Start everyday, with your 5 minutes. Let God know that you are prepared to hear Him, ready to receive all He has to offer, and that you are willing to do what He wants you to do. Now, pick up your Bible. Put your hand on it and confess that you believe it is God's Word. "Lord God, I believe that this is Your Word. I believe that, what is in it, will teach me who you are and how you are. I believe you will reveal to me your plan for my life. I believe that you will write your Word on my heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen." So far you have spent about 3 minutes in the things of God. 2 more to go. Open the Bible. Find a page, any page, and start reading. After your 2 minutes are up, thank God for the revelation of His Word. "Father, I believe I have received benefit from your Word. Thank you for revealing your Word to me. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Have a blessed and Prosperous Day!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 2 Even if you don't feel any different, God is already working in your life in a tremendous way. Pray that you will be diligent to continue faithfully with your daily devotion. "Heavenly Father, you know my intent for this devotion. If it is anything but pure, convict my heart. Help me to be faithful in my daily devotion to you. Let me be totally devoted in my heart, my soul, my mind, and my strength to loving you and improving our relationship. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Remember to pray out loud. After your prayer, take a look at your Bible. What is it made out of? Can you think of one man anywhere in the history of the world who ever made a grain of sand, a drop of water, or a seed of any kind; FROM NOTHING? The Bible that you hold in your hand was developed from the efforts of many men over time using the gifts God gave them to dig, and build machinery, to combine and refine elements found on earth, to cooperatively work together until the first book was published. The contents are a whole different story. Over a period of approximately 1600 years, God inspired 40 different men living in different places, at different time periods, most of whom did not know one another, to write His words. These words are not like the words of any other book; although they may seem to be. The scripture passage II Timothy 3:16 says it this way: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: The Word of God was originally written in the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic languages and have been translated thousands of times. The Old Testament is over 3500 years old. Think about the fact that God reached back 3500 years to bring you the book you now have in your hand today. The Bible has survived; though many people and governments have tried to destroy it and annihilate it from the face of the earth. This book is a treasure; but not the kind you keep on a shelf or place on a table and tell people not to set anything on it. The treasure is in the reading of "The Word." Now pray and thank God for the sacred scriptures contained in the Holy Bible. Be sure to take the Bible with you today. Open it and see how it is organized. Try to remember your scripture from yesterday. If you can't remember it, open up the Bible and go back to it. Have a rich and rewarding day!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 3 You have gotten a good start. Be encouraged. The reward is great. Thank God for his patience in waiting for you to become more active in seeking Him. "My God and my King, you are the amazing God; God of all creation. Lead me and guide me to your truth. Thank you for waiting for me. Thank you for your continuous loving kindness and patience toward me. Let my heart burn with desire for you. In Jesus' Name, Amen." You have already confessed that you believe that the Bible is the Word of God. So the next step is to know what's in it. The first five books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, means, "Beginnings." It gives a historical account of the origin of the universe and the history of the beginning of man. Exodus, the 2nd book, means going out. It gives an account of the enslavement of Israel, their release and how they were set apart as a people. Leviticus, the 3rd book, records laws and ceremonies. Numbers, the 4th book, gives a count of the people and tells what they did for 40 years in the desert. The fifth book is Deuteronomy. It means repetition of the Law. Moses is credited as the author of these books in the years 1491-1451 B.C. Now, pick up your Bible. Put your hand on it. Confess that you believe it to be true and the source of wisdom for your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom as you consume the Word. Now read for 3 minutes in one of the first 5 books of the Bible. Put a bookmark in the page you have read. Close your Bible. Thank God for speaking into your life. Take your Bible with you throughout the day. As you go about the day, think about what you have read. If you can't remember, open up your Bible to remind yourself. Do this throughout the day: break time, lunch time, etc... I pray your days are made prosperous!