Work Application Portfolio 2019-2024_Junran Zhao

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Junran Zhao

MSc Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands | 2022-2024

BArch, Chongqing University, China | 2017-2022


Tel: +31 682926850

| Winter Garden |

House of Bakery · Community Centre in Predikerinnenstraat, Antwerp Msc 1 Interiors Buildings Cities Studio | Individual Project | 2022.09-2023.01

Tutors: Jeffrey Bolhuis (, Anèt Meijer (

This is a community center located in the Universiteitsbuurt. The primary inhabitants of this area are university students and local residents, who often lack opportunities for communication and understanding between them. The lively gatherings of university students at night somewhat disturb the private tranquility of residents' evenings, and residents, in turn, rarely offer chances for interaction and assistance from the perspective of students. Therefore, this community center is neither solely a public space serving residents nor a venue exclusively for private student gatherings. It exists between public service and private use, implying a cohabitation of residents and students and aiming to bridge the psychological distance between these two groups.

As a public space, it does not serve the entire city but rather provides a place for nearby community residents and occasional passersby to relax and interact leisurely. At the same time, it is not strictly a private space but rather a 'public space among acquaintances.'

Spatially, the ground floor is a bakery-themed cafe, while the upper floors consist of reading spaces centered around books. As the floors rise, the privacy of the public spaces increases. The entire building is connected through scents, memories, and spatial layout, creating a sense of home with the aroma of baking. In terms of materials, walls constructed from stacked glass fragments embody this 'privacy within the concept of public.' Recycled glass and PMMA fragments from Antwerp are poured into U-shaped glass, creating a blurred interface that separates the outside world from the internal space. This addition of glass fragments provides a visual obstruction that protects the privacy of the public community spaces on the first and second floors.

Framboise: Brood & Patisserie Waffle and Juice HYPE Barber Event Planning Patisserie Restaurant



The privacy of public space: a community center for acquaintances.

"The House of the MSc1 project is neither the representative monument of collective public life, nor is it the private house of an individual. Instead it suggests and considers those buildings that stand between; intimate figures, which both inform and are informed by the physical and social fabric of their immediate locality."

I see this text as a discussion of the public versus private nature of the project; the attributes of this building are somewhere between public and private. As a community center, it does not serve the city as a whole, but rather provides a place for nearby community residents and occasional passersby to spend their leisure time interacting and relaxing. At the same time, it is not an absolutely private space.

Based on the understanding of the above text, I would like to discuss "privacy under the concept of public" in this project, that is, to create a "public space for acquaintances". In my proposal, the ground floor is a bakery-themed cafe, and the upper floors are reading spaces with books as the medium, and as the floors rise, the privacy of the public space is enhanced. The whole building connects smell, memory and space, and the aroma of baking as a memory of home will make this community center feel like home.

Proustian Effect

People can evoke past memories through smell, and memories triggered by scent are often more vivid and evocative than those brought on by words. In Marcel Proust's "In Search of Lost Time," the smell of madeleine cakes becomes the key to awakening the protagonist's childhood memories. The olfactory system is closely linked to emotional and memory centers in the brain, allowing emotions and memories brought by smells to transcend time and space.

Creating environments with scents related to shared memories can strengthen emotional connections between people. When individuals smell the long-forgotten aroma of bread, they recall warm memories of home. The imagery of architecture and home continually overlaps in memories triggered by fragrance, forging emotional bonds among people.

Private - Acquaintance's Social Circle

Public - Open to People Who Live and Come Here

The privacy of the building from the bottom to the top is then increased, from public to semi-public. The openness of the facade is related to the transparency of the material.

Facade: Brick Slats + CLT Wall
Facade: Glass & PMMA Pieces Wall
Facade: Glass Curtain

The facade has different states, it is in a state of constant change. It can be empty, or it can be arranged in a specific pattern. It can also be completely filled to soften the strong sunlight in the summer months when the sun is heavily exposed to the west.

A large jar of sugar is always used in bakery, and becomes the icon of bakery.

The theme " House of bakery"

Facade can also be like a large jar of sugar.

U-shaped glass can be used to mimic the shape of sugar jar.

Place the recycled glass pieces into the U-shaped glass to imitate sugar.

The glass fragments show wonderful light and shadow effects under the sunlight.

In order to reduce the weight caused by the glass façade, the internal material is constructed by mixing recycled glass fragments with PMMA fragments.

Sugar Jar
U-shaped Glass

There are several levels of transparency.


People can completely see out

People indoors can see everything happening on the street outside. People outside could not see clearly into the interior.

B. Excellent light transmission

During the day, light passes through the walls to cast a beautiful light and shadow effect on the inner walls of the book bar. At night, the interior light shines through the walls to produce a beautiful architectural night view.

This particular part of the façade lies between complete clarity and hazy ambiguity, reflecting the real world as it has been aesthetically processed.

of the window.
B. Excellent light transmission
A. Visual penetration
A. Visual penetration

Roof Garden |

Growing the raspberries and spices needed for bakery.

Residents enjoy the view from here.

| Salon (3F)

For residents to have afternoon tea and gatherings in their leisure time.

Book Café (1F-2F)

The special texture of the facade of the bookcafe in the middle ensures that people can see what is happening on the street, while the outside cannot clearly see what is happening inside. This protects people's privacy and allows them to enjoy their reading world without worry.


Atrum (1F-2F)

Between the exposed beams of the atrium and the floor slab is a transparent pool with hydroponic plants growing upward along the line wall.

Facade and Balcony (1F)

The contents are recycled glass fragments and PMMA, which are very transparent and provide beautiful light and shadow effects during the day and night. People will see through this special wall a realistic view of the artistic process.

The open-air garden space creates a green buffer between the building and the street, where people can enjoy the relaxation of the wonderful courtyard space while reading.


Bakery Café (GF)

The Bakery Café establishes a strong connection between smell, memory and place. Baking always evokes memories of "home", which makes the space seem more welcoming. At the same time, this is where it all begins, and the theme of baking begins on this floor. Upstairs is a reading room for baking books and a salon for residents to learn about cooking.

Building Technology | Detail Construction and Structure Model

Structure Model 1:100

| De-aging Eden |

Elderly School · Lifelong Study Area Design in Fennpfuhl, Berlin Msc 3-4 Complex Projects Studio | Individual Project | 2023.09-2024.07

Tutors: Benjamin Groothuijse (, Georgios Karvelas (, Maruli Heijman (

This project is an elderly school in Berlin, which aims to help the elderly enjoy their happy life by enhancing their sense of self-achievement through knowledge sharing with other people. The elderly school provides another way to face Berlin’s aging population. It includes age-friendly design, participatory design, and multi-sensory design, aiming to help the elderly gain a sense of self-achievement through cross-age communication. The elderly school increases the possibility for people to meet and talk, using classrooms, in-between spaces, and gardens to provide formal and random learning and communication opportunities. It also improves the self-satisfaction of the elderly in different aspects. The classroom is a teaching space that provides fixed courses where the elderly can gain a sense of self-achievement when teaching and acquiring knowledge. The in-between space is a space for people to communicate and rest, where random learning opportunities can be triggered. The indoor garden is separated by exhibition shelves, where the elderly carefully maintain the plants, and they will also feel happy in this planting space.

The elderly school naturally integrates into the landscape of the park. The school is situated in a park with superior natural scenery, so the selected construction materials should maintain a transparent and natural architectural character. Wood, with its superior material properties, natural texture, and renewable environmental advantages, becomes the primary material for the elderly school, integrating material with architectural form and structure seamlessly. Glass is widely used for spatial interfaces, allowing for transparent sightlines so that every classroom can enjoy the indoor and outdoor landscapes. The choice of wood and glass integrates senior users, the senior school and Fennpfuhl Park.

