2012 ASPE Convention and Exposition Official Show Guide

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Official Show Guide




CALIFORNIA Copyright 2012 American Society of Plumbing Engineers


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Table of Contents WELCOME wElCoME lEttErS ................................ 4 gEnErAl info ....................................... 6 About ASPE

2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition Chairs ....................................7 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition Host Committee .....................7 ASPE Board of Directors ..........................7 Exhibitors Advisory Committee ................7 Education Committee .............................7 dAily SChEdulES ............................... 8,9 iMPortAnt loCAtionS

Convention Registration ..........................8 Expo-Only Registration ............................8 Banquet Ticket Exchange ........................9 ASPE Pavilion .........................................9 Charlotte Chapter Hospitality Room ........9 kEynotE SPEAkEr .............................. 10 SPonSorS & PAtronS......................... 11

2012 ASPE ExPoSition

Hours....................................................12 Prize Drawings ......................................12 How to Get CEUs/PDHs .........................12 Green Plumbing Designer Program Launch ...................................12 New Product Innovation Showcase ........13 Exhibitor Listing by Booth Number .........14 Alphabetical Exhibitor Listing ................16 Exhibitor Listing by Category .................18 Exhibitor Directory ................................22 Index of Advertisers...............................22 Expo Floor Map ............................... 36,37

2012 ASPE ConvEntion

How to Get CEUs/PDHs .........................68 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition Banquet ...............................68 ASPE’s Sunday Night at the NASCAR Hall of Fame ......................68 Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Tours .............68 Professional Development and Technical Education Seminar Schedule ................69 Seminar Descriptions and Speaker Biographies.............................69


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

drivE your SuCCESS At thE 2012 ASPE ConvEntion & ExPoSition williAM f. hughES Jr., CPd, lEEd AP, fASPE, 2010–2012 ASPE PrESidEnt The American Society of Plumbing Engineers thanks all of our attendees and exhibitors of the 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition. Your participation and enthusiasm for the plumbing engineering industry will help make this year’s event a truly educational and exciting experience for all. For those who have never attended an ASPE Convention & Exposition, I encourage you to spend as much time as possible in the Charlotte Convention Center and take full advantage of everything the event has to offer. You can learn invaluable information from the manufacturers on the show floor, as well as from the thousands of other plumbing industry professionals attending this year’s Convention & Exposition. If you registered for the full Convention, you can choose from the more than 30 professional development seminars to enhance your design skills, learn new strategies to take back to the office, and earn CEUs for your professional licenses and certifications. Even those who have attended before will find something new at this year’s Convention & Exposition. At the New Product Innovation Showcase, located in the ASPE Pavilion on the show floor, manufacturers will be demonstrating their most exciting new products. Check out the list in this guide to find out who will be demonstrating and when. Also at the ASPE Pavilion, ASPE and IAPMO will be launching the Green Plumbing Designer program, so stop by and learn more about this exciting new certification for plumbing engineers. On behalf of the entire ASPE Board of Directors, I welcome you to our 2012 Convention & Exposition and hope you have an extremely enjoyable and educational experience.

wElCoME to thE 2012 ASPE ConvEntion & ExPoSition! dAvid l. lEwiS, CPd, CMgi, ChArlottE ChAPtEr hoSt CoMMittEE ChAir On behalf of the ASPE Charlotte Chapter, I would like to welcome you to the Queen City, Charlotte, North Carolina. Our chapter is honored with the privilege to host the 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition. We know that you will find the southern hospitality in Charlotte refreshing. We will have volunteers stationed in the lobby of the convention hotels during peak check-in periods and in the Hospitality Room daily. If you need help finding your way around the convention center area, please let us know. We wish to make your stay here enjoyable. You will find that all of the convention hotels and many fine restaurants are located within walking distance of the convention center. Chapter delegates, after checking into your room, join us in the Hospitality Room, located in Room 211-212 in the convention center, to pick up your delegate gift package. Some of the items included are a lightweight jacket, messenger bag, and plenty of other goodies. We welcome all full registrants to join us Sunday night for ASPE’s party at the NASCAR Hall of Fame presented by Charlotte Pipe and Foundry. This will be an event to remember. You will learn how NASCAR started with drivers who were hauling moonshine through the mountains and grew into a multi-million dollar business. You also will get to play with the numerous exhibits and view thousands of NASCAR artifacts. On Monday, keynote speaker Kyle Petty will tell us about Victory Junction, the camp for special-needs children that Kyle and his wife Patty started in memory of their son, Adam. This should be a very inspirational speech. Once again, the Charlotte Chapter welcomes you to the Queen City. We hope that your stay here is pleasant and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting Charlotte and remember: “Drive Your Success” at the 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition.


s See U E P at AS 341 Booth

100 years ago, Frederick C. Leonard led an industry into a new direction. In 2012, the company he founded continues its leadership role. Everett C. Wilcox

Greg Wilcox

Frederick C. Leonard

E. Niles Wilcox

Frederick C. Leonard started his company in Providence, Rhode Island, using his unique design of a solid bimetal thermostat for his valves to control the outlet temperatures of water. So, regardless of changes in temperatures of the water supply, or even the pressures, users were comfortable. Today, Leonard is the recognized leader in commercial, institutional and industrial marketplaces for all mixing valve technologies. Leonard Valve, an engineering-driven, solutions-based firm, has offered proven leadership for over 100 years. Commitment‌ Leadership‌ Dedication. Mr. Leonard would be proud.





LEADERSHIP leonardvalve.com Leonard...the right mix.

Visit us at Booth #341

2012 Exhibitors


To reach ASPE staff during the 2012 Convention & Exposition, call 224-220-9012.

W. Trade St.

ExECutivE dirECtor/CEo

Jim Kendzel, MPH, CAE




D 10th St.


9th St.


MAnAging dirECtor/dirECtor of N. Church St. EduCAtion And MEEtingS

Cliff Reis


dirECtor of MEMbErShiP

Stacey A. Kidd

S. Tryon St.

N. Tryon St.

Gretchen Pienta

8th St.

dirECtor of PubliCAtionS And StAndArdS 4th St.

dirECtor of AffiliAtE rElAtionS

David Jern

S. College St. 5th St.

Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

Stonewall St.


7th St.

6th St.

3rd St.

To Johnson & Wales University


S. Church St.



Poplar Street



ASPE PhonE nuMbEr


N. College St.

dirECtor of finAnCE And AdMiniStrAtion


Donald Thurner it MAnAgEr

Richard Albrecht


Jinnie Yoo


grAPhiC dESignEr

9th St.

8th St.

7th St.

Pam Newman

Rachel BogerN. Caldwell St.

S. Caldwell St.


grAntS MAnAgEr

Donna Novickas


1. Hilton Charlotte Center City 2. The Westin Charlotte 3. Marriott Charlotte City Center 4. Holiday Inn Charlotte Center City 5. Hilton Garden Inn Charlotte Uptown 6. Hampton Inn Charlotte Uptown


A 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition badge must be worn at all times while in the Charlotte Convention Center. A 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition badge is required for entrance into the Exposition hall. A security ID patch on the badges of paid attendees is needed for admittance to the Hospitality Room and the education sessions.

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

222 East Third Street 601 South College Street 100 West Trade Street 230 North College Street 508 East Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd 530 East Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd

no SMoking

The ASPE Convention & Exposition is a smokefree environment. Smoking is prohibited on the Exposition oor, in meeting rooms, and at all special events.

ShuttlE buS SErviCE

Shuttle bus service between the hotels and the Charlotte Convention Center will not be provided. All hotels are within easy walking distance of the convention center and the NASCAR Hall of Fame.


Complimentary lunch and snacks will be provided on Monday and Tuesday, October 29 and 30, during the 2012 Exposition in the Exhibit Hall.

ConvEntion & ExPoSition EvAluAtion forMS

Overall 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition evaluation forms will be sent to attendees via email after the event. Please take a few minutes to fill out the form and return it. Your input is extremely valuable to ASPE in planning future events. diSClAiMEr

This is the official guide for the 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition. The information published in this guide is intended to provide an overview of the 2012 Convention & Exposition. Program times, session contents, and speakers are all subject to change.

11th St.

N. Brevard St.

EduCAtion ProgrAM CoordinAtor 6th St.

E. Trade St.

3rd St.


4th St.

S. Brevard St.


LYNX Light Rail

MEMbErShiP And MEEtingS CoordinAtor

DriVE YoUr sUCCEss

ABOUT ASPE 2012 ASPE ConvEntion & ExPoSition hoSt CoMMittEE

Chair: David L. Lewis, CPD, CMGI Vice Chair: Laura A. Pelchat Vice Chair: John B. Schasny, CPD, LEED Green Associate treasurer: John B Clark Derk Beutler, CPD, CET, ARCSA AP Richard Bodenheimer, CPD Ralph Ferrell Jr., CPD Jeff Harris Fritz Hueting Jr. Daniel A. Miller Mark Reynolds Les Scott, CPD

ExhibitorS AdviSory CoMMittEE Chair: Brian Henry, Patterson Pumps Paula Bowe, Josam Company Sally Boyer, NIBCO Inc. Ken Clark, Zurn Scott Delany, Delany Products Paul Galvin, GF Piping Georg Fischer LLC Jeff Henscheid, PVI Industries Rachid Kaina, American Standard Patrick Kimener, Chicago Faucet Company Richard Lewis, Willoughby Industries Inc. Paul Riedinger, Charlotte Pipe Tim Schiffbauer, Sloan Valve Vincent Scriboni, Aqua Mizer Inc. Jason Stauber, Kohler Co. William Smith, Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. Charles White, Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. Marvin Yoder, Tigerflow

ASPE EduCAtion CoMMittEE

Chair: Scott Steindler, CPD, LEED AP, ARCSA AA AsPE VPE: Mitchell J. Clemente, CPD Timothy Allinson, PE Matthew Bell, CPD Haig Demergian, PE, CPD, FASPE Forrest Flanagan, CPD Ethan Grossman, PE, LEED AP Stephen Howe, PE David Lewis, CPD Joseph Messina, CPD Harold L. Olsen, PE

ASPE is the international organization for professionals skilled in the design and specification of plumbing and piping systems. ASPE is dedicated to the advancement of the science of plumbing engineering and to the professional growth and advancement of its members. The Society disseminates technical data and information, sponsors activities that facilitate interaction with fellow professionals, and, through research, expands the base of knowledge of the plumbing engineering industry. Its members are leaders in innovative plumbing design, effective materials and energy use, and the application of advanced techniques from around the world. ASPE was founded in 1964. Today, its members number more than 6,000. They represent an extensive network of experienced engineers, designers, contractors, code officials, and manufacturers interested in furthering their careers, their profession, and the industry. ASPE is at the forefront of technology. In addition, ASPE represents members and promotes the profession among all segments of the construction industry. All members belong to ASPE worldwide and have the opportunity to belong to and participate in one of the 61 state, provincial, or local chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada. At chapter functions, members can network with others who represent all segments of the plumbing engineering and design industry. Members are also provided opportunities for professional development and information sharing to help them stay abreast of current trends and technologies in the plumbing engineering and design profession. You can learn more about ASPE at aspe.org.

2012 ASPE ConvEntion & ExPoSition ChAirS

Greg A. Farmer, PE

Robert J. Shorey Jr., CPD, FASPE

2010–2012 ASPE boArd of dirECtorS PrESidEnt


viCE PrESidEnt, tEChniCAl

rEgion 1 dirECtor

viCE PrESidEnt, EduCAtion

rEgion 2 dirECtor

viCE PrESidEnt, lEgiSlAtivE

rEgion 3 dirECtor

viCE PrESidEnt, MEMbErShiP

rEgion 4 dirECtor

AffiliAtE liAiSon

rEgion 5 dirECtor

William F. Hughes Jr., CPD, LEED AP, FASPE Timothy A. Smith, CPD, FASPE Mitchell J. Clemente, CPD

David E. DeBord, CPD, LEED AP, ARCSA AP Jeffrey L. Ingertson, CPD, FASPE Brian Henry

Gregory L. Mahoney, CPD, FASPE Rui Paul Silvestre

Chris L. Graham, CPD David H. Anelli

Chris W. Scott, CPD

Kelvin H. Kennedy, CPD 2012 asPE Convention & Exposition 7

2012 Exhibitors


DAILY SCHEDULES Friday, October 26, 2012 1 – 6 p.m. Registration

Charlotte Convention Center Main Lobby

Saturday, October 27, 2012 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Registration

Charlotte Convention Center Main Lobby

7 – 8 a.m. ASPE BOD Strategic Roundtable Discussion Breakfast

8 – 9 a.m.

Charlotte Convention Center Room 217-ABCD

Design Standards Committee Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 209-B

Education Committee Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 213-A

Research Foundation Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 209-A

Legislative Committee Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 210-B

Membership Committee Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 213-BC

Technical & Research Committee Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 210-A

9 – 10 a.m. Joint Regional Chapter Presidents Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 217-ABCD

9 – 11 a.m. ASPE College of Fellows Program Committee Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 209-A

Region 1 Presidents Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 210-AB

Region 2 Presidents Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 213-A

10 – 11:30 a.m. Region 3 Presidents Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 213-BC

Region 4 Presidents Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 217-AB

Region 5 Presidents Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 217-CD

11 a.m. – noon ASPE Past Presidents Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 209-A

1 – 6 p.m. ASPE Business Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Ballroom-ABCD

Sunday, October 28, 2012 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Registration

Charlotte Convention Center Main Lobby

7 – 8 a.m. Delegate Breakfast

Charlotte Convention Center Ballroom-ABCD

8 a.m. – noon ASPE Business Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Ballroom-ABCD

Noon – 1:30 p.m. Delegate Lunch

Charlotte Convention Center Ballroom-ABCD

1:30 – 6 p.m. ASPE Business Meeting 7 – 10 p.m.

Charlotte Convention Center Ballroom-ABCD

ASPE’s Sunday Night at the NASCAR Hall of Fame Presented by Charlotte Pipe (Convention badge required for entry)

NASCAR Hall of Fame



Friday, October 26 1 – 6 p.m. Saturday, October 27 – Monday, October 29 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday, October 30 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Wednesday, October 31 7 – 10 a.m.

Monday, October 29 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday, October 30 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

ChArlottE ConvEntion CEntEr MAin lobby


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

ChArlottE ConvEntion CEntEr MAin lobby

2012 Exhibitors

Monday, October 29, 2012 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Registration

Charlotte Convention Center Main Lobby

7 – 8 a.m. First-Timers Breakfast (ticket required for entry)

Hilton Charlotte City Center

8 – 9 a.m. ASPE Business Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Ballroom-ABCD

Technical & Research Council and Education Council Meeting 9 – 10:15 a.m. Legislative Council Meeting Membership Council Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 213-BC Charlotte Convention Center Room 213-D Charlotte Convention Center Room 217-A

10:15 – 11:15 a.m. 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition Keynote Address

Charlotte Convention Center Ballroom-ABCD

11:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. 2012 ASPE Exposition

Charlotte Convention Center Exhibit Hall

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Registration

Charlotte Convention Center Main Lobby

7 – 8:15 a.m. ASPE Young Engineers Breakfast (ticket required for entry)

Charlotte Convention Center

8:30 – 9:45 a.m. Technical Education Sessions

see Convention Information section for details

10 – 11:15 a.m. Technical Education Sessions

see Convention Information section for details

10 – 11:15 a.m. Exhibitors Advisory Committee Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center Room 210-A

11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 2012 ASPE Exposition 3:45 – 5 p.m. Technical Education Sessions 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Banquet Cocktail Hour 7:30 – 11 p.m. 2012 ASPE Banquet (ticket required for entry)

Charlotte Convention Center Exhibit Hall see Convention Information section for details Westin Charlotte Hotel Grand Ballroom Westin Charlotte Hotel Grand Ballroom

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 7 – 10 a.m. Registration

Charlotte Convention Center Main Lobby

8:30 – 9:45 a.m. Technical Education Sessions

see Convention Information section for details

10 – 11:15 a.m. Technical Education Sessions

see Convention Information section for details

11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Technical Education Sessions

see Convention Information section for details

ASPE Pavilion

Charlotte Convention Center Exhibit Hall, Booth 520 Monday, October 29 11:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday, October 30 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 31 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

At the ASPE Pavilion, you can find out more about member services and the ASPE Research Foundation, as well as browse the ASPE Bookstore. Kiosks will be available to order customized ASPE t-shirts, polos, buttondowns, jackets, and bags. Stop by and learn more about the new Green Plumbing Designer certification program being developed by ASPE and IAPMO. On Monday and Tuesday, October 29 and 30, the industry’s top manufacturers will be showcasing their most exciting new products at the New Product Innovation Showcase, located in the ASPE Pavilion.

Banquet Ticket Exchange Charlotte Convention Center Main Lobby – Registration

Sunday, October 28 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Monday, October 29 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.*

Tuesday, October 30 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Charlotte Chapter Hospitality Room

Charlotte Convention Center Room 211–212

Saturday, October 27 – Monday, October 29 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Tuesday, October 30 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Wednesday, October 31

All full registrants will receive a Banquet Exchange ticket at registration. If you are attending this event, you must exchange this ticket for a Banquet Seating ticket and a Dinner ticket. Reserved seating and reserved tables are available on a first-come basis.

7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

*NOTE: After 1 p.m. on Monday, October 29, Banquet Exchange tickets will be exchanged on a space-available basis. Only one entrée choice will be available.

Entrance to the Hospitality Room is restricted to registered attendees and guests. The proper badge with a security ID patch is required for admittance.

Take advantage of the Host Chapter Hospitality Room—a great place to relax or gather with old friends and new acquaintances. Members from the Charlotte Chapter will be available to answer questions and help with any problems.

2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition  9

2012 ASPE CONVENTION & EXPOSITION KEYNOTE SPEAKER KYLE PETTY MondAy, oCtobEr 29, 2012, 10:15 A.M. ChArlottE ConvEntion CEntEr bAllrooM Join us before we open the doors to the 2012 ASPE Exposition for our keynote address featuring auto-racing icon and champion of philanthropy, Kyle Petty. Kyle Petty’s name and mega-watt smile will always connect him with NASCAR’s most famous family. To the world, his father Richard Petty was, and still is, “the King,” the greatest champion in NASCAR history. Kyle’s grandfather, Lee, was larger-than-life in the early days of stock car racing, but to a young boy growing up in Level Cross, NC, and places like Daytona, Charlotte, and Talladega, they were simply Dad and Grandpa. Kyle is as much a product of racing as he is of his famous forebears.

KEYNOTE ADDRESS IS OPEN TO ALL EXPOSITION ATTENDEES Today, it is Kyle Petty who is larger than life. Inspired by the vision of their late son Adam, Kyle and his wife Patty have in turn inspired the compassion and generosity of the NASCAR community and corporate sponsors nationwide to help those in need. Their crowning achievement is the Victory Junction Gang Camp near Level Cross, where thousands of children with life-threatening or chronic illnesses find hope, laughter, friendship, and adventure every year. Founded in 2000 in partnership with family friend and racing enthusiast, Paul Newman, Victory Junction Gang Camp has proven wrong every “expert” who counseled the Pettys against the undertaking, citing the immense cost and complexity of building and operating a camp for kids with special requirements. The camp has not only become a shining example of what character and commitment can achieve—it has been so successful that a second Victory Junction Gang Camp is planned for the Kansas City area. An avid motorcyclist, Kyle also founded the Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America to benefit children’s causes. Every year hundreds of NASCAR fans, drivers, and crew members jump on their motorcycles to join Kyle in visiting local children’s hospitals and other charities. To date, the Kyle Petty Charity Ride has raised more than $14 million and is the most successful philanthropic event staged by any person in the NASCAR family. Kyle has been named or nominated by NASCAR and various media outlets and corporations as Person of the Year, Father of the Year, Sportsman of the Year, and the USA’s Most Caring Athlete. He is an inductee in both the Philanthropy Hall of Fame and the Humanitarian Hall of Fame. When Kyle isn’t behind the wheel of a racecar or serving humanitarian or philanthropic causes, he can be seen and heard on television, radio, and the Internet. He is a featured analyst on TNT’s live NASCAR coverage and hosts a variety of programs for the Speed Channel, in addition to cohosting the weekly radio show “Fast Talk” on the Performance Racing Network. For more than three decades as a driver, owner, and media commentator, Kyle has put his heart and soul into doing what a Petty does best: compete with class and raise the game of everyone around him. 10

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

2012 sPoNsors AND PAtroNs

Megatrons were selected because they are e 1700 student, new Normal complete water temperature control sysmmunity High School sprawls across tems including the mounting ,000 square feet and construt, high low mixing valve, s dozens of general classpump and complete piping for ms, family and consumer the installation. Smaller Leonard nce rooms, an early child point of use mixing valves supe lab, biology, chemistry ply the public restroom fixtures. physics labs, materials the school installed lication labs, agriculture ASPE thanks the following sponsorsInofaddition, the 2012 Leonard Emergency Mixing electronics labs, multiple ASPE Convention & Exposition. Their support Valves for the drench/eyewash mnasiums, cafeterias, and an We would like to thank the following companies for supporting the helpspool. make ASPE an exciting and stations. innovative mpic-size swimming 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition through the Patron Program. hot water loop with its own event for all attendees. Mid Illinois Mechanical, the contractor, teamed up with BBA irculation pump and valv(List current as of 9/7/12) Engineering, Inland Sales was set up for the entire Exclusive Group and Leonard Valve ool with a return to a cenKitz Corporation of America AB&I Foundry Company, on site, to provide mechanical room. At variSunday Night Party Sponsor: the plumbing engineering soluareas where tempered Kohler Co. ABS USA/Sulzer Pump Solutions (US) Inc. tions. This plumbing configura-Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. er was needed, lines were Kolbi Pipe Markers tion has become a model for large school off the main trunk into Leonard Valve Kusel Equipment Co. Aero Mfg. Co. Inc. installations throughout the state. Depend gatron® Systems with a return back into MAPA Products Aqua Mizer Inc. on Leonard for the most complete water main system, creating five separate temMaster Control Systems temperature control solutions. ature loops. Aqua-Rex LLC

2012 ASPE ConvEntion & ExPoSition SPonSorS



Aquatherm Inc. Aquatic ARCOM - SpecText Specifications Asahi/America Inc. Elmwood Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910 USA • Phone: 888.797.4456 Fax: 401.941.5310 BJM Pumps www.leonardvalve.com info@leonardvalve.com Bradley Corp. BrassCraft Mfg. Co. Canplas Champion Pump Co. Inc. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Co. Chicago Faucets Platinum Clarke Fire Protection Products Inc. The Cope Company Salt Copper Development Assn. Crane Pumps & Systems DecoShield Delany Products Digital Analysis Corporation Eemax Inc. Elkhart Brass Mfg. Gold Froet Industries Global Vision Inc. GPM Global Pump Marketing Green Turtle Americas Ltd. Guardian Equipment/Water Saver Faucet Holby Valve Inc. HOLDRITE HYFAB IMC Teddy Food Service Equipment Isimet Supporting Sponsor Judo Water Treatment American Standard A.O. Smith Water Products Co. NSF International Parker Hannifin (Transair) SyncroFlo T & S Brass & Bronze Works

Metcraft Industries Inc. Metraflex Company MIFAB Inc. Milwaukee/Hammond Valve Murray Supply Company NIBCO Inc. Oasis International/Sunroc ParkUSA Patterson Pump Co. Patton’s Medical Plumbing & Drainage Institute Potter Electric Signal Co. Precision Plumbing Products Prier Products Inc. QuantumFlo Rinnai Corporation Roof Top Blox Schier Products Co. See Water Inc. SureSeal Manufacturing SyncroFlo T Plug Topp Industries Inc. Town & Country Plastics Inc. Tramco Pump Company Trapzilla-Big Dipper Tyco Thermal Controls Ward Manufacturing Inc. Watertronics Weil Pump Co. Inc. Woodford Mfg. Co. Zoeller Pump Co.

Bag Sponsor Sloan Valve Company Lanyard Sponsor Watts Water Technologies Registration Sign-In Pen Sponsor Aquatherm, Inc. USB Drive Sponsor Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand 2012 asPE Convention & Exposition 11

2012 ExPoSition


MondAy, oCtobEr 29: 11:30 A.M. – 6 P.M.

tuESdAy, oCtobEr 30: 11:30 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.

thE 2012 ASPE ExPoSition hAS gonE MobilE!

This year you can view all of the 2012 ASPE Exposition details on your mobile device via ChirpE. Browse the list of exhibitors by name or product category and find out exactly where they are located on the show floor with interactive maps.

Go to chirpe.com/aspe2012 to view the app on your smartphone and make your 2012 ASPE Exposition experience more enjoyable and efficient.

how to gEt CEus/Pdhs

The 2012 ASPE Exposition is educational—no sales are allowed—so you can earn 0.1 CEU/1 PDH for each hour you spend on the show floor. Your badge will be scanned electronically every time you enter or exit the Exhibit Hall. The ability to obtain CEUs is included with a full registration. Those who registered for the free Expo-Only must pay a fee to obtain continuing education credits for their time on the show floor. The fee schedule is: Monday: $50 Tuesday: $50 Both Monday and Tuesday: $80 (Save 20%)

Visit the Expo-Only registration booth in the main lobby of the Charlotte Convention Center for more information and to pay the fee. CEU/PDH certificates will be emailed to attendees approximately two weeks after the Exposition. ASPE is recognized as an approved provider and sponsor of CEUs and PDHs throughout all 50 states for PE registrations and licensing requirements. It is ultimately the responsibility of the attendee to make sure that they are in compliance with their state’s rules and guidelines.

grEEn PluMbing dESignEr ProgrAM lAunCh

ASPE and IAPMO have joined forces to develop the Green Plumbing Designer certificate program, which will be launched at the 2012 ASPE Exposition. The goal of the certificate program is to introduce green plumbing theory and concepts to plumbing designers who hold the CPD or PE. To learn more about this exciting new program, stop by the ASPE Pavilion on the show floor during the Exposition on October 29–30.

PriZE drAwingS

Ten Apple iPads will be given away during the 2012 ASPE Exposition on Monday, October 29 and Tuesday, October 30. All Exposition attendees are eligible to win, but you must be on the show floor when your name is called! Every attendee will receive prize-drawing tickets at registration. Each ticket is color-coded and clearly marked with the appropriate day. If the ticket is not preprinted with your name, be sure to print your name on each ticket. Place the appropriate day’s prize-drawing ticket into the clearly marked prize-drawing boxes located throughout the Exhibit Hall. The Monday and Tuesday tickets may be dropped into a box at any time during the corresponding day. (Tickets in the wrong box or without a name will be discarded.) The tickets for the prize drawings will be collected every hour each day prior to the drawing. All tickets for that day’s prize drawing remain valid regardless of when they were placed in the box. Prizes will be announced at the following times: Monday, October 29: 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 Tuesday, October 30: Noon, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 Winners will have 10 minutes from the time of the announcement to go to the VIP Room in the Exhibit Hall to collect their prize. You must present your 2012 Convention & Exposition badge and a picture ID and will be required to sign a prize-winning form. All prizes will be given away. Any prizes unclaimed on Monday will be given away on Tuesday. Good luck! PhotogrAPhiC, vidEo, And Audio EquiPMEnt No photography or video recording is permitted in the Exposition hall, except for official or ASPE staff photographers and approved press. Cameras, video equipment, and audio recorders found in use in the Exposition hall will be confiscated. The use of cameras, video equipment, and audio recorders during program sessions is prohibited.


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

New this year! All Exposition attendees are invited to watch the following manufacturers demonstrate their most exciting new products at the New Product Innovation Showcase, located in the ASPE Pavilion (booth #520). JoSAM CoMPAny Stainless Steel Retrofit Liners Monday, October 29: 12:05 p.m. Josam’s Stainless Steel Retrofit Liner inserts into most commercial floor sinks or drains without disrupting the surrounding floor area. The Replacement without Removal process results in a superior stainless steel product less the costly labor bills. Agf MAnufACturing inC. COLLECTanDRAIN Model 5400 Monday, October 29: 12:30 p.m. AGF’s 5400 COLLECTanDRAIN provides temperature-controllable environments for dry sprinkler condensation collectors via a float switch that monitors accumulation levels. When condensation increases, the 5400 notifies the fire control panel, which activates an alarm. quAntuMflo iQFlo Monday, October 29: 1:00 p.m. iQFlo is a green, state-of-the-art software solution that ensures energy-efficient pressure booster system performance. It monitors and predicts water demand, responds by accurately cycling the pumps, and guarantees shutdown when no demand is present. t&S brASS & bronZE workS EC-3122-HG Above-Deck Electronic Sensor Faucet with Hydrogenerator Monday, October 29: 1:30 p.m. Designed with convenience, security, and conservation in mind, the EC-3122-HG has all above-deck features, including a built-in manual mixing valve and advanced programmable controls. Lead-free, low-flow, and self-powered, the EC-3122-HG offers reliability, performance, and sustainability. thE JoMAr grouP T-100NGDZ Dezincification-Resistant Brass Ball Valve Monday, October 29: 2:00 p.m. The Jomar T-100NGDZ is a dezincification-resistant, lead-free brass ball valve. With a distinct annealing and controlled cooling process, Jomar’s new brass alloy yields better third-party dezincification test results than bronze valves.

JAy r. SMith MAnufACturing Co. Enviro-Flo II Trench Drain System Monday, October 29: 2:30 p.m. Jay R. Smith’s new trench drain is an engineered system designed for easy installation and made out of recyclable materials. The design incorporates rebar installation features, an improved tongue and groove channel connection, additional channels, and innovative accessories.

viEgA Viega MegaPress Tuesday, October 30: 12:05 p.m. Viega MegaPress is the first and only carbon steel press fitting system for both gas and water applications. Available in IPS sizes ½” to 2”, Viega MegaPress fittings make flameless, clean, consistent connections with ASTM A53, A106, A135, and A795 Schedule 5 to Schedule 40 black iron pipe.

PottEr ElECtriC SignAl Co. Potter Nitrogen Generator Monday, October 29: 3:00 p.m. Potter Nitrogen Generators provide a low-cost, reliable, and efficient method of producing 95 to 99% pure nitrogen on-site. It is specifically designed for use in fire protection sprinkler systems to slow the corrosion process by filling system piping with clean, dry nitrogen.

AquA MiZEr inC. Aqua Mizer Toilet Tank Flush System Tuesday, October 30: 12:30 p.m. Serious green technology comes to the toilet bowl with Aqua Mizer’s Toilet Tank Flush System. This remarkable retrofit kit dramatically reduces water usage, improves flush performance, and prevents water waste from leaking toilets. It is easily installed and does not require tank removal.

AlliEd tEChniCAl SErviCES (AtS) ATS’ Visual Spec Builder (“VSB”) Monday, October 29: 3:30 p.m. ATS’ Visual Spec Builder (“VSB”) is a revolutionary free online software platform that allows engineers to package an entire code-compliant plumbing specification, visually. Packages come with images, drawings, written specifications, budget pricing, 3D BIM families, and much more.

CiMbErio vAlvE Co. Cim 771 Tuesday, October 30: 1:00 p.m. Cim 771.1 valves make it easy to select a project’s differential pressure with a switch and direct reading of the pressure on the on-board display. They offer flexibility of use, lowered costs for balancing operations, energy savings, and improved environmental comfort.

trAPZillA-big diPPEr EZKlear Monday, October 29: 4:00 p.m. EZKlear is the easiest-to-clean semiautomatic grease trap in the world. With no moving parts and no electricity required, EZKlear quickly removes free-floating FOG from wastewater with the simple pull of a handle.

A.o. SMith wAtEr ProduCtS Co. A. O. Smith Solar Gas Backup Tuesday, October 30: 1:30 p.m. This innovative hybrid technology blends the features of the Cyclone high-efficiency gas water heater with a storage tank optimized for solar thermal applications. Its single-tank design combines storage for heat captured by renewable energy sources with 96% thermally efficient gas backup.

StingrAy SyStEMS llC Stingray Modular Emergency Equipment System Monday, October 29: 4:30 p.m. This next generation of ANSI-compliant solutions for eye/facewash and drench shower specifications features centralized activation, a Drain-It feature that eliminates stagnant water, easy installation and maintenance, and patented emergency valve technology for ease of specification and compliance. wAttS wAtEr tEChnologiES Orion Polystar Polypropylene Piping System Monday, October 29: 5:00 p.m. Polystar is a state-of-the-art polypropylene piping system intended to convey potable and nonpotable water made from an advanced resin and Orion’s innovative Fibercore Technology, which reduces thermal expansion by 70%, adds significant insulating value, and provides excellent flow characteristics.

ClA-vAl CoMPAny X1413IP Power Generator Tuesday, October 30: 2:00 p.m. The X143IP Intermediate Power Generator is a selfcontained power generation system that mounts on a Cla-Val Automatic Control Valve. It is capable of generating up to 14 watts of power to operate electronic equipment at the valve site, without the need to tie into the local power company grid.