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 4 Before you pray today, look at something God created; a plant, a rock, or the ocean, etc... Take a couple of minutes to think about the complexity of it. There are billions of atoms, cells and intricate systems automatically cooperating with one another to sustain existence. Think about all the systems that God set up in order to sustain each and every system and subsystem on earth. Think about the sun, the moon, the clouds, the rain, the ocean, lakes, dirt, bugs, trees, etc... You get the picture. Everything was created by God. Now pray and ask God to forgive you for taking for granted all He has done. "Lord God of all Creation, you are the source of everything. Please forgive my casual attitude about creation. Open my eyes and let me see the beauty of life with new eyes. In Jesus' Name, Amen." The next section of the Bible are the historical books; Joshua, Judges, Ruth I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Several of these books overlap one another. It covers many generations from approximately 1451 to 430 B. C. Open up your Bible and read a portion of Bible history from one of the books named above. Thank God for the revelation in His Word. Don't forget to pack up your Bible and take it with you. Meditate on the words you have read. As you go about the day, look intentionally, at everything. Drink in the colors, textures, and shapes. When you get to a public place, greet everyone you see, with a warm smile; knowing that God is very pleased with you. Peace and blessings.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 5 It is natural that we think about ourselves and our circumstances, our income, and our living situations. In developing spiritually, we do things that seem counterintuitive. Instead of focusing on our own personal needs, we need to take our focus off of ourselves. God wants us to be selfless, not selfish. God wants us to focus on Him. Jesus Christ always did what pleased the Father. Before His death on the cross, during prayer, he said, "not my will but thine be done." Pray that God gives you the mind of Christ. "Holy Father, show me how to look beyond my daily needs and circumstances and look to you. Let me look to you to lead and guide my footsteps every day. Help me focus solely on you. I submit my will to yours. Let your will be done in my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen." In the next part of the Bible, are 5 books of poetry. Job is a book that illustrates the extreme personal tragedies of a righteous man, Job. It also exemplifies how the people who love us may try to change our focus from God to ourselves. Then, it finally demonstrates how keeping our focus on God leads to tremendous rewards. The next book, Psalms is a collection of 150 songs and poems. Proverbs focuses on the wisdom of godly living. Ecclesiastes shows how a life without God is a life of vanity, selfishness, and ultimately empty. Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) celebrates the love of a man and a woman. Open your Bible today and take a look at one of the above 5 books. Take a few minutes to read. Pack up your Bible and take it with you. Remember, as you are faithful and committed to Him, He will develop you in ways you had never thought of for yourself. God is so amazing!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 6 Yesterday, we focused on how important it is for us to allow God to direct our footsteps. In order to continue to strengthen our daily walk with Him, we must keep this awareness at the forefront of our thoughts. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.." When you awaken each morning, thank Him first for His love. "Almighty God, you are amazing. I love you, Lord. Thank you for loving me. Show me how much I am living for myself. Teach me to be less selfish. As your love overtakes me and consumes me, let me share it today as never before. In Jesus' Name, Amen." The remainder of the books of the Old Testament are called the prophets. There are major prophets and minor prophets. Generally, the Holy Bible orders the prophetical books as follows: They begin with Isaiah, which means the salvation of Yahweh (God). The next book, Jeremiah, warns against sin and judgment. Lamentations is filled with mourning over the woes that had fallen on sinful Judah. Ezekiel means they shall know that I am Yahweh. Then, Daniel focuses on God’s sovereign power as the one true God. From Hosea through Malachi are the books of the minor prophets. Now pick up your Bible and read from one of the prophetical books. Pray that your heart will receive the Word of God. Read for 3 minutes. Think about what you read. Meditate on that scripture throughout the day. Don't forget to take your Bible with you today. God has smiled on you!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 7 Look around you. Do you see God's beauty. Perhaps there are fresh flowers, something made of wood, metal, or marble, or even yourself. Beauty, colors, textures all God's awesome creations. Thank God (out loud) for creating the things that are around you. Thank Him for people (name each one), thank Him for your gifts, talents, and abilities. Thank Him for the things you have. (Sample prayer - insert your own details) "Almighty King of Kings, Beauty is everywhere. You have created a wonderful world. As I soak it in, I want to thank you for my life, my health, my children, Jason and Gloria. Thank you that I can fix things (or sing or dance or write or manage etc...). Thank you that I have a good job or thank you that I can spend quality time with my family. Thank you for my home, my car, my bed, my clothes, etc...You have created this world just for me. Thank you. In Jesus' Name, Amen" Right now in another country, someone sleeps in a house made of whatever they could find to build it; perhaps several pieces of board, a piece of metal, some plastic. They don't have a soft couch, or a dining table. There are no cupboards. The bathroom is outside. You are incredibly blessed no matter what issues you are currently facing. You are in a position to bless others. The next part of the Bible is the beginning of the New Testament. It starts with the four gospels. The Gospels Matthew, Mark Luke and John focus on the life, teaching, and miracles of Jesus, His betrayal, trial, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. Now open your Bible and read in one of these four books of the Bible. Concentrate and let His Word penetrate. God wants you to know Him through Jesus Christ. Take your Bible with you. Be sure to meditate on God's Word throughout the day. God bless you and keep you.