Elderly people living alone are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. They may feel abandoned by society.

In Germany, approximately 5.9 million people aged 65 or older live alone, accounting for onethird (34%) of the population in this age group.

“The landscaped environment is crucial to the health of the elderly. ”

“Elderly people regard pets as a companion.”

“Elderly people have various hobbies: attending concerts, reading newspapers, watching football matches, or going shopping.”

“There should be various programs to support intergenerational communication. Young people have the opportunity to spend time with older people.”

Old People Intergenerational Communication Teach Teach Young People

Value - Everything for the elderly, elderly for everyone.

Relation Scheme



“Honor old people as we do our own aged parents, and care for other’s children as our own.”

-- Liang Hui Wang I (Mencius, 320 B.C.)

31,104 m²


Elderly Bus Stop
Site Intention: Floating Massing
Reflection From Fennpfuhl Lake
Interior Imagination: De-aging Eden
Aqua Garden Above Fennpfuhl Lake

Classrooms, In-between Space, Indoor Gardens






“Thirty spokes are joined in the wheel’s hub.

The hole in the middle makes it useful. Mold clay into a bowl.

The empty space makes it useful.

Cut out doors and windows for the house. The holes make it useful.

Therefore, the value comes from what is there, But the use comes from what is not there.”

-- Tao Te Ching, Chapter XI (Lao Tzu, 509 B.C.)

Generally, teaching and learning spaces in schools are confined to classrooms, where people engage in study-related activities. But in this elderly school, teaching and learning spaces flow throughout various areas of this elderly school, which creates chance to encounter, to talk and share knowledge, to study and learn.


Landscapes for exhibition, Concert, gardening things and activities.

Random learning and communication space outside the classroom.

Places for the elderly and young people to teach and study.

The elderly school increases the possibility for people to meet and talk, which improves elderly’s self-actualization. In-between space provides opportunities of intergenerational communication for the elderly. Classrooms provide fixed curriculums to share knowledge. Indoor garden provides place for exhibition.

In-between Space: Elderly-friendly


Classrooma provide intergenerational classes, but inbetween space and indoor gardens attract people’s interests to walk into those classrooms.


Study Room: Participatory





First Floor: Intergenerational Classes

Roof Skylight
Purlin and Rafter
Beam and Truss
Concrete Core, Beam and Column Third Floor Second Floor
Indoor Garden First Floor
Bracing and Hanger
Structure Aqua Garden
Outdoor Landscape
Bamboo Garden
Orange Garden
Aqua Garden
Basketball Court
Fishing Spot
Exterior Corridor
Handicraft Classroom Interior Corridor

| Artception Atelier |

Multi-Sensory Workshop · City Church Het Steiger Renovation Design, Rotterdam

Msc 2 Heritage & Architecture Studio | Individual Project | 2023.04-06

Tutor: Maarten van Kesteren (

This is a church renovation project. City Church Het Steiger was originally built on the opposite side of Rotterdam's riverbank in the 14th century, destroyed during World War II, and rebuilt in 1960. The church is located in Rotterdam's city center, once a municipal monument in Laurenskwartier, facing the canal and surrounded by greenery.

In terms of value assessment, the church holds significant historical value, having witnessed the city's resurgence after the war. Additionally, its architectural elements hold sensory value, providing worshippers with sensory impacts such as the scent of candles, the visual impact of stained glass facades, the melodious sound of the organ, the rough texture of brick walls, and the warmth felt under seats during winter. Furthermore, compared to other churches built during the same period in the Netherlands, Church Het Steiger's interior courtyard holds unique typological value. Lastly, the church interior features many interesting decorations, some crafted by renowned artists, making them valuable for collections. Therefore, the focus of the church renovation is on preserving and enhancing these sensory and historical values, creating a multi-sensory spatial experience.

To achieve this vision, the church will host artisans who will transform it into a workshop where they maintain existing church architecture and artworks while creating new art pieces and exhibitions inspired by the church's history and culture. This initiative aims to attract more visitors to learn about the church's history and stories, ensuring the beauty and sensory impact of the church are passed down and innovated upon.

The predecessor of this church stood on the other side of the water, at Het Steiger; hence the name of the church. This church was entrusted to the Dominicans who have been present in the city since the 14th century.

This old church was completely destroyed by the bombing of May 14, 1940.

The current church was consecrated on May 14, 1960 by Monsignor Martinus Jansen. The design is by Kraaijvanger Architects Rotterdam with Chris Knol as executive architect. Since 2014, the Steiger community has been part of the larger Johannes parish.

Pews + Heating Pipes

The pew is a unique expression of the architect's approach to industrial design, reflecting the design correlation between architectural design and furniture.

Glass Facade + Decoration

The unique approach of stained glass brings the atmosphere of the space to impress people. There are many artworks inside the church, most of which are from famous artists.

Inner garden

Unlike other church types of the same period that were surrounded by landscaping, Het Steiger is a church that contains an interior courtyard which defines its spatial value in terms of spatial typology.

Het Steiger
Markthal Blaak Station
Erasmus University College
Laurenskerk Rotterdam
Gemeente Rotterdam

Garden - Auditory, Olfactory, Visual Sensory

Light, Shadow and Color - Visual, Spiritual Sensory

Furnitures - Tactile, Visual and Olfactory Sensory

Brick Surface - Tactile and Visual Sensory

Light, Shadow and Color - Visual, Spiritual Sensory

Artworks - Tactile, Visual, Spiritual Sensory

Spirt-Sensory Perception of Church’s Interior Space

Ornament to Honor Apostels:

Fragrance + Visual

Sound Visualisation

Brick Texture Tactility

Visual Effect of Light, Shadow and Color

Candle Fragrance

Plants and Mud Fragrance

Wood Fragrance

Canal Wind

City Church Het Steiger - 1960

Handmade Artist | Sensory Creator

The artists who live in the church have different specialties and make crafts that offer different sensory experiences to people: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. They translate the artistic elements already present in the church into the crafts they make: ornaments, music boxes, candles, fragrances, cakes and so on. In addition, they regularly maintain and restore the church's artwork to bring out the artistic character of the church.


When the church was built, there were many artists and craftsmen who made artworks in the church.

Manifesto: A place for artists to live cozily, work creatively, and embrace church and garden with multiple perception.

Later on, those artworks become the feature of this church, and people would like to see those artworks while visiting this church.

Now, the church changed into handmade artists' worshop, they made unique artworks related to church and its artworks. People can still visit the church and also the workshop to get things they like.

Share House

Form Analysis | Create New Value from the Originals

1. Current status of the building. 2. The main space is integrated with the garden. 3. Cut heating pipes.

4. Create a water landscape. 5. Set retained interface & view area based on value assessment. 6. Raise the floor outside the view area and empty the main axis.

7. Emphasize the visual axis with a pool, cut partial floor to allow light in.

8. Lifting partial floor to let in more light.

9. Open skylight to bring in enough light for workshop, reflected light focus on the wall painting.

Souvenir Shop Exhibition Tower
Shared House
Glass Roof Workshop Workshop
10. Adding steel structure, adding a glass roof to complete the indoor garden and connecting the small one.
11. Dormitory building addition. 12. Final Status.
Skylight Detail Construction

* White lines reprents things related to sensories.

* White lines reprents things related to sensories.

Multi-Sensory Workshop
Panorama of Church Het Steiger
Multi-Sensory Garden
Interior Perspective
Garden Renovation
Interior Perspective

| Tokyo Forest |

Urban Agriculture · Shared House Design for Makers in Tokyo

BArch Year 3 Residential Building Studio | Individual Work | 2019.11-12

Tutor: Haijing Huang (

This is a shared house project where the dreams of makers come true. People need to communicate nowadays, but the development of society and the epidemic situation alienate people. We can build a house to adapt to people’s changing needs. The rapid development of Tokyo has made houses replace the original trees, and the greening of the community is far away from the living environment. This project uses vertical urban agriculture to create rooftop gardens and courtyards, shortening the distance between people through community green activities.

