Town & Gown
TALK President’s Message This year we plan to highlight - and celebrate Chapman students, particularly at Town & Gown’s - Lunch at the Forum. After all, if there were no students there would be no need for this extraordinary University. At each of the luncheons, you will meet one of the three recipients of our 2014-15 scholarship awards. You will be proud to know that these three women scholars have focused individually on Peace Studies, Psychology and Religious Studies, and that each aspires to make the world a better place. Thank goodness they are an important part of our future! Please do not forget that our T&G Scholarships help some of the nearly 80% of Chapman’s high caliber students who count on scholarships to secure their educational goals. As I visit the campus I sense a palpable excitement for T&G as we look forward to yet another spectacular season of Lunch at the Forum. Our luncheons provide unique opportunities to greet old friends and meet new ones, to hear from students who are young and full of hope for their own lives – and that of this world – and to stimulate the intellectual side of our brains! We so appreciate all of your support,
of THE
Lunch at the Forum 21st Season opens on Oct. 2nd with World War I: Triumph or Tragedy? On Nov. 6th we will be learning what Your Advocate, the Pharmacist, can do for you. Whether you want to learn something about the past or something about the future, you will not want to miss the 2014-2015 Lunch at the Forum Season. This year’s programs will leave you wondering whether World War I was a triumph or a tragedy and questioning whether your pharmacist will do more than just fill your medication containers. In the second half of our series you will be examining how the new improvisational theatre tools will apply to your work and life and you will also learn about excavations in Ancient Israel which will perhaps change your understanding of daily life in biblical times. The year 2014 marks the 100th Anniversary of the beginning of World War I. At the October 2nd Lunch at the Forum, Dr. Jennifer Keene, Professor and Chair of the History Department, will take us on a look-back at World War I. What would our grandfathers and great-grandfathers want us to know or remember about this War? Was World War I a triumph or a tragedy? Dr. Keene’s presentation will focus on how ordinary men and women of different nationalities, races and ethnicities experienced the Great War which meant separation, combat, and loss for millions around the globe. Yet for others, the War proved a positive experience—giving rise to colonial independence movements, possibilities for adventure, and victory. At the November 6th Lunch at the Forum, Chapman’s new School of Pharmacy Assistant Dean, Dr. Nancy Alvarez, will be our featured guest speaker. Dr. Alvarez firmly believes that in today’s world, pharmacists are uniquely positioned to be part of the solution in the delivery of direct care patient services. Dr. Alvarez will share commonly held consumer perceptions of the role of pharmacists, efforts in California to leverage the knowledge and skills of pharmacists, and suggestions for the audience to optimize care delivered by their own pharmacist. Chapman University will open its new School of Pharmacy at the Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus in Irvine. Dr. Alvarez will describe Chapman’s role in improving health and wellness through its developing School of Pharmacy. Linda Ruth 1st VP, Programs
Penni McRoberts President
Series will NOT be held in Argyros, as in the past. The series will be in Beckman Hall, Rm. #404. For ticket information, please call Nicole Shay, 714.628.2874 or visit the Town & Gown website
American Celebration Chapman’s American Celebration is right around the corner! Many Town & Gown members have already purchased Opening Night tickets, however if you have not, and still wish to enjoy the show, please contact Taylor Underwood at 714-628-2750 as soon as possible. Seating is reserved and limited. This year, Opening Night falls on Halloween—Friday, October 31. For those of you who stay after the show, there will be plenty of delicious treats to enjoy! This memorable evening will not only be sure to entertain, but will also help raise scholarship funds for promising students. Our members have traditionally been very generous in providing gifts for the opportunity drawing baskets, so even if you cannot attend, you can help grow Chapman’s student scholarship fund by contributing items such as movie and theater tickets, gift cards, restaurant gift certificates, etc. By now you should have received an invitation with complete details about this important annual event. If not, please call Taylor Underwood. I am excited to see you all at Opening Night of American Celebration! Betty Bartley Opening Night Committee
Town & Gown Website There is a great way for you to learn a lot of exciting information about Town & Gown! Our website provides news and information about our membership opportunities such as Lunch at the Forum and upcoming trips around Southern California. You will also discover the many ways that you can support Chapman University. To access the site, enter:
town talk
Paul Sitkoff
Affairs & Information Manager, city of orange
The Lower Decks The British Navy has an expression, “The lower decks,” which refers to the ship’s crew who are not officers. They are the Santa’s elves, the red blood cells, the worker bees of the vessel. Stand on the deck of an aircraft carrier, and below your feet are thousands of highly trained sailors doing their jobs, unseen, but playing a critical role in keeping the gigantic machine afloat. Here in Orange, we have something similar, although they don’t number in the thousands. They don’t even number in the hundreds. They are the men and women who are keeping your streets maintained, your parks beautiful, your water safe, and your sanitation working. It isn’t easy keeping our machine afloat. In a City over 125-years old, our crews need to be up on the latest tools, technology, and techniques, while at the same time understanding how to deal with systems, equipment, and infrastructure that can be twenty-to-eighty years behind the times. Case in point: During an irrigation break in one of our parks, our crews knew exactly how to repair a pipe that was no longer made, nor parts sold to repair any more. Their improvisation makes it possible for older, yet serviceable, infrastructure to continue functioning until we decide that the time is right or the funds are available to replace it. And yet, you may never see these people as you go about your day in Orange. The smooth functioning of our sweet, sweet Orange is something our residents and businesses take for granted…and we wouldn’t have it any other way. But if you DO happen to peek below the lower deck and catch our workers out keeping our City humming, why not give them a wink or wave to let them know that you, at least, are in on our secret.