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 8 The life of Jesus was filled with miraculous events. Some people do not believe that miracles can happen today. Romans 12:2 says, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. " Because we have grown up in a society and a world that has a form of godliness, but denies the power thereof, we often fall into the trap of the world's belief systems without even knowing how much the world around us affects everything we think. Pray and ask God to reveal to you His power. "God of all creation, you hold all power in your hand. I believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. You sent Him to show us the way. He was perfect, sinless, and did many miracles. I want to know you in a miraculous way. Help my unbelief. Let me see your power in a very personal way. In Jesus' Name, Amen." The next section of the Bible is only one book, ACTS. Acts of the Apostles, as it is sometimes referred to, recounts the disciples' ministry after Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father. The Holy Spirit descended upon them and they spoke in unknown languages, performed miracles, preached the gospel to the nations, and founded the Christian church. Take a moment to sit down and write notes about any thoughts or impressions that come to you. Then, open up your Bible to the book of Acts and read for a few minutes. Now, go about your day. Don't forget your Bible. Think about what you have been learning. Meditate on the name of Jesus today. May the Lord bless you bountifully as you continue on your journey!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 9 Begin today with this prayer, "Heavenly Father, I love you, I adore you. You are my source for everything. Have your way in my life. I humble myself to you. I submit to your will and your way. Be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Show me someone today who needs encouragement. Then, help me to say something that will bring light to their lives. In Jesus' Name, Amen. " Matthew 25:40 says, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Be obedient to God's Word. Think about anyone you may know or know of who is in need. Think about how you would feel if you were in their position. Stretch yourself beyond people in your income bracket and/or who are part of your social class. Look past "who that individual is" and "what your personal feelings about them may be." Write down the name of the person. Paul, one of the most important early Christian missionaries, is credited with writing 13 letters; also called epistles. These letters are New Testament books of the Bible. Beginning with Romans and ending with Philemon; Paul writes to church leadership and congregations. He addresses many topics including: Power of the gospel, the cross, marriage, divorce, love, justification by faith and living by faith, hope, Christian life and unity, fruit of the Spirit, God's mercy, and perseverance. Now, pick up your Bible and read from one of Paul's letters. Write down your thoughts and impressions. If anything you read resonates with you, is there a change you need to make because of it? Does the reading offer you confirmation that you are on the right track? As you go about your day. Meditate on the Word of God that you read today. Think about the situation of the person whose name you wrote down. Is there any way you can help this person? God loves you and that person, too!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 10 Yesterday, you were introduced to the work of Paul. Paul (formerly Saul) started his walk with Jesus from a place of anti-Christ. He literally was persecuting Christians; until one day, when he was traveling on the Damascus road. According to Acts 9:4, " He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." Do we need a Damascus road experience in order to do what God wants us to do? Write down and memorize this simple prayer. "God, please bless the life of ___________. Lord I don't know what they are going through, but you do. I just ask that you move your hand in their favor, In Jesus' Name, Amen." Using the above prayer, pray for the person whose name you wrote down yesterday. Open your Bible to another one of the epistles. The flavor of it should be the same, but the content is different. Write down a few keywords that will help you remember what you read. Meditate on these words. Today, as you leave with your Bible, find anyone you may know or know of who needs encouragement. Ask them if you can pray for them. Find a place, away from others, to pray for this person. Even if you are shaking and shy, pray out loud for that person. Remember that Jesus took abuse, physical punishment and went to His death for YOU. God is with you always.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 11 God wants a personal relationship with each person; individually. Prayer opens up communication with God. During prayer we do more that ask God for what we want. We ask him for what He wants. Isaiah 55:9 says, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." God knows, better than we do, what is good for us. He wants to meet our needs. Pray for God's will in your life. "Holy Lord, you are well able to provide for me. You know me better than I know myself. Teach me your ways oh Lord. Help me become the man/woman of God you planned for me to be from before the foundation of the world. In Jesus' Name, Amen." God wants us to call upon Him for our needs. Like a good father, God considers the needs of each of His children and wants us to be obedient to His Word. In return He wants to give us the desires of our hearts. The next section of the Bible is called the general epistles. Hebrews through Jude are eight books of the Bible that focus on: Jesus as high priest, pioneer and perfecter of our faith, admonishing Christians to be doers of the Word and not merely hearers and follow in His steps by walking in truth and Christian love, financial support of ministry, and warning about false teachers. These are epistles that are not attributed to Paul, but to other disciples. Open your Bible and begin reading in one of the general epistles. Is there something you are not doing that you should be doing? Is there something you are doing that you shouldn't be doing? Each person must account to God for his her own behavior. What can you do a better job at? Take your Bible along with you as you ponder who you are in Christ. Have a blessed day!