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition


2012 ExPoSition



EXHIBITOR LISTING BY BOOTH NUMBER Booth 133 136 141 144 149 154 157 159 162 164 166 167 227 241 243 247 248 250 252 255 256 257 261 266 267 272 274 279 318 320 324 327 328 333 340 341 346 349 351 354 355 358 359 360 367 373 377 378 379 418 420 435 441 448 454 457 467 472 476 477 478 479 541 547 555 567 576 579 581 583

Company Allied Technical Services (ATS) BJM Pumps Aurora Pump Legend Valve Rostra Tool Company Niles Steel Tank Ajax Boiler Blue Angel Pumps Boshart Industries Inc. Holby Valve, Inc. Bock Water Heaters ThermaFlo Engineering Company Conbraco Industries Inc. Elkhart Brass Mfg Bemis Manufacturing Company See Water, Inc. Simtech, Inc. American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA.org) Heat-Timer Corporation Arkema Inc. IPS Corporation Global Vision, Inc. Sovent/Walter Cornwall, LLC. ParkUSA Aquatic Aqua Mizer, Inc ABS USA/Sulzer Pump Solutions (US) Inc. Champion Pump Company, Inc. Mainline Backflow Products Inc. Alberta Custom Tee (2006) Ltd. GPM Global Pump Marketing QuantumFlo IDEAL Clamp Products Elkhart Products Corp Component Hardware Group Leonard Valve Company Aero Mfg Co Inc Fike Corporation TracPipeCounterStrike Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) Highland Tank Asahi/America, Inc. Topp Industries, Inc. SJE-Rhombus Controls Amtekco Industries Inc. Crane Pumps & Systems Delta P Carver Roof Top Blox ShinMaywa (America), Ltd. Becker Pumps Corp. Bonomi North America IPEX USA LLC Sloan Valve Company McGuire Manufacturing Co., Inc. Canplas Josam Company Franklin Electric/Little Giant Kusel Equipment Co. Kolbi Pipe Markers Burt Process Equipment American Society of Sanitary Engineering Zhejiang IDC Fluid Control Co., Ltd Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC Oasis International/Sunroc Patterson Pump Company Schier Products Co. Stiebel Eltron Inc. MG Piping Products Company World Plumbing Council The IAPMO Group Diamond Sponsor

635 641 653 659 667 673 675 678 679 681 741 751 752 755 767, 771 772 775 778 781 841 847 857 866 867 870 873 877 880 881 941 945 951 967 972 974 975 976 977 979 980 981 1043 1051 1053 1056 1067 1074 1075 1077 1078 1080 1082 1143 1150 1155 1157 1167 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1181 1183 1243 1254 1255 1257 1258 1259 1261 1266 1267

Amico Corp Bradford White Corporation Eemax Inc. Symmons Industries Inc. Tyler Pipe Co. The Original Rainwater Pillow Cooper B-Line HYFAB Easyflex, Inc. RECO USA BeaconMedaes Woodford Mfg. Co. Asco Power Technologies T & S Brass & Bronze Works Tyler Pipe Co. The Rectorseal Corporation TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. T-Drill Industries, Inc. Halsey Taylor Hot Box (Hubbell Power Systems) Zoeller Pump Company Uponor Raypak Inc. Pro Vent Systems, Inc. Tramco Pump Company Digital Analysis Corp VC Systems & Controls, Inc. MTH Pumps NewAge Casting Acorn Engineering Company Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co. AQUANOMIX Sioux Chief Manufacturing Spears Manufacturing Company Aquacell Water Recycling Solutions Guardian Fire Equipment, Inc. Containment Solutions Falcon Stainless Inc. The Plumbing News CCI Pipeline Systems T Plug SyncroFlo Delany Products Outdoor Shower Company Watts Water Technologies Moen Commercial Mission Rubber Company NEOPERL, Inc. Medical Gas Professional Healthcare Org. CSA Group Hydronic Modules Corporation Metraflex Company Kohler Co. The Speakman Company Milwaukee/Hammond Valve Lochinvar LLC Anaco/Husky Lawler Manufacturing Co., Inc. The Jomar Group Viking Group ARCOM - SpecText Specifications Gastite Division Miro Industries Atlas Copco Compressors Delta Faucet Company AB&I Foundry Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Potter Electric Signal Co. Bradley Corporation Metalprint s.r.l. Eredi Baitelli S.p.A. Weil Pump Co. Inc. Precision Plumbing Products

Platinum Sponsor

14   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1280 1281 1282 1283 1343 1353 1354 1357 1358 1367 1372 1373 1374 1376 1377 1380 1383 1441 1452 1455 1456 1458 1460 1467 1472 1475 1481 1539 1545 1555 1567 1574 1576 1579 1581 1634 1639 1647 1651 1653 1654 1656 1659 1667 1671 1675 1678 1679 1680 1681 1734 1735 1736 1738 1739 1742 1743 1746 1749 1750 1752, 1757 1759 1766 1767 1768 1774 1775 1777

Clarke Fire Protection Products, Inc. Hubbell Electric Heater Co. A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Busch LLC Nomaco Insulation Water Control Corporation Tornatech Inc. JJM Boiler Works, Inc. LIQUITECH, INC. A.O. Smith Water Products Co. Stingray Systems LLC. GF Piping Systems Trapzilla-Big Dipper Guardian Equipment/Water Saver Faucet NIBCO Inc. Plumbing & Drainage Institute NSF International FlexHead Industries, Inc. The Cope Company Salt HOLDRITE Aqua Glass MR Direct International American Standard Brands Metcraft Industries, Inc. Zurn Engineered Water Solutions Reliable Automatic Sprinkler System Sensor Cemline Corporation Armstrong International, Inc. South-Tek Systems, LLC Mansfield Plumbing Products, LLC Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Canariis Corp Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company Willoughby Industries, Inc. Tyco Thermal Controls LSP Products Group Judo Water Treatment SureSeal Manufacturing Parker Hannifin (Transair) Master Control Systems Powerex, Inc. Just Mfg. Co. Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Joslyn Clark Controls Wessels Co. SCHOTT North America, Inc PVI Industries, Inc. Lubrizol Corporation Marathon International Stancor Inc. Watertronics Minimax USA LLC Noble Company HG Spec Inc. Tsurumi Pump Comfort Designs, A Praxis Company DuraVent Isimet Cerro Flow Products LLC MAPA Products American Valve Inc. Advance Tabco Liberty Pumps Kitz Corporation of America Copper Development Assn. Victaulic Stern-Williams Co. Grundfos Pumps Z-Flex US Inc. Noritz America Corp. Cimberio Valve Co. IMC Teddy Food Service Equipment

Gold Sponsor


1778 1834 1838 1839 1840 1844 1857 1858 1867 1874 1876 1879 1880 1934 1935 1939 1947 1953 1959 1967 1973 1975 1978 1979 2032 2034 2035 2039 2045 2049 2052 2053 2059 2067 2069 2072 2073 2074 2132 2139 2144 2146 2147 2148 2155 2157 2159 2161 2166 2167 2168 2172 2173 2174 2232 2239 2245 2246 2247 2249 2254 2255 2256 2258 2260 2267 2272 2337 2344 2345 2350 2357 2365

Solar Usage Now Georg Fischer Harvel Contractor Magazine Viega Froet Industries Xerxes Corporation Clarion Bathware Marlo, Inc. Strahman Valves, Inc. AGF Manufacturing, Inc. Plumbing Engineer Magazine “Official Publication of ASPE” In-Sink-Erator Smith-Cooper International Rockford Separators Genstar Technologies Co., Inc. Aquatherm Inc. MIFAB, Inc. Chicago Faucets Bootz Industries Cash Acme Division of Reliance Worldwide Prier Products, Inc. FireFlex Systems Inc. Aqua-Rex LLC Penguin Toilets, LLC Ward Manufacturing, Inc. Murray Supply Company Hubbell Industrial Controls Armstrong Limited RBI Water Heaters GPT (Formerly PSI Thunderline/Link-Seal) Plumberex Specialty Products Navien America Inc. Oatey SCS Eaton Corporation John Guest USA National Craft Industries, Inc. Caroma ELKAY Touch Sensor Technologies Patton’s Medical Cla-Val Company Solar-Trac by OmegaFlex Dahl Brothers Canada Limited Double Trac by Omega Flex Walrus America Inc. Brimar Industries, Inc. KBI, King Bros. Industries Flushtech Corp Advance Products & Systems Green Turtle Americas Ltd Ningbo Huacheng Valve Co., Ltd. Hoeptner Perfected Products Dekker Vacuum Technologies, Inc. Arrowhead Brass Products Inc Taco, Inc. Advanced Mechanical Technologies Seisco International Ltd. PM Engineer HydroFlow USA Rinnai Corporation HRS Systems, Inc. Tyco American Backflow Prevention Assoc. Croker Div Fire-end & Croker Corp. Mueller Industries Heat Transfer Products Inc. BrassCraft Mfg. Co. International Code Council Water Quality Association Thermafit Industries Reelcraft Industries Inc. Penn Pump & Equipment Company, Inc Equipment Controls Company



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2012 ExPoSition

AlPhAbEtiCAl Exhibitor liSting Company A.O. Smith Water Products Co. A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. AB&I Foundry ABS USA/Sulzer Pump Solutions (US) Inc. Acorn Engineering Company Advance Products & Systems Advance Tabco Advanced Mechanical Technologies Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) Aero Mfg Co Inc AGF Manufacturing, Inc. Ajax Boiler Alberta Custom Tee (2006) Ltd. Allied Technical Services (ATS) American Backflow Prevention Assoc. American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA.org) American Society of Sanitary Engineering American Standard Brands American Valve Inc. Amico Corp Amtekco Industries Inc. Anaco/Husky Aquacell Water Recycling Solutions Aqua Glass Aqua Mizer, Inc AQUANOMIX Aqua-Rex LLC Aquatherm Inc. Aquatic ARCOM - SpecText Specifications Arkema Inc. Armstrong International, Inc. Armstrong Limited Arrowhead Brass Products Inc Asahi/America, Inc. Asco Power Technologies Atlas Copco Compressors Aurora Pump BeaconMedaes Becker Pumps Corp. Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Bemis Manufacturing Company BJM Pumps Blue Angel Pumps Bock Water Heaters Bonomi North America Bootz Industries Boshart Industries Inc. Bradford White Corporation Bradley Corporation BrassCraft Mfg. Co. Brimar Industries, Inc. Burt Process Equipment Busch LLC Canariis Corp Canplas Caroma Cash Acme Division of Reliance Worldwide Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute CCI Pipeline Systems Cemline Corporation Cerro Flow Products LLC Champion Pump Company, Inc. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company Chicago Faucets Cimberio Valve Co. Clarion Bathware Clarke Fire Protection Products, Inc. Cla-Val Company Comfort Designs, A Praxis Company Component Hardware Group DIAMOND SPONSOR


booth 1343 1274 1254 274 941 2166 1746 2239 354 346 1874 157 320 133 2256 250 478 1441 1743 635 367 1167 974 1380 272 951 1978 1939 267 1176 255 1467 2039 2174 358 752 1183 141 741 418 1481 243 136 159 166 420 1959 162 641 1258 2272 2157 477 1275 1539 454 2073 1967 1651 980 1460 1739 279 1545 1953 1775 1857 1272 2144 1735 340

Conbraco Industries Inc. Containment Solutions Contractor Magazine Cooper B-Line

227 976 1838 675 1752, Copper Development Assn. 1757 The Cope Company Salt 1376 Crane Pumps & Systems 373 Croker Div Fire-end & Croker Corp. 2258 CSA Group 1078 Dahl Brothers Canada Limited 2147 Dekker Vacuum Technologies, Inc. 2173 Delany Products 1051 Delta Faucet Company 1243 Delta P Carver 377 Digital Analysis Corp 873 Double Trac by Omega Flex 2148 DuraVent 1736 Easyflex, Inc. 679 Eaton Corporation 2067 Eemax Inc. 653 ELKAY 2074 Elkhart Brass Mfg 241 Elkhart Products Corp 333 Equipment Controls Company 2365 Eredi Baitelli S.p.A. 1261 Falcon Stainless Inc. 977 Fike Corporation 349 FireFlex Systems Inc. 1975 FlexHead Industries, Inc. 1374 Flushtech Corp 2161 Franklin Electric/Little Giant 467 Froet Industries 1840 Gastite Division 1177 Genstar Technologies Co., Inc. 1935 Georg Fischer Harvel 1834 Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC 541 GF Piping Systems 1354 Global Vision, Inc. 257 GPM Global Pump Marketing 324 GPT (Formerly PSI Thunderline/Link-Seal) 2049 Green Turtle Americas Ltd 2167 Grundfos Pumps 1767 Guardian Equipment/Water Saver Faucet 1358 Guardian Fire Equipment, Inc. 975 Halsey Taylor 781 Heat Transfer Products Inc. 2267 Heat-Timer Corporation 252 HG Spec Inc. 1681 Highland Tank 355 Hoeptner Perfected Products 2172 Holby Valve, Inc. 164 HOLDRITE 1377 Hot Box (Hubbell Power Systems) 841 HRS Systems, Inc. 2254 Hubbell Electric Heater Co. 1273 Hubbell Industrial Controls 2035 HydroFlow USA 2247 Hydronic Modules Corporation 1080 HYFAB 678 The IAPMO Group 583 IDEAL Clamp Products 328 IMC Teddy Food Service Equipment 1777 In-Sink-Erator 1879 International Code Council 2337 IPEX USA LLC 435 IPS Corporation 256 Isimet 1738 Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co. 945 JJM Boiler Works, Inc. 1282 John Guest USA 2069 The Jomar Group 1174 Josam Company 457 Joslyn Clark Controls 1653 PlAtINuM SPONSOR

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

Judo Water Treatment 1576 Just Mfg. Co. 1647 KBI, King Bros. Industries 2159 Kitz Corporation of America 1750 Kohler Co. 1143 Kolbi Pipe Markers 476 Kusel Equipment Co. 472 Lawler Manufacturing Co., Inc. 1173 Legend Valve 144 Leonard Valve Company 341 Liberty Pumps 1749 LIQUITECH, INC. 1283 Lochinvar LLC 1157 LSP Products Group 1574 Lubrizol Corporation 1667 Mainline Backflow Products Inc. 318 Mansfield Plumbing Products, LLC 1475 MAPA Products 1742 Marathon International 1671 Marlo, Inc. 1858 Master Control Systems 1634 McGuire Manufacturing Co., Inc. 448 Medical Gas Professional Healthcare Org. 1077 Metalprint s.r.l. 1259 Metcraft Industries, Inc. 1452 Metraflex Company 1082 MG Piping Products Company 579 MIFAB, Inc. 1947 Milwaukee/Hammond Valve 1155 Minimax USA LLC 1679 Miro Industries 1181 Mission Rubber Company 1074 Moen Commercial 1067 MR Direct International 1383 MTH Pumps 880 Mueller Industries 2260 Murray Supply Company 2034 National Craft Industries, Inc. 2072 Navien America Inc. 2053 NEOPERL, Inc. 1075 NewAge Casting 881 NIBCO Inc. 1367 Niles Steel Tank 154 Ningbo Huacheng Valve Co., Ltd. 2168 Noble Company 1680 Nomaco Insulation 1276 Noritz America Corp. 1774 NSF International 1373 Oasis International/Sunroc 547 Oatey SCS 2059 The Original Rainwater Pillow 673 Outdoor Shower Company 1053 Parker Hannifin (Transair) 1581 ParkUSA 266 Patterson Pump Company 555 Patton’s Medical 2139 Penn Pump & Equipment Company, Inc 2357 Penguin Toilets, LLC 1979 Plumberex Specialty Products 2052 Plumbing & Drainage Institute 1372 Plumbing Engineer Magazine “Official 1876 Publication of ASPE” The Plumbing News 979 PM Engineer 2246 Potter Electric Signal Co. 1257 Powerex, Inc. 1639 Precision Plumbing Products 1267 Prier Products, Inc. 1973 Pro Vent Systems, Inc. 867 PVI Industries, Inc. 1659 QuantumFlo 327 Raypak Inc. 866 RBI Water Heaters 2045 RECO USA 681



The Rectorseal Corporation Reelcraft Industries Inc. Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Rinnai Corporation Rockford Separators Roof Top Blox Rostra Tool Company Schier Products Co. SCHOTT North America, Inc See Water, Inc. Seisco International Ltd. ShinMaywa (America), Ltd. Simtech, Inc. Sioux Chief Manufacturing SJE-Rhombus Controls Sloan Valve Company Smith-Cooper International Solar Usage Now Solar-Trac by OmegaFlex South-Tek Systems, LLC Sovent/Walter Cornwall, LLC. The Speakman Company Spears Manufacturing Company Stancor Inc. Stern-Williams Co. Stiebel Eltron Inc. Stingray Systems LLC. Strahman Valves, Inc. SureSeal Manufacturing Symmons Industries Inc. SyncroFlo System Sensor T & S Brass & Bronze Works T Plug Taco, Inc. T-Drill Industries, Inc. Thermafit Industries ThermaFlo Engineering Company TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Topp Industries, Inc. Tornatech Inc. Touch Sensor Technologies Town & Country Plastics, Inc. TracPipeCounterStrike Tramco Pump Company Trapzilla-Big Dipper Tsurumi Pump Tyco Tyco Thermal Controls Tyler Pipe Co. Uponor VC Systems & Controls, Inc. Victaulic Viega Viking Group Walrus America Inc. Ward Manufacturing, Inc. Water Control Corporation Water Quality Association Watertronics Watts Water Technologies Weil Pump Co. Inc. Wessels Co. Willoughby Industries, Inc. Woodford Mfg. Co. World Plumbing Council Xerxes Corporation Z-Flex US Inc. Zhejiang IDC Fluid Control Co., Ltd Zoeller Pump Company Zurn Engineered Water Solutions


772 2350 1456 2249 1934 378 149 567 1656 247 2245 379 248 967 360 441 1880 1778 2146 1472 261 1150 972 1675 1766 576 1353 1867 1579 659 1043 1458 755 981 2232 778 2345 167 775 359 1281 2132 1255 351 870 1357 1734 2255 1567 667, 767, 771 857 877 1759 1839 1175 2155 2032 1280 2344 1678 1056 1266 1654 1555 751 581 1844 1768 479 847 1455













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exhibitor listing by category Actuators

American Valve Inc. Arrowhead Brass Products Inc Asahi/America, Inc. Bonomi North America Conbraco Industries Inc. GF Piping Systems The Jomar Group Kohler Co. Milwaukee/Hammond Valve NIBCO Inc. Simtech, Inc. Smith-Cooper International Spears Manufacturing Company System Sensor Touch Sensor Technologies

Air valves and systems Amico Corp Armstrong Limited Burt Process Equipment HG Spec Inc. IPEX USA LLC Parker Hannifin (Transair) Pro Vent Systems, Inc. Simtech, Inc.

Automatic valves

Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) Arrowhead Brass Products Inc Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Bonomi North America Burt Process Equipment Conbraco Industries Inc. CSA Group Flushtech Corp GF Piping Systems HG Spec Inc. Hot Box (Hubbell Power Systems) IPEX USA LLC Isimet Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co. The Jomar Group Kohler Co. Moen Commercial National Craft Industries, Inc. Simtech, Inc. Sloan Valve Company Spears Manufacturing Company Watts Water Technologies


Georg Fischer Harvel Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co. MIFAB, Inc. Plumberex Specialty Products Pro Vent Systems, Inc. Watts Water Technologies Zurn Engineered Water Solutions


Atlas Copco Compressors BeaconMedaes Becker Pumps Corp. Genstar Technologies Co., Inc. IPEX USA LLC Parker Hannifin (Transair) Patton’s Medical Powerex, Inc.

1743 2174 358 420 227 1354 1174 1143 1155 1367 248 1880 972 1458 2132 35 2039 477 1681 435 1581 867 248 354 2174 1481 420 477 227 1078 2161 1354 1681 841 435 1738 945 1174 1143 1067 2072 248 441 972 1056 1834 945 1947 2052 867 1056 1455 1183 741 418 1935 435 1581 2139 1639

Computer software and CAD systems Allied Technical Services (ATS) ARCOM - SpecText Specifications

HRS Systems, Inc. International Code Council QuantumFlo

133 1176 2254 2337 327

18   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Control, automatic and flush valves Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Burt Process Equipment Chicago Faucets CSA Group Delta P Carver Flushtech Corp National Craft Industries, Inc. NIBCO Inc. ParkUSA Potter Electric Signal Co. Spears Manufacturing Company Stancor Inc. Watts Water Technologies Zurn Engineered Water Solutions

Design Consulting

Aero Mfg Co Inc Aquacell Water Recycling Solutions Delta P Carver Flushtech Corp Roof Top Blox

Drains/drain systems

Acorn Engineering Company Amtekco Industries Inc. Chicago Faucets Component Hardware Group CSA Group Elkhart Products Corp Froet Industries Hot Box (Hubbell Power Systems) IMC Teddy Food Service Equipment IPEX USA LLC IPS Corporation Josam Company Just Mfg. Co. Kohler Co. Kusel Equipment Co. LSP Products Group Mainline Backflow Products Inc. MIFAB, Inc. Murray Supply Company National Craft Industries, Inc. PHOENIX Process Equipment Company Plumberex Specialty Products Plumbing & Drainage Institute Precision Plumbing Products Pro Vent Systems, Inc. Rockford Separators SCHOTT North America, Inc Sovent / Walter Cornwall, LLC. SureSeal Manufacturing T Plug Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Watts Water Technologies Zurn Engineered Water Solutions

Drinking fountains/Water coolers Acorn Engineering Company ELKAY Halsey Taylor Metcraft Industries, Inc. Murray Supply Company Oasis International/Sunroc Outdoor Shower Company Stern-Williams Co. Stingray Systems LLC. Willoughby Industries, Inc.

Eye washes

Acorn Engineering Company Advance Tabco Aero Mfg Co Inc Bradley Corporation Burt Process Equipment Chicago Faucets

354 1481 477 1953 1078 377 2161 2072 1367 266 1257 972 1675 1056 1455 346 974 377 2161 378

941 367 1953 340 1078 333 1840 841 1777 435 256 457 1647 1143 472 1574 318 1947 2034 2072 974 2052 1372 1267 867 1934 1656 261 1579 981 1255 1056 1455 941 2074 781 1452 2034 547 1053 1766 1353 1555 941 1746 346 1258 477 1953

The Speakman Company Stingray Systems LLC.


Advance Tabco Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) Aero Mfg Co Inc American Standard Brands Amtekco Industries Inc. Arrowhead Brass Products Inc Bradley Corporation Chicago Faucets Component Hardware Group CSA Group Delany Products Delta Faucet Company Eredi Baitelli S.p.A. Flushtech Corp Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC Guardian Equipment/Water Saver Faucet Just Mfg. Co. Kohler Co. Moen Commercial MR Direct International Murray Supply Company National Craft Industries, Inc. NSF International Prier Products, Inc. Sloan Valve Company The Speakman Company Stern-Williams Co. Strahman Valves, Inc. Symmons Industries Inc. T & S Brass & Bronze Works Zurn Engineered Water Solutions

Fire protection equipment Acorn Engineering Company Advance Products & Systems AGF Manufacturing, Inc. Armstrong Limited Asco Power Technologies Aurora Pump Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Canariis Corp Clarke Fire Protection Products, Inc. Containment Solutions Cooper B-Line Croker Div Fire-end & Croker Corp. Eaton Corporation Fike Corporation FireFlex Systems Inc. FlexHead Industries, Inc. Georg Fischer Harvel Global Vision, Inc. Grundfos Pumps Guardian Fire Equipment, Inc. Highland Tank Hot Box (Hubbell Power Systems) HRS Systems, Inc. Hubbell Industrial Controls Joslyn Clark Controls Lubrizol Corporation Master Control Systems Metraflex Company NIBCO Inc. ParkUSA Patterson Pump Company Potter Electric Signal Co. Pro Vent Systems, Inc. QuantumFlo The Rectorseal Corporation Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Smith-Cooper International Spears Manufacturing Company System Sensor TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Tornatech Inc.

1150 1353 1746 354 346 1441 367 2174 1258 1953 340 1078 1051 1243 1261 2161 541 1358 1647 1143 1067 1383 2034 2072 1373 1973 441 1150 1766 1867 659 755 1455 941 2166 1874 2039 752 141 1481 1539 1272 976 675 2258 2067 349 1975 1374 1834 257 1767 975 355 841 2254 2035 1653 1667 1634 1082 1367 266 555 1257 867 327 772 1456 1880 972 1458 775 1281

exhibitor listing by category


Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) American Standard Brands Amtekco Industries Inc. Aqua Mizer, Inc Bootz Industries Caroma Chicago Faucets Eredi Baitelli S.p.A. Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC IAPMO Judo Water Treatment Just Mfg. Co. Metcraft Industries, Inc. NSF International Outdoor Shower Company Sloan Valve Company Strahman Valves, Inc. Zurn Engineered Water Solutions

2255 1567 1175 2032 1844 1455 354 1441 367 272 1959 2073 1953 1261 541 583 1576 1647 1452 1373 1053 441 1867 1455

Grease, oil and solids interceptors Aero Mfg Co Inc Canplas Containment Solutions Green Turtle Americas Ltd Highland Tank Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co. Josam Company MIFAB, Inc. NSF International ParkUSA Plumbing & Drainage Institute Rockford Separators Schier Products Co. See Water, Inc. Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Trapzilla-Big Dipper Tyco Thermal Controls Xerxes Corporation Zurn Engineered Water Solutions


Advanced Mechanical Technologies Ajax Boiler American Valve Inc. Armstrong Limited Aurora Pump Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Brimar Industries, Inc. Canariis Corp Cerro Flow Products LLC Cooper B-Line CSA Group Delta P Carver DuraVent Elkhart Products Corp Eredi Baitelli S.p.A. Franklin Electric/Little Giant Georg Fischer Harvel GPT (Formerly PSI Thunderline/Link-Seal) Grundfos Pumps Heat Transfer Products Inc. Heat-Timer Corporation HG Spec Inc. Hydronic Modules Corporation HYFAB Joslyn Clark Controls Judo Water Treatment Marathon International Metraflex Company Mueller Industries

346 454 976 2167 355 945 457 1947 1373 266 1372 1934 567 247 1255 1357 1567 1844 1455 2239 157 1743 2039 141 1481 2157 1539 1739 675 1078 377 1736 333 1261 467 1834 2049 1767 2267 252 1681 1080 678 1653 1576 1671 1082 2260

Murray Supply Company Navien America Inc. NIBCO Inc. Nomaco Insulation Noritz America Corp. Patterson Pump Company Penn Pump & Equipment Company, Inc Plumberex Specialty Products QuantumFlo Rinnai Corporation Roof Top Blox Solar Usage Now System Sensor The Cope Company Salt The Jomar Group The Rectorseal Corporation TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Tyco Thermal Controls VC Systems & Controls, Inc. Walrus America Inc. Ward Manufacturing, Inc. Z-Flex US Inc.

Industry Association

American Society of Sanitary Engineering Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute International Code Council Water Quality Association World Plumbing Council

2034 2053 1367 1276 1774 555 2357 2052 327 2249 378 1778 1458 1376 1174 772 775 1567 877 2155 2032 1768 478 1651 2337 2344 581

Pipe couplings, fittings and systems A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. AB&I Foundry Anaco/Husky Aquatherm Inc. Arkema Inc. Asahi/America, Inc. Atlas Copco Compressors Burt Process Equipment Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute CCI Pipeline Systems Cerro Flow Products LLC Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company Cooper B-Line Croker Div Fire-end & Croker Corp. Delta P Carver Double Trac by Omega Flex Elkhart Products Corp Eredi Baitelli S.p.A. FlexHead Industries, Inc. Georg Fischer Harvel GF Piping Systems HG Spec Inc. HOLDRITE IDEAL Clamp Products IPEX USA LLC IPS Corporation Isimet John Guest USA Josam Company KBI, King Bros. Industries LSP Products Group Lubrizol Corporation Mainline Backflow Products Inc. MAPA Products MIFAB, Inc. Mission Rubber Company Mueller Industries Murray Supply Company National Craft Industries, Inc. NEOPERL, Inc. NIBCO Inc. Ningbo Huacheng Valve Co., Ltd. Nomaco Insulation NSF International Parker Hannifin (Transair) Pro Vent Systems, Inc. The Rectorseal Corporation

1274 1254 1167 1939 255 358 1183 477 1651 980 1739 1545 675 2258 377 2148 333 1261 1374 1834 1354 1681 1377 328 435 256 1738 2069 457 2159 1574 1667 318 1742 1947 1074 2260 2034 2072 1075 1367 2168 1276 1373 1581 867 772

Roof Top Blox SCHOTT North America, Inc Simtech, Inc. Sioux Chief Manufacturing Smith-Cooper International Solar-Trac by OmegaFlex Spears Manufacturing Company T Plug TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Town & Country Plastics, Inc. TracPipeCounterStrike Tyco Victaulic Viega Ward Manufacturing, Inc. Watts Water Technologies

Piped gas systems

Amico Corp BeaconMedaes Double Trac by Omega Flex Gastite Division Genstar Technologies Co., Inc. GPT (Formerly PSI Thunderline/Link-Seal) IPEX USA LLC Isimet MAPA Products Medical Gas Professional Healthcare Org. Metraflex Company Parker Hannifin (Transair) Patton’s Medical Roof Top Blox TracPipeCounterStrike Viega Ward Manufacturing, Inc. Z-Flex US Inc.

Plumbing fixtures and fittings

Acorn Engineering Company Advance Tabco Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) Aero Mfg Co Inc American Standard Brands Amtekco Industries Inc. Aqua Glass Aquatic Armstrong Limited Arrowhead Brass Products Inc Bootz Industries Bradley Corporation Canplas Caroma Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company Chicago Faucets Clarion Bathware Component Hardware Group Contractor Magazine Crane Pumps & Systems CSA Group Delany Products Delta Faucet Company Delta P Carver Eemax Inc. ELKAY Elkhart Products Corp Eredi Baitelli S.p.A. Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC HG Spec Inc. HOLDRITE Hydronic Modules Corporation IAPMO In-Sink-Erator IPEX USA LLC IPS Corporation Isimet Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co. John Guest USA Josam Company

378 1656 248 967 1880 2146 972 981 775 1255 351 2255 1759 1839 2032 1056 635 741 2148 1177 1935 2049 435 1738 1742 1077 1082 1581 2139 378 351 1839 2032 1768 941 1746 354 346 1441 367 1380 267 2039 2174 1959 1258 454 2073 1545 1953 1857 340 1838 373 1078 1051 1243 377 653 2074 333 1261 541 1681 1377 1080 583 1879 435 256 1738 945 2069 457

2012 ASPE Convention & Engineered Exposition  19


Tyco Tyco Thermal Controls Viking Group Ward Manufacturing, Inc. Xerxes Corporation Zurn Engineered Water Solutions


exhibitor listing by category Judo Water Treatment Just Mfg. Co. KBI, King Bros. Industries Kohler Co. Leonard Valve Company LSP Products Group Lubrizol Corporation Mainline Backflow Products Inc. Mansfield Plumbing Products, LLC MAPA Products McGuire Manufacturing Co., Inc. Metcraft Industries, Inc. Metraflex Company MIFAB, Inc. Mission Rubber Company Moen Commercial MR Direct International Mueller Industries Murray Supply Company National Craft Industries, Inc. NEOPERL, Inc. NIBCO Inc. NSF International Plumberex Specialty Products Prier Products, Inc. Roof Top Blox Schier Products Co. Simtech, Inc. Sioux Chief Manufacturing Sloan Valve Company The Speakman Company Spears Manufacturing Company Stern-Williams Co. Strahman Valves, Inc. Symmons Industries Inc. T & S Brass & Bronze Works T Plug TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Tyco Viega Walrus America Inc. Ward Manufacturing, Inc. Watts Water Technologies Willoughby Industries, Inc. Zurn Engineered Water Solutions

Pumps and tanks

A.O. Smith Water Products Co. A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. ABS USA/Sulzer Pump Solutions (US) Inc. Advanced Mechanical Technologies Armstrong Limited Aurora Pump Becker Pumps Corp. Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand BJM Pumps Blue Angel Pumps Burt Process Equipment Canariis Corp Champion Pump Company, Inc. Containment Solutions The Cope Company Salt Crane Pumps & Systems Delta P Carver Franklin Electric/Little Giant Grundfos Pumps HG Spec Inc. Highland Tank Hydronic Modules Corporation HYFAB IPEX USA LLC Liberty Pumps MTH Pumps Murray Supply Company ParkUSA Patterson Pump Company Penn Pump & Equipment Company, Inc

1576 1647 2159 1143 341 1574 1667 318 1475 1742 448 1452 1082 1947 1074 1067 1383 2260 2034 2072 1075 1367 1373 2052 1973 378 567 248 967 441 1150 972 1766 1867 659 755 981 775 1255 2255 1839 2155 2032 1056 1555 1455 1343 1274 274 2239 2039 141 418 1481 136 159 477 1539 279 976 1376 373 377 467 1767 1681 355 1080 678 435 1749 880 2034 266 555 2357

20   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Powerex, Inc. QuantumFlo Schier Products Co. See Water, Inc. ShinMaywa (America), Ltd. Stancor Inc. SyncroFlo TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Touch Sensor Technologies Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Tramco Pump Company Tsurumi Pump VC Systems & Controls, Inc. Walrus America Inc. Weil Pump Co. Inc. Xerxes Corporation

Safety and emergency fixtures Acorn Engineering Company Aero Mfg Co Inc Bradley Corporation Chicago Faucets Guardian Equipment/Water Saver Faucet Hot Box (Hubbell Power Systems) IPS Corporation Isimet Leonard Valve Company Stingray Systems LLC.

Safety Products & Technology CSA Group International Code Council IPS Corporation Isimet LIQUITECH, INC. Plumberex Specialty Products Stingray Systems LLC. System Sensor

Security fixtures

Acorn Engineering Company Aero Mfg Co Inc Bradley Corporation Metcraft Industries, Inc. Willoughby Industries, Inc.

