Guide to Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria 2020/ Feasibility Study

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Guide to Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria 2020/ Feasibility Study

Are you interested in cocoa farming business in Nigeria? Do you want to rake massive income by faring cocoa? Do you have all what it takes to become a great cocoa farmer? Well if that is you, then you don’t have a single problem because we have you covered. You are on the right track. Our cocoa farming business plan in Nigeria which was recently updated will guide you to becoming a very successful cocoa farmer in Nigeria. Cocoa farming is one of the most lucrative farm business to venture into and I tell you, you will be one of the happiest person to get involved in this business. Our Cocoa farming and processing business plan in Nigeria as it where, is a very useful tool that can be used to access bank loans, grants, competitions, notes etc. This have been a means of livelihood for so many. Have you checked our Catfish Farming Business Plan In Nigeria / Business Plan For a Mega Integrated Catfish Farming If you want to be very successful in cocoa farming business in Nigeria, there are certain requirements that are needed to help you facilitate your cocoa farming business. And one such requirement is that you posses a very useful cocoa farming business proposal. As a young cocoa farmer, this will be a very useful source of knowledge for you. Becoming a wealthy person in Nigeria don’t have to do with white collar jobs. Be smart and make money while you can. Everyone wants to have a white collar job but how many people understand how very lucrative cocoa farming is? How many people know that cocoa produce is highly sort after in the country and world at large? Do you know that cocoa is one of our country’s major export commodities? Some time ago, I was very privileged to be in cross river state where I briefly stayed at Ikom after my NYSC. I discovered that most of their real deal was cocoa farming. It was a business they don’t joke with at all. I discovered that they exported theirs and guess what? Demands where higher than the supply. This was about 15 years ago. I saw young people making millions out of this business. The funny thing is that these guys were not the people who clears the bush or maintain the cocoa farm plantation. This was wisdom playing out. How Certain guide are very useful to help young farmers on how to start a business on cocoa farming in which, they will have to start from the main source which is the knowledge of cocoa Plantation in Nigeria. Agricultural sector which is one of the major ways of sourcing for wealth in Nigeria is something very important and one should take seriously. The reason for this is that we have to understand the economical calendar of the country right now. Oil is fading away. Nations are no longer buying oil as much as they did years ago. This have reduced the 1/9

role oil play in employment of our citizens. Agriculture is rising back and government is doing all they can to ensure that everyone is encouraged to go into this sector. If you become a cocoa farmer, then you will be an exporter because cocoa is one of the major export of Nigeria as far as exportation is concerned. When we talk about Agricultural produce that are so lucrative, we are talking about cash crops. These are the ones that have marketable value. Cocoa is one of the most sort after cash crop that have a very high market value. When you are into cocoa farming, then you are automatically an exporter. This is one of the most exported cash crops in Nigeria. All over the world, cocoa is among the most sort after cash crop. As a cocoa farmer, you are a big shot in the country. In fact, this is a produce that has an already market because of its high rate of demand. In cross river state, especially youths from Ikom, Boki, Obubra etc, all are into cocoa farming in a very small scale and yet these guys are big time wealthy. Have you ever heard of crime matters in those areas? They have more than enough to cater for themselves. So, if you want to go into cocoa farming, be rest assured that you are starting something really big for yourself no matter the scale you are starting with. see our detailed Cassava Farming Business Plan in Nigeria 2020 / Feasibility Study Report Cocoa is a global farm produce and therefore has a global market. It has a very huge economic importance to our nation, to you and the generality of the society. This agricultural product as it where, provides a huge business investment venture to anyone who wish to invest their money and energy on it’s production. Get into it and be successful. According to research which is the fact that cocoa needs a proper breeding before any products is been coined out from it. To place an order for Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria PDF & Feasibility Study, pay N10,000 to GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – Ogumka Innocent Account No – 0153723721 After you have made payment for your Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria & Feasibility Study, send your email and payment details to 09066078526. Once your payment has been verified the Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria PDF will be sent to your email. You can also reach us via our email or via whatsapp 09066078526 Cocoa Breeding