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 12 Forgiveness is one of the greatest mysteries of God. Our anger and resentment, though well deserved in our minds, does nothing to ease the hurt of betrayal, deceit, and being used. God is faithful to do His word. "I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them." according to Deuteronomy 32:35. When we hold malice against someone, we are the ones who are hurt by it. Unforgiveness has been shown to cause many physical and mental blockages and physical ailments. The stress of unforgiveness has a very real impact on our bodies and our minds. Pray to the Lord to forgive your sins. After you have prayed for yourself, think about someone you have not forgiven. Now, forgive them. Don't wait until you "feel like it." (If you are not holding any unforgiveness, read and memorize this prayer for the next time you need to forgive someone.) "Heavenly Father, I come to you with a broken heart because of what ______________ did to me. Lord, I forgive ______________. Please mend my heart so that I will not have ill feelings toward _________________. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Then, praise God for giving you the ability to forgive. "Praise you Lord. You are the Lord of my life and the keeper of my soul. All Glory and Honor belong to you. Thank you for giving me the ability to forgive ________________. You are my source and my deliverer. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Say those two prayers each and every time you even think of someone with malice. Holding unforgiveness breaks up families, friendships, and communities. But most importantly, unforgiveness separates us from God. The ultimate separation is described in the book of Revelation. The book begins by describing the condition of each of seven churches as being one of the following: preoccupied, persecuted, political, pagan, powerless, pursuing, putrid. Revelation admonishes believers to affirm their faith because the adversaries of God's people (depicted as a Beast and a Harlot) are ultimately destroyed. This final book of the Bible is considered difficult to understand. Always depend on God to reveal His Word to you. Now pick up your Bible and read from the book of Revelation. Pray that God will show you more of "who He is" and "whose you are." I pray that you will always take your Bible with you. Read it when you are just sitting or waiting. The more you read, the more God can renew your mind. God be with you.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 13 Prayer is powerful. The one side of prayer that most people are very well aware of is the asking side. We know how to request things from God. The other side of prayer is listening to the Voice of God. This is where your concentration is really required. Life is so full of distractions we often cannot hear something that is important; that still small voice. Though some people have heard an audible voice, most people have not. So, you might be thinking, how will I know that I am hearing the Voice of God? The manifestation of the Voice of God can come up in your spirit. Pay attention during your prayers and immediately afterward. This is when your spiritual ears are most in tune to God's voice. What impressions or thoughts come to you. God speaks through His Word. When you read the scriptures, remember that God inspired these words to be written for us. The more we spend time with the Bible, consuming God's Word, the more these words will come up into our spirits. God's voice often comes as a vision or dream. "The word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision." Genesis 15:1. After you are finished praying today, ask God to talk to you. Have your paper and pen ready to write whatever comes to you when you are finished. "Thank you Lord that you have come into my life in a mighty way. Thank you for your unending love, your enduring peace, your daily mercy, and your precious grace. Speak to me Lord, words of wisdom, understanding, and discernment. I need you. I need your guidance. I wait for your answer. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Now, wait quietly. When your 5 minutes are up, go on about your day. Remember, your Bible reading is just as important as prayer. Take your Bible and read it throughout the day. May God do magnificent things through your life.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 14 During Jesus' ministry, he established how we should come to God. In Matthew 6:6-7 Jesus says, "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. "When you are praying, don't say meaningless things like the gentiles do, because they think they will be heard by being so wordy. " He didn't leave it at that thought. He gave us a model prayer. The Lord's Prayer is a model prayer. Jesus used its structure as a example to disciples in response to their question in Luke 11:1 "It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples." Jesus answers them in Luke 11:2-4, "And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil." Perhaps you learned this prayer at some time in your life. Many people have. Now, pray "the Lord's Prayer" with a renewed spirit. Make it personal to yourself and your circumstances. The Lord's Prayer (above) is from Luke 11:2-4. Turn to the book of Matthew and read the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, also. Take your Bible with you today.