Sewage pumps and equipment A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. American Valve Inc. Aquacell Water Recycling Solutions Armstrong Limited Aurora Pump Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Champion Pump Company, Inc. Containment Solutions Crane Pumps & Systems Franklin Electric/Little Giant Grundfos Pumps Liberty Pumps Mainline Backflow Products Inc. ParkUSA Patterson Pump Company Penn Pump & Equipment Company, Inc See Water, Inc. ShinMaywa (America), Ltd. SJE-Rhombus Controls Touch Sensor Technologies Tsurumi Pump Xerxes Corporation

Shower systems

Aquatic Bradley Corporation Clarion Bathware Component Hardware Group Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC Kohler Co. Leonard Valve Company

1639 327 567 247 379 1675 1043 775 2132 1255 870 1734 877 2155 1266 1844 941 346 1258 1953 1358 841 256 1738 341 1353 1078 2337 256 1738 1283 2052 1353 1458 941 346 1258 1452 1555 1274 1743 974 2039 141 1481 279 976 373 467 1767 1749 318 266 555 2357 247 379 360 2132 1734 1844 267 1258 1857 340 541 1143 341

Metcraft Industries, Inc. Moen Commercial National Craft Industries, Inc. Outdoor Shower Company Precision Plumbing Products Pro Vent Systems, Inc. Sioux Chief Manufacturing Sloan Valve Company The Speakman Company Stern-Williams Co. Symmons Industries Inc. Willoughby Industries, Inc.

Sinks and basins

Acorn Engineering Company Advance Tabco Aero Mfg Co Inc Amtekco Industries Inc. Bootz Industries Bradley Corporation Caroma Chicago Faucets Component Hardware Group ELKAY Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC IMC Teddy Food Service Equipment Just Mfg. Co. Kohler Co. Mansfield Plumbing Products, LLC Metcraft Industries, Inc. Moen Commercial MR Direct International National Craft Industries, Inc. NSF International Plumberex Specialty Products SCHOTT North America, Inc Sloan Valve Company Stern-Williams Co. Strahman Valves, Inc. Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Willoughby Industries, Inc. Zurn Engineered Water Solutions


Ajax Boiler Bock Water Heaters Bradford White Corporation Burt Process Equipment Cemline Corporation Containment Solutions Delta P Carver GPT (Formerly PSI Thunderline/Link-Seal) Green Turtle Americas Ltd HG Spec Inc. Highland Tank Hydronic Modules Corporation Kohler Co. Mansfield Plumbing Products, LLC Marathon International Niles Steel Tank ParkUSA Penn Pump & Equipment Company, Inc Powerex, Inc. Raypak Inc. Schier Products Co. Stiebel Eltron Inc. TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Xerxes Corporation

Toilet/toilet seats

Acorn Engineering Company American Standard Brands Aqua Mizer, Inc Bemis Manufacturing Company Caroma Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC Kohler Co.

1452 1067 2072 1053 1267 867 967 441 1150 1766 659 1555 941 1746 346 367 1959 1258 2073 1953 340 2074 541 1777 1647 1143 1475 1452 1067 1383 2072 1373 2052 1656 441 1766 1867 1255 1555 1455 157 166 641 477 1460 976 377 2049 2167 1681 355 1080 1143 1475 1671 154 266 2357 1639 866 567 576 775 1255 1844 941 1441 272 243 2073 541 1143

exhibitor listing by category


CSA Group National Craft Industries, Inc. NIBCO Inc. The Rectorseal Corporation Roof Top Blox Rostra Tool Company Simtech, Inc. T Plug Victaulic


Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Canplas Highland Tank IPEX USA LLC Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co. Josam Company Just Mfg. Co. McGuire Manufacturing Co., Inc. ParkUSA Plumbing & Drainage Institute Precision Plumbing Products Schier Products Co. Spears Manufacturing Company SureSeal Manufacturing Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Trapzilla-Big Dipper Watts Water Technologies

Vacuum pumps and systems Amico Corp BeaconMedaes Becker Pumps Corp. Busch LLC Dekker Vacuum Technologies, Inc. Genstar Technologies Co., Inc. Hot Box (Hubbell Power Systems) Ningbo Huacheng Valve Co., Ltd. Parker Hannifin (Transair) Patton’s Medical Powerex, Inc. Sioux Chief Manufacturing


A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) AGF Manufacturing, Inc. American Valve Inc. Amico Corp Armstrong Limited Arrowhead Brass Products Inc Asahi/America, Inc. Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Bonomi North America Bradley Corporation Chicago Faucets Conbraco Industries Inc. Croker Div Fire-end & Croker Corp. CSA Group Dahl Brothers Canada Limited Elkhart Products Corp Equipment Controls Company Eredi Baitelli S.p.A. Flushtech Corp Genstar Technologies Co., Inc. GF Piping Systems HG Spec Inc. Holby Valve, Inc. Hot Box (Hubbell Power Systems) Hydronic Modules Corporation

1475 1452 2034 1979 1555 1455 1078 2072 1367 772 378 149 248 981 1759 1481 454 355 435 945 457 1647 448 266 1372 1267 567 972 1579 1255 1357 1056 635 741 418 1275 2173 1935 841 2168 1581 2139 1639 967 1274 354 1874 1743 635 2039 2174 358 1481 420 1258 1953 227 2258 1078 2147 333 2365 1261 2161 1935 1354 1681 164 841 1080

IPEX USA LLC IPS Corporation Isimet John Guest USA The Jomar Group KBI, King Bros. Industries Kitz Corporation of America Kohler Co. Lawler Manufacturing Co., Inc. Leonard Valve Company LSP Products Group Mainline Backflow Products Inc. Milwaukee/Hammond Valve Moen Commercial Murray Supply Company National Craft Industries, Inc. NIBCO Inc. Ningbo Huacheng Valve Co., Ltd. NSF International Parker Hannifin (Transair) ParkUSA Precision Plumbing Products Prier Products, Inc. The Rectorseal Corporation Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Simtech, Inc. Sioux Chief Manufacturing Sloan Valve Company Smith-Cooper International The Speakman Company Spears Manufacturing Company Stingray Systems LLC. Strahman Valves, Inc. Symmons Industries Inc. TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Viega Watts Water Technologies Willoughby Industries, Inc.

Wash fountains

Acorn Engineering Company Bradley Corporation Willoughby Industries, Inc.

Water heaters and boilers A.O. Smith Water Products Co. Ajax Boiler Armstrong Limited Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Bock Water Heaters Bradford White Corporation Bradley Corporation Cemline Corporation The Cope Company Salt CSA Group Eemax Inc. Heat Transfer Products Inc. Hubbell Electric Heater Co. HYFAB Lochinvar LLC Marathon International Murray Supply Company Navien America Inc. Noritz America Corp. Potter Electric Signal Co. Raypak Inc. Rinnai Corporation Solar Usage Now Solar-Trac by OmegaFlex Stiebel Eltron Inc. Strahman Valves, Inc. TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Tyco Thermal Controls

Water treatment

A.O. Smith Water Products Co. Aquacell Water Recycling Solutions

435 256 1738 2069 1174 2159 1750 1143 1173 341 1574 318 1155 1067 2034 2072 1367 2168 1373 1581 266 1267 1973 772 1456 248 967 441 1880 1150 972 1353 1867 659 775 1255 1839 1056 1555

Aqua-Rex LLC Bell & Gossett a Xylem Brand Burt Process Equipment The Cope Company Salt Digital Analysis Corp Georg Fischer Harvel GF Piping Systems GPT (Formerly PSI Thunderline/Link-Seal) Highland Tank HydroFlow USA Judo Water Treatment LIQUITECH, INC. Marlo, Inc. Navien America Inc. Noritz America Corp. NSF International ParkUSA Potter Electric Signal Co. QuantumFlo Schier Products Co Simtech, Inc. Stancor Inc. TIGERFLOW SYSTEMS LLC. Touch Sensor Technologies Town & Country Plastics, Inc. Tsurumi Pump Water Control Corporation Water Quality Association Watts Water Technologies Xerxes Corporation

1978 1481 477 1376 873 1834 1354 2049 355 2247 1576 1283 1858 2053 1774 1373 266 1257 327 567 248 1675 775 2132 1255 1734 1280 2344 1056 1844

941 1258 1555 1343 157 2039 1481 166 641 1258 1460 1376 1078 653 2267 1273 678 1157 1671 2034 2053 1774 1257 866 2249 1778 2146 576 1867 775 1567 1343 974

2012 ASPE Convention & Engineered Exposition  21


Mansfield Plumbing Products, LLC Metcraft Industries, Inc. Murray Supply Company Penguin Toilets, LLC Willoughby Industries, Inc. Zurn Engineered Water Solutions


2012 Exhibitors

Index of Advertisers A.O. Smith Water Products Co........................ 23 Armstrong International Inc...... Inside Front Cover Aurora Pump.................................................. 27 Bootz Industries............................................. 26 Bradford White Corp...................................... 15 Bradley Corp..................................... Back Cover Canplas......................................................... 28 Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute............................ 33 Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Co.......................... 29 Chicago Faucets............................................ 31 Clarion Bathware........................................... 35 The Cope Company Salt................................. 30 Copper Development Association................... 39 CSA Group..................................................... 43 Delany Products............................................. 32 Delta Faucet Co...................... Inside Back Cover Delta P Carver................................................ 34 Froet Industries.............................................. 38 GF Piping Systems......................................... 40 Grundfos Pumps.............................................41 Guardian Equipment...................................... 42 HOLDRITE...................................................... 44 IAPMO........................................................... 45 Kusel Equipment Co....................................... 46 Leonard Valve Co............................................. 5 Liberty Pumps................................................ 47 Lubrizol Corp................................................. 48 McGuire Manufacturing Co. Inc...................... 49 Moen Commercial..........................................17 Morris Group (Acorn Engineering Co.; Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co.).................................... 66 Oasis International......................................... 51 Patterson Pump Co........................................ 52 ProVent Systems Inc...................................... 55 PVI Industries Inc........................................... 53 QuantumFlo................................................... 25 Rockford Separators...................................... 54 Schott........................................................... 57 SeeWater Inc................................................. 56 SJE-Rhombus Controls................................... 58 Sloan Valve Co............................................... 59 Viega............................................................... 3 Water Quality Association............................... 60 Watts Water Technologies.............................. 61 Willoughby Industries Inc............................... 62 Z-Flex US Inc.................................................. 63 Zurn Engineered Water Solutions.................... 64

22   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Advance Products & Systems 2166


P.O. Box 60399, Lafayette, LA 70596 Phone: 337-233-6116, Fax: 337-232-3860 Email: marketing@apsonline.com

A.O. Smith Water Products Co. 1343 500 Tennessee Waltz Pkwy., Ashland City, TN 37015 Phone: 615-792-8207, Fax: 615-792-2154 Email: jrewers@hotwater.com www.hotwater.com


By forming a mechanical seal between pipes going through walls, floors, and pipeline casing, APS Inner-Lynx seals pipe penetrations fast. Inner-Lynx can be installed quickly and easily by one worker with no special tools required and helps absorb vibrations, shocks, and sound waves. Being non-conductive, Inner-lynx electrically insulates the inner carrier pipe from the penetrated structure.

For more than 70 years, A.O. Smith has been North America’s leading manufacturer and marketer of high-quality residential and commercial water heaters and hydronic boilers. A.O. Smith designs, builds, distributes, and field supports the world’s broadest line of innovative residential and commercial water heaters and boilers.

Advance Tabco

A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.



P.O. Box 508, Dubuque, IA 52004-0508 Phone: 800-292-2737, Fax: 800-832-9296 Email: spotts@aymcdonald.com www.aymcdonald.com

A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., established in 1856, is a leading manufacturer of waterworks brass, plumbing valves, pumps and gas valves, and meter bars. We are pleased to introduce the DuraMAC line of residential booster pumps. Our pumps feature an all stainless steel, multistage pump complete with check valve, expansion tank, and an intelligent control system that can be activated by either pressure or flow. Come to booth 1274 to see the most intelligent, yet simple, pressure-boosting system on the market.

AB&I Foundry

Advanced Mechanical Technologies 2239 201 W. Gibson Ln., Phoenix, AZ 85003 Phone: 602-283-2220, Fax: 602-283-2221 Email: bvanderwerf@mechanicalroom.com www.amechtech.com

Advanced Mechanical Technologies (AMT) is a leading manufacturer of pre-engineered, technologically advanced, and environmentally friendly packaged pumping systems serving the commercial, industrial, municipal, aquatic, and irrigation markets. AMT specializes in packaged booster pump systems, solar thermal systems, lift stations, heat transfer systems, water feature and filtration systems, and packaged central plants.

Advanced Modern Technologies Corp. (AMTC) 354


AB&I Foundry manufactures cast iron soil pipe and fittings in no-hub and hub and spigot. All products have been manufactured in the USA since 1906. We manufacture standard no-hub couplings as well as the Husky heavy-duty couplings, all of which are manufactured in the USA. AB&I Foundry is a member of the Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute and proudly displays the Institute’s trademark on all pipe and fittings. AB&I soil pipe and fittings are certified by NSF and ICC-ES Save and are IAPMO listed.


140 Pond View Dr., Meriden, CT 06450 Phone: 203-238-2700, Fax: 203-238-0738 Email: karlee.pascucci@sulzer.com

19800 Nordhoff Pl., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Phone: 800-874-7822, Fax: 818-883-2620 Email: leo@amtcorporation.com www.amtcorporation.com

AMTC is an innovator and manufacturer of “touch free” washroom automation and water conservation plumbing systems and devices.

Aero Mfg. Co. Inc.


P.O. Box 1250, 310 Allwood Rd., Clifton, NJ 07012 Phone: 973-473-5300 ext. 126, Fax: 973-473-3794 Email: npittman@aeromfg.com www.aeromfg.com


Sulzer|ABS has vast experience in domestic and commercial wastewater handling. Our extensive range of products includes basement sump pumps, grinder pumps, and sewage pumps using Contrablock and vortex hydraulics, plus prefabricated lifting stations for indoor and outdoor installation. Whether you need a system for a single house or a multifamily home, a commercial property or industrial complex, ABS is a reliable partner from the start of the project to the final sign-off of the property.

Acorn Engineering Company

Advance Tabco is the industry’s largest manufacturer of stock stainless steel products sold to the hospitality, industrial, food service, and residential industries.


7825 San Leandro St., Oakland, CA 94621 Phone: 510-633-5270, Fax: 510-632-8035 Email: gary.wickham@abifoundry.com

ABS USA/Sulzer Pump Solutions (US) Inc.


200 Heartland Blvd., Edgewood, NY 11717 Phone: 631-242-4800, Fax: 631-242-6900 Email: greed@advancetabco.com


15125 Proctor Ave., City of Industry, CA 91746 Phone: 626-336-4561 Email: triedel@acorneng.com www.morrisgroup.co

Acorn Engineering Company manufactures plumbing fixtures, products, and systems for institutional and commercial markets. The broad Acorn product line is comprised of heavy-gage stainless steel correctional plumbing fixtures; stainless steel and solid-surface wash basins; stainless steel toilets, urinals, and showers; and precast shower basins and mop sinks.

Aero is a national manufacturer of NSF sinks, hand sinks, floor troughs, tables, work centers, custom fabrication, and ADA units and serves the plumbing, foodservice, healthcare, material handling, military, and clean-room industries. Aero has 5,000 different models that can be customized to fit any application and a full CAD library online.

AGF Manufacturing Inc.


100 Quaker Ln., Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: 610-240-4900, Fax: 610-240-4906 Email: mfalco@testandrain.com www.testandrain.com

A leading innovator in the fire protection industry, AGF Manufacturing welcomes you to Booth 1874 to take a look at our new COLLECTanDRAIN line of products. COLLECTanDRAIN simplifies routine maintenance of dry sprinkler systems. AGF Manufacturing continues to produce the industry’s leading line of TESTanDRAIN and Inspector’sTEST valves. Our RemoteTEST makes scheduled testing easy, and our RiserPACKs make installation simple. AGF Manufacturing - Reliability, Versatility, Code Compatibility.





A. O. Smith has the water heater and boiler technology to meet the hot water demands of any application. As the number one manufacturer of water heaters, we lead the market with advanced engineering, development and design. So no matter what your application requirements are, A. O. Smith has the broadest—and, yes, the most innovative—selection of water heaters and boilers for you.




2012 Exhibitors Ajax Boiler



Aqua Mizer

2701 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92704 Phone: 714-437-9050, Fax: 714-437-9060 Email: jterry@ajaxboiler.com

Aqua Mizer Inc.


U.S. manufacturer Ajax Boiler Inc. is family owned and family operated, specializing in the design of HVAC and plumbing products used in heat transfer applications. With more than nine decades of experience, the company offers high-quality, heavy-duty products with the reputation for reliability, serviceability, and cost-effective operation.

Alberta Custom Tee (2006) Ltd. 320

American Standard Brands


One Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08854 Phone: 732-980-3000, Fax: 732-980-3335 Email: mediafeedback@amstdmedia.com


This remarkable retrofit kit dramatically reduces water usage, improves flush performance, and prevents water waste from leaking toilets. This affordable product is easily installed and does not require tank removal.


American Standard Brands is a leading manufacturer of high-quality bathroom faucets, furniture, vitreous china, whirlpools, and tubs, as well as kitchen sinks and faucets. Our company serves the United States, Canada, and Mexico under the American Standard, Crane Plumbing, Eljer, Jado, and Porcher brand names.


Allied Technical Services (ATS) 133

American Valve Inc.



10 Thornmount Dr., Scarborough, ON M1B 3J4, Canada Phone: 416-250-5656, Fax: 416-250-5549 Email: marketing@atsspec.net


4321 Piedmont Pkwy., Greensboro, NC 24710 Phone: 336-668-0554, Fax: 336-668-4070 Email: seth@americanvalve.com



Allied Technical Services Inc. (ATS) is the only no-cost, no-catch plumbing specification information system provided to all mechanical consulting engineers, architects, and interior designers in North America. Now with even more specification options, information, and content, with ATS Spec designers may conveniently review product details and build their complete and customized project specifications.

American Backflow Prevention Association 2256

American Valve is a 100+-year-old manufacturer of brass, thermoplastic, cast iron, ductile iron, and stainless steel valves. Our range of applications includes residential and commercial plumbing, municipal water and wastewater, heating and airconditioning, and industrial process and natural gas. This year we are proud to showcase our 4000 and 3700 Series flanged ball valve line. We are also very excited to introduce a new addition to this product group, Model 3700 with grooved end connections

Amico Corp.


P.O. Box 3051, Bryan, TX 77805 Phone: 979-846-7606, Fax: 979-846-7607 Email: shane@abpa.org

85 Fulton Way, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N4, Canada Phone: 905-764-0800, Fax: 905-764-0862 Email: AmicoTradeshows@Amico.com



The American Backflow Prevention Association, through its regions and local chapters, is committed to providing educational programs, technical assistance, and public awareness in the field of backflow prevention protection and cross-connection control to all water consumers, water regulators, water suppliers, and the general public globally. ABPA is the leader in supplying professional certification for backflow prevention assembly and device testers, repairers, and specialists.

Amico Corporation specializes in manufacturing medical gas pipeline equipment, medical architectural products, and medical air/vacuum systems. Amico offers superior customer service and a 5-year warranty through a single-source solution to the global healthcare industry. Amico meets ISO 9002 standards, is UL listed, and conforms to NFPA 99.

American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association 250

1205 Refugee Rd., Columbus, OH 43207 Phone: 614-737-8027, Fax: 614-737-3265 Email: allisonholland@amtekco.com

220 N. College Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46202 Phone: 317-464-9090, Fax: 317-464-9393 Email: bboulware@design-aire.com www.ARCSA.org

The American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA) is the preeminent authority on the use of rainwater catchment as an alternative water source. If interested in learning more about what ARCSA is doing to further this issue, how to become an Accredited Rainwater Catchment Systems Professional, or to see how you can be part of our efforts, we will welcome you at our booth (#250) to learn more.


901 Canterbury Rd., Ste. A, Westlake, OH 44145-1480 Phone: 440-835-3040, Fax: 440-835-3488 Email: ken@asse-plumbing.org www.asse-plumbing.org

ASSE is an ANSI-accredited standards developer and product certification body. Its mission is to continually improve the performance, reliability, and safety of plumbing systems. ASSE’s product performance standards, professional qualifications standards, and professional certification and product listing programs are developed in the interest of public health and the society’s motto, “Prevention Rather Than Cure.”

Amtekco Industries Inc.

Amtekco offers a complete line of the highest quality custom and stock NSF-approved sinks and accessories plus stainless steel processing sinks with disposers, trench drains, custom drop-ins, mop sinks, multi-station wash-up sinks, urinals, and more. Amtekco’s comprehensive range of stainless steel fabrication capabilities, paired with the use of only the highest quality and recycled materials, ensures optimum durability and value.


1001 El Camino Ave., Corona, CA 92879 Phone: 951-372-2732, Fax: 951-738-1183 Email: reponroad@verizon.net www.anaco-husky.com

The ASPE Convention & Exposition will showcase the largest display of plumbing design products and services available anywhere. AQUANOMIX is excited to be an exhibitor and will be located at booth #951. We look forward to sharing our product with you and answering any questions you may have.

Aqua-Rex LLC


3301 Spring Mountain Rd., Ste. 18, Las Vegas, NV 89102 Phone: 702-304-2170, Fax: 702-256-2175 Email: info@aqua-rex.com www.aqua-rex.com

Aqua-Rex is a physical water conditioner, a water softener alternative that has been very widely specified by engineers in the UK during the last 15 years. Around 95 percent of hard water treatment systems in the UK use physical water conditioners rather than conventional water softeners, and Aqua-Rex, or Water-King as it is known in the UK, is a market leader and technology pioneer in this field. Currently the U.S. is about 10 years behind the UK in adopting this technology.


Aquatherm Inc.


500 S 500 W, Bldg. 1, Lindon, UT 84042 Phone: 801-805-6657, Fax: 801-326-4830 Email: camilla.shoemaker@aquatherm.com www.aquatherm.com

Manufactured in Germany and used in applications across the world for more than three decades, Aquatherm provides quality, reliability, and performance. Made from polypropylene, Aquatherm provides a long-lasting, LEED-compatible, environmentally friendly solution for systems that are resilient chemically and physically to the abuse that damages other piping systems. Aquatherm can be used in potable water systems, heating and cooling, industrial and agricultural, and recycled and rainwater applications.

Anaco has been manufacturing stainless steel couplings for cast iron pipe and fittings since 1963. Couplings are available in standard, transition, non-shielded, and our Husky super and heavyduty models.

Aquacell Water Recycling Solutions 974 2402 Watterson Tr., Louisville, KY 40299 Phone: 502-499-6198 ext. 165, Fax: 502-499-1079 Email: johnw@dewater.com



Established in 1996, Aquacell has conducted extensive research and development to develop innovative water management technologies that offer a sustainable approach for reducing water consumption. Aquacell technologies provide on-site graywater and/or blackwater packaged purification and recycling systems for commercial, educational, and multiple dwelling residential properties. PHOENIX Process Equipment Co. is the exclusive U.S. distributor for Aquacell Water Recycling Solutions.

Aqua Glass 540 Glen Ave., Moorestown, NJ 08057 Phone: 856-380-7439, Fax: 856-235-0542 Email: kneedham@mascobath.com www.mascobath.com

24   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition


P.O. Box 194, Davidson, NC 28036 Phone: 704-402-4373, Fax: 704-895-5501 Email: jsodonnell@aquanomix.com





6578 Palmer Park Cir., Sarasota, FL 34238 Phone: 855-466-7395, Fax: 941-706-1025 Email: vince@aquamizerinc.com

10037- 96 Ave., Westlock, AB T7P 2P9, Canada Phone: 780-349-6511, Fax: 780-349-4232 Email: carolm@customtee.com

American Society of Sanitary Engineering




8101 E. Kaiser Blvd., Ste. 200, Anaheim, CA 92808 Phone: 800-877-2005, Fax: 714-998-5340 Email: cpop@aquaticbath.com www.aquaticbath.com

Aquatic is the leader in innovative and inspirational bathware. Our products span from luxury hydrotherapy spas to freestanding baths and sectional showers. With more designs and customizable options than anyone in the industry, we have a style, size, and price point that will flow seamlessly with your needs. We also offer a complete line of refreshingly modern ADA- and ANSI-compliant products.

2012 Exhibitors

2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition  25

2012 ExPoSition

2012 Exhibitors Armstrong international inc. ARCOM – SpecText Specifications


332 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111-3309 Phone: 801-521-9162 Email: iiliev@arcomnet.com ARCOM publishes MasterSpec, the #1 specification system in the U.S. Endorsed or recommended by NSPE and ACEC, MasterSpec includes commissioning sections companion research information, coordination checklists, and LEED information. ARCOM develops SpecWare and SpecAgent. SpecWare is a family of specification enhancement software tools that simplifies specification editing, production, and report-generation functions. SpecAgent is the new companion browser in MasterSpec.


900 1st Ave., King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: 800-596-2750 or 1.800.KYNAr.50 Email: dwana.greshman@arkema.com www.kynar.com

Arkema features the plenum-rated thermoplastic pipe for corrosive waste drainage. Select grades of KYNAR PVDF resin easily achieve the flame spread and smoke-developed rating of 25/50 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. With its exceptional chemical resistance and mechanical strength, KYNAR PVDF resin pipe is an excellent choice for use in the plenum for applications such as corrosive waste drainage and laboratory chemical systems.

Visit us at Booth #1959



Armstrong provides intelligent system solutions that improve utility performance, lower energy consumption, and reduce environmental emissions while providing an “enjoyable experience.”


Arkema inc.


816 Maple St., Three Rivers, MI 49093 Phone: 269-273-1415, Fax: 269-279-3603 Email: cam@armstronginternational.com

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

Armstrong Limited


23 Bertrand Ave., Toronto, ON M1L 2P3, Canada Phone: 416-755-2291, Fax: 416-759-9101 Email: moneill@armlink.com www.armstrongintegrated.com

Armstrong is a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency HVAC and fluid-handling systems for commercial, industrial, and residential applications. Established in 1934, the company maintains nine manufacturing facilities on three continents. Armstrong products are known for their reliability, longevity, and ease of maintenance. Our design envelope boosters provide a reliable supply of water in an energy-efficient, easy-to-install package that addresses insufficient water pressure during peak load times.

Arrowhead brass Products inc.


4900 Alhambra Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90032-3413 Phone: 323-221-9137, Fax: 323-221-2579 Email: fred.schneider@arrowheadbrass.com www.arrowheadbrass.com

Arrowhead Brass & Plumbing (ABP) consists of Champion Irrigation and Arrowhead Brass Products. ABP has 150 years of experience and brand recognition, making it one of the last U.S. manufacturers of quality brass products for the plumbing and irrigation industries. ABP is the first company to manufacture all of its valves with o-ring bonnet seals and is the exclusive home of the Arrow-Breaker, a patented technology that is available in all connections and sizes for hose bibs and frost-free hydrants.

Asahi/America inc.


35 Green St., P.O. Box 653, Malden, MA 02148 Phone: 781-321-5409, Fax: 781-397-1788 Email: asahi@asahi-america.com www.asahi-america.com

Asahi/America Inc. specializes in providing solutions for fluidhandling systems, individualized to meet virtually any customer’s needs. Asahi is a leading manufacturer of corrosion-resistant thermoplastic fluid-handling products, including valves, actuators, pipe, and fittings. The company maintains an extensive custom fabrication department and provides on-site consultation, supervision, and training, where required.

Asco Power technologies


111 Corning Rd., Ste. 120, Cary, NC 27518 Phone: 919-460-5200, Fax: 919-460-5250 Email: joe.corcoran@emerson.com www.firetrol.com

Firetrol is a leading brand in the innovation and manufacture of fire pump controllers.

2012 Exhibitors 1183

2012 ExPoSition

Atlas Copco Compressors 1800 Overview Dr., Rock Hill, SC 29730 Phone: 803-817-7451, Fax: 803-817-7440 Email: dorothy.samuel@us.atlascopco.com www.atlascopco.us

Atlas Copco is an industry-leading global manufacturer and service provider of compressed air technology and quality air accessories with 24/7 service support. The Atlas Copco Group was named 10th among the Top 100 Sustainable Companies in the world and has been recognized by Forbes, Thomson-Reuters, and Newsweek, among others, for its commitment to innovation and sustainability. The people of Atlas Copco are committed to your sustainable productivity.

Aurora Pump


800 Airport Dr., North Aurora, IL 60542 Phone: 630-859-7000, Fax: 630-859-7060 Email: joseph.hutko@pentair.com www.aurorapump.com

Aurora Pump is a leading pump and system supplier devoted to designing and manufacturing a wide variety of pumps and systems used in an ever-expanding variety of markets and applications throughout the world. The Aurora Distribution Center is stocked with parts and pumps to handle same-day shipments. Our components and customer service will keep your Aurora Pump system at peak performance. You can rely on Aurora Pump and our qualified distribution network to provide total fluid flow solutions.



Exceed your


1800 Overview Dr., Rock Hill, SC 29730 Phone: 803-817-5600 Email: diane.flinchbaugh@beaconmedaes.com www.beaconmedaes.com

BeaconMedaes is the world’s leading supplier of medical gas equipment, including medical air plants, medical vacuum plants, WAGD plants, manifolds, and pipeline components to NFPA 99 standards and HTM 2002/ISO standards. Medical gas service and support are central to everything we offer our customers, and we maintain the world’s largest service force dedicated exclusively to medical gas.

becker Pumps Corp.


100 E. Ascot Ln., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 Phone: 330-928-9966, Fax: 330-928-7065 Email: joe@beckerpumps.com www.beckerpumps.com

Becker Pumps manufactures industrial and medical/surgical vacuums. Our Advantage line includes oil-lubricated and 100% oil-free systems, featuring Becker’s exclusive X-Series dry vane technology with a bumper-to-bumper four-year system warranty.


bell & Gossett, a xylem brand


8200 N. Austin Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-966-3700, Fax: 847-966-9052 Email: ebusiness.support@xyleminc.com

Boosting Systems

3800 Series

380 Series

Boosting the pressure for residential and small commercial needs

Single Stage End Suction Pumps s #APACITIES TO ' 0 - (954 m3/hr) s (EADS TO &EET -ETERS s 4EMPERATURES TO Â & Â #

Single Stage Vertical Inline Pump s #APACITIES TO ' 0 - (1,020 m3/hr) s (EADS TO &EET -ETERS s 4EMPERATURES TO Â & Â #


Xylem (XYL) is a leading global water technology provider, enabling customers to transport, treat, test, and efficiently use water in public utility, residential and commercial building services, and industrial and agricultural settings. The company does business in more than 150 countries through a number of market-leading product brands, and its people bring broad applications expertise with a strong focus on finding local solutions to the world’s most challenging water and wastewater problems.

bemis Manufacturing Company

Visit aurorapump.com to locate an authorized Aurora distributor near you.


300 Mill St., Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 Phone: 920-467-5220, Fax: 920-467-5466 Email: bob.Davis@bemisMfg.com www.bemismfg.com

Bemis, the world’s largest manufacturer of toilet seats, serves residential and commercial buildings and OEM industries. Founded in 1901, Bemis continues to be privately owned and operated. Headquartered in Sheboygan Falls, Wis., Bemis has worldwide distribution in North, Central, and South America, Europe, and the Far East.


www.aurorapump.com Visit us at ASPE Booth #141


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition 27

2012 ExPoSition

2012 Exhibitors bock Water heaters bJM Pumps


123 Spencer Plain Rd., Old Saybrook, CT 06475 Phone: 800-442-2562, Fax: 860-399-7784 Email: mbjorkman@bjmpumps.com www.bjmpumps.com

BJM Pumps supplies a wide variety of submersible pumps and pump accessories for many different applications. Some of these products include explosion-proof, FM-rated pumps for Class 1, Div. 1 locations, slurry pumps, 316 stainless steel pumps, corrosionresistant pumps, sump pumps, sewage pumps, trash pumps, sludge pumps, non-clog pumps, solids-handling pumps, cutter pumps, shredder pumps, vortex pumps, submersible dewatering pumps, sand pumps, agitator pumps, utility pumps, and specialty pumps.

blue Angel Pumps


101 Production Dr., Harrison, OH 45030 Phone: 513-367-3906, Fax: 877-289-2963 Email: kreynolds@blueangelpumps.com www.blueangelpumps.com

An industry leader for more than 70 years, Blue Angel Pumps manufactures highly reliable pumps and dependable pump systems. Based out of Harrison, Ohio, we proudly provide complete line solutions for sump, effluent, sewage, utility, well, lawn, and grinder categories. Blue Angel demands the highest quality design and rigorous engineering testing on all of our products. This gives us the opportunity to provide you with the unparalleled “Professional’s Pump Line.�


P.O. Box 8632, 110 S. Dickinson St., Madison, WI 53708 Phone: 608-257-2225, Fax: 608-257-5304 Email: joep@bockwaterheaters.com


Bock Water Heaters has been an employee-owned American manufacturer of commercial water heaters and storage tanks since 1929. We specialize in high-efficiency heat exchangers and storage water heaters. Our solar, geothermal, gas, electric, oil, and dual-fuel water heaters are manufactured in Wisconsin, and we also produce custom porcelain enamel components for boiler and medical industries and supply private-label appliances for some of America’s most well-known brands. Bock Water Heaters is a supplier to the Olympics and a preferred vendor of the U.S. Military.


128 Rental Ct., Rock Hill, SC 29732 Phone: 803-324-9738, Fax: 803-325-1542 Email: wendyl@bonomiusa.com Bonomi North America is one of the fastest growing companies in the U.S. today. We are a prime manufacturer of valves, actuators, and controls for the commercial, institutional, and industrial markets. We specialize in high-performance-designed ball control packages in both electric and pneumatic styles. Whether the need is for lead-free, low-lead, or stainless steel valves, we are an acknowledged world leader.


1400 Park St., P.O.18010, Evansville, IN 47719 Phone: 812-423-5401, Fax: 812-429-2254 Email: plattner@bootz.com www.bootz.com

Bootz Industries is the major producer of porcelain-on-steel plumbing fixtures. Bootz’ product lines of bathtubs, lavatories, and kitchen sinks are sold internationally under the Bootz Industries label. All Bootz products are marketed via the most respected plumbing wholesalers, contractors, and retail home improvement centers. Bootz has the most complete line of porcelain-on-steel bath and kitchen fixtures. All products comply with ASME A112.19.12008/CSA B45.2-2008, ADA, and the Buy American Act.