The apartments in this shared house project are a testament to flexibility. They are two-floor-high loft houses that provide space for both work and art creation, as well as for communication. The rooms are adjustable, allowing people to work alone or together as they choose. The shared and self-owned balconies provide an exterior living room for makers to hold exhibitions, exchange ideas, and enjoy nature. It’s a space that empowers people with choice and flexibility.

Tokyo, Japan

26.5m Floor Plan
Horinouchi, Adachi City

Imagine the living space as a garden box filled with plants.

Place two parallel living boxes into the garden box.

Botanic Box

Apartment Rooms | Together so as part, apart so as together.

First Floor Plan of Type II: "Togerther so as apart"
First Floor
of Type I: "Togerther so as apart"

Music Library · the Renovation of the Wangjiang Factory in Chongqing

BArch Year 3 Renovation Studio | Group Work with Yamei Ou | 2020.04-06 Tutor: Jun Chen (

Chongqing Wangjiang Factory was once an arms factory producing military equipment during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. After the founding of New China, it gradually became a miniature complex integrating community service and production, bearing the memory of a whole generation of Chongqing people. The design transforms the abandoned factory building into a library, revitalizing it with art and culture.

The concept is to turn the interior into a floating music garden. With the development of media, libraries tend to develop into multi-media. And Chongqing, the main city where China's trendy music scene is booming, has a growing number of vinyl collectors. A garden library of musicthemed vinyl records would be a hit. In order to solve the problem of an overheated summer in Chongqing, the library adopts the principles of surface wind and tunnel wind, which are the traditional cooling measures of Chinese streets and lanes, and applies Phoenics fluid analysis software in simulating the indoor thermal environment.

Chongqing Wangjiang factory, the former military equipment manufacturer, had made outstanding contributions during the AntiJapanese War. After the founding of new China, it had shouldered the sacred mission of national defense modernization for a long time. Later, it evolved into a micro complex integrating community service and production, bearing the memory of a whole generation of Chongqing people.

Popular music

Concept | Turn the Factory into a Botanical Garden

Renovation Process | Space Disassembly and Reconstruction

[1]Foramtion Analysis

Utilization of crane beam structure in factory

Reconstruction of facades

Previous crane beam: It was the beam structure supporting the operation of the bridge crane.

Mechanical properties: The mechanical properties of the crane beam is still needed.

Crane beam replacement: Replace the crane girder with a stronger structure.

Truss structure: The new crane beam adopts a truss structure.

The transformation of the factory is divided into two aspects: one is the transformation of space, by using the structural and mechanical properties of the crane beam to suspend the floor to create a spatial effect, and the disassembly and reconstruction of the opposite side. The other aspect is the improvement of the microclimate of the site. By adopting the local traditional cooling technologies of surface wind and tunnel wind, the hot summer temperature in Chongqing can be reduced.

Renovation of interior space

Melodic memory: The factory song "We Workers Have Power" is the memory of a generation.

Tonal visualization: Use visualizations to translate musical melodies into graphics.

Spectrum translation: Further translation of melody into high and low bars.

Wall cutting: Cut the wall of the old factory according to the translated figure.

Suspended floating floor: Suspended floating floor plate by crane beam.

Indoor garden: Create a garden library indoors.

Folding floor slab: The floor slab is folded to form a multistorey floor slab.

[2]Technical Measures for Cooling in Summer with Phoenics Fluid-Analysis Software

Surface wind and tunnel wind are used in traditional streets

Stage 1+2: Control experiment: Comparison of floor separate arrangement and concentrated arrangement

Floor layers: Large steps on the first floor extend to the second floor.

Stage 3: Influence of Surface Wind in Summer

Surface wind: The street adjacent to the water is perpendicular to the water boundary in order to facilitate the cool surface wind to pass through the street and lower the temperature in summer.

Tunnel wind: The temperature fluctuation in the depth of the ground is small throughout the year, and there is a large temperature difference with the surface air temperature in winter and summer.

Phoenics software is used to analyze the indoor temperature and air velocity in summer.

Stage 1 is the temperature and wind speed analysis inside the building when the floors are arranged separately.

Stage 2 is the temperature and wind speed analysis inside the building when the floors are arranged together.

Conclusion: The floor slab layout can not only keep the sight transparent, but also can see the retained structure of the old factory building in any place. It also strengthens the effect of the skylight to draw out the wind, and get good indoor ventilation and cooling in summer (vice versa in winter).

In stage 3, surface wind is added separately on the basis that other conditions remain unchanged.

Conclusion: Surface wind has cooling and ventilation effects on the lower part of indoor space in summer (and vice versa in winter).

Split slab: A slab that divides a floating monolithic slab into smaller sections.

Stage 4: Effects of Tunnel Wind in Summer

Facade reconstruction: The facade is reconstructed with glass and old cutted walls.

Dismantlement+Reconstruction: The workshop was transformed into "Music Garden Library".

Move floating slab: Move the floating slab up and down.

Stage 5: Superposition operation: surface + skylight wind

6: Superposition operation:


Stage 5 is the superposition effect of surface wind and skylight wind, i.e. the indoor temperature distribution when surface wind and skylight wind act simultaneously.

Stage 6 is the superposition effect of tunnel wind, surface wind and skylight wind, that is, the indoor temperature is obtained by adding the effect of tunnel wind on the basis of stage 5.

In stage 4, with other conditions remaining unchanged, tunnel wind is added separately.

Conclusion: Tunnel wind alone has significant cooling effect on the lower part of indoor space in summer (and vice versa in winter).

Conclusion: Superimposed with surface air and skylight air, the effect of air extraction is remarkable, especially for the ventilation effect of the building with a greater depth. The average indoor temperature drops obviously in summer.

Tunnel wind is used for air cooling in summer, or air heating in winter.

Conclusion: The superposition of tunnel wind, surface wind and skylight wind has a significant effect on indoor cooling under the premise of further strengthening the ventilation effect (the temperature range changes from 25-29.9°C to 20-29.9°C).

tunnel + surface + skylight

Metal cover crest

Baffle, Riveted joints, sealing with sealant

Bracket, @500

Thermal insula tion gasket, @500

Wood board, 20mm

Rafter, 200×100, @500


Thermal insulation gasket, @500

200×100, @500 Purlin, 350×100, @1000

Bracket, @500

Pressed Al-Mg-Mn alloy metal panels

Waterproof and breathable film

Vapor barrier

Thermal insulation layer with insulating glass wool

Thermal insulation gasket, @500 Vapor barrier

Wood board, 20mm

Rafter, 200×100, @500 Purlin, 350×100, @1000





Baffle, Riveted joints,

Bracket, @500


| Fold Landscape Into Mountains |

Rural Revitalization · Boutique Hotel Design near Huxi Earthenware Factory, Chongqing

BArch Year 2 Hotel Studio | Individual Work | 2019.05-06

Tutor: Jie Zhang (

The old Huxi Earthenware Factory in the suburbs of Chongqing is located in Nanmulin, backed by the Jinyun Mountains. It is a key development area for the "Yuanshan Pottery Valley" rural revitalization project. The project’s first phase relies on traditional earthenware culture to transform the old earthenware factory into a complex cultural and creative space integrating leisure, pottery experience, exceptional catering, tea and coffee, and conference functions. The project’s second phase will transform the Sanhe Village pigpen into a particular bookstore not far away. The boutique hotel to be built here will link the rural transformation project together. The rural characteristic tourism circle can attract tourists to stay here to a greater extent, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jinyun Mountain, and activate the declining business of Sanhe Village.

