Town & Gown
TALK President’s Message When I first became involved in Town & Gown, I remember thinking, I wish there was a place on campus to call “home” for our long-time support organization. Over the years as I have become more deeply immersed on the board and in campus activities, I have come to embrace the idea that we have a ubiquitous presence at the University. We, Town & Gown, are essentially everywhere on campus. We are the gardens at Elliott Alumni House and the American Flag at the Argyros Global Citizens Plaza. We are the Gentle Spring fountain in the Escalette Plaza at the center of campus and the student scholarship recipients who go into the world and make it better. We are some of the books on the book shelves and an Alcove in the Leatherby Libraries. You can find us on the Milestones on the Road to Freedom in the Law School, names on the plaques in Argyros Forum and the donor wall in Davis Hall. We are professors in the classrooms and good neighbors engaged in the communities in which we live. And some, who have gone before us, are even laid to rest in the Columbarium at the Fish Interfaith Center. As an organization we have always been passionate about supporting the University. We continue to leave a legacy as prescribed by our predecessors to assist in the education of our young scholars through our Endowment Fund and contribute to campus beautification projects. All of these things have been made possible over the years by our membership dues. So as we move into a new year with new goals, it’s nice to pause and reflect on the contributions we’ve already made. In gratitude,
Penni McRoberts President
winter 2014
Lunch at the Forum 21st Season Continues Just Improvise: Applying Theatre Tools to Work and Life Illuminating Stones: Exciting Excavations in Ancient Israel Kicking off the second half of our Lunch at the Forum season on February 5, is Theresa R. Dudeck, Ph.D, Instructor of Acting, Department of Theatre, College of Performing Arts, with “Just Improvise: Applying Theatre Tools to Work and Life.” Dr. Dudeck will share her expertise on improvisational theatre, applied improvisation, and will demonstrate with her students some basic impro techniques to enhance the people skills we use in everyday work and life. Impro is now being taught in top business schools. She will also show how major corporations are hiring more impro-trained consultants to teach them to thrive in spontaneous collaborative, risk-taking and ideagenerating environments. Improvisation is not just for actors! The world is truly our stage and with this mini-master class, we can begin to set that stage for our best performance. On March 5, Julye Bidmead, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences, will present “Illuminating Stones: Exciting Excavations in Ancient Israel.” Dr. Bidmead will discuss her research in domestic archaeology, exploring unearthed remains which shed light on understanding daily life in biblical times. Some of these excavations have changed our understanding of Old Testament events. Dr. Bidmead conducts excavations each summer and supervises students on two prominent biblical archaeological excavations: Tel Megiddo, an ancient Israelite city and the location of biblical Armageddon, and its sister city, the neighboring Tel Jezreel, the winter palace of King Ahab and his notorious wife, Jezebel. Come and hear how stones and artifacts 3,000 years old illuminate the historical, societal and religious context of biblical narratives. Linda Ruth 1st VP, Programs The Lunch at the Forum is being held this year at 11:30 a.m. in Beckman Hall, in the George H. W. Bush Conference Center, Room 404. For ticket information, please call Nicole Shay (714) 628-2874 or visit the Town & Gown website
Communications Triple Play! It is said that good things come in threes, and Town & Gown’s focus on communication is no exception. The fall season has been exciting with the development of a revised logo, a Facebook page and the “Buzz,” which is an e-newsletter, designed to keep our members up to date. The newly approved logo was created to increase awareness of Town & Gown. The board recognized many people don’t know about T&G, even those working directly on campus. By incorporating a subtle tag line, the catchy expanded logo supplements the traditional much loved T&G logo, conveying more information about what the organization does and who can be a member. Special thanks to new board members Sharon and John Deacon, who chaired the committee and sorted through 200 emails to come up with our new logo. Facebook has become Town & Gown’s social media friend with the development of a Facebook page. It is rapidly growing in popularity/likes among the membership. It offers a fresh way to deliver up-tothe-minute communication and connect members to each other. Sharon Deacon is also our Facebook guru. Check us out and “like” us! chapmantownandgown And finally, the Town & Gown “Buzz,” our new monthly e-newsletter, has been flying into email boxes, aimed at providing time-sensitive information to our members. The “Buzz” serves an important purpose for members by sending reminders of upcoming events and opportunities for involvement in Town & Gown and campus activities. I, another new board member this year, have accepted this challenge. If you are not currently receiving the “Buzz” and wish to, send your email address to: With all these new goings-on, don’t forget that T&G members are the best ambassadors and word-of-mouth communicators about Town & Gown. Spreading the good word is vital to the success of our outstanding organization! Jody Zuvich Editor, the “Buzz”