In cocoa production, the breeding process diverse a lot . When you want to breed a cocoa tree, we have different ways of making that happen and we will be sharing some of these ways right away. There are different ways to breed a cocoa tree. The most commonly used method is seeding. Seeding: The is a special way by which a cocoa is planted and raised. It is taken from cocoa pods after or within 15 days of its harvest. When this is done, it can now be planted. It should be noted that cocoa tree is raised primarily from seeds. You must as a matter of fact adhere to the soil and climatic conditions that is required for the planting of a cocoa tree. This is a primary factor as it where. If you adhere to the climatic and environmental condition before you plant any cocoa seed, then your cocoa produce will be a great and farm produce. Budding : What is budding? It is the process of cutting a particular matured preferred part of tree and place it under a flap of bark of another tree entirely. When this is done, you are expected to use raffia and waxed tape of clear plastic to prevent loss of some moisture to bound it. At a point, the new bud start growing, the old tree above is expected to be cut off and discarded away because it has no use again Cutting: This is a process where the cocoa farmer takes the tree that was cut with an average of three and four leaves and one or two buds. These leaves are now taken or cut in halves. These leaves that have half will be placed in a pot under polythene bag. This will remain until the roots begin to grow. Before this is transplanted into a farm, you must wait until you see that it has started to grow from the pot. Marcotting: This is the process whereby the farmer is expected to remove the strip away from the bark from a branch and covers the area with sawdust and a polythene sheet. This is a very necessary step. This process will automatically produce roots and branches again, and these roots and branches produced will now be now be cut off and then it will be replanted in the farm. See our detailed Plantain Farming Business Plan In Nigeria 2020. PDF How Do You Start Cocoa Planting and Maturity The nursery level of Cocoa is usually between October and January, while the field transplanting of cocoa is done between April and late June. In cocoa business, patience is very key but trust me, the reward is worth it. It takes between three to five years for cocoa to yield the first crop after it has been planted. So there is no hurry in this business but there is a steady income in cocoa farming business in Nigeria. But for Cocoa Hybrid varieties which will be fully discussed in our cocoa business plan can actually yield harvested crops within two and three years after planting. Some time ago, some experts in cocoa planting where invited to help stimulate the development of an early-maturing, high-yielding, disease-resistant beans to help double the country’s production.


We have actually told you in practical terms that cocoa is the fastest and most selling cash product in the world. The only cash crop rivaling it today is the palm oil business. The reason the for this is not farfetched. The very reason why it in high demand globally is because it has various degrees of usage. We all are aware that one of the best common extract from cocoa is Chocolate. Many regard it as the best product from the cocoa seed. But it has more than just that. According to history, chocolate as a food product was first recorded in Mayans and Aztecs era whom at that time made a drink from cocoa beans of the cocoa tree. Before now, chocolate was best known as a beverage. But it was not until the nineteenth Century when “eating chocolate” was made a food. There is a well known product of the cocoa seed. So many persons do think that we can only get chocolate from cocoa. Well, there are other products that can be gotten from cocoa seeds which is cocoa powder. The cocoa powder is a food stuff ingredients. Other usage is that this cocoa powder can be used in chocolate flavored drinks and desserts such as ice cream, cakes, drinks etc. Are you also aware that cocoa powder can be used to spice chocolate spreads and sauces, cakes and biscuits? There is also what we call Cocoa butter which is an ingredient that can be used in cosmetic products such as moisturizing soaps and creams. This cocoa butter is a product of cocoa seed. Cocoa have numerous usage and that is why it has a very strong economic value. It can also be used to manufacture cocoa liquor, jam and marmalade. When producing soft drinks and alcohol, Fresh cocoa pulp juice is often used. Organic fertilizer can be gotten from the crushed shells or pod husks of cocoa beans. This is an natural deterrents to weeds. According to experts, this can also function as a way to minimize erosion. You can get animal feed from when the cocoa is pelletised. Actually after it has been pelletised, it is the husk that is used for animal. Then the potash that emanates from the husk can now be used for the production of soft soap.. Agriculture and Cocoa Production In the 1950s, Cocoa was the most important agricultural export crop in Nigeria. This was the era when the entire nation depended mostly in on cash crop production and exportation for her foreign earning. No doubt, this was a glorious decades for cocoa production by farmers. Indeed it was the Nation’s crude oil as at that time. It was Nigeria’s exported cash crop commodity. As at that time which was in 1970, the production cocoa farm produce, peaked at 400,000 metric tons. But guess what happened? The discovery of the liquid black gold, and the oil boom of the 1970s resulted in the ‘dutch disease’ which was an expression of the fact that agriculture was neglected and the strong economic value it has declined. The foucs was now on oil which certainly became the sole foreign exchange earner for the country As at today, land area under Cocoa cultivation in Nigerian has been estimated to be around 650,000 hecters. Its production capacity is about 250,000 metric tons per annum. In Nigeria, lots of states do produce cocoa seeds but Ondo state, is the biggest producer, 4/9