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 15 God is not interested in us just "reciting" the words of prayer. He wants us to talk to Him like He is the best "Daddy" ever. Imagine yourself as a little child, reaching out for the hug of your father with open arms. However you choose to word it, make your prayers REAL. Prayer must come from your heart, from the inner man: not your head only. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:18 "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." When you pray is this manner and have faith, God promises to answer. Mark 11:22-25 says: "Have faith in God," Jesus answered. "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." God reminds us continuously in the Bible of who he is. Read Genesis 12: 2-6. God made Abraham a promise to make him the father of many nations. For a man in his 20's or even 50's that may not seem so far fetched, but at the time Abraham was 75 and childless. "Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." Galatians 3:6 Is there something you want to believe God for? Write it down and date it. Take a look at the back of your Bible. Does it have an index or concordance in it? If it does, see if you can find a scripture that deals with the topic you are believing God for. If you find it, write it down next to the thing you are believing God for. If you cannot find it in your Bible, you can look it up online or go to the library and find a Bible concordance. Once you find the scripture that deals with your issue, meditate on that scripture. Keep it with you. Use it like a prescription medicine. Repeat the scripture 3 times a day. There is inherent power in the word of God. Now pick up your Bible and take it with you. I am excited for you. May God's face shine upon you!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 16 Knowing what is in the Bible is very important to your walk with God. He put those words in that order just for you. Learning to access the right words at the right time helps to build faith and confidence that God really does understand our needs and desires. Thank God for His mighty work in your life. Profess His faithfulness. "Father God, you are the incredible ruler of all things. You hold all power in your hands. Thank you for your faithfulness in allowing me to mess up, yet never turning your back on me. Thank you for changing me into the person you created me to be from the foundation of the world. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Open your Bible and read Romans 5:1-8. Write down words or a phrase that jumps out at you. Write down these questions. Try to answer these questions as you meditate on the scriptures you read. Think about the picture that God is painting for you in the passage you are reading. Imagine it as a moving picture with sound. Is there action? Is there an instruction? Is it a description? Is it a warning? Is it a reprimand? Is it an historical account? It is praise to God? Is it prayer? Is it a demonstration of God's power? Meditate on the Word throughout the day. Admonish
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 17 Think of a family member, an old friend, or someone you don't even get along with or believe that their lifestyle is detrimental. Pray that God draw them close to Him. God knows the best way to get them to come near to Him. Remember that God is God. Your prayers, no matter how clumsy or insignificant they may seem, are a joy to God. "Awesome God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, I love you and adore you Lord. Please draw ____________ near to you. Let him/her be the head and not the tail, put them above and not beneath. Let your grace and mercy be with them always. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Pronounce a blessing on that person. Numbers 6:24-26 is a blessing that can be used for anyone. Just change the word "you" to the person's name. "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Open your Bible. Find a scripture that jumps out at you. Write it down and keep it with you throughout the day. Meditate on it. You are incredibly blessed.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 18 Have you been whole heartedly committed to this devotional? Take inventory of the condition of your heart. Do you truly desire a closer walk? Do you allow impure thoughts to take over while you are reading or praying? The Bible tells us to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." according to 2 Corinthians 10:2. Left unchecked, our minds can easily lead us away from blessings and benefits that God wants for us. Proverbs 16:3 says to "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established." How much time do you give God outside of your devotional time? Do you have a habit of committing everything you do to the Lord? We can change our habits, change our thoughts, and change our intentions. Pray that God change your heart and give you pure thoughts and intentions in every situation. "Father in Heaven, you are my God and you know my thoughts and intentions even better than I do. Take out every thought, whim, or desire that is not pleasing to you. Help me to think about those things that are pleasing, beneficial, and uplifting to myself and others. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Now pick up your Bible and read I Corinthians 13:1-13. Pick out the verse that speaks to you most. Write down that verse and meditate on it today. The changes you make will please God.