Visit us at ASPE 2012


Booth #454


bradford White Corporation


725 Talamore Dr., Ambler, PA 19002 Phone: 800-523-2931, Fax: 215-646-7984 Email: fvattimo@bradfordwhite.com www.bradfordwhite.com


bootz industries


25 Whaley Ave., Milverton, ON N0K 1M0, Canada Phone: 519-595-4444, Fax: 519-595-4380 Email: bob.cummings@boshart.com


bonomi North America

boshart industries inc.

Bradford White is a full-line manufacturer of residential, commercial, and industrial products for water heating, space heating, combination heating, and storage applications. Headquartered in Ambler, Pa., Bradford White has manufacturing facilities in Middleville and Niles, Mich. and Rochester, N.H. and a distribution center in Mississauga, Ontario.

bradley Corporation


W142 N9101 Fountain Blvd., Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Phone: 262-251-6000, Fax: 262-251-0128 Email: erin.kante@bradleycorp.com www.bradleycorp.com

Since 1921, Bradley has been the leader in commercial washroom innovation. New products on display are Halo Eye/Face Wash, Advocate All-in-One Lavatory System, and Keltech Tankless Tempering System.

brassCraft Mfg. Co.


39600 Orchard Hill Pl., Novi, MI 48375 Phone: 248-374-3906, Fax: 248-305-6014 Email: gkostell@brasscrafthq.com www.brasscraft.com

brimar industries inc.


64 Outwater Ln., Garfield, NJ 07026 Phone: 800-274-6271 ext. 716, Fax: 800-279-6897 Email: jason@brimar.com www.pipemarker.com

burt Process Equipment


100 Overlook Dr., Hamden, CT 06514 Phone: 203-287-1985, Fax: 203-288-7854 Email: joewebb@burtprocess.com www.burtprocess.com

Solids Interceptor

Burt Process Equipment is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of high-purity and corrosionresistant equipment, systems, and services. These include pH neutralization systems, RODI high-purity water systems, rainwater-harvesting skids, chemical feed, lift stations, and custom tank fabrication. BPE products and services provide proven solutions for industries including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, microelectronics, metal finishing, and chemical processing.

Solids Basket Accessory


1-888-461-5307 endurainterceptor.com 28

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

busch LLC


516 Viking Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Phone: 757-463-7800, Fax: 757-463-7407 Email: marketing@buschusa.com www.buschusa.com

Hospitals everywhere demand high levels of reliability in the equipment they use, and vacuum pumps are no exception. At Busch we design, manufacture, and supply oil-lubricated rotary vane, dry-running rotary claw, and liquid ring vacuum pumps for surgical and laboratory vacuum systems that are unmatched in performance and long-term reliability. As a total solution provider, you can also count on Busch for your parts and service needs. Expect the best when you specify Busch.


Suggestifications [suh g-jest-uh-fi-kay-shuns]:

n. vague descriptions or loose assessments of what a job may or may not need. The engineer suggestifications stated cast iron pipe so they chose plastic.

Don’t redefine the engineer assessment. Remember, they’re called specifications for a reason. When an engineer specifies cast iron pipe for a specific job, it’s because they believe it’s the right material needed to get the job done correctly and efficiently. Engineers know that using cast iron instead of plastic for specific jobs eliminates costly extra steps for things like fire-stopping, noise reduction and thermal expansion. And they know that even after the extra steps are taken to make plastic comparable to cast iron, plastic is still outperformed because it’s just the wrong material for the job. Simply put, there’s a time for plastic and a time for cast iron. The time for cast iron being when the engineer specifies it. Because if you think about it, they don’t call them specifications for nothing.

1.800.438.6091 / www.charlottepipe.com

Learn how to Protect Your Spec — Visit Charlotte Pipe at booth #1545 at the ASPE Convention & Expo


2012 Exhibitors Canariis Corp 1539 7905 Eagle Palm Dr., Riverview, FL 33578 Phone: 813-621-8643, Fax: 813-626-2178 Email: sales@canariis.com www.canariis.com

Canariis Corporation manufactures constant-speed and variablespeed UL-listed packaged pumping systems for domestic water and HVAC applications. Go to www.canariis.com for booster system design assistance, specifications, and ACAD drawings. Come to Florida to visit the Canariis Corporation’s 43,000-sf, state-of-the-art manufacturing and testing facility. Visitors are welcome at any time.

Canplas 454 Box 1800 500 Veterans Dr., Barrie, ON L4M 4V3, Canada Phone: 705-726-3361, Fax: 705-719-2128 Email: equinlan@canplas.com www.canplasplumbing.com

Canplas is a leading manufacturer of plumbing, ventilation, and central vacuum products throughout North America. From our U.S. office in Denver, we have nationwide distribution via major national distributors and smaller independent merchants alike. ASPE 2012 will see us launch additional grease interceptor models and preview a new solids interceptor concept that is set to significantly improve the operational performance of these essential fixtures in the commercial foodservice sector.

Caroma USA Inc. 2073 2650 N.E. Aurora Dr., Hillsboro, OR 97124 Phone: 503-681-2720, Fax: 503-681-2150 Email: dkirkpatrick@caromausa.com www.caromausa.com

30   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Cash Acme Division of Reliance Worldwide 1967 2400 7th Ave. S.W., Cullman, AL 35055 Phone: 888-700-4242, Fax: 877-700-4280 Email: jls@cashacme.com

Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute 1651 1064 Delaware Ave. S.E., Atlanta, GA 30316 Phone: 404-622-0073, Fax: 678-973-2845 Email: blevan@mindspring.com www.CISPI.org

The Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute is a not-for-profit trade association. The Institute’s members manufacture cast iron soil pipes and fittings. The Institute maintains two product standards used for the manufacture of hubless cast iron soil pipes and fittings: CISPI 301 for hubless couplings and CISPI 310 for those used to join these products. Founded in 1949, the Institute is active in codes and standards development and provides product information to design professionals and regulators.

Cemline Corporation 1460 P.O. Box 55, Cheswick, PA 15024 Phone: 724-274-5430, Fax: 724-274-5448 Email: bill@cemline.com www.cemline.com

Cemline Corporation is a manufacturer of packaged water heaters (steam to water, water to water, HTHW to water, and solar), cementlined storage tanks, ASME pressure vessels, replacement tube bundles, and unfired steam generators.

Cerro Flow Products LLC 1739 3000 Mississippi Ave., Sauget, IL 62206 Phone: 618-874-8603, Fax: 618-874-8691 Email: fsenter@cerroflow.com www.cerroflow.com

Cerro Flow has been a manufacturer of world-class-grade copper tube for the plumbing, HVAC, refrigeration, and industrial markets for more than 100 years.

CCI Pipeline Systems 980 1058 O’Neal Dr., Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 Phone: 337-332-5808, Fax: 337-332-5809 Email: marilyn@ccipipe.com www.ccipipe.com

Offering decades of experience and dedication to the piping industry, CCI Pipeline Systems has proven itself time and again with innovative solutions, creative ideas, and a firm commitment to our customers. CCI Pipeline Systems offers a wide variety of services, including field training and after-hours customer service. We are positioned for future growth and are continually searching for new and innovative ways to satisfy our customers’ needs.

Champion Pump Company Inc. 279 P.O. Box 528, Ashland, OH 44805 Phone: 419-281-4500, Fax: 419-616-1100 Email: jhawks@championpump.com www.championpump.com

Champion Pump was founded based on treating employees, vendors, and customers like partners and friends. A true Champion is better than the best, greater than the greatest, and mightier than the mightiest. The Champion Pump Company goal is to provide our customers with a Champion product, Champion service, and Champion attitude and to be known for giving back to the community. Champion Pump Company will give their customer uncompromising personalized service.

Performance by design. For the past five years,

Chicago Faucets has been making the most dependable electronic faucets on the market. In ongoing laboratory testing, our electronic faucets consistently reach over 4 million faultless activations. Outside the lab, results are just as impressive. Now, we’re starting to expand our offering with an exciting new design that meets a variety of modern architectural styles. Our new HyTronicŽ Curve is a sleek, one-piece gooseneck faucet that offers all the same benefits found in our other HyTronic faucets. For a brochure on our electronic faucets, visit chicagofaucets.com or call us at 800/323-5060.

Visit us at Booth #1953

www.chicagofaucets.com 800/323-5060

2012 Exhibitors



Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company 1545 2109 Randolph Rd., Charlotte, NC 28207 Phone: 704-348-6469 Email: nsully@charlottepipe.com www.charlottepipe.com

Charlotte Pipe and Foundry is the only manufacturer that offers a system of ABS, PVC, CPVC, cast iron, FlowGuard Gold, ChemDrain, ReUze, and RePVC pipe and fittings for residential and commercial plumbing systems. The company combines modern technology with more than a century of craftsmanship and experience and has a proud legacy of commitment to the industry, the environment, and its customers. Ask our associates about our products for the green building industry as well as our signature products.

Chicago Faucets


2100 S. Clearwater Dr., Des Plaines, IL 60018 Phone: 847-803-5000, Fax: 847-803-4499 Email: john.fitzgerald@chicagofaucets.com www.chicagofaucets.com

Chicago Faucets, a member of the Geberit Group, is the leading brand of commercial faucets and fittings in the United States, offering a complete range of products for schools, laboratories, hospitals, office buildings, food service, airports, and sports facilities. Whatever your requirements may be, Chicago Faucets offers standard and made-to-order products that are designed to meet any commercial application.

Cimberio Valve Co.


2807 Hunters Crossing Dr., Edwardsville, IL 62025 Phone: 618-656-0656, Fax: 618-656-0656 Email: jmchugh@cimberio.com www.cimberio.com

Clarion Bathware 1857 44 Amsler Ave., Shippenville, PA 16254 Phone: 814-226-5374, Fax: 814-226-0730 Email: lwentling@clarionbathware.com www.clarionbathware.com

Clarion Bathware has been manufacturing acrylic and fiberglass tub and shower units for more than 35 years. Handicapped accessible and ADA-compliant models are our specialty. Stop by our booth to view a convertible shower/tub-shower unit.

Clarke Fire Protection Products Inc. 1272 3133 E. Kemper Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241 Phone: 513-771-2200, Fax: 513-771-0726 Email: mmathes@clarkefire.com www.clarkefire.com

Clarke is the global leader in the manufacture of NFPA 20 diesel engines for sprinkler fire pumps, certified and listed under ULand FM. Products include the pressure-limiting driver (PLD) and Tier 3 EPA-certified engines. Locations include Cincinnati, Ohio and Coatbridge, Scotland.

Cla-Val Company 2144 P.O. Box 1325, Newport Beach, CA 92659-0325 Phone: 949-722-4866, Fax: 949-574-5703 Email: pdretzka@cla-val.com www.cla-val.com

For more than 70 years, Cla-Val has been a leading manufacturer of automatic control valves, serving waterworks customers throughout the world. Our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement shows in each valve we produce and in the new products we introduce to the marketplace each year. Cla-Val is a global company with headquarters and a manufacturing/foundry complex in Newport Beach, California, and production facilities in Canada, Switzerland, France, and the United Kingdom.


32   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Comfort Designs, a Praxis Company 1735 435 Industrial Rd., Savannah, TN 38372 Phone: 731-607-8597, Fax: 630-372-8290

Beware of the hidden costs of using plastic.

Digging deeper and wider trenches, more insulation, fire-stopping materials and extra hangers. These are just some of the extra costs of plastic pipe that don’t show up until after the job has begun. But they ’re the necessary extra steps that must be completed in order to guarantee the same safety and noise reduction that already comes standard when you go with tried and true cast iron pipe. So where cast iron pipe may appear to be more expensive up front, after factoring in the hidden costs, plastic can price out the same. And that’s something we thought we’d shine some light on.

Visit us at Booth #1651

If you can’t find the hidden costs, scan here to learn more.

2012 ExPoSition

2012 Exhibitors Component hardware Group

Contractor Magazine



330 N. Wabash Ave., Ste. 2300, Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: 312-840-8497, Fax: 312-755-1128 Email: susan.johnson@penton.com

1890 Swarthmore Ave., P.O. Box 2020, Lakewood, NJ 08701 Phone: 732-363-4700, Fax: 732-364-8110 Email: smcintosh@componenthardware.com

the Cope Company salt



Encore is a broad line of specification-grade fixtures featuring SANIGUARD antimicrobial product protection for use in commercial and institutional applications. Encore fixtures are certified to NSF International Standard 61, Section 9, and we have a full line of Annex G low-lead fixtures as well. Encore’s patented pre-rinse hose, wall bracket, low-flow spray valve and Kool Grip spray handle are some of the value-added features found on all of our pre-rinse models at a competitive price.

Contractor magazine concentrates its coverage on plumbing, hydronic/radiant heating, and mechanical piping systems, reaching 50,000 owners and upper management of companies involved in plumbing, heating, specialty piping, fire protection, and hydronic/ radiant heating.

Conbraco industries inc.

Cooper b-Line


P.O. Box 247, 701 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd., Matthews, NC 28105 Phone: 704-841-6032, Fax: 704-847-6021 Email: nora.meszaros@conbraco.com


Cooper B-Line is a leading manufacturer of support systems and enclosures for the electrical, mechanical and telecommunications industries. Our products, manufactured in modern facilities throughout the United States, United Kingdom, and Saudi Arabia, are used in a variety of settings for the commercial, industrial, utility, and OEM markets. In addition, Cooper B-Line operates regional sales offices and distribution centers throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Middle-East.


Containment solutions


509 W. Monroe, Highland, IL 62249 Phone: 618-654-2184, Fax: 618-654-9191 Email: chris.peeler@cooperindustries.com


5150 Jefferson Chemical Rd., Conroe, TX 77301 Phone: 936-756-7731, Fax: 936-756-7766 Email: dheiman@csiproducts.com www.containmentsolutions.com

Containment Solutions Inc. specializes in the manufacturing of underground fiberglass storage tanks designed with non-corrosive fiberglass for safe, long-term containment of petroleum, automotive, and water storage; oil/water separators for storm water discharges; and fiberglass manholes, rehabilitation manholes, and wet wells for the wastewater industry. We carry a full line of accessories for our fiberglass tanks such as tank sumps in both single- and double-wall designs and anchoring systems.


549 W. Roseville Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 Phone: 717-390-8580, Fax: 717-390-8586 Email: info@copecompany.com www.autobrine.com

The Cope AUTOBrine system provides one of the simplest ways to improve efficiency while eliminating injuries and waste in commercial/industrial water softening. The patented Cope AUTOBrine system is a turnkey solution, covering all aspects from installation to service. Eliminating workman’s comp cases and contributing to green standards, all while improving output to a facility’s water conditioning equipment, means satisfaction guaranteed. The Cope AUTOBrine—where the tank is just the beginning.


Copper Development Assn.

1757, 1752

260 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-251-7200 Email: marie.yetzetta@copperalliance.us www.copper.org

CDA provides field services, consultation, and resources on the use of copper tube for all plumbing applications.

Crane Pumps & systems


420 Third St., Piqua, OH 45356 Phone: 937-615-3544 Email: jhoman@cranepumps.com www.cranepumps.com

Creating Value Delta P Carver; formerly known as Delta P Systems, is a subsidiary of Carver Pump Company. Since 1994, we have produced quality Booster Systems; putting

reliability 1st. Our goal is to offer the best overall value.

Call us today to discuss your application!!! No job is too big or too small. We supply equipment for retrofits, improvements, new projects, panels only, etc... Other applications include: lift stations, rain water harvesting, RO/Boiler Feed systems... Reliable ~ Simple ~ Safe ~ Durable

Domestic Water Booster Systems w/Leading Edge Technology 3 East Tower Cir, Ormond Beach, FL Phone: 386-236-095 Fax: 386-236-0955


www.deltapcarver.com sales@deltapcarver.com

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

Crane Pumps & Systems is a manufacturer of pumps, accessories, and services providing solutions for municipal, commercial, industrial, and residential building and military pump market segments. We are a recognized leader in meeting the ever-changing needs of today’s worldwide marketplace. Our technical specialists can provide the needed expertise to accurately evaluate service conditions and specify the most efficient and cost-effective pumping solutions for virtually any application.

Croker Division of Fire-End & Croker Corp.


7 Westchester Plz., Elmsford, NY 10523 Phone: 914-592-3640, Fax: 914-592-3892 Email: psposato@croker.com www.croker.com

Croker manufactures and distributes the highest quality fire standpipe products available in the industry today. Visit our booth to learn about our fire-rated fire hose and valve cabinets, fire department Storz connections (UL listed), grooved coupling line, standpipe and sprinkler pressure-reducing valves, and all related accessories.

CsA Group


8501 E. Pleasant Valley Rd., Cleveland, OH 44131 Phone: 866-463-1785, Fax: 216-328-8138 Email: cert.sales@csagroup.org www.csagroup.org

CSA Group is a global solutions provider of product testing and certification services for electrical, mechanical, plumbing, gas, medical, and a variety of other products. Recognized in the United States, Canada, and around the world, CSA Group’s certification marks appear on billions of qualified products worldwide.

Dahl brothers Canada Limited


2600 S. Sheridan Way, Mississauga, ON L5J 2M4, Canada Phone: 800-268-2363, Fax: 800-226-1801 Email: sales@dahlvalve.com www.dahlvalve.com

Incorporated in 1952, Dahl is a 100% Canadian manufacturer of top-quality plumbing and heating valves and specialties for the hydronic industry. Our products, which meet or exceed CSA, IAPMO, and NSF requirements, are engineered as practical real-world solutions for plumbers and contractors on the jobsite. We use only the highest quality materials, which are sourced primarily in the U.S. and Canada.

2012 Exhibitors

Accessible living made EZ. Shower and bathtub safety are big concerns for older adults. For many, being able to easily replace a standard tub with a barrierfree shower can make their home much safer and much more accessible. Our patented E-Z Pin System™ is designed for quick and easy installation from the front in four easy steps. Independence and safety from the leaders in ADA compliant bathware since 1985. Made right here in Pennsylvania at Clarion Bathware. Learn more at ClarionBathware.com. For a distributor or wholesaler near you, call 1-800-576-9228 or sales@clarionbathware. com.

Clarion Bathware 44 Amsler Ave. Shippenville, PA 16254 www.clarionbathware.com Visit us at Booth #1857 2012 asPE Convention & Exposition



EntrAnCE to thE ConvEntion & ExPoSition






























873 771





























675 20'









164 20'



30' 40'

457 20'

156 354





154 252























20' 20'




20' 20'












136 20'



20' 635




333 20'








328 20'


ASPE Pavilion #520





30' 20'














257 255








20' 157

20' 20'





159 158


360 20'











2012 asPE Convention & Exposition






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Only authorized and approved exhibitors who have been granted exhibition space on the Exposition floor shall be permitted to discuss, market, promote, hand out material to attendees or exhibitors, or in any other manner conduct any business regarding any product or service related, in any manner, to the plumbing industry. ASPE shall have the sole right to approve or disapprove of all handouts, marketing, and promotional materials by any individual or organization on the Exposition floor. Permission to attend or otherwise access the Exposition may be granted or revoked at any time and for any reason by the American Society of Plumbing Engineers.



20' 274


Attendees granted access to the American Society of Plumbing Engineers Convention and/or Exposition shall hereby agree to deport themselves in an orderly manner and to dress appropriately. All attendees, by their admission to the Convention and/or the Exposition, hereby agree to abide by all rules, procedures, and standards of conduct as may be determined at the discretion of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE).


20' 279


ConduCt At thE ConvEntion & ExPoSition

983 20'

583 480


Entrance to the Convention & Exposition is offered and permitted by the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) to all qualified attendees and guests as determined and approved by ASPE. ASPE shall have the sole right to determine or approve all individuals permitted to enter the Convention and the Exposition. Permission to enter or otherwise access the Convention or the Exposition may be granted or revoked at any time and for any reason by the American Society of Plumbing Engineers.


Attendees must be 18 years of age or older for entrance onto the Exposition floor. Due to insurance and liability issues, all children under age 18 will be denied entrance to the Exposition. Sorry, there can be no exceptions.


2012 ExPoSition

ExPo AttEndAnCE liMitAtion




2012 ExPoSition





















1475 1373































2174 2073




























30' 1167








20' 20'


















1276 20'







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2365 40'






















2359 2357













20' 1757







20' 2147








20' 2146 2045













2345 20'


20' 1738



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2347 2144








20' 1742




20' 1844



















2049 20'



20' 40'




































1257 20'






1458 40'



20' 1259










2337 20' 1634

20' 1734





20' 1935







ASPE Technical Symposium - September 19-22, 2013 - Orlando, FL ASPE Convention and Exposition - September 19-24, 2014 - Chicago, IL

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition


AT F R O E T I N D U S T R I E S 2012 ExPoSition


Dekker Vacuum technologies inc.


935 S. Woodland Ave., Michigan City, IN 46360 Phone: 219-861-0661 Email: marketing@dekkervacuum.com www.dekkervacuum.com

Delany Since 1879

Products ™


Delany Products


P.O. Box 411, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: 434-296-0166, Fax: 434-977-3596 Email: biff-delany@delanyproducts.com www.delanyproducts.com


Delany Products, with roots back to 1879, was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. but is now headquartered in Charlottesville, Va. It is a leader in the flush valve industry, particularly in the areas of electronics and True-in-the-Field water conservation.

Delta Faucet Company


55 E. 111th St., Indianapolis, IN 46280 Phone: 317-848-1812, Fax: 317-574-5567 Email: aaron.conk@deltafaucet.com www.deltafaucet.com


Delta P Carver


3 E. Tower Cir., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Phone: 386-236-0950, Fax: 386-236-0955 Email: jmarinelli@deltapcarver.com www.deltapcarver.com

2 5 Y E A R WA R R A N T Y P O W D E R C O AT F I N I S H

Delta P Carver, a subsidiary of Carver Pump, is a world-class manufacturer of domestic water booster pumping systems. With our roots in service, we earned our reputation for reliability, simplicity, safety, and durability by spending time in the field with our competitors’ equipment! We began to see similar problems with all constant-speed systems that began occurring after only a year or two of operation. Our standard packages are among the most advanced pumping packages in the industry!

I N T E G R A L 1 ¼ ” G R AV E L G U A R D O N E D AY S H I P P I N G C O M PA N Y O W N E R A C C E S S I B L E 2 4 / 7 / 3 6 5

Digital Analysis Corp.


P.O. Box 95, 716 Visions Dr., Skaneateles, NY 13152 Phone: 973-332-2128, Fax: 315-685-0766 Email: jeffm@digital-analysis.com www.phadjustment.com


We offer packaged pH adjustment/neutralization systems and lift stations for laboratory, R&D, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and other industrial applications; standard, pre-engineered designs from 1 to 1,000 gpm; thermal and chemical biowaste inactivation systems; and heavy metal and fluoride removal systems.

Double trac by omega Flex


451 Creamery Way, Exton, PA 19341 Phone: 610-524-7272, Fax: 610-524-6484 Email: david.strick@omegaflex.net www.doubletrac.net

DoubleTrac flexible direct-burial piping is easier to install and is less labor-intensive than rigid pipe installations. DoubleTrac requires no special tools to assemble and can be bent by hand. The fieldattachable fittings provide a reliable metal-to-metal seal through our proven technology. What’s more, it’s supplied in continuous lengths from a spool that eliminates the need for splice joints—no electrofusion joint welding, no adhesives, no curing problems, and no leaks.



P.O. Box 1510, Vacaville, CA 95696 Phone: 800-835-4429, Fax: 707-446-1867 Email: marketing@duravent.com www.duravent.com

).$5342)%3 ,,#

Froet Industries LLC Tel: 815.626.7922 www.froetindustries.com

Visit us at Booth #1840 38

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

Easyflex Inc. 1371 Santa Fe Dr., Tustin, CA 92780-6522 Phone: 714-258-2600, Fax: 714-258-2602 Email: brad@easyflexusa.com www.easyflexusa.com






2012 EPE Exhibitors


Nowhere is copper’s reliability more important than in a building’s infrastructure for plumbing, comfort heating and cooling, and fuel gas service. For nearly one hundred years, copper has earned well-deserved recognition as the quality leader over the long term. Copper piping products provide reliable, efficient performance of long-lasting, highly functioning, sustainable buildings.


We’ll show you. Schedule an on-site training session today on copper piping system design, specification and installation techniques.

Tailor your session to fit your specific needs. Seminars and training sessions include: t %FTJHOJOH GPS MPOH UFSN QFSGPSNBODF t 4PMEFSJOH #SB[JOH JOTUBMMBUJPO t 'VFM HBT TZTUFNT t "VUPNBUJD mSF TQSJOLMFS TZTUFNT


Call CDA today to schedule an in-house presentation for you and your colleagues - and we’ll provide lunch. Contact us at Seminars@copperalliance.us or by phone at (212) 251-7218.

Visit Us at Booth #1752


2012 Exhibitors

2012 ExPoSition

Eaton Corporation


10725 - 25th St. N.E., #124, Calgary, AB T3N 0A4, Canada Phone: 403-717-2000, Fax: 403-717-0567 Email: chcfirepump@eaton.com www.chfire.com

Eaton Corporation is a world-class manufacturer of fire pump controllers. When there’s a call to start a fire pump in an emergency situation, you need a fire pump controller that you can count on to start every time, without fail—because life safety depends on it. Eaton’s fire pump controllers are designed and manufactured in accordance with the strictest fire protection, electrical, and insurance codes in the world, thereby ensuring they meet or exceed all required standards.

Eemax inc. www.eemax.com

Eemax Inc. has quickly emerged as the market leader in electric tankless heaters for use in commercial, industrial, and residential applications. Eemax has the most extensive line of ETWHs ranging from small handwashing units (2.4 kW) up to 150-kW units for commercial/industrial applications. Eemax products deliver an endless supply of hot water at a preset temperature to any point-ofuse application with 99% energy efficiency. Visit www.eemax.com for detailed product information.




353 Christian St., Oxford, CT 06478 Phone: 203-267-7890, Fax: 203-267-7975 Email: info@eemaxinc.com


2222 Camden Ct., Oak Brook, IL 60523 Phone: 630-574-8484, Fax: 630-574-5012 Email: joy.meyers@elkay.com

ASPE 2012



The Solution to Your High Purity/Special Waste Needs

For more than 90 years, Elkay has been an innovative provider of water coolers, drinking fountains, sinks, faucets, and custom stainless solutions for commercial, institutional, and municipal use. Today, with more than 2,800 employees in facilities across the globe, Elkay continues to provide product ingenuity with solutions such as the Elkay EZH2O bottle filling station. The Elkay EZH2O provides a rapid fill of filtered water to quench thirst and minimize plastic bottle waste in the environment.

Elkhart brass Mfg.


1302 W. Beardsley Ave., Elkhart, IN 46514 Phone: 800-346-0250, Fax: 574-293-9914 Email: alison@elkhartbrass.com www.elkhartbrass.com

Elkhart Brass is the industry’s most experienced manufacturer of firefighting equipment. For more than a century, the company has produced innovative firefighting and fire protection products that lead the industry in safety, versatility, and performance.

Elkhart Products Corp.


1255 Oak St., Elkhart, IN 46514 Phone: 574-264-3181 ext. 314, Fax: 574-264-0103 Email: rachele.benn@elkhartproducts.com www.elkhartproducts.com

From its start in 1940 as a small manufacturer of screw machine products, EPC has built a reputation for quality products. Today, EPC is part of Aalberts Industries N.V., a global company that focuses on industrial services and flow control systems. EPC is also recognized as a versatile supplier of custom fabricated tubular products to original equipment manufacturers in several industries and specializes in the manufacture and supply of fittings and valves to a wide variety of markets.

Equipment Controls Company

• Fusion Technologies • PROGEF® PP HP Piping System


• Fuseal 25/50™ PVDF Special Waste Piping System

Equipment Controls Company offers meters for natural gas and propane, meter-mounted pressure and temperature correctors, flow computers, pressure recorders, remote totalizers, impulse contactors, and automatic meter reading (AMR). For the gas control industry, we offer gas regulators, governors, and relief valves. Gas detection products include leak detection, combustible gas indicators and detectors, CO and toxic gas detectors, and corrosion kits.

• Fuseal Squared™ (PP/PVDF) Double Containment • Fuseal® (PP) Special Waste Piping System

Eredi baitelli s.p.A.

• SYGEF PVDF HP Piping System • AquaTap™ Recirculating Faucet


We are a European manufacturer of turned parts based on customer designs in brass, free-cutting steel, and aluminum for various applications and industries, including sanitary components, valves, fittings, electric parts, household appliances, and hydraulic, pneumatic, and automotive industry parts. Eredi Baitelli has 50 years of experience in turning machining, is ISO 9001:2000 certified, and strongly quality-oriented. Our U.S. sales representative is John Larsen (johndlarsen@aol.com).

(714) 731-8800 • (800) 854-4090 us.ps@georgfischer.com www.gfpiping.com


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition


Via A. De Gasperi, 43, Zocco di Erbusco, BS 25030 Italy Phone: 011-39-030-7767800, Fax: 011-39-030-7760139 Email: johndlarsen@aol.com


ASPE 2012 guide ad.indd 1


P.O. Box 728, Norcross, GA 30091 Phone: 770-441-6400, Fax: 770-448-7312 Email: ablong@equipmentcontrols.com

7/2/12 3:00 PM



We are always thinking buildings

Technology & Innovation: It’s what drives us As a recognized global leader in pump technology and solutions, Grundfos is constantly developing new and improved ways to meet water and energy challenges in the plumbing industry. To learn more, visit: thinkingbuildings.us

► See us at ASPE - Booth #1767

2012 Exhibitors


Falcon Stainless Inc. 977

FlexHead Industries Inc. 1374

11750 Roscoe Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352 Phone: 818-767-3569, Fax: 818-768-8533 Email: info@falconstainless.com

56 Lowland St., Holliston, MA 01746-2029 Phone: 800-829-6975, Fax: 508-893-6020 Email: mdooley@flexhead.com



Fike Corporation 349

FlexHead Industries manufactures high-quality flexible fire sprinkler connections, which connect sprinkler heads to the branch lines. FlexHead’s connections install at least five times faster than traditional hard pipe, while offering tremendous benefits to the construction team, including fast-track construction, green benefits, superior seismic protection, perfect center-of-tile placement, and simplified project management.

704 S.10th St., Blue Springs, MO 64015 Phone: 816-229-3405, Fax: 816-229-4615 Email: fpssales@fike.com www.fike.com

Fike is a proven leader in fire protection. Our solutions include the safest, most effective inert gas system, ProInert, and our clean agent systems ECARO-25 and DuPont FM 200. Fike recently launched the ECARO-25plus program, with a goal to offset 100 million pounds of CO2 in the atmosphere annually. Fike also offers a full line of intelligent fire detection systems including the intelligent Cheetah Xi. For more, visit us at www.fike.com.

FireFlex Systems Inc. 1975 1935 Lionel-Bertrand Blvd., Boisbriand, QC J7H 1N8, Canada Phone: 450-437-3473, Fax: 450-437-1930 Email: rquenneville@fireflex.com www.fireflex.com

FireFlex Systems showcases the Viking TotalPac2, the ICAF compressed air foam system, and the newly introduced FireFlex1230 integrating the 3M NOVEC 1230 fire protection fluid in a cabinet and the FireFlex-DUAL, integrating the 3M NOVEC 1230 fire protection fluid and the Viking preaction system into a single cabinet enclosure.

Revit Ad final.pdf



Flushtech Corp. 2161 352-3, Sec. 2, Nan-Kan Rd., Luju Shiang, Taoyuan, 338 Taiwan Phone: 011-866-3-3530813, Fax: 011-866-3-3530815 Email: flusher@flushtech.com www.flushtech.com

Flushtech is a leading designer and manufacturer of automatic faucets and flush valves in Taiwan. It was founded in Taoyuan in 1985 by a group of technologically innovative and savvy engineers who devote themselves to coming up with ways to improve the bathroom experience.

Franklin Electric/Little Giant 467 400 E. Spring St., Bluffton, IN 46714 Phone: 260-351-3959, Fax: 260-351-2676 Email: dhaecker@fele.com www.franklin-electric.com/lg

Visit our booth to see a full line of utility pumps, sump pumps, sewage ejector, and effluent pumps for wastewater applications and other pumps designed for specific applications.

9:16 PM









Visit us at Booth #1358 42   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Froet Industries 1840 1741 Industrial Dr., P.O. Box 787, Sterling, IL 61081 Phone: 815-626-7922, Fax: 815-626-0702 Email: cfroeter@froetindustries.com www.froetindustries.com

Froet Industries LLC manufactures high-quality and durable roof drains. We brought you the industry’s first bi-functional roof drain followed by the Froet flow sensor and the Froet drain with integral vent. What will be next? Stop by booth 1840 and find out.

Gastite Division 1177 1116 Vaughn Pkwy., Portland, TN 37148 Phone: 413-271-8107, Fax: 413-739-7325 Email: pcruz@gastite.com www.gastite.com

The Gastite and FlashShield system is a safe, time-saving and efficient method of installing piping for natural gas and liquefied propane gas. It utilizes corrugated, semi-rigid stainless steel tubing (CSST) with polyethylene jacketing and fully integrated, all-metal components.

Genstar Technologies Co. Inc. 1935 4525 Edison Ave., Chino, CA 91710 Phone: 909-606-2726, Fax: 909-606-6485 Email: jim@genstartech.com www.genstartech.com

Genstar Technologies (GENTEC) designs and manufactures medical gas products for the healthcare industry for hospitals, convalescent homes, and rehabilitation centers. GENTEC products are manufactured in an ISO 9001/13485/API Q1/CE-certified and FDA-registered facility. GENTEC has been a leader in providing quality and value since 1969.
















