Texas Prison Ministry New Volunteer Packet

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We believe that every contributing volunteer is a valuable gift that deserves to be managed, recognized, and honored. We believe that all volunteers have the right to understand the big picture of the ministry and to see where their efforts fit into the overall structure and mission. We believe that it is the responsibility of Texas Prison Ministry to place the volunteers in a position that fits both the interest and giftedness of the volunteers and the needs of the ministry.

Our desire is to engage the church and create a seamless structure focused on ministry. We believe that Texas Prison Ministry must partner with the local Church to participate in a special ministry to the "least of these" in response to Matthew 25:34–40. It is our desire to involve volunteers at all levels in the ministry and to provide opportunities to work interdenominationally, crossracially, and cross-culturally. We believe that crime is a moral problem—Christians call it "sin"— and the only way to really change society is by helping individuals make lasting changes in their own lives by committing their lives and values to Jesus Christ and His Word, the Bible. Therefore, it is vital that volunteers live by these same beliefs.

Spiritual Gift


Texas Prison Ministry Opportunities

 Leadership Rom. 12:8, Heb. 13:17, Luke 22:25-26

Ability to organize, plan, and develop strategies to reach a goal. Is able to cast vision and enjoys being part of a team and often will serve as the team leader. Enjoys completing a task and is very self-disciplined.

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Prison Ministry Council Member Ministry Delivery Leadership Team Angel Tree Coordinator Team Leader Angel Tree Follow Up

 Administration

Ability to understand how organizations function. Assists ministry to be more effective and efficient, is thorough and detail-oriented. Can create order out of chaos.

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Office Volunteer Proofreader/editor Events Coordinator MDT Reporter

1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 6:1-7, Ex. 18:13-26

Spiritual Gifts Assessment Teaching Rom. 12:7, 1 Cor. 12: 28-29, Acts 18:24-28, 2 Tim. 2:2

Ability to understand, explain, and apply the Word of God to motivate and provide spiritual growth. Challenges listeners with the truths of scripture.

Bible Study Facilitator Discipleship Training Seminar Facilitator Mentor Volunteer Trainer

Encouragement or Exhortation Rom. 12:8, Acts 11:2224, Acts 15:30-32

Ability to comfort, encourage, and strengthen those who are discouraged and faltering in their faith. Enjoys counseling, finding solutions and helping people through difficult times.

Team Leader Family or Youth Ministry Mentor Pen Pal to Prisoner Discipleship Training Church/Volunteer Recruiter

Giving Rom. 12:8, 2 Cor. 6:8, Luke 21:1-4

Ability to give money and Donor resources cheerfully and generously Prison Ministry Council Member to support the Kingdom. Receives joy and fulfillment from the act of giving.

Spiritual Gifts Assessment Mercy Rom. 12:8, Matt. 5:7, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 10:25-37

Is caring and loving and shows genuine compassion for others facing hardships and crisis. Concerned about the mental and emotional needs of hurting people.

Victims Ministry Family or Youth Ministry Prayer Ministry

Helps (Ministry or Service) 1 Cor. 12:28, Rom. 12:7, Acts 6:1-4; Rom. 16:1-2

Enjoys serving “behind the scene” and completes tasks that support the needs of others. Meets needs and provides practical assistance.

Office Volunteer Evangelism Team Assistance Hostess Outreach Prison Ministry Driver Volunteer Placement Volunteer Recognition/Evaluation MDT Reporter

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