The hotel uses the folding garden and guest room monomers made by the height difference to ensure that every room can enjoy the mountain view to the greatest extent and enhance the privacy and comfort of the tourists. The concrete material with a unique texture responds to the earthenware culture here.

Huxi Earthenware Factory Kiln Kiln
Drying Pottery
Pottery Storage
Pottery Decoration
Yuanshan Pottery Cafe
A Pottery Journey
Pigpen Bookstore Sanhe Workshop
Section 1-1
Section 2-2
Section 3-3


| Pre in the Wind |

Immersive Exhibition · The Memorial Hall for Steve Prefontaine in State of Oregon, USA

BArch Year 3 Monumental Building Studio | Individual Work | 2020.02-04

Tutor: Haijing Huang (

"PRE 'S ROCK" is a basalt that is difficult to find on a hillside in Eugene, Oregon. This is a sacred place, because Steve Prefontaine, the legendary long-distance runner in history, died on May 30, 1975 when he hit the stone in a car accident. Prefontaine’s spirit of perseverance has inspired many to come and in memoriam, a monument and a memorial were built beside the rock which people named “Pre’s Rock”.

Pre’s Memorial Hall is a modern and emotional place, which is open to the public and allows people to contemplate and communicate without any shackles. When a man sits in the auditorium pensively and freely, or stands on the monument, he immediately becomes part of the memorial site.

How do people face death through the form of architecture? This has always been the key to the memorial. The emotional architecture commemorating Pre is the space where people will recall Pre involuntarily while walking within. Installation art is a personal act, which shows that one is willing to tell some unknown stories. It is through this extraordinary and private perspective that the installation art of the memorial hall expresses people's reminiscence of Pre. Instead of with Pre, it's a conversation we have with our own psyche. Each of us may be limited by a short life or an accident, but we still have the ability to extend it beyond the limits of life.

Prefontaine made long distance running popular in the United States. As the most famous long-distance runner in American history, he once set all seven American longdistance running records from 2000 meters to 10000 meters. This feat has not been replicated yet.

Prefontaine is a Nike contracted athlete and has left an indelible mark in Nike's product history.

" It's not just a game, it's a style, it's a pursuit of perfection, it's a constant innovation. "

There are many people who are fast runners, but one thing that people like about Prefontaine is that he refuses to be ordinary and tries to do it 200%.

Prefontaine made running popular in America. He was the first student athlete to win the honor in the field race.

In order to break through himself and for the audience, Prefontaine sprinted at full speed for a mile with a score of 3:5803, and then he coughed and bled.

On May 29, 1975, at the party on the night of the competition, Prefontaine drove his friend back to his house, but on the way back to the party, he was killed in a car accident.

[2] Speed and Sight Analysis: Prevent Car Accidents

Pre's sudden death on the unfinished running track is the deepest pain for people, and to stop the tragedy from recurring depends on the adjustment of the relationship between speed and sight,

Facade | Respond to Mountain Terrain

The Fountain Device

In order to break through himself, Pre ran as fast as he could for 3 minutes and 58 seconds. Then he began to cough blood. The fountain on the disc produces ripples according to the speed of Pre's running, which reminds people of Pre in the wind. The fountain on the disc produces periodic bursts of water at Pre's speed, reminiscent of Pre in the wind.

Landscape Architecture

When a man sits in the auditorium pensively and freely or stands on the monument, he immediately becomes part of the memorial.

The Exhibition Hall

After arriving at the second floor, people enter the cinema that loops Pre's life so that they can learn about Pre's whole life. And then they enter the other two exhibition halls on the second floor, which respectively tell the glorious moments of Pre on the track and the pity of losing the Olympic medal.

The Spiral Ramp

The ramp is close to the rock below the surface, and people can touch and feel it.

Walking up the spiral ramp, people will see the Pre’s Rock and the fountain on the edge of the pool, as if Pre is running in the wind, which provokes endless imagination.

The Installation Art

Pre, as a signing athlete of Nike, left an indelible mark in the history of Nike's products. Among his many running shoes, the most remarkable one is the Nike Montreal Spike he wore in his last race, and people who visit here every year often place running shoes near the Pre’s Rock. We hang the glass box with running shoes in the air, and the shadow projected on the ground is Pre's facial silhouette.

The Cylinder Exhibition Hall

People step into the cylinder exhibition hall, and they will see the story of Pre before the car accident and the huge installation art.

The Lobby

The lobby is not only a memorial hall, but also provides public space for nearby residents. When people enter the memorial hall, they will find that the first floor is a public space with a view of the mountain, providing them with rest space and dining space.

The Monument: Singing Walls

Everyone can feel their emotions freely. After all, facing death is a private matter. The monument is surrounded by a place of silence, where people can recall and meditate. By touching the monument, brain waves are transformed into a moving piece of music and become a sound landscape.

Pre’s Memorial Hall is a modern place with emotional sustenance. It is open to the public and allows people to contemplate without any shackles. When a man sits in the auditorium pensively or stands on the monument, he immediately becomes part of the memorial.

The people who came on foot walked up the steps and then enter the lobby. When they entering the memorial hall, they will find that the first floor is a public space. After arriving at the second floor, people enter the cinema that loops Pre's life so that they can learn about Pre's whole life. And then they enter the other two exhibition halls, which respectively tell the glorious moments of Pre on the track. Finally, people step into the cylinder exhibition hall, and they will see the huge installation art. Walking up the spiral ramp, people will see Pre’s Rock and the fountain on the edge of the pool, as if Pre is running in the wind, which provokes endless imagination.


Exhibition Hall 1: First Entry to the Runway (1966-1971)

1.As a child, he was ridiculed for his hyperactivity and poor academic performance.

2.After his second year of high school, he was invincible in the cross-country competition and finally won the title of state champion.

3.At the end of April 1970, in a contest with Washington state, Pre took part in a three mile race. Despite the rainy weather, Pre ran 13:12.8.

4.Pre injured his right foot before the NCAA championship in June 1970. He got 12 stitches. After 24 hours of ice, he stood on the starting line and won the championship in 13:28.

5.In the 4750m/5000m race in 1970 AAU, Pre was always in the lead. It wasn't until the last lap that Harald Norpoth started his long planned sprint and won the championship in 13:34.6.

6.In 1971, he set his first U.S. and university records in a contest against the Russians. For a year and a half, he never lost a race more than a mile long.

Exhibition Hall 2: First Entry to the Runway (1966-1971)

7.Before the opening of the Olympic Games, his foot was injured in training, but then he ran a two mile American record of 8:19.4 in training in Munich.

8.At the Olympic Games of 5000 meters in 1972, Pre took the lead and accelerated his pace, but it was not until the last 200m that he was surpassed by the other three players.

10.In the year and a half after the Olympic Games, this gloomy mood has not completely dissipated. He didn't take part in the 1972 cross-country race season.

9.Pre decided to participate for the Olympics and give up the money to be a professional athlete.

Cylinder Exhibition Hall: the End of the Runway (1973-1975)

11.Pre returned to the indoor track in 1973 and continued his winning way. In the competitions, he ran out of the best "one day double crown" ever.

12.At the AAU competition in 1973, Pre set a new record of three miles in the U.S. with 12:53.4

13.In the 1974 indoor season, Buerk beat 8:33.2 of Pre in the two mile race 8:26.2. It was the first time Pre had

14.The spring of 1974 was the first season since Pre left college. There was a lot to adjust, almost no attendance in the competition.

15.During the January trip to Europe in 1974, Pre set three American records and played a leading role in every competition he took part in.