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 19 God hates pride; especially the kind of pride that stems from self-righteousness. It is sin and it is a hindrance to seeking Him. Many people we know are living unhealthy, unholy, and vain lives. We might get the idea that because we are cleaning up our act, that we are somehow better than others. Though the world may think that, God directs His people in Romans 12:3 to not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. We are not supposed to speak evil, foul or discouraging words. It is not our job to murmur, gossip, or share our opinions about what others are doing. "Dear Lord, you are great, the Almighty God. You see everything and you know everything. Look now at my life, my intentions, and my attitudes. Forgive me for (list the thoughts and words that you are aware are not pleasing to God) _____________, _____________, _____________, wash me with your cleansing blood. Help me to be less judgmental and more compassionate. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Get your Bible. Read Philippians 2:5-8 Reflect on this passage as you go about your day. God is watching you in anticipation.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 20 God wants us to show love and compassion, not disdain and disgust over what people do. As we clean up our lives, we will more easily be able to see behaviors and attitudes that are pleasing to God. As we become more disciplined in our walk, we begin to see flaws and cracks. At first, it’s very easy to see it in others and much more difficult to see it in ourselves. The Bible says in Matthew 7:3, "So why is it that you see the piece of sawdust in another believer's eye and not notice the wooden beam in your own eye? " We must be careful to focus on our own walk. Criticizing or talking about others behind their backs, does nothing to strengthen your walk or theirs. However, kindness, encouragements, compliments, and helpfulness will not only show that you are different from most people, but it will also stimulate a desire for them to reciprocate. This then gives you an opportunity to share why you did it; Jesus. Thank God for revealing your own flaws and healing you from the effects of them. “Heavenly Father, search my heart and reveal to me any issues in me that are not pleasing to you. Help me to remove these issues. I know that you want me to love you with my whole heart, mind soul, and strength and love my neighbor as myself. Guide me in your truth. Show me how to love unconditionally. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” Read Proverbs 30:12-14. Think about the meaning of these verses. Do they have any application in your life. Don't look to the right or to the left. Don't look in front of yourself or in back. Look inside. Go with God!
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 21 Many people have suffered from deep negative feelings as a result of being offended and raging reactions to betrayal. Whatever our reaction to the offence is, it feels like we are defending ourselves. But, in actuality we are hurting ourselves in the long run. Unless we can release offensive statements, actions and attitudes completely, they are essentially building up calluses on our hearts. This makes it harder for God, who really loves us, to get in. But, Romans 2:12 tells us, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. " Dealing with offences God's way allows us to release the offences to God, pray for the offender, and then let it go. In essence, we forgive. Forgiveness is not designed to let the offender off the hook. On the contrary, forgiveness is a blessing to the offended; in two ways. First, the offended party is no longer burdened with anger, resentment, hostility, or thoughts of revenge. These feelings have been proven to harm us physically and emotionally. Secondly, forgiveness leads to a restored relationship with God. The fact that we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, separates us from God. When we forgive, God Pray now that Jesus tenderizes your heart and keeps it tender and unoffended by people. "Jehovah Shalom (God of Peace), you are God alone. You said in your Word in Isaiah 26:3 that you would keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you. I trust you Lord. Please help me to forgive anyone who offends me - quickly - so that my heart can stay tender and we can continue in communion with one another, In Jesus Name, Amen." Now read James 5:7-11 As you go about today, take a look at the people around you. Look at their attitudes and actions. Ask yourself these two questions, 1) Have I ever been like that? 2) Is this attitude or action something that would be pleasing to God. Your prayers reach God's ears!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 22 As Christians we are to pray for people and let our light shine so that people can see God in us. Our light will shine through the love we show others. Agape love is a special type of love that Jesus showed us how to utilize with people. Agape love is the most difficult type of love one can show. Its very nature is unconditional. Unconditional love does not react negatively to hurt. Unconditional love does not try to punish when offended. Unconditional love is not a reward for good behavior. Agape love is a major struggle for most people. It is natural to want to give love to people who love us. We want to give; to those who have given us something. We want to repay kindness for kindness. We want to help people when we think it will be to our advantage in the end. But, agape love is a totally different paradigm of loving your neighbor. Pray that God soften your heart and give you more compassion. “King of King and Lord of Lords, you are the light of the world. Help me to love people unconditionally. Please forgive me for my selfishness. I want to be more like you. Guide my step foots. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Read what Jesus says about love in Matthew 5:44. As you go about your day today, meditate on this scripture. Read it over and over again. Think about how you can put this scripture into action in your own life. Be a blessing today!
