Chapel e-Chatter To subscribe to e-Chatter & news alerts, send an email to: A p u b l i c a t i o n e x p r e s s l y f o r t h e C h a p e l G l e n C o m mu n i t y p u b l i s h e d b y C h a p e l G l e n C l u b , In c .
April, 2015 Inside this issue: Easter Egg Hunt
Welcome Com- 1 mittee Update
Chapel Glen Annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4, 2015, 12:30 p.m. at Clubhouse/Playground Simultaneous Egg Hunt by the following age groups: Ages 1—3 (Area 1)
Important #’s
Ages 4—6 (Area 2)
HOA Minutes
Ages 7—9 (Area 3)
Crime Watch
Ages 10 + (Area 4)
Directory Updates
Greenbelt Cleanup
Greenbelt News 5
Many great prizes and surprises!
Glendoras—Not just for ladies anymore? (at least not this month!)
Dates to Remember: •
Easter Egg Hunt—Apr 4 @ 12:30 p.m.
HOA Meeting— Tue, Apr 7 @ 7:00 pm @ Clubhouse
Glendoras Wed, Apr 8tth @ 7:15 p.m. @ Clubhouse
Greenbelt Cleanup– Apr 11th @ 8:30 a.m.
Wayne Township Superintendent will be visiting Glendora's Ladies Group on April 8 at 7:15pm. All homeowners are welcome! Dr. Butts will be here to share important information on the upcoming operational referendum in the primary election to be held on May 5. Be advised that all requests for absentee ballots must be made prior to April 6. Absentee Ballot can be requested through the Wayne website or the clerks office. Please plan on attending this information session regarding our property values and how they relate to great schools. Invite your neighbors. Very informative! Call Michelle Stohler for additional questions at 317-919-8556.
Welcome Committee Update If you are a Welcome Section Rep or are interested in being a Welcome Rep, please email to update your section information for future Chatters and the new Directory. 1
Need to Contact Us?
March 3, 2015
273-9958 or cghoanews@gmail. com
Chapel Chatter
Lisa Bigley
Chatter Deadline
15th of month
Kathy Dryer
Clubhouse Reservations
Kathy Dryer
Pool Badges
Tara Becsey
Chapel Glen Security
Non-Emergency Mobile Phone
Chapel Glen Non-Emergency Cell Phone
IMPD Special Patrols
IMPD Traffic
If you are new to the neighborhood and have not been contacted by the Welcome committee, please call the committee member for your section as listed below (your section is identified on the Chapel Glen map located in the center of the Chapel Glen Directory). If you do not know who to call, you may contact the Committee Chairperson, Tara Becsey, at 271-4258.
Section I
Mary Ann Flanary-Schenk
Section II
Joyce Weaver
Section III
Joan Ayer
Section IV
Beth Hardcastle
Section V
Dave / Mary Thompson
Section VI
Holly Hintz
Section VII
Lisa Bigley
Section VIII
Tara Becsey, Chairperson
Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM II. Approval of Minutes – The February meeting minutes were approved. III. Financial Report – The Financial Report was not available. IV. Committee Reports ♦ Architectural – 8433 Warrington Dr fence approved. ♦ Chapel Chatter / Communications – No report this month. ♦ Clubhouse – IPL has fixed all lights in club parking lot. ♦ Greenbelt – Nothing to report ♦ Lake – New signage will be installed this year. ♦ Pool – Land line phone for pool area is being implemented in time for season to meet new requirements. ♦ Security & Crime Watch – The Chapel Glen Crime Watch meeting on February 23rd went well. Next scheduled meeting possibly at 911 call center. Date yet to be determined. V. Old Business ♦ Directory Updates – The newest edition of the Chapel Glen neighborhood directory is currently being compiled. Please email any changes to Final changes to be submitted by April board meeting for final board approval. VI. New Business - None VII. Other – Glendora is funding one bench for Greenbelt. Approval of location to take place at April board meeting. VIII.Snow removal done twice this season when height reached 3 inches. Reminder to remove cars parked on street. IX. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:45 PM. X. The next meeting will take place at 7:00 PM on Tuesday April 7th at the Clubhouse.