town talk
Paul Sitkoff
gown talk
Chancellor Daniele Struppa
Affairs & Information Manager, city of orange
Winds of Change With another dry winter leaving our State without much needed rain and snow, drought conditions in California have reached emergency levels. It is now clear that being conscious of how we use this precious resource is everyone’s responsibility. As of October, with the adoption by the Orange City Council of Ordinance 05-14 to the Municipal Code, it is now a matter of law. Ordinance 05-14, the City of Orange Water Conservation and Water Supply Shortage Program, is meant to help conserve the available water supply and provide a contingency plan in times of drought or other water emergencies. Since a large percentage of the water usage in Orange goes towards maintaining lawns and landscaping, Ordinance 05-14 specifically targets those uses: • Watering or irrigation of landscaping is prohibited between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
• Watering or irrigation of landscaping is limited to no more than 15 minutes of watering per day per station. • Watering or irrigation of landscaping in a manner that causes or allows excessive runoff onto driveways, sidewalks, etc. is prohibited. • Using water to wash a vehicle is prohibited except by hand-held bucket or hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle. • Washing down hard or paved surfaces as driveways, streets, sidewalks, etc. is prohibited. You can further help reduce the amount of water used when maintaining your landscaping by following some simple guidelines. If you step on your grass, and it springs back up, it does not need to be watered. You can slow down moisture evaporation by placing a layer of mulch around your plants and trees. Replace your landscaping with drought-tolerant lawns, shrubs, and plants. For a complete list of the new water restrictions, including provisions, exceptions, waivers, and adopted water conservation stages, visit the City of Orange Website at
Town and Gown on the Move!
T&G members and friends on October tour of the Grand Tradition Estate and Gardens in Fallbrook which included beautiful waterfalls, lake and flora, plus a delicious buffet lunch on the patio. A homeward stop at Tom’s Farms in Corona found our travelers picking up early Christmas gifts and buying fresh produce. A flyer has been e-mailed to everyone about the next outing, set for January 31
at the Candlelight Pavilion Theater in Claremont for a matinee performance of “Buddy: the Buddy Holly Story.” Find more information and download a reservation form online by visiting the events tab at See you there! Sandee Collier and Darlene Knoop Excursion Co-Chairs
Chancellor, Chapman University
Historic Mark for CU The October 15th dedication of the Harry and Diane Rinker Campus of Health Science in Irvine was a historical mark for Chapman University and for the larger Orange County community. Our new campus, composed of three beautiful buildings on Jeronimo Road, a few minutes from the Irvine Train Station, will house the Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences and Chapman University’s School of Pharmacy. With these two new academic units, both established in the last twelve months, Chapman is signifying its interest in and its ability to play an increasingly important role in the field of health care. Health care is in a phase of great transformation in the United States. Whether one likes the Affordable Care Act or not, the reality is that health care in the future will be different to what we have grown accustomed. As health care changes, new professional figures emerge and old professional figures acquire
different and more relevant roles. These new roles for pharmacists, physical therapists, physician assistants, nurses and others will require a new kind of training that is usually referred to as inter-professional education. Under this new paradigm, health professionals are cross-trained, enabling them to work as teams and not as a group of individuals. This is particularly important when patients are diagnosed with serious conditions that require multidisciplinary approaches. Nothing is as frustrating for a patient than having to rely on several different providers, each one treating independently of the others. Inter-professional education requires a different mind-set for the faculty as well as for the students, as they are generally used to taking or conducting classes as distinct, discrete units. The level of coordination that is necessary is significant and will result in a qualitatively different outcome. In order for this process to become successful, new kinds of facilities are necessary. This is what Chapman University is providing at the Rinker Campus. We are proud to be part of the transformation of health care and to play an active role in training the health workforce of the future.