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 23 Is church attendance a regular and consistent part of your life? There is nothing in the Bible that says we must attend church every Saturday or Sunday in order to maintain salvation. However, the Bible does say more than 65 times that we should gather together. The congregation is our support system. Just like every other association has some sort of gathering, Christians gather at the church house. We gather frequently (at least weekly) for our own individual benefit. It’s a place where we can corporately pray and worship. It’s a place of learning. It’s a place where we can absorb and share revelations of God’s goodness. Pray now that God bring you to (or keep you in) a loving Bible believing assembly. “Dear God, you know my habits and my needs. Help me to find (stay in) the assembly of people whom will teach me, disciple me, and encourage me to stay connected. Help me to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Help me to always discern Your Spririt. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Now read Joel 2:16-19. Think about how awesome God’s love is. If He wanted to save you just to go to heaven, He would just take you the moment you make a decision. God wants you to have a fantastic, peaceful, wonderful, and prosperous life. You can learn about that life by reading your Bible, praying and participating in a productive group of believers who are passionate about living life more abundantly through Christ. Be blessed and prosperous!
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 24 Have you considered what you need to change in your life? Since none of us have arrived or achieved perfection, we must continue to work on our thoughts and actions. Are our thoughts pure? Are our actions intentional, peaceable, and of good report? Ask God to reveal those areas that could use a tweak, an adjustment or even an overhaul. “Lord Jesus, you know me better than I know myself. Please help me to identify impure thoughts and actions. Once you have identified them to me, let me do your will and purge them from my life. If I could have done it myself, I would have done it already. Thank you for your unending patience. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Read Ephesians 5:1-14 with a repentant heart. Many of us suffer with one or more of these sins for most of our lives. Until we are ready to release it to God, we can not be healed from it and made whole. Meditate on this Word today. Let God deal with you on any issue that would not be pleasing to Him. God loves you no matter what.
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 25 Children who grow up in a house where God is reverenced, have an advantage of an up close and personal demonstration of the love of God in their home. Their parents or grandparents demonstrated the love of God toward total strangers; sending food, clothing and money to individuals, churches and ministries, allowing strangers in to sleep over, volunteering at shelters, and helping at the church. What’s more is that things were done in love. There was no murmuring, no complaining, no gossiping, no angry words, no harshness in speech, no regrets. Though many of us have grown up as Christians, we may have had a form of godliness, but denied the power thereof. We may have seen the right example, but decided to turn in the other direction. We know what to do. We know that God would not approve of our behavior, but we dismiss Him as casually as we would an associate. Pray that God is number one in our lives. “ Heavenly Father, I know there have been times in which I did not give you the time of day. Please forgive me for those times. I come in humility right now and ask that you become the center of my life. I submit my will to you. Let your will be done in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Now read Ephesians 5:15-20 Meditate on this Word today. Ask yourself how you make changes that will reflect a changed mind, a changed attitude, and a changed heart. Remember God lives inside you.
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 26 Ask Him to help you to learn to pray unselfishly. “Lord God of all Creation, you know all of the circumstances of my life. You know what I have been through. I ask you right now to help me look past all my own inadequacies and intercede for my __________ (family member, friend, associate, or enemy) __________. Lord God, please step into their situation. Bless them abundantly. Give them the victory. Let no weapon formed against them prosper. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” God wants us to be unselfish, to be selfless. When we are obedient to Him, He willing steps into our situations and begins to work on our behalf. He sees that we are willing to trust Him to work on our circumstances; by our willingness to pray for others. Read Philippians 2:3-8. Consider your own ambitions. How will your success in these pursuits help others? God wants us to put our time and resources into something that will advance the kingdom. God wants only good things for you.
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 27 Jesus spoke in parables because he wanted people to see themselves and evaluate their own attitudes and behaviors by God's standard. Select 2 or 3 of the following parables to reflect on: Matthew 7: 24-27 Matthew 13: 3-23 Matthew 13: 24-30 Matthew 13: 31-32 Matthew 13: 33 Matthew 13: 44 Matthew 13: 45-46 Matthew 13: 47-50 Matthew 18: 12-14 Matthew 18: 23-35 Matthew 20: 1-16 Matthew 21: 28-32 Matthew 21: 33-44 Matthew 22: 1-14 Matthew 24: 32 Matthew 25: 1-13 Matthew 25: 14 Matthew 25:31-46
The Wise and the Foolish Builders The Sower The Tares The Mustard Seed The Leaven The Hidden Treasure Pearl of Great Price Drawing in the Net The Lost Sheep Unmerciful Servant Laborers in the Vineyard The Two sons The Wicked Husbandman Marriage of the King's Son Leafing Fig Tree The Ten Virgins The Ten Talents The Sheep and the Goats
Pray that God will reveal to you the areas you fall short. “Lord God, Thank you for bringing light to my own heart. Let me apply these parables to my own life. Holy Spirit give me wisdom and understanding in a new way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” The Lord wants to do great things through you.