Testing and Certification for North America and the World Gas-fired t 1MVNCJOH t &MFDUSJD t &MFDUSPOJD t .FDIBOJDBM CSA Group’s global network of offices and laboratories can help you obtain the recognized product certification marks you need for North America, Europe, Asia and other regions.

Visit us at Booth No. 1078

/035) ".&3*$" t &6301& t "4*"

1-866-463-1785 / 216-328-8113 / cert.sales@csagroup.org / www.csagroup.org

2012 EPE Exhibitors


Georg Fischer Harvel 1834 P.O. Box 757, 300 Kuebler Rd., Easton, PA 18044 Phone: 610-252-7355, Fax: 610-253-4436 Email: harvel@harvel.com www.harvel.com

Please visit www.harvel.com to view your PVC and CPVC piping solutions.

Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC 541 2500 Internationale Pkwy., Woodridge, IL 60517 Phone: 630-679-1420, Fax: 800-543-7237 Email: alyson.angotti@globeunion.com www.gerberonline.com

Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC is a leading manufacturer of VC plumbing fixtures, faucets, and fittings for the residential, commercial, and hospitality construction markets. Gerber’s comprehensive line of high-performance, high-efficiency, and eco-friendly plumbing products is sold exclusively to plumbing professionals and supported with Gerber’s “Best-in-Class” customer service. Gerber is committed to protecting the environment through resource conservation and building best practices.


GF Piping Systems 1354 2882 Dow Ave., Tustin, CA 92780 Phone: 714-731-8800, Fax: 714-731-6201 Email: us.ps@georgfischer.com www.gfpiping.com

GF Piping Systems is a leading provider of high-quality piping systems products. Specific products include plastic pipe and fittings, valves, actuators, rotameters, fabrications, fusion joining technology (machines), heat exchangers, secondary containment, flow monitoring, and process control instrumentation.

Global Vision Inc. 257 8730 Jefferson Hwy., Osseo, MN 55369 Phone: 763-391-0990, Fax: 763-391-7668 Email: khartwig@gviflow.com www.gviflow.com

Global Vision Inc. is the leader in flow test technology to the commercial fire protection industry. Our fire pump test meters feature “No-Bounce” technology and carry a five-year warranty. Our Zonecheck product line is an automated sprinkler flow switch test system. Zonecheck is a closed-loop system that recirculates water to simulate sprinkler head operation and tests the flow switch without discharging water.

GPM Global Pump Marketing 324 6500 Edgewood Ct., Granbury, TX 76049-4318 Phone: 817-573-0024, Fax: 817-573-0025 Email: john@gpmpumps.com

GPT 2049 (Formerly PSI Thunderline/Link-Seal) 6525 Goforth St., Houston, TX 91502 Phone: 800-423-2410, Fax: 713-747-6029 Email: info@psipsi.com www.psipikotek.com

Pipeline Seal and Insulator has now joined with Pikotek to bring you GPT. Our product lineup includes Link-Seal modular seals, Century-Line HDPE wall sleeves, and a variety of sealing gaskets for flanged applications. Products are manufactured in the U.S. to ISO 9001:2008 standards.

44   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Safer. Smarter. Greener. Get Current with America’s Greenest Model Codes, the 2012 American National Standard Uniform Codes

2012 Uniform Plumbing Code: American National Standard and the basis for plumbing codes that protect more than half the world’s population 2012 Uniform Mechanical Code: American National Standard devoted to ensuring safe, healthy mechanical systems for 45 years

888 *"1.0 03( t *"1.0 Visit us at Booth #1856


2012 Exhibitors Heat Transfer Products Inc. 2267 Green Turtle Americas Ltd. 2167 2709 Water Ridge Pkwy., Ste. 410, Charlotte, NC 28217 Phone: 704-295-1733, Fax: 704-295-1734 Email: tbarrineau@greenturtletech.com www.greenturtletech.com

Grundfos Pumps 1767 17100 W. 118th Terr., Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: 913-227-3400, Fax: 913-227-3500 Email: dbertrand@grundfos.com www.grundfos.us

Grundfos manufacturing and distribution facilities continue to be world leaders in pump technology, serving the commercial, fire, industrial, groundwater/irrigation, and water utility markets. With innovation and technology driving our product teams, we continue to develop more intelligent, energy-efficient, and low maintenance products dedicated to the North American market. No company in our industry commits the resources to research and development that Grundfos does.

Guardian Equipment/Water Saver Faucet 1358 1140 N North Branch St., Chicago, IL 60642 Phone: 312-447-8100, Fax: 312-477-8110 Email: pgrant@gesafety.com

P.O. Box 429, 120 Braley Rd., E. Freetown, MA 02717 Phone: 508-763-8071, Fax: 508-763-3769 Email: kimc@htproducts.com www.htproducts.com


Guardian Equipment Company is the leading worldwide manufacturer of emergency safety showers, eyewashes, drench hoses, and safety stations. Its sister company, WaterSaver Faucet Company, manufactures a full line of laboratory faucets, valves, fume hood fittings, and related equipment.

Guardian Fire Equipment Inc. 975 3430 N.W. 38th St., Miami, FL 33142 Phone: 305-633-0361, Fax: 305-638-4632 Email: lisa@guardianfire.com www.guardianfire.com

Guardian Fire Equipment Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of quality fire equipment. We specialize in fire hose and standpipe requirements for commercial and industrial applications.

Halsey Taylor 781

Heat-Timer Corporation 252 20 New Dutch Ln., Fairfield, NJ 07004 Phone: 973-575-4004-127, Fax: 973-575-4052 Email: ajohnston@heat-timer.com www.heat-timer.com

We manufacture a complete line of automated heating controls for the HVAC/R and plumbing industry in our USA factory. Our many innovations in hydronic outdoor reset controls, steam outdoor reset , and Internet, BACnet, and MODBUS communication, combined with more than 60 years of experience, ensure that our designs, tests, and manufacturing build energy-efficient HVAC control systems that are easy to install and use while maximizing fuel savings and comfort.

2222 Camden Ct., Oak Brook, IL 60523 Phone: 630-574-3500, Fax: 630-574-8627 Email: joy.meyers@elkay.com

HG Spec Inc. 1681

Since 1912, Halsey Taylor has built a large product family of water coolers and drinking fountains for virtually any indoor or outdoor water-dispensing need. From energy-efficient, GreenSpec-listed water coolers to vandal-resistant models and even the new bottlefilling Hydroboost solutions, Halsey Taylor engineers have been guided by the foundational goal of providing clean, safe drinking water. Learn more about all Halsey Taylor cooler and fountain products by visiting ASPE booth 781.



Visit us at Booth #472 46   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Founded in 1974, HTP is an American heating and hot water manufacturer that strives to make the most efficient, user-friendly products on the market today. With state-of-the-art technologies and a focus on high efficiency, we pave the way in the heating industry. We are constantly working to provide you with the best service and products through our use of new technology and industrial processes. HTP can and will work for your every heating, hot water, and solar need.

1120 Blvd. Michele-Bohec, Blainville, QC J7C 5N5, Canada Phone: 450-434-3384 ext. 215, Fax: 450-434-0733 Email: lwilson@hgspec.com HG Spec has been evolving in the industrial and commercial plumbing market for more than 80 years. It manufactures glycol makeup packages, heating, thermal, and solar non-code expansion tanks, well tanks, and flow regulators and also distributes ASME Expanflex tanks and accessories.

2012 Exhibitors 355

One Highland Rd., P.O. Box 338, Stoystown, PA 15563 Phone: 814-893-1109, Fax: 814-893-6126 Email: rduppstadt@highlandtank.com



Highland Tank is the nation’s leading producer of customengineered and fabricated steel storage tanks, oil/water separators and interceptors, advanced carbon filtration systems, grease interceptors and grease removal units, ASME pressure vessels, HighDRO water storage tanks, and rainwater/graywater harvesting and reuse systems.

hoeptner Perfected Products


7796 Oak Springs Cir., Gilroy, CA 95020-9572 Phone: 408-847-7615, Fax: 408-847-0675 Email: work@garlic.com www.freezeflow.com

Hoeptner has been a manufacturer and designer of approved sanitary yard hydrants and drinking fountains for more than 25 years with 15 patents. All hydrants meet the strict ASSE 1057: Sanitary Yard Hydrant standard, including the only affordable hydrant that does not require winterizing.

holby Valve inc.

hrs systems inc.





11545 W. Bernardo Ct., Ste. 206, San Diego, CA 92127 Phone: 760-705-1233 Email: dbyrne@holdrite.com www.holdrite.com

HOLDRITE has established a reputation as a leading manufacturer known for innovative products and services in such categories as pipe support systems, acoustical plumbing solutions, and water heater accessories. HOLDRITE also offers value-added, no-cost services to assist with multiple stages in the project. HOLDRITE will stay at the forefront of the construction industry by offering innovative and cost-effective products that are optimized to be the best solution for the total application.

hot box (hubbell Power systems)


3621 Industrial Park Dr., Lenoir City, TN 37771 Phone: 800-346-3062, Fax: 865-986-0585 Email: hpsliterature@hps.hubbell.com www.hot-box.com

CDR, Hot Box, Polycast, and Quazite manufacture enclosures for freeze and vandal protection of water valves and accessories as well as backflow prevention assemblies, meters, and pumps. Products include trench drain systems, precast polymer concrete underground enclosures, pads, fiberglass cabinets, pedestals, and covers for the water, utility, telecommunications, wind, and civil construction markets. We offer nationwide distribution from a company with more than 100 years of Hubbell Inc. experience.

24 Ferdon St., Newark, NJ 07105 Phone: 973-465-7400, Fax: 973-465-7475 Email: tlentine@holby.com www.holby.com

Holby temperature-actuated mixing valves (ASSE 1017) are available in sizes from ½” to 4”. Made in the USA since 1930, the Holby tempering valve is a high-quality valve built to last and simple to service.


208 Southside Sq., Petersburg, TN 37144 Phone: 931-659-9760, Fax: 931-659-9763 Email: hass@hrssystems.com www.hrssystems.com

Why HASS? As a design concept tool with quick data entry options using Hazen-Williams and Darcy-Weisbach formulae multiple pumps and pressure devices, HASS provides an N1.85 and flow plot graphs in an NFPA 13-style report favored by the AHJ, plus job cost estimator, HASS House, velocity pressure, maximum system pressure/volume, loop testing, gradient, and water hammer. Why COOSA? COOSA provides analysis of CO2 two-phase flow, high/ low pressure, total flooding/local application, with a complete and clear report.

hubbell Electric heater Co.


45 Seymour St., Stratford, CT 06615 Phone: 203-378-2659, Fax: 203-378-3593 Email: seanc@hubbellheaters.com www.hubbellheaters.com

Hubbell is a U.S. manufacturer of a full line of electric water heaters serving the residential, commercial, industrial, food service, and marine/Naval markets. Founded in 1920, Hubbell has pioneered the use of new technology in electric water heating and in fact first advertised its point-of-use instantaneous water heater in 1926. Today, Hubbell’s full line of electric tankless water heaters is available in a broad range of sizes and features for every application.

hubbell industrial Controls


4301 Cheyenne Dr., Archdale, NC 27263 Phone: 336-434-2800, Fax: 336-434-2803 Email: cmiller@hubbell-icd.com www.hubbell-icd.com

Visit Hubbell in booth 2035 and see the latest technology in diesel engine fire pump controllers with Hubbell’s HD5000, the smallest, lightest, and most technologically advanced controller available today.

With its unique patented V-Slice® cutter technology, the Omnivore® literally devastates anything unfortunate enough to enter into its vicious vortex.

U.S. Patent No. 7159806

Visit us at Booth #1749

Copyright © Liberty Pumps, Inc. 2012 All rights reserved.

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition 47

2012 ExPoSition

highland tank


2012 Exhibitors HydroFlow USA 2247

IDEAL Clamp Products 328

15301 N.E. 90th St., Redmond, WA 98052 Phone: 425-272-4425, Fax: 425-272-4427 Email: andrea@hydroflow-usa.com www.hydroflow-usa.com

HydroFLOW’s patented, innovative, and chemical-free water conditioners minimize operating and maintenance costs of systems prone to limescale, corrosion, bacteria, and algae problems. Our products are used throughout the world in residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural applications.

Hydronic Modules Corporation 1080 117 Church Ln., Cockeysville, MD 21030 Phone: 410-667-6300 ext. 1630, Fax: 410-667-9201 Email: steve.collins@nhyates.com www.nhyates.com

Hydronic Modules Corporation, a division of N.H. Yates & Co., has provided top-quality packaged hydronic systems since 1976. Our offerings include domestic water booster systems, heat transfer packages, fuel oil pump sets, and custom packaged pump systems. We can provide systems to meet project plans and specs or packages to meet your specific needs and space constraints. We can include our own programmable logic controller or a variety of control strategies including variable-frequency drives.

345 Summerset Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32259 Phone: 904-230-3583, Fax: 904-230-3469 Email: jlamberti@tomkinsamg.com



603 Diamond Hill Ct., Greensboro, NC 27406-4617 Phone: 800-365-9010, Fax: 336-378-2588 Email: chade@jmpco.com www.hyfabco.com

With more than 30 years of packaging equipment combined with 50 years of hydronic system experience, Hyfab can be your single source for a thoughtfully engineered and energy-efficient plumbing package. Hyfab not only offers you a single-source responsibility for integrating components from many manufacturers, they also offer a controlled cost solution, design and application assistance, quick shipment, and factory testing. We specialize in energy-efficient domestic water pressure boosting and heating.

The IAPMO Group 583 4755 E. Philadelphia St., Ontario, CA 91761 Phone: 909-472-4215, Fax: 909-472-4153 Email: duane.huisken@iapmo.org

IMC Teddy Food Service Equipment 1777 50 Ranick Dr. E., Amityville, NY 11701 Phone: 800-221-5644, Fax: 631-789-3633 Email: imcteddy@aol.com www.imcteddy.com

IMC/Teddy manufactures floor drains, hand sinks, utility sinks, and mop cabinets.

In-Sink-Erator www.insinkerator.com/foodservice


Founded in 1926, the IAPMO Group, a nonprofit association primarily for inspectors, focuses its comprehensive capabilities in the technical aspects of the plumbing and mechanical industries through its extensive knowledge base, which includes regulators, professional contractors, labor force, and manufacturers. Comprised of nine different business units, the IAPMO Group offers true one-stop convenience for all plumbing and mechanical code and product testing and compliance.

InSinkErator—First and Foremost in Food Waste Management. In 1937, John W. Hammes of Racine, Wisc., invented the first in-sink food waste disposer, which he called the InSinkErator. Still headquartered in Racine, InSinkErator, a division of Emerson, is the world’s largest manufacturer of food waste disposers, innovative food waste management technologies, and instant hot water systems.



FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS. The Lubrizol Corporation’s CPVC compounds continue to be the building blocks of industry-leading piping solutions. When you specify one of our product brands — FlowGuard Gold® Pipe & Fittings, BlazeMaster® Fire Sprinkler Systems or Corzan® Industrial Systems — you don’t just get pipe and fittings. You get MORE INSIDE.™ That includes Lubrizol’s unmatched R&D, technical expertise, global capabilities and a network of customers who are industry-leading manufacturers.

Put our expertise to work on your next job. Visit lubrizolcpvc.com or call a piping systems consultant at 1.855.735.1431.


© The Lubrizol Corporation 2012, all rights reserved. All marks are property of The Lubrizol Corporation, a Berkshire Hathaway Company. GC 121486

48   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition


4700 21st St., Racine, WI 53406 Phone: 262-554-5432, Fax: 262-554-0992

2012 Exhibitors John Guest USA 2069

500 New Jersey Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 888-422-7233, Fax: 202-783-2348 Email: PMGResourceCenter@iccsafe.org

180 Passaic Ave., Fairfield, NJ 07058 Phone: 973-808-5600, Fax: 973-808-2098 Email: karen.stark@johnguest.com


The International Code Council (ICC) is a membership association dedicated to building safety and fire prevention. ICC develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. For decades, the Code Council has been the leader in outstanding plumbing, mechanical, and fuel gas codes. Building departments in most states use one or more of our PMG codes.

IPEX USA LLC 435 2441 Royal Windsor Dr., Mississauga, ON L5J 4C7, Canada Phone: 800-463-9572, Fax: 905-403-1124 Email: tracey.frost@ipexna.com www.ipexamerica.com

As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of thermoplastic pipe, valves, fittings, and related products for plumbing and mechanical applications, we offer a broad range of products for use in both combustible and non-combustible construction. From potable water distribution and DWV to flue gas venting and fire protection, IPEX offers a comprehensive range of integrated solutions to meet the needs of engineers and contractors in commercial, institutional, industrial, and residential construction.

IPS Corporation 256 500 Distribution Pkwy., Collierville, TN 38017 Phone: 901-853-5001, Fax: 901-853-5008 Email: pam.flynn@ipscorp.com www.ipscorp.com

IPS is the manufacturer of Weld-On solvent cements, primers, and adhesives for the plastic piping industry; Guy Gray, Water-Tite, Test-Tite, AB&A state-of-the-art plumbing products that recognize labor-saving efficiencies, convenience, and neat appearance; Studor air-admittance valves (AAVs); and Truebro protective undersink pipe covers and plumbing enclosures for ADA compliance.

Isimet 1738 103 W. C.J. Wise Pkwy., P.O. Box 129, Naples, TX 75568 Phone: 866-897-0737, Fax: 903-897-0740 Email: map@isimet.com www.isimet.com

ISIMET developed and manufactures a unique safety control system for public school science laboratories that gives the instructor sole authority and control to determine which services are available at student work stations. The control system provides not only a safe instructional environment for the student, but likewise a safe workplace for the instructor. Our digital technology also interfaces with available building and automation systems such as fire alarm and energy management.

Jay R. Smith Manufacturing Co. 945 2781 Gunter Park Dr. E., Montgomery, AL 36109 Phone: 626-336-4561 Email: triedel@acorneng.com www.morrisgroup.co

Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. is a leading manufacturer of quality engineered plumbing and drainage products in the nonresidential construction industry. All Smith products are designed for adaptability, conformance to codes, ease of installation, and maximum performance efficiency.


John Guest Speedfit is a push-fit system suitable for the plumbing of normal domestic hot and cold water applications, including pressurized and combo systems. JG Speedfit fittings have been designed for use with copper, PEX, and CPVC pipe; they are leadfree, lightweight, and easy to use. Fittings are available in a variety of configurations and sizes from ½” to 1” CTS. Our fittings comply with all the applicable sections of the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code.

The Jomar Group 1174 7243 Miller Dr., Ste. 100, Warren, MI 48092 Phone: 800-325-5690, Fax: 800-628-4194 Email: adam.stier@jomar.com www.jomar.com

The Jomar Group is a leading supplier in innovative valve and component solutions to industries around the world. Partnered with Italian manufacturer Fratelli Pettinaroli SPA, the Jomar Group’s diverse products support a wide variety of plumbing, industrial, utility, HVAC, and solar applications. The Jomar Group is comprised of Jomar Valve, HCi (Hydronic Components Inc.), and Evosolar. Corporate headquarters are located in Warren, Mich.

JJM Boiler Works Inc. 1282 20 Hillside Meadows Dr., Southampton, MA 01073 Phone: 413-527-1893, Fax: 413-527-2122 Email: carnei@charter.net www.jjmboilerworks.com


2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition  49


International Code Council 2337


2012 Exhibitors Josam Company 457

Liberty Pumps 1749

2501 S. Front St., Philadelphia, PA 19148 Phone: 215-339-5370, Fax: 800-627-0008 Email: pbowe@josam.com

7000 Apple Tree Ave., Bergen, NY 14416 Phone: 585-494-1817, Fax: 585-494-1839 Email: laurie.pfaff@libertypumps.com


From cast iron to SMC/GRP and stainless steel, Josam Company products are respected by owners, architects, plumbing engineers, and mechanical contractors throughout the world. In addition to Josam’s full line of cast iron drainage products, we also offer the most complete line of push-fit stainless steel pipes, fittings, floor drains, and custom trench drains, along with a complete SMC/ GRP trench drain system and the only complete siphonic drainage system that includes pipes, fittings, and drains.

Joslyn Clark Controls 1653 2013 W. Meeting St., Lancaster, SC 29720 Phone: 910-879-5819, Fax: 910-879-5486 Email: kmattevi@dancon.com www.danaherspecialtyproducts.com

Joslyn Clark Controls is a manufacturer of both electric and diesel fire pump controls. Available also are jockey pump controls and alarm panels.

Kohler Co. 1143 444 Highland Dr., Kohler, WI 53044 Phone: 920-457-4441, Fax: 920-457-6952 Email: kirk.riddle@kohler.com www.kohler.com

Kohler Co. is the recognized leader in kitchen and bath design. Our diversity of products and powerful portfolio of brands continually set new standards in design, craftsmanship, and innovation—tied together by a singular level of quality.

KOLBI Kolbi Pipe Markers

Liberty Pumps is a leading U.S. manufacturer of pumping products for groundwater and wastewater removal in residential and commercial applications. With a focus on innovative product design, our wide range of pump styles includes sump, sewage, effluent, drain, and grinder pumps; complete pre-assembled sewage packages; and pump accessories. Utilizing a vast network of plumbing wholesalers and pump distributors, Liberty’s products are relied on by hundreds of professional contractors each day.

LiquiTech Inc. 1283

Pipe Marker Co.



416 W. Campus Dr., Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Phone: 847-506-1440, Fax: 800-596-3057 Email: robseitz@kolbipipemarkers.com www.kolbipipemarkers.com

Kolbi Pipe Markers is a manufacturer of pipe markers, valve tags, engraved nameplates, and mechanical identification items.

421 Eisenhower Ln. S., Lombard, IL 60148-5096 Phone: 630-693-0500, Fax: 630-679-9051 Email: gjackson@liquitech.net www.LiquiTech.com

LiquiTech Environmental—leaders in sustainable water treatment solutions. For more than 20 years, we have partnered with some of the most prestigious healthcare, hospitality, industrial, and government facilities around the globe. We have helped them achieve total disinfection of their domestic water supply using our patented Copper Silver Ionization system. To date, we have more than 1,200 installations spanning 10 different countries. Let us help you exceed the new ASHRAE Standard 188P!

Lochinvar LLC 1157 Judo Water Treatment 1576 4-2060 Steeles Ave. W., Concord, ON L4K 2V1, Canada Phone: 905-761-1555, Fax: 905-761-3335 Email: tracey.stanway@judo-online.com www.judo-online.com

Since 1936, Judo Water Treatment has introduced innovative and sustainable solutions to the water treatment market. Sound European engineering coupled with extensive application experience has made Judo a leader in its respective field. Whether the application involves plumbing infrastructure protection, HVAC system energy conservation, or rainwater harvesting/water reuse, Judo has a solution to the initiative. Judo’s presence can be experienced on all of the world’s continents across all markets.

Just Mfg. Co. 1647

Kusel Equipment Co. 472 820 West St., P.O. Box 87, Watertown, WI 53094 Phone: 920-261-4112, Fax: 920-261-3151 Email: jim.szollar@kuselequipment.com www.KuselEquipment.com

For more than 160 years Kusel Equipment has provided quality equipment to the dairy, meat, and food processing industries. Kusel equipment offers a complete line of stainless steel floor and trench drains and cleanouts suitable for any food processing, beverage, or pharmaceutical application. Many are NSF certified. Custom drains are our specialty.

Lawler Manufacturing Co. Inc. 1173

9233 King St., Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone: 847-678-5150, Fax: 847-678-6817 Email: mjust@justmfg.com

5330 E. 25th St., Indianapolis, IN 46218 Phone: 317-694-8714, Fax: 317-261-1208 Email: beveleigh@lawlervalve.com

Just Manufacturing Company produces stainless steel sinks and related plumbing fixtures for commercial and institutional applications. Additional products offered include faucets, drains, stops/supplies, p-traps, and related plumbing accessory products.

Lawler Manufacturing, established in 1896, manufactures one of the most complete and time-tested thermostatic mixing valve lines in North America. The company’s sole focus is the safe and comfortable blending of hot and cold water to meet the needs of the plumbing industry and its customers. Lawler valves, and its patents, have been rigorously tested and have proven that Lawler technology is truly differentiated in the industry. Thermostatic mixing valves—that’s it. That’s Lawler.


KBI, King Bros. Industries 2159 29101 The Old Road, Valencia, CA 91355 Phone: 800-325-9468, Fax: 661-257-4320 Email: sscmitt@kbico.com www.kbico.com

KBI has offered top-quality PVC and CPVC valves and fittings to the plumbing industry for the past 40 years. Our use of high-quality domestic resin and strong adherence to code approvals has made us the leader in the industry and “The Choice of Professionals.”


Legend Valve 144 51245 Filomena Dr., Shelby Township, MI 48315 Phone: 800-752-2082 ext. 6984, Fax: 800-835-4457 Email: robertv@legendvalve.com www.legendvalve.com


300 Maddox Simpson Pkwy., Lebanon, TN 37090 Phone: 615-889-8900, Fax: 615-882-2964 Email: sboston@lochinvar.com www.lochinvar.com

Lochinvar LLC is a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency water heaters, boilers, pool heaters, and storage tanks. Based in Lebanon, Tenn., with facilities in Detroit, Orlando, Tampa, Pompano Beach, Phoenix, Dallas, and Chicago, Lochinvar stocks products in all locations.

LSP Products Group 1574 2727 Chemsearch Blvd., Irving, TX 75062 Phone: 972-438-0156 Email: renae.landis@nch.com www.LSPproducts.com

LSP Products Group (LSP) was founded by plumbers more than 40 years ago with a focus on unparalleled innovation, superior product quality, and best-in-class service to the plumbing industry. Since its beginning as Specialty Products, LSP has continued to lead plumbing product innovation with many inventions. Our primary focus is the new construction market where we develop products that make installations easy and provide significant cost savings to the plumbing/mechanical contractor.

Lubrizol Corporation 1667 9911 Brecksville Rd., Cleveland, OH 44141 Phone: 855-735-1431, Fax: 216-447-6211 Email: cpvc@lubrizol.com www.lubrizolcpvc.com

The Lubrizol Corporation is a world leader in chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) resins and compounds. Our high-performance and low-combustibility CPVC specialty plastics include FlowGuard pipe and fittings, BlazeMaster fire sprinkler systems, and Corzan industrial systems, designed for a wide variety of applications including plumbing, fire protection, and industrial piping. For more information, visit lubrizolcpvc.com.

Mainline Backflow Products Inc. 318 12530 128 St., Edmonton, AB T5L 1C9, Canada Phone: 780-413-7204, Fax: 780-457-1210 Email: tom@backwatervalve.com

Kitz Corporation of America 1750 10750 Corporate Dr., Stafford, TX 77477 Phone: 281-491-7333, Fax: 281-491-9402 Email: eriko@kitz.com www.kitzus-kca.com

Established in 1951, Kitz Corporation is one of the world’s leading valve manufacturers. Major products include carbon steel, stainless steel, special alloy, gray iron, ductile iron, bronze, brass, and Keepalloy lead-free compliant valves. Kitz valves are produced in models and composition to meet virtually any requirement in commercial, mechanical, plumbing, and industrial valve applications.

50   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition


Leonard Valve Company 341 1360 Elmwood Ave., Cranston, RI 02910 Phone: 401-461-1200, Fax: 401-450-0083 Email: info@leonardvalve.com www.leonardvalve.com

Founded in 1913, Frederick C. Leonard invented the first bi-metal thermostatic element, using the DURA-trol thermostat to control water temperature for critical hospital and healthcare facilities. The company’s product line expanded over time to include individual and multiple shower valves, larger mixing valves for the control of domestic hot water temperatures, and emergency mixing valves for safety equipment.

Mainline Backflow Products manufactures backwater valves designed to prevent sewage from backing up into homes as the result of a municipal sewer backup. Our products are unique in design and function: from clear view open gate to extendable valves, we cover most residential applications. We also manufacture an inspections chamber designed to allow municipal access to the main lateral of a building/home without needing access to the building. Our valves have a complete shutoff mechanism.

Mansfield Plumbing Products LLC 1475 150 E. First St., P.O. Box 620, Perrysville, OH 44864 Phone: 419-938-5211, Fax: 419-938-1420 Email: mmatt@mansfieldplumbing.com www.mansfieldplumbing.com

2012 Exhibitors

MAPA Products


103 W. C.J. Wise Pkwy., P.O. Box 129, Naples, TX 75568 Phone: 877-897-2371, Fax: 903-897-2781 Email: rod@mapaproducts.com MAPA Products is the industry leader for manufacturing versatile, practical, and economical solutions for the commercial construction industry. Product lines include our stainless steel and nylon freestanding, adjustable rooftop pipe and equipment support systems, as well as our exclusive structural support systems, rooftop pedestal hydrants, and electrical disconnects.

16339 Kranker Dr., Stilwell, KS 66085 Phone: 913-681-6548, Fax: 913-681-8878 Email: alm@mtausa.com


MGPHO is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to improving the safety, quality, and education of patient care. A commitment to the MGPHO core values of respect, integrity, responsibility, and service are common threads that distinguish MGPHO members in the healthcare industry.


1815 Sisnet Rd., Mississauga, ON L4T 0A1, Canada Phone: 905-602-5360, Fax: 905-602-7422 Email: lgriffin@wallhungbuilders.com www.wallhungboilers.com

Marathon International is the exclusive North American distributor of Baxi high-efficiency, eco-sensitive heating, domestic hot water, renewable energy, and submetering HVAC solutions for LEED commercial and residential applications. We feature only proven, cost-saving, space-saving, and environmentally friendly products.

Marlo inc.

Water Dispensing for


2227 S. St., Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-681-1300, Fax: 262-681-1318 Email: slamere@marlo-inc.com www.marlo-inc.com

Marlo Incorporated is a designer and manufacturer of high-quality water treatment equipment for a wide variety of commercial and industrial applications. Our extensive product line includes media filters, water softeners, deionizers, reverse osmosis (RO) equipment, and laboratory-grade water systems. All products can be specially engineered to meet most customer specifications. We specialize in skid-mounted, pre-piped, and pre-wired equipment packages and customized control panels.

Master Control systems


Via Artigianato 9/11, Ponte S. Marco, Calcinato, BS 25011, Italy Phone: 011-39-030-9989911, Fax: 011-39-030-9989948 Email: alessandro.strazzari@metalprint.com



Marathon international

Metalprint s.r.l.


every place in every space

schools | universities | airports public facilities | rec centers and more... See the latest in OASIS water dispensing solutions:


910 N. Shore Drive, , Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Phone: 847-295-1010, Fax: 847-295-0704 Email: stelter@mastercontrols.com

— hands-free bottle ¿OOHUV


— vandal-resistant fountains

Master Control Systems, the innovator of variable-speed fire pump controllers, is a manufacturer of variable-speed, transfer switch, electric, high-voltage, diesel fire pump controllers. We also provide five-year warranties and lightning guarantees.


— point-of-use dispensers


² DQG ¿OWHUV IRU HYHU\ water need

McGuire Manufacturing Co. inc.

.QRZQ IRU KLJK TXDOLW\ HQHUJ\ HIÂżFLHQW HFR IULHQGO\ ERWWOH ÂżOOHUV fountains, and coolers, OASIS is the source for water dispensing and maintenance needs.


60 Grandview Ct., P.O. Box 746, Cheshire, CT 06410 Phone: 203-699-1801, Fax: 203-699-1813 Email: bwilliams@mcguiremfg.com www.mcguiremfg.com

McGuire Manufacturing has more than 50 years as an industry leader in commercial-grade plumbing fixture trim. McGuire’s exclusive product lines include all brass commercial stops and supply kits with heat- and chlorine-resistant peroxide cured washers, heavy cast brass P-traps, ProWrap seamless P-trap and supply covers, specification grade drains and strainers, SANIGUARD antimicrobial treated P-traps and drains, and an expanding line of low-lead stops and supply kits.


OASIS International is D &HUWLÂżHG :RPHQÂśV Business Enterprise

See New Water Dispensing Solutions at Booth #547 OASIS is a registered trademark of OASIS International | Š LVD Acquisition, dba OASIS International

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition 51

2012 ExPoSition

Medical Gas Professional healthcare org.

2012 ExPoSition

2012 Exhibitors Minimax UsA LLC Metcraft industries inc.


301 S.E. Thompson Dr., Lee’s Summit, MO 64082 Phone: 866-382-7238, Fax: 816-554-0307 Email: wzett@metcraftindustries.com

MiFAb. inc.


1321 W. 119th St., Chicago, IL 60643 Phone: 773-341-3001, Fax: 773-341-3046 Email: mwhiteside@mifab.com

Miro industries

MIFAB is a manufacturer of commercial drainage products, including floor, roof, trench, and area drains, cleanouts, and parking drains; fixture supports; floor sinks; backwater valves; electronic and pressure drop-activated trap seal primers; steel, plastic, and stainless steel access doors; grease, oil, solids, and automatic recovery interceptors; pipe supports; pipe markers; copper piston and stainless steel bellows; water hammer arrestors; pressure balance valves; and backflow preventers.




Metcraft Industries manufactures stainless steel plumbing fixtures for commercial use in detention facilities and other facilities exposed to vandalism or abuse. We are committed to providing quality fixtures that provide long service and conserve water to comply with today’s water conservation objectives. Our HET 1.28-gpf toilet flushing system leads our industry in this endeavor.


4030 E. Quenton Dr., Ste. 112, Mesa, AZ 85215 Phone: 888-882-0191, Fax: 480-553-5701 Email: asafa@minimaxfp.com


2700 South 900 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: 801-566-3680, Fax: 800-440-7958 Email: kalie@miroind.com MIRO Industries Inc. provides solutions for supporting rooftop pipe, conduit, duct, and walkway systems that prevent damage to the roof membrane. Miro Industries can provide such services as design, layout, and on-site installation.