17.In Helsinki, he lost to Viren again in the 5000 meter race, during which he had a deep breath of stomach pain. A few days later in London, Pre pulled out of the two mile race with two laps left because of breathing problems, the only time he had left.

18.In January 1975, Pre accepted the invitation to participate in a series of professional tests. One of the test indicators is "VO2 max". Only some elite endurance athletes in the Olympic Games can score slightly more than 80 points. And Pre got 84.

20.At the party on the night of the game, Pre drove Schott back to his house. On the way back to the party, he was killed in a car accident when he was 24 years old.


Pre, as a signing athlete of Nike, left an indelible mark in the history of Nike's products. Among his many running shoes, the most remarkable one is the Nike Montreal Spike he wore in his last race, and people who visit here every year often place running shoes near the Pre’s Rock. The glass box containing running shoes is suspended in the air, and the shadow projected on the ground is the silhouette of Pre's face. People in the cylinder exhibition hall slowly go up the ramp and realize everything around them. The artistic installation of "Pre's face" contains the space of time. This kind of "invisible form" art installation is not only a material space, but also a spiritual space of people.

Working Process of the Installation Art: The Invisible Form-Pre’s Face
1.Outline Pre’s face. 2.Adjust composition. 3.Grid graphics. 4.Place a small circle in each square according to the face outline.
5.Pixel processing: Every four small circles form a big circle.
processing: Every three small circles form a medium-sized circle.
Delete the small circles. 8.Adjust the space height of each circle to form 3:58 on the elevation.

In order to break through himself, Pre ran as fast as he could for 3 minutes and 58 seconds. Then he began to cough blood. The fountain on the disc produces ripples according to the speed of Pre's running, which reminds people of Pre in the wind. Installation art is a kind of personal behavior, willing to tell some unknown stories. The fountain on the disc produces periodic bursts of water at Pre's speed, reminiscent of Pre in the wind. Instead of with Pre, but also our dialogue with our hearts and minds. Each of us may be limited by a short life or an accident, but we still have the ability to extend it beyond the limit of life.

| Garden Market |

Spatialization of Flows · Urban Renewal of Yard 5 in Xiao-Bai-Lou Historical Block, Tianjin Summer Academic Project | Individual Work | 2021.07-09

Tutor: Yunhang Kong (

Architecture does not exist in isolation in a city. The "flow" formed by various behavioral lines in the city connects each building across the boundary of the plot, making the city a vibrant organism.

Xiao-Bai-Lou is a historial commercial blcok with many existing lane houses, which locates inbetween Jie-Fang-Bei Road and the Five Major Avenues historical blocks. In the 1900s, it was transformed into a British concession and built into lane houses, where many high-profile people lived. After that, the east bungalow of the lane house was demolished and a three-story storefront was built, and the external business of the lane house was initially started. Later, with the fastspeed development of Tianjin, many large commercial buildings were built around it, thus the Xiao-Bai-Lou block became the financial center of Tianjin, while the lane house was enclosed by external business.

This design attempts to establish the urban design subsystem composed of the moving lines of public transportation, social activities, landscape places, tourism, shopping and leisure, catering and entertainment, parking guidance and other moving lines, and turn the behavior of each subsystem into flow space, so as to integrate the flow space and generate a public building space adapted to the urban organism.

[1] Existing problems: Lane house is gradually enclosed by peripheral commercial shops.

In the 1900s, Xiao-Bai-Lou was transformed into a British concession and built into lane houses, where many high-profile people lived.

In the 1920s, the east bungalow of the lane house was demolished and a three-story storefront was built, and the external business of the lane house was initially started.

In the 1980s, many second-hand markets appeared along the Xiao-Bai-Lou block.

In the 2000s, large commercial buildings were built around it, thus the Xiao-Bai-Lou block became the financial center of Tianjin, while the lane house was enclosed by external business.


Road integration and choice before and after spatial syntactic analysis adjustment Before the adjustment

separately, and around Tianjin Concert Hall will form an entrance square, which can absorb more people. Before the adjustment, the lane house internal road network is messy and incomplete, and there are no direct pedestrian streets connecting the main roads.

the adjustment, the lane house internal road network has been reorganized, and there is a straight pedestrian network between the main roads, making transportation more accessible and convenient.

[4] Strategy 3: Adjust road network
In the original site, pedestrians who try to get there are easily blocked by the busy traffic , so the ground vehicle network will be adjusted. After

[1] The Composition of Commercial Activities

[2] The city's main roads and light rail stations inject plentiful vitality into the commercial blocks: three-dimensional garden market formed by the combination of pedestrian blocks and light rail transit

Multiple business circle radii model -- Huff model

Huff's model can deal with the interaction of three or more business centers, using the following formula to describe the likelihood that consumers at a given location will shop at a particular business center.

P (Cij) = Sj/Tij lambda / ∑ (Sj/Tij lambda) {j = 1, n}

P(Cij) : the possibility of consumers in residential gathering area shopping in central business district j;

Sj: j The area of the central business district;

Tij: travel time from I residential gathering area to J business center area; N: I The number of commercial (shopping) centers around the residential gathering area;

λ effect coefficient of travel time for different shopping purposes.

Huff model - simplification

Because the location is changed into a pedestrian street, and the business format and subway are newly planned, the mode of transportation of people in the business district is on foot;

Assume that people use transportation in a certain way (all on foot), i.e. at a constant time and at the same speed:

P = Sj/Lij (Cij) / ∑ (Sj/Lij)

The parametric role of Tijλ can be replaced by Lij, It can be seen that the radiation radius of the business circle depends on the area and walking distance of the central business area.

Walking distance includes:

Distance between traffic station and business district;

Distance from high-rise/exhibition center/residential building to business area.

Business Circle Radiation

5. Atmosphere of time

When the sunlight passing through the pool, it forms the light and shadow, which envelops the folk museum of the lane house in an imaginary time atmosphere.

4. Keep block memories

An open-air cinema will be set up on the roof of the lane house to play historical video materials of the block and recall people's memory of the history of the block.

3. Implant vitality nodes

The traditional lane house area is transformed into a street - style folk museum. Open-air cinemas and modern exhibition halls will revitalize traditional streets and alleys.

2. Dig under the site

Dig 1.8m under the site to make the former semibasement of the lane house residence into the ground floor that can be directly accessed, and transform the lane house residential area into a sunken block.

1. Residents move to nearby

Four residential buildings (40,500m2) will be built on the reserved land, residents will be relocated to nearby plots, and neighbourhood connections will be prioritized.

Tianjin Concert Hall
Demolish and rebuild the frontage shops

| Urban Runway |

Block In-Depth · Lane House Regeneration Project at Le'an Lane, Huaihai Road(M) in Shanghai

BArch Year 5 Grduation Urban Regeneration Studio | Individual Work | 2022.03-06

Tutor: Hao Long (

Li Zuo (

Huaihai Road(M), located in the heart of Shanghai, is one of the city's most prosperous commercial streets. For Shanghai residents, Huaihai Road is a symbol of taste and style. Since its establishment over a century ago in 1900, it has witnessed the rise and fall of the entire city. As the city has developed, Huaihai Road(M), with its prime location, has become one of the areas with the highest land prices in Shanghai. It is home to a blend of traditional businesses, trendy fashion brands, and the uniquely Shanghai alley neighborhoods "lane house". These lane houses, as distinctive residential spaces during Shanghai's early development, attracted a large number of residents. In recent years, however, problems such as illegal constructions and a lack of public facilities have worsened living conditions within the lane house. This has created a sharp contrast between the glamorous, polished commercial spaces along the main street and the deteriorating conditions in the old lane house neighborhoods.