with 77,000 tons per annum. We are all aware that Cocoa is most produced and cultivated in the southern part of Nigeria. The reason for this is because of the texture of their soil and their climatic condition which prevails in their region. Let’s list some of the other states that produce cocoa in Nigeria. They are: Abia, Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Ekiti, Kogi, Kwara, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo and Taraba. Like we have established, Ondo State is rated as the largest cocoa producing state in Nigeria based on its capacity. Some time ago, Cocoa became or was placed cocoa in the Centre-stage as the most important export cash crop. This resulted in the fact that the recent Federal Government are trying to diversify the export base of the nation. And this is important because it is the reason why cocoa was placed in the Centre-stage as the most important export tree crop. From our recent statistics, the growth rate of cocoa production in Nigeria have drastically reduced because of the over dependency on oil production. This have resulted to the fall in the economic and market value of the subsector.. Based recent statistics, Nigeria remains the largest producer of cocoa in Africa and the fourth largest and producer of cocoa in the world. The following countries are the that have been ranked as nations that produce cocoa more than Nigeria. They include: Ivory Coast, Indonesia and Ghana. To place an order for Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria PDF & Feasibility Study, pay N10,000 to GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – Ogumka Innocent Account No – 0153723721 After you have made payment for your Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria & Feasibility Study, send your email and payment details to 09066078526. Once your payment has been verified the Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria PDF will be sent to your email. You can also reach us via our email or via whatsapp 09066078526 NIGERIA’S COCOA For countries that are tropical in nature and climate are countries where the production of Cocoa crop thrives and are dominated. But these countries are countries where they consume cocoa less. In fact the consumption of cocoa is actually more in countries which are temperate regions of the world. About 70% of the global production of cocoa happens in West Africa. Though this figures does fluctuate annually with climatic conditions These are periods where we usually experience rapid expansion which is usually followed by periods of stasis. Another aspect of the matter is that the production cocoa still does continue to expand with cultivation becoming more widespread.


West Africa like we have established has the largest share in terms of the production of cocoa both in Africa and the world entirely. And as it where, Nigeria is the third largest producer of Cocoa in the region behind Ivory coast and Ghana. Well, the production of cocoa in Nigeria is actually on a very large scale but the cocoa farming sector is dominated by small scale farmers and remains a critical source of livelihood for rural populations in the states where we initially mentioned where the cocoa is produced. The following are the states where cocoa is produced in large quantity in South-west. They include: Ondo, Oyo, Osun Ogun and Ekiti. In these states, the cocoa farmers who operate cocoa farms either did inherit the cocoa field or operate a share cropping system. Share cropping system have to with a process where two-thirds of the produce accrues to the land owners who also are required to purchase some of the farming input. Suitable Soil for Cocoa Plantation Generally, cocoa can be planted in a very successful wide range of good soils. But it is always advised that a very well-drained, rich soil, which is very neutral in acidic substance and in the reaction are the best suited environment for the growing of cocoa business in Nigeria. Also, to grow cocoa as a business successfully, you must plant cocoa in a soil that have a minimum soil depth of 1.5 m. Very course sandy soils are not suitable for cocoa plantation. Also, let the soil pH range from 4.5- 8.0 with the optimum being 6.57.0. This is very suitable for commercial plantation. Commercial Cocoa Plantation – Basic Steps Tissue Culture in Cocoa Plantation According to an expert I met some years ago in a seminar, he told the audience that, they can actually decide to go for micro-propagation of cocoa seeds which can be increased for mass multiplication of elite materials as a supplement of conventional propagation. And he went further to state that, “sometimes cotyledonary tissues show the best response to callus induction. Propagation” Then from our own team of experts, they also gave an option which I think it’s a very good one. They advised that potential farmers can also go for both the seed and vegetative propagation in the commercial cocoa plantation business. Generally, seed propagation is desirable to collect the seeds for biclonal and polyclonal seed gardens. This is where the seeds actually start to germinate and this happens in just about a week. Actually this is where the bulk of the seeds do germinate and there is about 90% seeds germination in this process. When this happens, you are now required to transplant the cocoa seeds in perforated polythene bags. Before now, it was advised not to plant the four to six months old seedlings in the main field, but based on recent research findings, it has been generally accepted that it very much okay to plant the four to six months old seedlings in the main field. For those who want to go into large-scale plantation of the cocoa farming business, they