Mission rubber Company


1660 Leeson Ln., Corona, CA 92879 Phone: 800-854-9991 ext. 204, Fax: 800-637-4601 Email: cmonteon@missionrubber.com

Metraflex Company


2323 W. Hubbard St., Chicago, IL 60612 Phone: 312-738-3800, Fax: 312-738-0415 Email: jimc@metraflex.com www.metraflex.com

Metraflex Co., maker of the innovative Metraloop expansion joint for seismic and/or thermal pipe movement applications, and Never Trip, a condensate collection valve for dry fire sprinkler systems, has been providing new design options for 50 years, with new products and new technologies that protect pipes in motion.

MG Piping Products Company



Milwaukee/hammond Valve


Mission Rubber offers the nation’s most complete line of flexible and shielded couplings for DWV and sewer use. We have a complete line of inflatable test plugs and peripherals.

16550 W. Stratton Dr., New Berlin, WI 53151 Phone: 262-432-2753, Fax: 262-432-2701 Email: nzinkgra@milwaukeevalve.com www.milwaukeevalve.com

From ¼” bronze ball to 48” cast iron butterfly, you will find more than 10,000 valve types, sizes and configurations in the Milwaukee Valve product line. You can choose from commercial and industrial bronze gate, globe and checks, plus ball, medical gas, butterfly, cast steel, fire protection, actuation, and controls.

10560 Fern Ave., Stanton, CA 90680 Phone: 714-761-8055 Email: ric@mgcoupling.com



A Gorman-Rupp Company


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

2012 Exhibitors Navien America Inc. 2053 20 Goodyear, Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 800-519-8794, Fax: 949-420-0430 Email: march@navienamerica.com

NewAge Casting 881 3908 Westhollow Pkwy., Houston, TX 77082 Phone: 281-606-1990, Fax: 281-606-1993 Email: newagecasting@gmail.com


Navien America is the leader in condensing tankless water heaters.

Moen Commercial 1067 25300 Al Moen Dr., North Olmsted, OH 44070 Phone: 800-321-8809, Fax: 440-962-2018 Email: kristin.meyers@moen.com www.moencommercial.com

Moen Commercial understands the demanding environments of commercial and institutional facilities. Just as importantly, we understand what satisfies demanding professionals like you. That’s why we go beyond manufacturing durable, reliable products that are both vandal resistant and energy efficient. Our products are designed to provide lower lifetime costs to help you meet financial goals. Plus, we stand behind everything with a best-in-class warranty and outstanding customer service.

MR Direct International 1383 7610 New West Rd., Toledo, OH 43617 Phone: 419-882-5600, Fax: 419-885-5601 Email: Ashley@mrdirectint.com

NEOPERL Inc. 1075 171 Mattatuck Hts., Waterbury, CT 06705 Phone: 203-756-8891, Fax: 203-754-5868 Email: marketing@neoperl.com www.neoperl.com

You may never replace a water heater tank again.


MR Direct International is the distributor of superior quality sinks and faucets for kitchen and bath. We offer a wide variety of products, making it easy for our customers to buy everything they need in one place. Because we are a direct supplier, we eliminate the middleman and retail markups, enabling us to offer all of our products at a wholesale cost. With unsurpassed customer service and high quantities of products in stock, we are among the best suppliers in the market.

MTH Pumps 880 401 W. Main St., Plano, IL 60545 Phone: 630-552-4115, Fax: 630-552-3688 Email: publishing@mthpumps.com www.mthpumps.com

We manufacture mechanical seal and seal-less leak-free pumps for high-pressure, water, chemical, chiller, refrigeration, boiler feed, hot oil, petroleum, ammonia, and freon refrigerant pump applications.


Available in water heaters using... • GAS • OIL • ELECTRIC • STEAM • BOILER WATER ...and STORAGE TANKS

Mueller Industries 2260

AquaPLEX is a unique water heater and storage tank material that blends 300 and 400 series stainless steels to create an alloy better than either material alone. • No tank lining, coating, cladding or plating (the tank walls are solid AquaPLEX)

8285 Tournament Dr., Ste. 150, Memphis, TN 38125 Phone: 901-268-4679, Fax: 901-759-7458 Email: jrwantz@muellerindustries.com www.muellerindustries.com

Founded in 1917, Mueller Industries has built a well-earned reputation for offering the finest-quality plumbing, HVAC, refrigeration, and industrial products in the industry. With manufacturing and distribution facilities located across North America, Great Britain, Mexico, and China, we supply a global audience of wholesalers, retailers, and original equipment manufacturers with the broadest offering of tube, fittings, valves, industrial materials and engineered solutions from a single source.

• No anodes of any type • No chloride stress corrosion cracking (a known failure mode for 304L and 316L stainless steel in hot potable water)

Murray Supply Company 2034

• Can store water at > 200ºF continuously with no effect

102 W. Third St., Ste. 810, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: 336-546-1771, Fax: 336-245-0686 Email: george@murraysupply.com www.murraysupply.com

Murray Supply Company is a family-owned and operated company that was founded in 1965 by Mr. C.V. Murray in Charlotte, North Carolina. The company is engaged in the wholesale distribution of residential and commercial plumbing, PVF, HVAC, and industrial piping products, along with maintenance, repair, and operations products. Murray Supply Company serves their customers from one showroom and six locations based in North Carolina.

National Craft Industries Inc. 2072 No. 18 Ln. 260 Wen Hua 2 Rd., Sec. 1 Lin Ko, Taipei, 7FL-2, Taiwan Phone: 011-886-22-609891, Fax: 011-886-22-6097767 Email: emil@nationalcraft.biz www.nationalcraft.biz

Visit booth #1659 to see AquaPLEX and PVI’s new condensing gas water heater


View the AquaPLEX intro video on YouTube

aquaplex.pvi.com www.pvi.com

Engineered Water Heating Solutions®

2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition  53



2012 ExPoSition

2012 Exhibitors Ningbo huacheng Valve Co. Ltd. NibCo inc.



NIBCO is a recognized industry leader of flow control solutions to the residential and commercial construction, institutional, industrial, fire protection, and irrigation markets. Founded in Northern Indiana, NIBCO’s manufacturing history spans more than 107 years and has operated under four generations of family leadership and employee ownership. Serving a global marketplace, NIBCO operates 10 manufacturing plants throughout the United States, Mexico, and Poland.

Noritz America Corp.

Established in 1989, our company has grown to a factory with 600 people and with sales of up to $100 million. We have our own foundry and stamping workshop, and we are able to supply valves, fittings, and OEM parts used in irrigation, heating, and plumbing systems. It is our marketing strategy to win customers by top quality and competitive pricing. We cooperate with IAPMO to get UL, NSF61, CSA, and UPC approval.

Noritz provides both commercial and residential hot water solutions in the most intelligent and efficient way on the market today. The 24 multiunit connect capability offers 9.1 million Btuh and 316 gpm with an exceptional 405:1 turndown ratio. All Noritz commercial modular heaters are compatible with third-party common venting applications, therefore solving any commercial hot water demands. Noritz has a dedicated commercial team to provide for all of your needs from sizing to installation assistance.

Noble Company




P.O. Box 350, Grand Haven, MI 49417 Phone: 231-799-8000, Fax: 231-799-8850 Email: toni@noblecompany.com



Nomaco insulation

725 Talamore Dr., Ambler, PA 19002 Phone: 215-641-2160, Fax: 215-646-7984 Email: mskiffington@nilesst.com Niles Steel Tank, established in 1898, is a fabricator of shop-built steel tanks and ASME code pressure vessels. Types of tanks fabricated are accumulators, acid tanks, air tanks, blow down tanks, brine tanks, caustic tanks, chilled water buffer tanks, condensate receivers, expansion tanks, flash tanks, hot water storage tanks, hot water generators, mixing tanks, plating tanks, processing tanks, and surge tanks. Industries served include chemical, automotive, paint and coatings, pharmaceutical and energy.


3006 Anaconda Rd., Tarboro, NC 27886 Phone: 866-876-2684, Fax: 919-404-4451 Email: tstephans@nomacoinsulation.com www.nomacoinsulation.com

Nomaco Insulation is a global leader in engineered polymer foam insulation products used in the residential, commercial, and industrial markets. Our products are certified by leading organizations in the plumbing and construction industry. Nomaco Insulation products are GreenGuard Indoor Air Quality Certified for low volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These products have met the children and schools classification, which is the most stringent classification GreenGuard offers.

NsF international www.nsf.org

NSF International is the world leader in standards development, product testing and certification, education, and risk-management services for public health and safety. As an independent third party, NSF offers customized, cost-effective services for the plumbing products industries, including management systems registration and sustainability services. The NSF Certification Mark on a product confirms that NSF has assessed—and certified—its conformity with the relevant standard.

For 40 years, we’ve focused solely on separation. Our team is experienced in building custom, engineeredspecific designs for customers that expect the best, whether it’s for a Las Vegas casino, new 5-star restaurant, mall food court, or your neighborhood quick lube shop. We move faster than our competition, with better, more reliable products, service and support.

EPE 2012 Booth #1934

Call us today. We’re ready to deliver. Meet our people. Visit www.rkfdseparators.com


Tap into 40 years of engineering experience.

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

Select from our extensive inventories...

Put highly productive Any size – from capabilities and 1 gallon to 50,000 people to work gallon, including on your custom double-wall project... construction!


789 N. Dixboro Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Phone: 734-769-8010 Email: jaksch@nsf.org

Need faster, more dependable performance from your separator source?

Call today – you’ll like our customer service.


11160 Grace Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Phone: 714-433-2905 Email: jpan@noritz.com


1516 Middlebury St., Elkhart, IN 46516 Phone: 574-295-3330, Fax: 574-295-3307 Email: murraya@nibco.com

Niles steel tank


Chengguan Ninghai, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China Phone: 011-86-559-3601713 Email: hchfm@cnool.net

5159 28th Avenue U Rockford, IL 61109 www.rkfdseparators.com U 815.229.5077 800.747.5077 U Fax 815.229.5108

I thought I knew everything about floor drains.. How about Important fire requirements By Ken Cornwall

Plumbing Engineer

During the ASPE Trade Show I asked a number of Plumbing Engineers if they knew what F & T fire ratings were. The majority had no idea. The F- rating equals the time, in hours, it takes to protect the floor drain opening from fire passing through to the next floor. However, the T-rating is just as important since the bottom opening must close very fast. The T-rating measures the amount of time it takes, in hours, to exceed a temperature of 325° on the floor drain strainer. Drains that have Tratings means they will seal up the opening very quickly and Fire Test on a PVC Stack prevent any toxic smoke from being transmitted floor to floor. This is the reason all the building codes make it mandatory to provide both an F & T ratings when floor penetrations are located outside of a wall cavity. Toxic fumes are known to be the real killer in fires. A firestop device that has both an F & T rating assures there will be no toxic smoke transmissions.

Reference IBC Code 712. and UBC Code 710.2.3. The T rating is mandatory when using floor drains but are not required for plumbing stacks. Most plumbing stacks are inside a wall cavity and can tolerate toxic smoke transmission from 10 to 18 minutes which gets vented through the roof. (See left photo) This amount of toxic smoke transmission would be deadly if allowed for floor drains. ProSet’s T-Rite floor drain penetration has been fire tested in accordance with the ASTM E-814 fire test standard and has 1, 2 and 3 hour F & T ratings in a minimum 2-1/2Ǝ and 4-1/2Ǝ concrete floor.

T-Rite PVC Floor Drain

The unique T-Rite floor drain firestop has a heat absorbing 26 gauge metal extension that extends down 3Ǝ into the fire zone. A special Intumescent material is used to seal off the opening quickly. Clamping rings are sized so specifiers can spec their choice of manufacturers strainers.

ProVent® Systems, Inc. • 1355 Capital Circle . • Lawrenceville . • GA .• 30043 .• 800-262-5355 www.proventsystems.com

Visit us at Booth #867

2012 ExPoSition

2012 Exhibitors outdoor shower Company


274 Cadillac Pwky., Ste. 100, Dallas, GA 30157 Phone: 678-363-3939, Fax: 678-363-8391 Email: emily@outdoorshowerco.com



oasis international/sunroc


222 E. Campus View Blvd., Columbus, OH 43235 Phone: 614-861-1350, Fax: 614-322-4557 Email: clindsey@oasiscoolers.com www.oasiscoolers.com

Oasis International is a global leader in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of clean drinking water systems. Used in more than 80 counties worldwide, Oasis is one of the leading companies involved in the business of clean drinking water. Through our expertise and development capabilities, we design our products to be easily used and serviced. Technological advancements have enabled us to develop new and sustainable products for maximum energy efficiency using eco-friendly materials and components.

oatey sCs


4675 W. 160th St., Cleveland, OH 44135 Phone: 800-203-1155, Fax: 877-837-0894 Email: bbender@oateyscs.com Oatey manufactures plastic and metal washing machine and icemaker outlet boxes, plastic gas valve outlet boxes, a full line of PVC and ABS residential and commercial drainage products, roof vent stack flashings, air-admittance valves, plastic pipe solvent cements, pipe supports, plumbing solders and fluxes, and other chemical and plastic plumbing specialties.

the original rainwater Pillow


Outdoor Shower Company, formerly known as The Pool Shower Inc., has more than 40 shower models to choose from, and all are suitable for commercial and residential applications. They are the perfect choice for any outdoor setting...even outdoor bathing. We offer many freestanding or wall-mounted styles that are available in either hot and cold or cold water only.



7015 Fairbanks N. Houston, Houston, TX 77040 Phone: 713-937-7602, Fax: 713-937-4254 Email: pschrum@park-usa.com www.park-usa.com

For more than 25 years, Park has been committed to providing the water distribution, wastewater, and storm water industries with innovative products. With a strong emphasis on product design, Park is known for providing engineered solutions to cities, design professionals, and contractors. Our goal is to deliver products preassembled and pre-tested, ready for hookup and use. Visit booth 266 to see Park products.


Parker Hannifin (Transair)


7205 E. Hampton Ave., Mesa, AZ 85209 Phone: 480-325-3560, Fax: 480-325-3571 Email: kyri.mcdonough@parker.com www.parkertransair.com

Parker Hannifin manufactures a robust compressed air, inert gas, and vacuum pipe system with superior operational efficiency perfectly suited for all industrial applications. Transair offers significant savings on installation, maintenance, and operating costs when compared to traditional pipe. Available in ½” to 6”, Transair features quick-connect technology that secures connections with a simple push and provides a leak-free guarantee. For more information, visit www.parkertransair.com.

4004 Dover Ave., Alpharetta, GA 30009 Phone: 770-314-9918, Fax: 770-667-9918 Email: cecie@rainwaterpillow.com www.rainwaterpillow.com

The Original, Responsible Way to Pump Water, Not Oil. :H[PZMPLZ! (:4, ,7( :7** 9LX\PYLTLU[Z *VTWH[PISL ^P[O! :*(+( )\PSKPUN 4HPU[LUHUJL :`Z[LTZ +LZPNULK MVY! ,SL]H[VY :\TWZ ;YHUZMVYTLY *VU[HPUTLU[ (YLH HUK ,SLJ[YPJHS =H\S[Z 7YV[LJ[PUN [OL ,U]PYVUTLU[ ZPUJL

Patterson Pump Company www.pattersonpumps.com

Patterson Pump Company supplies pumps and pump systems for the plumbing, fire, municipal, and HVAC markets worldwide. Products include plumbing boosters, fire pumps and systems, municipal pumps for water and wastewater applications, and HVAC pumps for hydronic applications. Centrifugal pumps include horizontal split case, vertical in-line, end suction, and vertical pumps. Patterson is your source for all of your pumping needs



Pump not included


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2012 asPE Convention & Exposition


2129 Ayersville Rd., Toccoa, GA 30577 Phone: 706-297-2852, Fax: 706-886-0023 Email: bhenry@pattersonpumps.com

2012 Exhibitors

Sustainable Laborator y Design The future of sustainable laborator y design starts with KIMAX ® Glass Drain and Vent Systems today. • Low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) • Will not burn or emit toxic fumes

• Safe and simple installation




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• Lowest life-cycle costs




• Flexibility, adaptability, modularity

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• Maximum corrosion resistance



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Tubing SCHOTT North America, Inc. 555 Taxter Road Elmsford, NY 10523 Phone: +1 (914) 831-2215 Fax: +1 (914) 831-2368 info.drainline@us.schott.com www.us.schott.com/drainline

2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition  57

Patton’s Medical 2139 3201 South Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28209 Phone: 704-529-5442, Fax: 704-525-5148 Email: harold.massey@pattonsmedical.com www.pattonsmedical.com

Patton’s Medical manufactures, sells, and services high-quality medical air and vacuum systems for the healthcare market. Our products meet or exceed NFPA 99 and are UL approved. If our standard products don’t meet your particular application or specifications, we will evaluate your medical gas needs and work with you to develop special packages for your facility. By working in partnership with Amico, Patton’s Medical can also provide the most technologically advanced pipeline products.

Penguin Toilets LLC


Plumberex Specialty Products 2052

The Plumbing News

P.O. Box 1684, Palm Springs, CA 92263 Phone: 760-343-7363, Fax: 760-343-7366 Email: howard@plumberex.com

1550 Spaulding Dr., Atlanta, GA 30350 Phone: 770-378-1194, Fax: 770-395-7069 Email: jhmorgan5@aol.com

Plumberex offers superior ADA under-lavatory insulation and HVAC energy-efficient products. For 25 years, Plumberex has been the engineer’s assurance for quality, durability, safety, and accessibility compliance using superior, soft, and flexible Class A Fire and Smoke ASTM E84-rated material required for today’s flexible installations. The new HVAC energy-efficient Titan GS30 line set wall outlet seals against air leakage and E-Flex guard insulation protection required for energy codes.

PM Engineer 2246


800 Turnpike St., Ste. 300, N. Andover, MA 01845 Phone: 800-589-8956, Fax: 978-552-0721 Email: rackroyd@comcast.net

Finally... a toilet with overflow protection! Our patented secondary drain system protects against overflow. Visit our website for more information and a demonstration.

The Plumbing & Drainage Institute is the premier source of information for plumbing and drainage products such as floor drains, roof drains, sanitary floor drains, cleanouts, water hammer arresters, backwater valves, grease interceptors, fixture supports, and other drainage specialties, with specific expertise in hydromechanical grease interceptors and water hammer arresters. Our standards, publications, and training seminars are a valuable resource for architects, contractors, and public officials.

Penn Pump & Equipment Company Inc.



2880 Bergey Rd., Unit O, Hatfield, PA 19440 Phone: 215-997-6100, Fax: 215-997-6195 Email: sales@pennpump.com www.Pennpump.com

We manufacture packaged pumping systems for commercial and industrial plumbing and the HVAC industry.


2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Ste. 1000, Troy, MI 48084 Phone: 630-694-4007, Fax: 248-786-1388 Email: fieros@bnpmedia.com www.pmengineer.com

APEX Award-winning PM Engineer (PME) magazine is the quality magazine for specifying engineers in the plumbing, process piping, hydronic/radiant heating, and fire protection industries. More than 26,500 subscribers receive PME each month. (Circulation is audited twice yearly through BPA Worldwide.) Qualify for your free subscription online at www.PMengineer.com.

Plumbing & Drainage Institute 1372

28525 Beck Rd., Ste. 121, Wixom, MI 48393 Phone: 248-773-7616, Fax: 888-600-9190 Email: maryann@penguintoilets.com www.penguintoilets.com


Plumbing Engineer Magazine “Official Publication of ASPE” 1876 2165 Shermer Rd., Ste. A, Northbrook, IL 60062 Phone: 847-564-1127 ext. 204, Fax: 847-564-1264

Potter Electric Signal Co. 1257 1609 Park 370 Pl., St Louis, MO 63042 Phone: 314-595-6900, Fax: 314-595-6999 Email: ericl@pottersignal.com www.pottersignal.com

Established in 1898, Potter Electric Signal Company produces a wide array of products including fire sprinkler monitoring systems and corrosion monitoring, MIC testing and corrosion mitigation, and boiler/chiller and industrial control products. At Potter, not only do we supply our customers with products that provide realworld solutions for their unique needs, we strive to provide them unequaled service and technical support. Potter is the symbol of protection.

Powerex Inc. 1639 150 Production Dr., Harrison, OH 45030 Phone: 888-769-7979, Fax: 513-367-3125 Email: info@powerexinc.com www.powerexinc.com


Industrial, municipal, commercial and residential water and wastewater Agriculture, irrigation and dewatering Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) Man-Machine Interface (MMI) Programmable Logic Control (PLC) Communications, data logging and event monitoring Embedded microprocessor and controller design



R Inst all with Pride" Precision Plumbing Products

Precision Plumbing Products 1267 6807 N.E. 79th Ct., Ste. E, Portland, OR 97218 Phone: 503-256-4010, Fax: 503-262-9547 Email: jackv@pppinc.net www.pppinc.us

Precision Plumbing Products continues to develop innovative floor drain trap priming valves for your specification needs. We have added a battery-operated priming manifold to our electronic series, and the newest addition is the “flow activated” Prime-Pro trap-priming valve. Applied under the lav in either a polished brass or chrome finish, this valve will activate on the slightest flow activity from the lav. This valve is completely lead-free, delivering potable water to the floor drain.

4515 E. 139th St., Grandview, MO 64030 Phone: 816-763-4100, Fax: 816-765-0439 Email: nick.manning@prier.com www.prier.com

www.sjerhombus.com 58   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition


ith Confide ify W nc pec

Prier Products Inc. 1973

Booth 360




Whether you need high volume, repetitive control panels or a one-off custom solution, SJE-Rhombus® is your preferred partner. With over 35 years of experience working with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), we provide high quality, cost-effective custom control solutions for a variety of control applications, including:


Powerex—the leader in pure air technology. Powerex manufactures NFPA 99-compliant medical air and vacuum systems and HVAC compressors for facility control air. Powerex was the first company to introduce scroll technology and composite pistons to the U.S. market. We offer more than 200 authorized service centers and distributors. "S


2012 Exhibitors

Prier Products is an innovative manufacturer of wall and ground hydrants for commercial, industrial, and residential applications. We research, develop, manufacture, sell, and service our products at our suburban Kansas City headquarters and manufacturing facility. Each of our products has advantages for the architect, engineer, contractor, supplier, and end user. Our products function better, install easier, and last longer than other products available in the industry.












™ ™

Visit us at Booth #441

Any Application. Any Environment.™ Any Application. Any Environment.™

Backed by a century of experience and proven Sloan technologies, Backed by a century of experience and proven Sloan technologies, BASYSTM delivers a revolutionary approach to sensor faucets that meets BASYSTM delivers a revolutionary approach to sensor faucets that meets the demands of the commercial plumbing industry. Fueled by two years the demands of the commercial plumbing industry. Fueled by two years of field research and in-depth interviews with architects, engineers and of field research and in-depth interviews with architects, engineers and plumbers, BASYS has the strength and versatility to meet the needs plumbers, BASYS has the strength and versatility to meet the needs of any application or environment. of any application or environment.

Build a BASYS online: Build a BASYS online: sloanvalve.com/BASYS sloanvalve.com/BASYS

RBI Water Heaters 2045

ProVent Systems Inc. 867 1355 Capital Cir., Lawrenceville, GA 30043-5866 Phone: 770-339-1782, Fax: 770-339-1784 Email: kcornwall@prosetsystems.com www.proventsystems.com

ProVent’s mission is to make high-quality, innovative products for plumbing/piping contractors that save on labor and materials by providing novel methods of installation, such as ProVent’s singlestack system, Trap Guard floor drain protection devices, and T-Rite drains, which are the only aboveground building code-approved PVC connected drains. ProSet Water Guard firestop penetrations are automatically waterproof by simply setting the sleeve. Waterproofing is now more important than ever.

PVI Industries Inc. 1659 3209 Galvez Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76111 Phone: 817-335-9531, Fax: 817-332-6742 Email: pbothner@pvi.com www.pvi.com

PVI Industries has medium- to large-capacity ASME water heaters for correctional, educational, hospitality, and healthcare facilities. We also have gas, electric, steam, boiler water, or combinations of energies. We offer low-Nox and condensing designs.

QuantumFlo 327 210 Springview Commerce Dr., Bldg. 150, DeBary, FL 32713 Phone: 386-753-9702, Fax: 386-753-9703 Email: dave@quantumflo.com www.quantumflo.com

QuantumFlo was founded to promote and expand new packaged system technologies to the pump systems market. As engineers shift from old, inefficient constant-speed technologies toward variablespeed, modbus, adaptive, and associated controls, no single company has completely committed themselves to advancing these technologies…until now. Our free Einstein online sizing and selection tool is at your service to design systems right the first time, avoiding RFIs and simplifying your job.

Raypak Inc. 866 2151 Eastman Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030 Phone: 805-278-5334 Email: dstewart@raypak.com www.raypak.com

Raypak manufactures a complete line of industry-leading, standard efficiency, mid-efficiency, and ultra-high efficiency boilers, water heaters, and pool heaters. Raypak’s design goals are, and have always been, high quality, reliability, and energy efficiency. Adhering to these basics is the reason the reputation of the company is held in such high regard by design-build consultants, specifying engineers, distributors, contractors, and homeowners. Raypak is registered to the ISO 9001 quality system.

260 N. Elm St., Westfield, MA 01085 Phone: 413-564-5604, Fax: 413-562-5311 Email: bnowill@mestek.com RBI Water Heaters offers copper-fin water heaters and boilers. RBI continues to grow into new geographic markets throughout North America. The quality of products combined with their serviceability make them highly desirable.

RECO USA 681 1839 Dunbar Rd., Cayce, SC 29033 Phone: 803-794-3360-3017, Fax: 803-791-3304 Email: kstuart@recousaheaters.com www.recousaheaters.com

The Rectorseal Corporation 772 2601 Spenwick Dr., Houston, TX 77055 Phone: 713-263-8001, Fax: 713-263-7577 Email: jficklin@rectorseal.com www.rectorseal.com

Founded in 1937, and proudly celebrating our 75th anniversary, The Rectorseal Corporation is a leading manufacturer of chemical specialty sealants and other related products designed for professional tradesmen. Many of these products are brand preferred and enjoy a loyal and substantial following among professional contractors and industrial end users. The Rectorseal Corporation is devoted to providing innovative quality products supported by strong customer and technical support.

Visit us at Booth #2344



2012 Exhibitors

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wqa-aquatech.com or phone 630 505 0160

2012 Exhibitors Rockford Separators 1934

One Reelcraft Ctr., Columbia City, IN 46725 Phone: 800-444-3134, Fax: 800-444-4587 Email: crichmond@reelcraft.com Reelcraft manufactures spring-retractable, motor-driven, and hand crank hose reels to serve industrial, automotive, marine, chemical, rental, welding, petroleum, LP gas, food processing, aviation, and electrical for virtually every type of business. Our reels are used to transfer air, water, motor oil, transmission fluid, grease, gear oil, antifreeze, diesel fuels, welding gases, fuel oil, liquid pesticides, fertilizers, detergents, hydraulic oils, cutting oils, printing inks, solvents, chemicals, and blacktop sealers.

5159 28th Ave., Rockford, IL 61109 Phone: 815-229-5077, Fax: 815-229-5108 Email: rob@rkfdseparators.com

30 E. Industrial Rd., Branford, CT 06405 Phone: 203-488-8665, Fax: 203-488-6497 Email: traducha@rostratool.com



Rockford has manufactured separators and interceptors for the plumbing industry for more than 40 years. With more than 200 standard size units and site-specific, custom-built units as our specialty, Rockford Separators can supply all of your separation requirements.

Rostra Tool Company is a leading designer and manufacturer of Sargent Soft-Touch PEX tools for the plumbing contractor, such as Soft-Touch crimp tools for copper rings, including a unique combination tool with ½” and ¾” capabilities in one tool; Soft-Touch Ultra-Lite crimp tools, now with soft grip handles; easy shear tools for quick fitting removal; and stainless clamp pincer tools. Sargent Quality Tools are designed for the professional to conform to ASTM F1807 and make your job quicker and easier.

Reliable Automatic Sprinkler 1456 103 Fairview Park Dr., Elmsford, NY 10523 Phone: 800-431-1588, Fax: 800-848-6051 Email: jcevallos@reliablesprinkler.com

Roof Top Blox 378


The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co. Inc. is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of automatic fire sprinklers, valve, and accessory products and is a major distributor of sprinkler system components. Reliable offers fabrication in the U.S.

Rinnai Corporation 2249 103 International Dr., Peachtree City, GA 30269 Phone: 800-621-9419, Fax: 678-364-8643 Email: marketing@rinnai.us

7 Main St., P.O. Box 440, Ellington, CT 06029 Phone: 775-846-1268, Fax: 775-747-7190 Email: donndaggett@sbcglobal.net Roof Top Blox are the perfect solution for supporting piping, ductwork, and equipment on flat commercial roofs and allow the design engineer, distributor, and contractor to standardize on one model/skew and accessorize the Blox with pipe clamps, strut, all-thread, rollers, and securing brackets to make a variety of installations. Manufactured from black UV-stabilized polypropylene copolymer, RTB are durable, compact, have a load-bearing capacity up to 450 pounds, and are competitively priced.



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SCHOTT North America Inc. 1656 555 Taxter Rd., Elmsford, NY 10523 Phone: 914-831-2200 Email: rina.disavino@us.shcott.com SCHOTT, the manufacturer of KIMAX Glass Drainline, is a leading worldwide glass and special materials manufacturer. KIMAX drainline helps engineers design sustainable laboratories by offering the key features of adaptability, modularity, maximum corrosion resistance, and the lowest life-cycle costs in the industry. KIMAX Glass Piping products are now available as virtual BIM objects for use in various 3D design and build software suites, including Autodesk Revit MEP.

Rinnai Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rinnai Japan and has been responsible for the marketing and distribution of Rinnai’s innovative products in the North American market since 1974. Rinnai’s U.S. product line has grown from spa heaters to an extensive product line that today includes tankless water heaters, direct vent wall furnaces, fireplaces, hydronic air handlers, and condensing wall hung boilers.

5 #10

9500 Woodend Rd., Edwardsville, KS 66111 Phone: 262-827-3160, Fax: 800-827-9664 Email: elaine.ismert@schierproducts.com



at B

Schier Products Co. 567



Lead Free Starts Here! Watts Water Technologies is Ready to Help You Get Started On January 4, 2014 Federal Law mandates the wetted surface of every pipe, fixture and fitting you specify for use in potable water applications not contain more than 0.25% lead by weight. Streamline your changeover to Lead Free with the brands of Watts Water Technologies. Download a copy of our white paper, “Preparing for National Lead Free Compliance” at WeAreLeadFree.net.

WeAreLeadFree.net 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition  61


Rostra Tool Company 149

Reelcraft Industries Inc. 2350

2012 ExPoSition

2012 Exhibitors simtech inc. see Water inc.


121 N. Dillon St., San Jacinto, CA 92583 Phone: 888-733-9283, Fax: 951-487-0557 Email: info@seewaterinc.com www.seewaterinc.com

With a diverse range of electronic design capabilities, SeeWater designs and manufactures state-of-the-art Oil Smart Spill Prevention and wastewater/sewage controls. All panels come with complete monitoring capabilities and visual indicators to always know the status of the application. The unmatched customer support and balanced design/manufacturing vertical integration setup at SeeWater results in complete customer trust and efficient panel design.

seisco international Ltd.


241 W. Airtex Dr., Houston, TX 77090 Phone: 504-382-2151, Fax: 855-202-9520 Email: bill@seisco.com www.seisco.com

shinMaywa (America) Ltd.




47-A Runway Rd., Levittown, PA 19057 Phone: 215-547-0444, Fax: 215-547-9129 Email: pvagell@simtechusa.com www.simtechusa.com

Serving a large and diverse customer base in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, semi-conductor, chemical processing, water/ wastewater, medical research/life sciences, and OEM marketplaces, Simtech is your single dedicated resource committed to the complete success of your next corrosion-resistant, high-purity water, or industrial HVAC project.

sioux Chief Manufacturing


24110 S. Peculiar Dr., Peculiar, MO 64078 Phone: 800-821-3944 ext. 228, Fax: 816-758-5950 Email: keri.harms@siouxchief.com www.siouxchief.com

Sioux Chief has manufactured innovative plumbing products since 1957, and it is a leader in providing rough plumbing solutions for residential, commercial, industrial, and government applications. Sioux Chief’s comprehensive product line is comprised of three core groups—supply, drainage, and support—and its products are sold to qualified wholesale distributors and retailers nationwide.

sJE-rhombus Controls


6135 Park S. Dr., Ste. 510, Charlotte, NC 28210 Phone: 704-945-7112, Fax: 704-945-7101 Email: tarui@shinmaywaamerica.com

22650 County Hwy. 6, P.O. Box 1708, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 Phone: 218-847-1317, Fax: 218-847-4617 Email: eric.hausten@sjerhombus.com



ShinMaywa (America) Ltd. offers the CNWX series of solids-handling submersible pumps for the industrial and municipal wastewater markets. CNWX pumps feature the revolutionary new scroll impeller design. This design incorporates a helix-formed passage at the inlet, which is smoothly connected to the single vane passage. The scroll impeller virtually eliminates clogging, plugging, and entangling of fibrous materials, resulting in reduced maintenance costs and electrical power consumption.