This design project, based on preliminary research, has conducted a comprehensive study of the road traffic system, urban memory, and the current commercial landscape in the Huaihai Road(M) area. It identifies the core issue of the area as the superficial nature of its commercial development. To address this, the project proposes the concept of a "Block In-Depth" as a design vision, aiming to create an open block integrating commerce, art, and green spaces. The specific design focuses on the area around Le'an Fang, with the theme of "A Fashion Show in a Garden." Through five targeted design strategies, the project aims to address shortcomings in road traffic, urban memory, commercial composition, cultural and artistic elements, and pedestrian landscapes, breathing new life into Huaihai Road(M).

Uneven Development of Huaihai Road(M) | Le'an Lane

Southwest side of Huaihai Road(M)

There is a big contrast between the bright and beautiful shops on the street and the old and cramped lane houses with poor living conditions inside.

Facade-commercial block: Le'an Lane



Northeast side of Huaihai Road(M) Each commercial complex is a complete block.

Commercial block: Shanghai K11 Art Mall



Daikanyamacho, Tokyo

Xintiandi, Shanghai

Le Marais, Paris

Hackesche Höfe, Berlin

Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li, Chengdu

Huaihai Road(M), Shanghai

Block In-Depth | Solve the Uneven Development of Lane House Block


Strategy 2: Traffic organization adapted to highly-crossed networks

Value Accessment | Fashionable and Vibrant Lane House Regeneration and Urban Memory Reserve

1. Nanchang 178 Lane: Veranda-style dormitory

Value Accessment: This lane house holds significant historical value because it was the site of the Kuomintang Shanghai Executive Department during the First United Front between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and is now a protected revolutionary relic.

Regeneration Method: Lane house preservation and functional renewal

Value Accessment: The building is of superior quality and serves as a typical example of traditional

Value Accessment: The quality of lane house residences is generally modest, and the limited space does not meet the functional requirements of the project.

Regeneration Method: Deconstruction and reconstruction

Regeneration Method: Lane house preservation and functional renewal Value

After Regeneration

High-end Fashion & History District

Regeneration Method: Lane house

Value Accessment: The quality of lane house residences is below average, and the space does not meet the functional requirements of the project.

Regeneration Method: Deconstruction and reconstruction

Value Accessment: The internal space of the residence is of high quality and serves as a typical example of modern lane house in Shanghai.

Regeneration Method: Cut from cross-section, reconstruct old and new

Value Accessment: The largest lane house residential area in the entire site features a complete spatial layout of main and secondary lanes, with an emphasis on creating public spaces. It also includes the former residences of notable figures, which need to be preserved intact.

Regeneration Method: Integrate public space and adjust road network The demolition the longest lane house will enhance the accessibility of lanes. Besides, a new corridor space will be constructed in the original location, serving as a central public area in Le'an Lane, adding a vibrant public performance space to the entire project.

5. Taoyuan Lane: Old-style lane house
6. Shanghai Villa: Garden lane house
7. Le'an Lane: One-and-a-half-bay lane house
3. Nanchang 148 Lane: Old-style lane house
2. Nanchang 166 Lane: Two-bay lane house
4. Nanchang 136 Lane:
lane house
Landscape Platform Links Fashion Complex and Lane Houses
Roof of Le'an Lane - Outdoor Fashion Runway
Balloon as Runway Canopy
Le'an Lane - Fashion Museum

| Breaking Cocoon into Butterfly |

Mountain Building · Gymnasium Design of Chongqing University

BArch Year 4 Long Span Studio | Group Work with Qi Wen, Jinying Tan, Xutian Huang | 2021.02-04

Tutor: Xuesong Wang (

The site is located on the campus of Chongqing University. Part of the site occupies the community garden of the surrounding community, and there is a huge difference in height. In addition, the place is linked to the playground, basketball court and swimming pool, so the completion of the gymnasium will activate the surrounding sports facilities.

The gymnasium is divided into training hall and competition hall. The landscape treatment method of earth-covering in the training hall not only eliminates the height difference, but also retains the original community garden to the greatest extent. Besides a mere stadium, it is an open urban space with green landscape and water features. The cocoon shape and the lightweight, solid, single-layered, and reticulated shell structure of the competition hall were determined by comparing the shape and the structure of the 3D printing model, and the structure was optimized by Karamba mechanical simulation software. The reticulated shell adopts the radial grid of the earth's longitude and latitude lines. Based on the special needs of the gymnasium's lighting, the skin of the competition hall is mosaic. The material of the skin is composed of electrochromic glass, which changes with sunlight.

Site Analysis | Gymnasium Design of Chongqing University

We chose the earth-covering method of landscape. The pattern provides with more sites and keeps the state of trees in the existing site. The undulating ribbon landscape foils the huge gymnasium, striving to make the shape of the gymnasium light and eliminate the height difference of the original site.

Residents, citizens, teachers and students can carry out fitness and sports training in the venues hence providing economic sources for the

Large Area Greening

The landscape design covered with earth expands the original community garden and provides residents with a large area of community garden. The large garden provides a venue for the campus culture festival.

The gymnasium will become a representative building of the school and an icon for people to understand campus culture.

The school can also hold sports meeting here. People watch the events of supported athletes in the competition hall.

During some important events, athletes conduct pre competition training in the training hall, and then compete in the competition hall.

Relevant staffs will work here.

Mountain terrain gradient is large, set the basic height difference.

Terrain arrangement. Pull out the main platform. Climb up the terrain and cross with the main platform.

Extrusion deformation forms a three-layer platform.

Insert competition hall and training hall. The training hall is hidden and the roof platform is used as the waterscape.

Flip and stretch the edges to create a ramp or landscape.

Technical Analysis | Sunlight Analysis and Mechanical Analysis

[1] The Sunlight Analysis by Sunflower

The skin’s material is electrochromic glass, which is used to adjust the changes of the Mosaic skin. The epidermis varies with the amount of light required. Sunflower software simulation is used to show the epidermal discoloration on

specific days. On sunny days in summer, strong sunlight leads to glare, which is not conducive to the competition in the stadium. Therefore, the electricity control will be opaque, and the Mosaic skin will be completely closed. When used for

holding activities, Chongqing has constant cloudy days, and to create a bright indoor environment, the glass is partially energized to control the change- the light tracing type is turned on.

Date:2021.01.08 (The Major Cold Day)

Date:2021.03.21 (The Spring Equinox)

Date:2021.06.21 (The Summer Solstice)

Date:2021.07.22 (The Major Hot Day)

Date:2021.09.23 (The Autumnal Equinox)

Date:2021.12.21 (The Winter Solstice)

[2] The Mechanical Analysis by Karamba

The single-layered reticulated shell structure will produce stress mutation in the waistline, so it is reinforced with ring beams. The lower reticulated shell is

connected with the grandstand pillars as diagonal supports to form a large profile-shaped column. Each rod comprises 150*400 rectangular tubes,

confirmed to be stable through Karamba, which is used to analyze the structure’s mechanical properties. Red represents compression, and blue represents tension.

Stress of single-layered reticulated shell structure under vertical load.

Stress of single-layered reticulated shell structure under vertical load after the structure reinforcement.

Deformation of single-layered reticulated shell structure under increased vertical load.

Deformation of single-layered reticulated shell structure after the structure reinforcement under the increased vertical load.

Deformation of single-layered reticulated shell structure under wind load (exaggerated increase).