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 28 We cannot earn righteousness through the things that we do. We are made the righteousness of God through Christ according to 2 Corinthians 5:21 . As we learn to trust God and do things God’s way, He makes us to look more like Christ to the world. Pure intentions and showing love to all, no matter the circumstances, causes us to glow. The world is literally able to see God’s glory in and through our lives. Our topics of conversation are different. We often dress differently. It usually happens incrementally. Sometimes we don’t notice the changes. However, other people, especially those who have not seen or heard from us in a while, are often astonished. Letting God use you for His will is the best decision you could ever make. "Almighty God, you know me better than I know myself. You are making changes in my life that are imperceptible to me. I again submit my will to yours and ask you to continue to mold me and make me into the person you want me to be. In Jesus' Name, Amen." God is faithful to His Word. Let's read Psalm 89:15-18 Let God speak to your heart as you meditate on His Word today. Go with God!
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 29 Are you a secret believer? Who knows you are a Christian? As we are being transformed from our former lives, God challenges us to bring others along with us. Being shy does not excuse us. Being too busy does not excuse us. Being afraid to open our mouths does not excuse us from letting people know about the Christ we profess. Jesus said in Matthew 10:33, “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” Not acknowledging your relationship with Christ is the same as denying Him. When you stand up for your faith, it’s as if you have no faith. Pray for courage to share your faith. "God in Heaven, your will is for us to go out into the world and share the good news. I have not been diligent in doing this. Right now, I ask for the courage to bold proclaim and profess my belief in Jesus. I will not give in to the worldly pressure to keep quiet. Bring a person into my life today that I may share the gospel boldly and with confidence. In Jesus' name, Amen." Now read 1 Thessalonians 2:4 Think about how you can share the Word in a way that is a natural part of your conversation. Take your Bible as you set out for the day and remember to tell someone today what God has done for you.
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 30 Life is a gift. When you wake up every morning, are you aware that you have received the gift of another day? You've heard it said that tomorrow is not promised. Well, neither is today. Today is not promised. Everyday, we must thank God that He has given us another day. "Father God, I cannot cause myself to wake up out of a deep sleep, nor can I direct air to be available so that I can breathe. But, you can. Without your grace and mercy, an alarm clock cannot do anything to awaken me. Only your love for me can wake me up. Thank you for this wonderful day. Let me always be grateful for each day you give me. In Jesus' Name, Amen." In your time with the Lord today think about every thing, every advantage, every convenience you have. Remember that no matter how little you have, there are millions of people who have so much less. Thank God for the little things as well as the big. Our Bible reading for today is Colossians 3:17 . Think about the last three days. What has happened in the past 3 days that you can be thankful for. Take you Bible with you and have a blessed day!
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian Day 31 In the previous 30 days, we have gone from promising to commit, at least 5 minutes per day, to God Almighty to delving into the Bible on a daily basis to examining our hearts and motives. During that time, each person who uses this devotional as indicated should have a more vibrant and exciting walk with the Lord. God's ways are better than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He knows the end from the beginning. Now, using your own words, let God know that your heart is open to receive Him, His promises, and His way of doing things. Read and memorize Joshua 1:8 Romans 4:3 says, “For what does the scripture say? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” Now go in peace and love and serve the Lord.
The 5 Minute Christian ©2010 Vivian Aldana
The 5 Minute Christian God wants to speak into our lives. But, He cannot do it if we don't give Him the time. Do you have just 5 minutes, today? Will you commit 5 minutes to the Creator of the Universe? Five minutes may seem like such a small amount of time and it is. However, the God of the Universe can speak into our hearts in a mighty way; if we give him just 5 minutes a day to begin to open up the channels of communication.
The 5 Minute Christian Š2010 Vivian Aldana