For more than 35 years, SJE-Rhombus has been an industry-leading manufacturer of float switches, water/wastewater controls, and pressure booster controls for the residential, commercial, and industrial markets. It sells its products globally through an extensive network of distributors and OEMs.

sloan Valve Company www.sloanvalve.com

Sloan is the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing systems and has been in operation since 1906. Headquartered in Franklin Park, Ill., the company is at the forefront of the green movement and provides sustainable restroom solutions by manufacturing water- and energy-efficient products such as flushometers, electronic faucets, soap dispensers, and vitreous china fixtures for commercial, industrial, and institutional markets worldwide.

smith-Cooper international Phone: 800-766-0076, Fax: 323-890-4456 Email: fconnelley@smithcooper.com www.smithcooper.com

Smith-Cooper International and Sharpe Valves is a manufacturer and distributor of SCI-trademarked and traceable pipe, valves, and fittings, including COOPLOK GROOVED couplings, fittings, and valves, for wholesale distribution only. Product offerings include SCI-branded stainless steel pipe, threaded fittings, sanitary tube and fittings, SCI LOK instrumentation fittings and tubing, Sharpe engineered valves, and actuation, as well as forged steel fittings, malleable, brass and steel threaded fittings, and pipe nipples.

Do you need: » BIM/Revit Details? » Product selection sheets for owner review? » Water saving ideas? » To locate a sales representative?

Then check out the new willoughby-ind.com today! 2012 asPE Convention & Exposition


2867 Vail Ave., Commerce, CA 90040

Visit us at Booth #1555



10500 Seymour Ave., Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone: 800-982-6352, Fax: 847-671-6944 Email: marketing@sloanvalve.com

2012 Exhibitors Sovent/Walter Cornwall LLC 261

7967 S. Wayne St., Hamilton, IN 46742 Phone: 260-657-5605, Fax: 260-657-1004 Email: info@solarusagenow.com

711 S.E. 15th St., #3, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Phone: 954-785-0508, Fax: 954-785-5123 Email: walter@sovent.com



Solar Usage Now is a “Hot Water Solutions Company.” Our SUN Equinox is a pre-engineered plug-and-play hot water and space heating system, utilizing one of the most time-tested and efficient systems in the world. It can be stand-alone or solar thermal, and/ or heat recovery can be added to provide greater efficiencies. SUN Equinox ensures optimum inherent water-hygienic properties, eliminating deposits such as lime, sediment, or rust. It is often referred to as the anti-Legionella storage tank.

Our company specializes in the marketing of the single-stack Sovent system. The fittings we market are made in the U.S. Unique Tite-Ruff SE Sovent cast iron aerators and deaerators are designed to fit in tight places and are maintenance friendly.

Solar-Trac by OmegaFlex 2146 451 Creamery Way, Exton, PA 19341 Phone: 610-524-7272, Fax: 610-524-6484 Email: david.strick@omegaflex.net www.solar-trac.net

Solar-Trac offers flexible corrugated stainless steel insulated and uninsulated supply and return lines for residential and commercial solar thermal hot water systems. Solar-Trac’s advanced corrugated tubing, coupled with Solar-Flare self-flaring fittings, offers installers the highest levels of quality for tomorrow’s energy.

South-Tek Systems LLC 1472 2940 Orville Wright Way, Ste. 600, Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910-332-4173 ext. 112, Fax: 910-332-4178 Email: mhollifield@southteksystems.com www.southteksystems.com

Stancor Inc. 1675 515 Fan Hill Rd., Monroe, CT 06468 Phone: 203-268-7513, Fax: 203-268-7958 Email: alant@stancorpumps.com www.stancorpumps.com

The Speakman Company 1150 400 Anchor Mill Rd., New Castle, DE 19720 Phone: 302-765-0282, Fax: 302-765-0286 Email: agafford@speakmancompany.com

Stern-Williams Co. 1766


Since 1869, Speakman has been producing top-quality faucets, valves, and showerheads for the commercial specification market. Speakman’s wide variety of Sensorflo faucets, commercial showerheads and valves, and metering faucets have been designed and engineered to meet the growing industry trends and standards. Speakman is committed to water conservation by offering a wide range of faucets and showerheads certified to meet WaterSense and LEED. Speakman is registered to ISO 9001:2000.

Spears Manufacturing Company 972 15853 Olden St., Sylmar, CA 91342 Phone: 818-364-1611, Fax: 818-367-3014 Email: sclark@spearsmfg.net Spears manufactures Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 PVC, CPVC, and PP fittings, unions, and flanges, plus custom manifold and fitting fabrication. We offer a complete line of thermoplastic valves, which includes ball, ball check, swing check, butterfly, butterfly check, gate, and diaphragm, plus a full selection of actuated valves, basket strainers, Y-strainers and filters. Spears also offers a full line of PVC, CPVC pipe and cement. 1

P.O. Box 8004, Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Phone: 913-362-5635, Fax: 913-362-6689 Email: rdonahue@sternwilliams.com www.sternwilliams.com

Stern-Williams manufactures a complete line of commercial mop service sinks, institutional/physically challenged accessible and custom-size shower floors, freestanding shower cabinets in four durable finishes, outdoor body/foot showers and misters, pet fountains, water bottle filler stations, pedestal hydrants/jug fillers, and drinking fountains in powder-coated metal, stainless steel, and aggregate stone.

Stiebel Eltron Inc. 576


NO-03 Z-Vent Commercial 6.75"x 5"_August 8, 2012_HR.pdf

Stancor is a leading manufacturer of electric submersible pumps and controls. The patented oil-minder pump and control systems have been protecting the environment and valuable equipment for more than 20 years with tens of thousands of systems in operation throughout the world. Pump models include effluent, sewage, grinder, dewatering, and low-suction types. Both standard and custom pump and control packages are available from one source, ensuring quality and reliability on which you can depend.


2:56 PM

17 West St., W. Hatfield, MA 01088 Phone: 800-582-8423, Fax: 413-247-3369 Email: info@stiebel-eltron-usa.com www.stiebel-eltron-usa.com

Stiebel Eltron Inc. is known for high-quality, well-engineered products. The primary focus in product development has been on products that use less energy, are much safer, and give the consumer higher levels of comfort. We offer a wide range of tankless electric water heaters from 3-kW point-of-use models to 36-kW whole-house models. This year we also introduced our Accelera 300 electric heat pump water heater with 80-gallon storage.

#1 Rated Venting Products Z-Vent® Advanced Venting Systems Feature:







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Visit us at Booth #1768





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T 416.679.0045 F 416.679.0051 www.z-flex.com


2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition  63


Solar Usage Now 1778


2012 Exhibitors Stingray Systems LLC 1353


5701 Elmwood Ave., Ste. B, Indianapolis, IN 46203 Phone: 888-445-4142 Email: info@buystingray.com www.buystingray.com

Stingray Systems is a 21st century plumbing systems solution provider.

Strahman Valves Inc. 1867 2801 Baglyos Cir., Bethlehem, PA 18020 Phone: 484-893-5110, Fax: 484-893-5099 Email: kcarroll@strahman.com www.strahmanvalves.com

Strahman Valves is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of high-quality washdown equipment and industrial valve products. Since 1921, the company has earned a reputation for developing innovative solutions to complex problems and providing long-term reliable products that provide superior performance and world-leading value. Strahman has become the standard for numerous industries, including biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food processing, beverage, and dairy, as well as pulp and paper.

SureSeal Manufacturing 1579 P.O. Box 64160, Tacoma, WA 98464-0160 Phone: 253-564-0624, Fax: 253-238-4560 Email: kevin@TheSureSeal.com www.TheSureSeal.com

The SureSeal Inline Floor Drain Trap Sealer, the waterless trap primer, is the solution for replacing failed trap primers and quickly solving problems associated with drains. SureSeal eliminates the need for expensive trap primers, yet blocks the emission of noxious sewer gases from backing up into living or work areas. Precision engineered, it’s simple and easier to maintain than a traditional water trap primer and is ASSE, ICC-ES, and IAPMO listed. Saving the planet—one drain at a time!

Symmons Industries Inc. 659 31 Brooks Dr., Braintree, MA 02184 Phone: 800-796-6667, Fax: 800-961-9621 Email: malves@symmons.com www.symmons.com

Since 1939, Symmons has offered a variety of durable, reliable and beautifully designed plumbing fittings for residential and commercial applications. Symmons’ pressure-balancing, antiscald shower valve, in combination with its expansive premium products for kitchen and bath, makes Symmons truly the smart choice in plumbing. Headquartered in Braintree, Mass., Symmons is a privately held company with regional sales offices and local representatives located throughout the United States and Canada.

SyncroFlo 1043 6700 Best Friend Rd., Norcross, GA 30071 Phone: 770-447-4443, Fax: 770-447-0230 Email: rdhanson@syncroflo.com www.syncroflo.com

Since 1964, we’ve been the industry leader in domestic water booster systems. Every project is specifically tailored to provide the highest value to the building owner, with an emphasis on minimizing unscheduled downtime. We’re America’s largest independent fabricator of packaged pumping systems.

System Sensor 1458 3825 Ohio Ave., St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 630-377-6674, Fax: 630-377-7871 Email: julie.walker@systemsensor.com www.systemsensor.com

System Sensor was founded in 1984 and today is the largest manufacturer of fire detection and notification appliances in the world. More than 1,900 associates collaborate worldwide to build quality products within conventional and intelligent fire detection, carbon monoxide detection, aspirating smoke detection, audible visible (AV) notification, HVAC monitoring, and sprinkler systems monitoring.




A complete line of products for any project. A 100-year history of quality and innovation. And the lowest lifecycle costs in the industry. When it comes to total building solutions for your water needs, one name stands above the rest. Zurn. For your next retrofit and replacement project, give us a call. We’ll listen.

When I was tasked with retrofitting every backflow valve in a 90 year old hotel, I called Zurn.

When your building sees 30,000 workers every day, you need sustainable plumbing products that not only look good, but also last. We called Zurn.

Visit us at ASPE booth 1455!


Sensor Flush Valves

375XL Lead-Free Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly

ZS880 Stainless Steel Linear Shower Drain

zurn.c m 1 .8 5 5 .ON E .Z U R N

Zurn RMO-halfpg-ASPE Show Guide.indd 1

64   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

9/6/12 5:23 PM

2012 Exhibitors

Compact Supercapacity Grease Interceptors

Topp Industries Inc. 359 T&S Brass & Bronze Works 755 2 Saddlebrook Cove, P.O. Box 1088, Travelers Rest, SC 29690 Phone: 864-834-4102, Fax: 864-834-3518 Email: ggroover@vantagep.com www.tsbrass.com

T&S Brass has been leading the way in innovation, quality manufacturing, and customer service since 1947. T&S products are the standard for U.S. schools, hospitals, restaurants, and public facilities. T&S Brass will remain dedicated and loyal to these commitments, which has established us as your single-source solution for every plumbing application.

P.O. Box 420, 420 N. State Rd. 25, Rochester, IN 46975 Phone: 800-354-4534, Fax: 574-223-6106 Email: cndeckard@toppindustries.com Topp Industries Inc. has built a solid reputation and is the leader in the sump and sewage industry, manufacturing polyethylene sump and sewage basins, structural foam sump and sewage basins, fiberglass sump and sewage basins, access covers, quickdisconnect guide-rail systems, stainless steel guide-rail (SGR), and EX-Out Guide-Rail (EGR).

Tornatech Inc. 1281 7075 Pl. Robert-Joncas, Ste. 132, Montreal, QC H4M 2Z2, Canada Phone: 514-334-0523, Fax: 514-334-5448 Email: mikep@tornatech.com www.tornatech.com

T Plug 981 20118 N. 67th Ave., Ste. 300-210, Glendale, AZ 85308 Phone: 623-209-0142, Fax: 623-587-0339 Email: karen.dresher@brewercompanies.com www.tplug.com

The T-Plug is the only patented “leave-in” test plug available. Just install the T-Plug for your soil test, fill using a double-ended washing machine hose, and it’s also there for the top-out phase. Help eliminate the possibility of mold inside a wall by never taking your test plug out of the fitting. After both tests are complete, just apply glue, twist the cap on, and you now have a one-piece raised head plug that you can trim out in your usual fashion. The T-Plug is applicable for residential and commercial uses.

Taco Inc. 2232 1160 Cranston St., Cranston, RI 02920 Phone: 401-942-8000, Fax: 401-248-0046 Email: raeld@taco-hvac.com www.taco-hvac.com

Based in Montreal, Canada, since 1985 Tornatech has specialized in the conception and manufacturing of fire pump controllers in accordance with the NFPA 20 standard, listed with UL, and approved by FM. Our products have proven to be reliable property loss equipment in many mechanical rooms worldwide. With manufacturing capabilities in Canada, Asia, and Europe, a sales office in the U.A.E., and a sales representative in the U.S., we are truly a worldwide reference in fire pump controllers.

Touch Sensor Technologies 2132 203 N. Gables Blvd., Wheaton, IL 60187 Phone: 630-221-9000 ext. 170, Fax: 630-221-0737 Email: brianb@touchsensor.com www.LevelGuardProducts.com/sump/index.php

LevelGuard sump pump controls from TouchSensor introduce patented Field-Effect sensing technology to reliably detect the presence of fluids without the use of any moving parts. Replacing mechanical-type contact float switches, LevelGuard home sump controls offer solid-state, extremely reliable, residential sump pump switching for pump and plumbing applications. LevelGuard improves switch performance to the point that it becomes the most reliable component of the sump pump control system.

Automatic Grease Removal

Trapzilla – Big Dipper 1357 646 Greensboro St., Asheboro, NC 27203 Phone: 336-629-4651, Fax: 336-626-5739 Email: david@thermaco.com www.thermaco.com

Thermaco Inc. is regarded as the leading separation technology company in the highly specialized field of oil and grease extraction from wastewater. With leading brands such as Big Dipper, an automatic grease removal device, and Trapzilla, a compact, supercapacity grease interceptor, Thermaco has established a reputation for developing high-quality separators for the pretreatment industry. It continues this trend with the introduction of EZKlear, the world’s easiest-to-service grease trap.

Tsurumi Pump 1734 1625 Fullerton Ct., Glendale Heights, IL 60139 Phone: 630-793-0127, Fax: 630-793-0146 Email: info@tsurumiamerica.com www.tsurumipump.com

Tsurumi Pump remains a market leader in innovative pump design and manufacturing technology. Tsurumi is committed to furthering the advancement of pump technology while providing quality products and service.

Tyco 2255 1400 Pennbrook Pkwy., Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone: 215-393-0700, Fax: 215-393-0291 Email: martinique.woods@tycofp.com www.tycofsbp.com

Tyco is a leader in fire protection and mechanical products solutions. Tyco will feature globally recognized premium brands, including Grinnell, Ansul, RAPID RESPONSE, and SprinkCAD. We have unparalleled experience engineering, producing, and installing the finest products and industry’s newest innovations. Come visit our booth to learn from our leading experts about the newest technology in commercial and residential sprinklers, piping, and mechanical products and fire suppression solutions.

T-Drill Industries Inc. 778 1740 Corporate Dr., Ste. 400, Norcross, GA 30093-2928 Phone: 770-925-0520-208, Fax: 770-925-3912 Email: jsyrenius@t-drill.com

Thermafit Industries 2345 723 Sonora Ave., Unit B, Glendale, CA 91201 Phone: 818-770-6783, Fax: 760-471-7098 Email: mike@cpvcusa.com www.nohubcoupling.com

ThermaFlo Engineering Company 167 P.O. Box 473639, Charlotte, NC 28247 Phone: 704-940-1228 Email: rfj@thermafloengineering.com

TIGERFLOW Systems LLC 775 4034 Mint Way, Dallas, TX 75237 Phone: 214-337-8780, Fax: 214-333-2742 Email: linda.poston@tigerflow.com www.tigerflow.com

TIGERFLOW is a leading manufacturer of UL/C-UL, ETL/C-ETL and IAPMO N-5169 NSF/ANSI-61-listed systems for domestic water, LEED reuse, rainwater harvesting, HVAC, fire protection, industrial, heat transfer, municipal, hot water heating, controls, and packaged chiller and boiler equipment rooms.

Town & Country Plastics Inc. 1255 P.O. Box 269, Morganville, NJ 07751 Phone: 732-780-5300, Fax: 732-294-0001 Email: teqs1000@aol.com www.tandcplastics.net

We have been a Patron each year of the ASPE Convention. For more than 40 years, we have offered superior tanks, sumps, interceptors, separators, sinks, traps, floor and roof drains, PP threaded pipes, valves and fittings (P-V-F), etc. Custom fabrications are our specialty. T&C offers you above- or belowground equipment and systems. We are a leader in rainwater, storm water, and graywater systems, too.

TracPipe CounterStrike 351 213 Court St, Middletown, CT 06457 Phone: 860-704-6829, Fax: 860-704-6830 Email: don@omegaflex.com www.tracpipe.com

TracPipe CounterStrike is a patented CSST innovation based on our existing TracPipe CounterStrike CSST product, but is engineered to significantly decrease the potential for lightning-induced damage to fuel gas piping systems. TracPipe CounterStrike has been designed with a proprietary jacket material in place of the standard yellow jacket.


Tramco Pump Company 870 1500 W. Adams St., Chicago, IL 60607 Phone: 312-243-5800, Fax: 312-243-0702 Email: johno@tramcopump.com www.tramcopump.com

Tyco Thermal Controls 1567 307 Constitution Dr., M/S R2124, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: 650-474-7341, Fax: 650-474-7385 Email: lwells@tycothermal.com www.tycothermal.com

Tyco Thermal Controls is a global provider of heating solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential applications. Products for the plumbing industry include Raychem HWAT for hot water temperature maintenance and Raychem XL-Trace for pipe freeze protection and flow maintenance.

Tyler Pipe Co. 667, 767, 771 P.O. Box 2027, Tyler, TX 75710 Phone: 903-882-2376, Fax: 903-882-2409 Email: sarnold@tylerpipe.com Tyler Pipe Company is the nation’s leading manufacturer of cast iron soil pipe and fittings; no-hub couplings and compression gaskets; Wade Specification drainage products including floor, roof, and shower drains; closet and fixture carriers; and other specification products. Tyler Pipe also produces a full line of AWWA utilities fittings for the waterworks industry.

Uponor 857 5925 148th St. W., Apple Valley, MN 55124 Phone: 952-997-5329, Fax: 952-431-4025 Email: angel.carlsone@uponor.usa.com www.uponor.com

VC Systems & Controls Inc. 877 8811 Venture Cove, Tampa, FL 33637 Phone: 813-987-2151, Fax: 813-985-6536 Email: kate@vcsystems.net www.vcsystems.net

VC Systems & Controls Inc. is a UL-listed packaged pump system manufacturer, specializing in high-end booster systems for domestic water service and packaged fire pump systems. With more than 30 years in package pumping systems, we offer ACAD design services, a quick-ship program, and service and parts support.

2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition  65



2012 Exhibitors


Victaulic 1759


4901 Kesslersville Rd., Easton, PA 18040 Phone: 800-742-5842 Email: bthornton@victaulic.com www.victaulic.com

Victaulic is the world’s leading producer of mechanical pipe joining systems. The company, in partnership with its subsidiaries, develops products for a full range of industrial, commercial, and institutional piping systems.

Viega 1839 301 N. Main, 9th Fl., Wichita, KS 67202 Phone: 800-976-9819, Fax: 316-425-7618 Email: wendy.garrett@viega.com www.viega.com

Founded in 1899, Viega provides complete system solutions that work together, whether you are specifying a corrosive chemical line or designing a potable water system. Viega is your partner in the industry. Whether you choose Viega ProPress or Viega MegaPress for joining pipe, Viega ManaBloc for water distribution or the patented Viega SmartLoop hybrid internal recirculation system, Viega systems are covered by the best warranties in the business for complete peace of mind.

Viking Group 1175


Morris Group International is proud to be the parent company of our multi-faceted group of companies and product lines. From stainless steel correctional products manufactured by Acorn Engineering Company to quality engineered plumbing and drainage products manufactured by Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co., we have the right products for your specification plumbing needs.

210 N. Industrial Park Rd., Hastings, MI 49058 Phone: 269-945-8312, Fax: 269-945-9599 Email: jnorton@vikingcorp.com www.vikinggroupinc.com

Viking is a leading manufacturer and distributor of fire sprinklers, valves, and related equipment. In the forefront with its innovative and functional designs, Viking products are easier to install and maintain. Viking ‘s integrated distribution network includes more than 70 countries and represents more than 50 of the world’s leading manufacturers.

Walrus America Inc. 2155 20220 Hempstead Rd., Houston, TX 77065 Phone: 281-955-8035, Fax: 281-955-8037 Email: wchung@walrusamerica.com www.walrusamerica.com

Walrus America Inc., located in Houston, offers the broadest lines of booster pumps for residential, commercial, and industrial applications from small electronic-control automatic pumps and inverter drive constant-pressure pumps to big pump booster systems. The factory is ISO 9001 certified and products are CSA/ UL listed.

Ward Manufacturing Inc. 2032 117 Gulick St., P.O. Box 9, Blossburg, PA 16912 Phone: 800-248-1027, Fax: 570-241-0100 Email: michelle.moffett@wardmfg.com www.wardmfg.com

WardFlex is a continuous, flexible annular stainless steel gas piping system, design certified by the Canadian Standards Association and the International Approval Services for use in single-family, multifamily, and light commercial construction. WardFlex can be installed wherever gas service is needed.

Water Control Corporation 1280 7150 143rd Ave. N.W., Ramsey, MN 55303 Phone: 763-227-6499, Fax: 763-427-5665 Email: bsod@watercontrolinc.com www.watercontrolinc.com

Water Control Corporation is a pioneer in turnkey systems for on-site reclaimed water applications, including recovery of rainwater, graywater, condensate, and process water. We are also a leader in packaged equipment for high-purity water, ion exchange, oxidation filtration, chemical and solids removal, disinfection (ozone, UV, and chemical injection), and more.

Water Quality Association 2344

Est. 1853

4151 Naperville Rd., Lisle, IL 60532 Phone: 630-505-0160, Fax: 630-505-9637 Email: tlubner@wqa.org www.wqa.org


66   2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition

Find us at ASPE-EPE! Booth #941 - Acorn Engineering Company Booth #945 - Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co.

The Water Quality Association is a not-for-profit trade association for the point-of-use/point-of-entry water treatment industry. WQA offers education on water contaminants and treatment for applications ranging from residential to industrial and drinking water quality to ultrapure, as well as offering networking opportunities with treatment experts and product vendors.

2012 Exhibitors

Watertronics 1678 579 Progress Dr., Hartland, WI 53029 Phone: 262-367-5000 Email: ali.moran@watertronics.com



Xerxes Corporation 1844 7901 Xerxes Ave. S., Ste. 201, Minneapolis, MN 55431 Phone: 952-887-1890, Fax: 952-887-1882 Email: kristi.peterson@xerxes.com www.xerxes.com

Xerxes Corporation is North America’s largest manufacturer of fiberglass storage tanks. Applications include NSF-listed potable water, wastewater, rainwater harvesting, grease interceptors, and stand-by fire protection. We are the leading underground tank supplier to the largest fuel marketers in North America. Let us show you why our tanks are also the best product for your water and wastewater storage needs.

Z-Flex US Inc. 1768 Watts Water Technologies 1056 815 Chestnut St., N. Andover, MA 01845 Phone: 978-688-1811, Fax: 978-794-1848 Email: georgea@watts.com www.wattswater.com

Watts Water Technologies Inc. and its leading brands, including Ames, BLÜCHER, BRAE, Dormont, FEBCO, Mueller, Orion, Powers, and Watts, have been designing and manufacturing innovative water solutions for our customers’ needs in the residential and commercial markets, water quality, space heating and gas, and water reuse and drains since 1874.

20 Commerce Park N., Bedford, NH 03110 Phone: 800-654-5600, Fax: 800-889-3539 Email: jremy@z-flex.com www.flexmaster.com

Z-Flex is the leading manufacturer of specialty venting systems for furnaces, boilers, water heaters, oil heaters, fireplaces, and more. Z-Flex has been providing flexible answers to gas, oil, pellet, and wood venting applications since 1979. We have pioneered flexible chimney liner solutions and special gas vent AL29-4C.

Zhejiang IDC Fluid Control Co. Ltd 479 A2-2-3 No. 14 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chao Yang District, Beijing, China Phone: 011-86-105-1659550, Fax: 011-86-108-4799807 Email: tracy.zhai@idcgroup.com.cn www.idcgroup.com.cn


Weil Pump Co. Inc. 1266 W57 N14363 Doerr Way, P.O. Box 887, Cedarburg, WI 53012 Phone: 262-377-1399, Fax: 262-377-0515 Email: sales@weilpump.com www.weilpump.com

Weil is a manufacturer of wastewater pumps including submersible, vertical, grinder, and dry well models. Stainless steel construction is available in submersible and vertical models. Submersible options include explosion-proof motors, removal systems, and duplex pump valves. Weil also offers system controls and wet well covers.

Wessels Co. 1654 101 Tank St., Greenwood, IN 46143 Phone: 317-888-9800, Fax: 317-865-7411

Zoeller Pump Company 847 3649 Cane Run Rd., Louisville, KY 40211 Phone: 502-778-2731, Fax: 502-774-3624 Email: scotts@zoeller.com www.zoeller.com

Zoeller is a U.S.-based manufacturer of quality submersible sump, effluent, sewage, grinder, and non-clog pumps from ¼ to 100 bhp and explosion-proof (hazardous environment) pumps from ½ to 100 bhp. We offer complete systems and prefabricated lift stations, controls, accessories, basins, and septic/wastewater products. We have manufactured quality pumps since 1939.


Willoughby Industries Inc. 1555 5105 W. 78th St., Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: 317-638-2381, Fax: 317-638-6110 Email: calderson@willoughby-ind.com www.willoughby-ind.com

Willoughby Industries is the leading manufacturer of stainless steel and Aquasurf solid-surface plumbing fixtures for security, healthcare, and commercial applications.

Zurn Engineered Water Solutions 1455 1801 Pittsburgh Ave., Erie, PA 16502 Phone: 855-663-9876 Email: rachael.wiley-steffen@zurn.com www.zurn.com

Zurn Engineered Water Solutions is a recognized leader in the commercial, municipal, and industrial markets. Zurn manufactures the largest breadth of engineered water solutions in the industry, including a wide spectrum of sustainable plumbing products. Zurn delivers total building solutions for new construction and retrofit applications that enhance any building’s environment.

Woodford Mfg. Co. 751 2121 Waynoka Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Phone: 719-574-1101, Fax: 719-574-7621 Email: geshiner@msn.com www.woodfordmfg.com

Woodford produces commercial wall hydrants for both mild climates and areas where freezing may occur. Roof type hydrants, yard hydrants, and sanitary hydrants are readily available along with a complete line of residential freeze-less faucets, including the upgraded residential hot and cold unit.

World Plumbing Council 581 P.O. Box 810, Lafayette, IN 47902 Phone: 765-376-0222 Email: secretariat@worldplumbing.org www.worldplumbing.org

The mission of the World Plumbing Council is to promote the role of plumbing in improving public health and safeguarding the environment and by uniting the world plumbing industry, for the benefit of all.

2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition


2012 ConvEntion


Every 2012 ASPE Convention technical program session offers 0.125 CEUs/1.25 PDHs. You must be a full registrant of the ASPE Convention to attend the technical sessions and receive continuing education credits. To obtain CEUs/PDHs for each technical session you attend, make sure your badge is scanned by the ASPE personnel at the entrance to the session. CEU/PDH certificates will be emailed to participants approximately two weeks after the Convention. CEUs/PDHs are nationally recognized units of achievement that may be used as evidence of increased performance capabilities and for job advancement. ASPE is recognized as an approved provider and sponsor of CEUs and PDHs throughout all 50 states for registrations and licensing requirements. It is ultimately the responsibility of the attendee to make sure that they are in compliance with their state’s rules and guidelines.

going grEEn!

All of the handout materials for the 2012 Convention education sessions will be provided on a flash drive at registration.

no CoMMErCiAliSM

All speakers receive a complete copy of ASPE’s policy statement on commercialism. In general: All forms of commercialism and/ or the use of proprietary information shall be prohibited from use or reference in all ASPE technological publications and Convention, Technical Symposia, and seminar programs. For purposes of ASPE publications and presentations, commercialism shall be defined to be the use of, or inclusion of, any written, verbal, or visual materials or information that endorses, recommends, or otherwise references, directly or by implication, any organization, product, or service that might be perceived to be for the promotion or commercial advantage of an organization, product, or service.


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

2012 ASPE ConvEntion & ExPoSition bAnquEt

tuESdAy, oCtobEr 30 wEStin ChArlottE hotEl grAnd bAllrooM CoCktAil hour: 6:30–7:30 p.m. bAnquEt: 7–11 p.m.

ASPE’s Biennial Banquet is a formal event (business attire) that marks the transition of the board of directors and the recognition and bestowing of the highest ASPE awards, including the Distinguished Service Award, Industry Award, George Runkle Award, Donald Dickerson Award, Chapter Humanitarian Award, and Peter Warshaw Service Award. Also, new members will be inducted into the Kenneth G. Wentink College of Fellows.

All full registrants will receive a Banquet Exchange ticket at registration. If you plan to attend the Banquet, you must exchange this ticket for a Banquet Seating ticket and a Dinner ticket. You also will have the opportunity to select a specific seat or table at that time. Seats are available on a first-come basis. Both tickets are required for entry to the Banquet.

ASPE’S SundAy night At thE nASCAr hAll of fAME PrESEntEd by ChArlottE PiPE SundAy, oCtobEr 28, 7–10 p.m.

ChArlottE PiPE & foundry tourS

ASPE is offering an exciting new technical education opportunity this year: a tour of Charlotte Pipe & Foundry, located just minutes from the Charlotte Convention Center.

The Charlotte Pipe & Foundry tour is an interactive walking tour of the manufacturing process for cast iron pipe and fittings. This unique opportunity will allow participants to observe the steps necessary to produce cast iron pipe and fittings as well as the quality control and testing procedures involved. Participants will observe a number of production areas, including scrap iron melting operations in a cupola, 60–80 ton holding furnaces, various machinery, and more. The tour is open to all full registrants of the 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition, but space is extremely limited. If you did not sign up for a tour when you registered, visit the Convention registration desk in the main lobby of the Charlotte Convention Center to see if spots are available.

All full registrants to the 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition are invited to help us kick off this year’s event at our welcome party on Sunday night at the NASCAR Hall of Fame, located right next door to the Charlotte Convention Center. ASPE is reserving the NASCAR Hall of Fame exclusively for 2012 ASPE Convention & Exposition attendees for a night of adrenaline-racing fun. Mingle with your industry peers while you experience more than 50 hands-on exhibits, 40,000 square feet of exhibit space, video interactive touch screens and games, thousands of authentic NASCAR artifacts, and more!

Tour participants will be picked up at the main lobby of the Charlotte Convention Center, driven to Charlotte Pipe & Foundry, and returned after the tour ends. You must have a preregistered ticket to participate.

No children, shorts, open-toe shoes, or photographic, video, or recording devices are allowed. Participants must wear long pants and closed-toe shoes.

tuesday, october 30 Fundamental Green building Plumbing systems room 213-D

room 217-A

Pipe Joining Technologies

Solar Water Heating

Best Practices in Hot Water Design

Investing in Green: A Business Approach to Sustainable Design

Backflow Prevention

Water Harvesting: More Than Just Rainwater

8:30 a.m.–9:45 a.m.

Coordinating Project Gas Requirements with the Gas Company

10 a.m.–11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m.

8:30 a.m.–9:45 a.m.

10 a.m.–11:15 a.m.

Fire suppression & Advanced technologies

Efficient healthcare Facilities Design

Emerging technologies

Professional Management

room 217-D

room 217-bC

Advanced Technologies in Clean Agent & Special Hazard Systems

NASCAR: Not Your Normal Auto Shop

PERC Report on Reduced Flows in Building Drains

Medical Gas Verification, Part 1

Sprinkler Accessories

Waterborne Pathogens: The Case for Proactive Plumbing Design

Specification & Drawing Coordination

Medical Gas Verification, Part 2

Infection Control for Sanitary & Efficient Healthcare Facilities

room 213-bC

11:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.


room 213-A

Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Tour

2012 ASPE Exposition

3:45 p.m.–5 p.m.

How to Review Hydraulic Calculations

Lead Free

Plumbing Specification Development

Graywater Reuse

Vacuum Drainage

Active pH Neutralization System Design/ Theory

Working Overseas: Long-Distance Plumbing Design Projects

Emergency Showers & Eyewashes

Greening Your Facility Water System

Trends in Storage Facility Sprinkler Systems

Brown Grease: Biofuel

BIM Roundtable

Industrial Compressed Air Systems

Green Litigation

PRVs: Pressure Regulating, Pressure Reducing. Which Are They?