Deformation of single-layered reticulated shell structure under wind load (exaggerated increase) after the structure reinforcement.

| Sky Ferry |

Urban Ring · Office High-Rise Design in North Railway Station, Chongqing BArch Year 4 Skyscraper Studio | Group Work with Xingjie Xie | 2020.11-12

Tutor: Dongzhu Chu (

Looking at the development of modern high-rise buildings, vertically developed buildings are changing the outline of the city's skyline and are gradually restricted by the surrounding environment. We need to redefine the concept of high-rise buildings: make the building area as large as possible within the limited ground area. Inspired by this, we bend the conventional highrise buildings into a semi-cylinder, connecting two sites divided by roads. The city park is wrapped by a ring-shaped building, which plays the role of the city's living room and meets people's needs for public space. The Ferris wheel in the city park allows tourists to enjoy the scenery near the North Station and is also the city's business card. The space under the upper dome is a garden in the clouds, like a space built in the sky, where people can play and watch, overlooking the rising urban scenery of the North Railway Station.

Chongqing North Railway Station
Station Square
Longtousi Subway Station
To Subway Station
To Railway Station


| Green Cocoon |

Pocket Park · The Gas Station of Kanagawa 2040

Summer Competition Project | Individual Work | 2019.07-08

Tutor: Self-Instructed

At present, the world is faced with many environmental problems such as shortage of petroleum energy and automobile exhaust pollution. More and more countries choose to develop new energy vehicles such as electric power and hydrogen energy to reduce the utilization rate of petroleum. Japan has clearly put forward an electric strategy, which aims to "truly achieve the popularization of electric vehicles" by 2030. The Japanese government is still trying to push the technology of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

In contrast to the traditional gas stations, in 1996, there were more than 60,000 gas stations in Japan, but by 2012, there were only 37,743 gas stations left. The declining traditional gas station is facing the situation of abandonment and transformation, which is the design challenge of this case.

The proposed site is a traditional gas station in Kanagawa, Japan in 2040. The abandoned gas station is located in a traditional Japanese residential area in Kanagawa, a prefecture far from Tokyo. The community lacks the necessary public space, especially the open space for neighborhood communication and the necessary leisure and cultural facilities in life. By 2040, the gas station will be converted into a pocket park to meet the daily communication needs of residents in the surrounding communities.

In terms of space treatment, Green Cocoon with spatial transparency is selected as the design concept. The steel structure "Cocoon" has a unique architectural image and becomes the landmark building of the block. Climbing Green vines makes it a pleasant Green environment and residents are more willing to gather here. By 2040, the gas station will be converted into a pocket park to meet the daily communication needs of residents in the surrounding communities.

Vanishing Gas Stations | Renovation of a Gas Station in Kanagawa, Japan

The proposed site is a traditional gas station in Kanagawa, Tokyo, Japan in 2040. The abandoned gas station is located in a traditional Japanese residential area in Kanagawa, a prefecture far from Tokyo.

The community lacks the necessary public space, especially the open space for neighborhood communication and the necessary leisure and cultural facilities in life. By 2040, the gas station will be converted into a pocket park to meet the daily communication needs of residents in the surrounding communities.

At present, the world is faced with many environmental problems such as shortage of petroleum energy and automobile exhaust pollution. More and more countries choose to develop new energy vehicles such as electric power and hydrogen energy to reduce the utilization rate of petroleum.

Japan has clearly put forward an electric strategy, which aims to "truly achieve the popularization of electric vehicles" by 2030. The Japanese government is still trying to push the technology of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

In contrast to the traditional gas stations, in 1996, there were more than 60,000 gas stations in Japan, but by 2012, there were only 37,743 gas stations left. The latest figures show that there are only 33,510 petrol stations in Japan, which means that almost one in every two petrol stations has closed in the past 20 years. This is true not only in Japan but also in other countries around the world.

The declining traditional gas station is facing the situation of abandonment and transformation, which is the design challenge of this case.

In terms of space treatment, Green Cocoon with spatial transparency is selected as the design concept. The steel structure "Cocoon" has a unique architectural image and becomes the landmark building of the block. Climbing Green vines makes it a pleasant Green environment and residents are more willing to gather here.

The Gas Station in 2020
The Gas Station in 2030
The Gas Station in 2035
The Gas Station in 2040
Concept | Green Cocoon

By 2040, the gas station will be converted into a pocket park to meet the daily communication needs of residents in the surrounding communities:

As an outdoor cinema and concert venue, the pocket park has built an outdoor cinema by means of setting canopy space, stands, projection equipment and lighting and sound facilities. Meanwhile, it can also become a public gathering space for surrounding residents in the evening to strengthen community cohesion.

As a gallery, pocket park makes use of the space under the canopy and adds temporary and variable exhibition facilities to hold regular exhibitions to enrich the cultural life of the community.

As a coffee bar and book bar, the pocket park takes advantage of the reconstruction of the original office space of gas station and the redevelopment of awning space to provide a quiet and comfortable space for leisure communication, reading and thinking. The second floor roof can become a platform to watch the stars at night, and this imaginative space becomes the characteristic of the pocket park.

As a playground, the pocket park makes use of the vacant land around the gas station and the reuse of waste materials to provide enough activity space and play facilities for children to play games here.


People can see innumerable stars while resting in the reading cabin or lying on the

At the same time, Cocoon also provides a unique frame for residents to discover the beauty of the

roof garden.

The rope is selected as a special material in the internal space, and the rope wall is designed as a means of space separation, in order to create a comfortable scale in a small space, and continue the design and processing method of spatial transparency, so as to attract the surrounding people with activities, which is in line with the characteristics of pocket park.

In addition, the design makes reading tank, slides, seesaw, suspension bridge, climbing ropes, tables and chairs, shelves and a series of redesign of the facilities by using the daily material - waste tires and ropes, which accords with the design concept of "Green Cocoon", and the design of the tire robot has become the Logo design.

Reading Cabin Flower Chairs Wheel
Rope Panel
Rope Wall Wheel Robot
Seesaw Slide Swing
Suspension Bridge
Climbing Ropes
Table & Chair

Tea Manor Design for Anji Jingan Tea Technology Company

Tianjin University Research Institute of Architectural Design and Urban Planning | 2024.07-08 Internship during Concept Proposal Phase, as Project Designer

Project Leader: Yunhang Kong (

Ling Zhu (

Jianbo Zhao (

This tea manor project is situated in Anji, one of the birthplace of tea culture and tea production in China. Our goal is to assist the brand in establishing a modern tea factory that showcases the traditional tea-making process and tea culture.

The manor on Tianmu mountain has four different entrances at various heights and directions to accommodate different purposes and protect the privacy of the factory inside. The ground floor offers an immersive tea culture experience with a tea culture display and handmade tea workshop. The first floor is the tea production area, not open to the public. The second floor comprises the office area and warehouse. The third floor serves as a viewing platform for tourists to enjoy the sightseeing after their tea journey.

Cluster Analysis of POI in Tea Industry, Anji

Anji County
Locate in Southwest Mountainous Area of Zhongzhang Village, Baofu Town, Anji County
Steep and Narrow Road around Tea Manor
Anji Jingan Tea Technology Company
Jingan Tea

Elevation | Four Entrances from Different Directions

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

| Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Another Spring |

Translation of Zen Buddhism · Reconstruction of Feixue Temple, Chongqing BArch Year 4 Chinese Ancient Building Studio | Group Project with Xingjie Xie | 2020.09-10 Tutors: Wei Chen (, Cong Tang( Feng Lu (

Feixue Temple was a historical site built in the Tang Dynasty but was destroyed by flood afterwards. The reconstruction of Feixue Temple emphasizes the combination of spatial characteristics and landscape to convey zen. Worshipers trace the origin of themselves in Nature, feel the endless cycle of life. This is the realm we want to pursue. In order to make people perceive this atmosphere, we disassemble and reconstruct the temple's time and space throughout the year, and integrate different seasons of the same place and the same moment of different places to form a scene in front of different units in different seasons on the main axis, so as to connotate the cycle of spring, summer, autumn, winter, and another spring: and to understand all beings. The incoherent spring, summer, autumn and winter have become the symbol of life cycle.

| Spring |

In the night of spring, passing through shanmen, I see drifting fireflies flickering, lives passing and dying.

| Summer |

I sigh to the lesser self. In the day of summer, walking through the bamboo path, I hear breezes lightly swirling, bamboos softly swaying. I hearken the greater self.

| Autumn |

At the end of autumn, wading across the pond of expiation, I behold reflections in the water, which release others as well as me. I see the true self.

| Winter |

On the morning of winter, I tread upon the snow-buried ground. Wherever a footprint is left the Buddhist chant slowly appears. Thus I enter the state of anātman.

| Another Spring |

In another spring, I piously pray, the Buddha in me...

