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Golden Girls Home Remodel

1604 Broadmoor Drive, Austin, TX 78723


Studio I: Residential Project | Spring 2022

The bathrooms feature blocking in place for future grab bars around the toilet and a walk-in shower with seating along with a handheld showerhead. The floors are slip-resistant and the floating vanity allows for wheelchair accessibility.

Who is Wilson Sporting Goods?

Wilson is a one-stop-shop American sports equipment manufacturer with a mission to ignite the true potential in every athlete. Their high quality products and high profile endorsements has helped them to maintain the largest share of the market.

Founded in 1913 and Started Production in 1914

“Wilson aims to empower all people to live like athletes.”


The design is inspired by the idea of “Breaking New Ground” which means to do something innovative that is regarded advanced or has never been done before

Wilson Sporting Goods is known for their groundbreaking inventions that shaped the Sports Industry of today, from the catcher’s mitt, to the Wilson Duke football, or the first ever criss-cross patterned golf club. Each were designed to improve athletic performance and excel the game of sports

Wilson launching their first-ever premium sportswear line, presents an opportunity to create an environment that reflects the ground breaking history Wilson stands on while providing an advanced shopping experience for consumers

This idea will be expressed through sharp, angular shapes, material transitions, industrial elements with red bold accents, and use of elements seen in various sporting events that Wilson helped shape over the years.

Maintain integrity

With usage of high quality materials and furniture to reflect the brand

Reduce checkout time

By establishing efficient POS to increase customer retention

Waterloo Central

Ground level: 4,397 sq ft

Class A Construction Building

Materials: poured concrete and curtain glass walls

701 E Fifth Street, Austin, TX 78701

Design Drivers

Innovative features

To create value and a unique experience

Maintain authenticity

By incorporating Wilson’s branding

Draw in austin demographic

By creating an active space with a mix of urban style and diversity sustainability

Usage of sustainable elements and materials to reduce waste

Clear wayfinding

To encourage confidence while navigating the space

Slow down customer journey

By providing a down-time area near the Customer Engagement Zone

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