are advised to go for the vegetative propagation. Well, it should also be noted that vegetative propagation by budding, rooting of cuttings and grafting are feasible. Currently, the budding process is widely popular. Planting When planting cocoa, do it in soils that have a very low fertility and gravelly lateritic zones, dig the pits of 50 cm X 50 cm X 50 cm size. Then, then you are to fill them with a mixture of topsoil and organic manure. In soils of good texture and depth, there is usually no significant advantage out of making big planting pits. As a matter of fact, you are expected to plant on the soil surface, since, the feeding of roots are usually confined to the surface. And this is done irrespective of the depth of planting the cocoa plant. Generally, cocoa can be planted in a very successful wide range of good soils. But it is always advised that a very well-drained, rich soil, which is very neutral in acidic substance and in the reaction are the best suited environment for the growing of cocoa business in Nigeria. Also, to grow cocoa as a business successfully, you must plant cocoa in a soil that have a minimum soil depth of 1.5 m. Very course sandy soils are not suitable for cocoa plantation. Also, let the soil pH range from 4.5- 8.0 with the optimum being 6.57.0. This is very suitable for commercial plantation. Aftercare & Management on Cocoa Plantation There is always a need to mulch the basins with organic manure immediately after you have planted the cocoa plant. Also ensure you remove the shoots which do emerge from the lower portions of the bud patch on a constant basis if possible, periodically. Actually, it ensures the healthy growth of scion shoot. During the first 3 to 4 years of planting, it is essential to keep the field weed free. Manuring & Fertilization The application of manure and fertilizers will be done based on the soil test report. As a cocoa farmer, it is widely accepted to apply NPK fertilizer in 2 equal split doses. For cocoa trees that yield more than 60 pods per year, you are to double the dose of your manure application. Also apply dolomite @ 100gm per plant per year from third year on wards. Generally, the best method of fertilizer application is to rake in and mix fertilizers with soil in shallow basins of 150 cm radius for grown-up plants. Pruning in Cocoa Plantation If you are into this before now, you must have seen how Cocoa grows. They naturally grows in tires. Well, they are under a good management of the farmer and adequate shade is provided, then its plants forquette at a height of 1 – 1.5 m producing 3 to 5 fan branches. For a better production, you must restrict the growth to one tier at a convenient height. It is also advised that you do pruning and shaping of grown-up plants gradually. But ensure you don’t do this to the much shock to the bearing plants. Irrigation in Cocoa Plantation Under the condition of well-distributed rainfall, cocoa grows up well as a rain-fed crop. In that case, you may not need to provide irrigation. In areas where rain-free period 7/9

extends to 4 to 6 months, you will need to provide supplemental irrigation. Generally, you may provide irrigation once in 5 days. It helps in better growth of plants and precocity in bearing. Top Working in Cocoa Plantation Generally, top working is very useful to rejuvenate old and unproductive cocoa plants. Also, it converts genetically poor yielders to high yielders. After the pre-monsoon shower is the best time for top working in cocoa. The top working technique consists snapping back the desired trees below the forquette after cutting halfway. Plant Protection When we talk about plant protection, this includes the protection of your cocoa farm from harmful pests and diseases that could destroy it. There are bad and harmful and insects you can find. This means that as a cocoa farmer, you must have the financial plan to ensure for the protection of the cocoa farm. Finally, Harvesting & Post-harvest Management We have discussed that the cocoa pods usually take up to 150 to 170 days from pollination stage to the harvesting period. One of the best ways to judge the stage of maturity of pods is by the color change of the pods. The harvested pods as it where can be stored up to for 4 days. This actually helps in the pre-fermentation activity inside pods and helps to get good quality cured beans. Another method of breaking the pods is by hitting them against a hard surface. The final stage have to with the extraction of the beans without placenta and keep for fermentation almost immediately the harvested beans need fermentation. If you would also want to add to what you, you can decide to And also consider starting a cocoa processing unit to produce different value-added products of cocoa from your cocoa plantation business. Our sample recently updated Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria can be used to access bank loans, proposal writing and grant applications. The business plan was recently compiled after a thorough feasibility study on Cocoa Farming Business in Nigeria was done by our team of experts. To place an order for Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria PDF & Feasibility Study, pay N10,000 to GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – Ogumka Innocent Account No – 0153723721 After you have made payment for your Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria & Feasibility Study, send your email and payment details to 09066078526. Once your payment has been verified the Cocoa Farming Business Plan in Nigeria PDF will be sent to your email. 8/9

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