At the end of autumn, wading across the pond of expiation, I behold reflections in the

Fireflies of Spring Shanmen
In the night of spring, passing through shanmen, I see drifting fireflies flickering, lives passing and dying. I sigh to the lesser self.
Bamboos of Summer Hall of Four Heavenly Kings
In the day of summer, walking through the bamboo path, I hear breezes lightly swirling, bamboos softly swaying. I hearken the greater self.
Pond Water of Autumn Mahavira Hall
water, which release others as well as me. I see the true self.
Snow of Winter Buddhist Texts Library
On the morning of winter, I tread upon the snow-buried ground. Wherever a footprint is left the Buddhist chant slowly appears. Thus I enter the state of anātman.
Another Spring Feixue Pagoda
In another spring, I piously pray, the Buddha in me...


| Chinese Traditional Construction Logic

Step 1: Definite the Pattern of the Sutra Pavilion Buddhist Texts Library is located on the main axis behind the Mahavira Hall, and behind it is the garden landscape of the Feixue Pagoda. There are two side halls, which, respectively, are the Dizang and the Guanyin Hall. Located in an important position in the main religious space, the Buddhist Texts Library is a significant temple space. The gable and hip roof warps in the southwestern style, with double eaves. The pattern of the pavilion is grandiose and spectacular. The Buddhist Texts Library is the place where the Buddhist scriptures are taught and stored.

Note: Dougong is installed between the column and beam. Dougong transmits loads and makes the eaves of buildings far-reaching. At the same time, it is exquisitely constructed and plays a decorative role. Dougong is used to measure the size of the building. Dougong’s mortise is called “doukou”. Doukou is a unit of measurement in ancient Chinese architecture.The left

as well as the idea of modularization.

Step 2: Define the Plan and Section of the Buddhist Texts Library Step 3: Definite the Details of the Buddhist Texts Library

The Buddhist Texts Library has five bays, with a cloister added in the outer ring. The central bay refers to the space between the four eaves columns in the middle of ancient architecture, and its two sides are called the second bay.The length of the central bay is 55 times that of the Doukou. The second bay refers to the space on both sides of the central bay in ancient Chinese architecture. The length of the second bay is 55 times that of the Doukou. The end bay refers to the space on both sides of the second bay in ancient Chinese architecture. The length of the end bay is 22 times that of the Doukou. The dimensions of the house are 22.96 meters wide and 16 meters long. The Buddhist Texts Library uses wooden structure and frame with dougong, raising the purlin according to the “Qing Structural Regulations” published by Liang Sicheng.

Ridge Supporting Wood


Ridged Purlin


Ridged Purlin Tiebeam


King Post


Upper Purlin


Upper Purlin Tiebeam


3-Purlin Beam


Middle Purlin


Middle Purlin Tiebeam


5-Purlin Beam


Lower Purlin


Lower Purlin Tiebeam


7-Purlin Beam


Short Column


Eave Purlin


Eave Purlin


Yane Architrave


Chengchuan Architrave


Eave Hypostyle Column


Pingban Architrave


Large Architrave


Small Architrave


Eave Column














D=4 Doukou=448 mm

高按五架梁高六分之五,厚按高 八扣。




高按小额枋高九扣。厚按高八扣。 ——《清式营造则例》

D=4 Doukou=448 mm

高按九步架梁高六分之五,厚按 高八扣。 ——《清式营造则例》 径按五个口数。

D=4.3 Doukou+3.2 cun =640 mm




高按九步架梁高六分之五,厚按 高八扣。 ——《清式营造则例》

D=6 Doukou+4 cun=800 mm

厚按上柁厚收二寸,宽按厚加一 寸。



——《清式营造则例》 径按三个口数。上下皮与井口枋 平。 ——《清式营造则例》

宽按椽子斜径三个三分,厚按宽 八扣。 ——《清式营造则例》 径按檐柱径外加二成。

——《清式营造则例》 宽按三个半口数。高按两个口数。


高按檐柱径外加一成,厚按檐柱 径九扣。 ——《清式营造则例》


——《清式营造则例》 径高用前法。


D=6 Doukou+2 cun=736 mm



Outside Hypostyle Column

Inside Hypostyle Column

檐柱 外金柱 中柱

Caibu Beam


Column Base


Eave Rafter


Coner Eave Rafter


Flying Rafter


Hip Rafter


Hip Rafter


Ceiling Architrave




Truss Column


Hengchuan Tiebeam


Tajiao Tiebeam


Main Aisle Exposed Tiebeam


Shun Beam


Pa Beam


径按檐柱径,外加一成。 ——《清式营造则例》

径按檐柱径至中柱步架,每步加 径一寸。 ——《清式营造则例》


——《清式营造则例》 凡柱顶石,以柱径加倍尺寸。

——《清式营造则例》 径按金桁径三分之一。


径按脊桁内径八扣。长径俱同檐 椽。 ——《清式营造则例》

高按檐径十分之九分半即高,厚 按檐椽径十分之九。





高按支条高三份。厚按高八扣。 ——《清式营造则例》





高厚同草架柱子宽厚。 ——《清式营造则例》






D=6 Doukou+2 cun=736 mm

D=6 Doukou+2 cun=736 mm

D=6 Doukou+4 cun=800 mm

D=4 Doukou=448 mm h=4 Doukou=448 mm

D=1.5 Doukou=168 mm


h=4 Doukou+2 cun=512 mm

Beams and Purlins
Double Eaves
Lower Eaves

The theory of architectural field of view has long been recorded, such as the notion of “a thousand chi for potential, a hundred chi for shape” in the theory of fengshui situation,which describes the relationship between vision and visual distance when people observe architecture. According to the Ancient Chinese ruler, 100 chi is about 23 to 35 meters. From this distance, people can see the details of the building clearly. From a distance of a thousand feet (230 to 350 meters), one can see the complete shape of the building and its relationship with the surrounding environment. For traditional architecture, the division of field intensity based on visual distance, elevation angle and horizontal angle is usually consistent.

In the strong field, people can see the details of the building and even the material, people feel strongly about the building. The space has control.

In the equilibrium field, people, in a comfortable state can obtain a clear comprehensive impression of the building. There achieves a balanced state of architecture and human.

People in the weak field can only see the general outline of the building and have relatively weak impression of it. It is difficult for the building to attract attention from outside the weak field.

Clear vision with both eyes

Keep your head at normal level without looking up. Your head is at rest and your eyes are looking up at less than 30˚, which is natural and comfortable.

The visual distance of the square space of the building group was measured in the unit of five meters, and it was found that the visual angle shifted in a strong field of about 45 degrees. This proves that the control of the building to the human eye switches between strong field and equilibrium field. People feel strongly about architecture, and the space is controlled. People can clearly see the outline changes and doors and windows of the building, and get a comprehensive and clear impression of a building, so as to achieve a balanced state between people and the building.

Hall of Four Heavenly Kings
Mahavira Hall
Buddhist Texts Library
Feixue Pagoda

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