Special Events Join Town & Gown for our Fall trip, on Thursday, Oct 23 via deluxe motor coach to the Grand Tradition Estate & Gardens in Fallbrook. On arrival, we will have a docent guided tour, followed by a lunch buffet on the green. These beautiful gardens have been designated as one of only three Proven Winner Signature Gardens in the country. Experience 15 acres of lush, densely planted gardens, with exotic floral scents, sparkling waterfalls, and colorful botanicals. The Victorian wedding estate is a remarkable example of a long-gone era We’ll stop on the way home at the popular Tom’s Farms in Corona. Enjoy fresh produce, and shop at the many merchant offerings, including: Wine & Cheese shop, Man Cave, Gourmet Popcorn, Candy & Fudge, Lace Shop and Gift Store. The cost for our day trip is $75. To book your trip, access Or phone 714.628,2874 and speak with Nicole Shay, Assistant-Events & Programs. You may invite friends, relatives and non-members to join us on our tour. Future possible trips for Winter & Spring: Pasadena Walking Food Tour, Claremont Theater, Annenberg Estate in Rancho Mirage, and Pageant of Our Lord in Rolling Hills. We look forward to having you join us, Sandee Collier and Darlene Knoop 2nd VPs, Special Events
gown talk
Patrick Fuery
Dean of Wilkinson College
WILKINSON COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES is experiencing halcyon days and there have been many successes over the last year or two that mark a culture change. The research groups of CRASsH (Chapman Research in the Arts, Social Science, and Humanities) have produced extraordinary projects with impact at the local, national and international levels. The companion program of BURN (Building Undergraduate Research Networks) has produced world class projects. We have set new standards of research grant applications and successes; in two years we have gone from 3 applications for major funding to over 30. Our research projects are national and international in scope, engaging in some of the most significant social and cultural issues of our times. Our students have achieved remarkable successes across a range of topics and fields, showing how the new research culture is allowing them to develop and grow as ambitious and exciting scholars. We have hosted a number of visiting researchers from around the globe and will continue to grow these new found relationships. The research projects that Wilkinson College is developing are providing a foundation for the future. We look to develop them not only within the academy but beyond. Community engagement is one side of this process; our graduates are another for they are one of our greatest strengths. I invite each of you to explore the many and varied projects in the CRASsH and BURN program. More significantly, I invite you to become involved in these projects. Your support will help us build even greater successes, and I believe that what you bring will also be a rich and fulfilling experience to you.
Membership The Town and Gown Board of Directors joined with 31 new members to sample wines and a delicious array of foods, located at food stations throughout the lovely home and gardens of Ann and Eugen Andres. All enjoyed the lovely music by student harpist, Lauren Arasim, as they chatted in the extensive gardens. Four T&G new members joined the board … Dr. Jeanne Walker, John and Sharon Deacon and Jody Zuvich. The T&G Board is delighted to have returning to the Board Marge Carter and Shauna Farley.
Rhea Black, Scholarships, is pleased to present the following message from Cang Troung, one of Town & Gown’s scholarship recipients for 2014-2015. “I am so honored to be a recipient of this prestigious scholarship. This gift is truly a testament to the amazing opportunities Chapman University and their generous collaborators provide for their students. Ever since my first steps on campus, I promised myself that I would take advantage of every opportunity presented to me. I consider myself a changed-for-the-better woman because of my experience at Chapman. The experiences and relationships I’ve made these past three years have inspired me to step forward to continue a mission of service and gratitude. I hope to become a woman of substance, character and influence as I carry on the lessons I learned from my time here. By the time of graduation, I hope to leave some lasting footprints on this campus before I head to Graduate School to pursue a Graduate Degree in School Psychology. Some fun facts: - I was born in Vietnam and my family moved to San Francisco when I was six years old. - My back-up career plan is to become a chef. Thank you so much again!”
Judy Crum and Donna Gladson 2nd VP’s, Special Events
Cang Truong
Chapman University Psychology Major | IES Minor | Leadership Studies Minor Student Manager | Career Development Center Member at Large Officer | Phi Sigma Sigma
Town and Gown VIP BOOK SALE reception at the Leatherby Libraries This year, Charlene Baldwin, Dean of the Leatherby Libraries, honored Town & Gown with a VIP Presale Reception prior to the Library’s Annual Book Sale. As supportive as ever, Town & Gown members enthusiastically attended this exclusive event. A total of 527 books were sold. Dean Baldwin surprised the attendees by pledging all the proceeds of this presale reception to the Town & Gown Endowment for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. The library will host another VIP presale in honor of Town & Gown next year and we hope to see all of you at our 9th annual book sale: April 2015.
Essraa Nawar, MBA Leatherby Libraries Development Coordinator
ATTENTION Advance ticket sale at May 1 Forum for Opening Night American Celebration
Chapman University One University Drive Orange, CA 92866
2014-15 Executive Committee Penni McRoberts 714-347-7909 President Linda Ruth 714-637-1201 1st VP, Programs Sandee Collier 714-602-7658 Darlene Knoop 714-528-4318 Co-2nd VPs, Special Events Lynn Marie Domer 714-637-7164 Roseanne Bye 714-633-4324 Co-3rd VPs, Membership Barbara Post 714-633-4306 Treasurer Nancy Fleeman 562-432-1092 Recording Secretary Anne Wood 949-494-7849 Corresponding Secretary Ann Avery Andres 714-558-7775 Parliamentarian Nancy Asper 714-541-9629 Editor: “Talk of the Town” Editorial Board: Ann Andres, Betty Bartley, Melida Canfield, Andi Doddridge, Carol Howansky, Penni McRoberts