Student Scholarship The To w n & Gown Scholarship Com mit tee has awarded three Chapman students each a $4,000 scholarship for the 2014-15 academic year. The following information is about one of T&G’s recipients, who will be speaking at our Lunch at the Forum on Thursday, February 5th, 2015. Chapman senior, Marrisa Wong is a proud member of the peace studies community at Chapman University. Her interests include everything from postconflict reconstruction to social justice and education reform. Outside of the classroom, Marissa can be found at
diversity and equity programs, Model United Nations conferences, SGI-Chapman (Buddhist club) meetings, and serving on the University Honors Program Advisory Board. Marissa is also a Wilkinson College B.U.R.N Research Fellow, assisting with a survey research project on social adaptation after the genocide in Cambodia. The highlight of her college experience thus far has been traveling to Rwanda to research peace education. Her future goals include empowering young peacemakers, promoting intercultural and interfaith dialogue, learning different styles of African dance, and becoming a professional coffee taster.
Rhea Black Scholarships Chairperson
Town & Gown’s Membership Flourishes With Fun and Fellowship on the Chapman Campus Town & Gown Membership Committee hosted a booth at the Chapman Family Homecoming Celebration on Saturday, October 11th. We were pleased to participate and inform attendees about T&G’s mission. We are delighted to have 322 members so far this year. Welcome to all.
December 4th was the Winterfest and Holiday Tree Lighting. Winterfest is always a fun evening for the Chapman community. It began at 5:00 p.m. in the Attallah Piazza. Hot chocolate, coffee, cookies and candy canes were distributed and there was a reading of The Night before Christmas. “Santa” arrived shortly thereafter, accompanied by Chapman President Jim Doti. Trustee Doy Henley came to the stage and he “f lipped the switch” to light up the holiday tree he donated. Finally, there was a fireworks display and it snowed in the Piazza! If you missed Winterfest this past December, plan to bring your family next year to start the holiday season off right with your friends at Chapman University! On December 5th and 6th was the Annual Holiday Wassail Banquet and Concert. Many Town & Gown members and friends attended the Friday Night Banquet and Concert, beginning with a wine reception. Another great opportunity to enjoy the holiday season! Lynn Marie Domer and Roseanne Bye Co-3rd VPs, Membership
714-347-7909 714-637-1201
Sandee Collier 714-602-7658 Darlene Knoop 714-528-4318 Co-2nd VPs, Special Events Lynn Marie Domer 714-637-7164 Roseanne Bye 714-633-4324 Co-3rd VPs, Membership Barbara Post 714-633-4306 Treasurer Nancy Fleeman 562-432-1092 Recording Secretary Anne Wood 949-494-7849 Corresponding Secretary Ann Avery Andres 714-558-7775 Parliamentarian Nancy Asper 714-544-4436 Editor, Talk of the Town Editorial Board: Ann Andres, Betty Bartley, Melida Canfield, Andi Doddridge, Carol Howansky, Penni McRoberts
American Celebration 2014 Town and Gown members and their guests have been long time supporters of “American Celebration,” a truly unique musical and dance production and annual fundraiser involving more than 150 students. The proceeds go towards scholarships for the more than 80% of the students who are on scholarship or financial aid. This year more than 180 T&G members and their guests attended the show and almost 90 also attended a pre-event dinner organized by Karen Reese and Eric Scandrett entitled “Spooktacular,” which occurred on Halloween.
Chapman University One University Drive Orange, CA 92866
Penni McRoberts President Linda Ruth 1st VP, Programs
Lunch at the Forum, February 5, 2015 “Just improvise: Applying Theatre Tools to Work and Life”
2014-15 Executive Committee