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Five charities... using books
Charities using BOOKS FOR GOOD
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Reading opens doors for people by introducing other worlds, stimulating imagination and creativity and improving knowledge and confidence. Here are five charities sharing the power of books
Bag Books is the only charity in the world publishing books for people with severe learning disabilities. Each ‘book’ consists of a few unbound A3 boards comprising a multisensory experience, bought together by a simple but captivating story of a few sentences. This is told interactively through voice and emotion rather than words and pictures. Listeners can experience having a haircut or going to the zoo, with sensory props to feel and smell their way. Bag Books are handmade by a team of skilled craft artists and volunteers, each taking around seven hours. bagbooks.org
Working with publishers and its network of partners, Bookaid supplies around one million carefully selected new books to public and community libraries, schools, universities, refugee camps, hospitals and prisons worldwide. The charity’s belief is that that everyone should be able to access the books that can enrich their lives and change them for the better. One way to support Book Aid is to join its Reverse Book Club. For a minimum donation of £6 a month book lovers can send three books a month to those in need. bookaid.org
Seeking to transform the lives of millions of children in low-income communities in Africa and Asia, Room to Read is focused on improving literacy and gender equality in education. The charity operates in the knowledge that knowing how to read makes people safer, healthier and more self-sufficient, yet 750 million people are illiterate - two thirds of them women and girls. Room to Read develops literacy skills and good reading habits and supports girls to complete secondary school. roomtoread.org
Fifty per cent of people that end up in prison have a literacy level below that of an 11 year old and many cannot read at all. Shannon Trust inspires and trains prisoners who can read to teach prisoners who can’t. Both the charity’s mentors and the learners in its Reading Programme develop sought-after skills critical for employment, including communication, teamwork, resilience and a positive attitude. shannontrust.org.uk
This charity empowers Kenyan communities to operate their own libraries and learning centres. After a playground is established the community receives a shipping container packed with books which is converted into a library. The libraries are staffed by local volunteers and librarians who support children with developmental activities. The charity’s aim is to enrich childhood experiences, advance education and offer fun, recreational activities. Community engagement is maintained by hosting arts and crafts activities, writing competitions, reading sessions, volunteer training and much more. justbeachild.com