Roof Drainage Design Considerations

Project Management

Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Tour

5 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, october 31

Medical Gas

Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Tour

(3-part session)

Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Tour

12:45 p.m.–1:15 p.m. Times are subject to change.

fundAMEntAl PluMbing

PiPE Joining tEChnologiES Robert Hall and Jason McKinnon Tuesday, Oct. 30, 8:30–9:45 a.m. Both young and experienced engineers will learn how to make more technically sound decisions regarding piping materials, joining methods, and design strategies for potable water systems and hot water recirculation systems. The presentation will provide a performance comparison of existing piping materials and pipe joining methods with innovative alternatives. The performance of a two-pipe

potable water system verses a manifold system and a two-pipe supply and return hot water recirculation system versus a more cost-effective, energy-saving internal recirculation system will be compared. robert hall has worked in the plumbing and mechanical industries for 35 years, starting in the construction field as a steamfitter/pipe welder and Master Plumber and then as a regional manager for the Copper Development Association and regional sales manager for

Josam Company. He also was owner of Anything Metal Welding Services, co-owner of Supreme Plumbing and Mechanical LLC, and owner of R&M Consulting Group LLC. Robert is currently the Southeast Technical Manager for Viega LLC, where he provides technical support for the Viega Sales Team and the plumbing and mechanical engineering communities. Jason McKinnon is Manager of Training and Technical Support for Viega. He has worked in the plumbing and heating industry for more than 11 years, holding positions with a global HVAC manufacturer prior to joining

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2012 ConvEntion


2012 ConvEntion

ProfESSionAl dEvEloPMEnt And tEChniCAl EduCAtion SEMinArS Viega. During his time with Viega he has worked in technical support, radiant design, and product training. Jason has designed hundreds of radiant heating systems for both residential and commercial applications and has facilitated hundreds of courses ranging from PEX plumbing to geothermal and solar. He is a member of ASHRAE, PHCC, and RPA and is a TECA-certified radiant designer.

bESt PrACtiCES in hot wAtEr dESign Gary Klein Tuesday, Oct. 30, 10–11:15 a.m. This session will present data gathered during a California Energy Commission program to reduce residential water heating natural gas consumption, including field data on use patterns, typical hot water distribution system configurations, and water heater efficiency; surveys of consumers; and laboratory tests on distribution systems and water heaters. The applicability of the results to all occupancies in other climate zones will be discussed. Based on the research findings, participants will assist in deriving a list of best practices in hot water system design and implementation. Gary Klein has been intimately involved in energy efficiency and renewable energy since 1973. His firm, Affiliated International Management LLC, provides consulting on sustainability to architects, engineers, builders, contractors, and homeowners through its international team of affiliates, with a focus on water-energycarbon footprint issues and hot water. AIM also works with a variety of organizations to develop an effective strategy to reduce the carbon footprint of their water/energy relationship.

bACkflow PrEvEntion Jim Purzycki Tuesday, Oct. 30, 3:45–5 p.m. The hydraulic conditions of backflow can contaminate drinking water, so to ensure that water quality is maintained, cross-connection control eliminates the negative effects of backflow. This presentation will help explain the various regulations enforcing crossconnection control, including a discussion of the types and causes of backflow as well as the various types of backflow prevention assemblies and how to use them to provide maximum protection. Jim Purzycki is a wholesale distributor of backflow assembly repair parts for BAVCO. He spent the first 10 years of his career working as a backflow assembly tester and repair technician and has been a licensed backflow assembly tester and plumber for the last 39 years. At BAVCO he has provided training and education in the development, implementation, and running of cross-connection control programs across the U.S. He sits on committees for several national organizations including ABPA and AWWA and many regional cross-connection control groups.


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

CoordinAting ProJECt gAS rEquirEMEntS with thE gAS CoMPAny Steve Lisk, PE, CEM Wednesday, Oct. 31, 8:30–9:45 a.m. Natural gas from the production well to the user is a clean, efficient, and abundant domestic energy source. With advanced supply production and efficient end-use solutions, natural gas is playing an increasing role in our energy security. This session provides an overview of the natural gas delivery system from the well head to the burner tip, including fuel gas piping design fundamentals and service coordination with the gas utility. steve Lisk, PE, CEM, is Manager of Technology and Energy Services for Piedmont Natural Gas, responsible for natural gas utilization including energy-efficiency programs, end-use technology solutions, and technical support services. He has more than 25 years of experience in energy, engineering, and HVAC-related fields. Representing Piedmont’s interest to develop and deploy advanced efficient natural gas technologies, he serves on the Utilization Technology Development program for the industry’s national research organization, the Gas Technology Institute. Steve has instructed on commercial codes, including natural gas piping and venting systems, for Central Piedmont Community College.

EMErgEnCy ShowErS & EyEwAShES Michael Adkins Wednesday, Oct. 31, 10–11:15 a.m. This “Think Safety!” presentation will be centered on the current version of ANSI/ISEA Z358.1: Emergency Showers and Eyewashes as well as other applicable codes and regulations, including OSHA, IPC, and UPC. Specific project applications such as bio-tech/pharma, education, healthcare, laboratory, mining, semiconductor, and water treatment will be discussed. Michael Adkins has 30 years of experience in the plumbing industry, and for the past six years he has worked for Guardian Equipment as Regional Sales Manager–West. He has represented safety equipment manufacturers for 20 consecutive years. Michael is a member of the International Safety Equipment Association committee that drafted ANSI/ISEA Z358.1 (2009): Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment.

induStriAl CoMPrESSEd Air SyStEMS Jody Sutter Wednesday, Oct. 31, 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. This session will review the different types of air compressors on the market, including tank options and when you should consider one type of compressor over another. Attendees will learn about the different types of accessories, filters, and dryers, when to consider specifying these accessories, and common pressure drop issues associated with distribution sizing. A basic equipment sizing problem and basic pipe sizing criteria will be presented.

Jody sutter has been involved with compressed air systems for more than 21 years. He is a member of the ISO 11011 standard development team (TC 118) and is on the DOE CAC-PDC (Compressed Air Challenge Project Development Committee). Jody has been involved with optimizing more than 300 compressed air systems ranging from basic review through complete system overhaul, including system validation. He has provided compressed air system speaking and training programs to more than 2,100 professionals.

grEEn building SyStEMS

SolAr wAtEr hEAting Tom Reiker and David Hammontree Tuesday, Oct. 30, 8:30–9:45 a.m. Solar energy is the most cost-effective of all renewable energies, and understanding how to incorporate this technology is essential to reducing your clients’ facility operating costs and carbon footprints. This presentation will provide a basic overview of solar water heating systems, including the three main types of solar thermal collectors and collector efficiencies based on geographical differences, system design, energy production, life-cycle costs, operational issues, system specifications, and installation. tom rieker is Vice President of Business Development for Solar Usage Now LLC. Tom has held various positions with Kobacker Company, American Express, and Cardinal Industries, and in 1989, Tom started his own company, which he sold in 1999 to take the position of vice president of sales for Fischer Trucking in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In 2001, Tom formed his own business development company, working with Safeway Moving Systems and Our Country Home. In 2006, he took on his current position as an additional role, where he has utilized his business planning experience to develop one of the largest solar thermal networks in the United States. David hammontree is the President and CEO of Ohio Radiant Floors. He is a premier HVAC/plumbing professional and sought-after speaker who specializes in solar, radiant, heat recovery, and geothermal applications. David carries licenses in Ohio and Michigan and is an OCLIB hydronics/boiler trainer for the state of Ohio. He has been involved in solar thermal since the 1980s and has commissioned solar thermal installations throughout North America. The Gas Technology Institute commissioned David on several solar thermal projects, including the Samuel Billings Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

invESting in grEEn: A buSinESS APProACh to SuStAinAblE dESign Dr. Saum Nour, PE, CPD, LEED AP Tuesday, Oct. 30, 10–11:15 a.m. A new component has been added to a company’s investment decision-making process: sustainability. Many products and systems may or may not be considered sustainable, but unfortunately the term “green” has become more of a marketing tool than an engineering tool. This presentation clears up

Dr. saum Nour, PE, CPD, LEED AP, has more than 30 years of experience in engineering, designing, and specifying a variety of equipment solutions and systems, performing construction support and multidiscipline coordination tasks, and designing plumbing, HVAC, ventilation, energy compliance, and air quality control systems. As a founder of ACE, his experience and practical approach to pragmatic design have made it one of the most efficient and dynamic consulting engineering firms in Southern California. His extensive theoretical background has given him the specialized ability to diagnose the California Energy Laws from theoretical to practical and construction views. Currently he lectures at University of Southern California’s School of Architecture.

wAtEr hArvESting: MorE thAn JuSt rAinwAtEr Mike Warren Tuesday, Oct. 30, 3:45–5 p.m. From this session, attendees will learn about the different types of water available on a commercial property, the requirements per use, the different aspects of design that affect operation, and material costs. Commercial-grade component selection and sizing, including an in-depth discussion on gravitytype rainwater filters and their applications, water harvesting control requirements, and water filtration methods, will be reviewed. Mike Warren is the Product Manager of SkyHarvester water conservation systems at Watertronics Inc. With his 10 years of experience in the water distribution, filtration, and control business, Mike has engineered more than 1,800 water control systems and 300 water harvesting systems. Specializing in large-scale commercial systems, Mike provides education and engineering support for Watertronics’ Sky Harvester systems. Mike has served on advisory committees for Greenroofs for Healthy Cities, Alliance for Sustainable Built Environments, and ARCSA. He is a contributing author for the IFMA Foundation Water Guide and is a Milwaukee Water Council member.

grAywAtEr rEuSE Mark Meredith Wednesday, Oct. 31, 8:30–9:45 a.m. The term “graywater reuse” pops up often in our industry, but a certain degree of mystery still surrounds the concept. This session will demystify the topic and put it into the context of real projects to give participants tangible takeaways that can be applied to project work. Specific topics will include sizing and designing a treatment system, ensuring a safe and economical system, life-cycle costs, and how graywater reuse compares to other water recycling methods.

Mark Meredith is Product Manager at PHOENIX Process Equipment Co. where he leads the water-recycling team, which features Aquacell, an Australian technology for on-site graywater and black water reuse. Since its introduction to North America in 2010, he has directed sales, marketing, project management, and regulatory matters for Aquacell. Prior to taking on Aquacell, Mark held several positions in the federal government, most recently as an economic policy advisor at the Department of Commerce. He has also worked as a consultant to startups and SBEs on marketing, finance, and growth strategies.

grEEning your fACility wAtEr SyStEM Meghan Johnson Wednesday, Oct. 31, 10–11:15 a.m. Being green is possible without sacrificing superior water quality, but many existing practices aimed at optimizing energy and water efficiencies can lead to elevated levels of pathogens in water systems. This session will review the potential sources and links to disease as well as green treatment technologies to unlock efficiency while ensuring water safety. Attendees will learn approaches to managing the risks of waterborne pathogens and Legionnaires’ disease in water systems while reducing energy, water, and chemical consumption. Meghan Johnson joined LiquiTech in 2011 as Director of Business Development. During the last year, she has focused on helping healthcare facilities improve water safety and eradicate waterborne pathogens while reducing the cost of water treatment. Prior to joining LiquiTech, Meghan worked in the healthcare industry delivering patient care and developing products to improve patient quality of life. She is a member of the American Society for Microbiology, American Society for Healthcare Engineering, Healthcare Engineers Society of Northern Illinois, ASPE, and Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.

grEEn litigAtion David J. Lynam Wednesday, Oct. 31, 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. As more government bodies add incentives for green building, the stakes for green engineers grow higher. Design professionals are now faced with lawsuits claiming very large damages as a result of the refusal of the sought-after LEED certification. This seminar will provide an overview of emerging green marketing and building regulations and will offer strategies contractors can use to allocate risk and mitigate liability in green construction projects. David J. Lynam is Principal of Lynam & Associates, which has acted as ASPE’s General Counsel since 2001. David is a graduate of the Loyola School of Law, where he received the prestigious Loyola Leadership and Service Award from his fellow students, attended the Hague Academy of International Law, and is admitted to practice before the Illinois Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court, and U.S. Tax Court. David is a member of the American Bar Association, Chicago

Bar Association, Illinois Small Business Advocacy Council, and Illinois CPA Society committees, and he is co-chair of the Entrepreneur Group at the Union League Club of Chicago.

firE SuPPrESSion & AdvAnCEd tEChnologiES

AdvAnCEd tEChnologiES in ClEAn AgEnt And SPECiAl hAZArd SyStEMS Todd Stevens, SET, CFPS Tuesday, Oct. 30, 8:30–9:45 a.m. If you are designing fire protection solutions for data centers, archive storage, IT rooms, or any sensitive area with expensive equipment or irreplaceable artifacts, you will not want to miss this presentation. It will explore advancements in higher pressure Novec 1230 and FM200 systems and cutting-edge technologies that allow for selector valve systems never before done with chemical agents. It also will look at today’s data center designs using new hot and cold aisle equipment layouts that are forcing engineers to think outside the box. todd stevens, sEt, CFPs, is a Sales Manager for the Eastern Region at Minimax USA LLC. He works directly with certified distributors of Minimax products and systems, providing sales, technical support, and systems training, and with industry professionals to increase technical knowledge of Minimax products. His product knowledge includes a variety of clean agent systems, industrial fire detection, air sampling, and unique data cabinet fire protection systems. Todd is NICET IV certified in Water-Based Systems Layout and NICET I certified in Special Hazard Suppression Systems. He is active in NFPA, FSSA, and SFPE.

SPrinklEr ACCESSoriES Jack Carbone Tuesday, Oct. 30, 10–11:15 a.m. This session will focus on the basic functions and use of wet, dry, deluge, and preaction valves. Attendees will learn about the required accessories for each type of valve, optional equipment, accelerators, and the various types of air supplies. Jack Carbone is a Senior Engineer with Victaulic, a leading producer of mechanical pipe-joining systems. Jack works in the Engineering Services Group and has concentrated on the fire protection market for the past 15 years. He holds an MBA from Norwich University and earned his BSE from Temple University.

how to rEviEw hydrAuliC CAlCulAtionS Derk R. Beutler, CPD, CET, ARCSA AP Tuesday, Oct. 30, 3:45–5 p.m. Attendees will learn the skills needed to quickly and accurately review shop drawing hydraulic calculations to determine if the submitted data meets NFPA 13 or 14 and the design requirements, including whether the water flow test is valid, design hazard selection densities are appropriate, and code allowances are followed. Sprinkler head K factors, added fire pump pressures, hose valve demands, hose allowances, required notations on shop draw-

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition


2012 ConvEntion

the confusion surrounding three concepts—green, sustainable, and investment—and will help engineers understand their intentions, use, and interrelations to assist in advising CFOs on the investment potential of a particular sustainable product or system.

2012 ConvEntion

ProfESSionAl dEvEloPMEnt And tEChniCAl EduCAtion SEMinArS ings, starting head pressures, elevation losses, and fixed pressure loss devices also will be covered. Derk r. beutler, CPD, CEt, ArCsA AP, has more than 28 years of experience in fire sprinkler system design, fire protection consultation, and plumbing systems design. He achieved NICET III certification in Fire Sprinkler Layout and was founder and co-owner of First Defense Fire Protection Inc., a fire sprinkler subcontracting corporation. His current focus as part owner in Elm Engineering, a sustainable consulting engineering firm, is water conservation, and he continues work as a fire sprinkler contractor through FireMax Systems Inc. Derk has held all officer positions with ASPE’s Charlotte Chapter and is currently Chapter President.

vACuuM drAinAgE Tom Zinn Wednesday, Oct. 31, 8:30–9:45 a.m. This seminar will provide an introduction to the many design, construction, environmental, health, and safety benefits offered by vacuum plumbing and drainage systems as well as technical information on design and sizing for efficient land-based applications in buildings and campus-style projects. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the basic principles of operation and the criteria required to successfully design systems for a range of project types. tom Zinn is Director of Engineering for AcornVac Inc. He has been involved in hydraulic system design and associated applications for more than 40 years, specializing in water and wastewater systems, system analysis, piping system design, system and equipment sizing, control system design, and software development. Tom became involved in vacuum drainage systems as a systems engineer for AcornVac. He holds several patents in vacuum component design, has been closely involved in establishing system design standards and sizing criteria for this technology, and is a member of the ASPE Technical Committee developing a vacuum drainage system standard.

trEndS in StorAgE fACility SPrinklEr SyStEMS David L. Asplund, PE Wednesday, Oct. 31, 10–11:15 a.m. This presentation will review the historical and evolutionary trends in protecting storage occupancies with automatic fire sprinklers. The research and science behind FM Global’s new Data Sheet 8-9 will be presented, with an emphasis on FM’s desire to “simplify and improve” storage protection schemes. Comparative fire test data on historic protection methods verses the new technology will be presented, as well as FM Global’s future vision for storage protection. David L. Asplund, PE, is a 35-year veteran of the fire sprinkler industry and has been employed by The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co. Inc. for the past 16 years as Regional Salesman, Technical Services Manager, Regional Sales Manager, and his current title of Director of Technical Services. He has been NICET certified


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

as a Level III Fire Sprinkler Layout Technician and is a full member of SFPE. He also sits on the NFPA 25 Committee for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems and NSFA’s Engineering and Standards Committee.

Prvs: PrESSurE rEgulAting, PrESSurE rEduCing. whiCh ArE thEy? Paul Albinger Wednesday, Oct. 31, 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Point-of-contact pressure-reducing valves, both factory set and field adjustable, and pressure-restricting valves will be discussed, including how NFPA and UL certifications apply to both as well as operations, applications, use, and pressure-reduction principles. Automated programs (tools) will be presented and offered to all attendees at no charge to assist in hydraulic calculations when using factory-set and field-adjustable pressure-reducing valves. Paul Albinger has been with Elkhart Brass since 1992, and he currently is Elkhart’s Director of Sales for the Government, Interior, and Canadian Divisions and the State of Hawaii. Paul spent more than 17 years with the Saukville, Wisconsin Fire Department, moving through the ranks to the position of fire chief, and then he became fire chief of the Lakeside, Arizona Fire Protection District, where he served until his retirement. Paul was a staff instructor in the Fire Science degree program at Northland Pioneer College, has held executive offices in the Wisconsin and Arizona Fire Chiefs Associations, and is a certified NFPA I and II fire instructor and a certified PEERS instructor for ISFSI.

EMErging tEChnologiES

nASCAr: not your norMAl Auto ShoP Roger Phillips Tuesday, Oct. 30, 8:30–9:45 a.m. When you think of NASCAR, images of multi-colored cars careening on an asphalt track at 190+ miles per hour come to mind—but did you ever wonder where these massive machines are manufactured? On the outside, NASCAR garages look like office buildings that cover entire city blocks. On the inside, the manufacturing of race cars is a big production. This session will discuss a number of different areas in the shop, including cogeneration, fire protection, HVAC, and fuel distribution. roger Phillips is the Director of Safety, Security, and Facilities for Joe Gibbs Racing Inc., a championship team that fields cars in NASCAR’s Sprint Cup, Nationwide, and K&N Series. His responsibilities include compliance with EPA, DOL, OSHA, and DOT regulations. He also handles all commercial and worker’s compensation coverages for the team. Roger is a board member of the Charlotte Regional Health and Safety School and a member of the American Society of Safety Engineers. He is certified by NATMI as a Certified Director of Safety.

wAtErbornE PAthogEnS: thE CASE for ProACtivE PluMbing dESign Peter S. Cartwright, PE Tuesday, Oct. 30, 10–11:15 a.m. A waterborne pathogen is a microorganism capable of producing disease that is transmitted in water to humans. Because bacteria are capable of growing in any environment, they can’t be eliminated, so the goal is to keep them under control to minimize the incidence of infection. This presentation examines the role that plumbing design plays in the proliferation and transmission of waterborne diseases and the appropriate design, treatment, and system maintenance measures utilized to minimize the impact of pathogens on humans. Peter s. Cartwright, PE, entered the water purification and wastewater treatment industry in 1974 and has had his own consulting engineering firm since 1980. He has provided consulting services to more than 250 clients globally, authored approximately 200 articles, written several book chapters, presented more than 200 lectures around the world, and is the recipient of several patents. He also provides expert witness testimony and technology training courses. Peter is a recipient of the Award of Merit and Lifetime Member Award from WQA and is the technical consultant for the Canadian Water Quality Association.

lEAd frEE Ben Lawrence and Aaron Edds Tuesday, Oct. 30, 3:45–5 p.m. This seminar will help attendees become an expert on national lead-free legislation that will go into effect in January 2014. The differences among today’s lead-free alloys and how they affect product performance and installation will be covered. Valuable resources including technical bulletins, white papers, and supplemental handouts from industry organizations including the CDA and American Foundry Society will be provided. The presentation also will include a short video on soldering techniques for lead-free copper silicon alloys. ben Lawrence, a degreed Metallurgical Engineer for NIBCO Inc., has 30 years of experience in metals manufacturing, application, and testing. His roles at NIBCO during the past 20 years have included corporate metallurgist and R&D manager. He is a member of the American Foundry Society and has participated in CDA and ASTM standards development. Due to his extensive knowledge and experience, he is regularly consulted by plant and field engineers and has played a role in furthering the development of “lead-free” alloys. Aaron Edds is the Valve Product Manager for NIBCO Inc. and has nearly 20 years of marketing experience in the flow control industry. He is the sponsor of the lead-free marketing initiative at NIBCO and is very knowledgeable about lead-free legislation, products, applications, and its impact on the plumbing industry. He has participated in a number of

ACtivE ph nEutrAliZAtion SyStEM dESign/thEory Mark Girgenti Wednesday, Oct. 31, 8:30–9:45 a.m. The requirement for pH adjustment and waste treatment is a common demand in many industries, and active waste treatment systems offer the widest versatility in treatment options. This seminar will focus on the theory of pH adjustment, with specific emphasis on batch and continuous flow systems, residence time, treatment chemistry, process design, titration data, and control schemes. Alternate and advanced treatment schemes—including thermal waste treatment, membrane systems, metals precipitation, and organics removal—also will be discussed. Mark Girgenti is the Lead Sales and Design Engineer for Burt Process Equipment. He has spearheaded the design, integration, project management, and construction of water treatment equipment for wastewater, rain harvesting, graywater, and high-purity water systems in the government, institutional, and pharmaceutical industries worldwide. He brings a unique understanding to these projects from a process engineering and chemistry perspective, using his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master of Science in chemistry. Mark is a professional member of the Graduate Advisory Committee for Southern Connecticut State University and a volunteer faculty member.

brown grEASE: biofuEl Lyle Estill Wednesday, Oct. 31, 10–11:15 a.m. Biodiesel is a clean-burning renewable fuel that is derived from fats, oils, and grease (FOG). As a drop-in replacement for diesel fuel, it is commonly blended with petroleum diesel. During this session, attendees will learn how brown grease is collected and used to develop biofuels. Lyle Estill is the President of Piedmont Biofuels in Pittsboro, North Carolina. He has been making biodiesel out of fats, oils, and grease since 2002 (the last time he filled up at a gas station). In its never-ending quest for inexpensive feedstocks, Piedmont has made fuel from soy oil, poultry fat, used cooking oil, and industrial scraps and has invented an enzymatic catalysis that will convert brown grease and low-quality fats into high-quality fuel. When he is not driving a vacuum truck or delivering fuel, Estill is known for his many articles, books, and blog entries on sustainability, biodiesel, and the local economy.

roof drAinAgE dESign ConSidErAtion Julius A. Ballanco, PE, CPD, FASPE Wednesday, Oct. 31, 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. The ASPE Research Foundation recently concluded a two-year investigation co-sponsored by IAPMO into the flow through roof drains in storm drainage systems. The research produced surprising results,

verifying that the current sizing method actually facilitates failures during microbursts, or 100year storms. This presentation will review the new recommended sizing method for storm drainage systems—one of the most significant changes to plumbing system design in the last 50 years that every plumbing engineer needs to know.

Attendees will learn how to coordinate procurement and contracting requirements with technical specifications and how to develop a project specification from a commercially available master guide. The methods of specifying, organization structures for building information, and enforcement of specifications during construction will also be reviewed.

Julius ballanco, PE, CPD, FAsPE, is President of the ASPE Research Foundation and Past President of ASPE. He is President of JB Engineering and Code Consulting P.C., which specializes in codes and standards consulting in plumbing, mechanical, life safety, and fire protection engineering. Julius is a columnist in both Plumbing & Mechanical and PM Engineer magazines and has authored the Illustrated Plumbing Codes Design Handbook, Ballanco on Plumbing, BOCA National Plumbing Code Commentary, Plumbing of Residential Fire Sprinklers, and Illustrated National Plumbing Code Design Manual (as co-author). He serves on many standard committees, including ANSI/ASME, IAPMO, ASTM, NSF, ICC, and ASSE.

Dennis J. hall, FAiA, FCsi, sCiP, is Founder and Managing Principal of Hall Architects Inc. and CEO of HALL | Building Information Group LLC. Dennis is the recipient of numerous awards including three honor awards for specifications. He has served on numerous boards and committees for the Associated General Contractors, AIA, CSI, and American Arbitration Association. He is a former international president of CSI and Specification Consultants in Independent Practice. His work on industry standards has included MasterFormat, National CAD Standard/Uniform Drawing System, Architectural Graphic Standards, and Architectural Graphic Standards for Residential Construction.

ProfESSionAl MAnAgEMEnt

PErC rEPort on rEduCEd flowS in building drAinS Peter DeMarco Tuesday, Oct. 30, 8:30–9:45 a.m. This presentation will detail the results of the Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition’s drainline transport research on reduced flows in building drains—a multi–factorial designed experiment to measure the impact of the toilet fixture on drainline transport relative to other plumbing system variables, such as pitch and flush volume. Attendees will learn about the results of this research and the recommended next steps to further understand the implications of reduced flows on our sanitary plumbing systems. Peter DeMarco is the Senior Director of Special Programs for IAPMO, responsible for oversight of IAPMO’s water-efficiency and green building initiatives, standards development activities, domestic and international plumbing code development, and development of water-efficiency research projects. Prior to joining IAPMO, Pete was a 32-year veteran at American Standard’s Kitchen and Bath Division. Pete also served on the board of directors and Executive Committee for PMI. He co-chaired the Steering Committee for Water-Efficient Products, which fostered the development of the EPA WaterSense program. Pete is also a founding member of the Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition and is the technical chair of their current research program on drainline carry.

SPECifiCAtion & drAwing CoordinAtion Dennis J. Hall, FAIA, FCSI, SCIP, and Nina M. Giglio, CSI, CCS, Assoc. AIA, SCIP Tuesday, Oct. 30, 10–11:15 a.m. The importance of drawings and specifications in the design and construction process will be explored, including appropriate locations for information and how the contract documents should work together.

Nina M. Giglio, Csi, CCs, Assoc. AiA, sCiP, is President of HALL | Building Information Group LLC. As a Certified Construction Specifier, she has prepared and coordinated project specifications for construction projects across the country, in various project delivery methods and building types, helping achieve reduction in errors and omissions during construction. Nina serves as the CSI liaison to the Associated General Contractors’ ConsensusDocs Contract Content Advisory Committee. She is the immediate past president of Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice, has served on the CSI Institute Technical Committee, and was a member of the CSI/CSC SectionFormat/PageFormat Update Task Team.

PluMbing SPECifiCAtion dEvEloPMEnt William Petro Tuesday, Oct. 30, 3:45–5 p.m. Clients rely on plumbing engineers to create designs that meet their building requirements, pass government inspection, and stay on budget. When plumbing specifications are written properly, specs are held, and time and money are saved. At this session, attendees will learn how to write clear and concise specifications that leave little ambiguity and provide information on the essential function of the equipment, materials, installation, and product performance. They also will understand how creating a 3D project in Revit can ensure that the system will work together before a pipe is installed. William Petro is President of Allied Technical Services, a complete and customized plumbing specification information service. Bill has leveraged the power of the Internet for engineering, software development, and marketing to grow ATS’s user base, including engineers, architects, and designers across North America. In 2009, Bill pioneered the integration of BIM into the ATS Spec System, allowing users to obtain combined 3D BIM families for any project built on the ATS Spec website. Through the implementation of BIM, Bill has continued to position ATS

2012 asPE Convention & Exposition


2012 ConvEntion

industry associations and works closely with engineers, standards and codes developers, and manufacturers.

2012 ConvEntion

ProfESSionAl dEvEloPMEnt And tEChniCAl EduCAtion SEMinArS at the forefront of technological advancements in the plumbing design community.

working ovErSEAS: long-diStAnCE PluMbing dESign ProJECtS Daniel W. Murphy, PE, CPD, CFPS, LEED AP Wednesday, Oct. 31, 8:30–9:45 a.m. To become a global player, you typically have two options: sign an agreement with a client for a project in another part of the world or set up shop in another country and market your services without any specific project in place. This session provides advice on overcoming the challenges of both options, including obtaining a license, finding staff, moving your family, dealing with emergencies and cultural differences, and making actual, real money. Daniel W. Murphy, PE, CPD, CFPs, LEED AP, has been designing and specifying HVAC, electrical, plumbing, life safety, and fire protection systems for high-rise buildings for the past 35 years and is now Senior Vice President and Director of Codes and Standards at Environmental Systems Design Inc., responsible for corporate guidance and philosophy related to building and fire codes and the proper application of standards and procedures regarding sustainable energy models and renewable energy concepts. Dan is a professional member of ICC, NFPA, ASHRAE, and NSPE, a Certified Building Commissioning Professional, a member of the Chicago Committee on High-Rise Buildings, and chair of the Certification Committee for ASPE.

biM roundtAblE Marvin Titlow Wednesday, Oct. 31, 10–11:15 a.m. This panel discussion will cover the current state of plumbing building information modeling (BIM) design, how it’s affecting engineering firms, and steps on how you can become more involved in 3D design in the future. Attendees should come ready with questions for the panel members to discuss. Marvin titlow has been working in the HVAC, plumbing, and fire protection design field since 1987. In 1995 he opened his computer consulting business, MT Computer Services, to help businesses with productivity, networking, and computer systems. Marvin joined Michael Brady Inc. as senior plumbing and fire protection designer in 2004 and was promoted to BIM manager for MEP. In 2009 Marvin started the Technologies Department and became the Technologies Manager, offering technology solutions for BIM construction, Revit training, 3D modeling drafting services, animation, augmented reality, rendering, computer consulting, and facilities management.

ProJECt MAnAgEMEnt Sonja Hughes Wednesday, Oct. 31, 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Project management is the process of planning, organizing, securing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals. Since most organizations employ projects to change or improve their processes, good project management skills—including the ability to


2012 asPE Convention & Exposition

communicate well, plan and organize effectively, and motivate team members—are useful in any industry. Attendees will learn about the responsibilities of a project manager, phases and tools necessary to take a project from start to finish, and essential components for developing successful project teams. sonja hughes is an Improvement Specialist for North Carolina State University’s Industrial Extension Service, which is associated with NCSU’s College of Engineering and affiliated with the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership. In her more than 20 years of experience in manufacturing and production management, Sonja has been an engineering systems manager and industrial engineer. She has completed ISO 9001 implementation projects with several manufacturing companies and is helping several companies get AS9100 certified. Through various implementation projects and trainings, Sonja has helped companies achieve more than $40 million in economic impact.

EffiCiEnt hEAlthCArE fACilitiES dESign

MEdiCAl gAS vErifiCAtion, PArt 1 Richard Miller, CMGV Tuesday, Oct. 30, 8:30–9:45 a.m. The first session of this two-part discussion will identify the importance of an entire system meeting the minimum criteria detailed in NFPA 99. Attendees will lay out a project from its conception and discuss the roles of all participants, including the medical gas system designer, installer, inspector, and verifier. How to meet the owner’s desires while navigating myriad code requirements will be discussed. richard Miller, CMGV, is President of Medical Gas Training and Consulting LLC and Founder of Medical Gas Technology Inc. He is a founding member, former president, and current Vice President of Credentials of MGPHO. He is an ASSE 6010 Medical Gas Installer, ASSE 6015 Bulk Gas Installer, ASSE 6020 Medical Gas Inspector, ASSE 6030 Medical Gas Verifier, ASSE 6050 Medical Gas Instructor, and an ICC/AAMI-Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician. Richard was a principal member of the NFPA 99 Technical Committee on Piping Systems and a member of the ASSE 6000 Working Group. In 2010 Richard received the prestigious General’s Medal of Excellence for his work for the Department of Defense.

MEdiCAl gAS vErifiCAtion, PArt 2 Richard Miller, CMGV Tuesday, Oct. 30, 10–11:15 a.m. Session two will focus on common errors found during the inspection/verification process, and participants should come ready to add to the discussion with issues they have encountered over the years. richard Miller, CMGV, is President of Medical Gas Training and Consulting LLC and Founder of Medical Gas Technology Inc. He is a founding member, former president, and current Vice President of Credentials of

MGPHO. He is an ASSE 6010 Medical Gas Installer, ASSE 6015 Bulk Gas Installer, ASSE 6020 Medical Gas Inspector, ASSE 6030 Medical Gas Verifier, ASSE 6050 Medical Gas Instructor, and an ICC/AAMI-Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician. Richard was a principal member of the NFPA 99 Technical Committee on Piping Systems and a member of the ASSE 6000 Working Group. In 2010 Richard received the prestigious General’s Medal of Excellence for his work for the Department of Defense.

infECtion Control for SAnitAry & EffiCiEnt hEAlthCArE fACilitiES Jeff Gilmore Tuesday, Oct. 30, 3:45–5 p.m. This session will describe the reasons why infection control measures need to be improved in healthcare design. It will look at room design and describe why it contributes to the spread of infection, as well as identify ways to reverse the spread of infection. Attendees will learn strategies to improve infection control in healthcare facilities and ways that a healthcare facility can be both environmentally conscious and sanitary. Jeff Gilmore has spent more than 20 years in sales and marketing in the plumbing industry in the commercial and residential market segments. He has held several management positions with leading manufacturers, and he currently is the Director of Business Development for American Standard Brands. Jeff is active in numerous industry organizations including AIA, IDCEC, ASPE, ASME, and MCAA. He is a registered CEU provider with AIA, IDCEC, ASPE, and USGBC continuing education programs.

MEdiCAl gAS (3-PArt SESSion) Mark Allen Wednesday, Oct. 31, 8:30–9:45 a.m., 10–11:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. During this hands-on, practical course in designing medical gas and vacuum systems, participants will work through a medical gas design step by step, using a sample facility. While participants work on the design on their own print, the discussion will focus on the workflow, issues, considerations, and twists involved. Some steps discussed will include discovery and preparation for a design project, equipment selection and placement, pipe sizing and routing, issues with valves and alarms, technology selection, and pitfalls to avoid. Mark Allen has been involved in the medical gas industry since 1978, and he is now Marketing Director with BeaconMedaes. Mark has been involved in virtually all aspects of medical gas work, including regulatory, testing and verification, marketing, and product development. He is an active member of the NFPA Technical Committee on Medical Gas and Vacuum Systems, the CSA Technical Committee on Medical Gas and Vacuum Systems, and the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to the ISO. He has been honored by MGPHO as a special expert.

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