Crime Watch Update Greetings, As you may know, in light of recent criminal and suspicious activity, neighborhood crime watch meetings have been taking place monthly. We have gotten great feedback and advice from both IMPD Southwest District crime watch specialists and each other. Along with ensuring we take actions such as ensuring our homes are secure, well lit, and we remain cognizant of our surroundings and look out for each other, I’d like to take it a step further. I’ll back up a bit and introduce myself. I’ve been a resident of Chapel Glen since 1994, when I was 11 and my parents moved into the neighborhood from Woodpointe. We moved because we so much liked the concept of the greenbelt, neighborhood pool, mature trees, and friendly neighbors. I’ve since completed high school and college, married, had kids, and remained in the neighborhood in the house my parents bought over twenty years ago. While at Purdue, I worked for a student division of the police department. We were the “eyes and ears” of the department, patrolling campus, and reporting suspicious and illegal activity to the officers. Between school and the “real world,” I worked hotel security at a couple of hotels downtown. I’ve been a safety auditor with an airline for several years now. I’ve loved all of these experiences, and as you can imagine, they require a keen eye for what’s taking place around me. I’ve used that heightened sense of awareness around the neighborhood as well, and for years have pushed a stroller on walks and ridden my bike around the neighborhood for pleasure, but always with a bit of an ulterior motive – to let people I run across know that we’re a friendly bunch who notice what’s taking place in our neighborhood, and to help neighbors by being aware of what’s going on around us. For several years, I’ve had the idea of, along with having a robust crime watch, having a group of neighbors who volunteer their time to be a visible presence in the neighborhood, along with watching for anything out of the ordinary, and reporting it to the police if needed. Now that we have resources like the Next Door website and phone app, a Crime Watch program, and interaction with IMPD Southwest District, I believe this is the perfect time to get this ball rolling. While I stay busy with work and two (maybe three by publish!) daughters, heading an active division of the crime watch is something that I would be honored, and feel called, to do. While there are quite a few details to iron out, my goal is to start now to have at least a head start when the buds on the tree are a welcome sight again. I don’t at all want anyone to feel obligated to help any certain amount of time per week or even month, but I feel that even just a few neighbors walking around together, riding bikes, walking dogs, or even just getting kids or grandkids together to play at the playground would show those who may be up to no good that we’re around and watching. I have lots of ideas running through my head, some which may come to fruition, and some which may not. For example, possibly shirts to show who we are, weekly or randomly scheduled large group walks through the neighborhood, a database to allow those who participate to log (electronically in a system that’s accessible to everyone) what they were able to do and the times they helped (ie walked their dog and saw XXX, was driving to work and saw YYY, got together at the playground with neighbors and saw ZZZ), a system of communicating who's able to participate what days, along with others. Again, the goal is to encourage participation and not make anyone feel obligated. In the coming weeks, I hope to get some of these details ironed out. This will be an evolving process, and there will certainly be trial and error. But with the response I’ve seen at meetings and the help that I believe IMPD will provide, I think this is something that could be long lasting and viable. Of course, here’s the kicker: we can’t do this without the help of neighbors. So, I encourage anyone who is interested to participate. Please look for more details soon, and let us know if you’d like to help! Many thanks, Matt Bryant
HELP US KEEP OUR CHAPEL GLEN DIRECTORY CURRENT! Chapel Glen Neighborhood Directory will soon be updated and distributed. Please take a moment to review your family’s contact information. Do you need to update the information? If you are new to the neighborhood, submit your information including the names of all persons living in your household, address, and phone number. The Community Services Listing will be updated, please email and confirm the information. This list includes babysitters, pet sitters, mowing/leaf raking, and snow shoveling. Please submit name, contact number and special request for hire. If you are a business owner and are interested in advertising in the new directory, please contact us for pricing or to answer any questions. Submit all directory changes, additions, or advertising pricing inquiries to: Deadline is: April 20th
Chapel Glen Clean Up Day Saturday, April 11th @ 8:30 a.m. Join us at the clubhouse parking lot to clean up our common areas. After this winter, we all have plenty to clean up, but please take a couple of hours to come help clean up our common areas to keep the Glen a beautiful place to live!
Proper Pruning Now that Spring is here many homeowners begin to think about pruning low hanging branches from their trees. A common mistake is to make a single cut next to the tree trunk to remove a limb. Often on larger heavy limbs this results in a downward tear of the bark on the trunk as seen in the first photo. The reason this happens is that heavy branches break and rip the bark before the cut is complete. Such rips take many years to heal. This is easily prevented by using what is called the “three cut method�. First make a cut about 1/3 of the way upward through the limb about 6 to 8 inches out from the trunk. Then make a complete cut of the limb about three inches out from the first cut to remove the limb. Any splitting or tearing of the limb stops at the upward cut. Finally cut the stub of the limb off at the outside edge of the branch collar. The branch collar is the enlarged part of the limb where it joins the tree trunk. Using this pruning method results in the smallest possible wound area and the fastest recovery time and no ripping of the bark along the trunk.
Ripping of the bark
Final cut to remove stub
First upward cut
Healing of the exposed area
Second cut to remove limb
Job complete with smallest exposed area
Fully healed pruning cut in about four years 5